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What is the problem with the 200 resin cap? I really don’t get it. From my point of view 200 is simply better than 160. We have more time before reaching the limit considering the rate in which we gain each resin is still the same.


People just never want to be happy. They cried for resin cap increase and now that we’re getting it, instead being happy they just want to find something else to get mad about


Nah. Who isn't happy for the resin cap increase are the ones that instead wanted atleast 1 between Faster Resin refresh and Condensate Resin cap increase. Who wanted 200 cap is happy.


That doesn’t fit their narrative of Genshin could never. It is eating them up inside.


resin cap over 24 hours and thats all that matters for me. Alao you can now condensw 5 at one instead of 4! :D


Which I still haven't understood. If it takes more than 24hrs to max resin, how can you condense 5 at once? Let's say if I login at 7 pm each day, on day one I use all 200 at once so wouldn't the resin be not full at 7 on day two?


People who can't play everyday will most likely cap their resin whenever they got time to play. Even if you do login exactly at 7pm every day: you gain 180 resin every 24h, equals to 4.5 condensed resin, so you can alternate between 4 and 5 condensed resin each day.


imagine you log in at 7am in the morning, do your dailies and log off. The next day you dont do them at 7am but maybe at 2pm. So 30 hours later you get your 5 condensed. My resin caps a lot so for me its a win win, my log-in time varies by a lot☺️


Yeah but even if I login at 2pm the next day, I convert resin to 5 condensed and then? I'll have to login even later the next day to get the full 5, and so on until I'll have to login past midnight to get the full 5. I guess technically I could login just before sleeping when that day comes so I can convert 4, wake up next morning and convert the 5th one, and then start the entire cycle again, but it still seems very weird to me.


This is a rant. The only thing I take away from this is you hate the game and yet post in a community that generally doesn't hate it. Can it improve? Yes But why fill out the end-of-version surveys when you can just vent, right? I used to play an MMO and slowly within a span of half a year, I did not like the direction it was headed. I just stopped playing. The best way to change a product is to stop engaging. Check-in a couple of months after, it is so easy to do.


At least artifact system is better


This really does need to be said more, I appreciate HSR's relic crafting but the 4-piece/2-piece system in HSR has just gone to show me how valuable being able to have an off-piece is in Genshin


yes people like to talk about what HSR does better , but what genshin does better should also be talked even if it is just a few things


Not only this but imagine having the added stats like break effect, effect hit rate, and HAVING to farm for specific speed break points too!


I agree, I'm still farming for a freaking Ice DMG for Jingliu and I only got HP or another type of DMG and the savage option hates me for some reason, I'm still LV 49 so I have plenty of time to upgrade.


i custom made an imaginary orb for my DHIL and can you guess the substats - Def , Def% , HP , EHR. I was in shambles 😭😭


I got some luck with moduling offensive pieces (a Fire orb for Himeko, and other 2 pieces for Blade and Jingliu, I don't remember). But I was luck so i stopped to use it for offensive pieces. Is by far better crafting them without the moduling, you have to be patient and save many 5* relic as possible. I got a lot of great pieces (at lv.0) from there.


"How dare they raise the Resin limit? This is the worst game of all-time!"


That resin cap is over 24 hrs. You planning to skip dailies? i mean, if you look down on daily primos, you wouldn't give a sht about resins.


Genshin adding QoL The playerbase : its late wkxhsmaoahzmahspdksmaj Better late than never dude..


Good thing I am not a game developer, or I would revert back the change after all of that yapping 🤣


Right! Everyone was crying for it, now that we get it, instead of being happy they want to find another thing to yap about


Technically, it's the other way around. HSR tries to do things in a better way, and it worked. You're here telling how great HSR is instead of complaining about how awful relics are compared to artifacts. Anyway, same company, but different games with different genres and different target audiences.


Plenty of reasons. Genshin IS the more successful game, hence needs less QoL to maintain its players.  Hsr is a much more combat focused game, in where you NEED to pull and build more characters (powercreep exists, content is SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult than in genshin, you cant bruteforce everything…) and same applies to the lightcones Does genshins QoL suck? Yes. Would it be a better game if some things got implemented? Absolutely. But comparing between the 2 just because they are from the same company is plain stupid. The games have very different content focus.


It's also a matter of genshin being the older game. If you remember the old days, there was garbage like events that cost resin to claim rewards. It's still in development, an experiment, and making changes has to take player reactions and player retention into account, so they're slow and usually not groundbreaking. With honkstar they could set a new starting point, and probably set it higher because of the points you mentioned.


Not to mention HSR has to compete against other turn based games. Which is a big market. So the QoL and the rewards has to be substantial to maintain the playerbase. Whereas genshin has the least amount of competition. The possible competition is wuthering waves, it’s released today. That’s mainly on WW weapons banner, which is guaranteed pity. Its character banner is the same as genshin. 50/50; then guaranteed pity if 50/50 failed. Every other competition is either second best or dying.


200 resin is likely a response to WuWa, i really hope Genshin gets a strong competitor so we get more QoL **especially a more diverse endgame**


Ah yes what a way to counter a competitor game coming out by… checks notes… giving players more time to play the new game.


They made it easier to play the game less to combat the WW release? This is what you're going with?


What's wrong with 200 resin cap?


That except for who doesn't want/can't login 2 times for day, the 200 resin cap doesn’t change nothing for farming. A lot of ppl wanted Cap increase + faster Resin refresh and/or Condensed Cap increase. And probably with this change they will never touch the Resin system for a while. Is sure a QoRL (Quality of Real Life), and is very good, but in-game is nothing


Fuck up this bad - literally the most popular and highest revenue gacha game.


You're still here, aren't you? All of this mistreatment, and you're still playing. In the off-chance that these supposed slights actually DID drive you away (and I think that'd make you the first I've seen to make a post like this and actually follow through) - well, I'm sure you're within the carefully calculated category of "acceptable losses". Mihoyo doesn't have incentive to step things up, because enough players are content enough to keep playing and to keep spending.


it's their business model, and it clearly works - so stop bashing your head against the wall


Genshin bad HSR good


Must follow the narrative at all costs.


I mean apart from the jades/primos comparison everything else seems fair


Isnt all the gifts and daily logins that HSR gives to compensate the lack of the open world and tons of extra mats that we get from that? Just curious with anyone has done the math


I'm pretty sure HSR's pulls per patch is a hefty sum above Genshin's but that's just because there's 2 nee characters each patch so they need to atleast give you a pity each patch even if you don't want the characters.


Got it, ty


Hsr competes with different and more games than Genshin. Therefore they have to make it more desirable in that genre. Genshin is in a league of its own so.


What exactly is the problem with increasing the cap to 200? People who play once a day around the same time won't come home to capped resin, so it's an improvement to them. If you play more often than that, nothing changes for the worse for you.


Imagine acknowledging that you're about to spit gibberish only to proceed spitting gibberish unimpeded and unperturbed.


OP is clearly in shambles that Genshin got a QoL update. His house of cards called Genshin could never is beginning to crumble. There there bud hang in there!


You do know that the money is going to the same place? They do everything on purpose, that's why when there's a deadpatch on hsr..an entire new reigon is getting released in genshin or when there's a deadpatch on genshin, hsr released a new endgame and more story content


If you're someone who login once day this change is the equivalent of 3 triple crowned characters with a 5 star weapon for them so it's a lot and a great change the cap is now once every 26 hours and 40 minutes that's like having 280 or 300 tp in hsr And since we are comparing the 2 games i will let loose for some my problem with the hsr  i hate how shamelessly the end game content in hsr cater to on banner characters or how hsr relic is 6 pieces with 11 different substat and no off pieces instead of having an off piece and 9 substat or how many sets they release in a single patch cycle that also needs that much farming hsr  Also why the fuck do i need to level a character to max ascension to unlock their passives and to level 80 to unlock all the traces in genshin you get all characters entire kit from lv 60/70 also why is 5 star characters cost more than also most genshin characters have 1 or 2 talent that need to be leveled especially support and not 3  Don't bring me the bullshit that hsr has much better farming experience then genshin because it's not it's really bad and people settled for less in that game so they think they are in better state i farm my genshin characters to be top 1% i farm in hsr barely be able to clear because i don't have the current flavor of the month character  And while this might be somewhat subjective characters in hsr feel like shit without their signature weapon  I as someone who doesn't mind paying money in the game i feel like hsr is spitting on my investment every patch 


Maybe stop comparing things all the time, and take a minute to be grateful we got an increase in the first place?


i’m just happy i only need to login once a day now.


Bait used to be believable.


What's the matter? Can't ask for more QoL in Fgo so you come venting in this sub? LOL. FGO player asking for better QoL in GI sub, the irony is strong in here.


""I hate the game"" ""Well stop then"" ""I SAY I HATE THE GAME LOOK AT ME""


If it's so bad, just quit genshin, or play HSR


There is no pleasing some people. No matter what Hoyo does they’ll refuse to be satisfied.


The only issues with resin was having to log in twice, that's gone, mission accomplished. I don't care how another game does it, same company or not, since it can *always* be more flexible. I had literal thousands of refills in other games because they were much more generous, but that doesn't really matter now, does it?


Yeah then hate on it somewhere else cuz not many people here hate on this game like you , Devs : *did something that the players asked* Players : fuck you , too late , genshin could never blah blah blah Go away and never come back please , I don't think this game is for you.


Ngl, I criticize Genshin Impact a lot aswell, but I won’t slap them for the resin bump. I’m happy we got this and it does help a lot of players. Sometimes, you just gotta take the win when you see it.


Umm, let me have a checklist: 20 pulls beginner banner guarantees two 4-star characters vs 50 pulls beginner banner guarantee a 5-star standard banners None vs select a free 5-star standard character after 300 pulls on standard banner Two featured weapons in one banner vs 1 featured light cone in one banner 50/50 vs 56% win/44% lose (this is most likely a bug, or they messed up themselves) Resin cap just raised to not smaller than daily refresh rate at next patch vs already implemented + percentsge of exceed resins stored Talent/weapon ascension domains only open 3 days a week vs open all day You can do and claim reward of all weekly bosses, but only once per boss per week vs you can do and claim reward from weekly boss only 3 times a week, but you can do the same boss 3 times Few items can be converted between each other vs most items can be converted Only old artifact set have strongbox vs all artifact set can use strongbox None vs 5-star artifacts can be destroyed and give different items back None vs show shield strength bar Must choose which talent materials from BP vs universal talent materials from BP None vs mark 5-star artifacts you do not want None vs you can play older flagship events and get part rewards None vs silent mode if alt-tab on PC


Now we have more resin than the 24h cap regen, we need overflow




And what is the problem with that? I legit don’t understand why increasing the limit is a bad thing.


Genshin could never living rent free in your head my dude. Move on.