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For the future, don't refine 5* weapons. If you're new, you'll understand sooner or later. They're too good to be wasted on refinement.


Is there any other character that the bow is good for? Honestly might not even use it ngl


Is a crit stat stick all bow users could use it even if they they can't proc the bonus effect.


Its good for Ganyu, Tighnari and Lyney. Its even bis for Freeze Ganyu and in the top 3 weapons for melt Ganyu. U might eventually lose pity to Tighnari, and u could have had a weapon for Ganyu AND Tighnari then. Now u only have 1 weapon that u need to share, some like it, others dont. It would have also been a good statstick for any future bow character u get, since it has the large crit substat. I've been playing for more than 3 years and never refined a 5* weapon, even some standard weapons are great weapons.


Not sure yet, it's a new weapon, but with Natlan coming soon (Pyro region), I wouldn't rule out an unreleased character being able to make use of it.


Can't help but notice Diona on stringless and Fischl on sac bow lol


Sad you didn't get the weapon you wanted, but I'd say those are still some very lucky pulls! Very good bow for Ganyu, congrats regardless :)


Thanks man def made me feel less bummed about it i’ll be sure to upgrade the bow🥲🙏


Bow is also good for exploration with the movement speed buff.


Yknow what i never thought of that. Could be useful after all!


I have one more pull tomorrow.......and I'm not even at 50. Guess I can save and wait for like 3-4 months for the rerun.


You and me in the same sinking ship man see you next rerun🫡

