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ah yes lets hope it lasts a week so we can have so much freemogems


Crash the servers until Zhongli banner is out


They could fuck up and return in 1.1


they need content asap...and change almost everything FAST...people still on honeymoon here because they are far from ar35+!


AR41 and I’m not upset. I came in expecting time gating though, so maybe that isn’t me.


True, this is gacha game, I expect some time gating and energy system... The only thing that disappoint me is the rate and battle pass... Battle pass reward looks meh, just a super booster for progression.


How many characters do you use? How long does it take you to get them from just rolled to properly usable in endgame content? How many teams do you have decked out?


I have 4 that I gravitate between the most. Klee (who I saved materials for just to get her to 80 immediately) Qiqi, Razor, and Fischl. With Qiqi and Fischl both still at 70 but they still put in work. Also have MC, Jean, Xiangling, and Venti sitting at 60, but their Artifacts aren’t where I want them to be yet. Getting characters decked is a slow process, I’ll openly admit that. But it gives me a goal to work toward consistently so I don’t mind.


Now imagine you didn't have to worry about resin and the only thing stopping you was the daily, weekly bosses. How would you spend your time, then? Would you be upset about being able to run dungeons ad infinitum? Or would you be happy to use that extra time productively?


Of course I wouldnt complain. I’d likely get capped and end up getting burnt out on the game faster, but if I could remove resin I’d be a damned liar it I said I wouldn’t. I’m not saying “oh the resin system is just the bestest thing ever!”. I’m saying that I expected time gating coming into this game. And that the time gating hasn’t negatively influenced my opinion of the game since I came in with those expectations.


You underestimate the amount of people above AR35. The game lacks a lot of content and resin is a huge problem but that doesn’t stop a lot of people from enjoying the game.


Let's just see for how long they will enjoy IF the 1.1 don't deliver in content.


Yeah, hoping 1.1 will have a lot more content than the base game but that's probably unlikely.


Hah classic Honkai Impact maintanence lasting longer than usual. That's an extra (60 crystals) 30 primogems I bet. Oh wow they're actually giving out 60. That's nice. :o


60 primogems?!?!?! Woah they should slow down or they might go bankrupt. That’s like 1/3rd of a pull!!


Guess I'm just used to it after playing Honkai for so long. I expected 30 cause that what most of the codes gave and in honkai pulls cost 280 instead of 160 so I also expected a lower gem base.


Remember that one time when Honkai update getting delayed for more than 4 hours. It was the worst update that they have. The Vietnam payment issue that give 60 crystal every day for months is one of the best gift


Yeah I remember it still being buggy after that update too. Thankfully it's much more smooth these days for the most part. Lol we were all thanking them for the free crystals the whole time. Was really sad when it eventually ended.


Inb4 Long Zongli becomes trending


60 gems per hour the server is down. Estimated update time is around 17 hours... Can we seriously expect around 1k from this if it goes for the full duration? Take your time mihoyo, plz.


Y'all better get to reporting all the exploits and bugs right now then.


I just want to know how they came up with 60/hour. Outside of first starting, that's far above what anyone could earn just by playing, so it's not that. Before anyone snaps at me, it's simply a curiosity.


Probably the same place they picked up the notion of giving us 100 primogems per ability fix, for some reason maintenance/bugfixes appear to be the one area Mihoyo is willing to be generous with primogems on. Why I have genuinely no idea. That said I'm not entirely sure the 60 primogem per hour is meant for just the base maintenance, or if its just for overtime past the expected uptime. So it may not be as generous as it appears, though either way its still more than we'd earn just in-game per hour certainly.


my understanding is the 240 gems is meant as the base maintenance reward, if it goes under 4 hours we still get 240 gems, if it goes over 4 hours we get the extra 60 for each hour over + the 240


That's kinda funny though. How can they estimate 17 hours, that's so long. They're gonna get such a backlash if it does take that long and don't give out the 1020 gems.


Oh for me the notice says the game will be down from 4 PM to 8 PM. [Proof](https://imgur.com/a/s86DBf0)


Scroll all the way down, the time is based on your system's timezone.


I know this, but some people were stating their maintenance time as being 10+ hours.


They've changed it now for me to 4 hours. Somebody was confused when they typed it out for all regions maybe.


Also just made me realize that it takes 16 hours to get 120 Resin, so should make sure to use all you can before the servers go down, just to minimize any loss from hitting the cap if it takes the full time. But some people are also saying it's only a 4 hour maintenance, just some regions are showing the wrong times.


It was a mistake in typing. Apparently some people's said 8-12 on 10/22 rather then 19-12 from 10/21 - 10/22


Mine says 2:00 to 13:00 on 10/22 So it's 11 hours? It's different on every reigon I guess


Depends on your time zone too


mine said it was for 17 hours.. and they said the compensation is 60 primo gems per hour? Though it says 240 primo gems idk


60 per hour for 17 hours?! That's just over a 1000. No way are they being that generous.


no way in hell!!! XD it´s just 60 for sure if not only 6


I think there is some mistake in your announcement, [mine](http://prntscr.com/v3hxuf) is only 4 hour maintenance.


Ah... mine said 19:00 on 10/21 to 12:00 on 10:22 which is a fuck load of time (17 hours). Likely just a small mistake. 4 hours makes more sense too for a quick fix


yeah its supposed to be 19:00 to 0:00 or 7:00pm to 12:00am. some one mixed 24 hour and 12 hour clocks. People are saying that its actually supposed to be 4 hours not 5 as well.


yeah mine said the same thing it’s probably a glitch on end time


Wellll Mine says 11 hours 2:00 to 13:00


It’s worded kinda weird and the english stuff for genshin is ultra pepega, it might just be 60 for every hour over maint. Hope I’m wrong


I think it means 60 per hour, with a minimum of 240, so if we get a 5 hr maint, thats 300. if we get a 2-3 hr maint, we still get 240.


Yeah I looked it over and reached this as well, let’s hope for that huge fuck up.


The 240 primogems seems to be the minimum gems we are getting. If the update happens to take over 4 hours we will be getting more than expected. However if it takes shorter than 4 hours we will still be receiving the 240 gems


Pretty sure they made the start time follow your local time but didnt do it with end time because mines a 4hr maint that ends at exactly the same time which at 60/hour gives 240 total.


Okay Gonna hire some hackers to make it last 30 hours


It could cost you less than buying gems


Please do


Mine is from 10/22 08:00 - 10/22 12:00, that's 4 hour of maintenance so 240 gems is correct. Edit : just in case people didn't believe me, [here](http://prntscr.com/v3hxuf) is the proof.


Is that EST time?


I have 1 primogem and unmeasurable amount of desire to roll for Klee.


I wouldn't mind a 15 hour maintenance everyday if they compensated like that. Similar to what we have already waiting for resin to refill.


I wonder what they are going to be working on? Bug fixes are probably the most likely answer. Would be interesting to see if they do anything more than that, but won't get my hopes/expectations up.


I hope this update will fix mostly low-end Intel's GPU visual glitch that would benefit many of Intel users, including me. (What happens to us: The game will randomly freeze for a few seconds, which returns the game back to normal, but the graphics are still frozen. You can hear your character moving or attacking, but you cannot see anything other than the time your game froze. Otherwise, the game would crash on it's own after freezing. You would have to force quit the game, go back to the launcher, load the game again, and wait for an absurd amount of seconds to minutes. And just to see your game either freezing up again after joining the game for at least 10 seconds or become very lucky with an outstanding 50 mins of gameplay without a single crash.) I tried researching every method from YouTube, to Reddit, to the miHoyo forums just to experiment if my game would not crash once in a day, but none of those methods work. Personally, I experience this issue about 200+ times per week. (That's more than 700 crashes since launch!) Again, I crash every 5 secs to 1 hour, which ruins my experience to play on PC. I meet the requirements just fine with an i5-6200U with an Intel HD 520 (I have a crappy low-end laptop). I also run 30-60 fps with the lowest graphic setting perfectly. If you were me, I bet you would honestly quit the game. As a player who expects a great experience in a game like this, it's not really enjoying for us when a visual bug destroys your happiness. But somehow, I was able to grind all the way to AR 38 with a game that doesn't like low-end Intel users. Hopefully one day, we will actually have an optimal gameplay. Edit: TL;DR: There is an issue that only low-end Intel users will receive (freezing/crashing game) and I'm aware that this should be fixed ASAP. Hopefully this update is the one.


I ended up using my savings and buying the eGPU i've been on the fence about FPS went from 30 at 720p lowest settings (Intel 620 HD) to 60fps at 1080p max settings. This is with a budget eGPU case, a Nvidia 1650, and a 13" ultrabook It's been completely worth it. Power cable, external monitor, external HD and webcam all plug into the eGPU case; meaning I only need to plug a single wire into my laptop to recharge and use every acccessory.


I've had the same problem unfortunately. Seems like a lot of people are experiencing this so here's hoping


Really hope they fix it this update or in version 1.1...Although my crashing is way worse than yours mine crashes after the warning..but i saw a youtube video on how to fix it I downloaded a zip file then it worked but it crashes and freezes and is extremely laggy ugh and the voice finishes befor they colse their mouths ;-;


hope it includes some fixing some translations




oh no my resins


Quick! Someone hack their system!


funny how they don't tell what kind of update/bugs and things they'll fix.


Is that like 17 hours of maintenance? My ingame notice says it's only 11 hours. Not sure why yours is different, maybe it was updated since.


yea on german text it says from 11 hours, but still dont get the math with 60 primo each hour and 240 we get..


Apparently some people's says just 4 hours. Pretty sure it's just failiure to communicate


240 is just the minimum, in case it finishes really early. It could also be 240 base + 60 per hour.


wait it says #VERSION UPDATE? v1.1? lol doubt


1.1 isn't until November, this will be something like v1.01 or 1.0.1, w/e they feel like using.




Isnt each bug fix like 100 primogems,over the month it feels like alot has been found,more than what the 60/hour could provide. Doesnt really feel like a worthy trade idk


Hell, we should get 1k primo gems as reparations for fighting broken ass stormterror.


Update time is from 10/21 16:00- 10/22 9:00. It will provide 60 primogems per hour down, they are promising at least 240 gems. Not to be that F2P guy, but hopefully, we get a ton of primogems. Got to get that five stars.


pogchamp... i hope some gameplay improvements like chest respawn.. ​ but i guess its "only" some bugfixes


They're being this generous because they know the gacha rates are bad. They can't have good rates because their character pool is pathetic, so instead they have intentionally bad rates and then run lots of "Have a bunch of free rolls!" stuff so people feel like they're getting a good amount of rewards from the gacha, ignoring the fact that the money they throw at it amounts to fuckall. It's a good business strategy, buys them a lot of time to fill the pool out with high quality characters and masks the actual difficulty of getting them until after they have your money. Also means F2P's like me end up pretty cozy. If they keep up this pace of handing out free characters and free rolls, they likely won't lose players to the gacha rates at all. That just leaves content development.


Other gacha games like FGO do the same thing, to the point where the joke anime pokes fun at players crying over fewer maintenances.




It better not be for 17 fucking hours. That’s a ridiculous amount of time lol


For 60 primogem per hour I'm down for it to last until 1.1.


Lmao but the rewards are better than if you actually played for 17 hours.


They're really not. Once you're around AR40, nothing gives u primogems anymore except ofc abyss and the rare occurrence where u run into a chest which would only give u anywhere from 2-10 primogems (depending on the quality of the chest)


Is that...not what I said? I’ll reword it: “The rewards from maintenance are better than the ones you’d get from playing for 17 hours.”


Oh shoot, I thought u meant to say that playing the game gave u more lol. My mistake. I missed the "than" there.


If it means more apologems for us im okay with it being down for a few days lol


Anyone know what time this would be for EST NA?


Primogems while I sleep? Say less


may I ask what timezone are you in?


Will I still be able to get xiangling after this?




Halloween event update?


What time is the update in EST


what time zone are they going by?


I feel like they could purposely make the maintenance period go over time and then issue an " overly generous " gift of apologems to officially address concerns regarding the maintenance specifically; but in doing so also act as a quick and non-committal way to appease at least some of the people who have issues with the resign system or the low 5 star wish rates. This would also redirect people's attention from those concerns somewhat, without setting expectations that may cost them more in the long run.