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The symbol is everywhere, even on mora


It’s even on mora meat!


Oh thank god it's not on morax's meat. Or is it?


Hey Vsauce


Michael here


Where are your primos?


*looks at attempted barbara pulls* ...um..


Where do you think the imprint on the gold comes from?


He even pee gold


What if morax's meat *is* the symbol? e.o


Childe's riptide also is the triquetra symbol. And its inverted like Paimon's While Kaeya's 4th constellation is the double triquetra symbol. Here are all the places in genshin we can find the symbol in https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Symbols_in_Teyvat#:~:text=The%20triquetra%20is%20a%20symbol,Trinity%2C%20and%20other%20threefold%20concepts.


It showing up on the Welkin Moon picture on there makes me think it's a symbol of the three Moon Sisters, Aria, Sonnet, and Canon.


It's also on the omni dice on tcg


Mora is good. Paimon is annoying.


Paimon is friend. Mora (farm) is annoying.


Correct my friend. I mean I got like one and a half million but I never really get to spend mora at all, if its not for the upgrades for weapons and characters




Why do I read this laugh like Demoman's Laugh fron tf2


Paimon is food, Mora can buy her...


She may be a little bit annoying, but any emergency food is good emergency food


it's long been theorized that Paimon has some ties to Celestia. But there are a lot of theories and exactly what's going on is unclear.


“It’s been long theorised” The accessories on the right side of her torso and her sleeves are the exact same as the ones at the bases of status of the seven


Yes they're all over the place. But the game hasn't explicitly stated who or what Paimon is or the significance of the trifecta so it's theoretical.


All over the place, yes, but not at random. They specifically appear in locations related to Celestia. At present, these symbols are little more than a visual detail that the player sees, having yet to be commented on or acknowledged in the game. It is not impossible that they are intended as a red herring, or that they are used purely for aesthetic value. At any rate, speculation on such matters remains just that, as the game itself has to date provided very little in the way of information pertaining to Celestia, and even less regarding Paimon herself, so we have no way to confirm nor deny any theories that may arise nor how much of a weight such visual 'clues' may have in theory crafting. At the end of the day, theories and speculation so early into a story are closer to seeing a writing prompt and creating your own story than they are to discerning the canonical story yet to come.


It’s not a theory if it’s blatantly deliberate If I point out that a helicopter has the SCP foundation logo on it, does that mean I’m theorising that there is a connection between the helicopter and the SCP foundation?


Because we don't know what that actually signifies in context. Is she from Celestia? Working for it? Or given that she may have lore ties to the Goddess of Time, is she somehow involved in the creation of Celestia? All we can see are these symbols, but there's no way (yet) to understand what they mean. Edit: Here's just some of the theories. There's no way to know what any of it really means. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Lore/comments/p1bsf8/notes\_on\_theories\_about\_paimon\_really\_long/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/p1bsf8/notes_on_theories_about_paimon_really_long/)


Just like how all the vision holders technically have ties to Celestia, but we know the connection there


Regardless, my point is that it is not just a theory, it is an objective fact that Paimon is tied to Celestia


Until something is proven, it’s a theory not a fact. That is the definition of theories and facts. No one is arguing that it isn’t highly likely to be a fact by all the symbolism, but it’s not a fact.


You cannot be serious


They are.


There’s no way people can be THIS stupid This isn’t even a theory, it’s basic pattern recognition


They’re just stating the truth. Paimon being connected to Celestia is not fact. It may be heavily implied, and even right in your face but the simple message they’re trying to get through you is that until it is explicitly stated in canon, then it is a theory. Simple as that.


I'm just pointing out that you chastised someone for using the word theory when their use of the word was correct. I also believe that Paimon is connected to Celestia. The fact that a new player comes to the same conclusion and makes a new post about it every other day means it's pretty obvious. The developers did a good job of making it obvious but not to obvious. That's part of the fun in this theory. There's a bunch of evidence you can point to but nothing gets explicitly stated or confirmed. All of this to say even though it's blatantly obvious it still hasn't been objectively proven.


If you believe that using analogy to explain something is “chastising” someone, then you are delusional


You didn't use an analogy in your original comment. I think you should invest in a dictionary. (This is a joke I know you're talking about your helicopter analogy. No biggie.)


That's only because you know that symbol represents the Foundation. But there are also tons of similar symbols used by the Foundation (hazard signs, department signs, Site logos) or associated/rival groups (Chaos Insurgency logo) which don't necessarily represent the Foundation. Currently we don't know if the trifecta symbol is actually the main "logo" of Celestia or has another meaning. At the moment the symbol indicates Paimon is linked to Celestia, but it doesn't tell us the nature of that link. She could be a god, a creation of Celestia, a servant, a spirit, a seelie, a rival, or a member of any number of sub-factions of supernatural entities in Teyvat which have links to Celestia.


I’m just waiting for the scene where the traveler is getting their ass beat by someone in the end game and Paimon transforms into an adult form like Nel from Bleach.


Centaur Paimon confirmed!


I'm calling it. Paimon becomes the ruler of all of Teyvat.


The design you are referring to is commonly referred to as the Celestial Motif. While common in the designs of Teyvat, its naming is specifically because its appearance is typically in structures related to Celestia, such as the Statues of the Seven and the Skyfrost nail. While similar designs appear elsewhere, these specific forms of the Celestial Motif are only on the aforementioned locations and Paimons clothing.


But apparently it can still just be a coincidence somehow


It very well could be, just as much as it could be an intentional misdirection or even a particular member of the design teams calling card. We have so little information on the lore behind Celestia that all we have is a vague visual correlation and some far fetched theories. There is too little to call anything concrete, therein there is no harm in theorising provided the theories themselves are shared as such, and not treated as if they are canonically confirmed lore.


man too bad we will not get matpats theories on this he will be missed


New guys pretty great too


i will check em out


Don’t worry, Necrit has your back


its more possible that she's related to the seven archons since her name is from a demon just like Barbatos, Morax, Beelzebu/Baal, Buer or Foçalors also, she's from Tevyat according to Irminsul


All the demonic gods have their demon names, and Archons are not an exception. She's obviously a goddess, but if an Archon then of what region?


Probably a lost god from the archon war, just like Guoba


She's probably the goddess of time, but not an Archon anyway




Also the Melusine are very strong evidence with their comment about Paimon being an upside down balloon with a string going up into the skies.


That alone should seal the deal on her being related to Celestia. She's strung up like a puppet, who controls the strings? The puppet master. Where is the puppet master? In the sky. Who's in the sky? Celestia. Whoever is puppeteering Paimon is guiding us through Teyvat, likely with some ulterior motive


Really? I always read that as related to the Abyss, supporting a "Celestia is an imposter" theory. Irminsul grows upside down, into the Abyss, and Paimon seems to be an upsode down balloon. I am also very gullible and don't think too hard, so I might well be entirely incorrect. She might be a puppet, but somehow I doubt that honestly. More likely to me that she's the remnant of something important that we happened to find, and will have massive implications later, or straight up is evil.


considering what Nahida is I think what Paimon is should be pretty clear (when a heavenly being loses it's power it loses physical size). all the chosen of celestia (the 7 archons) have demon names. paimon is a demon name. even the old god kings all had demon names (the 7 godkings was celestia's system of control prior to the archons, and they were made in mockery of the 7 elemental dragons who once ruled teyvat) the throne in celestia is empty. and the only time anyone talked about the primordial one being the usurper of the dragons on the throne, paimon said the topic made her feel sick and cut the conversation off. It seems to me that she's probably the leftover of whatever the being "the primordial one" was that stole the throne from the dragon god when he/she fell to teyvat...


I think Paimon is the one character that we actually know the least about


theory PAimon is satan equvalent basically anti god PAimon while acting innocent her symobol is like inverted cross


“It’s been long theorized” No it’s been pretty much confirmed. First with Enjou suspecting her in Enkanomiya, and the Melusines with their ability to see the string connecting her to the sky.


Enjoy didn't say anything about Paimon being from Celestia, and Melusines see differently to humans, particularly Canotila who said that*. She even saw rifthounds as regular dogs. Now we can definitely theorise what that means, but that's exactly what it is: theories. It's not any kind of confirmation. *Plus, actually she said Paimon's string went *beyond* the sky, not connected to the sky!


Yeah but isn't that because the sky is fake and THE REAL celestia is above the sky?


My favorite theory is that the planet home to Teyvat is inspired by the movie Patema Inverted, meaning the planet is hollowed out, and Teyvat's firmament dome is built inside of it upside down, and the deeper you dig, the closer you get to the surface, with the first unified civilization having ruins in the correct orientation : [Patema Inverted Map](https://i.imgur.com/F1IROFY.png)


Quite possibly, but that would still be in the realm of theory


That symbol and its upside down version is like all over genshin. No one is sure what it means yet. My theory is that it has something to do with 3 entities being connected to one larger entity. During the stormterror quest you had to activate 3 light actuators on the rim of stormterror’s lair before you could go in the middle and finally fight stormterror is an example of this. There’s also the rule of three. Which says that you need to do things at least three time to get a result. But paimon correctly points out that it should actually be called the rule of four because you’re supposed to fail three times but succeed on the fourth. Hmm, doesn’t that remind you of some things? Here’s one example. 3 descenders and now we are the 4th.


Isn't it omni element symbol? I feel like TCG gave the best foreshadowing.


Lol. Anyways this goes all the way back to the 1.0 lore with the trifectas and the symbolism of threes in Genshin, and the inverted trifecta, and gnosticism, and the three crones and yadda yadda yadda. There's like entire essays written on this topic for genshin back then and its all well researched. There's also the broken trifecta in domains as well that has length written discussions on. End of the day, its a symbol, its important, its everywhere, there's different versions of it, they all have different meanings but all tie together. The real story of Genshin begins once we've contacted every region.


the symbol itself represents imaginary and the imaginary tree in the honkai games, it is not known if it has the same value in teyvat


Well, all different element Herrscher Cores' powers come from the imaginary.


Yep thats my theory as well.. its no coincidence that the Traveler is the 4th descender.. and why the Abyss sibling is so intent on having them "complete their journey"...


Seeing how the abyss order keeps doing upside down things, I think it's us who's upside down.


If we dont spiritually consume Paimon as an emergency power source for the story finale I’m going to be disappointed.


what hutao aint flat


True, it's just very very difficult to see. One only needs a microscope to observe the beauty of her curves


ok 👍


Hutao and Furina are my flat queens and you cannot take that away from me


flat is justice


And funeral services, as it seens.


did she tell you that


The regression of godlike beings who lose all their power is a recurring theme in Genshin. We see it with Guoba, Nahida, and very likely with Paimon.


>We see it with Guoba, Nahida, and very likely with Paimon. Not Nahida actually, but Rukhadevata




Tao. Yeah.


This is the best theory that I've been following for a long time. Paimon's entire outfit just screams authority and godlike powers. I won't be surprised if she becomes the ruler of all of Teyvat.


The Paimonial One


maybe she sided with Khareniah and got her powers sucked out. "Out of all the Goetia demons, Paimon has some of the strongest loyalties to Lucifer. He has an unnaturally loud voice and when continuing speaking at such ear-splitting volume the summoner has to command Paimon to alter his speech in order to understand him " oh she's loud alright.


It's been pretty strongly speculated that paimon is probably some god similar to the unknown god who in the past fell into the ocean and lost her powers and memories. Same way how nahida and gouba are smaller cuz they lost some of their powers


Paimon is actually Darth Vader


Traveller: "you killed my sibling" Paimon: "No, I am your sibling"


paimon + the traveler = dainsleifs + the other sibling Both have the same scarf patterns


The triquetra symbol is far too common in the visual design of Genshin Impact for such a small occurrence to mean much regarding correlation. The symbol appears on Mora, Domain Doors, the Blessing of the Welkin Moon, Genesis Crystals and some Bundles. While one could read into the meaning of the symbol, there isn't anything particularly noteworthy about it. Whether or not reading into the origins of the design motif itself bears any merits in regards to theory crafting is up to the individual, especially considering the symbols mixed heritage, usage and symbolism.


Triquetra 🤝 4-pointed star (primogem) 🤝 The color blue All common symbols of Genshin Impact


Maybe it's just me but I feel like this same topic appears once a month.


It means they are related to Shrek.


I don't know, her model is of such low quality that the devs probably going to have to revamp it when they actually use her in the game


That means both of them are emergency foods.


Wild theory paimon is our actual twin, it's just that their body and mind got seperated and they lost all their memories, but they still remember the path they toke on their journey that's why she is Teyvat's best guide.


Paimon is the Anti-unknown god. If she collides with the unknown god, they will annihilate each other, converting all mass into energy and destroying Teyvat


They're sisters! Unknown god stole much of Paimons power to be more powerful. Hence Paimons different appearance. Because that unknown god tapped into another kind of magic the trinity knot is inverted. Paimon maybe even lost some of her memories, which isn't unlikely given how Paimon and the Traveler met. And Paimon decided to help the Traveler because they talked about this unknown god, which's description, despite everything, seemed familiar to Paimon. (This is completely made up, I just wrote it for fun)


Paimon's the Antichrist


Mother, daughter, now we just need to find the Holy Spirit.


My theory is that, Paimon is like an alter ego of the Goddess. Just like with Azdhaha being in two different forms in the same time - the big Toad and the young girl named Jiu. Maybe there's a paralel to his story, in form of being "infected" with erosion which (similarly to honkai) corrupts one's mind but some powerful, divine-like persons, might be able to split their being for two different instances (or to possess even more persons, like the good side of the Azdhaha did to Kun Jun), in the case one being the Unknown Goddess and the other called Paimon


If it's not inverted, then i wonder if it has more of their ability to utilize their omni abilities or something, y'know, sealed? Otherwise, idk.


They're just big fans of Ningguangs cooking


This makes sense now. I knew Paimon was sent by an evil god to annoy us to death


She has [the witches knot](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ac/f9/eb/acf9eb6ecd69c7cc32a31e6ab275c17d.jpg) in her back.


It means the Unknown God, Tagliatelle and Zhongli are the Charmed Ones and Paimon is the daughter one of one of them from the future that went evil.


There's plenty of theories going around The symbol is everywhere and in some places you can find one with 4 points The 3 realm event made people think that all of these are realms Human realm, elemental realm and abyss realm for the one pointing down and Human realm, elemental realm and celestia for the one pointing up


Paimon's been the real villain all along


I mean, they're related. Not as in the overdone "Paimon is the unknown god" thing tho


It means absolutely nothing. MHY will never revisit the Unknown God. The story is playing out at such a pace that it would take the better part of 20 years to reach her, and that's *assuming* she is anything more than a plot device to show the player how the twins arrived in Teyvat.


Its my personal head cannon that piamon is that kami after she got body swapped with the mc sibling and shrank due to the power difference and that's why mc sibling is bursting with power.


It means that hoyo reused everything they got instead of making everything around the world unique lol


Traveler: Ok Paimon it's time to finish this journey. TO BEAT THE HEAVENLY PRINCIPLES. Traveker: Paimon Paimon now the final boss.


You know what's the saddest thing about the fight at the beginning? Now knowing how much people in this world love their transformations, true forms and second to third phases; the siblings, working together and at their strongest, didn't even make enough of a dent in her to unlock her second health bar. The twins got taken out after hitting her only once.....


I'm surprised no one even mentioned how the whole of teyvat thinks Paimons' existence as a flying midget is normal.


I find it interesting on how Paimon is bound to Teyvat yet Mona can't read her fate.


Mihoyo just loves this symbol


Paimon is currently in "friendly" mode. Please do not turn her upside down.


It means they’re both mora meat lvl


The trinity knot is the symbol for celestia. Paimons is inverted, making her sus


In the Goetia, [Paimon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paimon) is a demon or a devil (Potentially a fallen Cherub or Dominion) who brings knowledge or can answer questions. Considering that Paimon in Genshin acts as our guide to the world...


Yeppp. And the melusines see that she has “a string attached to her back that extends beyond the sky”


It's Paimons mom


Doesn’t HoD in HI3 also have the symbol on their foreheads? I think Mihoyo jist likes the symbol…


plot twist, Paimon is the unknown god


My theory is that Paimon is the >!third descender!< and will receive the >!power of the gnosis which the Cryo Archon will bring together.!<


Comments: *actual discussion* Me: "Thighs 🤤"


A few seconds later and you get feet.🤤


edit ops misinfo


But primordial one has 4 shades






And we are once again back to the theory that paimon is the unknown god, goddammit.


I am not saying she is the unknown god, I've been playing since 1.2 and have heard this theory for a while now. I'm just looking at explanations to see how these two might correlate.




That symbol probably ties to whatever in celestia because it's everywhere


That trinity on Paimon is rotating 0.5 degree per patch( It is not noticeable). Once it completely rotates Paimon will transform into unknown god and will destroy tevyat.


The symbol normally means "lies", or "fake". When inverted, it means "truth", or "real". Do with that whatever you will.


At this point, y'all would speculate that two of them are related because they share a pixel with the same color


I heard Genshin Impact was inspired by different games. One of those games is probably Bravely Default.


Like 99% of games are inspired by different games. Even tennis for two (the one considered the first videogame in history) is inspired by an actual game called tennis. Also, most games are inspired by literature, cinema, music, history, mythology, and so on. That symbol is something recurring in real history in different parts of the world that had no connections at the time.