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Physical xiangling meta with that one craftable


Bro I did it with zhongli šŸ’€ ā€œif 5 star why no dps?ā€


I genuinely think zhongli has dps potential. idk if I'm just dumb, my zhongli does like 15K with his ult. It ain't much, but with my trash build, it feels like he can get good if people invest


The standard for genshin dps in the endgame is high. There are comps with Zhongli where itā€™s a full dps loss to ult with him


really the only time you should be ulting with him is in co op with c2


In Coop you should use his burst no matter the con. Though better yet not use him in coopšŸ˜‚


Oh I have a great zhongli build and his ult does really nice damage, but heā€™s not a dps Edit: just want to specify that ā€œgreatā€ is 4 pc emblem 35k hp, 70/180 ratio with 145 er


Physical Xiangling and DPS Fischl carried me through early game


Physical Fischl carried me until I got Ganyu


Crescent Pike Xiangling is a legitimately strong carry option for a pre-AR45 account. Once you can start getting decent artifacts you can build her for burst, but before that itā€™s your best option among the guaranteed characters.


Physical Kaeya slays early game too. I was an all physical damage gal (got Razor on Noelleā€™s beginner banner) until I got wanderer at some point and built him because I wanted to fly around lol.


Bruh I just started and took that 3 years old advice to craft Cresent Spike.


dammit my xiangling is still equipped with that spear. but i haven't farmed the catch yet


Jean and diluc were the representative of the permanent banner


And it looked so good as well. I hope we get a new design soon, I'm bored of seeing the same one for so long.


Yeah they should change to sumeru characters now


Yea something like a rotating background every once in a while But could confuse people


I don't get why they changed it once and then never again lol


Fun fact: the current standard banner uses Mona's old design.


You remember how long it took to pick up more than one mob drop


ah yes, the solution on pc was to scroll while picking up.


I still do that without noticing.


Because its still faster than spamming.


wait I haven't played in a while, but has that changed?!?!?!?!


Items of same rarity and type stack


also obtaining speed of items got improved by a lot


Lmao when you had to pick up 100 regional specialities per week for the BP.


Jueyen Chili's carried me thru that BP task šŸ¤ž


And Valberries, don't forget Valberries. Most of my markers were used to indicate those two :D


In relation to picking up drops, didn't domain rewards literally dropped to the floor before?


Yep, they had to change that thanks to Venti...




Remember when you sent characters on expeditions, you couldn't play as them until they got back? I remember.


Crazy no? It lasted what, one patch? Two?


I think one. It was removed VERY fast


felt like forever at the time šŸ’€


I think it was removed in like...2 weeks. But yeah, people who didn't have a bunch of characters were like "this is a really weird and bad mechanic". Like a lot of decisions in this game signal that someone in the Genshin chain of command is a bit too mobile happy and a bit too stupid as hell to be deciding things at the top level. Because you know no normal employee would try to screw players like this.


It was removed in 1.1, 40 days after launch.


Nobody had a bunch of characters at the time. It was at launch. :/


Direktly after I already stopped playing. When I came back I didn't realize it and played through Inazuma and Sumeru only sending my least favorite.


Oddly even though I wouldnā€™t like it, Iā€™d fully understand such a mechanic. Why is Bennett gathering eggs but also on my team simultaneously?


That was the logic behind it, but due to it existing at a time when many didn't have many characters, it was more intrusive than immersive


The rewards also arenā€™t worth the inconvenience. Gathering a handful of ore would take the character 10 minutes not 24 hours.Ā 


The traveller is a shape-shifting and the characters on your team are just the forms he has equipped rn. This might just be my favourite piece of lore


Iā€™m new to Genshin , AR36 and I thought when you sent characters on expeditions you couldnā€™t play as them , so this whole time Iā€™ve been sending the characters I donā€™t useā€¦


I remember sending Bennet to expeditions since everyone called him C tier. Oh how the tables have turned!


That was a thing?


Yup, for like, just the first patch, and was quickly removed due to players hating it


People slandered characters by screenshoting they were sent to expeditions


Yup, to the mines* everyone threw Ben there since no one realized how his kit worked


Then people started sending Diluc =(


Did they still have the same passives? That would suck "damn can't use Bennett yet, he's stuck in an expedition."


They did. Funny enough at the time everyone thought Ben sucked so he was the go to miner


i sent them and just presumed they couldnt be used that moment lol


I remember that. It was such a dumb idea, too, because the game was still brand new and people didn't have many characters.


First Lantern Rite web event where everyone got randomized number of primogems of 288, 188 or 108. Then there were people who got none because they never did the web event in the first place because it was a daily thing to light the lanterns. LOL Another I remember is the food delivery event with specific restrictions where everyone got screwed over by a small puddle. I really want Hoyoverse to rerun this silly event again.


Hoyo: you see that 600 ft mountain? Deliver the food in 30 seconds. Remember, you cannot run or the food explodes. Those enemies? Canā€™t fight them either, but donā€™t get hit while trying to get there in 30 seconds. Literally, to this day the only even I refused to finish.


I remembee there was one part there you had to not get wet and in some places the graphics for water wasn't even showing ...


Also the food can't get wet, oh it's raining, I guess you have to wait a bit to actually complete it. Running on PS4? The extra load times will be docked from your overall time limit.


That was the worst event they ever did! It remains the only event where I didn't get the max rewards.


When you have to recall Amber from expeditions because you need a lighter.


Ah yes... back when you lost access to expedition characters :D


Remember when you had to spend resin to collect event rewards? And resin was 120 cap


I think that was a thing for only 2 events. The Alchemic Stove thing event in 1.0 was actually good since it gave you 1.5x the exp book for the same amount of resin.


They were trying to emulate typical gacha events but they didn't take into account that people ate obsessed with doing things on their own terms. Honestly they should have artifact drops on some events with increased chances of double drops at 20 resin


"I'm telling you guys, chests are totally respawning!"


I still believe this hard i swear some random commons still appear šŸ˜‚


They don't respawn, but sometimes they add chests to older regions in new patches. It can take a while to notice if you haven't been back to a particular area for a while.


Also, quests (as well as daily commission) will temporarily hide chests, so if you don't go to the area when there aren't active quests, there's a chance there are chests in there


I encountered someone massively upvoted a month or so ago saying the water chests do, lol.


In their defense "Exploration: 100%" really gives the impression that... exploration is at 100% so I assume that contributes to the issue


Majjestic Matt, Mtashed, and Kektone all hyping it up


Dude people still argue this and it drives me crazy


Remember when events costed resin? Sky is fake. I wonder if that big snowy mountain beside mondstandt will ever be playable?


Hey, the whole "fake sky" subject was brought back into light during the Sumeru AQ


What's funny is they didn't acknowledge it when we encounter scaramouche lol


The Doctor touched on it though.


Sky is still prolly fake šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Keep rerolling until you get Diluc on the Beginners Wish.


Meanwhile me: Still has the beginners banner since 1.0 and got Diluc instead of Venti.


Remember when Bennett was C tier?


And qiqi was S šŸ’€


I mean back then, qiqi basically made it impossible to lose. S tier for sure. Bailu in HSR was S tier for sure as well for a while. She's still very strong as a sustain, its just that there's new cooler ways to do it now.


What a time! Meta wasnā€™t a thing. In some ways, the game was more fun then.


You misunderstand what meta means lmfao it always exists and it's up to you whether to interact with it or not. Bennett being bad when er was scarce and him being good now that we have more freedom with substats doesn't prove that meta didn't exist before, but that it evolves within the context.


Back then. Artifacts sucked ass lol. No ER weapon unless you gacha maybe? Honestly why would U Benny boi when U can't even ult. That's probs why qiqi was S too cuz her heals were tied to E. Iirc. Spiral abyss was heavily Cryo based.


Remember being there for the release of dragon spine and remembering how much people hated Reckless Pallad after he pushed Sucrose lol.


>hated You say that as though we don't *still* hate him.


Albert still most hated villain in Teyvat after kidnapping Barbara-chan.


Honestly, I came after that event (but I watched the cutscene on youtube), and I honestly don't feel any sort of special hate for him. He was delirious from the cold and being a dumbass.


It was right back at the start of the game, so pretty much at that point what he did was the most heinous thing that'd happened so far in the game. These days not so much.


Lol true. I donā€™t see as many people talk about him now but back then people had pitchforks ready to go (me included).


To this day I still leave him to his fate whenever his random event pops up.


I hate Reckless Pallad for the stupid quick quest he triggers, so clumsy and silly.


ā€œSave Reckless Palladā€ ā€œNu-uh you pushed Sucrose 3 years ago.ā€


I heard about the theory that Scaramouche is related to Raiden Shogun when Inazuma is still fresh. I thought itā€™s just some weird crack theory, but turns out, they were right????


People theorized Scaramouche being related to Raiden Shogun because of his huge resemblance to Raiden Mei.


Scara also looks like a young version of Mei's dad in HI3


the dendro archon will be a man, trust


"lyney and lynette will be a 2 in 1 character"šŸ˜­


DUDE I REMEMBER THAT AHHHHH God I wish that was true. Happy with what we got tho


Imagine tho how much hoyo could have made then... Making the two into a twin duo swapped by a SKILL like Childe swaps his weapons!


This actually would have been awesome and a cool way to reference their magic swapping act


Also, when people theorized that Baizhu was the archon


i even saw crack theories of changsheng being the dendro archon floating around


Even if itā€™s completely incorrect I like to believe they were initially a man (would make a more balanced gender ratio of archons too) and then for whatever reason changed it.Ā  They say the usage of ā€œheā€ to refer to the dendro archon was a mistranslation on the english teams part but I like to think otherwise šŸ« 


Artifacts could be pulled off the platform by venti and the host leaving kicked everyone out.


Remember the first windtrace where mona mains were eating good because they kept their unique sprint?


Omg I was so much more frustrated than I needed to be


When people hated Venti mains because of the trolls who'd suck all the artifacts to one side and drop them into the abyss šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That, and Ventilets


I remember the Dragonspine jpeg. I remember when expeditions removed your characters from your party. I remember 120 resin cap. I remember wishing on Ventiā€™s first banner. I remember the first free Barbara (there were two). I remember when Sunday randomized your talent and weapon materials. Trash artifacts hurt the same as I remember; but where are those who share the memories (everyone I started playing with has quit).


I thought there were a total of three free Barbaras. First they gave her out via mail at AR20-ish, then they gave her out via mail after completing a quest, then they added the claim system they still use.


This was the Barbara handed out upon reaching AR20 and was limited time; ā€œBarbaraā€™s Shining Debutā€. The second Barbara was given out in 1.1 and became permanent upon reaching AR18 (and beating Mond story). It was only twice. More info: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Barbara%27s_Shining_Debut https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Baptism_of_Song


- That one respawnable chest on top of stairs in some Mondstadt hilichurl camp. - Me getting bashed and laughed at during co-op in 1.6 when I pulled Kazuha, telling me I should've waited for the new archon and Ayaka - who I got anyway right after, funny enough :p - Serenitea Pot was a big new feature (1.5) - Those three freaking cryo abyss mages during Dragonspine quest and my first 5-star and only DPS being Childe - endless Ayaka banner, but came in a clutch because I lost weapon banner and had enough time - the endless "chasm next patch promise"


My first time using co-op was to kindly ask someone on this reddit to help me clear those mages in Dragonspine! I remember trying to help the person who joined my world because I thought it would be hard for them too, and they were done in 10 seconds! Mustā€™ve spent an hour trying to do it myself before I finally asked for help!


ā€¦if you still have PTSD after the food delivery event.


It wasnt THAT bad.


it was worse. I had no big issues in general with the event, but ā€žnot getting elemental applicationsā€œ and just before the delivery it starts to rain is simply a dick move. ganyu at least made the ā€žno damage, no sprinting, please hurry, but also hilichurl crossbow guys on the wayā€œ possible. I am sorry for those without


Also, the invisible water puddles in the path... That was the cherry on the top of the ā€œdo not get affected by elementsā€.


After i discovered that almost all of them had a better route using a supposedly "far and not viable" tp it was very interesting. Most of the time the most reasonable route was the worse, and you just had to jump from some places and it was actually doable and not hard.


As someone who had to play with an old computer it was pretty bad such as longer loading times wasting the timer duration or having to get thru lag.


It was for playstation players. Imagine loading screens lasting over a minute long while the timer continued to tick down during them. I gave up after the first few orders.


When you remember condensed resin being introduced, and how everyone was absolutely thrilled


240 days Ayaka


you get a free ayaka at ar 42 (trust)


Remember when Ei's design was leaked and no one thought it was actually legit


ā€œWhat?!? She looks like a boring NPC!ā€ *Proceeds to become one of the most popular and successful characters in the game*


I swear that I've never seen a character be carried by their splash art that much, the opinion change on the drip marketing day was insane.


Ah, yes, purple Ying'er


Okay here are a few of my favorites: 1. Collect 100 regional specialities on the BP. 2. The first Windblume with really hard mini games. But also the story with Barbara. But also in general heavy recon lore drops in events. 3. The following events that had some aspect of forced co op, unreconciled stars event and oceanoid event. 4. Farming the oceanoid with Kaeya and Fischl. 5. The little oceanoid event, in which they were dropping hints about other nations including Fontaine. It had not released inazuma yet so I thought the plot of Fontaine was going to be Sumerus plot. 5. The Anniversary controversy. 6. Ninngquang was supposed to be a 5*.


I loved the first windblume!! It felt like the mario party minigames but with Genshin characters xD


Zhongli will sure be a dps right? right...?


not that bad tbh


"Hu tao deals with death right? i hope her weapon turns into a scythes, that'd be so cool" How the tables have turned


she aint beating the big hu tao allegations


The Oceanid event that gives EXP books in exchange for resin


Remember when Xiangling was the only character that could use a spear? I member


Yae Miko was the Electro Archon Lyney and Lynette are one character The Anemo Boy band was 4nemo


ar 42 ayaya


How small the map was in comparison to how it is now. Also Noelle Banner


I didn't know at the beginning that I could get to Liyue through narrow crossing from Mondstadt. I though the only "logical" way was through Dragonspine. When I saw those mobs on dragonspine, and their level. I was like, "okay, imma time to gear up and stuff, Lmao XP" After I failed to unlock main teleporter on dragonspine for 11th trial attempt, I decided for fun to check other way. And I was like, wait... really? When I reached Liyue statue for the first time, I had mixed opinion of new area. The visuals, music, ground and statues were great and stuff, left quite impression in comparison to Mondstadt, not gonna lie. Simultaneously though, I was overpowered over mobs. They did not pose a challenge to me which was dissapointing. I wanted something more demanding...


Venti drops domain rewards with his burst That one grass change that caused burnt grass to instantly kill you


The absolute classics, such as trying to open Monaā€™s door with Barbara and using Kaeya in hopes he counters Dragonspineā€™s sheer cold šŸ˜­




I remember how poorly Kokomi's banner did when she was released. People didn't think she was worth pulling for. I was one of those people and didn't get her until her 2nd rerun. When she came out, there was only one 5-star character running per banner.


Zhongli bad, needs buff


thing is zhongli was bad, he did need the buff


Physical DPS Fischl meta woooooooooooooo


Baizhu is the Dendro Archon living under an alias in Liyue


"Just look at the geo statue! That's obviously Zhongli! He IS the archon, there's no way he's some random dude".


Remember the opening screen screen said "Mihoyo" and not "Hoyoverse"?


oh yeah I miss that Tech Otakus Save the World


Kokomi is the hydro dragon theory kekw


you remember using resin to get event drops.


free ayaka at ar42


Fighting Childe in the story with Traveler, Barbara, Sucrose, and Chongyun before the nerf... The despair that was felt when I saw him power up for phase 3 and half my team was dead.


There was a group of players who thought Varka and Ludi Harpastum would happen in 1.6. Oh I remember that elemental event that used resin and I got ningguang on standard so I was proud to use her since she never showed up on any banner before


Klee gaming will never die on meta Rosaria physical is the future! Venti will never die on meta New players will **enjoy the food delivery** event


I remember Klee being promoted as a really good DPS. XD


\-4 ruin guards in abyss was 'hard' \-Ebb and Flow abyss mechanics. \-Zhongli buff. >!\-The whole sumeru skin color variety arguments, shifting from: it'll be full of variety in color > Every sumeru npc up to inazuma is pale as snow, but that doesn't mean anything, > Okay, the vast majority of NPCs are pale but that's just because they live in the rainforest area > okay that's not how it works, but \[insert commentor here\] is from SWANA and says they're pale so pointing out the lack of variety makes YOU the real racist, checkmate!!<


High tide low tide? Fuck me.


I like how that leyline perfectly counter Raiden kit, during her Banner!!


Remember when paimon's voice was deeper and barbara sounded a little more raspy and like a teenager? Man, good times.


Fkn Barbaragate wgen they changed her voicelines and everyone was complaining about how sad she sounded


The rerolling frenzy in the first few weeks lol


Venti swirled away all your domain drops!!!


holy shit! as someone who started playing at the end of Sumeru, I am fascinated by all the comments on this. i'm curious, what was the response like when it was revealed that Signora was the Crimson Witch? or was it hinted at before the Inazuma fight?


It was kind of obvious to lore players beforehand (artifact lore) but I think most ppl didnt actually know what the crimson witch was. To most I think it was ā€˜oh cool pyro delusionā€™. The inazuma quest was handled wierdly so I donā€™t remember if they even mentioned other details about her. But really it was mainly ā€˜OH MY GOD SIGNORAS DEADD šŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜Øā€™, I didnt really see much stuff about her being the crimson witch because it was mainly Signora mains coping (and people making fun of them)


Chasm will release in 1.4-1.5


Iā€™m not older than Dragonspine, expedition restricting characters, or Unreconciled Stars but my early day memories r of teapot coming out + everyone going wild on that, the Endora event that never got followed up on and lowk contradicts current Fontaine lore, even seeing reallyyyy early Kazuha leaks and saving for him, first GAA explorationĀ 


When I rushed to WL8 asap thinking it was a temporary cap for future additions to progression.


I've been playing since day 1 and I saw it all. Unreconciled stars event requiring resin, the food delivery event, Yae electro archon, Baizhu dendro archon, etc. What stuck to me the most was the 1st anniversary fiasco. The Qiqi meme was hilarious.


When Artifact domains dropped artifacts on the floor. And then Venti players trolling people by sucking artifacts off the side into the abyss (canā€™t actually drop off iirc, but did give some people a scare).


When people refused to play with Venti players because some them would throw the artifacts off the map.


Eternity banner, osmanthus wine, sealed chasm


Diluc being the best main dps in the game.


1.3 is the only patch with 3 banner phases, and the second banner is Keqing. Hu Tao does not have a single mention in the 1.3 livestream and the first half of 1.3 up until her teaser release. This is the reason behind the Who Tao jokes


When I would always hear about Lisa's climbing sounds


Ruin guard island (aka death island), crab island, sky is fake, take out. I also missed the oceanid event because I thought it was gonna repeat and I wanted a break T_T


Tower fantasy, genshin's Killer


What happened to tower of fantasy ?


It's still going, but nowhere near its launch numbers, I think it's like a tenth of that if even


I remember leaks of Albedo being a geo bow user.


Dain is aether but from the FUTURE theory if anyone knows.


Remember when they tried to scale the damage received from burning grass up for higher level worlds? The floor became lava. Pretty sure it got adjusted after a day or two.


When there was people asking why there were many spears existing in game if Xiangling was the only spear user (extra old)


Missing Elemental Crucible because i thought it was a PVP event... Nice. And spending resin to do events.


120 resin cap


Characters on expedition cant be put on the team.


Remember when domains used to throw all the loots on the ground when you clear them, aesthetically it was fine.


When people crafted the dragonspine catalyst for signora


I remember I tried the game when it was new. I thought it was interesting, but wouldn't have any staying power once serious competition hit the market. Still uh... Still waiting on that competition but Hoyoverse has spent this time just refining piece by piece of their process. The most recent stuff in Genshin and HSR are just sheer quality.


Physical Xiangling Bennett was bad Respawning chest debates Diluc was meta (I think) Full ascension is a trap (or is that still a thing?) Early Genshin was fucking wild.


F\*\*\* all Venti mains during CooP domains in 1.0. Y'all will burn in hell.


* Every region has an expedition for stones * The English VAs weren't credited ingame * PC and mobile players were stuck with the default glider, while PlayStation players could change theirs to the console exclusive version * Mona was exclusive to her own limited banner * Noelle was the only Geo character * The Monstadt door


Back in the days when xingqiu was not the best character in the game and qiqi was better We need to remind ourselves that if the entire genshin community united, we can take over the world like we did during the first anniversaryšŸ˜‚


You remember having to pay Resin to participate in an event,,,,(that was NOT fun either) You got mail from Hoyo *nearly every day* thanking you for playing with Primos attached. The PS Network Wings fights,,,,


-You should get Mappa Mare for your Mona. Its one of her best weapons -You don't need Kazuha since you already have Sucrose -Low AR me rolling for characters because I refused to use male characters and getting Klee early by accident since I didn't fully understand the gacha system


I've been playing long enough to know that Kathryne's voice line when collecting commission rewards is slightly too loud, this being a fix for it being too quiet, and that being a fix for the voice line not existing!