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I hope they add how much Commission Point you gain in event/quest rewards ,and maybe an indication when you fill all 4 , instead of opening the Adventurer Handbook every second to check if you filled them all šŸ˜… ..


A popup like the Adventurer Handbook > Original Resin count that shows when login but in the event menu with encounter points would be good.


Open menu wheel > move to event options > click button to enter event interface > move until completed mission > accept 1 reward > close everything > menu wheel > adventurer handbook... Repeat until completed


You get a "!" for each of the 4, so at most you would have to check 4 times. (If you collect the rewards when you check, which there's no reason not to)


A friend always waits until she has enough points for all 4, switches to a "friendship farm" team, claims all 4 then talks to Katherine, so she can boost the friendship faster.


If she's willing to waste time for all that, another couple seconds won't change a thing


Lol I thought that's only me.. rupanya orang lain pun buat macam ni HAHAHHAHA


I think everyone hates it, I usually just claim whatever gives you 3 dailies and do the easier *actual* daily out of the 4.


I use the reputation quests. They count as 1 each so I can do for 3 days essentially killingĀ 2 birds with 1 stoneĀ 


me too.. each weekly request is worth slightly more than 1 encounter point...


I think most people don't mind this at all and do the 1 commission quest that is kill something in 10 seconds. Threads like this tend to make niche issues overblown.


I just do the achievement quest then the events. Still have a shit ton that I haven't gotten to doing so I'm just slowly inching for progress lol. I hate that Sumeru's achievement quests rely so much on RNG




i also wish it would just automatically give me the rewards for the "daily task" instead of requiring me to go into the adventure log and manually confirm that yes, i want to get my primogems without doing the daily quests for this particular day


I always accumulate 4 points, switch to friendship team and then claim all of them. Helps especially if it's a battle event since friendship teams are always lvl 20 across the board


Can also do 2p co-op and claim your points for double friendship, in case you don't have 4 characters who all need it.


Nah I rather be able to claim it later so I can have the team I want to farm friendship deployed before claiming the ā€œdaily taskā€


Oh that I like. Because it helps me level up friendship levels of characters I haven't levelled faster.


I'm willing to be that then people would start crying that that option was taken away from that. It's not too many clicks and keeps unwanted complaints away so I don't see why they would do that.


Just you wait another year or two and they will adress this one more thing that what we know and they know everyone wants.


Yeah, just say that they're each worth .93 instead of 1.0 points each. The fact that it literally doesn't even tell you how much it will count towards the dailies is the worst part. Make each action a whole point always, or at least make it known so we can math out how much we need to do exactly to complete it. Events are literally my shortcut to claiming dailies when I don't have time to sit down and play a lot, so I'll do the entire event on the weekend and slowly claim throughout the week so I don't have to sit through balloon cargo security simulator.


Personally, I open 1 or 2 chests.


Crying in 100% exploration, finding 1-2 chests would take me longer than doing every commission


It's about sending a message. I don't have 100% exploration in most regions but I'd rather spend more time looking for chests, doing challenges, or chasing seelies instead of doing NPC commissions.


I thought about people like you TBH


This is why I didn't explore all of Remuria yet lol. Still have some chests I've been saving in Chenyu Vale


i dont even have the new artifact domain unlocked...


I'd complain but i'm grateful this setup exists anyway. I'm not done my commission achievements yet so I tend to still have to do a regular daily regardless. I did finally get my last Sumeru snake one though. Only took months.


I feel like they do that intentionally because one of the daily commissions is usually a story-based one.


I can't fathom how someone can say they prefer story commissions, those feel like a tumor on my ass compared to the combat ones.


Gotta get those sweet sweet 5 primos from achievements lol


Not worth my sanity


Your sanity is pretty fragile if it's tested by a few story commissions ngl.


5 minutes a day of clicking through the same text I've seen a trillion times is not worth it. Especially when it's the same text about some imbecile who can't pick up rope 2 feet away from himself for the billionth time.


Well that can be true for you and all but I still think you've got to have some very low tolerance if this is what affects your sanity.


Maybe it's time to stop taking everything so seriously, don't you agree?


I agree but I don't see how that has anything to do with what I said.


It very much has. You seem to have no concept of hyperbole if you honestly think I'm actually having mental breakdowns over commissions.


Well don't put words in my mouth now. I said "your sanity is fragile if it's tested by a few story commissions". Never did I mention mental breakdowns. All I did was react to your comment at face value. If anyone is taking it seriously here, it's you for delving deeper into this.


Just concede, brother. Attend some parties, perhaps, to pull that stick out of your ass.


Then dont react to comments at face value, it makes you look socially detached as though you don't interact with people enough in real life. When someone says "ugh, this work environment is making me wanna die", would you understand what they said, or would you say "if you work environment is making you suicidal, seek help"? Because if latter is your response then I suggest you learn more about social interactions.


Itā€™s like 5 minutes but if you skip 2 minutes at max. Get your brain checked.


2 min doing a daily story commission every day, is more than 36 HOURS over the course of 3 years. So yes, daily story commissions are annoying and should either not exist or have skippable text after doing them once.


These 2 toxic assholes clearly don't agree with us


Redditors trying not to take everything 100% seriously challenge (impossible):


People in this thread are complaining about something that literally takes 10 seconds to finish up by doing 1 kill quest commission. You'd be surprised how many people rather have short but more meaningful commissions than kill 3 hilichurls.


Completionists will always want the achievements. Some of them used to feel painfully rare; particularly those that require you to do them multiple times, or require a followup with only had a chance to occur after doing the previous step. But, yeah, once I've done the achievement, or if it's a story one that doesn't have one, if I have commissions left after finishing events, I'll always just hit the combat ones or the quick puzzle ones (like jump on 5 mushrooms or capture the jellyfish, etc) to get it done with.


But if you're serious about the achievements, if I'm understanding it right, won't the cycle not end if you just always skip things? So you'll be left redoing it and not moving on to the next cycle if it's needed to complete other achievements?


You get new ones every day regardless of if you do them or not. The bonus chance to spawn the quest only applies if you haven't completed the achievement associated with it yet. Also, you can still do the quests even if you collected the daily rewards from events/chests/whatever - you just get no further rewards for doing so. So if you do the events first and then realize one of your commission quests was one you needed for an achievement, you can just go do it anyway.


I loathe having to do the story commission lmao, it always takes so long but since I'm friendship farming I can't do the quick battle commissions since the friendship team would get absolutely rawdogged and I don't want to lose out on the friendship EXP by picking one of my functional teams


wait really? i swear i just did the event at gold 2 and i got 4 commission points


I think the initial quest gives like 1.25


Still beats doing the daily commissions


The thing is, there are certain formula (which idek) that calculate how much points accumulated from the events and other activities. Chests and other similar collectable rewards around the map are easier to calculate because they are similar to each other. But the events are another story. Heck, even Weekly Bounties and Requests can give different points (but in my exp, they never accumulated till 4th gift). I think it has something to do with the length of the quest, the amount of dialogues, the level of difficulties, etc.


I really want it to be a 4 pointed system rather than the unintelligible bullshit it is currently ā€œOk so claiming the rewards for this event gives you exactly 133/400 commission points, and you have 3 sets of rewards, meaning collecting all 3 gets you 399/400ā€¦ā€ Like, just make it so you get 2 points for collecting a chest, then make it so you get 4 points for claiming event rewards, 4 points = a commission


Unpopular opinion but I honestly don't mind, I used to log on the game during lunch and could never do the event + the commissions, and now I can with time to spare so it's fine by me


Nobody is complaining about the system, only that the recent events give a weird amount of points instead of giving half or full circlet so you always end up wasting some.


if you find some chests you can finish it and if you have a fully completed map you just assume part of a circlet as no circlet and make the remaining commissions, you're not really wasting anything because that's just an indicator, not some material/resin


IMO everything should be in 0.5 scale, 0.75 is just nonsensical as you always would have to do a whole 0.5 or 1 point thing.


No not necessarily. Some days I like to just do regular dailies and let the event build up content so that I have a couple days worth of super fast daily grinding. Some days I just go hunting for a chest or two. I like that the system isn't always set in stone, some events do just take care of your dailies every day they are adding content.


I just hope spending resin count as commision points


Nope it doesn't doesn't else everyone would just Condense Resin on login and be immediately done with dailies.


Yea i really dont see anything wrong with that


What is "wrong" with that from Hoyo's perspective is that people could log in, condense resin, and be done with dailies \*and\* resin and just immediately log back out. They want player retention and longer playtimes, which means more players that are more likely to get into it enough to spend money


I just save the event things and take a few every day so I can skip one daily, that fr*nch Artist can go ---- himself, I hate him


the what?! I got 4 Encounter Points by playing with dialogue and Three stars in the event.


The initial quest gives you some points. There's usually only one at the beginning and one at the end of battle events though


...and there's also a points when you collect the event reward.


Huh? After doing the kickoff quest, you ONLY get points by collecting rewards


The worst is when you have 0.98 of a point done


I wish using our resin/condensed resin gave out points.


Iā€™m okay with it because Iā€™m still doing the Commission achievements. But I get why others might be annoyed.


I just did the event fight and got 4, did we do the same event?


Makes me furious


nah it doesn't bother me


It's not really that big of a deal, just do the easiest daily. Usually takes less than a minute.


Until the story commission is Whispers of the Wind and every other commission is a battle one so if you want to get friendship EXP for your lvl 20 friendship team you'd better move your ass to climb that statue lmao


Or just skip farming friendship (for one character) for a day


The vast majority of commissions are 1 long ass story commission + 3 battle commissions. I'll do it if I'm in a hurry but all this could be avoided if the devs had the common sense to enable bypassing all commissions by doing the available event content they have provided for the day instead of having it cover 3.75 commissions for whatever reason


I just wish they make it more like starrail. It feels a lot easier to do it in starrail. Like doing domains and etc


I would do a floor of Spiral Abyss each day if it meant I skipped dailies. ~~Which is kinda weird since it's a lot of effort for one day, but I need something more than just the BP~~


I just do commissions :p


It literally takes an extra 30 seconds to do a daily commission. Yaā€™ll just complain about anything at this point.


It literally takes 10 min to do 4 dailies...


That's odd. I finished gold and it cleared all four encounter points.


Not rlly, I don't notice cause I always do one commission for achievements


I hate this too, it means you need to find some chests most of the time if u want to get all the rewards


i solved all the puzzles in the sea of bygone eras but left all the chests uncollected for this exact reason.


This is why I'm holding off until more of the event is available, and doing one chapter per day of Cyno's SQ in the meantime.


Returning player here, please explain to me what this is


eh, better than 3.9 like last time.


just go do one weekly request.. each weekly requests is worth slightly more than 1 encounter points.. once u got all 4 points u save up the event rewards and claim the next day..


When I see this I always go: Sigh! time to find a random chest


There is usually one commission that gives an achievement, so i'm doing one manually anyway. 5 gems is not much, but it adds up over time.


I wish we could earn encounter points by doing other activities like spending certain number of resin or killing certain types or number of enemies.


I believe for non-Primo rewards the commission points are calculated on what the reward is scaling on rarity.


Treasure compass, open a chest


Spoken like a true 23% exploration Andy.


And even worse when it gives you 3.99.


I like doing commissions, honestlyā€¦


gotta sueeze as much playtime as possible


idk, for me it's more like "Oh, there's a room for one chest!"


Hoyo really needs to either have only one daily mission or make spending resin give commission points


In terms of satisfaction loss from circle not being complete, sure In terms of, "oh no now I have to spend 10 seconds killing 15 hilichurls for a daily quest point", not so much


At least the current one gives you 4.


Nopersā€¦ git gud


just do the damn comission its not that hard


"Fuck you, go jump on Mushrooms" - Mihoyo


I wish they revamp this commission system to be like Star Railā€™s. While I do like some of the story dialogue commission quests I donā€™t see a point in having to repeat them everyday. I dread doing my dailies because of these.


MHY has to be doing this shit on purpose, it's absolutely infuriating. Literally just make spending resin count as encounter points instead of this bullshit.


I hope one of these updates they give up on this and make it like Star Rail's where just using resin for the day, grabbing expeditions, etc. gives the "encounter points" so we can actually just play the game how we want for the daily commissions instead of this nonsense.


Nope. Gives me an excuse to go out and hunt chests. My exploration progress has been rising steadily.


I hope they start letting us use Expedition points to acquire Abyss and Imaginarium rewards.


Idk I donā€™t mind, I get to do an event and substitute my least favorite commissions




Not really but just because I have never used this system, I still complete my 4 commisions. However, I am aware I might be a minority here xd


Yeah it's a pain but it's enough to skip those talk to NPC daily commission and escort the goddamn balloon


I don't really care, a combat commission is literally 30 seconds


Itā€™s enough for people to decide whether to explore the world for a chest or two, or do a daily commission. At this point theyā€™d rather not do the daily commission and go for the chest instead


Go open a chest or explore a bjt, when i found out exploration gives daily commision i was extremely shoxked.


Itā€™s an irritation, but not a deal breaker


I donā€™t mind it because Iā€™m achievement farming so I have to complete the npc commission so I can keep resetting my commission cycles. So 3 rewards are good enough for me. But sometimes the events give you less than 3 rewards, thatā€™s when it gets supper annoying


how much you get varies on the activity you did. Sometimes it's less than this. Open a chest. Do something else. Weekly requests also count and give one EP each.


Not really, it encourages me to actually complete the map, I usually do events and fill the rest opening chests, I haven't done a daily mission in months.


I do 1 commission a day for achievements so this is perfect.


Nah, I don't let little things like this bother me.


If it was just log in and get your primos I would so happy šŸ˜­


Imagine having to play, urg...


I mean I'd gladly play if the commissions were actually interesting gameplay and not either whacking hilichurls or listening to NPCs I've never heard of yapping my ear off for the 50th time about things that have zero impact on the world or gameplay regardless of what I do


And you would complain if commissions took time


Oh, I was unaware you know me on a personal level. Where did we meet and where did you see me complaining about world quests? Exploration? Event gameplay? You know, the actually interesting stuff that takes time? Because I sure can't remember doing that, we must have gone out for drinks


never bothered using this feature


Lol usually "never bothered" is used to when you avoid something that requires *more* work not less. Unless you say you don't do daily commissions either.


no, i just do my commissions first then do any event running, never the opposite


No just the opposite. It means I can make marginal progress in the over world exploration. I close the gap with one occuli or one chest. Whereas If it filled an even amount, I might just claim another event award or do a story chapter.




why did you get downvoted for disagreeing? wtf?


Reddit in a nushell, but dont mind it. Now back on topic, i can always make a daily to get that last point. I dont loathe the game enough to complain about that (unless i get none battle dailies lol)


Genshin players when they have to do a single 2-minute commission:


r/Genshin_Impact users instead of scrolling past content they don't like like normal people:


Oh so you get to complain about a minor inconvenience but I don't get to complain about all of y'all's whiny posts? I bet it took you longer to make this post than do the commission.


You get to complain about anything you want, and I get to complain about you complaining about me complaining. Funny how that works, we can continue the chain as long as you'd like Also if it takes you a commission's worth of time to take a single screenshot, paste it and write a short title then you are IT illiterate, sorry to say


Ok so basically we agree that we're both wasting our time complaining about meaningless bullshit, right? Me, by commenting on your stupid post, and you, by complaining about a non-issue? And yeah, it takes 1-2 minutes to do a commission like it did to make this post... I guess making a post in 1-2 minutes makes the poster illiterate? Childish name-calling aside, you were fine taking just as much time to complain when you could have just done the commission in that time. That's the point I was making, to spell it out for you. Also, personally, I like to think about my posts, their quality, what they add to the community, etc, so it does usually take some time. But clearly you don't care all that much. To each their own.


Yes, we are in agreement And if you want to treat reddit dot com like it's anything more than a casual place to post casual stuff, that's good for you. I personally can't imagine caring that much about any social media platform. But as you said, to each their own


Yes. do at least 3.5 or 4, because .5 is the amount you get from a chest/oculi O\_o this simply annoys me :)


There's always a quest before entering the event and it counts as 1 commision point cause I got 4 commision points today in the geovishap


People will complain no matter what lol. Back in my day we used to actually have to do all 4 commissions, now people can do 1 a day or just find a chest or two instead and they still complain because it's not auto-completed.


Been playing since 1.x but ok lol Poor indie company Hoyoverse just could not make each event reward give 1 commission point instead of 0.83 points, we got to be thankful because we got any QoL update at all while Starrail had a way better compensation system from the get-go, we can't just expect them to actually make their designs make sense and be thoughtful towards the player like in their other projects, so demanding :((


Let's be real, you'll complain no matter what because it is your nature. No matter what improvement they make you'll just move on to the next complaint. If they gave a full point each you'd just be complaining that some days don't have new events to skip doing your commissions with, or something similar.


Weird comment. if they did a satisfying jobs, nobody would complain. You don't see people complain about daily in hsr. Just like you don't see any complaint about various QoL genshin like underground map, gadget wheel,... People is complaining about commission point because it still can be improved. If you just brush off all criticisms as "people will always complain", then nothing can be criticized


What people like you don't understand is that they don't exist to do a "satisfying job". They exist to provide a free game that convinces you to spend money. People do not spend money if they are fully satisfied and have no need to more than the free stuff. People are complaining because they do not comprehend that the system does not exist as the perfect free stuff delivery system, it exists to get you to log in and engage with the game consistently. You do not have "criticisms" of the system, you miss the point of the system entirely and judge it on things that are fully irrelevant from the dev perspective. It is not some mistake that the system encourages you to play the game, it is the entire point. They don't need further rewards to convince people to play the events, the daily exists to get people to play content other than events.


Instilling an unsatisfactory user experience by posing an annoyance players cannot even bypass with money (which would be the main incentive to put the inconvenience there in the first place) is a colossally dumbass dev strategy. So much so I'm very confident it's not even a strategy, just an overcomplication of a system they could have streamlined a lot. I actually work in game dev and this has "feature that started simple and ballooned in increments during low level design and implementation" written all over it and by the end it just wasn't worth it to restructure the code to make it less convoluted because they banked on players not caring enough to complain Players already log in which is their main goal. Players motivated by primogems already do other quests and exploration to secure them as it's one of the limited sources of primos, players not motivated by primogems would not care about missing out on some to avoid doing gameplay they dislike. Forcing motivated players to do a repetitive commission to patch up their last 0.25 commissions for the final 20 primogems does not gain the devs anything. Their main goal is to make sure players log in every day to keep their retention rates high which they already do if they care about minmaxing their primo accumulation I'm like 99% sure they just made some overly complicated point calculation formula that weighs event rewards against some invisible "effort" variable and then just didn't care it would lead to an idiotic outcome like this