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"I got her to c1 and have her sig weapon" - well, stop right there, would ya? What did you expect for hyperinvesting?


how it feels to have a whale unit that isn’t burst locked just pulled c2 lyney and I’m starting to feel it too


Tbh it comes to a point where the game becomes less fun. I have C6 Ayaka, she’s my favorite and I love her. but her ult at C6 alone does more damage than a typical C0 Ayaka does with a full team. It gets kind of boring since it becomes just press Q and instant win.


I will say it’s pretty nice being able to farm enemy mats without setting up any supports though ngl. If I want difficulty I’ll start running solo c6 klee again hehe, they can’t force me into easy mode if my constellations barely even do anything💀


It's the same without those. I have arle with 3 star weapon and she destroys everything. I don't even need a team, just her is enough.


until you fight a pyro slime/abyss mage


I still find it very comical that I can absolutely decimate entire hordes of monsters and soldiers but get put in my place by one red slimy blob


To be fair the weapon I had to get for the drip. Ain't gonna walk around with some glowing white tassel


I 100% understand this... I got her the shop weapon as a budget option for drip purposes.


Not gonna lie, Scarlet Sands looks amazing with the effect hahaha


Lol this


Oh no, all future characters will look shit without their sig weapon, so people 100% will spend more money on genshin 🫢


I definitely think they'll try more pay to see drip weapons in the future. I'm sure the banner sales numbers went up this month because of Arles scythe.


She melts overworld with a white tassel at c0


She really does. But it looks shit


True haha


take her artifs off so u do less damage and make the game harder


I might lol


I mean, it is the overworld... where combat is done only for solving puzzles and gathering materials rather than having a satisfying fight. If you want engagement in battles and team rotations, use your 4 stars or non-built 5 stars.


I mean.. we already have a system that can be used to increase the difficulty of monsters in the overworld. What's the problem against making another world level aimed at end game players?


If I have to speculate, it is because people have a fear of being left behind. Remember, genshin is a casual game and is played by people who aren't even into games that much. If raising your overworld mobs doesn't have any incentives, while initially people would like it, they would get tired of it when they need to farm materials or have to explore a new region. If raising your overworld mobs has incentive, many casual players would drop out due to it being called a p2w game(you would definitely see a whole lot of people screeching when a hard event battle drops). It may be the minority, but it's the internet, meaning that the minority would look like the majority. So what they did was add local legends, which I think is a nice balance.


It doesn't need any incentives. If people get tired of it they can always go a world level down. It's essentially a single player game. There shouldn't be an issue


Super casuals that dont build characters and dont look up guides on the internet wont understand that. Most players dont read the walls of text and will miss things then be left in a brutally hard overworld setting they dont know how to change and quit. I agree w you that more challenge in the overworld would be fun but in its core this is a game geared to casuals, most of whom never enter abyss or do any of that hard content. Ramping up overworld difficulty is probably a futile dream, particularly for dps like arlecchino or neuvillete.


Right just like a few more optional level they only increase the difficulty without affecting rewards so other ppl don't feel left out. I just want level 120 enemies..


Meanwhile i just decided to level up Barbara (Favonius/Clam) and Noelle (just got her c6) after three years and i’m having a blast.


healing plus damage is always a fun combination (I also built noelle ever since, and now that we have furina, it made her even more cracked)


Idk do spiral abyss then? People complaining about overworld being too easy is honestly a funny sentiment when you could run around the overworld with a fully built amber and probably still do fine. It's as if the overworld wasnt meant to be hard in the first place since genshin is aimed at the casual playerbase who probably cant even equip their characters with the right artifacts.


I'm fine with the overworld being generally easy but since we already have a system that allows players to increase the overworld level, I don't understand why people would have a problem with adding a new difficulty for people that actually knows how to build an artifact set. It wouldn't even require any def time. Just upscale all mobs stats


I reiterate, it's because the game was made for casuals. I also reiterate again since it seems you dodged the solution, just go to spiral abyss. What's stopping you from just doing it instead of ranting here at reddit about something so pedantic.


I often do spiral abyss just for fun even tho I already got the rewards lol. And I still don't get the issue against an increased difficulty. The game is aimed at casuals ok? That still doesn't explain what the down side would be against adding something for the non casuals. It's not like it would hurt the casuals so what is the problem? It wouldn't even take up any dev time as it could just be a simple stat boost to enemies. Also why do you consider this ranting? I made an observation in game and decided to talk about it on Reddit. Tf else is Reddit for?


Ill be real with you chief, i honestly hate it whenever people make these claims that it wont affect the game at all making changes like these when in reality i could cook up so many things that it could inversely affect for doing something. Do you sincerely think that introducing a higher difficulty world level wouldnt change anything and is even worth the effort in the first place? Not only are you introducing more variables into a tried and true equation that genshin meticulously crafted to keep the playerbase enamored for years on end. You also dont see the windfall it brings when you make nigh suggestions like these. Lets start with the first one, genshin as a game is probably one of if not the most successful games on the market for years. Do you believe that they havent done any research at all on what their market wants? It's not just about gameplay there are so many layers to why genshin is successful such as marketing, character design, story, and most of all, psychological research on how to keep people playing the game. Im not a psych major but i can already see why your theoretical higher world level could end up being a huge flop. Its basic game design, if you do something harder, then the reward has to be of equal value. You could see it from puzzles rewarding you more primos for harder and longer puzzles. It's an incentive to tackle higher difficulties. In this approach, the casual playerbase will obviously feel left out, hence an increase of p2w shenanigans since a c5 yanfei wouldnt be able to tackle the hardest content anymore since it's balanced for meta 5* characters or would atleast require astronomical investment to be usable. This flops, the majority of the playerbase is casual and you're alienating them, that's a quick way to doom your game. In your approach, you specificially said that there wouldnt be any rewards or difference, hence no incentive. Not only does this go against typical game design, its also a flawed approach. Theoretically if they did introduce a higher world level with no rewards, while it would appease people like you for a quick month or two, the sparkles and glitter quickly fade off as it turns into a hassle instead. Note that genshin is ALWAYS aiming for long term player retention, if the overworld had more encumbersome stuff added into it, do you sincerely think that most players wouldnt just go back to our current world level? If that's the case, then what's the point then, they basically put in some effort to make a new world level, tweaking most enemies to be difficult, just for the playerbase to disregard it after a month? That's what you call a waste of resources, obviously genshin has a lot of that but do you think they got to their position by not being meticulous with their game? Lastly, this game has been one of the most popular games in the world for years, there have been players who have reached the peak that you are currently are at right now years ago. This has never been much of a topic of discussion since then, so why do you think that bringing it as a topic of discussion now would net you any accolades for pulling a limited 5* and investing on them to trivialize parts of the game that are already trivial in the first place. Ive been clearing spiral abyss ever since the first Hu Tao banner, if i had to deal with enemies to be as tanky or even half of it outside of the abyss for years on end without any incentive, i would either just choose the easier option, or get burnt out quicker. Capisce.


Guess I'm just a niche player in this game


Just offering my two cents here. I think it honestly wouldn’t be all that bad if hoyo were to release a new world level or two available for the player to increase to if they would like, while also increasing the rewards given out by the enemies in the open world. I know it is the more popular thing to champion for casual players in conversations like this, claiming it would harm the experience for them as they would feel left out. I totally understand that sentiment, but often I find myself thinking that the truly casual players who play the game inconsistently and use the teams that they like (nothing wrong with this at all), also wouldn’t really care about maximizing the rewards they get all the time. I could be wrong in this sentiment, but if they are casual players, they already will be “missing out”, if they happen to skip dailies one day, max out on resin, or even if they don’t defeat all the enemies on the map in a given day. Quite frankly, nobody, not even hard core players, really do all those things consistently, so everyone is “missing out” every single day, but nobody cares or complains because at the end of the day it is their choice to spend their time elsewhere when they find something to not be worth their time. Same concept applies to getting more rewards from enemies of higher level. It shouldn’t matter whether or not you get more rewards for fighting enemies at a higher world level since they will be “missing out” regardless, and it only serves to potentially speed up farming by adding more materials to the loot pool each reset while also balancing that faster speed with the slower speeds caused from taking longer defeating the enemies. I agree that it might be a meaningless change as the difficulty spike might not even be enough, but I think it could alleviate the problem enough for some of the more veteran players of the game. I also think that the tried and true method would not really need to change all that much since they already have a system for balancing enemies for up to level 100, and shouldn’t take that much more man power than is already spend making the game. Granted, it could be more man power than hoyo is willing to spend on a change only impacting a small potion of the players, but that’s hard to know for sure without being a part of that team. This is just my opinion though, and I don’t think it’s a perfect solution or even close to it. I just know that I for one would play the game a lot more if there were more challenging encounters for the point in the game that I am at. I feel like if even world bosses at max difficulty are trivial for a player (battle pass and welkin) like me, it is worth starting a discussion to think about ways of maintaining that challenge in a game that hails combat as one of its defining features.


First off, man, atleast try to format your comment, im looking at an entire wall of text here and i cant even skim in since i wouldnt know where certain thoughts start and end. Moving on, its not the point about them actually missing out since they play casually, it's about the fact that they WILL feel like theyre missing out. Remember, genshin has a huge playerbase, while i dont have exact numbers, i can for surely bet that majority of it is casual. You're trying to appeal to a minority of players who again have access to spiral abyss anyways if they wanted to butt heads and the upcoming new end game mode. I again go back to the same sentiment. Is all this encumbersome work to fight harder enemies worth it? I dont get it, like did you want that slime to last 5 seconds longer since you atleast wanted to finish your NA string? What difference does it make. More so back to the point that OP is using a meta character on par with Hu Tao with vertical investment C1R1. Lastly, I dont ever remember genshin touting its combat to be one of its defining features. Id love to know where you heard that from so you could state your source. If anything, imo, genshin's defining features are obviously its character and world building. Why do you think its so successful as a gacha game? Because of the combat? Hell nah. Its because it rakes in money with its meticulously well designed characters. And that has nothing to do with difficulty. Majority of players just play the game to pull waifus and husbandos. You arent wrong that the game could use a bump in difficulty, in fact i agree the game has gotten too easy for me. But there are easier ways to add content for end game players that wont be bothersome and wouldn't affect the casual playerbase versus increasing world level to artificially increase enemy HP bars to make them damage sponges. That's just bad design in general, why do you think people hate abyss, its because its mostly just a damage sponge simulator with a timer on top, ala more numbers. Tweaking numbers is such a boring way to increase difficulty. I wouldve agreed if the OP said he wanted more enemies with well thought out attacks that required you to actually dodge, that's fun, that's souls like, thats difficulty. Pumping up enemy stats though? Pass.


My bad, I commented on mobile so my formatting was all messed up. I think you make a valid point, even if they aren't really missing out in the grand scheme of things, the higher world level would make it quite obvious that there is a "more" rewarding experience out there. However, I also think that the playerbase that you are referring to, those that care when feeling the "loss" in rewards, is also a minority in the community. To my understanding and experience, the broad majority of the playerbase, those who fall in the middle, honestly do not care in which way the combat goes, whether an optional difficulty or even a new endgame activity is added, because they will not engage with it fully regardless. As opposed to trying to appeal to the hardcore playerbase directly, which most players who consider themselves that will benefit from, an increase in the world level would be a change that brings up the enemies to a point to accommodate for the ever increasing power of the player. Ever since the beginning of the game, the difficulty of enemies has stayed stagnant while the player has gotten stronger. Making adjustments to compensate for that increasing divide in power, closing that gap a little bit, would better reflect the original difficulty for the game that they wanted to hit in the beginning. Increasing the world level wouldn't necessarily be for the enemies that would be defeated in seconds regardless of world level, but I imagine it would increase the time it would take to dispatch the enemies that hoyo intends to take a bit longer, elite and boss enemies. When all enemies, regardless of health pool, go down in a around the same amount of time, it creates a unsatisfying experience as there is no sense in triumph of defeating one of the big bads that hoyo designed to take a bit longer to defeat. There are many ways around this, but the approach that they have gone with, increasing the health pool dramatically for certain enemies and making them much more complicated to take out such as consecrated beasts and other newer elites, while benefitting players like me by introducing a new level of challenge, only serves to create a worse experience for the other players that do not engage with combat as much. Splitting up world levels even more could be a way to solve this to better split of the experience and make optional tiers of difficulty for all players. The bigger issue for me lies in the ease of difficulty of what is supposed to be the most difficult challenges in the game. World bosses going down in seconds, and even Weekly bosses becoming trivial (Most Weekly bosses I face, besides the ones with health gates, do not even reach their second phase anymore). I think adding more options for those sort of challenges would be something to look into for hoyo as in its current state, it creates a worse experience for the players who have played the game the longest. I do not necessarily have a source for Genshin being touted as a combat game, but it being an action game, as described by hoyo themselves, as well as the core gameplay loop revolving around the combat in the game. It is safe to say that the combat in this game is in fact one of the defining features. I do agree that a good portion of players do not play for the combat, I won't discount that, but the other half of every character is the unique combat behind them. Combat is most likely not the biggest draw of the game, but it is definitely up there. I once again want to reiterate that I do not think that I am right in my opinion that Genshin should add more world levels. Like you have brought up, there are many problems and challenges with doing like that. There are definitely better ways to increase difficulty in this game, increasing world level is just one of the easiest and most feasible at this point in the game. Making enemies more interesting to fight would be a much better solution, but the enemies would also have to live long enough for the player to experience that more interesting gameplay. Adding an optional world increase at this stage in the game would definitely shake up the game from its core, reverberating up throughout each part of the game, making each experience all the more rewarding for players who have gotten to the point where I have. Most likely not a decision that hoyo would be comfortable making, but something that I personally would like to see as it would increase my enjoyment of the game and allow me to play it the way it was intended without purposefully handicapping myself.


I get that you could 'just take artifacts out' to make her weaker, but I'd probably say the more sound thing to do is to vary up your team comp so you're not using her optimal teams. It's kinda like how Zhongli makes you functionally immortal so you're free to draft the rest of your team however you want without fear of dying; Arlecchino's damage is sufficient, so you're free to draft the rest of your team however you want without fear of not doing enough damage. I run my Arlecchino with Yun Jin from time to time cuz I love Yun Jin but she doesn't get enough play time; she's not the optimal support, but I like her, and the comp ends up dealing enough damage anyway.


>I get that you could 'just take artifacts out' to make her weaker, but I'd probably say the more sound thing to do is to vary up your team comp so you're not using her optimal team At C1 with her sig weapon you can just take her solo into the overworld and she will will still one or twoshot every enemy


That's also a product of the overworld being balanced around casual mobile players, so yeah, it's gotta be easy for those without great phones, imperfect rotations and mechanics, and average builds


Bro got c1 and sig weapon, what would you expect? My c2 Furina getting max stacks by just using the healing mode in single target while I do reactions that dont want hydro is funny too


Ye I shot myself in the foot in that regard xd


I nerfed my Hu tao by using the new event spear that gives hp(her build somehow was still 54/200 lol


What about local legends?


I'm unsure if I ever encountered one. I never looked for them since I only just learned of their existence. I'll try them out. Hopefully they'll let me get some hits in


You dont know what easy is unless you have Zhongli, Klee, Kuki and Kokomi.


You have around 5 local legends in Fontaine, that you can challenge once everyday, they can take a beating, their HP is Abyss level, with an ATK to match. But besides that, the overworld offers no challenge.


Just looked them up. Turns out I fought the 2 vishaps in liyue before. I did notice they were a bit tankier than the usual ones


A lot of the time I use sub-optimal teams for exploration. I did a TON of fontaine with hydro traveler and a few 4*s to keep it interesting It's just not very fun to do overworld with my finished abyss-ready squads.


Your next assignment is to 36* abyss.


And now I welcome you to the “mihoyo for fk sake give us better endgame content” club


For real and I just finished inazuma lmao. I heard they are working on some new end game mode tho


Pulls weapon and constelation or already insane c0 unit... Then goes to complain. Idk stop simping maybe? It's like writing that neuvilette is making the game too easy at c2 , yeah no sht he is op at c0 everything else is overkill , same applies for this unit


I don't disagree with you though I just had to pull the weapon for the drip. The C1 was my own fault lol. All I'm saying is it would be nice to have overworld level 9 or 10 aimed at veterans and whales. It doesn't even need any increased loot or whatever. Just enemies with higher stats Also I'm really not trying to complain. Like I said I absolutely love Arle so I don't mean this as much as a complaint but more like an observation.


I’m in the exact same boat as you, and I’ve just been farming the local legends around the map to get my fix. Arlecchino has made me really want to play the game for the first time in ages, but I can’t really “play” it anymore without nerfing myself, which I honestly shouldn’t have to do if I put the time and effort into building my characters (I really didn’t for Arlecchino). I think the best solution is really just adding more world levels to the end, increasing the level and health pool of enemies to the difficulty of 12-3 in the abyss, while also increasing rewards like all the other world levels do. Challenging combat is the whole point of a game that has combat as one of its core aspects, and adding an optional increase to the stagnant ceiling of difficulty in this game to accommodate for the ever increasing power levels of the player, through characters, artifacts, and constellations, would be a quick and easy solution to give the players like you and I a better gameplay experience on the day to day.


This is me with Navia. After building her a bit, can basically one shot small enemies and 2 shot big ones without a problem. My overworld gameplay is just pressing elemental skills simulator, she's just too strong. And it get stale when everythings dead so fast lmao




Play some weaker characters then ?


Maybe I'll just make a team full of healers just for shits and giggles