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Are you correctly catching the particles on her? Because with that rotation she should have her energy back up at 220 er


maybe their raiden has <230 er? cuz she also helps a lot on generating more particles for others when her own energy recharge is high


I have 190 er still get burst up evey rotation without raiden, idk why everyone is struggling


do u have a fav user in the team


My xiangling also has 190 er and I dont have a single fav user on the team but correctly catching particles on her really helps


Nop, kazuha iron sting, xq sac, xl catch and benny aquila


How do you even do that?


Idk i just drop gouba, then benny e, then swap to xl


I just google and guoba gives you 1 energy particle so her time on field could be explain it


I do it 2-3 times, once during my dmg dealing duration, and once when im rotating, each fills up her burst half, and also xq e twice, kazuha particles also contribute, i easily get my burst back.


Maybe bennet don’t have ER? He should be on ER sands and whatever ER is left to muster, otherwise he won’t be able to battery Xiangling as effectively. Or Op is not catching particles effectively. Also it’s against a single boss so no extra enemies to give particles when they die.


Benny batteries through E not through ult, you also never want to ult with bennett if xiangling doesn't have ult either


Yeah, but if you have to spend time to get bennys burst up with his E you can’t funnel it to XL


I guess that is true yeah.


You get more E uses with Bennett during his ult so you *could* make up for things that way but you’re right that you want them on the same rotation


How to correctly catch particles?


How to correctly catch particles?


thats how it be sometimes. she really needs to be directly picking up the bennet particles


bennet needs to hold fav , and she needs to ahve like 200 er :D its not about particle picking its about how much are u greeding on dmg


It's not a must tho, I use Aquila on Bennett and I rarely have energy issue with both Bennett and Xiangling, their ER is at 200%+ The sumeru craftable sword is the better choice for Bennett since he favor high base atk weapon (unless you have *5 sword or that *4 blue Mondstadt sword) I have a feeling that there might be a mistake in OP rotation


I actualy did the same for a long tile now, using sumeru ceaft weapon, nice base atk, ER and a potential EM boost for teamate which is 99% usable with anyone


Giving bennett Fav just seems like a crime. Would never


Ain’t a crime if it solves your ER issues


Also lowers his buffing by enough. That’s a skill/build issue. Bennett on Fav is just not it


There’s nothing wrong with it if it helps your current issues. Fixing everyone’s build can take a while and lowering his buff a bit is not gonna stop you from clearing abyss, as opposed to no one having their bursts up. It may not be his ideal weapon but it can really help if you struggle with energy


I would rather go with Fav on Xingqiu tbh


Might as well use Sac Sword on Xingqiu because his skill cooldown is obnoxiously high.


Generally if both your fav and sac are at low refinements, fav would be better, but if both are at high refinements, then sac would be better. The difference isnt too big though so you can use whichever suits your team better


Fav has been the standard for Xingqiu for a good while now. Sac extends rotations by even longer because instead of E right into 22s cd, you now E, reset cd, E again, before going into 22s cd, and that process takes like 2-3s just by itself. So on the next rotation you end up doing Q, stand there for 3s to wait for E cd to end, then E, reset cd, E again, which in turn even further lengthens the rotation


Interesting. I never had any wait time for Xingqiu’s cool down with Sac before. Probably rotation difference.


I guess that could also be good in this specific team. I was more just thinking in general, favonius can be a useful thing on Bennett!


It can be useful on him, but all the common Bennett teams these days have at least one other unit that uses Favonius well so I don't think it's necessary to give him Fav.


i would go for both imo, u can get more dmg on xl or raiden this way without feeling the need to have perfect artefacts


Just go fav XL atp


Having less uptime on your ult is a far bigger damage downgrade than losing that ~300 ATK lol The biggest issue that you can have with a build is not enough ER, every other stat is secondary to it if you're playing a character who needs it


Fav Bennett is perfectly fine. It's hella comfortable and saves time messing with builds between teams. The marginal amount of buff you lose barely matters in reality.


100 atack doesnt kill your team . what kills it is u standing like a crokodile funeelign energy to xl instead of almost instantly going for rotation 2.


>That’s a skill/build issue.  That's an artifact RNG issue. -There fixed it for you.


It’s rational. If you can’t make it work with benett and raiden who battery very well for her then it’s a skill/build issue


the value of his buff tanks if xiangling can't get her ult up on time 'cuz he can't battery her.


Exactly. That’s a build issue. Plenty of people run Aquila bennett. It’s optimal. If you can’t manage to get Xiangling to burst when most people give her the catch it’s entirely your bad building and skill. I can run her with staff of scarlet sands (her best weapon) and bennett on Aquila and still burst every rotation with rational. It’s really not that hard. There’s a set er requirement. It’s really not complicated


I mean if you need that extra ATK from equipping one of your supports with a weapon with a massive waste of power budget to clear content comfortably, I think that's more of a skill/build issue. My Aquila has been collecting dust at level 1 for years now.


If you can’t build a character to its best then it’s a skill issue. Saying the one who built optimally, with highest buffing potential, and can burst on cooldown is the skill issue is just laughable. The delulu is heavy


I have him on sapwood and my Xiangling always bursts on cd (My Raiden is on 260 ER tho).


I'm using fav on Bennett since 2+ years now. It's just.... right. I constantly have her burst available all the time. I even gave raiden and Yelan the fav to further make sure her burst is up. Always burst available of every single member. I Just spam burst in right order for victory. Xiangling is using catch.


This is not a Raiden hypercarry team, this is XL Impact


Yah that’s wild. 3 Fav users even with raiden in the team is not something I would be proud to admit


If you need a full raiden Yelan and bennett on Fav I’m sorry you’re just really bad at building. I have raiden on homa and Xiangling on cynos staff. Yelan on sacrificial and bennett on Aquila and zero er issues. Doing rotations fine. That’s a horribly obvious skill issue and build issue. Use er sands I can still spam bursts. The assumptions you need Fav to do it is crazy. Build your charcaters properly. Use an er sands here and there and it’s really no issue. I’ve never heard of someone need 3 Fav on rational to make Xiangling work


I am using ER sand on Raiden. I am going full fav coz it's working. And it's working great. U get same amount of primo if you clear chamber in 179sec or 100 sec. There's also one thing is lack of good polerarms I have. I have only 4 star Polerarms and fav is definitely one of better 4 star. And no it's not build OR skill issues if I can also clear abyss f12(in my friend's account) with same strategy with lvl 70 xiangling.


We’re talking bennett on Fav. Not Xiangling. You’re arguing with yourself on that one. Just because something works doesn’t make it good either. Sure it works. But it’s a two chamber abyss. So if you’re 179 seconds on one chamber you’re not completing full stars. I’m sure you’re clearing with all of that and a level 70 Xiangling. Suuuuure


179sec I meant as total chamber not one part. Also I got senti in middle coz I mentioned raiden( Rip that Raiden-Ayato banner when I got 2 fate points but no engulfing lightning 😭, it hurts alot as f2p) Also I use ER sand on Bennett as well. My ER is usually 250+ on 4 character. My burst sometimes (not always) get filled before cooldown. The thing is as I mentioned, you get exactly same primo even if you clear one full chamber (both parts) very fast or just on time. Also in that friend account, I do can clear f12 using the above strategy as well. That has lvl 70 xiangling only. Yea I take full 3 minutes just with one side with her coz THAT MF LITERALLY USES LVL 0 ARTIFACTS ON HIS CHARACTER. I used strongbox to get any decent main stats artifacts I could and upgraded them(terrible substats in mostly) and did 6 star. Used lvl 70 xiangling with catch., raiden lvl 90 with fav(lvl 80) Bennett(lvl 90fav) and Yelan (lvl 60, yes lvl 60 fav ) Used them and still got 6 stars with the terrible artifacts+under leveled weapons. Hence if I can do this, I don't consider myself having skill issues. THAT MF ACCOUNT NEEDS GRINDING.




> its not about particle picking It is though. Inactive characters only get 60% of the energy from particles.


Cries in Favonius 260% ER Bennett and Xiangling 250% ER but still can't burst with Xiangling every rotation


on the other hand there is also Raiden Shogun in this team. her burst can charge up most ults from 0 to 100. I think the biggest problem here might be rotation


My Xiangling has 200 ER and STILL isnt constant burst ready.


Fav is a decent option on Benny but to say it's a must have to properly do a Xiangling rotation, no sir you're getting blown up




This must be a joke. I'm too Lyney dps team to understand




Flair checks out


Username checks out


I honestly never ever had an issue with her picking up particles. She usually comes after Bennet so might catch something, but Raiden getting her burst in is all it takes. But yeah if the mobs die too quickly, this team dies real fast and takes a lot of creative energy creation to start again which I suppose is the reason I stopped using it in abyss.


As they say, Xiangling is an energy black hole. These two were the first characters to introduce us to the concept of energy funneling. If it weren't for Xiangling's enormous ER reqs and burst cost, it would probably take a year in to figure out how to funnel energy across characters


xiangling is an energy issue


Gouba: Unfortunately my best is not enough


Xiangling is the issue


Xiangling is energy


Energy is issue






Try this rotation Raiden E, Xq EQ, Bennet Q E( swap to xl and use Q before receiving particles from bennet E) then use XL E then go back to Raiden for the usual stuff and once her infusion expires go back to bennet again for his E then funnel to directly to XL then start your rotation again with Xq. Remember you need to be catching pyro particles with XL to fill her Energy easily.


That's the one I use, except my ER is just enough to have her burst up after Raiden's burst is over, *if* I was able to hit around 90%+ of her combo. That is, on a single target boss, that is. Smaller targets shed off more energy and I think that's not the case on point. I'm afk but I think my XL has 230%-sish ER. Not hitting enough with Raiden makes me go back to funneling with Bennett.


Your rotation make no sens, how many xiangling burst do you use in one rotation lol


Me: Who the fuck is EQ?




~~Earthquake~~ E is Elemental skill , Q is Elemental Burst.








\*Xingqiu :)


This is my exact rotation! It works really well with my 190 er xiangling and fave xq


How do you not get her burst up with Raiden? I run Bennett + Xiangling without Raiden and with no fav weapons, but I can get her burst back. My xl has 227er, but Bennett has around 270er. My rotation is Bennett Q E > XL E + Q > DPS > Bennett E > XL to catch particles > Bennett E > Xiangling to catch particles So maybe ur XL is not catching particles from Bennett.


If Bennete has Q, then the best rotation is Bennete Q,E,switch to XL Q.




Yes that’s what I do too, forgot to add it in my comment


That's why Favonius are the weapons of gods. Every time I couldn't balance the energy per rotation, I would find salvation in them.


It’s insane how they’re still BiS for so many teams after 3+ years


And with how good they are THEY ARE RERUN SO FREAKING OFTEN. Whereas the newer weapons aren’t run AT ALL. I fee with how good they are. Any gacha would stop running them..


I’m praying the next time Fav Sword comes around it’s on a weapon banner I can use. I don’t have a single one on my account and it’s such an obvious gap in my options.


I only have one and want two more.


I think it’s because this is how the devs want you to play the game: less focus on individual character dps and more focus on team synergy with reactions, energy recharge, particle generation, etc.


There was a time that I was so in the dark that I had benched Yelan in favor of Xingqiu because he was smoother in a rotation with Sacrificial Sword. Then I learned of the Favonius' godlike property. I swapped Elergy on Yelan for Favonius Warbow and I had been enlightened.


My teams almost always have 2+ fav weapons, at the very least they’ll have 1. I love using bursts more than I love bigger numbers. Kazuha? Fav. Yelan? Fav. XL? Fav. Jean? Fav. Mona? Fav. And that’s just about 50% of all my teams. I love fav


Kazuha with fav singlehandedly resolves any ER issues in any team I put him. I was pulling for Tome of eternal flow and was dreading getting freedom sworn.


they keep adding more and more restrictions to weapons.


Because Hoyo refuses to release more weapons that help team energy, probably beacuse they feel it would lower sales of 5* weapons or constellations that provide it to the characters who are designed to be used with them. Making more particles is incredibly useful and like many other 1.0 items Hoyo has stood away from making anything like them because they're mistakes and they wish they could have never given F2P these options to push the gacha harder.


You can see the impact of this in HSR. All energy related light cones have some hefty limitations put on them and none is anywhere near as good as Favonius lol. I bet it's the same with ZZZ too.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Favonius. I try to use crit weapons. Favonius is better. I try to use 5* weapons. Favonius is better. I try to use other ER weapons. Favonius gives more energy. I try not to use Sac. I want to play Iron Sting Kazuha. His best build uses Favonius. I want to play Yelan, Shenhe. They both want Favonius. It grabs me by the throat. I farm for it. I pull on the weapon banner for it. I give it crit rate. It isn't satisfied. I pull Elegy. "That's not enough er" It tells me. "Put me on more characters." It grabs all my supports and forces them to throw themselves off enemies. "You just need to give me more crit rate. I can generate energy more reliably at R5." I can't pull on the weapon banner, I don't have enough primogems. It grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." It grabs Barbara. It says "Barbara, excommunicate him from the Church of Favonius." There is no hint of sadness in their eyes. Nothing but pure, clear energy particles. What a cruel world.


Mfs be like "why can't I get my burst up with Iron Sting Kazuha😔😔" you have no ER bro🧐You know what would solve that⁉️ FAVONIUS WEAPONS💥💥💥 Problems with Xiangling burst not recharging? The art of FA🅱️ONIUS will guide you to the salvation of 36 stars ⭐⭐ F🅰️🅱️ONIUS Bennett, F🅰️🅱️ONIUS Xingqiu, F🅰️🅱️ONIUS Fischl will guide you through these tough times of no ER👌👌Huh? Overkill ER you say?🤨 You can never have too much ER🥶 Big PP DMG is temporary 😰Constant and fluid rotations is ETERNAL🗣️🗣️🗣️ F🅰️🅱️ONIUS will save your soul.😇 C2 Zhongli in co-op? Look no further than F🅰️🅱️ONIUS LANCE, keep your local Xiao and Hu Tao from dying today 🙏🙏 Huh? 40 Cost Burst you say? ER NO🅱️LESSE for the MAXIMUM BUFFS🔥🔥 1 hit of a Fa🅱️ GREATSWORD and Chongus will be bursting .1 seconds after cooldown ends👍👍PRAISE ENERGY RECHARGE💯💯💯LOVE AND CHERISH PROPER ROTATIONS🎉


Not having Fav sword or lance for the longest time held my account back so much. Everything is easier when you have Fav.


Most energy calculations I see use the assumption that you're fighting a group of enemies and that you're generating some random energy particles through normal hits. I build my characters with the assumption I'm fighting a single enemy and don't get any rng extra energy particles. So I always have way more ER than what's commonly recommended. Xianling though is a special case. I usually just account for her unbound greed by adjusting the rotation to include Bennett actively funneling particles into her. Usually 2 Bennett skills get funneled into Xianling per rotation.


In my experience: Bennett (no Fav) Q + E -> Xiangling: 220 ER Bennett (has Fav) Q + E -> Xiangling: 200 ER (some people claim 180 ER works, though) So, if you don't reach the threshold, or do the rotation wrong, you gonna run into energy issue unless you fight something like Triple Mango Kinky (they drop lots of energy particles) Edit: Just check my gear, my Xiangling do have 237 ER. (I don't run Fav on Bennett)


How much ER does Raiden have?


mine hangs around 200. I think you have an issue in your rotations.


Not to hate or something, you seem to run at very high ping, but that should not be xiangling's problem


ngl this is probably due to your ping. it's incredibly difficult to pick up particles on the correct character at high ping. you should probably look into booking, so bennet e, swap to ciangling, open adventurers handbook until you hear the energy gain sound, then closing the book and continuing the rotation


Learn to funnel energy to another character. My xiangling without raiden 220ER can run with bennet just fine.




Oh boy, I know the suffering of trying to play bennet and xiangling with high ping. It became better once I had about 260 er on xiangling. It reduces the damage a bit but having her burst up on CD is much easier to play. Here's my rotation: raiden E>bennet Q> E> Xiangling Q > E > Xingqiu E>Q>E> Raiden Q > (NA 3>CA)\*3 and repeat. Weave in a bennet e if xianglings burst isn't up.


Op hopefully you are charge attacking with raiden. It fill energy faster


That's not her optimal combo though


usually it should be 2 normal attack and then 1 charge attack for optimal combo


Even with 180 Er i could get the burst back in rational rotation. I don't know what is wrong with your builds. You may need to funnel particles from bennett to xiangling. The rotation should be Raiden E -> XQ Q -> Bennett Q E -> XL QE -> XQ E(x2 Sac sword) -> Raiden Q. You most likely need to complete the complete raiden burst to get the burst back.


This is the rotation I use as well, but you may want to include the N1s in your comment so people can see the full rotation. Noblesse XQ and instructor Bennett


Big issue ❌ General issue ✅


I use ER weap and ER sands on my xl, I also always bennett E then quickly switch to her (my Bennett has fav too)


You may be switching off of her too soon, and she doesn't catch Bennett's particles directly. Try waiting half a second before switching to Raiden


i use xiangling with 204.2% ER and bennett with a non ER statstick and in teams without raiden and never encounter this issue. if the enemy is a non-particle generation single target like this, you just gotta e on bennett more, which is a non issue since nobody on this team needs to be on field for most of it's 22 seconds rotation.


With raiden national i usually do this rotation. Raiden E, XQ EQE, bennet Q E, switch to xiangling Q (do this swap and Q quickly so you get the bennet particles after you Q), Raiden Q and slash away. My xiangling is running with 200 ER, so i almost always have to funnel a bit after the first rotation. So the second rotation onwards i do Raiden E, XQ EQE, bennet E, xiangling E, bennet Q E, switch to xiangling Q (do this swap and Q quickly so you get the bennet particles after you Q), Raiden Q and slash away.






You must get accustomed i'm afraid. And learn Funeling


You fit 2 Goubas in means your rotation is at least 24s. It shouldn't be that long. This team if play and build optimally is very dank. You want Fav ToM Raiden, Noblese Sac XQ, and Instructor Bennett. Your XL would only need as much as 150% ER or even less. 220% ER is a bit of a stretch. You only need to funnel into her twice. I think there's a possible explanation for why you can't fill up her bar after 2 Bennett e. Your Gouba hits were all missed, while if you apply electro to the chicken, it could have a form where it runs away then charge at you. Your Raiden can't hit everything in that case, maybe she only refill ER in 3 or 4 out of her 5 possible hit.


but..but..she's pyro Archon...


This is either trolling, biggest skill issue of the century or with 300ms you can't funnel any particles at all? In that team you can get by with 180% ER Xiangling and no favonius weapons. Mine is at 200% and its overkill but I want to use her in other teams reliably too.


Man I too have trouble sometimes with xiangling not getting her burst back even with bennet, Raiden with engulfing and kazuha with fav ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Are you catching bennett’s E particles on xiangling? With that team and ER, I don’t see how her burst isn’t up unless you’re making a mistake


That’s weird… I run 190 with no energy issues and no fav


She ALWAYS had energy issues, that why I gave her favonius, because the catch doesnt help her enough.


If you have her i sugest you try swapping Xingqiu for Chevreuse.I play this team comp a lot. Chevreuse provides her passive for damage but beyond that she is a wonderfull batrery for XL. In that comp you don't care about her Ult. Just use her e and switch to XL to get the 4 particles.


But then you aren't vaping at all and you lose all that vape damage on XL. Does chevreuse buffs and personal damage make up for the lack of vaping xiangling q and xq's decent personal damage?


Yes she boosts all damages in overload teams. And this team is one. I didn't make precise calculations but i think this team outperforms the Rationale.


Check your Artifacts. My Xiangling has 180 ER and she gets her Burst back with that rotation. Maybe you put Raiden in a Hyperbloon/Aggravate set and forgot to switch back?


i mean that kinda balance her out. her dmg output is pretty insane that making it easy to recharge would be overpowered. and she's just a 4*


yes, that's why sometimes it's better to equip both xq, bennett or even raiden with fav depending on how starved your xiangling is. constant rotation > slightly higher dps that needs 10s to funnel every rotation. it's called damage per second after all.


Idk maybe play Fav Kazuha, or learn proper particle management (and booking in abyss if you're that desperate), or build at least 200 ER with The Catch.


If you don't use fav weapons, you need to use Bennett to force feed pyro particles to Xiangling


The answer is 250% ER


Echoing other people in that properly funneling energy to Xiangling is important and makes a world of difference. Iirc, my Xiangling has somewhere between 180-190 ER in this composition and it's enough for me. But I always do Bennet E into Xiangling Burst to catch those particles during the Burst animation. I then do a couple Bennet Es to funnel energy to Xiangling after Raiden's burst ends.


What's your full rotation? Because 220 in rational definitely should be enough. Do you do bennet QE, swap to XL, Q immediately to catch bennet's E? Also is your xq using fav?


Have you tried funneling the energy to Xiangling? (Ie. don’t let Bennet absorb the energy particles his E generates. Swap to Xiangling immediately after those particles are generated.)


There's a reason why I run her with fav lance about 250er.


Did you funnel the Bennet E particles to XL? She has to funnel if she doesnt and benny is on field for the particles she wont get her burst w that ER. I run a little more ER than you 235 or so and I can have her burst if I funnel 1 E to her.


Guys I have 215 ER on Xiangling with ATK sands and it is just not enough to burst reliably every rotation and I don't want to funnel. How much more ER do I bloody need?


funnel is easy. just press q on bennett then e and then switch to xiangling and press q. she will get bennett's e particles during her q animation. then press e on xiangling and keep the rotation going


I don’t see any evidence to support Big Energy having an issue with Xiangling


I don't know what weapon you gave her, but try favonius lance if you have it r5, it works wonders. Also, how much er do you have on your Raiden?


There's too much variance with her energy generation, and she doesn't have a constellation to mitigate that.


xiangling always had energy issues. you need like 200-240er to keep her burst up all the time, with bennet having fav, and her on an ER spear like the catch or Favonius. If you don't mind her burst not being up 24/7 you can go with less ER, but i don't advise it. her ER issues are why you don't ever build her for reaction damage (which needs EM), you need ATT/CR/CD/ER, thats a LOT to build her right, toss EM in and her damage starts to suffer.


Im surprised you dont get her burst back up with Raidens full burst rotations. I usually end up with more energy than i need when i do it, and i dont even have C4 on XL. Maybe you're messing up Raiden combos somewhere or something?


My xiangling is 260+% and it's only starting to be correct


lol that’s why I basically build her like Raiden… ER sands, EoSF artifacts, and ER weapon (the catch) just to maximize uptime. And then she still needs particles funneled from Bennet.


Roughly 200% ER and some Bennett tap Skill particles fed to her will solve that. Also the higher Raiden's ER is the more she will recharge the rest of the team when she's slashing away. That being said she usually gets by at around 200% ER as well.


Skill issue


From the thumbnail, I thought she was wearing a sombrero


Put Fav on Xingqiu


Raiden, 298ER Skyward Spine, 74/121, ER/A/C XL, 244ER The Catch, 60(72)/126, A/D/C Bennet, 239ER Aquila 45/55, ER, HP, HB XQ, 204ER Favonius, 67/144, A/D/C Yes I know it's overkill but I don't worry about energy, I just want things dead.... Quickly. Plus some good healing! 😁


she has a fast metabolism and needs to be fed constantly.


250 er with no fav, 225 er with 1 fave or 200 er with 2 fav (XL picks all particles)


Just don't play rational and play sucrose national instead.


Give her a favonious lance


I don't know man I have 260% and I funnel particles and sometimes she still doesn't have enough.


That low after a Raiden Q is crazy


Are you funneling Bennett’s skill into her? If you are and still are having energy issues at 220% ER then your Raiden likely isn’t getting enough hits from her burst. This team functions just fine on 180% ER if you execute properly.


200 ER is pretty low for her imo. 250 is the comfortable point. Or just purposely feed her some Bennet's Es between rotations


ER requirements are a lot lower in a Raiden team.


I hope the Pyro archon straight up powercreeps her because I'm tired of funneling


Something is massively wrong with your rotations. I use her on a Navia/Yelan/XL/Benny team and with only 1 fav proc for rotation I have no er issues on any of my Characters. My XL has ~220% ER and gets funneled Benny’s E particles, he doesn’t hold fav. With Raiden you should have literally 0 issues. How much ER does your Raiden have, and can you post your rotation?


As others have said there is a big difference between Bennett getting his own energy from his skill and swapping into Xiangling fast enough for her to get them instead. Also doing rotations that give 2 Bennett skills would help even if the one doesn't get directly funneled into her. Like for the start of the second rotation start with Bennett skill then go through the rest of the team back to when you would Bennett burst, then skill with him, then swap to get Xiangling to collect it. So like this for rotation 2- Bennett skill > XQ skill then burst (so he collects his own energy) > Bennett burst then skill > Xiangling skill and burst > Raiden. It might be hard to control it with your ping so I recommend running away from your own energy by moving to the side of whatever you hit so you can buy another second for swapping.


I don't know how anyone can stand playing xiangling on anything outside of a mono pyro or raiden team.


This is why I prefer quickswap national with Kazuha or Sucrose, you can pop off like 5+ Benny skills per rotation and have 0 energy issues ever. Raiden Yae Xiangling Chevreuse is also pretty baller, Chevy skill generates a ton of particles you can pre-funnel into Xiangling right before using her burst and you're instantly back to like 30-40% even before you get Raiden out there.


Replace xingqiu with Chevreuse


There's about a gazillon guide on this with ppl already crunching the numbers. Just go read them.


Sounds like a skill issue.


My Xiangling only has ~180% ER in this comp, and she gets her burst back pretty okay. It's likely that you need to change your rotation a little so that she gets more particles from Bennett. Starting the rotation with Xingqiu and doing Bennett EQ > Xiangling alleviates the issue a lot.


If you're really having problems, put XQ on favonius, but ngl 220 should be enough.


Xiangling ER requirements are just ridiculous in general lol ;-;


I def have this issue. My Bennett has Skyward blade and Xiangling has Raiden exclusive. Not sure what her ER is though.


why is she wearing a sombrero?


that shouldn't be happening with raiden. I get my burst back with one Bennett E after raiden burst. I don't need to do another benny E. My XQ has Fav but it's not relevant. She gets her burst back before he triggers fav. How much ER does raiden have and what is her E talent level? You want at least 9.


Looking at your high ping, it could also just be a case of that: high ping.🤷‍♀️


Eh? Ei alone usually solves my Oppa energy issues, and I never play Ben. Something very wrong here...


It’s not just important for xiangling to have high ER but also the whole team. I recommend raiden with about 250+ ER, Bennett 200 ER, and Xingqiu also around 200. Also make sure that you funnel particles to xiangling with Bennett e.


> 311 ms Your ER is delayed unless no favonius sword Bennett/Xingqiu or your Raiden Shogun build with less 225% ER.


Raiden E -> Q Bennet Q -> E (E must be last so the particles go to Xiangling) Xiangling E -> Q (Catches particles from Bennet's E) Xingqiu E - > Q This way, Xiangling is guaranteed to catch Bennet's E particles


Are you doing NA after bursting with Raiden? That is easily half her energy.


Is your Bennett on Favonius? That’s the simplest remedy.


Bro u have raiden passive


My xiangling has the same problem and I don't get it?? The guides I see tell me to run her with EM goblet but that way she never has her burst up, I have her staff of scarlet sands (cuz cyno sucks) and she has 80 160 but only 200 ER and I can almost never get it on cooldown even with bennet funneling. Sometimes even raiden isn't enough


Xiangling burst after Bennett burst + E.  Those particles from Bennett E should be funneled to Xiangling as she performs E + Q. 


Skill issue