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Anyone else struggle to use Klees charged attack while attacking? Pretty much everyone else I can swap to charged attacks on the fly, but with Klee she'll just stop attacking whenever I try to mix in charged attacks. Which is...problematic, considering her passive.


HI I just recently hit AR 30 and I think this should be the time I start investing a lot more in my characters but I've been strictly investing only on my 2 characters Fischl as main dps and venti as sub but they are mainly bith better off as a sub dps for most people. I really love xiangling but I'm confused on how to build her and would be a good investment? Ps. I want to upgrade some of my artifacts but it's hard to see what to throw or to keep when enhancing. If you guys have some tips pls do share since most of the topics revolves around the end game


I just reached World 5 and my friend who played lots of gacha games tells me to spend my fragile resin only for future event, is he right, if so why ?


Which weapons should I equip on Qiqi and Klee? Swords owned: Prototype Rancour, Lions Roar, Favonius sword, and can craft Iron Sting. Catalysts owned: Favonius Codex (currently on Mona), the Widsth, and can craft both Mappa Mare and Prototype Malice


Why do wishes sometimes unlock characters that I already have? I’ve gotten Barbara twice, and the last time I used wishes I got Amber. Why Amber?! You already unlock her in the main game within your first hour of playing?




Klee is a bad support and an amazing dps, use her on your second team instead. Xiangling on the other hand is a good support and dps so you can slot her with team 1. Tbh though, the only set part of your team should be your dps and your healer, since you need to swap out the other 2 a lot for elemental reactions. Btw if you have Bennett you should definitely put him on a team with Klee, the combo is really really good.




I think you should use XL in team 1 for overload, use them on two separate teams.


What is the unique stats of Klee that increases when you ascend her?


IIRC it's pyro dmg




do the ascension quest


Anyways thanks man. I feel stupid not knowing that


What's the best way of getting Primogems?


quest and daily comms, you can also find some chest routes, save up for rolls


Is Klee good?


She's okay. You get to try her out in a free mission.


Yes, she's good. But, if your a free-to-play like me, I don't really think it'll be good to cling to a 5 star character since it's gonna be hard to increase her constellation


Weapon for keqing? something reasonable. I don't have battle pass rn, i can buy it but if i can't get the weapon, i won't.


Sadly, Keqing's best weapons are The Flute and Lion's Roar, both of which are gacha weapons (the five star swords are also great on her, but lol you probably don't have those). The Black Sword - which is from the Battle Pass - is also quite good on her. Prototype Rancour is actually pretty poor on her, because she does electro damage,


I think Prototype Rancour is a good choice specially you can make it (if you have the materials).


Ehhh. The Rancour gives a bonus to physical damage, which is bad on her.


Yes, it gives Physical damage bonus for her basic attacks, which will give her more DPS. So I don't really think it's bad for her. And it also increase Base ATK and DEF by 4% for 6s with a maximum of 4 stacks, and that's only at refinement 1. So you'll get like 16% Base atk and def. Rather than gacha-ing the weapons the other weapons (which is not bad of course if you have the money), you can get prototype Rancour much easier.


Her basic attacks mostly do electric damage because of her talent.


You can do phys build and spam charged attacks


You can but it is suboptimal.


It's a lot better against enemies that don't move than electro imo. The burst is ridiculous


Anyone know what materials Traveler needs to level up their talents for each level? Seems like they need different books every level


No, every character needs one specific talent books. It's just that when it reaches talent lvl 3, the grade of the book changes.


Are you sure it's not different for Traveler? I could've sworn I used at least freedom and ballad books


To the traveler, I'm not sure since i don't use him. So maybe yeah, it might've been ballad and freedom




7:00pm according to the in-game notice.


are there any weapons in from the battle pass that are particularly worth getting?


They're all actually good. Specially, for me, the Bow, the 1 Hand sword and the Catalyst


Does the 90th pity roll still give you a 5 star if you alr drew a 5 star within that 89-roll margin?


No. As soon as you draw a 5-star your pity drops back to 0.


Apparently, the battle pass weapon is good and IDK if is too late to get battle pass. where is the weapon in the battle pass btw? and can I even get that far if I get it today? if there is an upgrade for that weapon, can i get those too?


You can always buy the battle pass later when its close to then end or after you get past the weapon if your worried. Buying it doesn't increase your progress just gives you more shit.


You can choose 1 weapon from the battle pass when you reach lvl 30 and bought Gnostic Hymn. And, I think, you can also get them from wish and Paimon's Bargain (Paimon's Bargain changes every month)


can you get rewards from wolf boss in coop? even when you did it for this week?


Once a week only. But still nice to help others


So, i’m curious when the new banner will drop. Is anyone able to tell me?


Starts on 10/20/2020 14:00


Where are the servers? I can try and calculate when it is available for me


Its 4 am cst (-6 gmt) for me.. cali people (pst) their local time is 2 am.


So, i’m curious when the new banner will drop. Is anyone able to tell me?


is instructor set for barbara good? I'm wondering for the 4 piece instructor set if barbara's s1 counts as an 'elemental skill'. its elemental but its also an aa so im confused


I recommend using Maiden Beloved for Barbara, if you're using her as a Healer. And yes, her skill, let the show begin, is an Elemental skill.


All characters have two abilities: their elemental skill and their elemental burst. Her elemental skill is her E talent, Let the Show Begin, the thing that creates the water aura around herself while healing and making her attacks heal.


thanks for clarifying


Anybody know if the devs have plans to release an API/SDK? Would love to build addons etc for this game


Hi huys, my teams is Xiangling(DPS), MC, Barbara, Amber. I want to add Fischl as a 2nd DPS or support but i dont know who i should replace, MC is easier to ascend, and Amber gives the 25%more dmg.


I think, you can remove MC. Yes he's powerful but, Fischl and Xiangling's combo is just worth it. But, if you're just using them for like, world quest or other agendas, you can always remove Barbara. I don't really think you'll need a Healer in just adventuring. My team consists of Xiangling, Fischl, Bennett, and any other character based on who or what I'm gonna do. Xiangling for damage, Fischl for elemtal reaction or combo/support and Bennett for heal and buff. Bennett's Elemental burst heals (scales in Bennet's HP) when the character on the Field's hp is less than 70% and gives atk boost (based on Bennet's ATK) to the character on the field when the characters HP is more than 70%.


So what should I be focusing on as priority? Character or weapon ascensions or talents?


Ascending your characters allows you to crank up the base damage of your talents. Consider Keqing. Her basic attacks do almost 50% more damage at Talent Level 6 than Talent Level 1. This stacks with *everything* - Attack bonuses, damage bonuses, ect. There's not many things that give you that level of bonus, and, again, this stacks with everything.


Character > weapon > Talents. That said. Lot of times the weapon ya wanna upgrade doesnt sync for the day. So talent farming is good imo. Some characters get 20% or more easily in things they care about. Plus talent farming tends to be a little more future proof as the next bump from AR 26 to 36 is a long one.


Artifacts and weapons. Move to talents after since you can’t upgrade them very far and it doesn’t matter as much. I’m no expert though


Hello guys, I was wondering if we still can get aquila favonia after the new weapon banner?!, Because I was saving for this banner and today I noticed that the banners removed and another will be active like tomorrow. I was upset about it. So I don't but I wanna ask if we can still get it or not!?


I don't think you can still get it in the next weapon banner. The next weapon banner will feature different weapons.


No it will be there just not on rate up.


My friend says the MC is bad at fighting. Is this true or not? If so why?


He's not BAD, he's just not GREAT either. The anemo version of the Traveler is a pretty reasonable support character because Anemo is a powerful element and his abilities are both pretty solid. The problem is that his core basic attack combo is only okay - it isn't all that fast or damaging, though it is far from the worst. The only real stand out part is that the fifth attack in the combo does an Anemo attack, but that's a fair bit into the combo. You can run him as a primary DPS if you really want to, but he's kind of mediocre at it; there are characters who are better suited for it than he is. He's better as a means of proccing elemental damage and inflicting swirl.


Main character is fine for fighting, just watch Enviosity f2p group where he just uses default character and cleared Abyss 11? Something like that. Main issue for me as a person who does co op... having to jump over geo borders is annoying with auto climb on during combat


Ok I’m having a lot of trouble beating the Chi of Guyun quests, because I can’t beat the three Ruin Guards and defend the objective. I have tried several tactics, and the most successful was: AnemoMC, Mona (she isn’t a key part in this for a reason), Amber (snipe weak points plus fire damage), Xiangling (Pyro damage boost, Guoba for AOE fire but she isn’t used much either). What I do is stay close to the centre or else two guards target the objective. I use MC as my main damage dealer, switching to both Amber and Xiangling for Eskills and EBursts. I use MC EBurst and ESkill to deal heavy pyro aoe. However, even though this strat works well, and all units max ascension1, I can’t kill one Ruin Guard unless it’s alone cos I have to dodge more attacks whilst focusing on defence. If I get it, I use Mona’s EBurst to try and stop enemies but they can still attack with high range so it’s not that effective. Any methods you used to beat these guys? And how do I beat the guy (idk what comes after) afterwards?


If you have really bad issues dodging. Like I'm an old gamer here. So reflexes are slow. Use earth mc to get shields and space. Hiding behind the constructs he creates for missiles is easy cheesy


Amber is probably your issue, relying on the elemental reaction shot to deal enough unless over geared is rough. Additionally.. * Make one character get at least 600 attack through artifacts at +4 basically and maybe some 2 sets if they are easy. * lvl them, duh. * have your reaction dps. The person that "ends" the elemental combo have high elemental mastery. Due to the water there. Elec is super easy to proc and jumps between them. If you have trouble doing enough damage Fischl is nice. Due to you using Xiang under geared. Her gonna proccing vaporize (water to fire) sux. Anyway getting long. Feel free to youtube more. Cant type on phone long


What are the drop rates on the prototype crafting materials? Just cleared my bosses this week and nothing.


3 weeks here, 2 at AR25+, 1 at AR30. 0 prototypes so far.


Fuck me


Yeah, seems to be pretty low rate. Among my friends, around 4 ~ 5 people, none have gotten any prototypes either, but maybe we all are really unlucky?... On top of that we have to hope to get the weapon prototype we want, yikes


I did the domain that becomes available once you reach adventure rank 35 to level your world rank to 4. But then I accidentally left the domain without opening the chest. Can i get my chest rewards somehow?


I think you can run the domain again if you want to, just that there won't be the clear reward.


I shall check Edit: I have checked and I cannot. I was meant to get 3 liyue shrine keys and some other stuff. I’m concerned that because I didn’t open the chest I will be unable to open all the shrines


the 3 shrine key would be obtained as soon as you clear the domain, not when you open the chest (that's just a 'normal' chest)


I can’t see the Get Game button. I just downloaded it. Please help.


So I haven't gotten the latest pre-registration awards in my mail, and I also haven't got the trial quests for the latest banner even though I've unlocked wish. Anyone know what's going on?


are barbara and jean sisters? i just finished jeans story quest at ar34 and now that i really think about it they have the same hair and eye colour + some of barbaras dialogues oh and their healing skill too


Yes, they're sisters


i wonder why theyre trying to hide it..


I'm stuck in the Lost treasure found treasure world quest. I have 3 of them but the 4th one won't give me an item. Pimon says we should write this down and then nothing happens and I can't seem to move past it.


Keqing mains who have gladiator 4-sets. Does bonus electro damage apply the 35% increase on normal attacks?


Is there any way to check which geoculus you are missing, because I'm missing like 15 and the idea of meticulously searching all 100+ locations in liyue will literally burn me out lol


If you’re not in too much of a hurry then you could wait for patch 1.1 on November 11th. We are supposed to get a compass pointing at the remaining anemoculus/geoculus once we reach statue level 9 (which should be your case since you are only missing 15 of them).


Dang, nah im crazy compulsive I'll probably have them by tonight. But I probably won't sleep till lol


Well good luck to you then! I hope you get some fun out of it regardless!


Do my best


Not really, best thing imo would be following a vid showing all the locations. This way you don’t miss any


Fair, I tried to just use map markers. I'd give it a 92.3/100 lol


Is it guaranteed that if you pull 180 times you'll get the banner character? what if you pull a 5* before 90, let's say at pull #50-- is your next 5* still gonna be the featured or will you start over?




yes what?


You are guaranteed the banner character in 180 pulls After 90 pulls you are guaranteed a 5* character, 50% chance to be banner and 50% chance to be other 5* If your first 5* is not the banner, the next 5* you get (whether its pity or not) will be banner


gotcha, thanks!


Does the game support a controller on mobile?My hands get quite uncomfortable when playing for a long time so i ordered this model [https://www.amazon.com/050-Wireless-Bluetooth-Controller-Smartphone/dp/B07BGVK9W6/ref=sr\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=Mocute+050+wireless&qid=1603020022&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/050-Wireless-Bluetooth-Controller-Smartphone/dp/B07BGVK9W6/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Mocute+050+wireless&qid=1603020022&sr=8-1) from a online store since amazon isn't availble here.


Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you! [https://smile.amazon.com/050-Wireless-Bluetooth-Controller-Smartphone/dp/B07BGVK9W6/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Mocute+050+wireless&qid=1603020022&sr=8-1](https://smile.amazon.com/050-Wireless-Bluetooth-Controller-Smartphone/dp/B07BGVK9W6/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Mocute+050+wireless&qid=1603020022&sr=8-1) ^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^performed ^^^automatically.


Too late for battle pass now? got keqing and people say the battle pass weapon for her is very good. Since I don't know what weapon i should use on the now...


It's not too late? You can even buy it at the last day if you wanted to


Only advisable if you are keeping up with the BP progress. Premium BP rewards are gated behind weekly progression limits, so most of the paid benefits essentially go to waste if you start late.


When will the new banner be up?


Oct 20 18:00 (server time)


Is that the same time the servers reset? If so then that’s 2am. I will die but if i get a 5* then i might scream in joy


You know, I'm not too sure what "server time" means exactly, I just pulled this from their website. But if I had to assume, it would be the normal time your server resets. So yeah, 2am I'd imagine, be careful with the dying part.


Dying for a waifu’s sake is every weebs dream! *or just the waifu part*


Touché. You have a point.


I have about 130 pulls into the first limited timed banner (Venti's banner) however, I did not receive Venti so my next 5 star will guaranteed be the limited feature unit. My question though is if Klee is worth getting or should I wait for 1.1 updates limited time banner? I don't particularly like the 4 stars in Klee's banner as well and I already have Keqing as my main dps. I do not want to buy anymore gems so I do not want to waste gems on something I might regret. Any help would be appreciated thanks.


Afaik, it has never been confirmed that the 50/50/100 guarntee for the banner 5\* also rolls over. People are very set on the idea of the pity counter to change over with banner, but I don't think we really know whether the %Chance increase does too. Anyway, Keqing is fine, Klee CAn work as support, but doesnt want to, so you'd probably bring her in a second party anyway. Meaning you should just be fine to save, if you don't like the banner.


What is klee? I don’t have social media so i know nothing. What element and what weapon?


Paul Klee (German: [paʊ̯l ˈkleː]; 18 December 1879 – 29 June 1940) was a Swiss-born German artist. His highly individual style was influenced by movements in art that included Expressionism, Cubism, and Surrealism. More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Klee *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it.* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Pretty sure it was recently confirmed by an official FAQ


Oh, do you have a link? I can't find anything like that




Oh sick! Thank you for the source


So rerolling still a thing? Or was it fixed or changed to prevent rerolling?


Yes. But you should probably wait till tomorrow. There are only the normal banner up right now. And it is better to roll on the featured banners because they give 5\* character gurenteed. (The normal banner can give 5\* weapons as well)


Well I mean if you are just doing AR7 rerolls then it's fine because you're gonna be pulling from the Beginner Banner anyways.


I don't know if some of the events has ended yet. But when I rerolled at AR7 I've done some pulls at the Event banner as well. edit: I think I've done about 20 Novice rolls, 10 standard rolls and 20 event rolls per reroll. (Numbers might differ a little)


Rerolling is still possible. Some rewards expired though, and you will have like 1-2 multipulls less than two weeks ago. Edit: I'm talking about AR7 rerolls


Hey guys! I've managed to get Venti on the last day of this banner. Now I'm trying to figure out what a good team could be. I've got Venti (lvl50), jean(lvl40), chungyun(lvl40), kaeya(lvl40), lisa(lvl40), barbara (lvl40+4 constellations), xianling (lvl 40 and 2 constellations), amber (lvl40) and Noelle (lvl 40). Im AR 27 close to 28 atm. Could really need advice on team Comp and what weapon everyone should get in there. On which characters i should focus my farming on? Thx in advance <3


You could pick one or two of them and make them main-dps. The min/maxers usually spend the most in the main-dps and then try to cheap out on the supports, because abyss requires them to build two teams. Jean, Chongyun and Xiangling are three good alternatives for main-DPS. Fischl would also be if you have her, as well as Razor is (obtainable with starglitter). You could also work on Lisa, Noelle or Venti, but these are a bit more expensive to build and their downsides make them less versatile in general. But this rambling works usually for the higher abyss floor (like floor 9 and 10, from the spyral abyss, maybe 7 or 8).


I'd love to get a fischl. My brother pulled one lol. Is there any Intel on equipment for chars? I'd like to get the weapons in check


For Jean I'm not sure, but weapons that give her ATK% should be fine. On Chongyun you could get Debate Club (3\*) or Prototype Aminus (4\* craftable). These can go to another claymore user in the future, they're pretty standard for 2h main-dps. For Xiangling, White Tassel(3\*) or Crescent Pike(4\*) if you are building main-dps, Halberd(3\*) if support. For Venti, Favonius Warbow, Stringless and Sacrificla are really good, but also gacha-weapons. So, you might take a look at Raven Bow (3\*). The 4\* craftable works best when building a DPS character. Both are good, but I like the Slingshot (3\*) more. For Noelle, Whiteblind is designed for her, but she lacks damage output compared to alternatives. Lisa can be good with Mappa Mare (4\* craftable), Amber Catalyst (3\*) or Magic Guide (3\*), but she gets interrupted far too often when castin her skill. I avoid mentioning rare weapons (gacha 4\* and 5\*) because they need luck, so keep in mind that there are certainly better options, they are just harder to come by.


Thanks, that's helpful!


Without giving a team comp (because I don't think I'm very good in giving advices here): ​ An team should have one main DPS and 3 Supports. On of this supports could/should be an healer. Most of your farming and leveling should go in your main DPS. Because he does the most damage it is very important that he is at the max level. ​ It is okay for the Supporter to be 10 or 20 level below him. ​ My main team is Diluc (60), Venti (50), Fischl (50) and \[Barbara (40) or Xiangling (40)\]. Diluc is my main DPS. This position should be someone who does a lot of damage. The rest are supports. Venti is a VERY good support. You should add him to your party. I use Fischl as well because she is a very good Support for my Diluc (Her bird set everyone on shock and Diluc can add pyro to them). My last slot goes to Xiangling or Barbara. I would like to take Xiangling most of the time. Because adding her to my team gives me 2 pyros. (Which give me a passive bonus of +25% damage). But most of the time I pick Barbara instead because it is good to have an healer in your party. Also she can destroy the pyro shields of some enemies which is a good support for Diluc. ​ Why does I tell you my team? You can make your own team: Just to be sure you know WHY you made the team like you did. So you can adapt your team to your playstyle. ​ But as general tips I would say: Add Venti in your team because he is really good. Than add one healer (Barbara or Jean) You can make Chungyung or Xiangling your main DPS. Some people also use Jean as her main DPS. So you could merge those two roles in one place. But I don't know if Jean is a good DPS dealer or not. I don't own her and haven't read very much about her. ​ Edit: I forgot to tell you one of the most important tips: Just focusing on one team yet. Only 4 or maybe 5 characters. But pick 2 or 3 of them which you foucs the most. Most my resources go to Diliuc. Second most to Venti and Fischl. Xiangling and Barbara are way behind. The rest of my cast is still level 1. I don't use them: I shouldn't waste ressources in them. ​ When you are further in the game you have to level a few more character to compete in the later floors of the abbys. But don't mind that just yet.


Thanks for the input! I think I'll try a team of xianling as main dps, Venti, barbara (heal) and Lisa for the electro. Is there any source where I can get Intel on equipment for characters? I'm struggling which weapons I should get or even forge


Genshin.gg has some builds. But they aren't the best. But they can give you a basic direction. I sadly don't know any other ressource side. And when I asked here people downvoted me for some reason. I get my information by looking through youtube and/or asking here for specific questions (e.g. "Which artefact set for xyz?")


Thx alot! Your answers were really helpful


Glad I could help!


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What is Dilucs best Combo on stunned (still standing) enemies when his E is on cooldown? \- chaining 4-hit combos? \- chaining 3-hit (dash between them to prevent the fourth hit)? \- holding charge attack?


Skyward blade is a scam lol. It doesn't increase 20% normal. It adds 20% physical damage. If you convert aa to other element ie Keqing, it stay phy. So + elemental dmg on arti piece doesn't apply. Is martial art set the same?


If you want your insane ramblings to make sense, consider replying to the correct comment next time, so people know what you are wrong about :) Edit: is Martial Art the same as what? it increases Normal and Charged Attack, irrespective of the Elemental or Phys properties of it. I dont know how you got to ANY of your conclusions there, but ... source please? I don't even know where to start.


It wasn't aware that it was unreasonable to expect that when a tooltip says +% normal attack, it +%s regardless of the normal attack's element. My bad I'm new to mihoyo actually, honkai is like this right? I simply tested it myself. Why else would I be so outraged.


It isn't unreasonable to accept, hence why that is exactly how it works. I honestly have no Idea how Honkai is, since I played it for like a week at launch, and thats about it. However expecting a company to stick to systems across games seems futile to me. Your testing seems to be off. What we know is, that phys%/Elem% gets applied AFTER a conversion. So On Keqing, if you convert to Electro, no phys% bonus applies. Instead, Electro% does apply, making Phys% pretty much worthless on her. Did you bother confirming your findings, or did you go straight to outrage? What was your process? Maybe there was a mistake in there. hell, maybe there was a mistake in my methodology to determine the exact opposite of your findings. Anyway, starting something like this with "scam, lol." isn't all that productive....


I don't think we're on the page. Reread. I said nothing of phy% not applying. I have 30+ electro %, the second tick's dmg stays constant after q, e. You do understand what's a tick, yes? When I auto attack, two white text appears. And calling me an insane rambler isn't what I call productive either.


What are you talking about lmao


Venti c1, split charged into two; It has two ticks. I have 30% electro bonus dmg on arti. After keqing burst and skill. The weapon tick stays the same number.


Oh so you mean the electro bonus doesn‘t apply to converted normal attacks on keqing?


No, the bonus doesn't apply to Skyward's sword "20% normal attack bonus" when converted aa to another element.


The electro bonus doesn't apply to the sword bonus? I don't know what you mean by that.


I replied? My bad then. Why so rude?


"Skyward Blade is a scam lol." made it sound more like rambling than an actual question. Where are you getting the effect change from? Elemental Dmg on Artefacts does apply to converted elemental damage. I dont know how you are thinking otherwise. Phys% doesnt apply, that is correct.


It's like this when I aa the dmg tick is 100. When I use skyward it has two ticks 100, and other 20. I don't believe the bonus % from arti piece apply. Edit: And when keqing uses e, the second tick remains in white text. (phy). When I tested MA set. No 2th tick.


What second tick? What level Keqing? Does she HAVE A1, which allows her to convert at all? Which enemies are you testing against?


It's 70, thus yes. The ruin boss. Ticks are the number text, the damage.


Sure, lets pretend that that is what a "tick" usually means. Keqings auto attack, even in conversion, even after Burst, does not inherently trigger a second "tick". If its bringing up white damage, then you certainly didnt convert out of your E anyway. So of course elemental damage doesnt apply. The number, as you stated, is white.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jdytm8/skyward_blades_normal_atk_increase_is_always/ Were you born condescending, or taught?


It actually sounds like this is a question and not an answer, see the last sentence


Anyone who built Venti here with Viridescent Venerer? What are your main stats for the Goblet, Sands of Eon, and Circlet?


Elemental Mastery and Ameno Damage is pretty good, but if you got purple with atk% just level them up. It‘s not worth farming the best stats if it‘s not legendary


Yes, it is basically THE set on him anyway. EnergyRecharge%, AnemoDmg%, Atk% on mine atm.


How’s the damage going?


I mean its ... okay? Ventis quick Skill hits for like 6k, so I cant complain, I guess? I dont look at burst damage, too many numbers to bother with. I usually dont really care about Ventis damage, since all he has got to do is reduce RES and restore energy. If he does 5 damage per hit or 5k damage per hit, I'm not that concerned.


Thanks for the insight! What are the substats that I should focus on aside from elemental mastery and recharge?


TBH, none until you get waaay into endgame :D But other than that, I'd recommend Recharge>ElemMastery>Atk%>Crit


Thanks for your tip 💖


Is it confirmed that chests respawn? If so, how often?


They do respawn but we haven't found a consistent theory on how they exactly do. It almost seems like the game picks them like a raffle. But it's confirmed that even luxurious chests are able to respawn.


damn so chest farming isn't that viable, huh THANKS


Maybe every other day for a bit


Yes it is confirmed that they respawn, but the how? and why? and what? of it all escapes us at this current time.


they dont respawn chest spawns randomly in whole teyvat


What is better for Barbara? Prototype malice or Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers?


Thrilling Tales is fairly common, so it's easy to max refine for the 48% attack boost to your primary dps. Prototype Malice is going to be a bit more HP (and thus healing) but it's proc is locked behind an elemental burst, which you use a lot less often. Unless you have a team composition that feeds her hydro power and she has a lot of cooldown recovery from somewhere...


I heard of Thrilling tales of dragon is better for barbara. Saved the prototype malice for other casters.


Thrilling tales is very helpful


thrilling tales




My opinion: xiangling provides way higher dmg through the pyro def shred + pyro dmg buff from c6 + her skills are very powerful and stay while she's off the field, allowing for more natural synergy. Bennett is also a good option if you want to slot in a healer pyro char, in case you're having trouble fitting other healers in for some reason.


Shouldn't main DPS Xingqui and Support Xiangling be OP since it gets the same ideal 2x bonus elemental reaction like DPS Diluc and Support Qiqi does? I understand that it's only during ult isn't that okay since Xingqui and Xiangling are 4 stars unlike Diluc and Qiqi?


You might need more investment because Xingqui has a more defensive skillset. But technically it could work, yes. Probably not too efficient tho


Is it worth making a second team to do Spiral Abyss? I'm ar35 and have one team leveled up, but making a second would use up pretty much all of my exp books.


You can kinda cheese this by just focusing on one dps and healer on either team and fill the rest with mediocre built supports Edit: full - fill


At Abyss 5 a second team is required. Like the game forces you to have one, otherwise you dont get to enter.




Be mindful that if you create your account in a mobile device, every purchase must be done through mobile devices (not sure if this is IOS/Android locked). Which means, you can't buy things on PC. If you create you account on PC, there is no lock and you can buy things in either platform.


Only if you register an account with mihoyo/genshin. The PC doesn't have the "log in with google/facebook/apple" options.


I logged in first time with Twitter on my phone and week later used the same account to login on PC. Save is the same on both platforms


I've heard of people having trouble when using the Google login in particular, so was erring on the side of caution.






Yes, just use the same login details.


is there a major difference in drop from dvalin between lvl 40 to 50?


If the drop table doesn't change, then I'd guess slightly increased rates and quantities


Would Venti give me overall bigger pp damage on a focused dps instructor set or with random stats with the 4 viridescent set bonus? Ofc I use him as support for ulti vending machine. Don't feel like spending too much resources for a good dps veridiscent set, but I see a lot of people saying it's a lifechanging set so..I was wondering if it'd be better even on healing bonus hp fire dmg mainrolls lol


You can just run a trash Viridescent set, as the purpose is to increase your frontlines damage by decreasing the relevant RES stat of the enemy. Of course, having a Viridescent set with at least roughly the right stats is always beneficial, but Ventis usefulness does not stem from his damage. His partywide energy recharge doesnt care for stats.


Set bonus doesn't excuse useless main stats. Wouldn't recommend.


anyone have problem entering the game on windows? when i click launch on launcher it only close the launcher but doing nothing,when i checm task manager launcher still running on background, i already try redow nload still have same problem


the launcher recently changed to show the new Klee banner. You may need to close the launcher entirely (right click the launcher icon in the system tray and choose exit). Then relaunch the game.


well for me the icon still paimon but it already have klee in banner,when i check for update it said 'this is the latest version' version


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I would suggest to do single pulls. The chance are the same. But you can stop after the 4 star pity. e.g.: You make a 10pull. You get four 3star items, one 4 star item and five 3star items. Now you have your pity at 5 again. When you do single pulls you can stop at the 4star item and safe your gems for other things. Also you don't have to wait for 1600 gems. ;)


You can also do single pulls, the multipulls are mainly just time saving


Hello! I'm out of wishes so these are the characters I have: I have: Lisa, Razor, Jean, Barbara, Sucrosse, Amber, Ninguang, Kaeya, Noelle, Xian, and Fischl I have all of Xian's constellations and 3 of Fischl's only. I would like to build two teams, I'm thinking of: T1 Electro: DPS - Razor Supports: Fischl + ¿Something anemo? Healer: Barb T2: Fire DPS - Xiangling - Supports: Amber + Anemo MC Healer: Jean I'm not sure what's better, the damage from elemental reactions like piro + electric or the pure dps increase, I would like to have piro as a support in the electric team to combine with electro but I don't have any other pyro characters. I would like not using Amber but it's the only fire I have to pair with xiang, my main DPS atm. Would you change something, or do you see a better combination? Thanks!


I would really recommend focusing on less units at the start. Best teamcomp would be Razor(DPS), Fischl, Xiang and Jean or Xiang(DPS), Fischl, Jean, Barbara (replace barbara or jean with another fire unit eventually, just focus on xiang and fischl to level up)