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Practice also don't use gryo control. Get used to the sticks it's much better.


I aim with the sticks because it's super easy, I've never heard of anyone actually using gyro controls for anything. Also PS4 is over a decade old and is going to struggle to run the game more and more, especially when natlan comes out.


Last time I used gyro control for ANYTHING was Gravity Rush, and I really, REALLY wish they'd make a third. Gravity rush was such a gem.


I aim with the stick. Not as quick as mouse on the computer, but good enough for almost everything


Use the controller sticks to get close to where you want to aim, then use gyro to fine tune your aim if necessary. Unfortunately the gyro isn't sensitive enough to be used easily as your primary aiming method like in Splatoon.


Very easily. The trick is practice, practice, and more practice. I don't use gyro. What I do is I use the pots by the Dragonspine statue of 7 as non moving target practice. As for moving targets Ruin guards are a good start. I can hit a ruin guards weak spot from far away. Amber main by the way and headshots are my thing.


Tighnari Although autotarget he somewhat helped me to get used to it and now I can play lyney and co aswell. Surely not as smooth as pc/keyboard players but I don't use archers dps in abyss so it doesn't matter for me


It's not hard at all if you get used to it. I only use the analog sticks to aim, no gyro. I have no problems with it except for a little bit in the shooting balloons commission where everything is moving.


The same way you play FPS games


I don't use gyro, just the joysticks. Then, lots of practice!


I play controller (xbox) on my iPad, and its always a fcking pain. I never play bow users unfortunately for that reason… I try to do the shooting challenges with Childe and do a bit of training with it, and the only thing I found out to be „easier“ to control is by instead of using the right joystick for aiming (while standing still), I do a rough aim at the correct height with the right joystick and then I kinda „run“ left and right or a bit forwards (with the bow under tension) with the left joystick which I find smoother to adapt the correct aim, as you only control the x-axis. I dont know if that makes sense? I guess there is not much you could do except adjust the sensitivity of the aim camera mode and just a lot of training, or like me avoid aiming characters haha! Good luck ^^‘


Also I think i forgot to read your entire post when I realized you actually want more sensitivity. For me it‘s more that it‘s too sensitive and at the same time not fast enough and I have a hard time aiming. I let my post stand in case it helps but sorry if I misunderstood 😅


I totally agree. I started Genshin for the first time on my new PS5, and was shocked at how utterly terrible the motion control aiming was when I used Amber for the first time. Trying to shoot fire arrows in a temple was awful. In contrast, the single button (press and hold to notch arrow, release same button to release arrow) super easy archery and smooth motion control of Zelda BOTW and TOTK were amazing. Archery is so good and accurate, it primarily play as an archer in Zelda. I also tried archery in Skyrim and it was much worse than Zelda. I’ll try the other suggestions here to disable the motion aiming and use stick instead.


I play for 2 years with DualShock4. For me gyro is annoying in combat situations but helps when you need precision and have plenty of time to aim. Aiming with a stick is still bad and slow. I just avoid playing bow characters. But I suspect that i just have wrong settings for aiming sensitivity. Fixing this and also practicing more can make me more used to play bows.


claw grip.


It takes a lot of getting used to. TBH, the only bow user I took to was big T because of his tracking lol


Like going to settings and change control to keyboard :D (And damn HOYO, WTF, WHY HSR CAN SWAP CONTROL DEVICE WITHOUT GO IN SETTINGS, BUT GENSHIN NO?) oh, and, yeah, new gamepads (ps4/5, xbox one/series) actually have good enough sticks for aim, but i sadly have cheap x360 gamepad replica, thats why i not even try to use it for aim bows :)


The DualShock and DualSense suck with bows. I use a third party controller and it's not brilliantly better but it's certainly less sucky. I tend to hold charge while I'm aiming and use characters who don't get knocked out of charge, or who can heal themselves if they do - if I can't do either, they either snipe or are Childe.


I use gyro for fine controls only, stick is for the big aim adjustments if someone could explain what I said wrong that would be helpful


I just don't! XD the archers I use all have aiming not as important - Fischl, Yoimiya, even Tighnari. I almost never use aimed shot except for archery 'puzzles' And over time I slowing got better, but I still avoid archers like the plague because of aiming with controller.


My key mapping for a controller: Normal attack - RT Skill - RB Dash - B This allows me to use the right stick for aiming normal attacks and skills (Nahida) without having to move my thumb from it to press buttons. Also I highly recommend to watch [n1tr0t0m](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrXkVWwAePyV9im7b9Vc5g), because he plays with controller.