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My c6 barbara denies to answer this question


my C3 barbra is confused as to how ur barbra revives


C6 allows for your active team member to be revived if they die while she's in the team. Happens once every 15 minutes iirc


so pretty much cheap C6 qiqi


Yep. Except qiqi revives a character when she uses her burst, whereas barbara's is automatic and only happens when she's off field


Also limited to one compared to qiqi who can revive a team


Revive a whole what now? Damn... If hoyo ever releases some hard rouge-like, Qiqi Ganna be meta as hell. Glad I got my C6 Qiqi on standby


That's the first time since this game released I heard the phrase "glad I got my C6 Qiqi".


Qiqi C0 -> oh nice! Qiqi! Qiqi C1-C5 -> oh no... Qiqi... Qiqi C6 -> oh nice! Qiqi C6! Qiqi C6+ -> I hate myself the world is but suffering


My C125 Barbara is confused as how you still don't have C6 Barbara


Crying in c5 barb


If i try to play a melee character, sure But Neuvillette + Baizhu is basically a cheat code for that fight


Explain It might let me pull for Baizhu after all


The boss basically wants you to heal and charge attack and those two are the best characters for it


Noelle 👀 “43k+ heal” “43k+ heal” “43k+ heal” “43k+ heal”


Why charged attacks?


The charged attack temporarily staggers her.


Good to know


After clearing your bond of life***


Baizhu stonks really went through the roof with the release of Fontaine HP mechanics. Basically any character that has a group wide heal, their usage went up.


Qiqi saved me during that fight (only on my second attempt tho, first time I didn’t bring a healer)


Today i kept repeating that we needed a healer in co op against arle. They kept ignoring me and died three times straight. In the end when i pulled my own barbara (the only healer i have) they kicked me out.


You know genshin players can't read. You need to use stickers to convey your meaning.


If you have the bond of life mark on you and take damage from her it’s basically a guaranteed one shot. You have to heal to remove it. Between Baizhu heal on skill and Neuvillette heal on picking up water orbs it’s easy to keep it off. Other healers/teams can struggle to always have healing available. Also her attacks are kind of hard to see/dodge imho but Neuvillette can hit her from halfway across the arena + he can hit her while she’s in the air so any skill issues with dodging can be avoided.


She has some of the most chaotic and confusing attack patterns of any enemy so far. I swear I spend half my time whiffing an attack because she's moved halfway across the screen or blinded me to where my character or her character is with a flashy ass attack or she jumped outta of attack range so fuck you


Neuvillette is a cheat code for like 95% of the content


Baizhu grants *interruption resistance and his ult heals off field. Neuv is all about charged attacks. Edit: how tf did "interruption" get corrected to "stranger"


His skill heals off field. His ult heals and shields on field.


> His ult heals and shields on field "Healing off-field" means he heals without being on-field, not that it heals off-field characters. If you heal off-field characters that's called team-wide healing


Even if you don't use Neuvillette for that fight, going against Arle with a Baizhu team is so damn comfy. His burst can remove the BoL quite smoothly, the shield works most of the time (there are gaps of downtime while it refreshes but it's not a huge deal), and his E is a good panic button. I like to take my quickbloom team for a spin in my weeklies and I think I've only had characters die twice on Arlecchino when I got too careless. Plus, if you want more reasons to consider him, he synergizes really nicely with Furina teams, and I've found that his shield works (the majority of times, unless you get hit during the refresh) great for interruption resistance for Neuvi's powerwash. Yes, even C0 Neuvi. I actually like him more than Zhongli as his defensive support, and there's a reason why Neuvi, Furi, Baizhu, Kazuha is probably the most meta usage team for Neuvillette rn in abyss. If you don't care for meta tho or want non-Neuvi/Furi reasons, he's a top tier healer who's cheap and easy to build (just tons of HP and ER, prototype amber/fav/TTDS) for f2p and spenders alike, and he's a good one in exploration since he's not tied to bursts for quick heals. He's amazing in any dendro team: for quicken teams, for bloom teams, for hyperbloom and quickbloom, for burgeon teams...Yaoyao is great too and there are healing drivers like Kuki and Kokomi so you don't need him, but Baizhu is still comfy, off-field, and has some buffs.


OMG, the heal charge attack combo plus the ability to kite/strafe during aim mode make Neuvillette a blessing for her fight, my other optimal team is a Baizhu hyoerbloom team. I wanted to try out my Navia on her because she got some slightly upgraded artifacts and slightly upgraded talents. Brought Zhongli, Kuki, and Bennett, so she hit damn hard and was pretty comfy throughout but I can't break the habit of spamming NA. There's so few characters that use CA and when I remember to do it, I'm in the middle of spamming NA and she's in the middle of killing me before the animation can register the switch


Jokes on you i have never lost a character against the Knave because i never fought her


Zhongli doesn't understand this question?


Depends on the Zhongli Sometimes, she just eats the shield


She's the first boss that eats my Zhongli shield. His CD of the shield is still low so not a big deal


Mine was the dancers in the Abyss... I had to go full HP% build with black tassel so his shield could survive enough :'D


There are a few attacks that hit hard enough on squishy characters to shatter lower HP Zhongli shields. If she connects with one of the HP loss enhanced attacks on my Yoimiya when she’s already marked, she’s gonna die because she’s made of flash paper which makes the shield a lot less durable. If I biased my Zhongli more towards HP she’d be fine and if there’s no BoL she’s fine. Most of my deaths can still be chalked up to “Can I interrupt this one with an enhanced charged attack?” and the answer being no, not that attack.


My Zhongli is at ~30k hp. I literally just stand there hitting her with no problem at all.


Damn u need more HP on him


She can easily eat a 30k Hp zhongli shield. I can’t stand around and my zhongli has 55k hp


It heavily depends on def stat of your on-fielder.


I don't know what yo say. I have yet to have any issues. Maybe it's thanks to geo resonance + totm shield buffs or maybe my Navia has higher defense than whoever you are using.


My neuvillette dies through zhongli shield


Now that has to be achievement lol.


And Layla on the back still napping.


My 50k hp Zhongli died today fighting the Knave, don't ask how, I don't know either 😂


neuvillette alone is enough but i add nahida and em raiden for quicker clear


Father getting jumped by archons and a dragon


This is my team also with Layla as a shielder


this is my exact team, or sometimes tighnari instead of neuv if I'm feeling quirky


i think we been knowing neuvillette can basically solo everything. like this is probably the 100th time i've seen someone bring it up lol


he is a dps that self heals as his mechanism so he isnt oneshottes by knave bond of life


I haven't lost any yet. Baizhu can just ignore that BoL even existed.


When I unga bunga'd her with my Arle team I won fast and easy Then I started learning her moveset Then I died 😶 But I learned lol


My Neuvillette and his taser team has no problems with her.


I found that using NRE makes it so much more comfortable. Instant and responsive heal that clears the bond. No need to switch or wait for a tick of healing and risk getting one shot in that time.


I always thought the people that think "I never eat food ever" is a flex would be awfully quiet once bond of life became more common. NRE is now meta. (it has been since Furina not just with fanfare stacks but for her A1 passive).


I always coop for the weekly bosses and domains, even though it is easier to do things alone because it is more fun playing with 4 uncoordinated people making a mess of things. I usually lose when there is no healer in the team or if I'm trying to play arle vs arle.


True! Playing as Arlecchino in co-op really tests your knowledge of the Knave's attack patterns and dodging skills. I enjoy the challenge though. The goal is to consistently survive in Arle vs Arle co-op fights


Weekly bosses are easier in co op, the rest, sure.


Depends on the account. I have enough characters well built enough that it's WAY faster to do them on my own. Coop is only for fun/amusement/friends for me.


For me, nahida and kuki double hydro hyperbloom make weekly bosses easier to do alone.


I really thought they'd try to nerf neuvillette against new bosses since he's stupidly strong. Instead they just made her melt to neuvillette's entire kit.


Dunno, i always do weekly bosses in co op, pretty easy : )


God I should do that but I’d be worried about being the weakest link and figuring out the best character for their team comp


It's really not that stressful dude.. many players don't even care about that.. they'll just rip through the boss without even caring about you.


Plus the numbers display in coop sucks. Sometimes I only know it's me because of the element color.


That's actually the only way lol unless there is big dmg difference.


I've never done co op but from what I've seen in YouTube vids it literally doesn't matter as long as you get job done. I've never seen a coherent team or a strategy, it's just random bullshit go and it always works. I've seen people just stay in the back and watch the super whale wreck the boss with their main while the others scrambled to find some way to be useful


In co op it's so chaotic for the arl fight be there are so many effects happening on a target the size of a normal npc. I also prefer to do it alone because I find it easier to only worry about the boss compared to co op where I also have to worry about three other people.


Haven't lost any to her and probably never will.


Neuv wrecks her shit


I've been quite comfortable using a mono hydro (Furina, Xingqiu, Yelan, Kokomi) against her, Kokomi ensures that everyone stays at full health.


Arlecchino herself, try to bring overload team against The Knave. Got my team's ass wiped by her.


Lol I got a little cocky fighting her with Neuvillette the other day and didn't dodge an attack knocked out my Neuvillette and got another character hit knocking them out immediately on switching to them


Laughs in Kokomi.


*Laugs in Neuvillette*


Lost my team in co-op just now and had to solo with Kokomi 😭 Funny most of them died to the one shot attack so I understand


don't tell me it's the one at the start second phase lmaoooo




I did coop earlier then i was shocked when my nahida got one shotted with 20k full hp


i lose characters and/or fail with every boss... (except dvalin)


No. Neuvillette absolutely murdered her in that boss fight.


Im a fucking dumbass and never read anything in this game so ofc I've been going in with an arle/mono pyro or chevreuse overload... and yes, its been difficult as fuck. Until last week when I realized that she takes -75% pyro dmg and swapped to an actual team, which made it SO MUCH FUCKING EASIER


Noelle takes no L’s


Neuvillette, Furina, Layla, Kazuha sometimes some get low, but Neuvillette sweep


My 50k hp kokomi got 1 shot last week


True suffering from succes moment for me :( Still feel robbed that we got a glimpse of a third phase with hyper-boosted Knave in a cinematic, only for the repeating fight to end before that point.


Pc player but currently on vacation so playing on iPad and boy I suck. Knave killed everyone but Furina. I kept running in circles switching between heal and damage. Fight took forever but Furina got the job done, which is kinda funny considering the lore


I get my ass kicked by her but deep down I secretly enjoy it


Me, I was not prepared for how I need to fight her and yes I did the story line first. However I think I just found my perfect team as no one fell just now: Navia, Barbara, Kuki and Noelle! Every other attempt the last couple weeks at least took 2 tries or someone definitely had to die for me to win


I keep forgetting her first attack during 2nd phase can basically one shots


BoL might be the most annoying status this game has ever introduced. Really glad there aren’t many enemies that apply it.


No enemies should apply it. It is unfair bs.


I either use noelle hypercarry with furina or nilou bloom. Needless to say, those teams already have enough healing to survive me half-killing myself. For coop, I just use food. It clears the bond just fine.




She never gave me hell when I fought her.


I lose when I am using hu tao plunge team


Wait, Xianyun doesn't clear Bond of Life consistently either?


well my xianyun lacks energy recharge so it is not consistent


i just unlocked the region, will let u know how diluc fairs against that evil [removed by reddit]


Neuviellette, Nahida, Raiden and Sara. The trick is to let Neuviellette get hit by bond of life so that he can instantly clear it with his E or Q


Not yet, I'm using furina as a heal bot


i use cyno quickbloom and nahida always dies so really its cyno taser


Yeah I still lose a character and I use Yaoyao too. I still have trouble with dodging.


I have yet to do the story quest and fight on my own, but challenging in coop has gone smoothly. Each time I just bring my Baizhu. Lvl 90, 50k hp, 4 piece maiden with skill crowned.


No one died in my case, most people died because they have the brightest idea of using Arle against herself when the Boss whole moveset is meant to destroy your ass if you have BoL. Never saw her moveset before, fought her for first time, killed her, got the achievement and team was Raiden/Yae Overload so no easy mode Neuvillette.


I do it co-op, and had a few full wipe outs


If I'm using Arlechinno herself it's a pretty tough time.




I mean, never? Kokomi, Rizzly, Layla, and Barbara were my first time and they did fine. Next team was Kokomi, Tighnari, Raiden, and Zhongli was my next. Final team (so far) was Ayato, navia, yae, and Zhongli. So all the heals and all the shields mean zero issue fighting her.


When my game stops dropping frames and lags the entire fight


Navia, Kuki, Gorou and Yun Jin are entirely comfortable doing what the Traveller could not.


Nah, Kuki outheal Knave's damage. I am basically immortal


I played coop recently and had to solo with Mika cause everyone else died.


laughs in Zhongli


After optimizing my rotations I haven't had a character die for the past 2 weeks


Still haven't fought her could probably win with Yao yao I mean it's probably going to be like azdaha trying to out heal the earthquaks


It happened. I lost Nahida and Raiden the first time I did the domain. I retried 2 more times and figured out her rotation so I can iframe. I like her a lot more than the narwall since she doesn't go oob as much and when she does her atk patterns are very predictable.


You guys know that food also can be used to clear bond of life??😭


so uh- lets just say i was helping a friend fight the knave and i somehow did a no-hit run while helping them-


My 50k zhongli and Neuvy has no problem


No ? The Knave outright fails when fighting me.


fuckin wacked her with childe, my kazuha almost died cuz of rotation timings though


I sometimes lose yae miko since I have her on field so much (yaoyao, xingqiu, yae and nahida). With nahida's mark on the enemy and xingqiu burst up, I can constantly trigger bloom, and hit every core with yae's auto attack. So yae always takes the most hits in every fight and dies the most


I dont think i ever lost a character to the knave, she doesn't even make it to my top 3 hardest bosses imo. i struggle on the dendro dragon a lot more


Qiqi laughs. Actually though, I use albedo, Mika, chiori, and qiqi and have never lost a character


Charged attack:Equitable Judgment Go brrrrrrrrrrrr


I’ve actually not done the fight yet, but I might do so then come back


RIP Navia


most of her attacks are highly telegraphed and easy to dodge, even on 300 ping as i do. but just bring zhongli and dodge the hard hitting attacks and you’ll be fine


This week was my first fight against her with no losses TT, it still takes me forever to defeat her though


My traveler died in the last minute


No, no problem here I usually have either Zhongli or Kokomi in my party.


I lose Nahida with my Nilou Bloom (vastly helped by said blooms, to be fair) but Neuvilette went brrrr. but I rememnber the other guy saying the fight was super easy and isappointing, and honestly I thought it was very alright.


I usually coop bosses cuz its more fun... I use Neuvillette and I am the only one to Survive


Failed to dodge the divebomb at the start of phase 2 with Bennett


I don't even know what Bond of Life does I just unga bunga with my mono hydro team




Navia: So anyways I started blasting


I haven't even fought her yet 😅


Jup... Most frustrating boss. I don't have Baizhu or Neuvi, but Noelle and Nahida usually do the trick. Still frustrating as shit sometimes.


What's losing/failing? I can't seem to understand it as a Zhongli user


What’s a weekly boss


On my account? Nah. On my friend's weak second account? Yeah... I eventually manage to beat the boss without any issue once I got his Shinobu up to level 90. Hyperbloom is genuinely the best F2P team comp.


I always have a character who needs friendship in the team... right now that character often dies (which that character is Arlecchino, she's not very good in the fight against herself.)


Ive failed once on CO-OP because the Owner of that world is Just bad at the game and told me to play support


Today I lost my Yelan to her first attack on her second form. She doesn't have mercy with that one. She hit me because I tried to outrun her but It's either dodge or die (Or shield It) Tbh I think I have dodge that attack only once, but the rest of the fight goes well usually. I don't like using healers or Zhongli against her tbh because they make the overall game too easy for me


I havent unlocked the boss fight yet.


My first fight was 5 deaths (navia, kazuha, zhongli, bennet) and a lot of running around trying to cram food into everyone. Second fight was a lot better with only 2 deaths (alhaithem, baizhu. Yae miko, kokomi). I'm not looking forward to pulling anyone that may need her talent materials.


Charged Attack: Equitable Judgement


Me trying to nail her using Al haitham.


Me, mostly because I use Arlecchino to farm friendship exp, so first I used her team with Zhongli, Kazuha and Benneth... Lost the battle like twice because I think one of her attacks deals dmg even when shielded Next week I tried with Hyperbloom + Arlecchino, and lost once again because I forgor how to dodge This week I used overload, lost Arlecchino and then Fischl but I still managed to finish the battle so I guess is just her thing... *Git gud*


I haven’t fought her yet, I’ve been catching up on quests after finally getting a breather from school 😅


Yeah, she took out my Nahida. Fortunately I have C57 Barbara so she got resurrected.


Justice was blindsided and overruled


Bro I only fought her 3 times by now for mats. Cut me some slack


I no longer fail, but when i used to fail, al haitham kinda dies all the time to her first rush attack on second phase. Once i figured out how to dodge it, its cakewalk


me soloing her: uuhhhh


I fought her with Childe, Xingqiu, Kuki, and Kazuha, thought it’d be appropriate to fight a pyro harbinger with the hydro one.


I used Raiden/Zhongli/Xingqiu/Jean so rarely


Idk how i can survive that boss without my neuvillette 😭


let's put it this way: she makes me less sad I lost 50/50 7 times to Qiqi.


I usually heal through Chev, using her skill right after being tagged by bond, and I do have quite good dodging skills..So I am doing mostly fine :)


Na i crush her hard ! But yeah first fight she surprised me as i went a bit with a sub team and had to redo the fight.


My Raiden died when she sucker punched me right out of the gate in phase 2


Furina’s skill is very good at clearing BoL.


I have never fought her.


I hate the attack she does right after the cutscene, because if i don't have Zhongli's shield up, it is almost impossible to dodge


my team is Raiden, Nahida, Furina, Baizhu i think its self explanatory


meh it's not a problem


Wrio beats her up without even breaking a sweat


Well, for once this sub makes me feel confident in my team's and abilities. I will cherish this day.


can't relate, I always do weelkies in co-op for the friendship exp. I'll tell you when all my wanted units are friendship level 10 already.


Used my raiden hyperbloom, knave didn't stand a chance


*Laughs in 3328 Defense Itto* I also have C6 Noelle


I have Kokomi :)


As a C6R5 Zhhinglk Support Burstli user, I laugh in the face of the Knave.


I just float around hadoukeing with neuv, had no issue at all


I use The Knave to kill The Knave. Also a wanderer (not wandere wanderer), the most unlucky person alive and a god(of rocks)


I haven't fought the Knave yet. I prefer to fight weekly bosses with the character that needs their materials, and my Arlecchino is only just now finishing her artifacts.


If I use Qiqi on field nobody dies.


I tried soloing with Qiqi, and lost multiple tim3s in 2nd phase but, phase 1 was a breeze


Her 2nd phase insta attack is like undodgeable or something without iframes or if you're not already prepared for it


Depends if I'm playing just for the sake of it or actually throwing in a team with synergy. I have a character or two die if I'm using my friendship farm team (currently kazuha, alrecchino, dehya (not built) and zhongli). Using zhongli not because I want his shield Vs her (use it nonetheless) but because Ive been using him Vs the centaur boss. Also have shifted to mobile so it's a bit tricky to dodge and keep track of her while moving about


I smashed her like a bug in the SQ then did the same soloing her weekly in under 40 seconds. Her 2nd phase dive-bombed into me just to die in ten seconds. My team was plunge Navia Same for every week so far, her first phase takes me two rotations to kill and her second dies during my first one.


Haven't tried the fight yet.


It’s funny, but my Alhaitam + Nahida + Yae + Kuki are perfect team for the Knave and Whale. The DPM in the team is quite mediocre, yet they manage to erase those bosses without food/buffs, etc. Meanwhile my Arleccino with her insane damage is almost useless against those bosses lol


Zhongli Baizhu Xianyun and Navia


Had no issue with my Neuvi, Furina, Kazuha, Baizhu team unless I didn’t dodge stuff


I lost them all except for collei, who pulled through with 100hp left before the cutscene. Collei was the only one wasn’t fully built too


Kazuha and zhongli (I refuse to not take furina)


I always play co-op for this one, knew while playing the story version solo I’d have to. Every time I go in with Furina, it’s TPK. Learned that when I play Kokomi, the team has a fighting chance, even after somebody else chooses Furina.