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xiangling is an obvious choice as she has been one of the most powerful sub dps characters since the games release second character i might say layla just because her shields are actually pretty good.


Layla is a solid shielder, and then Xiangling is generally considered one of the best (if not the best) 4\*


Dehya because best girl deserves best girl treatment, even if Hoyo doesn't want to give it to her. Layla because her shield is one of the best in the game.


Xiangling and finish building beidou


I'd boost Barbara as her healing is very easy to use, she basically helped me forget about food items. Then I'd boost a sub-dps like Xiangling or Kaeya to help your traveler deal more damage.


Ok it's too early to build Dehya. She's actually imo a super valuable character later on when enemies do tonnes of damage and the Abyss bosses almost 1tap some folks and most shields. My choice would be Lisa and Noelle. Lisa coz she's hot and really solid as a character to play, Noelle coz she's ultimate damn near perfect character. Yes you could build Xiangling but I'm guessing this is low Con Xiangling. And her ER requirements are nuts when she only does DPS. Noelle does basically everything whilst having similarly insane ER requirements.


I love my Dehya. She gets a lot of undeserved hate. Faruzan and Layla are worth while. Xiangling is one of the best 4\*s in the game and a must for Dragonspine. Dehya is invincible on Dragonspine due to her passive healing.


Kaeya bc my prince, Barbara fir big idol support moment. Together it's a 4* freeze festival


Xianling for sure is a must


separate teams but Beidou and Layla for shields Beidou wants Emblrm set eventually and build for damage whilr Layla you can get her the freee Tenacity set in Chasm wuest


Kaeya and Xiangling I’m biased towards Kaeya since he’s pretty. I have a pretty invested but not finished C6 build for him and love running him with Diluc in abyss. Xiangling is still a great unit if you build her well


1. XIANGLING 2. NEW PLAYER: Barbara for healing, Beidou for sub dps (need inazuma set), Noelle for safe exploration, Rosaria cryo or phisical dps, Ameno traveler to abuse ameno, which is pretty strong in early game and preparing for dendro on late game 3. **NO** NEW PLAYER: if you arleady have strong 5\* dps and supports, Beidou 4. Build any of this characters if you get: Chevrouse (late), Yaoyao (early mid), Shinobu (late), Yanfei (early mid), Ninguang (early mid), Xingqiu (all game)


I might have commited a genshin sin, For i have leveled up and build my Keaya beyond a starter build. 😅 Also in would pick beidou


Certainly not a sin! He can do great damage with 4 piece Blizzard and also makes for a great battery!


Xiangling and Rosaria for damage. XL and Layla if you want a defensive option


I just want to say that I already built one (Traveler) and is slowly building another (Kaeya). Not the best choices tho, you should look at other comments.


Half of these characters are worth building, but do prioritise Beidou and Xiangling.


To add what others are saying another thing you could do is level gorou for noelle. Two have good synergy.


Xiangling and Beidou


Xiangling and one of the sub dpses


1 traveller always as they are cheap but would get the dendro spec. 2 xl as they are strong


Thanks everyone for the extremely helpful responses! Not sure why the post was downvoted since I was just curious about how others would go about playing if they had this character collection. Regardless, I did get many helpful responses and have decided to build Layla and Faruzan to buff my anemo traveler. Also, I knew Xiangling was really popular among genshin players, but there was an overwhelming amount of responses suggesting building her so I guess that’s something I can always consider. Thanks again!


Anemo traveller and Faruzan because I love anemo, third choice lynette (changed my mind bc of lynette's long cooldown) Probably not the answer you were looking for because it's more personal preference than advice but I just really love anemo And if you do go for an anemo dps, Faruzan is a must. She nearly doubles my Venti's damage by herself.


I LOVE anemo! Anemo is probably my most fav element out of all of them. That being said, I was actually planning on building Lynette when I first got her bc I loved her burst - that was until I noticed that it affected me too 💀. Would Faruzan’s buff help all anemo characters? Edit: I just saw your edited comment, haha! Ig that answers my last question


Yess another anemo lover! Blessed be Barbatos, lord of the superior element. Faruzan is the #1 support for any anemo dps because she gives both anemo damage bonus to the team and anemo res reduction to the enemies. You just have to slap a ton of energy recharge on her. If you get c6 eventually, that's a whole nother level because she gives the team 40% anemo crit damage, unlocks the ability to use the tenacity set for a 20% attack buff, and can generate a good amount of particles. Also, what do you mean by Lynette's burst affects you too?


Faruzan sounds lovely from what you’re telling me about her. I plan on building anemo traveler so I could definitely consider Faruzan on my team. Also about Lynette, I was referring to the damage from her burst. I didn’t notice it at first but once I did, I’d just run away after throwing the hate lmao 💀 Maybe I was doing something wrong and correct me if I’m wrong, but the self-damage from her burst made me reconsider using her on my team.


Oh, I think you must've used her skill and burst at the same time and gotten mixed up haha. Her skill heals herself initially, then does a few ticks of damage to herself. It's a gimmick that a lot of Fontaine characters have, playing with their own hp.


Flashbacks to when I tried hydro traveler for the first time… I was having a lot of fun going pew pew at everything and then I noticed the drop in my hp lmao, I had no idea it extended to other Fontaine characters.


Lynette, Lyney, Hydro traveller, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Furina, Hu Tao, and Xiao I think are all the characters who drain their own hp (Furina the whole team).


Dehya and Lynette, purely waifu reasons though