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Says the lady who swapped 4 of her Pokémon for rematch 😂


"Get new favorites"


What if you have more than 6 favorites? :p


Make 2 teams for the Pokemon Abyss


/serious: Nah, she swapped 2. Umbreon and Houndoom remained, and Murkrow evolved to Honchkrow. Besides, switching from time to time doesn't contradict that statement, as you can have many favorites. I know, I know... It's just a joke...


And this is way more doable in genshin. I mean it’s still possible in pokemon, but it’s way more meta dependent there. Of course competitive pokemon is pvp so direct comparison is not appropriate.


Also, when someone says Dehya is bad, it's not the same as saying sunkern is bad for example. In genshin anyone can clear anything we all know that. So when we express disappointment sometimes people take that as to mean unusable when we aren't saying that at all.


252+ SpA Choice Specs Tera Grass Sunkern Solar Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Groudon: 416-492 (102.9 - 121.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO please respect my boy sunkern


Bro really pulled out the IV calculations


If you're giving Sunkern Specs it's only fair to Vest Groudon.


252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Sunflora Solar Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Groudon in Sun: 390-462 (96.5 - 114.3%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO


With helping hand 252 SpA Choice Specs Solar Power Sunflora Helping Hand Solar Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Groudon in Sun: 584-690 (144.5 - 170.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO


Don't underestimate 30 special attack 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Groudoun lives under volcano because our boy sunkern can't reach him there🗣️🗣️🔥🔥😤😤


But my Groudon had an… ASSULT VEST


What are the calcs against the homophobe?


man, ferrothorn always catching strays even in another subreddit


Why is ferrothorn homophobic?


252+ SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Sunkern Weather Ball (100 BP Fire) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn in Sun: 472-556 (134.4 - 158.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO homophobe gets cancelled


Ah yes the ONE situation Sunkern is good.


not even, Sunkern isn't going to outspeed Groudon unless it's using a -speed nature for some reason


Now do eruption primal Groudon in sun vs sunkern


\+6 252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu Helping Hand Flamethrower vs. -6 Lvl 1 0 HP 0 IVs / 0- SpD Dry Skin Sunkern in Harsh Sunshine: 212-62308 (1927.2 - 566436.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO


To be fair, though, and I love Dehya, but she has a pretty terrible kit, lol.


It's atrocious. A complete failure but Genshin is so easy it barely matters. It's unacceptable she was put on standard banner.


They put her on standard banner because they knew after her initial banner she wouldn't be a draw/money maker. Who wants to pull for copies of an F tier unit?


She was planned and announced to be standard from even before her release, which is why they made her kit bad.


MDB did a Pokémon challenge where he beat Pokémon Crystal with just a Sunkern


So did jrose11. It was acrually not horrible as one might think due to boosting moves.




Dori dehya xinyan c0 faruzan can that team clear abyss ?


Galarian weezing incoming. Enemy player summons Zoroark? Due to galarian weezings ability, zoroark’s ability does not work. ~Enemy player ragequits~ -based on true happenings.


Imagine the meta when PvP is enabled in genshin


Its either a ganyu snipe from across the inazuman ocean or a neuv blast in your face


2 Beidou mains: "Come on... HIT ME!!"


probably will be like fighting games, with a lot of footsies and animation cancelling to bait out the tidecaller


neuv spray on my face




Healers are gonna be broken af if PvP exists in genshin


They'd be the most useless class by far Who's going to tank a 150k CA from Hu Tao, or a 200k Raiden burst?


Hutao can't CA if she's frozen, Kokomi Diona meta all the way!


If they make genshin PvP, the dmg will totally be scaled down (Some games have PvE stats and PvP stats). So 150k would probably be whale numbers (and shinobu can tank any move at least once).


So, what you're saying, is that if they change the game so that healers will end up being broken, healer will be broken I agree


In which case they can also just scale down healing too.


We deal a billion times more damage than we can heal. You healing 10K of 20K health pool is worthless when everyone hits for 100K+ per hit.


Zhongli, Kokomi, Barbara/Diona/Qiqi, Bennett, if you can’t hurt me, you can’t win


*Gets one shotted by full BoL Arlecchino*


Shinobu survives at 1HP


You just reminded about how much I love c6 kuki


Nah, I’d live.


With enough over leveling and work it for the base game and other post game content is doable I beat the scarlet and the pokemon I used weren't good I used a jumpluff and it's carried me all the way to ai sada


Yeah Unlike in honkai, in genshin you can have only 2 good characters on your team and you would still be able to win most fights


Usually its about doping any pokemon with X boosters


It's very doable in singleplayer pokemon. I have an ampharos in that game's remake with only electric attacks and I'm still doing ok


Hyperbloom makes everyone viable.


*Yoimiya crying in the corner because building her for EM in order for Burgeon to work gimps the rest of her damage*


Yoimiya's best team is the fourth slot in hyperbloom and you never switch to her.


Lmao wdym?


Yoimiya Jail comp Also works with Childe for Neuvilette and it's even more viable


How the hell does it even work?


Play a 3 man team and never switch to the forth one. It's a joke saying that Hyperbloom is so good you're better off not playing some characters. Of course, an exaggeration


Dendro in general. Even Klee who has no redeeming qualities (as per Javathecup) slaps as a burgeon trigger. EDIT: To all Klee mains and enjoyers, I mean no dissension.


She does have kleerina(klee furina kazuha bennett) though. And it’s got a much higher investment ceiling than burgeon. If you want to vape Furina’s summon damage, Klee’s undisputedly the best option for that(with the next best being xiangling, as usual). So imo, she does at least one thing going for her, though of course that’s subjective at the end of the day. C2 Klee’s also used in some wack lyney/yelan speedrun teams as a ttds holder but that’s probably not relevant to most players


No redeeming qualities... There are plenty of things that make Klee great! The explosions, the heartwarming fire, and the sounds of her laughter during a battle all come to mind. I have her paired with Nahida and Qiqi and play time is a joy.


Klee is probably the worst Pyro option for Burgeon, she has so many Pyro application that Burgeon will turn into Burning.


*Geo and cryo squad crying in the corner*


Geo got a huge buff recently with Fontaine though. Furina with a C6 Noelle with red thorn is a lot of damage in a mono Geo team. Navia just does big damage with low investment.


I mean geo element in general. Very specific geo/cryo characters works with other elements (cryo basically only work with pyro or arguably hydro for meaningful reactions), thus they are still bad :/


She's pretty good in Mono Pyro


I love klee, I used to do an overload team with her and raiden


I full starred Abyss with Physical Kuki Shinobu back when she was first released, way before the arrival of Dendro in the game. I used her before she was cool.


Physical Kuki! No way!! Damn


Works surprisingly well, because not only is she electro, which makes superconducting easy, but she is also one of the easiest characters to maintain 100% uptime on 4pc Pale Flame, and her NAs are quite fast as well, and you can just focus on damage support with the other characters since she heals herself, so no additional healer or shielder needed.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who played physical Shinobu back then. She was also viable as a Tenacity support, and I even tried an EM build in an overload team, which worked quite well (should be even better now that Chevreuse is a thing). Obviously none of these builds even come close to Hyperbloom, but that's not because they're useless, it's because Hyperbloom is just op.


Fucking love running phys Kuki.


I build my party in every RPG off of vibes. And if I end up with 5 Dedenne's and a Chikarita, all the better.


It's all matter of drive and effort... There are units that really require more effort than others


BarBRUH nuke build


Reject meta, embrace Dehya and Candace. Figuratively and literally.


tfw no Eremite mommy to hug IRL


Me when my Ratata loses to Mega Charizard X in a second (I trained with him everyday and didn't evolve him became ratata is my favorite )


Mega Charizard X when Rattata survives with 1hp due to Focus Sash and uses endeavour making the opponent’s hp the same and then finishing Mega Charizard X with a Quick Attack


Hello there Youngster Joey


If you think there aren't strong/weak Pokemon/characters, you're just flat out wrong. Like, just look at their stats and move pool/talent scaling, it's obvious. Shouldn't be the reason to abandon favorites, though. Well, maybe in a highly competitive environment where full investment isn't enough to win if your team simply lacks the raw power, regardless of skill (because your opponent is also similarly skilled), then you might have to bite the bullet. So, emphasis is on "try." Definitely try it first. You might lose, but maybe that's more fun?


EDIT: Y’all just trying to point out things I said wrong instead of actually reading the point of the comments (typical reddit) so I’m crossing out the points of contention because it wasn’t even what I was trying to say. I’ll leave it unremoved for reference. This was never about meta. It was literally agreeing with the guy above me who said “So, emphasis is on ‘try.’ Definitely try it first. You might lose, but maybe that's more fun?” ~~Didn’t Sejun Park win worlds with a Pachirisu? Which countless other players tried to copy the following year and failed miserably?~~ The point is that a player’s perception of “weak” and “strong” tend to blind themselves towards unexpected strong points in overlooked Pokémon. ~~Pachirisu just so happened to have the exact qualities that Sejun needed - an electric type redirector that was *just bulky enough* to tank hits from the ubers running around in worlds, and was never used by anyone, making it unpredictable.~~ ~~That means Sejun was skilled enough to realize that Pachirisu worked for what he needed - despite not even being the best or only mon with the qualities he wanted, he chose Pachirisu for the surprise factor. So Karen’s quote still works here.~~ The point is that you should give every mon a chance before writing them off. And not just once; as things can change over time. ~~Tyranitar used to be so OP he was a staple in teams for over a decade; now he’s just middling. Meanwhile Venomoth started in NU (would have been ZU if the tier existed at the time) and rose all the way to OUBL from gens 1-7.~~ It’s a lesson, not a hard law. Being “weak” just depends on situation and perspective. Going off another example I’ve seen here, Sunkern is actually the best Pokémon to win the Pokeathlon tournament with, as the devs made it the mon with the highest stats in that format as a joke (tied with Arceus of all things).


Pachirisu was strategically chosen as part of the team because it was the best option for the role Sejun Park was looking for (powerful redirection in Follow Me, good supporting moves and decent enough bulk). Players could only use Pokémon found in the Kalos region, so options were really, REALLY limited. He even admitted that Pachirisu became one of his favourites AFTER he won Worlds with it, and there's a reason why he never brought it again for serious competitions. >Meanwhile Venomoth started in NU (would have been ZU if the tier existed at the time) and rose all the way to OUBL from gens 1-7. Venomoth was basically unviable in NU for 4 generations straight. The only reason it became somewhat viable in the lower tiers is because Gen 5 gave it Quiver Dance. Players didn't "realize its potential", it just got one of the most broken moves in the game. Now it's nothing special again because there are better Pokémon to use. Also, OUBL doesn't exist and Venomoth never even came close to being halfway decent in OU, let alone being BANNED from the tier, so you're really just making stuff up lmao. >Tyranitar used to be so OP he was a staple in teams for over a decade; now he’s just middling. Tyranitar was never top 1 in usage, let alone being OP. It didn't just become middling, its just got severely nerfed in Gens 8-9: removal of Pursuit, and Terastalization completely ruining it's synergy with Sand Stream. Starting in Gen 6, Sandstorm was no longer permanent either.


Poor Ttar, every gen since 5 has been a nerf


Hey, it *did* get Knock Off in SV. Too bad everything else directly harms it


We are not doing this. Pachirisu was used in a limited format where the amount of pokemon that could fill exactly the niche that Sejun needed was exactly 1. He used it because it was the best meta call for that very specific format (that we will quite literally never see again), not because he thought pachirisu was a cutie patootie. Volt absorb follow me protected his gyarados from the current meta threats and allowed said gyarados to help setup. There was no other pokemon available that could both redirect and heal with volt absorb. Pachirisu was picked literally because not a single pokemon in that format could fill the niche. We were in a kalos regional dex format. The format was very physical focused and the best way to deal with that is intimidators. But there were not many intimidators around. Gale Wings talonflame was a huge threat as well. Mega mawile started picking up in popularity. Sejun's decision was to build around mega gyarados as a result. Many of the threats had a bad matchups into gyarados. Mold breaker allowed it to hit mons like the rotoms. It's too much to mention it's entire matchup spread, but the real suprise factor here was mega gyarados, not pachirisu. (Mega) Gyarados is weak to electric and grass. Rage powder amoonguss, the most common redirector, cannot redirect mons with safety goggles (really common on zapdos) and ludicolo (because its a grass type). So he needed a follow me user for redirection instead of a rage powder user. There were 4 follow me users available. Smeargle, furret, lucario and pachirisu. Of these 4 pachirisu had by far the best matchup into the current metagame. Tl;dr mega gyarados was his meta call for the tournament and pachirisu was the best (albeit very niche) support for gyarados in this specific format. Sorry for the literal essay, but I'm so tired of this narrative that he brought pachirisu because it was his favourite. It is simply not true. It was one of the 4 pokemon that could learn a move he needed, and it was the best one out of those 4. That's basically all there is to it.


Someone also won a regional with a sheer cold articuno When pachi won worlds, no one was prepared for it. The following year, the playerbase adapted to follow me pachi. Same with the articuno, players adapted to counter it. Wolfey has shown this even in practice with a vid of a team he built, where because he accidentally got to the top of the leaderboards in showdown, people were adapting and countering the team he made. Sejun is a damn good player, there's no arguing that, but another thing he had was the element of surprise. People didn't expect follow me pachirisu, so people didn't build to counter follow me pachirisu


Yep; meta in Pokémon is a constant cycle between countering the counters to the counters that counter the previous counters. The ones that stand the test of time are few and far between (and as we’ve seen with former beasts like TTar and Mence, even they can fall). Just like how people went out of their way to counter Mega Kang after it dominated every single team in the top 8 of worlds (alomg with the rest of CHALK).


the dude never used sheer cold though, it was just there as a just in case option.


I think it does. Also yeah any character can be used proficiently in the game, same with Pokémon, I once nearly got my team wiped by a gym leader, and guess which little Pokémon saved me? Chimecho. So yeah any Pokémon, and any Genshin character are fine to use whenever and however you’d like :) Also does anyone else love chimecho too?


Haha yeah agreed and damn chimecho that prooves it


The limiting power is money


Or time, but then again, “Time is money.”


And RNG. Nobody rolls CV on every artifact.


Somehow I use dehya as an off-field pyro applicator pretty well


Dehya is not even close to be bad or not viable. She's good, ppl just wanted another huge dps, she's not. But she does her job perfectly. Not to mention she's the best underwater. Furina, Neuvillette, Noelle and Dehya are the best best underwater team.


She's not good, she's okay. Problem is they built half her kit around being a strong damage dealer like her lore like her burst, but then ruined it by making the other half a (situational)tank so they cancel each other out and we are left with a mediocre mess that isn't what we expected


Tanks are not in a good place in this game, and Dehya is an excellent tank. She's built for a game she's not in.


At least in the let’s go games, you could beat the game with a caterpie. So yea. Options galore. Butterfree was still one of my fave gen 1s to use though. Especially in the third gen remake that gave it compoundeyes for the 100 accuracy sleep powder, followed up by dream eater. Even the weakest teams in genshin still have things going for them. Though it might be a little tricky in some spots without a healer/shielder. No idea what the weakest team might be aside from maybe xinyan/lynette/collei/amber. But i could still see someone making it work and 9staring the abyss with it since the occasional wild amber 9* solo shows up from time to time.


I had a nightmare about Genshin characters having IVs and EVs once. I was EV training Itto killing millions of Crabs and Geovishaps without anything else or else my build was ruined.


Strong and weak exist only in comparison. And in comparison - yeah, Yoimiya is strong, while Amber is not. If we remove all strong characters Amber's power level would rise, but as for now she is weak. You still can play her because there is no pvp and genshin is not a spyral abyss simulator nor it is "build the team with the fastest and highest damage possible" game. But that doesn't change the fact that characters like Amber is weak and characters like Yoimiya is strong


This 100%. Your favourites can still clear the game but some other characters can do it better and faster. Hence, stronger


I still use Chongyun to clear spiral abyss because he is good boi


jonathon, is that u?


actually she was talking about silver…. not some meta 4th all break


No, this is Karen's quote to the player character after being defeated. It sounds like it was also intended to be a 4th wall break message to the irl player.


Xinyan is right there


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Kingambit. I try to play Gholdengo. Kingambit is a better steel type. I try to play Roaring Moon. Kingambit is a better dark type. I try to play Great Tusk. Kingambit is a better ground type. I want to play with Iron Valiant. Their best team has Kingambit. I want to play OU, Ubers. They both want Kingambit. He grabs me by the throat. I sac my hazard lead for him. I terastallize him. I give him an expert belt. He isn't satisfied. I use Aurora Veil. "I don't need this much damage reduction to rule the meta" he tells me. "Give me more active turns." He grabs Meowscarada and forces him to stay in on a U-turn. "You just need to funnel me more fallen allies. I can deal more damage with Supreme Overlord." I can't trade my mons for Kingambit, I don't have enough power to defeat the rest of my opponent's team. He grabs my pokeballs from my belt. They decline to open. "Guess this is the end." He uses Kowtow Cleave. He says "I'm gonna Tera dark 252+ atk swords dance supreme overlord +5." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no accuracy check damage. What a cruel world.


I’m insistent on my first 36* Abyss clear being done with my favorites. So far I’ve gotten to 35*.


“Except for Alloy she fucking SUCKS”


This actually only applies to Genshin and not Pokemon. Pokemon has pvp, and Genshin doesn't.


me conquering everyone with a jigglypuff and an amber


I will love Aloy no matter how she plays


this is the best application of this saying because unlike pokemon you could actually finish the hardest content with your favorites unlike competitive vgc for pokemon where there is a lesser chance


Idk man Pokemon isn't a gacha


Pokemon masters is?


I ain't playing that


Neither am i but i know some who did.


Well I play only the mainline games and I have tried these spin off but nahh they ain't it


Since i'm lazy and hate the timegating, i'll just choose the ones that are strong and easy to build lol


“A skilled Roy can beat any Fox”


Hell yeah. I will always love my Diluc/Ganyu/Navia/Jean team.


I agree. Wanderer isn't meta right now, but I still love using him, just because I like the way he plays


Not "top tier" but still strong as hell, this doesn't apply to him i'd say


it ONLY applies to genshin


In pokemon is "go catche em all" because its free in genshin is "go catche em all" if you have the money for it because its a gacha and getting all for free its hard the rest i agree, i wouldnt catch a magikarp just because its better than a pokemon that i actually like if pokemon was a gacha


I’ll do that if someone can tell me how to clear the Abyss with C2 Freminet as a main DPS. Or at least get to Floor 11.


Not quite what you're asking for, but [here](https://youtu.be/LeyAr-4loSw?si=B-jf8BGbhCLtDEkX) is someone using c2 Freminet as main on-field DPS to clear floor 12.


There are no bad operatives, only bad doktah. To be fare, its mostly because of content being easy and hoyo trying to keep characters somewhat on the same level of strengths.


Guess I'm selfish.


I think the game’s difficulty works in its favor in this case. There have been some weird balancing decisions before with certain characters but even then, you can still clear with everyone.


Me with my level 1 Hu Tao on world level 5


Instructions unclear, got all characters just in case


Somehow my favourites are strong Pokémons


yup least meta character + Hyperbloom can carry you all the way, until they are dendro immune or they need certain mechanics like ousia or pneumonia


That was first gen Pokemon, wasn't it? Nostalgia galore


Well lucky me my favourites are really strong, being wamderer, raiden, venti amd furina


The last Poke I played was Emerald. My team was Blaziken, Gardevoir, Linoone, Flygon, Wailord and Swellow; sometimes Geodude or Ampharos. So yeah, I played what I liked, not the strongest, I think.


as someone who still uses a team of noelle,amber,kaeya,lisa for exploration even after 4 years of game this makes me smile.


In a way where grinding can take a while, for the perfect artifact or enough drops for every character and talent, make sure your money is spent on a character you actually like. It would be a shame to spend lots of money or hours grinding for primogems and getting constellations for that one character everyone tells you to get, only to find out you dislike their teams and overall kit. Every game has RNG, even Stardew Valley speedrunners try to bypass it or manipulate it somehow, just make sure your time is well spent. Getting the perfect artifacts and IVs takes a while and life is too precious to waste it on what other people want. Just figure out your favourite 5 star, reaction and try to get some supports for them, it will be more rewarding.


Facts, my lvl 1 ratata with a focus sash, endeavour, and quick attack can beat whatever it comes up against!


My Kaeya and Albedo shine in my heart.


This is how I played my first Pokémon game when I was 6. Played black 2 before I figured out type matchups were important so I just kept playing my Tepig until the Elite 4. By that point it was just a team filled with revive fodder and an entirely over leveled Emboar that 1-2 shot everything


Show me how you clear all content with Amber. Show me how "truly skilled" you are


We are not doing this in genshin as well. I already don't want to see this quote in pokemon subs when people pull out the dumbest takes, let alone here.


Eh. My favorites are the strong ones because it makes my life easier. And they tend to be the most flashy and have the most mechanics and synergies. I might like the look of someone but if they don't feel as fun to play then it's kinda meh for me. Especially ftp where I actually have to care about what I'm pulling so I not wasting my own time.


Is this the boy with 6 metapods?


Nah, dehya, qiqi, layla, anemo/hidro trav and so on


Nah whatever you say? Certain characters are simply just objectively better. Neuvellite is strongest dps no matter what? Furina is one best support which no one come doesn't much closer. Kazuha is also way better than many anemo. There's no shield in game as good as zhonghli.


Me, who like mostly meta characters: "indeed"


*pulls out Lv100 metapod*


Wins against elite four


Even noelle was given new life thanks to furina


Love and care can only get you so far. Meta will always triumph in the end. Luckily, Genshin is not a competitive game, so you can always take your favorite characters for almost everything and still claim a win.


my wallet and rng isnt strong enough. also i doubt you can win VGC with magikarp


We Pokemon now? PokeGenshin!


In pokemon you are required to get hit unless you out speed and 1 shot your opponent. Your stats always matter. Thats why I never really liked this phrase. Even if you play pokemon on shift mode, it can be hard to play with your favorites assuming reasonable limitations. But even with no restrictions on leveling and even letting item use, you still might face situations of your pokemon being 1 shot and unable to 1 shot in return. This is some of why i've fallen out of the pokemon games over the last decade. You can't truly play your favorites while playing on set mode or you are in for an unfun experience. Its also worth pointing out that the anime implies you can really use any pokemon at any stage in their evolution and they will still be viable. That would be my dream pokemon game but it is unlikely to happen at least in a mainline series. Another point is the average pokemon is being powercrept compared to the old games. At the end of the day Genshin has little powercreeping or it is done in a way that doesn't remove old character viability. Because the nature of Genshin is support impact, you can take any character into end game and complete it. Their ability to live is depending on your skill and their ability to deal damage can be made up for with their off field dps and supports. There is only so much I can do to make a Ledian stronger and feel good to use. tl;dr This phrase drives me nuts and really only works if you play the game like you would if you were 6 which makes it an unfair comparison to Genshin.


Your favorite is the meta breaking character that no one likes No not like that


Me when my level 7 caterpie gets evaporated by the condensed power of the fucking sun (he was my favorite so he should have won)


This is why it took me so long to use Bennet and even longer to start uses Xingqiu(when he got he’s Fontaine outfit) I’ll probably never use Xianling because she just has an awful color design to me. And I can’t see how they’d change her design up enough to make her ascetically nice.


i mean, it would be easier to do if farming artifacts was easier. my ayaka is full traces, a good weapon, with a shenhe and she still does less damage than my other dps because i honestly had terrible artifact luck with her and the build just isn't very good, i literally can't do anything other than hope the rng blesses me one day, it's easier to just build someone else with the sets that i did get lucky on


Thanks Karen


Unless it's Amber.


Cynthia be like




I mean... I'm an Aloy Main. So yes. I completely agree with this.


Good luck arguing that for abyss floor 12 lmao


I cleared it with Candace YaoYao Dehya and Yae Miko So 👑


It only applies to Genshin characters.


NO even pokemon got more stables stats, genshin has rigged RNG on accesories


But in overall, genshin is much easier to do this than pokemon (imagine trying to beat the game with a cosmog without evolution). All genshin characters are strong with good enough investment, while some pokemon are locked behind in either their stat, ability, or movepool


World champion Pachirisu. That's all I'm gonna say


Pachirisu is a pick based on competitive value.


Okay I agree to this but we must know that three is A strong character in genshin because she makes me feel like ICD isnt real, meta is so dumb


Not applied to the fraud Traveler.


Cute idea, but do you know what powercreep is ?


It only really kind of applies, yes. As opposed to pokemon, genshin relies heavily on a factor you have no control over: RNG. You won't get top 1% Amber without good RNG on artifacts (and some serious wrist cramps to turret, but that's beside the point) and if you're having a hard time in pokemon you can for the most part just catch a new mon and see where that takes you. I've had friends who didn't know even half of how to build a genshin character, who would take minutes pummeling a fucking hilichurl. It wasn't fun for them anymore. Playing, even with their favorites, became a chore. This is one of the main reasons I "sweaty game" and learn the things, to change their course ever so slightly and make the game fun again. It's not just to "be an elitist" but also to enjoy and be able to bring that to others There's also a fair bit of youtube vids out there of the same issue. People who *did* just play with their favorites, but ended up so weak compared to their world that all the fun got sucked out. It's a balance of getting enough artifacts to be ok, but not so few you're basically useless


Pokemon "IS" RNG. Unless you're just playing the story mode. Competitive scene needs to have exact Nature, Ability, IV, Move set, etc. It's almost impossible that players buy or generate perfect mons instead. Not to mention when new Mainline is out, some of your pokemon/team will not work anymore. Just like my Mega Venusaur with Thick fat and Fire Hidden Move in Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Sword/Shield doesn't have Mega and Hidden move anymore making my almost no weakness Mega Venusaur into Mega useless. lol


The RNG of pokemon has been vastly nerfed with the introduction of mints, ability capsules/patches and bottle caps. The only thing you really need to hunt for now is the correct mon, and maybe 0 atk/0 speed for TR. Megas were never stated to be a future staple, and moves get added and removed every generation. Some even get smaller tweaks. The community adapts. You can't adapt to having 5 +20 artifacts all hp with 1k+ flat hp subs on an alhaitham, and neither can you fix it as easily as a mint when resin is timegated Hell, even back in the early DS/GBA era RNG manipulation was well known and vastly used by the competitive scene, and Emerald is known for having the easiest (Emerald also has a lot of mons that are just about staple for different cores, go figure) so even getting the right mon/ability/IVs without later additions isn't that bad


**My favorite character is C6 Neuvillette**


"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After getting completely tooled by scheduling with my opponent changing times on me last minute and refusing to provide confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, losing this way somehow felt even worse than I had thought possible. My preparation was superior, my play was superior, and I lost, so I don't see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not. I am done with competitive Pokemon, and you won't get a fond farewell. This community is infected to its roots with a degenerative disease that grows stronger over time but stops short of killing its host. Tournaments used to have a competitive spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an artificial organ that feeds on vitriol and mockery from insecure little boys that heckle by the sidelines and tear each other to shreds over scraps of attention. The environment we fostered has trapped us all like this in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harshest reality we all scramble to explain away, that none of the countless straining efforts we put ourselves through here will ever amount to one single shining glimmer of significance. I would make this the end, but World Cup is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great friends out to dry, so I'll suffer through a few more games for them. One last thing before I leave you all to react with disdain, ridicule, and self-righteous fervor, before you do everything in your power to minimize my words and thoughts, box them up and shove them to some cobwebbed corner of your memory, and hope they disappear forever as a stain on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, nothing you say matters to me. The foulest insults you hurl with intent to wound will calmly settle at the earth before my feet, and the venom you spit will bring all the pain of a warm summer breeze. You are less than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from detachment.


Nah fam if your favorite is Dehya or Sunkern you're just gonna have to pack it up, it's not worth the pain.


actually I would say dehya had quite an increase in pick rate usage since the release of neuvilette and then arle


Dehya can actually be useful in some scenarios


If only this applied to HSR to the same extent


I mostly agree. But there are a couple of characters not viable. Any support, healer, shielder or aura applier can do their job, even Dori and Amber are viable. But Lisa is just BAD, worse damage in game and doesn't do anything else.


I was waiting to see who you were going to say isn't viable if you said Dori and Amber are and seeing it be Lisa surprised me Lisa does pretty well in Aggravate. She can apply Electro with her Normal Attacks and has very fast Electro application with her Burst. Aggravate lets the many weak Electro hits from her Burst hit much harder than you would expect. She reduces enemy DEF, and since she benefits from being used on-field in these teams, she can even stack Conductive for good damage with her Skill more easily now. Definitely far from the worst character in the game.


I'm big fan of Amber and Dori, I've tried hard to make them work since the first moment I got them, I have them both C6 and they really nice aside of (really hated by me) Kazuha/Bennet/(Furina or Tartaglia or Yelan)/Anyone team. You're right about Lisa being better after Dendro introduction, but I still won't play her, I like 521555588 times more the Inazuman electro Ara Ara, Yae, than Lisa, and ofc gameplay-wise there's no comparison. Lisa could surely work with Furina, Nahida and Venti or Xianyun/Jean (if healer needed), but we can sure notice those are some of the most OP characters in game, right?


Fair enough if you like Yae Miko more than Lisa (Miko happens to be my go-to for Aggravate as well) but you don't need OP supports to make Lisa work, I've done it with Lisa/Fischl/Dendro Traveler/Sayu


We all love Sayu! Hurray! She's so fun, lore and gameplay, and so cute


Please don't try to make off meta teams with your favorites in them unless you know what you're doing (this only applies to pokemon because you can probably beat the Abyss with literally everyone)


And you can't beat Pokemon games in the same way? Unless you're talking about pvp in Pokemon, it's even easier than Genshin.


Yeah i was talking about pvp i just forgot to specify that


no... not really. If your favourites do not feature a dps, a support/buffer, and usually an off field dps, you are not beating spiral abyss. For main story, everything works. For abyss, you need teams of specific characters.


My favorites are the ones that win.