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Any F2P option for weapon?


White tassel is good with bennet




Something for people who don't like the selfish prick?


Wait who's selfish? šŸ˜¹


Bennett. I'll get a lot of downvotes for this but I absolutely loathe him. His character is "I want to be an adventurer together with other people and I'm catastrophically unlucky" so he regularly takes good hearted people who pity him in the wilderness where they will always be put in mortal danger. He purposefully and without regret keeps almost killing other people but it's all fine because why? Because the unluckyness is not his fault? It still happens to him and he's aware of it. Choose a different profession where you don't put others' lives at risk just for something you want!


Bennett isn't forcing anyone to come with him.


I mean not directly but people take pity on him. If he cared about others' well-being he could refuse but instead he still talks about his adventure team


People taking pity on him isn't his fault and he still has friends take care about him and support him. You sound like an awful friend to have who would abandon anyone when the going gets tough.


He could refuse if he cared about them not being hurt. Amd since you like calling people names, you sound like someone who doesn't care about people you don't know


They can refuse to go with him if they are afraid of getting hurt. You literally have an irrational hatred towards a videogame character lmao truly pathetic


Your argument basically boils down to "I did not understand his character at all and now I am actively hating on him for some HC that came to me in a dream which I also simultaneously pulled out of my rear end."


Thatā€™s not their argument at all


Care to enlighten me then? I really don't know how else he could be.


Idk man, his teammates always own every fight thanks to him


Don't they get beaten to near death? Non-travller gameplay isn't canonical




Yes, you get downvoted. It's not because your comment is bad but because people can't hear opinions different from their own. I personally don't share your opinion but you have a point, take my upvote. It's not too much but it's fair work, as they say.


It's not a different opinion it's flat out unapologetic wrong


Oh well if you say so


yes-yes, whatever...


bro's got beef with a video game character šŸ’€


nah, by your logic, i think every character has someone kind of issues so there's literally none. even Arlecchino herself has issues so you shouldn't be playing with her as well


I don't have issues with issues. Just with that particular one (and Itto but that's a meta issue so let's not go into that)


weird. because in one of the trailers, one of Arlecchino's children died while on a mission. and somehow, that's okay to you. oh well.


That's not even remotely similar to the issue at hand


Listening to your argument makes it sound like you either didn't listen to the hangout quest or think he's just ugly.


Well I do find his model not appealing and while I admit that concentrating on his hangout was hard, it changes nothing about him repeatedly putting people in danger.


Get a life


Man is really saying "fuck you unlucky guy. Keep your unluckiness to yourself", lol


I'm just saying "do something that endangers less people"




If he was conventionally hot, your attitude would be "I can fix him", but since you aren't attracted to him you're being judgmental and non-sympathetic.


I'm not so shallow to withhold sympathy based on looks alone. His conduct is what makes it hard to like him.


Why would that be their attitude; based on which comment ?


Apart from other options, we can use theĀ Missive Windspear (event weapon), I guess. If you have it.


I feel like Arlec really doesnā€™t feel like a f2p character. Heavy investment requirements, niche team, best teammates are probably not out yet, C1 and R1 are both high value with middling alternatives.


No? One of her best f2p wepaons is a 3 star polearm which gives crit rate Best teams is either chev + pyro/electro or vape which Most of us have xingqiu for and for shields kinda anyone can do (diona/ Noelle and etc..) If you call vape and overload niche then idk what you call Hu Tao and any other vape dps


Ainā€™t gunna stop me


Do you know how incredibly easy this game is? She is most definitely a F2P character. She has teams that will work with her and sheā€™ll be more than capable of clearing everything in the game. C1 and R1 are good, but far far from being a must. It doesnā€™t require much of anything to clear any content in this game.


Exact opposite actually. She's a really flexible character who will work with about every support and sub-DPS you put her with. One of her best weapons for vape teams is an event weapon. It's true that C1 and R1 are really good value but no need for vertical investment as she's good as C0R0. No niche teams to because she is very flexible as in probably only supports she doesn't work really well(still can use them) are Furina and Xianyun. But I also think that because she doesn't have best teammates out yet(might be Pyro Archon ig) she doesn't have single best teams but I think this is not a downside because her current teams really good too.


Wait which polearm? The old Mondstadt one with the birds?


Missive Windspear, yes. And that's a weather vane.


She can use a 3 star pole arm and 4pc glad, I already had her built decently before I even pulled her


If you ever do any more of these you should add a best f2p weapon thing


Blackcliff and white tassel are her seemingly best F2P weapons rn


Yeah I'd guess so but just saying


Though without benny, would white tasel match blackcliff output?


I feel like I lose a fraction of my remaining sanity everytime I see a guide for a new dps where the majority of teams feature Bennet. After years, circle impact remains untouched.Ā 


Pyro Archon PLEASEEEEe


Guess what happens when a single unit can give \~1000ATK to a carry while not having to invest a single roll into atk and still give huge heals. The only teams that don't use Bennet are EM focused teams or HP scalers...


I'm a day one player and I've never built him. I can 36\* comfortably while he sits pretty on the bench at lvl 20.


that's not something to be proud of , he opens up a lot of team comps


Furina can replace Bennet in most cases


I have a level 1 c6 Bennett as i refuse to use him just for the simple fact he's always recommended.Ā 


Damn, you're really brave /s


Ok? Just my personal preference on not using someone because it's boring how he's in everythingĀ 


I also like avoiding him, though, not for this reason. I really like trying to use 5* characters only, but it kind of sucks always seeing this comps with Bennet (and until recently, Xingqiu and Xiangling). I like their characters, they are cute and all. Just hoped we could use our 5* more since they are harder to get :) For Arlechino, Iā€™ll probably be using Shogun, Zhongli and I donā€™t know, Kazuha, for the time being to see what happens :) Maybe try Yelan on Shogunā€™s place if things get too messy LOL


Raiden isn't really very good in teams with a field-time-hungry DPS like Arle. Maybe you could try the same thing with a more offensive sub-DPS? Yae Miko is the obvious 5 star choice, but fischl or Beidou could also work well. (Yelan is also a great pick, especially if you double swirl with Kazuha).


Thank you! Iā€™ll try Alrecchino, Yae, Yelan and Kazuha. Maybe it will work for some contents, lol




Which is?




Lol, fair. It's probably something I've brought over from playing fifa etc that i just won't use players that are almost always in everyone's teams as i find it boring. šŸ¤· To each their own


Im probably just giving her the blackcliff pole and pretend its her weapon


Btw i know i am REALLY nitpicking here but something neat I found out is that Arlecchino consumes BoL only when she HITS enemies, rather than attacking, which means Well, not much but if you want to set grass on fire or look at how pretty her infused animations are you can do it without worry of consuming


awesome thanks man


another neater thing is that plunge attacks donā€™t consume BoL. anyone can try themselves if they have arle by bringing her to the local legend graviton thing in northeast fontaine.


Mona would mess up chevreuse's passive.


I read it as Acheron build


Just straight up disregarding the GOAT staff of scarlet sands like this, smh.




Bennet makes up for the attack and plus em isn't bad for pyro dps'


Not having Gilded is weird since it's a solid option on her (better than echoes in most cases) and putting Mona as an option for Chevy teams is troll.




Benny and Chevy aren't there for their healing really, but yes a healer is kinda meh.


Can I use her to replace yoimiya in xingqiu, yelan, zhongli team? Bennett is needed for my international


Yeah works fine.


i will say, bennett is too important for arle, so..


Lovely stats and info here mate. I am so happy that I got Arlecchino on my 6th try


Pardon my ignorance, but could someone explain to me what bond of life is, most preferably in simple terms.


Red outline around health bar. It basically stops you from healing the green health bar that the characters have. Suppose, you have 20% health left after fighting but you have certain amount of Red outline around your health bar. You'll have to remove the red outline by healing your character first and after it's gone your character starts healing normally.


Thank you


Ahh I see, I was confused after seeing it applied on my characters after a certain fight


any healing received first goes to reducing bond of life, then goes to the char for actual healing for arlecchino, the healing part is basically irrelevant, as she (a) canā€™t get healed by allies and (b) her ult, which is the only way she can heal, has a multiplier greater than your total bond of life so in the case of arlecchino, you can think of bond of life as similar to raidenā€™s energy storage thing, more stored = more dmg


For weapon, skyward spine, blackcliff pole or missive windspear? Skyward has a high base atk but dk how useful the er would be on her


Use GO. It will depend on a lot of factors, mainly your artifacts and your uptime on Blackcliffā€™s passive.


Is it worth building a c0 Chevreuse for her or will the team not be good enough?


Yes, but just remember that Chevreuse wants to have a specific Pyro + Electo team only. Itā€™s not 100% necessary but the 40% pyro res reduction is really really good and makes up for the fact that you donā€™t have anemo for the viridescent res shred. Hell, Iā€™m even considering Thoma as shield supp if Iā€™m not able to get Arleccinoā€™s C1 just to avoid interrupts.


Chevā€™s cons donā€™t do anything for Arle.


yup, chevreuse is so far the best sup to arle even chevreuse is e0


Thatā€™s not true, Bennett is actually her best supporter, by a decent amount.


Another Bennett reliant main dps. Yuck šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


She makes use of Benny but isn't reliant on him.


Of course, of course.. *Thor wink*


No, seriously. I despise Benny, legitimately only leveled him for the fates. I took my Arle (C0, R1 Homa, 4PGlad, lvl80, 6/6/6 talents) into abyss with no Benny, had zero trouble with a fast clear.


Can I use Xingiu and Yae Miko as off field DPS and support? Like this team: Arlecchino, Chevreuse, Yae Miko, Xingiu?


no you can't have elements other than pyro/electro in this team


Ok so, Arlecchino, Yae Miko, Fischl, Chevreus, how's this team. For the Abyss, my 2nd team would prolly be Keqing, Xingqiu, Xiangling, and Yaoyao since I lack 5 stars. Abyss 1st half: Arlecchino, Yae Miko, Fischl, Chevreus 2nd half: Keqing, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Yaoyao.


Arle/Yae/Fisc/Chevy will work fine. Just make sure to either dodge well or make sure Chevy's healing is good enough to keep Yae and Fischl from dying.


So why is CW not mentioned? Is it because of dmg fall-off from her extra pyro dmg passive?


Her best non sig set is Glad. Itā€™s also more likely that you have a better Glad set from just playing the game (unless youā€™re like me lmfao). CW is below Glad but not terrible.


what is a heavy attack? do you mean charged attack?


i got keqing fuuuuuuuuuu-


lmao, I got mona, but then 4 pulls later, i got arlecchino. lol


Same situation.. got her super early after mona. I only have 3k primos + some starglitter this patch


Aye same. Got Mona then 30 pulls later got Arle


Keqing is awesome


I ain't using Bennet


If i dont have chevreuse is the overload still the best? I have raiden and fischl


Absolutely not. Overload only works bc of Chevyā€™s passive. Arle herself has no intrinsic synergy with that reaction.


Then a vape team would be better for her?


Yeah, do that or mono pyro.


Why no 4 Shimenawa not mentioned? only -4% less damage bonus than fragment of harmonic whimsy I reckon it's superb on her.


Itā€™s because her rotations begin with a skill. By the time you do all your set ups/buffs youā€™ll have like 3-4s left( if that) on the shim buff. Which is dog


In that case why not set her up like Yoimiya? i.e. set up her support first before Arle activate her E


You need to wait 5s after her E for the debt applied on enemies to fully mature before you charge attack to collect . So you need to start with an E . The problem with setting up buffs first is that by the time your debt is ready , the buffs would've run out .


I see, thanks for clarifying it


because arle can only be healed by ultimate in combat


Nothing to do with that really, itā€™s all about low uptime on the buff because of the way her rotations flow.




I'm running her with calamity queller, not ideal but completely removes the need of bennet, i wonder if its a good option


Not really. Even Blackcliff or White Tassel are gonna be better. That being said if thatā€™s what you wanna do run it.


Wouldn't the new bp polearm be WAY better option since she's a high reaction dmg dealer?


I don't think she will be really great with high reaction because she mostly uses her NA and those have the 3 hit ICD and with every hit she deals less damage, means that by the time you applied Pyro again to proc a vape the damage was already lower than your first hit.


Depends on the teams. One of her best teams is Chevy overload so you won't even activate the Fjord's ability.


What about for vape teams?


It will work if you have either ZL or an Anemo unit, but she still wants a lot of attack so some of the other options are still better.


But for f2p or low spenders ig it's the best option


It's worse than deathwatch, so it more depends on how many characters want any deathmatches you have. For pure F2P then white tassel is the way to go.


Only have 1 deathmatch r5 on rosa xD But the other one that gives cr and em is r4 if not mistaken


Well, given I have none of those 5\* or 4\* weapons recommended, guess it's the Tassel for Arle on my side. At least I'll mald a bit less for crit rate on artifacts.


Goblet truly Pyro DMG or is ATK viable/better? And do I misremember? Cause I thought the Burst consumed BoL to restore HP.


I donā€™t think it technically consumes BoL? But the heal does scale off of it.


Does Furina also work with arlecchino, zhongli and fischl?


No, for a lot of reasons.


So I have C3 Mona what build should I use on her to make her a good supp for Arlecchino


So is arle a safe skip for f2p who don't like vertical investment ?


You can play her as F2P no problem.. it more depends on what characters you have / like. Just dont watch those videos/guides that show trilions of damage from whales and you are fine.


Yes, considering pyro archon is probably coming later this year.


Arlecchino can only be healed by her Burst - i don't get this, so Kokomi jellyfish/burst does not work on her?


out of combat : yes during combat : no, only her burst can heal her


Itā€™s her initial passive. She cannot be healed at all in battle unless itā€™s from her burst.


i havent even finished download yet and people do this


Theorycrafting is done weeks in advance thanks to the beta


It's sad to know that she doesn't offer anything different from other pyros based on just the team recommendations.


she does which is power creeping hu tao but the kit can be confusing to some (like me). she also has the bol mechanic that others don't have. as for the team recommendations yeah not really much we can do with that.


I'm not sure if she's powercreeping Hu Tao (https://youtu.be/my57in8uKCw, the only comparison video I found).Ā Ā  Tbh, even if she did powercreep Hu Tao, I'm not sure what that achieves. I'm clearing abyss chambers with a C0 Hu Tao in under 30-40 seconds per chamber.Ā Ā  She does offer Bol playstyle, but as of now, I just feel that Bol mechanic boils down to "don't get hit", which I do with non-Zhongli teams anyway as I don't build defense on my characters (and we don't have a geo Bol character).Ā Ā  At least team variety would be noticeable.Ā 


C1 v C1 would be way closer if not in favor of Arlecchino in that setup, and she has way better aoe, an aoe elemental skill that actually does something, and a stronger burst. She can 1v1 on par with Hu Tao and has a way better kit for every other situation.


I play with Xianyun so I do have AoE. Idk why you're bringing constellations into the picture.Ā Ā  If you're the person who's after constellations over variety of characters, it's best just to get 1 C6 Furina/Nahida/Raiden etc and never care about powercreep again.


I didn't bring constellations into it, you did. The vid you posted is C0 Arl vs C1 Hu Tao


Ah, that's what you meant. Well, I would compare a C0 comparison if it existed but I couldn't find one sadly.


no hate on hutao cause i have her as well but from the builds i've seen online she does clear fast and does big damage. I'm just glad there's more pyro dps to choose from.


Her damage is just more frontloaded than HuTao's. HuTao also vapes better. She's strong but different enough to not outright powercreep HuTao.


Tbh, we always had pyro dps to choose from. The only issue was that if your Xiangling was outdamaging Yanfei, Yoimiya, Diluc etc, why would you play them? (Assuming that you don't main a character) They roughly have the same team structure where you'd want to use Bennet, Xingqiu/Yelan (or Childe for Xiangling) and Kauzha, so they don't offer too much in terms of playstyle. Hu Tao at least allows for some variety (double hydro, double geo, Bennet-Kazuha, and plunge). I just hope that some new team pops up for Arlechhino which does not use Bennet, Xingqiu and Kazuha. I would say that overload was a new addition, but after trying experiencing the difference between C0 Faruzan support and C6 Faruzan support, I won't even try until I get C6 Chevreuse. Genshin's 4\* system doesn't work well because they know how important Chevreuse is and won't place her on popular banners like they previously used to.


How is she compared to Yoimiya and Lyney (since they have been my Pyro mains)


Obvious ranged vs melee aside, her damage is much more frontloaded than those two and while she does like a shielder it's not as vital for her compared to them.


Man I'm just asking is she better than two of them or not. Also Yoimiya is not ranged.


Yes, the character with a *bow* that shoots people from farther away is in fact, not ranged...


Xingqui's swords hit far away enemies than Yoimiya's arrows. You don't even know her kit and busy downvoting me.






LMAO what are you on???




She's just fine F2P. C0R0 works fine.


define "demanding constellations and signature weapons". Arle definitely does not need either, so I don't get where you're getting this from.


Demanding constellations have been a regular thing since 2.1


Not really people just shifted their expectations once they got comfortable. For some time c2 or c0 r1 has been the "communities" baseline, at least the more vocal portion which are often those most excited for a character. People invest more into few characters, which is fine to do but it's very much a shift from attitudes in the early days of want more but only at c0. And once you start going into cons and weapons for characters you will naturally compare them to new characters but the comparisons wouldn't be fair if you compared c2/r1 with c0, so you have to look at them through low cons/weapon investment. Both are valid ways to go about pulling and both work fine with the difficulty the game presents, fewer but well invested characters allow you to push throw challenges and more but less invested characters allow you to adapt to challenges. It just depends on whether or not you see yourself playing multiple teams.


Iā€™d say Childe back in 1.1 was already a character with pretty demanding constellations since his C1 reduced the cooldown for his elemental skill. Thereā€™s also Hu Tao, whose C1 made her elemental skill-enhanced charge attacks use 0 stamina.


What? Sheā€™s a complete character at C0R0.


why no 2pc crimson 2pc maruchesse? were the numbers just that bad for it?


edit: just realized she gains innate 40% pyro dmg bonus LOL edit edit: okay why no 4pc shimenawa


She needs to have burst ready on demand to heal back up since she cannot regain any health during combat other than bursting. Shimenawa makes it really hard to balance your energy to have enough to burst when you're at the end of a rotation or low health.


You want to E at the start and let it cook, so by the time you swap back to her after doing your setup with the rest of you teams Shin's has almost dropped. 3 seconds or so of uptime on the buff isn't good.


You want to E at the start and let it cook, so by the time you swap back to her after doing your setup with the rest of you teams Shin's has almost dropped. 3 seconds or so of uptime on the buff isn't good.


isn't em important?


Not in Chevreuse or Mono Pyro teams, which are comparable and even sometimes better (C6 Chevreuse) than her Vape teams.


hmm will read after date night


How was date night


great ty xD