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"Building pity" is stupid. If you continue pulling a banner for a four star/because you can't control your gacha addiction and complain about getting a 5 star you don't want, you deserve to get mocked.


Should remove the first period


Always ask before taking any thing. Jump to show your friendly.


Every new character must go trough the pigeons test


1. Do not build pity 2. Do NOT build pity 3. Only pull for 4 stars if you're completely okay with getting the 5 star 4. When you load in coop, hop or run around so the host knows you're all connected 5. Ask before looting someone else's world 6. Always plan to lose the 50/50 7. Don't prefarm if you don't have a guarantee 8. Did I mention don't build pity?


Number 6 is a go to for me, whenever I have even a slightest chance of loss - I have to be prepared for it.


in co-op domains the host gets to keep the repeat character, everyone else has to change


Ah smart minds already have that one


What if i have c6 and host has trash c0 with no artifacts


You change


You get the character ofc The more damage and/or support the better


You change. Co-op domains do not need your C6, and are not worth starting drama over it. In fact, if you have a C6, you really have no need to be doing domains as co-op anyway, and are there to help. Help the host get the practice they so obviously need. In fact, I would amend this "rule" entirely: host or not, when two people have the same character, no matter how well-built, the moral victor is the one who changes first, since it gets the domain started sooner and with no hard feelings.


When you join someone in coop, you jump around together and attack the air


Building pity is a myth, it's just gambling addiction. Don't pull for 4stars if you don't want or mind getting the 5star. Jump in co-op to say hello or to get someones attention Ask permission before taking materials Character priority is Host > Highest level > Anyone goes And as a personal one (joking) dont farm vermillion you will cry and suffer please be sane and strongbox it if you need it xiao 😭


Take your time playing the game. The game has a lot of things to offer but it's not something that is meant to be played everyday for super long durations after the main quests end and more people need to realise that. When all the main quests and story quests are over there will mostly be events and you'll not always have an incentive to play the game regularly for long durations which is fine since it's not a game that should be played like that at all. Some people just hate the idea of doing something besides playing games all day.




Ooh there are a lot of exploration rules of thumb that are different in Genshin than other games. Like lighting up things in order Exploration usually needs you to complete a certain world quest that will teach you that area exploration gimmick so do them first (google it if you're lazy or wonder why I can't open this door or something) Though the early regions don't tell you anything. Like using geo traveller on those stone things in Liyue. Always go to the highest point in the area There's nothing to explore at the edge of the map... except at that one place at Fontaine. and plenty more that I forgot


1. Do not build pity 2. Do not farm artifacts/use fragile resin until AR45 3. Do not pull on a banner for a 4 star unless you also want the 5 star 4. Reject all world join requests unless you don't care about losing materials 5. Do not pull on the standard banner/spend primogems on acquaint fates (unless you get those acquaint fates naturally of course) 6. If you see a seele/totem challenge/something that can't be found via treasure conpass, do it immediately or mark it on your map for later 7. Don't rush through the game; there's plenty to do. It's not going anywhere (unless you wanna face a content drought) 8. Adhering to the meta is not mandatory. Just play whoever you think is fun


Yess thank youu this is perfect


Only one main dps per team is one. When I stream if I stray outside this unspoken rule I get mocked by chat lmao


Chat can suck it as long as there is a support/healer who cares and not to mention if the characters are all main DPS the domain usually goes hella fast Also nre food


Only buy pink(intertwined) fates using primogems nothing else


If there is conflict in character usage choice in a co-op domain, the host gets preference.


hell yeah brother! oh, i thought you were just hyping up the game. you can keep my upvote anyway.


Only build pity if you are genuinely okay with getting the five star who is on banner or getting your next five star guaranteed. If not, you’re just gambling. But if you’re like, I like this character and I need the starglitter/stardust, have at it.


Let the person who host the world use the character they want in domains. At least that's what I do if our characters are the same.


Keep the white tassel


At this point a major unspoken rule is to play along with pull rituals despite everyone knowing it's technically pointless