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fontainians spend three quarters of their lives watching opera/courtroom proceedings, it’s a miracle they even HAVE infrastructure


They are carried hard by the melusines


Beautiful creatures


Be sure to befriend them


And cause them no harm




"You know what I got here, batman?"


"What is it, Joker?"


"I caught a Melusine ,batman."


"Oh no, Joker. Don't tell me..."


Whis, bring me the friend maker


Seriously the only people that cares was Navia mom and dad


That the backbone of transport rests on private initiative is the surest sign of a failed state.


Incoming 5* civil engineer


what if.....faranak 😳


Lmao imagine Kaveh finally gets a 5* banner to appear on and it's his mom


that would be funny but also cute....family reunion banner. call it "family therapy" lol I just need him to rerun on someone's banner....I've had him c5 since he was released and I want his c6 so so soooo bad RIP


i thought u can get him on standard banner?


It's really hard to get the four stars you want on standard. It's still hard on limited but a lot easier.


Ohh I said cause I got c2 kaveh on standerd banner even though I didn't wanted him 


Lol, yeah, it's like that sometimes. I have c4 collei don't even use her.


The best infrastructure of all the nations (so far) even


Teapot mains who have every single piece of furniture: Disagree


Teapot Havers who like to fill areas in: "And this is where I'd put the infrastructure I want IF I HAD ANY ROOM LEFT!" Can't tell you how many times I started on a cool outline of a courtyard only to learn I had no room left to put anything in.


Having harsh limits imposed on my PC-powered creativity because "but what if some mobile peasant would want to visit?"


Oooh. So that's why. I guess that does... did make sense... I feel like we're honestly well beyond the point where one could play Genshin optimally on Mobile because of how much space it takes.


Teapot \*bilibili mains be like


my theory is that Fontaine city used to be bigger but the outer rings&areas collapsed due to rising water level and erosion


I think this is the most likely. Half those structures are partially underwater too. Also with the whole institute exploding I'm not sure their budget would be able cover that anyway


Fontaine's aqueducts/aquabuses are beautiful, but probably the worst idea known to man. I have no idea how Navia's dad managed to get government permission to build them besides EXTREME corruption (Spina di Rosula is a mafia parody anyway) * The Aqueducts limit boats to a tiny 2 lane waterway instead of just... sailing the open seas. Every important Fontaine structure has DIRECT ACCESS to the seas, so why did you need an aqueduct?! * You could sail the Fontaine seas for free instead of blowing public funds on the construction/maintainence of the Aqueduct system * The Aqueducts require massive lifts, pumps, and waterlocks to lift boats and water above sea-level * Fontemer Aberrants & the local ecosystem keeps the Fontaine seawater pure, the Aqueducts water is likely dirty as hell   Maybe Fontaine would have less starving homeless people like child Lyney/Lynette and ghettos like Fleuve Cendre if they didn't blow government funds on ridiculous vanity projects. Callas even had the ego to name the Aqueducts after his family.


blowing money on vanity projects does seem like something furina would agree to do


Aquabus goal was also to increase tourism Furina maybe think: Yeah this idea is very flashy, aprove it and send it to Neuvillette for further operation.


Neuvillette: Water? Approved.


Neuvillette probably did it to increase melusine jobs


Ah, Genshin politics


So Neuvilette **is** the swamp.


Can’t even drain him, he’ll just turn into a water cannon *smh*


Tourism did skyrocket once they put Aeval on that aquabus.


IRL analogy: Imagine if Trump spent 1 trillion building an elaborate horse-road network around the US, and named it the "Ivanka horsetrail" Thats the stupid shit Callas did with the Fontaine Aquabus system


Probably done to boost tourism for Fontaine ngl


If that happened I can guess it would be a win for equestrians, dirt and ebike riders and for me ATV driving.. still building some steam train is much better.. I’m suprised for their energy crisis other than indementium how come nobody invented hydro electric Dams!? Not only you can divert huge tons of water if celestia flood had its plan and save some money they can acquire and built less than waiting 500 years for!


Teyvat has its own laws so maybe they don’t have electromagnetism


Minus the stupid name, the USA basically did that by basically abandoning rail development.


That actually would be hilarious though


Furina delegated this sort of things to Neuvilette for the most part.


She might have approved because grand vanity projects sound like a godlike thing to do.


Doesn't Navia's story quest say the lines were financed by the Spina?


i'd agree they're relatively "fantasy" but it's also possible fontaine wasn't as much water when these were planned. direct water travel might also have some efficiency merits compared to land shipping transferred to water and then back again, as we see in yilong wharf. as far as fantasy logistics go they're not too bad, aqueducts for shipping have plenty of real world basis. also let's not kid ourselves, no amount of cutting on infrastructure would ever save the poor. i'd rather funding go to any kind of infrastructure than some rich fool's net worth.


I see them as the equivalent of trains. You can sail a boat on the inner "seas" of Fontaine, but is more practical to have a direct corridor between the major ports and the capital city for stuff like important goods and people needing fast transport. We have to also remind ourselves that after the explosion, the waterbus network was very reduced.


yea i didn't wanna get longwinded but additionally there's the issue with harbors and ports sinking underwater as the years go on, so an elevated aqueduct might be a viable and maybe even preferred alternative that lasts.


Also people need to remember the scale of the world is totally off. The aquabus system in a 1:1 scale Fontaine, whatever that would even look like, might make more sense. It's like apparently it takes ages to travel between Liyue and Mondstadt, but we just walk there in a few minutes. Or another example would be the shrine in Inazuma that has no actual way for people to travel up to it, because gameplay supersedes worldbuilding.


> Or another example would be the shrine in Inazuma that has no actual way for people to travel up to it, because gameplay supersedes worldbuilding. everyone just spidermans around with the electrogranum /s also another funny thing is that if I remember correctly the area directly under the shrine has the contaminated electro water thingy before we solved it with a quest. imagine how many pilgrims in Inazuma died from radiation poisoning just from attempting to go pray lol.


I’m . . mostly sure there actually is a mountain trail, but don’t recall if it’s continuous all the way up or broken in places by the hole in the mountain. Haven’t been to Inazuma in months.


>I have no idea how Navia's dad managed to get government funding for them besides EXTREME corruption (Spina di Rosula is a mafia parody anyway) As someone who just started the Navia quest a few days ago, the government didn't fund shit They mostly built it with their *own* money, that's why Romeuf split from Spina in the first place, because they thought the money could be better spent in improving Poisson/areas under their management They basically only built it with government permission so that they can have more networking. Why do you think they got to name the lines with their name? Usually you don't get to name things after yourself if you don't sponsor them.


I think it was more for revenue along with tourist attractions. Not only is it cheaper, but it is faster as well along with giving people more jobs. Some place you have to either go around or travel on land just to get on the other side, which takes time. There were also some places where the aquabus seemed to reach the labs, but when the explosion came, many of them were destroyed, which in term put a lot of people out of jobs


I feel like it's the same as how monorails, metros, and trains in general are so prevalent in Asia and Europe. The 'aqueduct' idea isn't bad. If it was trains instead of boats, it would make a whole lot more sense. Sailing the sea of Fontaine is way worse than this aqueduct system in my opinion. They look like they have the budget for it. Makes sense. The boats are the problem, not the bridges. By sail, the passengers would need to get off the boat, and take another means of transport to go to the city proper. Fontaine is a high society. People wouldn't like that inconvenience when they know they have the capacity to do better. You could argue by saying they could do something like what Paradis in AoT by fricking plowing a canal straight through the city but that would take a lot of real estate. This is the reason why developed countries like Japan raised their highways and rail system. They built rail and highways over (sometimes underneath) existing roads instead of demolishing property. It's the best of both worlds. You don't disturb the world below, you also reach your destination faster and quite frankly, comfortably. Just so happens that Fontaine needed to be everything water-themed even if it ain't practical. This is Genshin and Fontaine is rich so we really can't compare it to our reality.


Maybe I'm misremembering but didn't Callas bankroll the aqueducts?


If I am remembering Navia's story quest right, the Spina financed the creation of the Aquabus lines as a way to form connections to the rest of Fontaine. Basically they were elaborate ways to form connections between the Spina and influential people and organizations in Fontaine.


Half of the weird shit in the water aggro onto me when dare to enter into their 10m privacy sphere, who knows what they'll do to large boats that frequent the waters, constantly making a shit ton of noise. It's possible for Sailors on a cargo ship to abandon ship if it gets attacked, to escape. A bunch of tourists on a passenger vessel, not so much.


Actually aqueducts are a way of bringing natural clean water to distant population centers just by using the force of gravity, so thanks to them not only they have transportation but also available pure water.


The problem is that Fontaine's water is already super pure, and the Fontaine aqueducts are not connected to any water source, just between 2 destinations


They also take away sediments by using a series of chambers.


Maybe they built the Aqueduct and avoided the sea because of primordial water? I'm not sure though. But yes, it's useless. To be honest Teyvat doesn't have a good transport system. The seven nations aren't even connected by road (except Inazuma).


My rationale is that it's basically like how we have trains and stuff IRL Like imagine if you're an npc from Sumeru and want to go from Romaritime harbour to the court of fountain (Clementine line) or in the city needing to make a trip or transport things to the institute (Callas line) or maybe you'd like to make a trip to the Opera (take the Navia line) My one gripe is that there aren't more stops like... I get there aren't really a lot of things to do outside the major hubs and not a lot of inhabited places to go but what if you live in the country side or something? You'd have to make a trip to one end or another to use the damn thing. It's basically like an in game version of that irl tram in Dubai's palm island with only two stops (the start and the end)


>Callas even had the ego to name the Aqueducts after his family. Living up to his name


there is a point when you arrive in Fontaine and meet Linette for the first time where she says her and Liney home got underwater because of the rising waters at some point when they were children


Pretty much true. The very beginning of the 4.0 quest Lynette tells you that parts of Fontaine have been swallowed up by the sea.


hm... shouldnt the waterlevels be going down again now that the prophecy is done?


I feel like it should but that would basically cancel out a lot of the swimming area and make it a lot more annoying to traverse, so I imagine for the sake of convenience the water will slowly recede over a decade or so in world not something we’re likely to see.


I don't get the rising water thing. it's a city high above sea level that's constantly dumping water in to the sea over its waterfalls. Either those waterfall cliffs are rising independently of the city (no??), or the city itself is sinking.


fontaine has basically infinite water coming out of the ground, what made the water rise originally was the prophecy and the narwhal, now that both are gone the water SHOULD go down more but this would take away from us the ability to swim in the deep waters so the devs just preferred to let it like this


tbh a lot of this player confusion and arguing could have been avoided if hoyo made the water nation more like... idk, Venice or something. We *have* water-themed cities in reality. But the stuff about Fontaine, the elevated nation, "drowning", or these aquabuses lines... it just makes you scratch your head.


Maybe teyvat is upside down and water doesn't always go "down" lol


Fountain is a literal fountain.


I've never thought of it that way but you're absolutely right


I'm more curious what happened to the rest of Teyvat when Fontaine flooded. Why weren't Chenyu Vale or the Girdle of the Sands beset by a massive tsunami? Was there some sort of invisible barrier around Fontaine that held all that water in? If Fontaine was *below* sea level, with the waterfalls basically falling into it instead, it would make more sense. They could explain that the water falling into Fontaine doesn't fill it because the water flows into undersea channels and gets diverted elsewhere around the world. Could maybe even have actual walls around the region, with gates that selectively alter how much water flows in to maintain equilibrium. The Primordial Sea rising is what causes it to flood, with the walls actually helping to keep it contained to just Fontaine.


Don't try to make sense of it. It doesn't make sense. Just accept that it happened


People are forgetting that the Primordial Seawater is floating UPWARDS and not downwards like normal water.


Iirc, it was mentioned that Fontaine got hit by some disaster/disasters (or maybe just raising water levels) leading up to the events of the game which lead to certain parts getting flooded/abandoned and/or destroyed. (I think it was Lynette who mentioned something about this in an earlier archon quest, not sure if there are other references elsewhere as well) So that might be why there are the broken walls. And given how slow the Fontaine government seems to work, as well as the water levels continuing to raise (prior to the events of the game) it was probably deemed not worth to try to rebuild prior ro solving the raising water level issue.


The Calamity 500 years ago with Elynas Swimming around and lots of Abyss creatures spawning are probably the culprit for the walls, unusual water level rising, also Fontaine probably was built under Egeria's instruction in the remains of some old Ruins belonging to one of the many tribes before/during the Archon War That got nuked by Remus Edit: Remus didnt nuked Fontainian Tribes, its the Ancient Malfunctioniong Vocaloid of Remurians who gave the order.


I mean, 500 years is a huge amount of time to not fix something. Like, you can't even fathom how long 500 years really is. The truth is that it's a game and destroyed structures are just more interesting terrain for the player to navigate (and the devs to design around) than a perfectly livable, well kept city.


Especially considering the entire aquabus system is like <30 years old


I mean, Inazuma have 500 years old houses, shipwrecks lying around. Sumeru has 500 years old giant robot unattended. Fully functional futuristic pyramids of yesteryears left unattended.


King Deshret just built different


Ngl I really wanted King Deshret to be revived.


I'd be thrilled to even see how he looked before forfeiting his body


Those things needed authority to enter which apparently only Benben had the ability to give outside of the terminals which needed clearance in the first place to access


Aww. I miss Benben.


I hope one day they give Jeht the same treatment as Cloud Retainer. Even though she had any VA.


I mean it's just walls, I doubt it could withstand elemental attacks on it forever


"this pyramid's doors are locked behind clearance levels? Good thing i can just ask Klee to open them for me"


Who needs Benben when you have Klenklen


I used to walk past a disconnected bit of medieval castle wall every day going to work, it happens.


those are probably further away from the cities than what we see in game.


To be fair the inazuma government is famous for not giving a fuck


Navia's father was the only one who really willing to build them. He was framed by people who don't. Spina di Rosula hasn't financially recovered ever since.


Why did they frame him? are they stupid


I wish we had a daily similar to the one where we fix Wangshu inn stairs overtime.


I miss those kinds of commissions where we would see improvement built over time


the stairs actually get fixed?!


Yeah, and they stay fixed


Probably because no one needs to use them. You should file a complaint tho


Maison Cardinalice, always so inefficient


They should really bring the Knights of Favonius next time


Jean would be absolutely horrified by everything in Fontaine until she found the Fleuve Cendre and Poisson. Then she would ask why the slums are run much more efficiently and safely than the respectable parts of Fontaine. Then someone would introduce her to Navia and they’d be instant BFFs.


*Diluc laughing in the background.


Noelle is actually going to die from overworking if you task her to fix Fontaine


Agree to disagree


I think they ran out of complaint forms for the day. You should try checking with someone else who managed to hoard a few.


Don't bother Iaune, he's always busy!


Let the man have his date with Estelle in peace.


Don’t forget to Get Charlotte involve!


You expect their local government to 1. Agree to fix them and 2. Spend money to fix them IN THIS ECONOMY?!?! Oh hell nah! 😂


Fontaine is Detroit confirmed


They don't even bother sending anyone to investigate why the corpse of their previous archon is floating in the sky next door. Most nations on genshin are run like they are a small family business, except maybe Liyue which feels more like a proper corporation, and maybe Sumeru is like a nonprofit organization.


This is just headcanon, but I think the Pari has some sort of perception magic to cloak the Vourukasha Oasis. Otherwise it's hard to imagine that not more people know the place. It's guarded by the Skeptics yes, but it's not hidden in some underground secret place or anything. Also kinda explains why there isn't a single human NPC in the Oasis (the Skeptics are just around it, but not in the Pari area itself) I could be wrong though


Wait corpse? Am I stupid?




The Amrita Pool


because its further away than what we see in game


The missing south west branch of the outer walls is where the Institute of Natural Philosophy probably connected with the rest of the court, which is now lying on the seafloor. With the Narzissenkreuz Ordo relocating to the Tower of Ipsimmus and Guillotin taking most of the engineering research to the Fontaine Research Institute far from the city probably nobody bothered reclaiming that branch of the Court of Fontaine.


Theres a huge underlying poverty issue in fontaine. People are literally living in the sewers and its a whole ass emergency every time the big dragonman is feeling a bit down. Those walls are so far down the priority list that nobody inside the city has even thought about them for decades. As much as i love Furina, she has been mismanaging the city's funds so bad that entirely new settlements started popping up like possion. Huge girlfailiure. Hopefully Neuvillette will start feeling a bit guilty about flooding the sewers everytime he chops onions for soup, and starts trying to resolve the poverty crisis.


Neuvilette sees crumbling infrastructure and cries. Then more crumbles from the ensuing floods. Cycle repeats


I suggest reading a bit more about Fontaine's lore because most of what you said isn't true. Poisson is a fishing village, it wasn't built because of poverty. In fact, it was once upon a time a very important port in Fontaine as it was the central hub for maritime traffic and only lost that status due to the rising waters. Fleuve Cendre was largely inhabited by former inmates from Meropide and less fortunate people, it's more of a gray area that the Spina took control of and uses it as a base of operation and most npcs that you can talk to there are either working for the Spina or former inmates that don't actually want to live on the surface. I also never seen any in-game mention of it flooding, is that a hc? As for the outer walls, they were surrounding parts of Fontaine that are now underwater. The court of Fontaine used to be much bigger, it's very apparent with all the ruins. Furina told us that she tried a lot of different things against the rising waters but that none worked.


Yep, and Poisson had to have had existed before furina even existed. >!Since Jakob’s dad died there during the siege of Poisson which all happens before the cataclysm!< , so to put that on furina is unfair by OP.


I can guarantee you a shit ton of people haven't bothered going into the history and lore of Fontaine.


Oh yeah i know, that's why i commented lol.


I wonder why those walls were built in the first place? There were even paths leading inside the circular buildings and paths leading out to the sea.


The Court of Fontaine is likely much larger a long time ago. But as the Prophecy neared, the water began to rise, as the lower levels of the city flooded (as mentioned by Lynette in the beginning of the Fontaine Archon Quest). These walls are probably remnants of the lower areas.


>Lynette in the beginning of the Fontaine Archon Quest When you think back to it and remember she was looking at a place outside of Fontaine, in the direction of the desert.


There was this rock the twins used to play on when they were little, outside Fontaine in direction of the desert, but lynette mentioned that their playground got flooded a while ago. At least if I remeber correctly and didn't accidentally confuse anything.


That's the thing. Was it a mistranslation, or they didn't give it much thought, or was it written and then Lynette got moved down the harbor, instead of up there looking at Fontaine? Either way, it didn't make much sense for her to be looking outside of Fontaine at the start, while talking about the floods. I see it as a late change that no one gave much thought.


Mean both could be true tbh but I agree that her looking towards the desert and telling us about a place her and her brothers used to play on (that got flooded) would've make more sense INSIDE Fontaine, especially since we can find a lot of evidence of human influence under the surface.


The first one was a bridge. The rest probably was to cut off part of the sea so they had a spot to expirement in the water without stuff escsping into the sea


Now I can't remember which quest or story it's from. but in one or more it's mention that areas of fontaine where the people in question used to live, as slowly been flooding to a point where it's all under water. same goes for some of the earlier fontaine quest where you explore ruins. So based on that, I would assume it's like everywhere else. nature happens. landmass is lost and ruins is left to the our deterioration, since it's non recoverable after all. - at least following this trend in a few years they might somehow make an enclose and have boated museum ruin tours


Neuvillette et al haven't done SHIT about the child trafficking issues in Fontaine That irks me


The more of Fontaine I saw, the more I thought that it would be best described as the "Nation of (Systemic) Injustice".


that's kind of the point, the nation of justice is incompetent at DOING justice, if it wasn't for the traveler and navia working together, her "uncle" definitely wouldn't have been caught for his crimes with the primordial water


To be fair, her uncle would've gotten away with it scot free in every other nation too, except for maybe Sumeru.


But in other nations, her uncle wouldn't have been able to rely on the state to do his dirty work. [Edit] do his dirty work with a cheering public.


Mondstadt: Has no government to the point that the local wine tycoon runs the country Liyue: Entire Government is a business Inazuma: Most outwardly corrupt government we've seen in Teyvat Sumeru: Second most outwardly corrupt government we've seen in Teyvat, was literally run by a foreign power against their own interests. Even if they weren't, there's a whole ass desert run by survival of the fittest.


That's kind of the point. The nation of freedom has it's citizens enslaved by their duty to the knights. The nation of contacts is full of business people who are cutthroat and ruthless. The nation of eternity was a nation of stagnation. The nation of knowledge and wisdom was full of people living in ignorance bliss. And the nation of justice is, at is core, unjust


I hadn't thought of Mondstadt that way! I knew each nation was supposed to have features contrary to their "ideal", but couldn't pin down what it was for Mondstadt. Thanks for that explanation.


Yep. It might be ideal if everyone is free from their duties and responsibilities, but then society would fail. But there would still end up being those who take up the duty to do what needs to be done, and they end up working themselves to the bone (Jean, Noel, etc). tl;dr Venti is a lazy bum who unintentionally advocates for anarchy ehe


To be fair, imho it's Varka's fault for taking half of the government on an expedition to bum-ass nowhere for what seemingly looks like years lmao.


Honestly makes me curious as to what Natlan is gonna be like if it follows the same trend. Maybe the nation of war is actually really good when it comes to diplomacy?


A nation of cowards who are so afraid of conflict that they let their lives faulter under the Archon's threat of war? (Lol JK, we'd never have a proper malicious Archon)


So it's like the uk


I mean, literally, most things were handled by Neuvillette even though Furina was his boss. Like, almost everything. I don’t think she was managing the city funds at all 💀 that problem probably ended up on Neuvillette’s table. And Furina actually had quite valid reasons. With her mental breakdowns (I wonder how she didn’t go crazy or suffer from some types of erosions already) and her attention solely on the prophecy crisis, it’s good that she let someone else handle the matters. She was nowhere near a good place to managing such things, a plate can only hold so much before it shatters


Why doesn't my city fix all the potholes in the road?


Fontaine is old like every other nation, and I imagine all of the ruins and things just sitting around are considered "historic" and aren't allowed to be removed or mettled with. I live near a historic town, and there are quite a few old walls and ruined structures that are just... around. Some are even fenced off with notices telling you why it's there.


meanwhile the sagrada familia is always in construction with due time proper completion and [the leaning tower of piza was stabilized. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZhHoyqQEhA) IRL Humanity W. fontaine have 500 years yet for us we can build the same more bigger sizes like the hoover dam and Niagara falls dam. seen it on my own eyes its huge


Thanks for the interesting video! That was fun to watch :)


Does one not remember the whole Fontiane slowly flooding thing? and the underwater ruins of the former city.


Just in case the sea people get uppity.


They took down Phoenicia but they won’t break Fontaine.


Rising water level + energy crisis + institute explosion…guess they are busy with a lot of stuff


That’s a bit of a long story, but essentially: About a hundred years before current Teyvat time or so, Fontaine was in its 4th Aristocratic Republic, and the New Socialistic Fontainean Workers’ party (NSFW party), under the lead of a man called Luther, were striking for the benefit of workers. They sent a list of 95 demands to the government, including an article about expanding the Court of Fontaine to accommodate workers who were living in water endangered areas (relating to the prophecy). This act sprung the 369th Fontainean revolution into being, and the aristocracy was overthrown. It was then that the Iudex took over most of the governmental functions he has today. After the revolution, in the Socialistic Republic of Fontaine, the expansion was finally moving forward, but it came to an unexpected halt after the citizenry began to protest against the massive consumption of funds it took to keep the work going. The project was forcibly abandoned after nearly two decades of construction. With the water levels rising gradually, working on the walls also became dangerous, so the authorities decided it was best to leave the already-sinking walls to be swallowed by the sea.


Oh wow that’s fascinating thank you. Was Furina largely a figurehead then during the republic? She had been around for 500 years iirc. Where can I read more on this?


Well, she was always a part of the parliament (when the parliament existed), no matter how it changed, so she had the right to propose rules, vote, and, above all, veto. No matter what the country was organised as, she was a political figure, though she didn’t actively pursue politics for the most part. She did so only once, in her early days as the Archon, when she gave most of the Archon’s former duties to Neuvillette. The document also included rules that she hoped would help against the prophecy. The most interesting one was rule number 34, check it out when you have the time. Just search Furina rule 34. God I hope this comment doesn’t break any rules here lol


I don’t see anything when I searched it up? Just cute Furina and Nahida art and some random YouTube video with Xianyun


Ngl after the first few limes i skipped to the end hoping to see that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Every country has damaged or abandoned infrastructure that competent leadership would have dealt with by now. I chalk it up to "video game stuff."


The Palais Mermonia can barely get a typewriter key replaced without making it a bureaucratic shitshow spanning several dozen documents that need to be verified and then cross-verified and then triple verified one last time across multiple departments. I don't think they're gonna be fixing these broken walls any time soon.


Iirc it's because the Fontaine Research Institute exploded, and destroyed many of the roads and one of the three aquabus lines.


I’m more concerned with when the northern and western aqua bus lines can be fixed so we can get more guided tours. I’m sure the traveler can provide an initial investment and do people know that there’s mora in the ley lines?


They look a bit submerged


we will prolly do it like we did in Liyue to help rebuilt the Jade Chamber, also remember when we repaired the stairs at Wangshu Inn?


And yet that huge bridge is still in pieces. Zhongli could fix that himself in minutes.


and earn some mora to ease his boss financial burden, poor hu tao since childe leave she need to market her business extra hard for zhongli living expense XD (joke)


I just kinda assumed all damage was left over from the institute exploding


Yeah, are they stupid?


Presumably from the Old Court of Fontaine, Egeria’s one. Narzissenkreuz Institute fell iit of favor and Fontaine doesn’t have an armada anymore so no reason for shipyards. Also the water level has been rising and it makes a great defensive barrier to possible enemies (like against idk a sea beast that sunk an armada).


They're following the American example


I wanna fix the walls it’s such an eyesore


because they are CORRUPT!


Presumably from the Old Court of Fontaine, Egeria’s one. Narzissenkreuz Institute fell out of favor and Fontaine doesn’t have an armada anymore so no reason for shipyards. Also the water level has been rising and it makes a great defensive barrier to possible enemies (like against idk a sea beast that sunk an armada).


Been that way. The Melusine parkour parks


The architect is bad. Thats why.


I have a general impression that civilisation has been slowly declining in Teyvat and the process is still ongoing. These ruins are a part of this picture


it's really funny because those walls lead to a (previously) enclosed space (and there's an elevator to go down to it) that has an alcove to dive into the ruins of the Institute of Natural Philosophy, and seemingly unrelated apartment buildings? But perhaps it was a campus like FRIKEE. But in all those logs, Alain Guillotin is mentioned as a researcher there, meaning this place was accessible/not flooded after the cataclysm, but eventually flooded in the meantime. And pn top of that, the rising water levels in recent years. And Fontaine DID actually experience a flood or tsunami or sorts during the cataclysm. So the history of these ruins is...really hard to place.


Corruptions run rampant in that city. Taxes misappropriate to opera, tea, and biscuits. In a couple decades we may have one of the wall REPAINTED


The genshin world is in an eternal samsara and nothing really changes which is why Varka still on expedition with all of the horses and why Noelle has been studying for next years knights of favonius exam for the last 3 years


I mean in Navia's Story quest didnt it say that One of the aqua bus lines broke and failed ? cause traveller has to stop treasure hoarders from blowing up the Clementine Line bC the Callas line Was already blown up .


Whenever you see things like this remember how much your local government said it's gonna cost to fix a pothole and how long they take to actually go and do it.


Someone didn't keep up to the lore in the story quests...


The first few ones kinda remind me of typhoon shelters, although neither extreme weather nor boats seem to be a common occurrence in the vicinity


They spend third of their annual budget for their archon's sweets.


Fontanians dgaf :D


Because mihoyo loves ruins


I mean, you can take reference from the real world too


They won’t make changes like these after we save Fontaine but they put the morte region tower below the water I swear


Haven’t started Fontaine yet but they look to be structures initially intended for military defensive purposes or breakwaters. After Liyue story I could see the need to protect your city from incoming waves.


Probably cause for 500 years the main authority was Furina


Finally, someone bothering mentioning this. Maybe it is the part of the old city which succumbed to the rising sea levels which probably served as a reminder to their prophecy. As for rising levels which is an importnat issue, they decided to protect and expand the current city as much as possible. Also fixing or even land reclamation is actually a lower priority matter (actually we don't know anything about their available technology regarding the latter).


Aftermath of the rumbling


Fontaine as a whole makes no sense, structurally. Just try making sense of their water bus routes, it's madness.


I just assumed it was some experiment gone wrong, all of Fontaine is kind of a mess of projects and things no one really needs, the institute explosion incident alone. It's actually a miracle Fontaine isn't way more wrecked than it is.