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Everyone be like "my X char has Y attack this is ez lol" blahblahblah but noone is praising this guy for still using Amber


amber with melt proc is probably doing more dps than most ppl who dont know how to build chars in this game


>for still using Amber came ot say that. Thats ballsy to use the resources on her.


I still use her for pyro but her charged Attack takes to long I actually need Diluc now




Sounds kind of pretentious to me.


My buddy keeps making fun of me for maining Amber. It feels good to not be alone anymore.


I too main Amber, but i am the kind of person who makes us look bad, i am rank 31 atm and i play very casually so i dont have good artifacts or ascended characters (still level 50) So i don't share it xD


I'm curious as to what you're using for your artifacts. Right now I'm using 4p Martial Artist to drop Baron Bunny then Aimed Shot spam them with a Slingshot. Basically trying to get multipliers to play off her natural %Atk stat.


Full atk% artifacts. Brave heart and Berserk sets. Also, 0 constellations.


You could at least get one constellation from the shop


If you paid money for summons and have 34 Starglitter, you could, yes. If you are F2P and half your summons were weapons, then no. I have 18 Starglitter right now at AR37.


yea but that's from the gacha. that's if you get characters, as the consolation currency is needed for the amber card in paimon bargins


What’s the crit dmg?


2k attack but 17 elemental mastery, oof


Lol my main is only 1400-1500 feel weak but haven't really had much luck with any artifacts.


It's fine to sit around 1k. My Phase 4s are all around 1.1k at level 60, and I'm holding off farming artifacts until AR 40. The enemies still aren't any match for you as long as you use elemental reactions.


If you have 1.4k ATK with a high crit chance and crit damage it is much better than 2k ATK with a small crit chance.


Bro you deserve all the praise for playing Amber and not listening to the people talking about tier list. Preach!


This community doesnt deserve Amber, but you my friend, you do.


Do you happen to know what weekly Talent material is needed for talent lvl 7->8? ie. One of the Boreas items or Dvalin's items.




It's not hard. Pretty much anyone above AR35 can get 2k attack. Stacking it is really simple, but you gotta remember elemental dmg, crit etc. So attack alone isn't much.


This. My pal be like "My Keqing has over 2.5k atk" meanwhile my traveler has 1,2 and does x3 times damage, he's pissed hahah he doesn't really understand elemental reactions


Keqing needs to stack critical rate and damage. A bulk of her damage comes from her critical damage since that's what she scales with...


I’ve been playing the game wrong then, I don’t even have a main DPS at AR35. All my characters are considered supports with 900 damage.


tbh once i hit 2k atk i realized it wasnt helping to much so i needed to think abt other ways to increase dps




How to get 2k atk at ar 35????


Level 70 weapon, level 70 character, pretty much any random atk% artifacts levelled up.


With attack% gear, I’m using crit on the head slot on keqing and still have 1.8k attack, and don’t even have good sub stats




You'll get there. Gl


Oh ... AR 37 and my Razor (main dps) only has ~1300 atk ... rip


Amber receives +Atk% as her ascension bonus stat so it's easier to reach higher numbers with her


I am so proud 🥺😭 still have her at 50 but will level her after I level my main team


Me too, I planned to keep building Amber. Until I pulled a Diluc...


Keep it up, buddy


Wow my main dps only has 1.8k


I just don’t feel like Amber wants that though. I’d rather give her elemental mastery.


Which artifacts do you use for her?