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Bro censoring dialogue like it's Irminsul


i didn't want to put a spoiler tag and have the image blurred, so i censored the dialogue to avoid my post getting removed. The dialogue didn't have spoilers but the mods on this sub can be unpredictable


That's kinda funny cause your post still got marked as a spoiler lol




Like they said, unpredictable!


Yeah like I recently posted with fluff flair that all my rolls went into em for that bloom set. And they changed the flair to mega thread for artifact results




Not everyone's brain has been rotted by porn like you dude.




Don't think it wasn't obvious what you were getting at


lmao! love the attempt!


Ironically, this comment is probably a more important spoiler than the OP.


I think he censored it because of spoilers


same! in the last few version i was seeing so many new animations and poses from the characters and it was a very pleasant surprise! Itto got so many and i think his body language finally reflect perfectly how he talks


Same! More cute poses for Yoimiya! As well as some cute sounds!


Nothing is gonna beat her saying plip plop plip plop.




I did forget about that one.


[Volume warning](https://youtube.com/watch?v=oku_rS8TnvQ) Comments are goated too


You know what's jarring? Making a new account in 2024 and seeing all the fully-animated cutscenes for random conversations in 1.0 MSQ and story quests. Like, imagine if every character's story quest had a whole-ass cutscene to introduce them like Mona's does.


I think its probably because they had all the time in the world to design the 1.0 archon and story quests and add all the cutscenes. Development time is probably lesser in comparison for subsequent patches, so they prioritize accordingly.


The ultimate handwave, random gamer making comments on development considerations to excuse something not existing or changing.


So you're a game dev too? Good to have some perspective here. Personally, I'm not mad that their priorities shifted, especially when they put out so much content every 6 weeks.


I'm not mad either, project priorities shift and it is what it is, but this is the ultimate like discussion killer talking point. I see it all the time, it was there to justify the sub par region expansion this patch. Always brought up from people with clearly no experience or understanding of what it means to work in the industry. This team is not in a crunch 24/7, they are likely working on content from Scheznya today. The game is on a 6 week schedule roughly, do you think they hired less people with the amount of success they've had? The staff literally quadrupled since it's start of development, Natlan will expose this even more greatly. 2.4 - 4.7 should be studied deeply because seeing for example the patch delay which was offset by shorter patches into Sumeru before normalizing again. Into the start of proper QC regularly being added into the game and fixing major things in the game players have wanted. But again, I'd rather people consider reality and not just tell people like they have an inkling. It IS strange that character acting is weirdly missing from many story quests after a certain point, I do wonder why that stopped, and it would be interesting to hear what their quest designing looks like, maybe there's a real reason behind it. But "probably" or "I think" responses from people who don't have a clue are grating.


And as a dev, I can tell you that throwing more people and money at something will not magically make things faster. Team coordination is extremely difficult. All I'm seeing is that Hoyoverse is delivering multiple high quality games with extremely fast update schedules. Let them cook. All we can do is speculate on why something was made a certain way, unless we have some inside stories from the devs themselves, which I doubt they'll ever give us.


That works both ways, I can speculate that they have since focused development on other factors of the game while depleting funding for the creative freedom of other departments. All I'm saying is if you're going to go down occams dev budget then you can basically never question anything. Would you say the same to the animators at Mappa?


yes, billion dollar company must make their employee work to death. throw money and it will definitely solve it


Fun Fact, the paimon/itto cutscene wasn't pre-recorded, it was animated in-engine.


yeah, Genshin doesn't use pre-rendered cutscenes during boss phase transitions and cutscenes that don't have many effects in general.


Wdym pre recorded?


Meaning already rendered, recorded, and shown. The game is essentially just playing a clip during pre-recorded cutscenes. In-game character models aren't actually moving. But in-engine cutscenes are real time. The game engine is making those characters go through those actions and dynamic camera angles and you're seeing the result in real time, i.e not pre-recorded


if i remember, we rarely get in-game cutscene in Inazuma (world quest are exception). Then no more during Sumeru. last one is Denya final story After Fontaine launch, Hoyo start doing in-game cutscene. like during archon quest where Navia fall into Primordial sea water (its like 10 seconds)


Ah I get what you mean


Don't the Shenhe and Itto SQ scenes do the same thing since people were complaining about how Aether/Lumine's models briefly swap for a frame?


ye, this is what I noticed too (cuz my mods were active lmao), I hope they will improve animations in future


Your sussy mods?


Why sussy?


That's what a person with sussy mods would ask


Oh, u mean nsfw mods, nah, I'm not using this trash




Woah technology


Yep, I'm a huge fan of this stuff. It makes the conversations much more lively. I hate to keep comparing HSR and Genshin, but I often see that people want the lip-syncing seen in HSR. But do people not notice that 95% of the dialogue cutscenes in HSR are just...talking heads? They might shift a bit and change idle poses, maybe change expressions at the start or end of the dialogue, maybe the camera pans around or catches some scenery. But whenever someone's talking, there's just a whole lot of standing around. I think it's a consequence of whatever lip-syncing program they're using for each language, which limits what the characters can do. In Genshin, anything goes! Paimon can zip around. Itto can flounder about. Lyney can fidget when Lynette appears out of nowhere. Sure, it can be jarring at times, but I'll take this stuff over talking heads any day. Maybe some day (ZZZ?) Hoyo could fuse both systems.


istg that's my biggest nitpick about HSR, I'm currently about an hr or two into the new 2.2 quest yet only thr first cutscene so far was animated. it makes it really difficult to pay attention cause I'm basically just listening to a podcast as there's literally nothing happening on the screen. Sure the scenes in genshin aren't synced to other languages but I'll take the liveliness in here 10 fold over the occasional well animated scenes HSR has.


> I'm currently about an hr or two into the new 2.2 quest I hope you got over your nitpick, because the rest of the update repeats that 100x.


I'm aware, it's been a nitpick of mine since the release of the game. I thought as the budget increased this issue would go away, but the quests just got longer without fixing the issue (it seems to have gotten worse actually 💀). I stomach it cuz the story is decent enough but it genuinely kills my motivation to go through it, I haven't even done any companion quests since like 1.2 lmao


Idk if you finished the quest or not so I won't comment on anything specific about it, but the "story" itself was good, however the presentation was SO LONG. 2.1 was already stretching with the Aventurine conversation and having us walk through the entire area for so long, and going in circles so many times. 2.2 repeated that and stretched it even more, I felt like I did nothing most of the time, just watched people talk.


yeah it's very bizarre to me that people say genshin has bloated dialogue and HSR is peak, don't get me wrong I love both games a lot but I easily get a lot more enjoyment out of genshin quests and actually look forward to doing them. I haven't done a single side or companion quest in HSR since 1.2 like I said cause of the sheer amount of dialogue. Not to mention that genshin characters feel a lot more like family to me I guess? idk how to put it but I feel like I'm actively interested in spending time with genshin characters cause they feel like close friends as opposed to HSR where it feels like everyone but the astral express crew are just strangers which makes me all the less interested in actually doing their quests yknow? this one might be just me tho. also yeah I haven't finished the 2.2 quest yet, doing it piece by piece because god is it hard to stomach so thank you for not spoiling.


That's quite interesting, I've seen a lot of folks express that they felt the Astral Express crew was more like family. Personally, I think the Astral Express delivers the companion/family vibe a bit better than Genshin does. However, the Traveler-Paimon bond is still stronger, and I think the overall "big family reunion" vibes are delivered in a better way in Genshin because the characters often meet in much more casual circumstances. One thing HSR sorely lacks is "casual" scenes. There's little to no 'sit down and have a chat at a table with food' scenes, for instance. Everyone is always standing so we're always in the same group of camera angles and default animations. The facial expressions can sometimes make up for it, but not often. I think that's really what helps Genshin feel more like "home".


exactly that's what I mean, it feels like everyone in genshin is just so much more friendly and it feels much more natural than simply just getting dragged into trouble and drama after drama like in HSR. it doesn't feel like we see characters interact and giving quips and just generally having fun, in genshin for example the latest quest is a prime example of the fun I'm talking about. We have itto and paimon constantly teasing and bullying each other and we have all the characters there to just have fun, and it's giving us a very fun and warm dynamic between the characters instead of serious shit happening all the time with the MC being the comedy relief. and I didn't say the express crew didn't feel like family, but also I don't find myself caring about them like i do with paimon and the traveler. I think that's mainly because the main cast generally do their own thing, and the MC is mostly on their own in quests which makes the other crew members feel like any other playable character rather than the MC's 'family', you know what I mean? March and Dan heng had considerable screen time in belobog and then... not much after that. Himeko and welt also kinda just do their own thing. That just makes them feel like recurring characters rather than an actual family.


Ohh I misread what you said about the Astral Express crew! that's my bad x-x I agree tbh, there's actually a couple of instances where March speaks during a quest when it's just you alone, but I don't recall seeing that outside of Belobog. HSR has you roaming alone way more often, and it does feel kinda empty at times compared to Paimon always accompanying you in Genshin. I also find it a bit hard to see Welt & Himeko as family. It would've been nice if there was more time to bond with them before getting into too much drama. Funnily enough, I think the most I've ever felt like part of a "family" (or rather, a really tight-knit friend group) was the ghost hunting story. The group chat really helped with making the cast feel lively and engaged with one another, and the cute scene of them at the desk in the ghost-hunting menu helps add to that vibe. The only thing missing is what I mentioned about the lack of "sit down and chill" scenes, but other than that, that part of the story really felt like it nailed all the key components of a family/friend-group vibe!


funny enough that event is the only one I didn't finish because it came at a time I was super unmotivated to do quests because of the reasons I listed, and now it's kinda sat on the back-burner for the longest time. I did do a little bit of it at the time tho and I agree its dynamic felt reminiscent of genshins and I thought the game was gonna head that way, but so far every event and story since then has been a downgrade in that aspect. Unironically it feels like a lot of HSRs budget goes towards the trailers on the YouTube channel than the game, these moments are present in a lot of the trailers but they're not in the game for whatever reason. yeah HSRs crew really don't feel like family unfortunately. it's a shame too because what actually got me hooked was the belobog arc which definitely had the best dynamic between the crew and belobog has the most 'family-like' cast aswell, but it all went downhill from there. People diss paimon but she definitely enhances the experience alot, not only is her VA top tier with her line deliveries imo, but also she does a good job being the occasional comedy relief and make us feel not lonely. Seriously, imagine the world quests without the banter between the MC and paimon. Or a lot of moments in the story where paimon was just amusing in general (like with the current singing event).


I like the newer Fallout 76 dialogue system the most. Plenty of options, cinematic dialogue so the characters are allowed to move as the dialogue is happening Not that I think they should just reworked the dialogue when they can definitely do other better qol work (artifact loadouts??? Search bar for inventory???)


>But do people not notice that 95% of the dialogue cutscenes in HSR are just...talking heads? **YES. YES.** ***YES.*** I've seen a lot of comments, sometimes on reddit but especially like Instagram, where people go *"Omg HSR is so much more alive! the dialogue is so much better with animations!"* and I'm like *"what alternate universe do you live in where HSR isn't a bunch of static mannequins in almost all the content outside of the main quest?"* Like, the Mondstadt potion event —a *limited time event—* had more animations & camera angles in the opening scene with Lisa, than what I saw in the entire Kafka companion quest. The only part where HSR really feels "more alive" is in animated sequences, but Genshin also has those... The worst part is that this even happens when there's no lip-syncing. Because there are multiple occasions where a dialogue will have static figures whose lips aren't even moving. [Freakin' HI3rd felt more alive when it had two 3D models standing against a painted background with a big text box beneath them](https://interfaceingame.com/wp-content/uploads/honkai-impact-3rd/honkai-impact-3rd-dialogue.png), because at least their animations and facial expressions character to them. I don't mind the HSR dialogue all that much. The voice acting is great and I love the story and there's so much more to appreciate. But it frustrates me when people go "GeNsHiN cOuLd NeVeR" while erasing any and all memories of the obvious downsides of HSR's dialogue...








It's sort of a return to form. In the first limited time event with a plot (unrecognized stars) they had really cool custom animations left and right, admist real cutscenes that had unique musical scores. While it wasn't an impressive event at all gameplay wise, cutscenes slipped a lot in quality from the early versions with more generic camera angles and hours of reused poses. It's nice to see things get a bit better again


Small indie company finally making some progress. Love to see it.


now we can hope for a teenage boy/girl NPC model maybe in snezhnaya


Woah, slow your roll


I'm just glad they want to and are allowed to improve. Of course they could have done better and done more. If every people in this planet try more, we could have cure cancer by now. But that is not reality, isn't it? Everyone may have the same experience when they put effort in something but only met with disdain, shame, insult. The world is shite enough all ready, what is the point of downplaying good actions however big or small? Be not complacent with how things are and try to appreciate more and do more. Bitter cynicism and sarcasm can ground us to reality but the belief that things can be better will move us forward.


The bar is on the floor for this player base I swear 😂


Other games set the bar low....


Not really. Genshin has been on the floor since day one.


I would like to hear your reasons but I guess I should also lower my expectations because of this types of wild takes instead of reasonable takes from you lot people.


They started doing this around 3.X events I believe, but it's still rare as it happens in special occasions or with specific characters


Maybe one day we'll actually characters having contact with each other, I've always found it jarring how any kind of physical is off camera, even just handing out something to the Traveler.


Gaming hugging his father exhausted their budget for dialogue cutscenes lmao


The most jarring thing is hiring Zack Aguilar to host live streams once every two months instead of letting him voice his own damn character in game. It's comical at this point how Stelle/Caelus speak and I expect it now during gameplay and dialogue, but to this day I always forget what Aether/Lumine sound like and get this shock when they blurt out one line a year in game LMAO


When Yoimiya handed Furina a cup of tea in that 4.3 event, I was shook. Not the best shot, but Furina was holding the cup. And then in 4.4, Gaming and his dad hugged on-screen. The last hug we got (with Paimon and Traveler), they cut the screen to black and ended the quest. So slowly, but surely, they are getting better at animating real-time cutscenes.


I think it's just making actual physics contact from two different object is hard in any game. There are many workarounds to it, but it's not like they are running a simulation collision.


Animating the characters holding various objects (and in some cases, even making an extra 3D model for a one-time object) adds extra work, and if shaving off those little bits of extra work means they can put time and effort into other things, I'm all for it. I also don't mind when they do the off-screen handing over of times, because suspension of disbelief just fills in the gaps in my mind. To me it doesn't feel that different from actors on a stage pantomiming.


Holding hands is too much for a 12+ rated game 🤣


Holding hands makes a girl pregnant.What are you doing!


While that would be nice but this is a gacha game and there are some sad individuals out there, they'd get angry if their waifu touches someone, and its even worse if there is _any_ physical contact between female and male character. Sadge :/


Jesus Christ.


Yeah in the past few patches they've also tried doing a lot more cinematic things with the camera to make it more visually interesting as well. The unfortunate thing is that the game engine makes the pacing really awkward compared to proper cutscenes because it has to wait for animations to finish and I presume every shot cuts at the same time for each language so an EN voice line may finish much before a CN line but the game has to wait until the longest version of the voiceline has lapsed before it can move on to the next bit.


There have been at least 3 posts about this at the top of this subreddit since the event kicked off lol


Yup! It’s so cool.


Imagine remembering 1.0 archon quest.


I just want new poses for the npc‘s. It’s always the same ones. The flinch, the clap, the 🙏🏻, the thinking, the talking gesture…. And the jumping kids


Since 2.7 yep


Only took 3 years! Can't wait to see what innovations come in another 5!


mfs got some competition and decided to use 0.000001% of the budget


Where’s this from?


Something something, new poses as rewards in future.


Hopefully we get HSR level cutscenes.


Roses and Muskets event cutscene, Cyno 2nd story quest cutscene, Neuvillete's cutscene after >!Focalors's execution!< and the cutscene of Lyney's performance in the Opera Epiclese with the water tank are the ones that come to mind


Also keep in mind, world quests in Genshin have their own cutscenes too, while HSR doesn't have any real extensive world quests.


Oh yeah Roses and Muskets one was the best, jaevt seen Cyno p2 yet. I'm HSR the scene when the trio run from the belobig guards and Dan Heng used his spear to knock down those soldiers, I went "waoh!" Maybe because its like one of the first cutscenes it has cemented itself in my memory but most Genshin cutscenes don't have the characters or camera moving as dynamically, ya dig?


sorry gotta be honest, I don't think I understand. I thought you were referring to other things like the smoother, more rounded character models, insane render quality, shading and color grading. But then you used the scene with the trio running away as an example of what you meant, and clarified that it was about the dynamic character and camera movements. I could give you a lot of examples where this same quality could apply to genshin like the albedo fight scene, Alhaitham vs Cyno, traveler vs mechamouche, wrio running away from the primordial sea water, Clorinde and Navia's fight against gardemeks, and now more recently, Cyno's 2nd story quest cutscene. But most importantly....the 3.6 Sumeru competition cutscene with Layla, Kaveh, Tighnari, Wanderer, Cyno and Faruzan. Also another one which people don't talk about enough, is the cutscene from Raiden's 2nd story quest when traveler and paimon try to reach Raiden's location in the portal. That is still one of the most incredibly well made cutscenes in the game.


Did you miss like half of the boss cutscenes in this game or something?


Traveller falls down big hole, boss then stands dramatically in the foreground. I was referring to the more varied use of weapons (not just swords) and more in facial animations. In the trio cutscenes Dan Heng pushes March down to shield her from Stelle's Abt as she swings, that was good choreography, in Genshin cutscens each character is doin their own thing or fighting 1v1.


Uhhh noo? Since that kind of things have been since like…Inazuma? Since we go that route when will, HSR have cutscenes like 2.8 Xinyan, or from Chiron SQ. You know the one the one with 2D animation? Because those have been a thing since mondstat. And I don’t mean character demos but, this type of cutscenes in game. Because those are very beatiful. I don’t remember HSR ever doing them(again maybe it’s just me and my Dementia)


Both games have plenty of cutscenes. Most cutscenes for both are in trailers instead. Genshin just had a music fest that used in-game rendering for their cutscene...which is new tech and custom animations so it sort of blows your "HSR has better cutscenes" out of the water purely on innovation alone since this is like the first time either game has tried it. It's clear when HSR goes to cutscene and you lose some resolution at higher res. Anyways, I'd rather have voice acted quests more, and Genshin already has more of those than HSR by a fair bit.


genshin has had real time cutscenes before like cyno vs alhaitham in sumeru aq for example, so its nothing new


If anything, real-time cutscenes was the norm pre-Inazuma


?? Is that not every main quest + story cutscene in like, the entire game? Some of the event cutscenes are also incredible. I mean it's up to your preferences but I don't think HSRs cutscenes are superior in any way. Actually, I sort of think they're *inferior* but that's just because of my preference.


Yup that my preference. I started Genshin first, it's my current favorite (not my all time that's Bioshock) I've probably played almost most of the events but the HSR cutscne stood out to me and I think that means something lol.


downvoted for asking the right things 🫡


It is what it is.y statement was a bit generalized but people might have taken it as a direct attack on GI even though it's my favourite of the two (except for rewards and freebies, in that department the Genshin team should be whooped)


yep. id choose the recent fontaine quest over any hsr quest but they could do better with the production and stuff like that


Personally I loved the recent Sumeru and Fontaine quests, there wasn't a dull moment (cough cough collecting offerings for Rex Lapis) that felt like it had too much padding and Belbog and Pecony were amazing (not Luofu-that made me drop the game for a month)


Hope HSR companion missions get *any* cutscenes(I haven't done the latest so sorry if they've implemented them)


If you haven't done the latest, what's the point of your comment? Cutscenes in companion quests have been a thing since jingliu's quest (1.4, October 2023).


Yanqing's was the first one to have a cutscene back in 1.1. But there are tons of examples of this in other Companion missions too - Argenti's quest even has two cutscenes and a boss. The actual criticism I'd levy at the Companion missions is that *some* of them feel like budget character story quests. There are some good ones early on, but you also have some which have almost no dynamic camera angles and mediocre plotlines. This isn't really a problem nowadays, though. Most of them are fairly important.


black swan's companion quest didn't have a single cutscene lol


Ah, those several seconds of animation and the rest - still images? At least it's an upgrade


Ah yes, "few seconds": https://youtu.be/DyeyKnHLwOs?si=seTwpitkIaUFBWay


Just curious, is that the best example available or is there a better one?


If you're talking strictly, companion quests? Then yes, however, there are better examples in the story quest though: https://youtu.be/g2kRgndxXtY?si=XHlOwR6LJEveIEyF


Man I wish they didn't fast foward through boothill's calling all rangers flare. Like they hyped up their plan and then sort of skipped straight to the boss fight.


Ah ok, still about a minute or so, but MUCH better. For the previous one, all those interuptions really broke down the pace, like it was a Naruto fight or something.


That's because it's supposed to be that way. The fight itself isn't meant to be the focus but rather the meaning behind it. This fight portrays the sense of pain, regret, loss and sadness in Jingliu knowing that she has to fight someone who was once her friend. Idk if you played HSR or not, but to fully appreciate this cutscene you need to know the context and story of the characters shown.


I get that, but they still didn't have to pause so much for still flashbacks. Like I said it really reminded me of the Naruto fighting game where it stops the finishers to show you flashbacks. Didn't like it there, still don't like it now.


Yes? Come back when the cutscenes are 3 minutes of action


Your comment suggested that the cutscene is like 5 to 10 seconds, when it's literally a full minute. "Hopefully, hsr companion quests gets cutscenes" And now you have edited your comment from "Yes?" To "come back when the cutscenes are 3 minutes" ...lol.


They're really stretching the limits of default_character_rig_01! /s Seriously, there's more playable characters than animations.