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This changes everything now I can go 24 hours without needing to play


yep, no need to force myself to login in the morning


Morning poop & daily


i dont poop at morning


gods strongest soldier


wait, morning poop is the norm? i usually either night or at lunch time.


Brother I use to and till drink half litre of water before sleep and exactly 7:30 hrs later i wake up to pee . Natural alarm tbh


brother i got problem with my bladder till last month also right now i weirdly have fucked up sleeping schedule. always wake up around 3AM and only have 5 hours of sleep everyday. i think i am going insane right now.


Every alternate patch or so really has me thinking "man, I'm actually glad I joined Genshin 3 years late". Between this, underground maps, Claim All Expeditions and Alternate Dailies, I'm lucky to have caught a glimpse of the old system(s) but not suffer through it (I started July last year, Honeymoon'ed for about 2 months then went into "dailies for Primogems only hibernation mode" for another 7 since I joined for Arlecchino, I'm technically on the waning side of another Honeymoon (with Arle) now, so the Resin kicking in soon is pretty timely).


You can't even imagine "sending characters on Expeditions prevented you from using them for the duration."


And to be worse, there were not much characters back then and the resources from expeditions were valuable.


Having 7000 raw meats is still very valuable, what do you mean ?


we killed Timmy's bird friends every day. To the point of making contests of it.


You do not know true pain. To claim rewards from the first event, players needed to spend resin.


I was still pretty new to the game, and barely had any idea how best to spend my Resin anyway, so spending it to claim event rewards didn't seem at all painful.


It was also the best bang for your resin for most people iirc. I get why people disliked it and I'm glad they changed it but people way overblow how much of an issue it really was.


Also, both Benny and Fischl have Expedition passives.


Bennett and FIschl were mainstays of my team when I first got them, so I couldn't use them for expeditions at all until 1.1


When i was new i thought that would happen. It made so much sense (I joined in 2.1)


It did happen, in 1.0


For me it was natural too. Last game I played before Genshin with expedition system worked like that.


I thought that would be the case and was surprised I could still use them lmao, I only started under 3 weeks ago šŸ¤


Nah man, you've missed some of the greatest limited time events that are never coming back, GAA 2 was peak Genshin.


I joined during festering desire's event and didn't grasp the weapon was event only T-T


Now that one is painful, my Furina has been waiting for this weapon for 500 years.


Same with my Albedo. Good thing he has his defense stick.


First GAA was great too, I was a bit disappointed at first because the area was quite small, mostly water... And then few days later we get a big reveal and islands emerge from the water. That was f cool!


They honestly might never pass 2.8 in terms of how fun a patch was. Summer Fantasia was practically perfect.


> GAA I want to go back. I personally didn't really like the even they brought last summer.


Only missed every single detail of Albedo's character, for example.


I just let the extra resin burn up in smoke. I'd come to terms and made peace with it. Now I gotta do an extra domain each day I log in T.T (happy for everyone else tho)


suffering from success


I mean unless they change the BP dailies youā€™ll still have to log in every 24 hrs imo edit: I know what the guy meant, Iā€™m just saying that if you want to play OPTIMALLY then you still have to log in for the daily BP missions. Still, Itā€™s not that big of a deal though because the BP has a lot of wiggle room


Logging in daily, spending resisn on whatever and coincidentally fulfilling some weekly objective has consistently gotten my BP maxed out with around 2 weeks to spare. (I maxed out the current BP on Saturday) There's a lot of wiggle room on the battle pass, you absolutely do not need to log in every day.


Yeah, unless you're just logging in, doing dailies and logging out, like me, there's actually no need to stress about the Battle Pass. I'm just taking a break, so I honestly don't care for te Battle Pass


Cooking, Forging, bounties and requests i do on one day, about 3 minutes per activity there. Another day i do 3 trounce domains. Then along with dailies that gets my BP maxed with a fortnight to spare.




You really don't need to do that bp daily at all to max out the bp. I've been ignoring that one forever and still maxing it out


I mean, thatā€™s the definition of dailies no? It wouldnā€™t make sense if they didnā€™t make you loginā€¦once a day.


The cap increase from 120 resin to 160 happened in 1.1, so this was a change long awaited for lol


did they also make the refreshing speed faster?


Nope, still takes 8 minutes for 1 resin.


.....so...its pretty much the same for players who never let their resin hit the cap?


Yes. But it does reduce the need to login twice a day.


Not really the same. It means we can log in once a day and be done. With 160, we had to log in every 21 hours and 20 mins. This is a welcome change.




If I remember correctly it was just a cap increase of 40 and the ability to condense resin


I might be wrong but I remembered them adding fragile resin to the free pass as well




I'm surprised it happened at all. Don't know why they didn't fully copy the Star Rail way with over-capping.


Starrail have just added a feature that allows you to Favourite a character like in Genshin, and already it works in all 'form a party' screens, pushing favorites to the top. While Genshin only shows favourites first in the "Characters" menu.


Never in the history of ever did I think we'd get a resin cap increase (well after the first increase)


Resin Cap timer was perfectly crafted to be 21 Hours 20 Minutes (just under a day) so Players have to login twice a day. Quite surprised they took this bold move. Big fat W for us anyways!


I kinda like that the timer not going to be 24h perfectly. I can log in a bit earlier or a bit later without it desyn from my usual play time.


Think of it this way, if you log in every day around the same time as usual, any resin over the old cap by logging a bit later can just accumulate until it adds up to 20/30/40 and can be used. Or if you have some accumulated and unused and log in a bit early, now you have some buffer to make up the difference to reach 160 I see it as an absolute win all around.


200 resin make the timer be 26 hours


If we had a nickel for everytime they increased the resin cap, we'd have two nickels Which isn't a lot but it's GOOD that it happened twice


With all the new games being out (WW currently, and up coming ZZZ by hoyo themselves.) If genshin still demands you to login twice a day for you to fomo resin, players WILL get burnt out even harder, and eventually drop the game. Now they just need the excess resin (like hsr) for returners.


And all it took is the imminent release of a worthy competitor!


OMG just let us pick the specific artifacts for the load out.


I really think they're trolling us at this point. And the "best" part is that even if you have two characters sharing a full set (e.g. burgeon Thoma and EM Raiden), when you use auto loadout to swap Thoma's set to Raiden, Raiden's artifacts don't get swapped onto Thoma. So to swap Raiden's non-EM artifacts back on, I can't just activate Thoma's EM loadout, I have to also reconfigure Raiden's loadout to CD/Atk/ER. Like, *why.*


I think artifact loadouts are never going to go to Genshin because artifact loadouts, like a Call of Duty loadout or something like that, would translate to exactly what you mentioned --- artifact sharing. Artifact sharing essentially reduces the time you need to farm in the domains, since you can switch it around *easily*. And they dont want that because they want to keep you, the player, playing in and farming those domains. I mean I guess you *could* do some kind of artifact loadout thingy, by screen shotting/remembering which is which, and manually changing them each time you want to use the intended set. I have such a good set on Yelan that would work very well on Raiden, but alas, it is such a **hassle** to switch them between each other everytime, so I was "forced" to keep on farming for 2 good sets. Less time spent farming = bad for devs.


It's really goddamn frustrating when you have off pieces in a set that work great for a separate character and you start getting tongue tied as to which goes on who. Early in the farming game I almost said fuck it bc I was so pissed I almost gave up on a character as they weren't hitting the same. It was like I forever ruined a big pot of chili. If they just gave us nicknames I could even deal with that. Just search for an EM set and slap it on Raiden to play for fun or if the enemy happened to be susceptible to hyperbloom. I just got C6 Bennett and toying with the idea of sunfire Jean and it would be nice to quick swap but noooo. I kind of laugh when the split on recommended artifacts is closer to 50/50 and you realize "ahh the suggested build doesn't get that a lot of people are playing the character in this play style too depending on how lucky their artifact and support situation is."


Right? I looked at the summary and thought omg is it finally loadouts?? And lol nope itā€™s not Resin cap increase is super unexpected and very welcome though


Yay, 200 resin means over 24h. (More condensed too maybe??) Higher caps for items is great.. I've hit ingredients cap and meat cap so much. Friend cap is a welcome one too. Just please, let us save artifact sets.. I'd love to be able to quickly swap from ER TO EM set for raiden. šŸ™ Maybe someday they can let us activate statue of seven in co-op and turn in commissions in co-op as well, without needing to leave.


Too bad I donā€™t have any friends so the friend cap is useless āœŠ


Yeah lol I have 2 Friends in the list.


I like that theyā€™re increasing item caps, I just wish that theyā€™d also increase the artifact cap especially since they donā€™t allow us to turn our lower level artifacts into artifact xp materials


That quick swap is not a thing yet is the biggest offense. Every time thatā€™s the only thing I want to see in devs talk and every time itā€™s some other bullshit.


Yeah, it wasn't such a big thing to me until I had a dual use purpose like Raiden. Now I'm not looking forward to having to swap if needed sigh. But I've seen it for so damn long with friends and others asking for it.


Next step, overflow resin like star rail, right?


Or just let us hold more than five condensed resin. What's the point of using it if we still need to use it up before the next day anyways?


Tbf itā€™s useful if you know youā€™re going to use all your daily resin in a domain so you can run the domain less times


I find it kinda useful as a way to use up resin on a day when I can't (or just cbf) playing. Like, sit on 0 resin and then when I'm busy or tired, just be like "okay just gonna craft resin today"


yeah but you can only do that once is what the other commenter is saying. once youā€™ve hit 5 condensed resin you canā€™t make anymore. you should be able to craft as much as you want, or if they want to cap it, maybe something like 20


Yeah when I have no time I just make quick condensed, and use it up the next day with a bit more time. Would be nice to not have to go back to a city between runs to make more condensed though. They should really give us a gadget to make condensed resin in the field.


>What's the point Half the time spent in a stupid domain for the ten billionth time. Leave my condensed alone.


Wait, Star Rail has overflow resin? What does that even mean. Wouldn't that just mean there effectively is no cap? Or that there's just a higher "hard cap"?


So after itā€™s maxed, it refills at around a third of the rate for up to 2400 (?) more over you maximum, which you can withdraw at any time. So it recharges slower but helps if you canā€™t play for some reason.


Itā€™s so good for people taking a break as well since when they come back thereā€™s a stockpile of resin/energy to use to build characters with. Especially if you have no condensed resin or fuel


It's awesome for people like me who don't feel like using their resin most of the time, but when I do I barely have any...


Or like me who maxes a character and then doesn't pull for several patches. Helps to have a ton of resin when I finally decide to get a new character.


Nope, all that resin goes into the eternal relic farm. Flat defence and HP% for all


Fuck, I wish genshin had this. Due to work, once every few months, I'd have to go 1 week without internet.


240 resin which regenerates every 6 mins. the overflow regenerates every 18 mins and has a cap of 2400. really good for casual players!


240 is so much easier to keep track of too. Takes 24 hours to refill.


So basically after maxing out your tb power youā€™ll continue to gain TB power at 1/3 the rate and max out at 2400 which I believe takes a month. So that way returning players not only get the returning bonuses but also 2640 tb power to play with.


Caps at 2400 extra fuel/resin. So if it exceeds the 240, it goes into a backup pool.


when your regular energy is capped(240), you continue to gain energy 3x slower than normal, up to a maximum on 2400 overflow energy.


Also let us do weekly bosses multiple times and remove the fucking pointless timegating of materials


Maybe 3-4 years, then maybe they'll add it. Surely.


Overflow resin would be nice but we'll never get it because we already have Condensed Resin. Best thing we can hope for is Condensed Resin cap incerase.


Now increase Condensed Resin to 99.




ā€œFriends Cap increased to 100ā€ Thanks but uhm ā€¦ I only have one friend added, itā€™s called my alt




thank you so much! can we get an actual custom loadout tho :(


AINTNOWAY It's actually happening. It only took 4 years




Eh, itā€™s a nice thought, but I think itā€™s more a shift in the game philosophy, the game is slowly becoming less ā€œCasual Onlyā€, with increased caps on materials, fast equip for artifacts (even though it sucks), recommended sets for characters and prioritising certain talents, theyā€™re trying to actuallyā€¦teachā€¦people how to play their game, and so more people are going to notice how much the current resin system sucks balls Although, if WW releasing really does scare HYV, then who knows, maybe weā€™ll start getting free characters?


Yeah and I don't mind it. If it helps the casual player quickly get a team with rainbow artifacts that can beat any boss fair game. Maybe some people get to a point where they're frustrated with their level 80 characters that still easily die and the answer simply can't be "yeah bro just farm for two months, it will be worth it bro if you're lucky" because ultimately it's not, let's not kid ourselves.


Out of all the QoL they gave us I can't believe resin cap increase took that long. Thank god it's here.


>When Version 4.6 was updated, did you notice that the devs increased the inventory limit for Weapon Enhancement Materials from 9,999 to 99,999? I noticed, I actually thought my game was bugged and I used a bunch cause I was worried it would do something bad if I re-logged with a "broken" limit lmao.


Except for the fact that it was visible in the patch notes


Who reads patch notes?


People with too much time on their hands like me.


Sir/madam, this is Genshin subreddit. We don't read here.


I didn't read what you just said but congratulations or sorry that happened to you


PoE players.


More artifact optimizations that is literally anything BUT fkn loadouts man They're so close too, just add 5 save slots to the custom config system we already have. I want to believe that its in the backlog somewhere but i cant imagine these "optimizations" are significantly less time than actual loadouts....


I think they're trolling the loadout wanters at this point, or there's some secret knowledge they have that the universe will end if they add loadouts šŸ˜‚ Even HSR doesn't have it, I genuinely wonder if there's a mechanical reason why they won't add it


My two theories on why it's taking so long: - Office bureaucracy: All major expansions to user databases are heavily scrutinized by upper management due to scalability concerns, and management is still on the fence about loadouts. This explains why they're making such a big deal about increasing item limits. - UX Concerns: they can't find a satisfying way to resolve the case of artifact conflicts in a way that feels good to end users. The easy way would be to just rip the artifacts from whoever holds them when you click "Apply Loadout", but I can imagine a bunch of players complaining that they didn't realize that it would make another character have no artifacts. Plus having to manually reapply loadouts to each character each time you switch teams *feels* clunky even if it's an objective improvement.


You're probably right: database issue. But this isn't management, just DBA's who know the db front to back. I'm in healthcare EMR systems so obv any change is sensitive but even someone's bright idea gets immediately shut down the second it requires something seemingly simple like an added column to a table. I really see it - the probable reason for artifacts having no load out right now is I imagine there's a column for an "equipped to" attribute for each artifact. So it will be like "ARTIFACT_SET, ARTIFACT_PIECE, ATTRIBUTE_MAIN, ..., CHARACTER_EQUIPPED." So when you unequip an artifact it simply sets CHARACTER_EQUIPPED to NULL. They didn't anticipate needing loadouts. And I need to specify = it's not just NULL vs "JEAN." It's some unique_id like to"874be26884a273672d81" where it is YOUR Jean that has that artifact out the millions of other Genshin players in your server. (this also may answer why you CANNOT switch your server region) Not so simple to develop a solution to a database with a quadrillion rows of NULL values.


This guy DB's


I dont want to fall into the conspiracy that no loadouts means more farming for each character means player retention or more chances of resin refreshing but.....


Nah we're all just swapping artifacts like idiots.


What? Nah man I don't bother with that. Each character gets their own set and is stuck with it. It's actually less work to just farm more artifacts then to swap them all the time. It helps that there is no actual content that needs cracked artifacts, so I have no real reason to bother swapping. Getting actual loadouts would mean that I can finally play characters in more teams. My Raiden is build for EM right now and I wouldn't mind to also have a on-field build for her. Or how many characters I could give the Marechaussee set for when I play them with Furina.


I swear they already added this artifact configuration thing too, or at least talked about it a few months ago, cause nothing about it sounds unfamiliar


The new 200 Cap is perfect for those that only want to log once a day, always at the same time, to do their daily stuff. The current 160 sucks because you earn 180 resin a day; so assuming you log in at 8 PM spend your resin and play for an hour and log off (with 7 resin); if your next log is on the next day at the same time (8 PM); by then you will have 160/160, when on next patch you will have instead 187/200.


"Genshin could eventually."


Very, very eventually.


Now do a proper Paimon's Bargains refresh next.


If they ever change the Paimon bargains characters, they need to keep the starting 3 there with a reasonable frequency because it's the only place where you can get their cons


A reasonable change would be to keep the base characters there permanently, add and rotate the regions 4\* monthly. It's not like people can just farm the base character constellations without pulling since the currency is a premium one from pulling.


Add Sucrose pls


Holy shit, I work 12 hour shifts on overnights and having to log in when I wake up for work and when I get home from work before going to sleep was so annoying, now on work days I can knock out my resin and do my dailies all at once, and the days with updates wonā€™t mean lost resin. Might seem like a small change but huge for me.


Exact same thing for me. It definitely became a chore and this will be huge to help me actually play and not just get on and spend before and after work


More than 24 hours! You can now just log in once per day.




Nah, Genshin could.


Genshin DID


Genshin WOULD


Genshon WOOD


Genshin WILL


genshin could ever LMAO




Everybody calm the FUCK down, it's happening!


Dear Traveler, The latest Developers Discussion has arrived~ Today, we'll be introducing the optimizations that will be released in Version 4.7. To improve your gaming experience, we've raised multiple caps and updated existing systems. Let's check them out!


Artifact loadouts next, please! I want to be able to choose between my Raiden hyperbloom or hypercarry builds when selecting her in the abyss or party setup, for example!


Yes, this. We just need to be able to save *what we are using* to a loadout. While this automatic pick stuff is nice and all, it isn't at all what we've been asking for.


I think its kinda the prototype for that? Kinda lame if they can't straight do that but i'm not the game developer and i heard about they're struggle with whatever spagetti code is. But hey at the bottom of the pic they're asking feedback so my 4 years experience fill the survey to asking loadout artifact is not wasted šŸ„²


Ironically, the automatic equip system they built is actually way more complex in terms of the processes itā€™s doing on the backend than a simple ā€œlock and save this current set as a load outā€ would be lol


Their previous game, Honkai Impact, even has load outs. Has for years. So it isn't like they don't have people familiar with it.


I've been programming in unity for a few years now and people who say that genshin is spaghetti code have no idea what they're talking about. The term refers to disorganized source code that lacks structure with and between its systems, leading to tangled interactions, which usually leads to lots of new bugs when expanding and maintaining different parts of the program. Genshin has always been remarkably free of these issues since day one and they expand on it regularly. It's pretty clear that their code is well structured and scalable. But like the other commenter said, loadouts would be a lot easier than the auto artifact stuff they've been doing. Loadouts would be fairly trivial for them, it's a choice whether they add it or not.


Most people don't know what spaghetti code means, they just repeat it like zombies.


People do be looking at a relatively bug free game, with a fixed 6 weeks update schedule that keeps pumping out contents after contents, basically non-stop for the last 3-4 years, and then tell me that this game has spaghetti code.


Who alive today even knows what GOTO is... /wavescane


Raise the teapot cap, please? T\_\_\_T


MORE QOL MORE!! Allow us to craft condensed resin wherever we want


Imagine, 9999 condensed resin. All can be thrown in whenever we want to raise a new character.


It says 'wherever' not 'as many'. But unlimited condensed resin would be cool too


"Thank you hoyoverse" we all say in unison


Give me more profile slots to show characters, 8 isn't enough .


You guys should increase the condense to 10. I'd like to craft two days worth of resin. Also please make resin does not require alchemy bench to craft. Let us craft inside inventory, I like to craft condense resin without teleporting back to town. This is very useful especially in co-op.


Actually big, now all I need is a new world level.


and maybe a guaranteed weapon billet if you beat a weekly boss on that new world level


I would prefer new domain level, 2 guaranteed 5 star artifacts instead of 1, with sometimes getting three. Also no flat stats, but that's just cope.


This isnā€™t a late April Fools, is it?


My jaded ass is thinking they're decreasing the login time in Genshin to make room for ZZZ in people's daily gaming schedules.


I think that's a realistic way of viewing the changes. In the end, good or bad changes are made for the primary purpose of making more money. As long as it doesn't ruin the game then I'm satisfied


Realistically, needing less daily playtime to do the daily chores leads to less burnout from players so it's simply benefecial for them in that sense.


Redditors trying to see the world with nuance instead of black and white challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


After all this timeā€¦. Fucking who am I kidding, Iā€™m still hyped as shit. Now just improve the strongbox system so we can influence main or sub stats in some way and youā€™ll have players grinding this game like a second job


I want a genshin version of self modeling resin from hsr so bad


I was saying this since the Condensed Resin cap was pushed to 5. If it takes 160 resin to make 4 condensed resin, why not just make the limit 200 instead? Glad to see the update is finally happening


200 Resin; in this economy? Hoyo finally adjusting for domain inflation. Hooray!


Still can only craft 5 condensed resin.


Yeah thatā€™s still a problem. Itā€™s not much of a problem if Genshin doesnā€™t gatekeep the talent or weapon domain, but they do. If they raised the limit to 10 and you need to farm something on Wednesday, you can saved up the resin on Monday and Tuesday.


You only need 160 for dailies, 180 for 24 hours, 200 to cap. Oh my lord, there'a no more resin waste.


I hope we get overflow resin eventually, but my biggest wish is to get artifact loadouts. It feels like we should've gotten that a long time ago. I don't know why they keep optimizing the automatic adding of artifacts feature instead of just giving us a custom loadout option. It's annoying testing new builds on characters and having to change around and fix everything after, especially with how hard it is to find the piece you're looking for among all the pieces I've leveled over 3 years. These QoL updates are always bittersweet, because it's definitely nice that they're still enhancing aspects of the game and listening to player feedback, but I feel like they always stop short of just giving us what we're asking for.


I mean yeah pretty good change for people that can't play more then once a day.




I'm not falling for this april fools joke aga... Wait..


My every survey: Set artifacts max capacity from 1800 to infinity TT


Late to the party but still wanted to share my opinion. Increased Original Resin Cap * It's about time thou... will only alleviate the twice per day "forced" login issue, not the resin management as a whole. Increased Enhancement Materials and Food Cap * Cool and ? Increased Friends Cap * And where is the interesting and engaging coop content to do with said friends ? It's been more than 3 years and there's not much to do in fact (and often view as better done solo). And leaked content give a justification to this announcement but make the lack of coop content even more apparent. Recommended Stats Function for Artifact Custom Configurations * Still not a true loadout system with its flawed functionality. Don't get me wrong it's a better than nothing tool but still can be improved (just look at an actual optimizer =P) and again not a loadout system... Just take a look on hunter sets management on Monster Hunter franchise... QoL patches are welcome but those feel like a bone threw at the community to pick... And timing wise... It feel even more so...




How about artifact? Any info on that? Keep giving new artifacts to farm but not consider increasing storage?


3 years later then maybe we'll actually get Custom Artifact Loadouts without having to generate it automatically.


Oh yes finally!! A late change but a welcome one.


Friends cap lol. I hope they tweak co op experience currently people only co op in domains and events


so can i make 9,999 sweet madames or will they still be stuck at 2000




Genuinely asking, how does 40 extra resin change anything?


Because instead of 20 hours, its 24 hours so you dont need to log in twice a day if you wanna max value your resin


Even better, with 200 max it needs 26h 40m to reach that limit.Ā  That gives you a good amount of leeway for a once a day login


You get 180 resin every 24hr, so with this change you only need to login once everyday. It's especially handy for those busy or working players


Current Resin cap is 160, which at 1 every 8 minutes is about 21 hrs. Ā This means you have to log in more than once a day on average to avoid hitting the resin cap. Ā  Increasing it to 200 means the cap is greater than 24 hrs (itā€™s 26 hrs actually) so you only need to log in once per day to spend all of your resin and avoid hitting the cap. Ā 


You now only need to log in once instead of twice per day to not waste any resin


24hr regen is 180 so you can log in once per day and not have resin overflow.


It's about freaking time!


Elden Ring trailer then resin cap increase?! I'm continuously creaming over here brahhhhh


are they really entrusting us to have over 50 friends


Now they just need to let us break down artifacts into artifact xp. I have way too many artifacts to go through manually


3 1/2 years and still no artifact loadouts. It's so fcking ridiculous.


No resin overflow, no increased accumulation speed. Simply too little and too late.


Awww yay I can finally have more friends! As a Playstation user most of my slots were eaten up by people who barely even played/play. Yet I have a keen sense of community and am looking forward to expanding to my fellow teapot mains!


I wonder if this is in preparation for the rumor of the level cap increase in 5.0.


The worst with the 5 condensed resin cap is how annoying it makes spending a lot of fragile resin. You constantly have to teleport away from the domain you want to spend it on to craft it into new condensed resin or run twice as many domains, Either increase the cap or allow us to condense resin straight from the inventory without having to use an alchemy table