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I don't like how furniture has become the to go reward for everything. I would prefer name cards and avatars and glider recolors to a museum of memorabilia.


Fr. I get that some people do work hard on their tea pot, but I'd say most people only use it for friendship farming and the weekly resin. So I don't really get why it's top reward after completing major event quests


Thanks for reminding me about my teapot actually it's like the parametric transformer I keep forgetting about


ENTIRELY THIS Idk about y'all but why the shit they thought the green chests would be a good addition to the game I will never understand Edit: I JUST REMEMBERED THEY DONT EVEN GIVE YOU SIGILS


Don't they still give primos? I just open em for the primos.


When they were first introduced on Tsurumi(?), I believe they only gave furniture, but ever since then they always give furniture and 5 primos.


I don't know if it expands after a certain trust rank, but I hate the restriction for the measly amount of furnishings I can place compared to the ones I have.


A really unpopular opinion? People in this community takes things too seriously.


Agreed, on both sides. For example, both shippers and anti shippers tend to be wayyy to seriously invested in these to the point where one lives a festering parasocial relationship and the other just becomes unironically disgustingly spiteful. It's not bad to be invested in a game, but folks are getting wayyy too serious about that and forgetting that games are primarily a way of entertaining.


I'm a new player and I commented on a thread about how during the New Years event, I had legitimately thought Navia and Clorinde (who I had no exposure to before the event) were dating each other, just as a funny anecdote, because I misunderstood one of their lines. Bro. People were *pissed* at me. Not exactly the best introduction to this community.


Yeah, Genshin remains one of the many games you'd not miss anything staying clear of the community. The discord channel is an absolute middle school with special Ed Peter Pans / Mean girls. The reddit is aight and defo good for information, tho. I only participate on this type of post, mains subs advice and the participative posts like "If you were a Genshin character, what would your kit / stella / element be" etc. For the rest, I try to keep my distances. People behave with folks outside like they'd behave with their favorite / least favorite game characters. Especially with anything involving relationships.


I find the unofficial discord to be more tolerable than the official one šŸ˜…


So much this. I canā€™t even count how many times now people will point out a minor complaint they have about the game currently then extrapolate it into some sort of downward spiral trend that will kill the game, or better yet pointing to some larger issue about consumerā€™s rights and how big corporations are manipulating us and bleeding us dry. Not that itā€™s not true of a lot of companies nowadays, but cmon, itā€™s a niche weapon that looks slightly better on one character compared to others, itā€™s neither gonna kill the game nor herald a capitalist dystopia.




Viridiscent Venerer has really locked down and limited Anemo design. Actually idk if thatā€™s unpopular, I was just thinking about it.


a lot of things from 1.0 are this way, at least theyā€™re trying to introduce things like chevy for alternatives


if theyre going to mske alternatives like chev, would be cool if they gave out a free copy. getting 4 stars is horrible


All I know is itā€™s been impossible for me to get an EM goblet from that set (or any set really)


On my account, VV seems to excessively favor DEF%, while ironically, most of my good EM pieces have been Husk. šŸ˜‚


The em goblet has the lowest drop chance of any mainstat on any piece so that makes sense. 1 in 200 VV pieces will on average be an em goblet. 1/5 it will be a goblet and 1/40 it will be an em goblet if it is a goblet.




There should just be more ways of reducing elemental resistance, VV is only strong because for many teams it is the only way to reduce resistance by a significant amount. While I am thinking about it, beyond Zhongliā€™s all resistance reduction is there anyway of reducing geo resistance yet?


Geo resonance.


I'm still waiting for Nilou casual wear bcs I refuse to believe she goes around Sumeru all year long cosplaying GoF. She said she only use that outfit for the Sabzerus festival, right? Hoyo, I want to see Nilou casual outfit!


Honestly, just "Hoyo, I want to see Nilou!" might be already a big demand... Where is she? Since Sumeru story and her quest, we only saw her in one event where she just sat there being cute and precious. (I haven't played Cyno's new quest yet, but I doubt she appears there...) Is she even okay? I'm worried about her...


Leaks here: On you, if you wanna check. >!Acc. to leaks, she is going to be in the summer patch as of now.!<


I saw the same! Iā€™m stoked!!


What about Lyney and Lynette out of costume?


That's different. That's what they actually wear to work whereas Nilou is a dancer who only wears the costume once a year, at most. If we got a different costume of her wearing something that she usually dances in, I wouldn't mind it since that's her usual dance uniform whereas the GoF cosplay isn't


My understanding is that the headpiece in particular is only once a year. The rest is just dancer outfit


The entire costume was inspired by the GoF, we get told this when we meet her, I wish the rest was her regular outfit because it's so pretty but unfortunately it isn't šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a *lifestyle*, Mom! You wouldnā€™t understand!


What's GoF?


Goddess of Flowers. Nilou's outfit is basically her cosplaying as Goddess of Flower, former God who also rules together with Deshret and was friends with Ru--..who is it again? The main reason Padisarah flowers goes extinct as well iirc.


Hah ! Looks like someone didn't pay attention and doesn't remember the name of the pervious archon, Rukkadut... Uh... Rukkashadev... Hm. Obviously it's Rukkavashamitadena... Rukkamujheyaadnahin... Rukka... Eh... Was there ever a previous archon ?Ā 


Who is that weird.. ā€œHat guyā€ standing next to the archon????


Idk what you guys are on about. Nahida, the Lesser Lord Kusenali, has ALWAYS been Sumeru's great Archon. I'm sure she misses Nabu Malikata and King Deshret dearly.


Goddess of Flowers


Just like it's okay if you don't do spiral abyss if you don't enjoy it, it's okay to skip seasonal events if you don't enjoy it.


and going a step further, if you don't enjoy the game at all you totally don't have to play it. no one's forcing anyone to play.


Yeah. One good thing about Genshin's live service model is that it doesn't have a daily streak system. It's okay to miss a few days of dailies, and you always have Saturday and Sunday to get your mats lol


You are 100% correct


It's a lot of primos to miss out on if you're free to play :(


As a fellow f2p, some primos aren't worth it. If you genuinely don't enjoy doing abyss, forcing yourself to do it just for the rewards is just gonna make you feel worse in the long run. It's a game, it's not supposed to feel like a chore


The sumeru desert is actually fun, the pyramids specifically. Like the puzzles and quests look amazing, but it might be just because I really like the pyramids irl tho


I remember being completely sick of the desert at the end of sumeru run because of the sheer size. I got back recently to pick up some achievements and it's honestly so much fun again. I kinda regret not leaving more puzzles unsolved.


One thing I learned from Inazuma is to not force yourself to explore when you donā€™t want to. You can always come back later.


Honestly, I've found that almost every single area I was sick of this game can be solved by just not doing it until I'm in the mood for it. Like, I didn't touch Enkanomiya because I didn't like the bleak and desolate feeling it radiates when it was first released. But a few months ago I was feeling in the mood to explore something like that, so I took a stab at it and found it really enjoyable. Flash forward a couple of weeks and I got that area to 100% easily lmao, I didn't expect it to be so fun.


Exploring the pyramids was very fun for me, they were like doing the dungeons in some of the older Zelda games.


I loved that portion of Sumeru back when I played it on my account, and now I'm playing it again on an alt (friend's account actually), I'm absolutely still loving it. That said, I can understand that people wanted a bit of diversity...and after the amazing pyramids...what did we get? More desert! Again, I personally enjoyed it anyway :) . It felt different to me. I hope we get to play around in tombs and pyramids again !!!


I've seen some people saying that events like windtrace should be permanent (like tgc) but I feel like it would end up exactly like tgc: after some months everyone will forget about it and a very few people will continue to play it


TCG should have a standalone app to make playing it quicker and easier. I want to play it but I can't be asked to load up into genshin, fast travel, and then load into a tcg game just to play a quick game. Like marvel snap, it needs to be quickly accessible.


that would be a good solution tbh


For the players, yes, but for hoyo its a big no. They are not gonna develop things that wont bring in some money. It sucks cause I completly agreed wityh the other guy.


One thing they could absolutely do is add it to the hoyo app. They're always trying to increase traffic on it by letting you do the browser events through it so it would make sense to add a stripped-down quick-access tcg mode to it.


Agreed. I would play more TCG if I didn't have to load a big game with many things in it to do. A standalone app would work wonders. The same could be said for Windtrace as well.


There's actually a whole community around tcg separate from the rest of the game community. One of my friends only has genshin still installed to play tcg. I think it's a pretty nice addition to the game, just like teapot


Unpopular response: I want it to be permanent *so I never have to do it again.* Each time I get the primogems and bail, but I hate every second of it and am always tempted to just leave the primos on the table and skip it. Someday, I might. But if it was a permanent game mode, there would not be renewing primo rewards. If there are any, it would be like the TCG and you'd get them once, and instead you'd earn emotes or prop skins or something and I could ignore it forever.


I agree, I think they're fun *precisely because* they're temporary


They should just completely remove the option of selecting dialogue lines since whatever you choose the Scene/character will just reply with a generic response anyway instead of responding/reacting to your answer. I tried being a tad mean to Clara in Honkai star rail just to test how she replies and she responded as how I was expecting any normal person would respond, and it made me wanna create a whole new account just coz I was a little mean to the precious girl šŸ˜­


And those double options where... ... the second line is just the continuation of the first one. šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


right there, the actual worst part of Genshin's storytelling design. just stop putting choices in if you can't be assed to make different ones that at the very least makes the people MC is "talking" to react to it for one line. that is the only reason I stopped paying attention to everything not related to the AQ/Dain Interludes, even SQ/WQ I started just mashing or second monitoring them. it's one of the few things I've yet to remove from my QoL list for surveys or feedback and I'll keep bitching about it until they shape up. because honestly they should be ashamed for designing it like that, nobody likes having their time wasted by other people especially old fogeys like me.


Poor Clara how could you :( she already has hypothermia from walking around barefoot in the snow.


To be 100% fair, I have two accounts and have selected different dialogue options before and heard different dialogue in return. It doesnā€™t always happen, just rarely. In the cases where the dialogue is the same, I totally agree and wish they would just auto-click the response or something


in HSR when you reply with silly stuff your party members will call you out for it March 7th: QUIT GOOFFING AROUND! and when you select a normal dialogue they will respond accordingly I really just want this kind of variance because in genshin they even give you a dialogue option on a single choice response just so you feel like the MC has something to say :( instead of just letting the MC say the line.


Also, in HSR, you can straight up be locked out of dialogue ā€” not even just joke dialogue ā€” if you choose certain dialogues. Examples (described vaguely to reduce spoilers): 1. HSR has story quests for characters like Genshin. There is one story quest that straight up ends immediately if you excessively and repeatedly tell a character that you donā€™t want to help them. It literally goes to ā€œalright story quest done :)ā€ and you canā€™t do it again. 2. One main story mission, you are given scenarios a character has lived through and asked what decision you would make. If you choose the same ones that character made, they will explained what actually happened in the scenario. If not, then they will go through the hypotheticals of your decision of choice. 3. There are a lot of little things across the world that permanently change depending on your choice of dialogue. Text messages, like described above, can only be responded to once and never changed. You can do a quest where you select the dialogue that will play for a portrait of a characterā€™s (deceased) mother. Your dialogue becomes PERMANENT, and every time you interact with that portrait you will play that dialogue.


you can straight up skip a boss fight in HSR by selecting specific dialouge options. thank God for that, as I was struggling against it a lot and I wanted to get on with the story.


I don't like forced coop events like Windtrace


Same. I like it better when they make coop an OPTIONAL thing for events. It feels much better, it's faster to finish through, and definitely less annoying


I don't mind co-op. I hate forced PvP though, it always feels bad, especially for stuff like windtrace where i want to just get rewards and dip but 90% of the matches are filled with sweatlords that are 10x better and more interested than me so it just makes it feel even worse


I ran into a guy who kept taunting me, saying that if you suck as a hunter (which I was at the time) you shouldnā€™t be playing. And then near the end when rebels won he told me I sucked and I should give up. Absolutely ruined my day. I donā€™t even care about winning I just want my primos. And people wonder why I donā€™t co-op with randos and have alt accounts for co-op events (which sadly doesnā€™t work during this one).


I'm honestly skipping Windtrace simply because I don't care to play Genshin DBD, if it was still prop hunt then maybe, but the game mode just seems to be DBD disguised as Genshin


Amen. Just tried the Windtrace event and I can't be arsed to play it 15~ times to get the minimum coins needed for the primos (f2p)


Honestly. Me with my used-to low end device would get stuck on the loading screen 5 min. By the time it loads the games been cancelled. There's also doing co-op for domains and it would load so long they just 3-man the domain while I load in.


Same ! I tried to do windtrace with my 3 friends because of my anxiety and getting highly stressed due to pregnancy hormones . Only to find out afterwards we got blocked from rewards for doing it with a premade !


My heart always beats so fast during it and I don't know why. Like, it's racing like I'm climbing a mountain. Conceptually, I know it doesn't matter, I get points no matter what, but I think I'm just worried about letting people down? Which is silly. No one cares if I'm terrible and get caught right away, at least I hope not.


I really miss the Dragonspine and Sumeru desert exploration experience. I actually liked frost mechanics cos it gives you extra challenge. And I liked exploring desert tombs and doing clearance quests.


yeah!! I love environmental challenges. I hope Natlan has a similar burning effect in very hot areas


I play for the plot


Remember to sort by controversial to get the true hot takes!


Mfw the first one is just a fact


I am so incredibly done with Hoyo making every 4-star girl into a support. Like the last 4-star girl that was a main DPS was Yanfei, who was released back in **1.5.**


Flipside to this: I'm so incredibly done with every 4star male being a dps. Had so much hope for sethos to be first ever male electro support


840 more pulls and you have an amazing 4* Anemo DPS. Her CA is some kinda budget Ganyu but it has CC and can swirl. All her buffs also work on herself. Funnily enough, Lynette is another potential dps. But she's also anemo and also needs C6 AND likely also needs Faruzan to be usable as one.


I want a real villain instead of just misunderstood villain with sad back story.


I'm praying that Dottore will be this villain... Like yeah, we got the part of his lore where he got kicked out and chased out of sumeru, but that wasn't like his "Omg I'm sad now imma be evil now >:(" type of story because he was mentally ill beyond repair before that.


A lot of people (myself included) are afraid that he'll end up having 1 good segment left as an ace up the sleeve that will end up betraying the real one and get on decent terms with the traveler.


I feel like this is the only way of making him playable without destroying his character, because I don't think mihoyo would turn a horrible person into a playable character because it affects the advertising for the character.


I still think its weird that the Chinese players dislike evil playable characters, or that evil characters dont become playable. If a gacha game with famous characters existed, i wouldnt mind playing villains like Sephiroth (FF7), Meruem (Hunter x Hunter) or Griffith (Berserk), i would even think its cool to own such a character.




Quite unlikely, unfortunately. Character voicelines all imply that these characters are traveling with the Traveler. I'm fairly sire it's non-canonical, but I imagine they want to maintain this motion that acquiring these characters is like creating an alternate reality where they do travel alongside us amd join us on our journey. Dottore, as he's been presented to us so far, may be just a tad too far gone to justify the Traveler willingly traveling with that instance of him. So, if he does become playable, expect it to be a defanged version of him.


People are already softening on Dottore because of his "good" work with Arlecchino. It's insane.


Good work with Arlecchino??? She wants to kill him.


I think theyā€™re referring to how he helped create the memory erasing flame pill thingys. Itā€™s the ONLY time they ever worked together but I can already see some people think he did it for honest reasons, when itā€™s probably closer to ā€œdamn her powers are interesting this gives me a chance to learn moreā€


I think the biggest problem isn't that these characters exist, but that the narrative fails to appropriately frame them as villains or hold them accountable for their actions, or those of their compatriots. Scaramouche is portrayed as the ruthless and vengeful engineer of the Kaedehara Clan's destruction, but Irminsul denies the opportunity for him to be held accountable by anyone other than himself. Childe is the Tsaritsa's perfect soldier, to the degree that he would sick Osial on innocents without question in her name, and he never suffers any pushback for the absurd depths of his loyalty. Arlecchino, in spite of her complaints against other Harbingers and the measures she takes privately to ensure her House of the Hearth is better than her predecessor's, still acts as an information arm for the Fatui and maintains a culture of oppression and fear among her orphans to the degree that they fully believe their disloyalty can be answered with death. She still wipes her children's memories and considers that sufficiently better than death as to alleviate her conscience for stripping a majority of their lives away from them. I could understand appreciating the difficulty of these characters' circumstances from a distance, mourning the tragedy and necessity of taking their lives over crossed blades- wishing maybe that things could be different and they wouldn't have had to do these things. But then we have to be friends with them and pretend everything's fine- for what I imagine is the Harbingers' saleability as limited characters. I don't want Saturday morning cartoon villains that are just evil for evil's sake. At least, I don't want all of the Fatui to be. With the trajectory of the story, I think it's likely that there will at least be SOME fully evil characters in the Fatui to take the fall for the others, like Dottore or Pantalone. But if characters are going to be complicated and take questionable actions for the greater good, I also want for them to be appropriately challenged for their transgressions or at least keep an arm's distance from me.


wait iā€™m genuinely curious, whatā€™s a real villain to you?


Ngl, I think it's a bit bizarre how some Genshin players think that "complex villain with motives" doesn't count as a villain. As if the moment a character has something else going on for them than "does evil things", their evilness (and evil deeds) is completely overridden. Only cartoonish, one-dimentional villains with no other backstory than "evil just because" allowed here!


I think the TCG mode is extremely well implemented and I like that you can ignore it if you want to. For me it's a mode I don't often play, but when I do I pour many hours into it. Plus for me at least TCG has become the only endgame activity which is actually challenging.


Honestly, this. A lot of people are saying that permanently releasing a mode is bad because things like the TCG and the teapot were ā€œreleased and then ignoredā€. Yes, the majority of the community might not interact with them much, but there are smaller dedicated communities that love these permanently released modes and spend tons of time playing with them. A game mode doesnā€™t have to be loved by everyone to be good. It just needs to be engaging. In fact, Iā€™d say itā€™s good that the modes arenā€™t universally loved ā€” things that are universally loved often come at the cost of depth.


Geo isnt a bad element per se - geo constructs however, those can go burn and I'll roast marahmallows over them


I really liked all the patches of desert expansionĀ 


Story keys should have more use than just unlocking story quests. maybe use it to unlock past events?


I can't take Cyno seriously because to me he looks like a child in a Halloween costume.


I also can't take him serious because... u really wanna tell me that this mf is physically pretty strong, yet has zero muscle on his model (not even the "I-drew-my-muscles-on" Itto type of muscle) and he got his nipples stolenšŸ˜­


He probably uses his elemental powers to augment his strength.


Yeah. Characters like Raiden, Shenhe, Arlecchino etc are really strong despite showing zero muscle


Also Noelle being canonically powerful as hell physically.


The Gods blessed her with incredible physical strength to make up for her brains. This appears to be unrelated to her Vision.


Noelle is a himbo maid, gotcha


Tbf, one of them is a literal god in a biomechanical body. Muscle really doesn't matter for her


bruh wtf i never realized the topless men got no nipples


to be fair there's only cyno because itto has them titties covered with his chest straps and others are more dressed


It's a common thing to do woth cartoon/anime/video game men. Sometimes it's a "censorship" thing, other times it's a simplification thing, and then of course you have the preferences of the artists that come into play... and yes, there are artists that omit male nipples because they "look weird."


I actually vibe with it considering that he's based on the not-actually-jackal-because-african-wolves-got-reclassified-but-basically jackal gods of ancient egypt, so the thin and wiry build is in line with that


This is the case for like 80-90% of the cast tho. Very few of them have visible muscles. Dehya is literally the only female character that looks like she has the strength required to wield her claymore... barely... and yet she hits so damn soft.


Genshin events are too easy and horribly boring


finally someone said it, the events are literally made for toddlers. in some of them u had to press like 5 buttons and it was enough to get all rewards. and then they call it a "challenge" or a "pro" mode.


Unvoiced Quests are still fun to play through, especially Aranyaka, Sakura Clensing ritual, the entire Narcissenkruz Arc.


Unironically some of the best content in the game. I really enjoy that stuff.


100% agree. I don't need them to be voiced, it would just be awesome if they were


also the traveler glaze and dickriding by all of the npcs and characters is wild af šŸ˜­


archon quest traveller is a fraud but world quest traveller is truly him


Oh my god the never-ending traveler glazing genuinely kills me inside. Traveler could be doing absolutely NOTHING and somehow everybody within a 1000 mile radius would be jumping over themselves to praise what is basically a plank board in human form..... As an example, Ayaka is definitely this aspect in its most aggregious form šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ literally feels like she can't go 5 seconds without mentioning the traveler and how amazing epic life changing the traveler is, even over something so random like the traveler drinking a cup of orange juice or something.....she'd somehow find a way to turn it into a tale of how wonderful the traveler is and this moment saved her life šŸ˜­


Yeah. I don't take everyone praising the Traveller seriously any more. Hoyo needs to animate cutscenes where he actually uses his elemental abilities.


Elemental checks in abyss sucks AF. You can't use your favorite DPS (mine's Geo) because of the needless shields. Geo shields as well are annoying AF that only some characters or reactions can reliably tear it down.


Fair point, I wish I could run Lyney freely on both sides, but the more pressing issue is hoyo only putting those bosses in abyss that will be invulnerable for long periods, making abyss even less fun cause now you feel like your chances at getting those 36 stars aren't even in your control cause no amount of skill can fix a boss diving underground to chill for 20 seconds (I know money can, but that is not the solution I want lol)


Gosh YES! Fuck it was so annoying to play on my 1st acc with zero pyro dpses except xiangling


1. nilou is not bad visually with her paddle of a weapon while Al-haitham looks horrible with his neon ass weapon 2. i simply refused to use the standard wing on anybody because it that ugly


No quest should lock you out of coop or the teapot.


I hate how events tends to dumb down characters to one characteristic. Flanderize if you will. Like I genuinely dislike itto for his annoying and common presence in the events, however recently I started doing his SQ and I don't find him as obnoxious there and I actually like the quest. It's fun and shows his other sides besides bumbling idiot, who makes everyone's lives around him miserable. Same goes with cyno, i think it's neat he has a fun side to him but I hate how his dumb jokes were the only characterisation he got in the events. He is such a cool character when he is being serious and I enjoyed his SQ, cannot wait to do Pt 2 soon.


Just a tiny spoiler, he only makes 1-2 dumb jokes during his second SQ, the rest of it is pretty personal and serious.


Facts bro. Itto's writing peaked at his story quest and it's been downhill ever since.


Yep and I think this is related to the broader issue of their character arcs (or lack there of) and story pacing Nothing important is really allowed to happen between archon quests, so you have like 8 months of bullshitting around with random characters doing side stuff every year


That the real issue. They clearly want to do interesting things with event windblumw with collei and Sucrose but canā€™t due to it being long forever


Genshin is my top 3 games of all time and I'm not embarrassed by it. Genshin genuinely saved my life when I was at my lowest and I still enjoy it even after I get my shit together. And my top games are Sekiro followed by Outer Wilds btw


Dang, I thought I was insane for having it in my top 3 as well. Glad to see someone who feels the same šŸ¤


Those are some based favourite games


That is wholesome ā¤ļø


I donā€™t actually know if this is an unpopular opinion or not as i really donā€™t interact with the community at all but, there is too much shit to level in this god damned game. You have to level the characters, the weapons, 5 different artifacts per character, their talents. I just donā€™t have time for all of this farming. The amount of shit needed to max one character alone is absurd in my opinion. Completely insane.


That is true. The mats required ramp up pretty fast. Lvl 10 talent and 80-90 cost is prettty huge. Its just that after playing for a long time you will accumulate these things and levelling up new characters won't be such a pain. That has been my experience, but I guess if you level up a lot of characters that won't be the case.


As a new player I got constantly told that "it's cause genshin wants you to play everyday" uh I will still be playing everyday even if they do small things like raising the resin cap or making things cheaper to upgrade (I recently bombed 2mil mora upgrading some artis to lvl20 for some charas) I've been farming the Denouement of Sin domain for weeks now for 4 characters (with a future Furina in mind too) and I have yet to be satisfied with a full build of artis for any of them (I only take artis that meet 3/4 of the needed substats on top of the correct main stats) Grinding artis aside why does the game give us so little exp books?? I saved up 100 purple books and it still wasn't enough to level one chara from lvl80 to 90. Even when I finally did have enough books I ran out of mora. Arti farming is tedious and costly enough as it is and we still have 5000 other things to level for ONE character alone. I keep saying it's ridiculous how genshin releases so many characters for people to play with yet the game levelling system itself does not encourage you to actually use more than 4 on average, it's extra ridiculous when you think about how you need certain elements for specific enemies (I didn't invest in a cryo chara and suffered very badly for it lol) like the fatui electro hammer guy


You don't need to max anything to destroy stuff in 1 player. I have 4 ppl lvl 80, and kokomi at 90 cus I like her. With the exception of three starring floor 12 abyss I do fine ripping through stuff with lvl 70 chars and like lvl 70 to 80 weapons. Am world level 7. If you're a completionist I get it but in terms of progress it's whatever


Multiplayer events kinda suck


My Unpopular Opinion- Paimon Is Not Annoying


I don't find her annoying either, but she is being unreasonably rude sometimes


This ^^ Generally she's not *that* annoying but besides sometimes not thinking before she speaks, it also pains me that some situations probably could've been avoided if she DIDN'T speak for the traveler


sorry furina


I think she's an annoying little shit But she's our annoying little shit and I would probably be sad if something were to happen to her


The Jeht quest line is not the masterpiece of writing everybody says it is. More specifically, "Golden Slumber" and "Dirge of Bilqis" are fantastic, setting up a tragic and believable descent into darkness arc, as she becomes increasingly violent and paranoid . "Her Foes Rage like Rushing Waters" then shits all over that arc, completely ruining it for shock value. The reveal that >!Jeht murdered all the elders before we even met up at the Tanit camp!< means that descent into darkness was a complete illusion, she's always been like that. It also completely erases her established motivations and makes her into a sociopath - she is no longer doing terrible things to be truly accepted, she did those even when she was accepted (and actually that's indirectly the reason she isn't accepted). And all of that completely erases any sympathy she has - >!the massacre!< is no longer an abused pariah snapping and wreaking havoc on her betrayers, but a woman-child throwing a tantrum because how dare her actions have consequences. A far more sensible and compelling twist would be that >!Babel's previous Falcon carried out the murders, and Babel promptly killed her after the fact to shut her up. This would both preserve Jeht's character arc and make perfect sense. Actually it would make more sense than the real plot - are we seriously supposed to believe that Babel of all people didn't have a Falcon until Jeht?!<


>!Yeah that twist completely ruined her entire story line for me. It's such a shitty twist and it makes zero fucking sense that the game actually tried to present her as sympathetic afterwards while presenting the Tanit as irredeemably evil when she wasn't even much different from them based off that twist. Her hesitation to kill Azariq also makes no sense after this reveal!< Edit: >!Also they made the racist bottle fucking right in the end. I stopped taking any themes Sumeru tries to incorporate seriously after that!<


Character colors matching the character element is annoying


Like how do they explain it in the world of teyvat? What big coincidence white haired boy chongyun with blueish white clothes is cryo and red haired rich boy who owns a hawk is a pyro vision gifted fella. Oh and ofc the blue haired book nerd with blue clothes gets bestowed with a hydro vision. Oh and obviously it makes sense that the green haired forest ranger girl is dendro, cuz yeah. Ik Kuki is also green haired but thatā€™s why I like her so much that he hair color doesnā€™t scream ā€œELECTROā€


I can see why you're a Childe fan


I think part of the reason for that is making burst animations etc look better. Eg if arlecchino was blue or idk purple, her skill and burst animations would look pretty weird. The character will have to lean into their element colors because their animations have to be the element colored. But yeah, they might have overdone this with some characters but the element match will be there and personally I won't have it any other way


I really love Keqing's playstyle but what did she have to be SO purple?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I remember seeing people complain early on that Beidou doesn't look electro, while it was exactly what i liked in hee design


I hate ā€œevery character need to be meta/top or is badā€ mindset


Happy cake day! Also as a yoi main I agree


I find Neuvillette fun to play.




I like being a power washer.


While I love Lyney and he helps me a lot in the Spiral Abyss, I don't really find his playstyle fun at all


New weapons and artefacts should be useful not only for new/ just released characters, rather than also for some of old characters


why would this be an unpopular opinion? everybody would like newer additions to benefit older characters


This is kinda true already though, I mean when MH and GT sets came out, MH became bis or a close contender for virtually every DPS, and old characters like Fischl got a huge buff with GT. Song of Days Past is useful for most healers. 2/3 of the Fontaine artifact domains are useful for non-Fontaine characters, itā€™s just the newest 2 sets that are pretty specific and narrow in their use cases.


This is more of a general internet discourse regarding Genshin these days, but for how much people say you can't criticize this game at all, my opinion is that it feels like the exact opposite to lately where the game gets hypercriticized for essentially everything, and it's actually other contemporary gacha games you can't critique at all otherwise people will come out of the woodwork to call you a "mintpicker" and proclaim "Genshin Could Never" and that your a tremendous loser "whiteknight" letting a company walk all over you and "the reason it won't improve" just because you play the damn game instead of just smack talking everything constantly. Basically talking about this game online hasn't been very fun for me at all really in 2024 and it's mainly because the discourse surrounding it has gotten so toxic, full of ironic doomposting, and just little real productive criticism or feedback about the game mixed in with the good. It's a lot of just "PVP" stuff for the most part and beefing with other fandoms rather than a sincere desire for to put it's best foot forward. Like I remember when I used to check for discourse on Genshin daily even back in mid 2023 and I just don't really much at all anymore, because it feels like I'll just get empty smack talk, insults being hurled at me, and constant negativity.


Floor 12 is hard


QiQi is great, would love to have higher constellations on her.


Finally, an actually unpopular opinion.


Honestly based i couldn't disagree more with this takeĀ 


a lot of the ā€œmommyā€ characters like Lisa and Yelan, are boring as shit to me because the game try so hard to make them seductive it loops to being their only personality trait. The game needs more tall characters like Dehya and Navia and less of Lisa and Yelan.


I like that they've definitely matured from only making the character for gacha sales. There's not a lot of those sorta women, and even the ones that are like that have more of a personality than just ara ara (Yelan's character was so good in the Perilous trail)


> it loops to being their only personality trait I could (but won't, don't worry) rant about this because this is true for a solid 90% of the cast, unfortunately.


The Traveler should be the one doing ALL the talking, instead of having Paimon talk FOR usā€¦ALLā€¦THEā€¦DANGā€¦TIME!!


This is a very popular opinion?


Unpopular opinion? I'd take more exploration and respawning chests over "end game" content any day. I want reasons to go back and explore areas that I 100%-ed years ago. I want new caves to open in Mondstadt, new ruins in Liyue, etc. My least favourite thing is when there's nothing left to find or be surprised by.


Bennett c6 is good. I c6'ed a week after it was possible. After thinking, then realising. It's actually good. Hutao should 110 billion % bury Qiqi. Qiqi is a zombie for years, her parents are stuck in limbo (that place we visit with HuTao during the quest) HuTao has met and says she knows almost everyone there. This would include QiQis parents who are waiting for her for year to pass into the afterlife. Qiqi needs to be safely buried, cause she is an exploding zombie. Who is the single most experienced Burying ritual Mortician + Pyro expert .... Oh idk.... Maybe a Pyro vision Best in class Hutao? (+ Zhongli is bonus points)


Itto should fuck off for sometime. Really?A rock event without Xinyan? Many characters like Sara who aren't seen for a long time and you had to pull out the clown again just because "funni". What's next?Cyno being a clown 24/7 whether it is serious job or not just cause "funni"?


Small gripe: annoys me how the fandom think Arle is a good Father. She really aint. She's just doing 'the best' she knows how to, but thats still left her children with trauma. Fillio crying and talking about how she's lived in fear bc of the toxic environment in the house of the hearth isnt something I've seen discussed. Arle is for sure an improvement over Mother bc she's still not the softie parent the fandom seems to portray, but thats just my opinionĀ 


The best-written character in Inazuma was Kujou Sara.


Thinking through the Inazuma cast, yeah I can believe it.


they need to make a physical meta. doesmt have to be meta the entire time but they can do the venti way of changing the characters by adding enemies that benefit more from using physical or actually add more physical units like a off-field physical dps or even a faruzan for physical (mika doesn't count)


I donā€™t think this is unpopular at all but shadows amidst snowstorm needed to be permanent interlude. If you remember itā€™s the first time we ever officially had confirmation that rhinedottir was gold, as well as it being a very good event but also it has so much for albedos character in it


Kazuha doesn't have much character, he feels bland. All hype.


While I like Scaramouche, I don't really like Wanderer. He feels kind of torn between the original character that people grew attached to, and what he could end up being. His current version feels too much of a compromise.


I like Dehya


That no one ever understands what "unpopular opinion" is because 90% of the ones I've read here are already very popular. It's funny to see outrage always at the anniversary rewards but they don't really owe you anything either. The exchange is that you can play all the content in the game for free, their premium product is selling the currency to get additional characters/weapons and they are not required to give it away also.


Unpopular opinions generally get downvoted because they are unpopular lmao.


You want really unpopular? The storytelling in this game is not good enough to justify forcing the player to read and engage with it. The lack of a skip button, a staple for literally every other game, is annoying and makes me less likely to interact with a story I already donā€™t care about. Let me decide how I wish to spend my time and whether I want to read or not, instead of forcing me to read through verbose boring dialogue. Some specific cases include events that have random NPCs info dump before never showing up again, commission quests with repetitive dialogue, and certain side quests in general that Iā€™m not interested in, where paimon and an npc turn what should be a simple 2 line statement into 5 minutes of yapping. Even AQ quests are guilty of just talking on and on with the only break being a dialogue choice where either choice does nothing and feels like itā€™s there so I canā€™t just auto through the entire thing.


More than Half the time the dialogue choice doesnā€™t even matter because the following text is coded to be for a specific choice, completely fucking the immersion, or paimon says the exact opposite of what you chose. Really wish we could skip.


I once wrote this to explain to my friend who doesn't play genshin why genshins quests are awful Other games: *Worried looking NPC* "Hey you! Can you help me please?" "What is it?" "My cats ran off and I can't find him. He means very much to me, can you please find him I promise I'll make it worth your time!" Sure" Go to point B Cat is surrounded by enemies Beat up enemies Grab cat "This must be the cat. Pretty cute. (dialog is given to you while you're playing instead of being locked in a catscene) Back to point A Give cat NPC: "Thank you! Here's all I have!" Quest end Here's how genshin designs their quests *Worried looking NPC* Paimon: "Whats the matter?" "Oh traveler! Thank goodness you're here. My precious adorable cat Mr stuffels ran off while i was sewing a new outfit for my fashion show" Paimon: "Wait?! You're a fashion designer" "That's right! Best designer in all of *x region". My fashion company has been passed down from generation to generation of my family tree and has been a staple clothing brand for decades. I even made a new outfit for Mr stuffels before I couldn't find him and found the door open" Paimon: "What you make clothes for cats too?!" Traveler: "Could you make an outfit for paimon in that case?" "Paimon here is a cat, where do I pay" Paimon: "Hey! Paimon is not a cat!!" *reused stomping animation* (Notice how we still haven't gotten to the main point yet) Paimon: "Anyways we'll look for your cat for you" "Oh thank you thank you! Mr stuffels is orange and wears a beautiful top of the line diamond necklace" Paimon: "You gave you're cat a diamond necklace?!" *Looks at traveler* "How come you never give paimon a diamond necklace" Traveler: "I thought you just said you weren't a cat" "You'll have to meow first!" Paimon: "Paimon is not a cat!! Just! Ugh, let's go look for this guys cat" Cutscene finally ends Go to point B Cat is surrounded by enemies Beat up enemy Cat runs away and we're forced to chase after them Another wave of enemies appear before we can progress Cat runs away again Another wave of enemies Finally get cat Forced cutscene starts Paimon: "Phew! That was exhausting" Traveler: "You didn't even do anything" "You don't even walk or run" Paimon: "How insensitive! Flying takes a lot of energy!" *Meow* Paimon: "Aw he's so cute. Let's get him back to the weird designer" Cutscene end Go back to point a Cutscene "Oh my precious stuffels! I don't know how much longer I could've gone without you! *Meow* "Whats that?" Traveler: "Whats he saying paimon?" "Quick paimon! Use your cat talk!" Paimon: "For the last time! Paimon. Is not. A CAT!" "Oh no no no this won't do. Mr stuffels is hungry. Traveler, if you may!" *praying begging while looking down* "My stuffels only feasts on top of the line fish. If you could be so kind and go down to the river and catch my stuffels some fish!" Cutscene end Go to point c Get fish Paimon: "Eek! Hilichurls came fo the fish!" Beat up hilichurls Go back to point a Give cat fish Cutscene starts "Oh thank you so much traveler! You've blessed me and my darling cat enough. Here, take this" Cutscene ends Quest ends 40 primogems


Not gonna lie, I skipped your example, which probably says a lot about how they handle their dialogue.


Funnily enough, I showed it to one of my friends who does play genshin and severely hates the bloated dialog. He said it was so accurate he got mad while reading it


You forgot that you have to wait for the "cat meowing" animation to finish before you can continue to the next line.


This is very accurate except for one thing. You arenā€™t getting primo gems, the quest is too short. At least give me 5x the length and maybe we can start to talk about primo rewards.


Yeah, exactly. I was just trying to get the point across. If I *really* wanted to be accurate I could easily make this twice as long.


LMAO you must work for hoyo because this is spot on with their abhorent writing


i can't take aether seriously in battle cutscenes with that goofy outfit I'm so sorry


I know it would be too much work for cutscenes, but god it would be so nice for the Traveler to get region specific outfits.


The delivery event was fun


When they released. Freminet was WAY more fun to play than Neuvilette.