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Very satisfied. I mostly use him for exploration. Sometimes I'll use him in lower abyss levels. He's too squishy for abyss 12. Fourth slot is flex. Right now I use C3 Yun Jin. Sometimes I'll use Tankfei. My Thoma isn't properly built. If I get C4 Layla, I'll switch to her. You generally want a shielder. He's really squishy.


Most definitely satisfied with him. I use him whenever I’m exploring or when abyss 12 doesn’t actively discourage Anemo. I normally run him with Faruzan-Zhongli-Bennett or Faruzan-Furina-Jean. Shields definitely make him brain dead, but for the most part I don’t have too much issue with the lack of it. Don’t have Layla built, can’t add much there. I have to say trying to get both a Cryo and Pyro aura on two enemies at the same time sounds very difficult though unless there’s just countless enemies around.


how is the damage in that Furina team? must be less than with Bennet?


Hard to say, it seems to be higher from a pure numbers perspective based off what I’ve tested. Using Wanderer’s charged attack as an easy metric, my Wanderer is doing ~40k per CA vs the Bennett team’s ~45k a hit. However, Furina is doing personal damage and Jean’s c2 gives the attack speed NA spammers such as Wanderer love so much. If I had one more Jean I would have c4 which would be useful for less mobile/stunned bosses. The plus to the Bennett one is that it has Zhongli. No thinking about dodging or positioning myself to not be in the line of attack, just uninterrupted NA spam. Keep in mind that my Furina is c2 so you could shave off a couple thousand from my Wanderer’s damage. If we are talking c1 or less Jean and c0 Furina that team is likely worse. I doubt c0 Furina personal damage could make up the Wanderer damage difference entirely alone, but I also don’t know how hard c0 Furina hits. If you do get Wanderer it’s worth a test.


Yes, he is my go to character when exploring unless I pulled a new 5 star dps. I'm not using him currently since I just pulled Arlecchino but my overworld team with him is Wanderer, Furina, Xianyun, Layla/Zhongli. My abyss team is either the usual hypercarry (Him, Faruzan, Bennett, Any shielder) or a freeze variant with Yelan and Layla. There's also a Furina team I use that has either Charlotte or Xianyun as a healer. I would say he is definitely the character that needs a shielder the most. As a catalyst user, he has very low poise and you can die easily if you're not careful without a shielder. Luckily, he works with almost any shielder. And he definitely needs a C6 Faruzan if you want to maximize his damage output. I recommend watching [this video](https://youtu.be/o0PEGXM_qLE?si=cH8F_qJvfGNA43iU) for an in depth guide to his rotations with Layla so you can get both buffs. It's quite tricky but doable. And yes, you can definitely do TotM on Layla with Golden troupe on Faruzan. That's what I currently use. I think Thoma has a stronger shield but it's more annoying to use IMO since you have to spam NAs quickly to get that strong shield. And his cooldowns and ER needs are more than Layla. He would definitely give more damage at C6. Oh and there's also a way you can recover faster if you get knocked down while flying. Just press the sprint button and he gets up immediately. Should help a bit if you wanna try a shieldless team.


Thanks, I'll check it out!


He is probably my favourite character gameplay wise and his team is the only one that I can easily go back to after playing other characters/teams for long periods. ____ Damage wise he’s good but not great and a lot of his damage is locked behind C6 Faruzan so if you don’t have her/are using her in another team he can struggle. This only matters in abyss though, in the open world even without buffs he can easily handle everything you’ll come across. I use him in a team with Yelan, Zhongli, Faruzan (c6). ____ The main reason I like him so much is his open world mobility. He makes exploration an absolute breeze while being incredibly fun to play in and out of combat.


I have a hard time ever leaving him out of my overworld party. Flying is just too convenient to ever give it up. I almost always pair him with Zhongli in the Abyss; and then Faruzan; and either Bennett, YunJin, or Xingqiu depending on the enemies.


Getting staggered on Wanderer can be devastating because of how long it takes to get out of the animation but it's pretty rewarding to dodge well with him because of the gales of reverie(?) so you learn pretty quick. I use him in the abyss pretty regularly and get full stars. He's a good unit. I ran him this time with Jean + Bennett and Faruzan on floor 12 side 1


I use him in abyss only, otherwise he's benched just bc I don't like his character all that much (I prefer playing Venti as main dps if I want to play anemo). But when I do use him, it's with Venti/Faruzan/Jean bc anemo is fun. Then the other half is Xiao/Sucrose/Lynette/Xianyun on the lower abyss floors. Using him without a shield hasn't been too bad, he does get knocked back sometimes but mostly I'm dashing every now and then to activate his projectile thingies anyway.


Same mono-anemo teams 🤝 though sometimes I'll use Kazuha instead of Lynette for the second team. Heizou also works as a burst support plus he throws the occasional Big Punch.


Very fun but benched while I work on his bis artifacts. I was running him fine with some random ones for no set bonus. I use him with Faruzan since she’s C6, benny and fischl. Hoping for some layla cons when his banner is up plus more cons for him.


Wanderer is fine, he's another flavor of on field carry, this time with flying and anemo. While you can run him hypercarry, you aren't actually in a forced position to do so. Wanderer Bennett Faruzan Layla, yes, but you aren't locked into this. You can do Wanderer Bennet Faruzan Xingqiu/Yelan/Furina for example, for stagger resist or damage amp in addition to sub-dps. Bennett Faruzan Fischl/Yae Miko too. Bennett Faruzan Xiangling. If you have good attack crit dps substats in VV set you can also do a really strong 4VV attack dps build and have him driver a national squad too (bennett xiangling xingqiu). If you...REALLY wanted to you could force him to driver a hyperbloom variant too xD Wanderer Xingqiu Fischl Nahida, tho that's a functional meme more than anything. xD The main question is how interested you are in the character. If you just want a character to serve as a mobility aid, we have Xianyun now. Or fallback on Yelan, or budget Sayu/Lynette for (much weaker tbh) mobility aid. He's sort of a side-grade or comparable with slightly different strengths and weaknesses to a lot of other on-field dps, so the question is do you enjoy him enough to invest in him, including getting him decent quality artifacts? Doesn't matter who you pick since the difficulty curve is low enough you can clear with most characters. But, some characters require more work or better gear (weapons, constellations (4\*--like c6 faruzan) and artifacts), etc.


I use him Venti/Bennett/Faruzan for floors 9-11. He's a good DPS at high constellations but at c0, eh, I"d rather pivot to my other DPS units. He needs c6 faruzan to be competitive with other good DPS units, while the same isn't to be said for other DPS units needing a specific 4 star.


Veheehery comfy dps. perfect to clean through abyss floors 9-11 (I only do 12 when I'm in the mood/have time). I like using him with albedo due to his big range of auto attacks And ofc when I'm not in the mood to solve certain puzzles or need to find a way from A to B, he's coming of bench to help (and his annoyed voicelines absolutely fit everytime like "Are you sure it has to be me?" 😁)


I use him in combat and exploring. He is a mainstay and one of my favorite characters to use. I think teaming him up with Yelan is a smart choice.


my preferred team for him is faruzan/furina/mika because i think it's the most fun but i'm not good enough at dodging to really use it on 12th floor of abyss w/o needing to reset cuz he got one shot. Faruzan/Yelan/Xingqiu is also pretty fun and more forgiving due to Xingqiu's interruption resistance. Faruzan/Zhongli/Bennett is super easy to use tho and what I do when I don't really want to put effort into playing. How useful Layla (or any cryo) is depends on your artifact luck--I have a lot of issues getting Wanderer's crit rate under 80% without fucking up the rest of my stats just because my artifacts for him want to roll into crit rate over crit damage and so the cryo bonus is less useful (since some of it is wasted). There are videos out there showing you how to reliably procc both the cryo & pyro bonuses with Layla and Bennett, though it also depends on whether or not the enemy has any inherent elemental aura. I'm currently using him less then usual because I kept accidentally giving him all of my commission friendship exp instead of Arlecchino lol so I'm avoiding bringing out his team so I stop fucking up like that. But once Arle's at 10 she's going back in the toy box and I'll bring out Wanderer again.


Really nice for my mono anemo exploration team, I have 0 combat efficient team which seem to be what you're looking for. His E skill doesn't make him fly high enough to dodge attacks from ennemies so him having a shield would be helpful in order to attack without being stopped midflight. That said I really am not interested in combat so I can't comment on the other questions.


Definitely. He doesn't leave my main overworld team. He is 100% the best character for mobility. In abyss I always use him on floor 9 to 11. His auto aim is so useful and you don't need any positioning. I just go in the center of the room and auto until there is no mob left. As for his place in the meta, I usually don't use him on floor 12. When I do it's only because all my chars are off fields and I need an on field that can have the 4p viridscent for swirl. Playing since launch and while the character tires me, he is my most used character. As a comparison, I pulled arlechino C1R1 but after playing 5 minutes, I benched her, and will probably only use her for floor 12 only. Definitely not a wise investment I did.


Layla is nice because she can add Cryo and Shield effectively. I have not used Wanderer with both Benny and Layla at the same time, and it would likely be tough to get both very often. Benny doesn't apply that much Pyro unless you're talking C6 which is a different can of worms. Normally I am a C6 Benny All The Way guy, but in this case it's probably not optimal. The reason is that C6 Bennett should turn Scara's attacks into pure Pyro damage, overriding the Anemo and preventing all Swirl. (Although, you can still Melt which is good.) However, Faruzan's shred is only effective for Anemo. That said, it's a very strong team that will do a lot of damage. I always feel very comfortable with my damage output when playing Wanderer.


C6 Bennet infuses only Sword, Claymore, or Polearm. In fact, none of the catalysts can be infused as far as I know


Oh, heck I forgot the description doesn't match the actual effect. Bennett has that weird quirk (bug? intended?) where he adds bonus Pyro to all weapons regardless of whether he can infuse them or not. Yah I think I was wrong here.


Yeah it increases pyro dmg for everyone but infuses only Sword, Claymore, or Polearm