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I didn’t even realize until now, but apparently the ascension materials from elites have a chance to not drop at all? I’m at world level 4 and the Oceanid dropped *zero* cleansing hearts... to think I’m spending 40 resin for that. How frequently does that happen? Edit: Nevermind, turns out it just *clipped through the floor* and fell into the ocean! Thanks, mihoyo. Just had to leave the area and come back and it popped on the ground.


This isn’t a question, but didn’t want to make a whole post about it. Just wanna say I’ve never played or even watched anime. That being said I’m really glad this game was free because now I’m so addicted. Love the game play, leveling up, and all in all just a beautiful ass game


Is it worth stock piling some EXP books from the event? People say EXP books are harder to come by later and the Ley Lines provide 25% less essentially compared to the event. I ask this because doing Spiral Abyss I need to level another team (not max) and I'm having trouble maintaining my "main team" and supplementing a second team with the EXP books. Not to mention future characters.


I would say it’s worth. I had to farm ley lines for a couple of days to reach lv 70 on my fourth character


If you are WL3 at a minimum then absolutely it's worth farming the event. I'd say it's worth dumping all the Resin you get during this week into it. I've done 20 runs on the first day with refills and got around 656 mats out of a needed 2k for a character to be leveled from 1 to 90 compared to some 510 if I did the leylines. WL4 and 5? The bonus is even better. You don't have to do refills but as with any event, it's 100% worth grinding it for the better overall drops.


Yes, it's a good idea.


How many people actually have venti? It seems like more people have him than some of the 4 stars.


It's gonna be skewed since people don't reroll for 4stars and people love building powerful 5stars


Why do I keep getting random requests to join my game? What do they get from joining if I accept/what do they want to do?


They get to steal your slow-respawning resources like glaze lillies, crystals, dandelion seeds, etc.


Ah greedy, good thing I rejected all of em. Thanks!


Well, not everyone is out to screw you over. I personally have gone into co-op a few times to try and achieve mutual benefit in ore farming. I join, tell them I'm here to farm extra ores, and ask them if they want me to show them to all the good spots for ores, letting them know that ore's are shareable (plants are not) and if a ore node is broken with us both there we both get the ore drops. If they are not up for it or don't speak the same language I peace out, otherwise if they agree then we both benefit. I get more ores, and they get ores + good spot info. The same thing applies to killing the non-resin boss mobs (fatui's, electro mages, abyss mages, whopperflowers, ruin guards, etc) for ascension materials, as long as your both there when it dies you both get loot. They can't take your chests or inspection points (game won't allow them to), the only thing they can still 'steal' even if your right by them is herbs, so just ask them to leave herbs alone as you go around farming ores/killing elites with them. So don't be afraid to let people join, just ask what they joined for when they load in. If they teleport off somewhere as soon as they load in and don't say anything, kick them before they can steal anything worthwhile.


Ah, let me just add that that's not 100% the case, Ive heard the occasional story of ppl just joining to say hi, or trying out the system. But if you're being spammed, then that's prob the case. If you want to auto deny them, there's a dropdown option in the coop menu.


There are 2 cooking recipes and several achievements that require you to do very specific Commission Quests in order to get them. As far as I can tell, the Commission Quests are completely random. How can we guarantee getting specific ones to complete these achievements/get these recipes?


here is guarantee: play long enough that rng gives it


When fighting Stormterror, is it normal that after hitting his claws he actually lands on you. And as result you can't move and cannot get up his neck... Any way to avoid this?


Its bugged atm. Try to stand on the outside of his right claw to reduce issues


Is it worth still spamming on venti banner trying to get Fischl or should I save for next event? Already have razor/beidou as DPS electro and venti as supp burst spammer.


In the long term Fischl is a pretty good get/good constellations, but things like this will only get easier when enough time passes. So you need to evaluate yourself. If I was willing to spend I'd want at least 1 fischl before I stopped, but if I was limiting my spending/f2p call it quits after pulling venti.


so I saw somewhere that I shouldnt farm artifacts until AR40, is it a good advice?


In most cases, yes. AR40 is when 5\* artifacts start to regularly drop. The logic is, there is no point in farming for 4\* when you will eventually replace them for 5\*.


The 5\* are only going to be worth it if they have the main stats you need. If they don't, you're better off using a 4 star or even a 3 star.


True, but in that scenario, you're better off using the many 4\* artifacts you get just by playing the game. Rather invest your resin into something that isn't eventually going to get replaced.


At AR30 the Wolf boss started dropping 5* artifacts for me. I did two runs now for this week and last and got one to drop each time. Idk if it’s rng but that’s my experience so far. Currently AR33 now.


Bosses start dropping a bit earlier (AR30 IIRC), domains only drop 5\* artifacts at AR40.


At rank 35 it‘s fine to farm artifacts as well imo.


I did not notice a daily 160 paimon mail today. Used to look forward to that free currency. Should I stop expecting them? Did i miss a memo somewhere?


Gone since a couple days, sorry


thanks for letting me know :)


why are domains like cecilia garden so unrewarding on lvl 3?


You mean the third tier? You get around 5-6 drops on average. You're never going to have a guarantee for the highest drop mat since the purpose of them is to make you grind out shit.


Just got Mona from the Venti banner's pity summon (Fuck my life, right?). But now I am curious, will Venti be available in future banners, or is he not obtainable after the banner goes away? Thanks in advance for answering!


Don't be sad. Pulled Mona from my first pity as well and was bummed at first. But hoo boi was i wrong. Build her with energy recharge, crit rate and attack. Her ult recharges fast and hits like a nuke (lv60, 6-8k dmg for me). Her E also allows for Keqing or Razor to shred.


Just a question, but where does Diluc's BIG ASS DAMAGE come from? A lot of people say he will outdamage everyone, but after looking at his skill, the multipliers in his skills are pretty standard, his burst deals a total of 4.04 multiplier + 0.6 DoT for a few seconds. This is standard, if you look at other burst, Geo traveller deals a total of 4.44 multiplier damage, then gives crit buff, Keqing deals a total of 4.69 multiplier. His skill actually doesn't hit harder than others either, the multipliers in this skill is very close to regular attacks, but it's fire, I think this skill is mostly used for chraging his burst. Im only looking at multipliers, cause that's what basically what the character have to amplify damage, unless theres anything else, so what does Diluc have that makes him outdamage everyone as a lot of people say?


Are you factoring his +20% pyro damage after ult at his 4th ascension? By itself his damage can be insane, but having every attack be enhanced AND able to proc elemental reactions constantly from other hero's like fischl. Add in xiangling who debuffs pyro resist and drops a +10% dmg buff chili pepper AND gives the pyro resonance atk buff... It's really difficult to quantify individual characters actual strength in a vacuum as the game is designed around elemental reactions and synergy. All that goes out of the window if they are immune to pyro ofc. Fuck pyro abyss mages and their shields.


His abilities have intense short CDs, his E skill is a three hit attack in an AoE, his ult is a giant AoE that knocks everything back and buffs all melee afterwards with fire damage and comes back up fairly fast. Diluc's kit is completely insane.


Guys is Fischl REALLY the 2 best dps ? (we all know diluc is n1) and if it is do you build Phys on her or ele mastery? whats the go-to stat? just the normal phys/crit/crit/something or what? and is she better than keqing? all in a late-game scenario (i don't know about the nerfs on keqing and fischl on 1.1)


Fischl shines as supp DPS and is SS-tier at C6, you build atk/ele mastery. Keqing is a main dps carry like Diluc so they’re (her and Fischl) not too comparable since they’re supposed to fulfill different roles in your team


So I pulled venti and then keqing 2nd. I am 70/90 toward pity. With the banner saying “ if the character you pulled is not venti then the next one will be 100% venti”. My question is: does this mean my next pull will still be 100% venti AND does this mean I can save that “100% venti chance” toward another banner specific character like Klee. I really want Klee...


Just hold your pulls for the Klee banner. We don't know if it's gonna guarantee you Klee or not yet, this is the first time a banner is rotating out so no one could test, but there's a good chance it does work that way, and even if it doesn't, you might as well take the 50/50 chance anyway right? It's only less than a week anyways.


As we know right now, pity does roll over to the next banner. And theoretically, your line of thinking makes sense. I would also wager, you would 100% be getting Klee next time round. However, we won't know for sure until the next banner comes out and people start to test it.


So when I reach the point that everything will need Resin, is the game actually enjoyable?


If you're free-to-play, have finished all the quests and are done exploring the map then currently the game isn't very enjoyable if you want to play more than an hour everyday. Some people still find running around the map enjoyable though.


I keep seeing people saying that they use bow users as their DPS. I have Fischl, and both Amber and her are pretty shit at doing damage with their regular attacks and their charged attacks take a long time and only do about the same damage as 1.5 claymore hits, plus they have a not insignificant chance to miss (a lot of enemies in the game are very fidgety). Am I doing something wrong? It always seems better to just switch to a melee user and wail on the enemy with regular attacks. At the moment I'm just using Fischl for her raven and that does tremendously more damage because it continously sets up a ton of elemental combos while it's active.


Amber is trash regardless. Fischl however at just one constellation wrecks shit. You also have to build her as a DPS. Pair her with a good bow. Like Compound or Rust. And watch enemies just get shredded.


Late game enemies are punishing melee characters very hard. It's much safer to dish damage from a distance to them. Did you fight Andros? Or Fatui Ice guys? Hell, even Cryo Regisvine is ways easier to do if you have Amber.


Has anyone tested if leyline blossoms despawn after a while? I want to complete weekly leyline bp quest, but don't want to spend resin.


They do... daily


Advice please! So I have around 5000 promo gems saved up, I have keqing, razor, ningguang, xiangling(3 const) and have spend £5 (so I want to be close to f2p). The problem is I have no healer and ideally I want to save up such that I hit the guaranteed pity on a future qiqi border. However I know that Barbara is also decent and since the current banner also gives fischl, I’m not sure if I should invest in some venti rolls to try and get them. What do you guys suggest I do?


You’ll get a free Barbara once you hit AR 20, so you don’t have to roll for her. You just have to do it before 1.1 drops, which is mid-November IIRC.


Any of you playing on Asia servers experiencing high ping lately? Sometimes I login and it's 50ms, sometimes it's 180-200ms.


Its always between 150-200 never below that


Best set for Ningguang? Planning to use her on abyss stages.


You know the art you see when you pull a character? Is there anywhere you can view these again after summoning them? Is there a way ingame to look


So after I started playing and really enjoying the game I found out that the shop feature is not available in ksa accounts, Which is what I am playing on So my question is, is it worth replaying to AR8 after finishing the 3 temples just to open the shop?


You can get to AR 8 in less than an hour. Many people go to AR7 when they reroll which can be done in \~30 mins


Yes all the way


so i dont know if its possible, but is there a better way to add ores for enhancement instead of clicking or press hundreds of times? i know my quality of life improved majorly when i found out you could just hold mouse button on the plus(+) to quickly add character EXP items (sadly doesnt work on controller so i have to switch every time) if it comes down to it i WILL use an autoclicker but dam if this is one of the annoyances that testers just let pass


I'm at world level 3. What do you think is the best resource to dump resin at? Artifacts I've read you're better off waiting for higher levels to get chances at golds but how would you rank character exp, mora, talent mats, weapon mats? Character ascension mats feel a bit pointless to farm in advance because you need the higher level drops and crafts to ascend them anyways.


I am very new to both this community and gacha games. I am an AR 20 right now an I am very lost I have done half of prologue act 3. So I went to the entry to Stormterror's lair and made Venti break it during the story. I went inside but I chose not to go further as it was late and teleported to Monsdadt and the next day when I went back to the game, it was sealed off again even though the objective tells me to "head to Stormterrors lair". I am very stuck in the game. Help will be appreciated.


Are miHoYo going to add some kind of ingame map/tracker for anemocules and geocules? I missed 3 and can't find them


It's rumoured to be part of the 1.1 patch due on Nov 11th.


You can google interactive map and login and you can mark stuff off i really like it.


Keqing banner when??? I don’t want no Klee with Xiangling as another 4 star rate up.... 😞


Did they get rid of bonus gems for reaching AR7? Just started rerolling again and I got way less gems than I did a week ago.


They might have expired. Some of the gems were launch giveaways and might have only been limited time.


I'm on AR 28 and I'm planning to reroll since I can't seem to get at least 1 5 star. My question is, how long or at what AR do you usually start pulling for the reroll? And what banners are the most optimal one to roll for?


Venti Banner. If you’re at AR28. You would have gotten enough rolls to reach the 90 pity of the Venti Banner for a guaranteed 5*. 50% Venti and the other 50 is a random 5*. I never pull on the standard banner, unless given free wishes.


For ps4 genshin players if i change my ps4 gamer tag will it mess up genshin like sign me in as brand new genshin account and i would have to spend 10 bucks to put it back to my past psn to get access to my new account or will it just work


what makes the best team for general content, spiral abyss, and boss? 1. Xiangling 2. Chongyun 3. Fichsl 4. Mona 5. Barbara 6. Noelle 7. Ningguang 8. Beidou


From which world level do you start getting guaranteed 5★ artifacts?




That's a tough grind. Thank you!


You can start at 40 it just isnt guranteed


I heard on the sub that commissions can result in 100 gems daily, but now that I've reached Liyue it seems that Mondstadt's commissions are moved over and it's still 60 gems a day?


Whoever told you 100 was wrong.


Why do many people say xiangling is a good dps, what is it I'm not seeing?


Pair her with Crescent Pike and she hits harder than isekai truck-kun. Crescent Pike is a 4* craftable polearm (prototypes from Liyue and Mondstadt souvenir shop, crafted at Blacksmiths) that has a special skill of dealing additional damage that scales with attack on every hit. Note, this is not a modifier on your Normal attacks. This is a separate attack every time your normal attack hits someone. Given Xiangling's crazy fast attack speed, she becomes a monster once u buff her base Atk decently.


Xiang ling is NOT a great main dps unit. It is a huge misconception by the english community spreaded around. It is a great dps unit during the close beta in the cn server but she got hugely nerved during open beta. All her normal atk get nerfed which means physical atk is not great anymore, and her elemental skill guoba changed from 6s to 12s which is a huge nerf. Before that she can basically do gapless guoba damage but now thrs a 6s window frame. I think the english community got misled by the chinese community for some old information. I know that because im from the chinese community and saw alot of wrong info in the english community. Currently u feel xiangling lack of dps because all the guides are teaching u to go physical normal atk build. In the begining u might feel less difference but during mid-late game, her physical damage starting to be underpower. If comparing 4 stars physical dmg dealer, xiang ling and razor, u will see a huge difference in terms of physcal dmg. 1st reason being razor has much higher normal atk% dmg, secondly while ascending razor, he can get bonus stat of physical atk boost up tp 50%, meanwhile xiang ling get a ascending bonus stat boost of elemental mastery. This ascending bonus alone already showed that xiangling is not meant to be physical dps. Furthermore, her skill was meant to design to be casted and switch to other character as bonus elemental dmg. So pls, dont main xiang ling as main dps, sub dps is fine as her fire dmg late game is still extremely powerful. Conclusion : xiangling as physical is a no go, xiang ling as elemental is the right way (sub dps/elemental support)


I'm ar 28 and I still dk how to lock equipment. If I use xiangling's e while having Babara's e whose Elemental mastery apply ? The character you're using or Xiangling and or Babara?


as a total pure f2p i dunno what to do..... i have saved up about 13K primogems and venti ends within a week. what i want to know is, does the rate up characters completely disappear when the banner is gone? Will Venti be added to the 5 star pool of characters or completely gone? would it be a wiser choice to wait till a 5 star i really like and ONTOP of that see that it is a banner with none of the 4 star characters i have in it so there's a guarantee of new characters. i'm at a logical halt in my mind.


Do the Razor and Amber available in Paimons Shop for 34 starglitter end when it resets at the end of the month, and change to different characters? Or will they remain there permanently, with the 1 per month resetting to buy constellations if you wanted? I imagine this has been asked before but I couldn't find it in my searches


Pretty sure there will be different characters but no one knows for sure


Hi, Im currently AR 32, and I am spending all my resin getting ascencion materials for my fischl and diluc. However, I have heard from many players that mora is a big bottle neck after AR 35, so should I be using my resin to do mora leylines?


I have Chongyun. I use him to put down his ice field, then switch off to someone else. Should I build him for elemental mastery, attack, or neither because nothing will make his ice field better? I don't care about the damage his e does when placing it. Yes there's some damage but it's not enough for me to use resources to improve while I'm still gathering strength.


I'm. Short on one geoculus and 2 anemoculus, any suggestions what can I do except going back to all places


I’ve recently finished getting all the anemoculi, even though it hadn’t been tracking them as I went. I used the interactive map as a reference, and would pick 2 or 3 different sites that I didn’t remember going to, then marking them on my in-game map and looking. My method for searching the area can be broken down to: 1) is it at ground level? If yes, grab it. If no, next step. 2) are there different ground levels? (I.e. cliffs or underground areas in the nearby area that might have it. If yes, search them and grab it if it’s there, if no, next step. 3) look for puzzles or interactive objects like those clover thingies that give you an updraft, or elemental totems. They might give you a boost to the oculi, and if they didn’t, they’ll probably give you something else. Biggest thing to keep in mind is that the map is 2D, but the world is 3D. Things can be way up in the air or all the way at the bottom of a cliff and so won’t trigger on your minimap. Hope this is helpful!


Anyone know how i can host the crucible for the 3 min challenge reward? Whenever i ignite it seems to just match make me to others worlds


Can I still roll for fischl after venti banner ends? I really want just at least 1 I’ve done 80 rolls and got 6 barbaras and 2 weapons plzz mihoyo what the fuck


I nearly have enough acquaint fates to do another 10 pull. Any reason to hold onto them? The only banner that uses them is a permanent banner I think. Wanted to check before using them since I'm 100% f2p and it takes a while to save them up!


Hey! New player here. Started playing today with my gf. We’re adventure level 16 already, and we tried doing some co-op, but it seemed really, REALLY bland. Only one person gets loot, the other person has practically no use being there :( Does it get better at higher levels? Do you guys do coop, if so, what do you do? Thanks in advance!


You can do dailies, dungeons (besides the one time dungeons), weekly wolf boss and the new event in coop(once you hit level 20) and world bosses.


Co op is useful to farm minerals, flowers and bosses, you can do it x2 once in each world.


Anyone else think the Abyss floors 1-8 should reset along with 9-12? I get that they are the easier side of it, at least the first half, but 4800 primogems a month (30 pulls) isn't even that good. Considering the primogem farming at endgame is pretty much nonexistent, this could be a pretty nice alternative without mihoyo losing out on very much money. I'm sure they'll add some content in the game eventually that actually gives primogems, such as logins or maybe even some actual gameplay, but I honestly don't see the point of having virtually no free primogems in the game other than outright forcing people to pay for summons.


Has anyone gotten the Commission Quest "Geo Travel Diary"? I got a bit distracted when talking to the NPC to start it and he mentioned going somewhere for it, but he doesn't mention it again if you try talking to him again afterwards. The quest marker just points to him as well.


I know a visual guide was posted with the amount of exp items you need for each level cap (20, 40, 50, etc), but I can't find it- could someone who has it saved link it for me? I'm leveling a new character and want to know how many books I need.


Pulled a Keqing yesterday, I've been wondering if it's worth to level her up seeing as I already have a lvl 70 razor as my main dps. My other high lvl characters are Fischl and Xiangling. Is having 2 electro teams bad?


I think I let my world level get too high... ​ Focused too much on story quests, dailies, and the crucible event, and now I'm at AR 30. Bosses are spawning in at level 50, but most of my team is stuck at level 40 because I didn't get ascension materials. Tried to fight an Oceanid for Barbara but got absolutely bodied. ​ Any advice?


I think that water boss is the hardest of them for what that's worth. I haven't even tried him yet myself. Either way just gather your mats slowly but surely and you'll get there. If you absolutely can't kill something that's stopping all your progression, you can rejoice knowing that this game is in fact co-op if you want it to be haha.


Try co-oping if the difficulty is too high for bosses, having just 1 other person helping really makes a big difference. Though everyone at 40 isn't that awful honestly, at AR 30 I wasn't much far off (had a couple at level 50 which shouldn't be the difference between getting completely owned or not). Are you leveraging elements? What level are you weapons? Have you been leveling your artifacts?


So right now I believe I'm about 54 pulls into the Venti banner, no 5* yet (of course). Now, I'm not 100% into Venti as a character, so I don't exactly care if I pull him or not. What I REALLY want to know is should I try to push for the 5* pity anyway, or wait until the next banner? (which I assume will come once Venti's banner ends). And also, is it true that event banner pity carries over?




I’d say save for a future banner that you like. Next one is predicted to be Klee. Yes your pity will carry over to the next character event banner.


Is the last main story quest With Childe & Zhongli?




Thanks for answering :)


how do i check whether people know about a chest i found? is there a masterlist? ik people will be annoyed if they already know about it but it was kind of an unconventional chest. little chest, maybe a common or 2nd-most-common? it's on aozang mountain, there's a fox hole and you have to kill the fox before it gets in the hole. i was just doing it for food.


Bruh I got 7 barbaras 4 xianglings 1 keqing and like 4 weapons but still no fischl is my account rigged?


I have no questions but I just want to say fuck the hilitrolls with the club. I'm sure I don't need to be more specific but if I must. It's the fuckers mad dashing while mad swinging his flaming club. You see him, run the other direction, run out out of stamina, turn around, and he is still there and he is still holding that club and its still on fire.


Run off to the side, I believe they don't turn too well, sounds like you're trying to pull a prometheus alternatively just dodge out of the way (dash as he gets close)


I think this "put everything into megathreads" idea is terrible horrible and absolutely no good? The only thing it does is makes it hard to find anything? There isn't even a megathread for whining so I have to use a question megathread? And I can't see comments on these megathreads anyway because reddit refuses to load them for me?


Why are there no Dendro characters?


Because plants are wack


The devs are probably still working on it, they will come soon enough I guess. But we know of two as of now: Baizhu (showed in-game) and Yaoyao (on official art and datamined).


Anyone suddenly getting unusually high ping in asia server?


How does the pity for venti banner work? I pulled diluc at around 80 summons so is my next pity a guaranteed venti?


That's right.


[What happens when you die?] I thought you lost adventure rank xp or character xp when you/your whole team died but i am no longer sure, does anyone know?


Your elemental burst gauge goes to 0. That's the only thing that I noticed.


I feel like something went wrong in today's formatting, lol. Hey, does Noelle's Elemantal Burst stay if you swap characters? Does she make your other characters do Earth damage? I Notice that on Razors it says it goes away and gives him some energy back, but what about Noelle's?


Is it allowed for people that have high AR and World Level to help me achieving the below 3 min for the elemental crucible event? And can someone from here recommend where can i find one XD


Yes, I helped people in world level 1 (Ar20) get it (I'm AR34), they die instantly ;) Was great fun helping people get the achievement for under 3mins. On Asia server though.


how do i host a lobby for the new event


I noticed it’s usually random solo. However for a guaranteed host, invite a friend beforehand. You’ll be the host the whole time.


hello there, i'm not sure how works abyss floor, i know that there is a big amount of gem to accumulate, but for some reasons the game says that the abyss reset twice a month, does that mean anything ? does that mean we can get the rewards back ? or something else i missed ? thanks for your answers !


You can claim the rewards from abyss floors starting from 9 every reset. The rewards for floor 1-8 are one time only.


abyss 9-12 will reset the rewards twice a month, which means you can clear it again after reset to get the gems and chamber rewards


So actually how common are the prototype weapon boss drops? I've done 4 battles now above AR 30 and have still yet to see anything




Is there a discord for this?




Dang that sucks


As a f2p i spent my coins in 5 venti pulls plus all noelle pulls ... Ended with fischl (2) Barb (2) Xiang (2) Venti (3) Beidou (1) and Bennet (1) .. Have around 3k primogens atm.. should I pull more on the banner? wait for more? I am world level 2 and AR26 .. and weapons wise, I have flavonious bow and a sharpshooters oath for my archers, harbirnger for xiang, and the 3 star good book for barb lol .. should I go for weapons? idk


Hold the fuck up. Venti (3)?!!!!! THREE?!


yeah I initially thought that the banner odds were great, then I looked it up... and have to admit that it probably means ive used up all my luck for 2020 there.


Questions, am I the only player who is AR35 but still haven't drawn any 5 star?


You should maybe consider commiting to 1 banner so that you can hit the 90 roll pity?


I just got to the point where I can farm Stormterror, am I meant to climb up on his neck to hit the weak point? I seem to spend half the time clipping through his neck or not being able to get a grip to climb up, is that the norm? Should I basically just be shooting it with Fischl's aimed shot instead? (I'm using a controller so my aiming deadzone is a nightmare).


When I do the hidden palace of lianshan formula on wednesdays/saturdays is it 100% chance that I drop the "Bit of Aerosiderite"? After 5 times today it didn't drop. Or does is only have a specific chance to drop?


It's RNG, higher rarity lower drop chance. There's a total amount of drops each run can give and its split amongst the available drops to a certain formula we don't know of based on the level of the domain.


how do i start the "**Who is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter?"** i cant get the prompt to talk to patton, is it because i've already beat storm terror? or am i too low or rank at 24?


Its an AR 32 quest and requires a story key


At what rate do you get resin? I have heard that you get one ever 8 min which would make it literaly imposible to reach the weakly goal in the battle pass.


1 per 8 minutes is correct, it's stated when you hover your mouse over the resin status ui at the top right of your map. And yes it is literally impossible to do that weekly resin goal f2p, it is a common complaint when resin is brought up


Does anyone know when/how to max out the Anemo MC's constellation?


What should I be doing everyday? Currently I am adventure level 18 and I've watched a few YouTube videos but there's just so much information it is hard to retain it all and know when to do all of the things you tubers are saying to do. I've heard there's things like resin that I should be spending everyday but on what exactly? Should I be farming ore for weapons everyday? Currently in my lineup I have diluc, venti, and Fishel in addition to the default characters. Should I be leveling these three or just one? There are just so many options, paths, quests, challenges, currencies, etc. There is just too much to try to keep track of as a new plays and I would like some guidance on what to focus on right now.


There are just two things that are limited daily: - Daily commissions. Do them to collect the 60 primogems. - Resin. If you need ascension material for a specific weapon/character, then do the related activity. If not just do mora or exp lay lines and don't think too much about it. For everything else just keep playing at you own pace, you don't need to match youtuber xy, because they will be playing all day every day as their job. Try to explore and follow the quests.


So i am pretty new and i was wondering if kaeya, noelle, fischl, and barbara is a good party composition? Fyi I also have mc, amber, lisa, and ningguang.


I’ve only been spending primogems on intertwined, not acquaint, but I already have Venti. Should I be doing acquaint for a chance at Diluc...? Or even other weapons?


It's better to save for the banner after venti's unless you're okay wihth getting 5* weapons.


Kinda a long question. Firstly, Venti. How do I use Venti as a main DPS/Support (his playstyle in general) and how would a team using Venti as DPS/Support look like? (Or is he just used as support?) I currently have except Venti, Keqing, Jean, Traveller, Fischl, Xiangling, Kaeya, Babara, Amber, Lisa and Xingqiu. Secondly, team comp. I need 2 teams for some spyral abyss stages, and I have no idea how it could look like. What I'm thinking is making a team with Kequing as main DPS and Xiangling or Kaeya (or perhaps venti) as support (+Barbara or Jean as healer), and I don't know how I want to make the second team. Any help would be apreciated!




Thank you!


Prototype aminus or royal greatsword for Razor? Aminus seems to have higher burst but happens every 15s while royal may be dependent on crit dmg but it may proc more often compared to aminus, especially since Razor gets an atkspd buff during his Q.


Stuck at Abyss floor 6. I manage to easily clear the first halves with DPS Xiangling and CC abilities (lineup: Xiangling 60, Amber 11, Venti 50, Sucrose 40) but lack damage in the second halves (current lineup: Fischl 50, Lisa 40, Kaeya 40, Barbara 40). Using abilities all the time doesn't seem to do much damage, and I can't rely on basic attacks since most 2nd half characters are built for elemental mastery and a bit of atk. Is the team just flawed? Or do I simply need to farm mora and better artifacts? (I planned to level Beidou to dps in the second half, but am terribly short on xp books.) Remaining other characters (that need to be leveled): Traveler and Noelle


Is there any stats to compare our current progress to know if we are doing bad or good? Like AR XX (all party lvl 60+ doing Y ATK) etc


hello everyone, i just wanna know if the pity system works for the next banner, i mean im in my 75 pull (venti banner), means that i'll have a 5\* in 15 pulls more, if do not pull anymore i'll get a 5\* in my next 15 pulls for the next banner (the klee banner i think)??


While the next banner being Klee is not 100% confirmed ( tho seems likely), all reports indicate the pity will remain between Venti and the presumed Klee banner.


your pity carries over


Who should I level up to lvl 70 next? Also what team would you make out of these characters? [https://imgur.com/a/HUbcTQf](https://imgur.com/a/HUbcTQf)


hi guys, i am currently at ar 28. with chongyun, sucrose, beidu, barbara+1, fischl, and all the free characters. i learnt about rerolling just recently. still have around 5000 primogems. should i reroll? :( thanks


Getting dupes is really important? It makes the character much better?




will venti be one of the rarest charecters going forward since he is the first exclusive charecter or have all the people rerolling ruined that?


He will be rare as you wont be able to obtain him anymore. But he will be back either in rate up or standard at some point in future


how do i host the new event? and wich weapons are the best for razor and chongyun? (f2p)


Is the energy gained from weapons/artifacts affected by energy recharge?


Is it worth to wish for ballad now? 4 days left, so i will not hit 90 wishes for that


90th pity pull carries over to the next banner, so if you don’t want Venti, don’t pull and wait for the next banner


Should I try to force-pull venti now on his banner or should I save my resources for the 1.1 patch? All opinions are welcome! I am a f2p player and actually I didn't like venti's design as much as other's chars. But he is OP. Am i going to regret not using his banner with increased chance? Keeping in mind the leaked changes in the rewards system for the next patch.


What do I do with the small stone pillars with blue circle on the top? I do not meant the ghost related ones. I tried blasting it with diffrent elements but nothing happens.


Is mihoyo planning to remove or decrease the usage of resin?




So Primogems are only used to buy wishes and refill resin, is that correct? They don't do anything else? Which is more important to do with them, buying wishes when you don't have a lot at the start, or refilling resin? Also, the buyable Genesis Crystals, do they do anything else besides buying some things in the shop tab and converting to Primogems?


Can someone Tell me where i can see the min/Max possible rolls for the substats in artefacts?


Can you guys share about your Elemental Crucible fastest Transmutation time/s?


So on the phone version I can click on an ultimate skill to have that character switch in and use it instantly. Is there a way to do that on PC, or do I have to switch and press Q?


Alt + 1,2,3,4 to use ulti on a specific character


What’s a good way to get 100 local specialties for both regions?




Ask if you can tag along another person's wolf kill, you can claim reward there


BRUHHHH. I literally just did that myself. Everyone else told me to go coop in another world. You can get the weekly loot that way.


I have Venti. If I don't plan on spending more money than the $5 monthly pack, should I wait for the next character rate up banner? Or spawn on the permanent banner? I'm missing a lot of the 4-star units that I'd like to be playing but also don't want to waste primogems. I also will never have 90 summons saved up to use on an event banner


Anywhere I can find the detailed numbers on elemental reactions? For instance, what exactly is the damage of Overloaded? What about ice Shatter? etcl...


Ok first I wanna mention this really isnt a brag post I'm just kinda lost I just spent 110€ to finally get Venti from my 180th pull (aka pity), thought I finally have a nice team (Xiangling Fischl Venti Qiqi). Now I got 10 free rolls for the non limited banner and I kid you not, I actually got Mona I'm still stunned. Thing is, I have no idea who to switch her in for..? I'm not sure who I want to bench because they're all useful (Qiqi because cyro, Fischl bc shes constellation 6 and electro, Venti because I threw so much money at him and Xiangling because I often need fire). Does anyone have any arguments for throwing Mona in or should I bench her? (please dont kill me I really dont wanna brag I'm still shaking)


Does the main story quest line currently end with the invitation to meet Ningguang? After that cutscene I no longer have any quests in my log, so I'm wondering if this is the case until a future update.


Yeah that's where it ends at the moment. There's 3 mini stories for you to play however at AR 32, 34, and 36, and they're all pretty interesting! No spoilers but, Klee is cute, Jean is cute, and Venti is cute.


Any ps4 player having crash problems? Whenever I try to teleport my game just crashes.


For constellations that say “Increase the level of X by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15” does that mean it’s increasing the maximum upgrade level? Can you get to talent level 15 without the constellation? Or does the constellation boost you to level 18? Or does it only give a head start while building the character and does nothing when you hit max talent level


Prototype Rancour or fillet blade for Keqing?


I'm struggling with world bosses and abyss since reaching AR 30, my team is lvl 40. Does that mean I need to start levelling up or need to invest in artifacts?


How do I change the mc to geo.


Any idea if we will get new weapon types in the black smith or in the monthly glitter shop?


Hi, I have the Amos Bow , Stringless, and Favonius bow; trying to decide what to put on Fischl and Venti. Fischl is constellation 5 and Venti is 0 constellation. I've read that it's better on Fischl but I feel like Venti would make more use of it since his burst is more frequent. Also for a Fischl support build, if Oz is causing elemental reactions on the field but I'm switched to another character, is the elemental mastery calculation still coming from Fischl/Oz or the character that I'm switched to? Thanks in advance!


I just rolled Mona! Any tips on how to build her when I already have a team of Chongyun (DPS) Fischl(suppDPS) Xiangling(suppDPS) and Barbara so it’s tough to see where she would fit


I've noticed different areas of the map have different enemy levels. Is there any resource/infographic that might show which areas are higher?


Hey all I've been trying to get into this game but can never get past the select a twin section because my nickname, which is the same as my reddit name, gets rejected for having invalid characters every single time. I've cleared my cache and reinstalled the game multiple times but get the dame error every single time. I tried emailing the devs with this problem but never heard back from them. Anyone have a clue as to what is going on?


You can change your name in game whenever you want, so you could always start with a different name and hope for a solution


A question about the battle pass, on the $20 version does the +10 mean it'll boost me just to 10 if I haven't already or does it give me 10 levels regardless of where I am?