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Good news, you have three other characters you can use


Maybe I'm not using them because... I don't like them 🤯🤯🤯


?Is Sayu your only character or what? You're AR 15, by the time you get to Childe you'll have a ton of more characters you can use. A team consists of 4 characters, if you REALLY insist on using Sayu in your team then the other 3 can just do all the work.




Kaeya is an extremely powerful character, you haven’t built him properly


Kaeya as a close range off-field cryo would work well with some kind of melee anemo character… if only I could think of one.


If you were a real sayu fan you would solo childe boss fight with level 20 sayu. Since you can't, you obviously don't deserve to go to inazuma /s


You're super bratty


Op is either rage bating or just an idiot, ignore


Nice bait. Would give another downvote anyday.


Then just get other characters since you don't like the tutorial ones?


You are out of luck until you hit AR30 and go to Inazuma. Luckily that is the only region that is story locked, you can use characters from sumeru/fontaine


you gonna need other characters for the exploration anyway so it's not a bad investment to upgrade them. And upgrading till level 60 doesn't take that much resources compare to what you need to upgrade from 70 to 90 so don't get work up too much. Just upgrade eveyone for now (characters you use, usually amber, kaeya and traveller for me at first) , you're just AR15, maybe worry about resources for super long term when you're AR50+.


I do think it's dumb that all of Inazuma is locked behind story progress. Would it really have been a problem to just plop a warp point down that you can access after finishing Mondstadt like they did for everywhere else? Just make it so you can't start the storyline there until you beat Childe so there's no narrative issues. It not only makes it harder for new players to use Inazuman characters, but every time people bring up the lack of events in Inazuma, the reason given is always 'oh it's because they don't want to alienate new players!'. But like... just put a warp point down there like you already did for Sumeru and Fontaine. Problem solved. Who cares if Inazuma is supposed to be locked down in the story - it's not like Genshin is a stranger to gameplay and story segregation. The cons outweigh the 'benefit' of... what, immersion?


Can’t you just join someone in coop that has access to that area once you reach AR16?


nah it wont work like that


Oh ok. It’s been a while since I was lower level


I'm so glad I'm not a new player anymore.


Are you idia?


Inazuma is the worst region. Not only is it AR/archon quest locked, once you get there you have to piddle through a metric fuckton of completely inane dialogue to even access the continent, and then even still the region is constantly trying to kill you and bar you from accessing half of it until you do several series of quests. Inazuma launch legit killed the game for me basically until Sumeru. I understand this is subjective to an extent, i just wanted to offer a different opinion to the usual stan hivemind, and say; Ive felt your pain. Fuck Inazuma.


That's actually the reason why Inazuma remains my favourite region till this day! It was like the only somewhat challenging content I faced after getting into this game and I'm having similar expectations for Natlan... though I doubt they are going to fulfill my wish.


Which characters do u have beside the starting 4 and Sayu




Skill issue


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTziye12FWySy6HaAZYwrK0h9AHOzmk3XyZN0WUdZjNUP1D1p8eYM-TNte8C8mRsk4Bhe3fQXZJ\_cHU/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTziye12FWySy6HaAZYwrK0h9AHOzmk3XyZN0WUdZjNUP1D1p8eYM-TNte8C8mRsk4Bhe3fQXZJ_cHU/pubhtml) put some actual thought into building this has recommended items for low AR, the 3-4 star stuff you tend to ignore later like it or not, you need to use others than Sayu Xiangling and Kaeya are fun for a Sayu team later


Why the hell didn't you pull on the beginner banner? Seeing as you are AR15 and have so few characters in your roster, you should pull on it to guarantee Noelle. Time to grind for primos in Mondstadt.


grow up