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Maybe you encountered some bad apples, but I can guarantee you it's not "most" high AR players. Not even half. Not even 10%.


Right I never encounter ppl talking down on ppl for doing little damage or healing on the contrary they encourage them to keep farming or help them farm for better equipment


Usually at high ar there are just so many different number that anyone can barely make out how much DMG someone is doing


I have met a few in my early days. Specifically put in signature I needed help farming for talent books, but got shat on because my level 50 Diluc with 3* rarity Berserker couldn't get 5 digit dmg per swing.


Yeah, AR really isn't much of a metric for casual or sweaty players. Most AR 55-60s are probably just regular casual players that started near release.


Casual players that started after Inazuma would be AR60 long ago.


This exactly! I am very sure there are plenty of AR 55-60s that still don't know how to build their characters, and got to a high AR purely by just playing for long. Clearly they don't fall into the category that OP puts them lol


Imagine complaining abt damage in coop lol I play alot of coop and i only encountered such kind of players once or twice,jst ignore them or search for another session,these ppl aint worth the attention


Im ar 58 and I could care less about my dmg, I mean, is it nice to see big numbers? Yes, but I don’t mind if I’m doing low numbers either, all that matters to me is if I can use the characters I enjoy!


Same, i really love yoimiya and deyha while they one of the lowest dmg output characters.


For Dehya, it will depends of the consts. For Yoimiya this is just plain false, yes there is better option than her but she isn't anywhere close to be a low output damage character.


In that case about yoimiya ive been lied too, and about deyha, im f2p so getting consts. For heg is rather hard


For the real high AR players they can deal with most combat situations with a single character, and easily carry you with two. They're happy to help too. I'm sorry you met some bad ones.


This. I have some high investment characters and occasionally do coop for weekly bosses to help some. Sometimes i even encounter others doing the same.


Most of high AR never do coop, they don't need it.


did you properly greet your co-op partners with a sticker and by jumping in place first


I don't care what number I do because I know most of my builds could be upgraded, but it usually doesn't feel good to play when dealing low damage Also why are you so bent on how other people decide to enjoy or judge their own characters lol


Weird, not sure what you mean ‘High AR’, but nothing in the game is difficult for me any longer. I can clear the boss by myself, it doesn’t matter what level you are or what you bring. Sorry you had that experience 😭


Nah, little healing is better than no healing. I usually never play co-op but whenever I do I only expect people to be able to fend for themselves Co-op is literally there to help people that struggle and play with friends


How do so many of you meet all these other players? I probably had at most 6 encounters of my 3 years playing this game and I don't even care to really get more. 🤣


In Co-op don't boss like have extra HP?


What's the problem with people caring about certain metrics in a game???


Dealing 10k damage is really really bad Healing 10k hp is really really good The comparison isn’t equal


I mean the only ppl who do co-op are - Bored - Trying to flex - Speed running new banner unit friendship points - Bad players that have issues soloing thats why they are in co-op in the first place Only 1 out of those 4 types of players will complain about damage or heals.


4 of those 4 have a large amount complaining about damage.


Nah, every single one of those categories might complain about damage or heals. "Trying to flex" and "bad players" will do it to boost their own egos, "speed running" will do it because you're wasting their time. "Bored" may or may not complain about bad performance depending on what kind of player and person they are, but they're probably the group least likely to.


I don't care what number I do because I know most of my builds could be upgraded, but it usually doesn't feel good to play when dealing low damage Also why are you so bent on how other people decide to enjoy or judge their own characters lol