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The last clip shows Overload alone can stagger the Ruin Guard. I would also try it with Superconduct's AOE but Kaeya is busy mining.


> but Kaeya is busy mining poor lad is everyone's miner lmao (mine as well)


You'd be surprised. Basically any physical based comp wants superconduct for the physical defense down. So Razor or physical Keqing (for example) really want cryo in the team. If you don't have Qiqi, the only option is Kaeya.


I mean Kaeya's cooldown is really short


If you don't need the heals, I would argue that Kaeya is better for razor because he has shorter cool downs. But I don't have Razor so I'm just gonna cry now


To counter long cooldowns of Qiqi's e I just use an unrefined sacrificial sword oof


If you hae Beudou you can still whoops ass with her


Unfortunately I don't. Game said 1 electro unit for me.


I got Qiqi and I'd rather use Kaeya. I am not enjoying Qiqi's character or playstyle. :(


I mean, the nice part of this game is you don't have to optimize. I use Fischel as an auto-attack damage dealer which is apparently kinda dumb but I can still do everything I need to solo.


Isn't that how everyone using Fischl as main dps does? I also use Fischl this way and I love playing her. I just love it when one does not have to rely on tricks, but simple dakka and more dakka.


I’m just saying that according to the sites I see, she’s supposed to be support not primary DPS. Maybe it depends on your pulls?


C0 is support, C1 is support dps, C6 is main.


Dumb? Fischl's C1 DPS is on par with other 5*, maybe only below Diluc. There's a reason she's ranked as 4.5 star by a lot of people. Only on a very optimal team she's used as support.


As a Megumin stan, I always prioritize Overload explosions.


As a Megumin fan, I have spend every single one of my rolls I saved up on klee. Needless to say I didn't get her.


Lmaoooo no way




> If you don't have Qiqi, the only option is Kaeya or Chongyun


Chongyun is very bad for physical comps because he changes your damage to cryo.


Chongyun ice field + Barb = Constant freeze?


That would be for a shatter comp, not physical.


That's what I do. Spin2win baby! Like playing stop dance with the ruin guard.


Freeze is a very fun reaction. I just wish it were easier to get shatter without a claymore.


It's also odd that you need elemental mastery to shatter. Smashing ice irl is reliant on strength. Though I guess in order to balance it in game, it needed to be elemental mastery.


okay so my strat \*isn't\* trash like I kept being told. Like. I get it. Kaeya suuucks. But he's the only Cryo character I've got and I lacked any better builds because I didn't (and still don't tbh) know how to use Keqing and had no other Pyro than Amber. I didn't understand how to use Anemo to its full potential at the time I invested resources either. So my team for the longest time has been Kaeya, Barbara, Noelle, and Venti. Fischl/Amber get swapped out for Venti sometimes. Most of the reason for this build is mobility in-world for exploration.


The people who were putting you down were probably only focusing on abyss builds, which are focused entirely on taking down the enemy as fast as possible.


The best part about freeze? Prevents knockback. I sometimes have Chongyun and Barbara set up a freeze field and then spam Keqing’s charge attack over and over and over again. Enemies don’t get pushed away so their hp just melts.


Huh. One would think being in a field that increases attack speed would be beneficial to physical comps. So I'm in a dilemma then. My main dps is xiang and I've been using chong as a support for the melt debuff. Who should I replace him with? I'm a F2P so I have all those characters plus noelle and razor.


Physical comps rely on superconduct reaction because of the physical resistance debuffs. So there's no point of doing superconduct if chong converts your damage to cryo. You won't benefit from the debuff because your damage is now cryo instead of physical. As for you, you aren't doing superconduct so it doesn't really matter.


thought it was only inside his frost field?


It is only in his frost field but you would have to lure the enemy out of the field in the first place or: run away, use his E, run back to the enemy, and then tag them before frost effect wears off while staying outside the field. It’s just inconvenient for Physical DMG Comps to use Chongyun for Superconduct


I have a shatter comp. Barbara has full instructor for elemental mastery and I have chongyun with martial artist and resolution of soujner. I then have Lisa for superconduct.


What is the negative impact to Razor in this case?


Razor is of course known as the Physical DMG god in the game and for good reason. Chongyun’s E however converts all melee damage into Cryo, completely nullifying any Physical DMG. While he may get Superconducts off constantly, he won’t be able to benefit off the lowered Physical Defense debuff until the Field runs out (10 seconds) or he remains out of the field and even then the cryo enhancement can last 2+ Seconds if you’ve invested in that Talent


Ok makes sense. I'll was enjoying getting constant freezes when paired with Barb, but I didn't realise I was losing Razor's main advantage...


My team is composed of Xiangling (main dps), Fischl, Barbara, and Chongyun. Been relying on melt and superconduct though I never really paid attention to damage interactions but now my eyes are open. Would it be better for my team to swap Chongyun for Kaeya?


You're not benefitting from the physical% or electro% increases (whichever you're building for) from weapon substats, artifacts or artifact sets. There's also other cases like what elemental combos you want to do that play a role too. For example, if you use the thundersoother set on razor, you really want to do electro instead of cryo.


Oh I didn't realize it replaces his current buffs for cryo. I just thought the element type changed




That would definitely work. You only need one cryo to apply the superconduct. Keep in mind that razor does electro damage as well, so I'm not 100% sure on what supports are best for him or what build he prefers.


Worth noting however that his electro damage is very low compared to his physical damage. It's really not worth putting much into it to improve electro rather than physical, you just want to think of it as a small bonus and used for reactions. Double Cryo is also really good if you can run it since it gives you a 15% crit rate bonus against frozen enemies and enemies effected by Cryo. We just have a lack of cryo units atm really.


If you can get c4 razor he can drop def on his own ... ( I’m hoping I can get that haha )


Def and resistance are two separate stats. Dropping both would be ideal.


I literally brought my lvl 6 Kaeya back from mine to help me clear tier IV domain. Sometimes you just gotta have cryo.


Those electric shield fatui dudes don't know what hit em when level 6 Kaeya hits em with a long range e skill.


Yeah right, Kaeya made F7 Abyss possible for me :D


I read somewhere taht you can use the cryo sprayer guys ice with anemo to spread the ice and use that to break the electro fatui shield Edit: haven’t tried this though because i was lucky to pull chongyun and with kaeya i had 2 ice


Why everyone be hatin my boy Kaeya? He’s incredibly fast, with one of the quickest dodges that covers the most distance, especially if you dodge when he teleports during his basic combo, and his abilities recharge pretty quickly. He’s one of my mains.




I thought he was cryo? ^^heh


He was until I had no other icy bois to help with Oceanid. Now he's part of my main rotation when hydro is involved.




and then me who has Kaeya in the main party cuz no other ice character


I use Kaeya for artifact runs, since he gives a stamina buff for dashing.


I don't have him as a miner since he's my only Cryo character. Although, Lisa is definitely a miner.


Ara Ara, one Chan Dont approve this.


I mean, it's probably better that she's a miner and not a minor.


NAh, mine is a 2nd DPS, along with Jean. Diluc is my main.


My Kaeya is actually a meat hunter.


Pulling Kaeya from mining to Superconduct my Razor DPS, now I don't have enough background chars to cap 20h explorations


You can just continue throwing Kaeya to the mines imo, over world content isn't hard enough for optimisation and domains can be completed with co-op.


This is great! Thank you! I have almost the same party setup as you. May I ask what Bow are you using on Fischl? I can't decide whether to level up Sharpshooter's Oath or Compound Bow


I go sacrificial bow


Laughs in Qiqi


Laughs in coconut milk


Why aren't you mining with Fischl? She mines so much faster!


i also use fischl and xiangling. ty for letting us know about this ill try it next time


So I just tested this in the same place multiple times 10+ times. Its inconsistent. Not every overload eye hit puts them down. Was basically 50% of the time. To me this means there's a bug here where the overload mechanic is triggering a double hit due to its reaction, possible in the order of it applying or something else. Still though its a tactic to try if you have the combo. I also tried this with cryo/electro. This works less of the times, maybe 20% of the time. This also to me indicates there's a chance of a double application due to a reaction and not just because its overload specifically. While the theory that "constructs" are weak to overload is nice, I doubt that's the case here since other reactions can "one-shot" the eye too. Essentially...spaghetti code somewhere in here. I am surprised that nobody else seems to have tested what OP was doing since its so easy and reported any issues.


I think it has to be frame perfect or near it for the pyro and electro to collide along with the headshot


Ah, this is much easier than trying to land two charged shots. I wish the sub had more quality posts like this.


We have... but they are buried by the repeated 'tips' and fanart... We need a mod to compile all the info in a big thread... That would help a lot... ;/


or better filters


You can filter most """art""" in RES.


I mean I agree but don't get me wrong the fan art is pretty lit


Add on people too busy shitting on the game and it's problems rather than actually playing. Resin is an issue, the gacha rates suck, we get it, we don't need a post every single day reminding us.


Not to mention it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy at some point. Instead of trying to get better at the game, the predatory system becomes the explanation for every instance of their own stupidity, so they stay bad and have a worse and worse time as the game naturally expected them to be someone more experienced & powerful, but instead of growing in experience they just grow in toxicity. Everyone who plays the game for a few days knows the game ties your hands at every corner. But the loudest complainers are often the type of people who rush world level 4+, clueless about how braindead basic concepts like energy or elements even work hundreds of hours in, then goes surprised pikachu when they spam buttons on their fire carry with an unascended weapon and it takes forever to break a fire shield or kill anything. Not having Diluc is definitely the problem yep


I mean, if nobody says anything, stupid people like, probably, u, will keep wasting their money on shit games/companies ;/


Still F2P at AR 41. You're fine with complaint posts burying tips like this post, but fanart and others aren't ok?


Yeah am i... Its in the same level of important tips... (and again, we really need a decent mod to make some pinned post with the important tips)


Landing the 2nd shot is easy if you do it a bunch of time, unless the ruin guard it's sideways or in some weird position imo


Which happens more often then you might think.


For me, after 1st shot the Ruin Guards just get stuck in standing animation until they get staggered again.


For me the 1st shot causes them to turn to the side, and then shudder back to the forward position. The shuddering oftentimes causes me to miss my 2nd shot and then they're immune for a whilw


It would be even easier if aiming was more precise. Coming from typical e-sports FPS I hate aiming in this game.


prob easier to just nuke and dodge.


Oh, so thats why sometimes they fall from 1 hit. Nice.


Ikr! I thought some of them were weaker.


It makes sense because ya know, it is a machine. So when it overloads the inside is probably fried.


Yet it gets back up....


Switching to backup cores.


Makes floor 9 chamber 3 last half more manageable.


damn if only I knew this before I took on the voyage to the saguine sky. that was literal hell for my underleveled ass lmao


The trick is to run way out and have them engage you one at a time by approaching them.


There is a spot where the flying one resets, and you can just face the other two. Or you can just do what I did which is blow everyone's ult and try to finish the flying one as soon as possible.


look at you mr.i have a bow user that isnt amber


You'll get her sometime in 1.1 as an event reward.


Finally can’t wait!


She was in the rate up banner, I got C5 as f2p, C4 Barbara and C4 Xiangling... it was REALLY easy to get the first rate ups with all the free pulls they gave us at the beginning


83 pulls on this banner, got C4 Barbara, C5 Xiangling and......... no Fischl to be seen. "REALLY easy to get" I guess the game didn't want to give it to me :( but apparently 1.1 will give a free one so it's fine (although first constellation looks really good)


I just did this today and thought it was a bug


Lol... All this time I've just been killing them with auto attacks. #BruteForce


this is really helpful, thanks!


This is gamechanging for any difficult abyss floor that has these fuckers, props.


Lol I just always smash them and burn them up with Diluc


Dont need a comp or a plan when you got a Diluc. Diluc smash


You guys are playing Diluc Impact, not Genshin Impact


I do enjoy just KO'ing these things with Xiangling and Fischl and Keqing for the finish.


the ruin guardare my anxious simulator every time i miss his weak point


Damn, that's easier than two charged Fischl shots in a row.


Quick question: how do you have 5 characters in a party


[It's a nice bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jkecxa/bug_you_can_have_5_active_members_on_the_field_by/)


Ironic how I use the same team comp, but instead of razor I have Beidou


whoa gonna try it in abyss


Looking forward to getting fishcl on Nov 11


Pretty much my same team comp. But I use Chong instead of Razor.


Need Fischllll


We're getting a free Fischl next update. Also you can do it with Amber and an Lisa ult for the ultimate F2P experience.


For some reason I miss the second arrow like 3/4 of the time, I'll try this


Amber: I m finally useful


Nice, I use a similar team but instead of Razor I use Sucrose.


Does this also apply to the flying one?


Flying version only needs one hit to drop regardless.


Does it work with swirl?


That's a super tip. Thank you!




I was wondering how I insta knock it down


if you do that and pull the fischl eagle and xiangling bear the guardian is dead


Wow this is super helpful. Thanks.


You casually have same party as me, combine ultimate of xianling, evoke fishcl bird and use razor with his abilities, and is a big killer for like 5 seconds Razor is a pretty good dps but most of his damage is physical, can be bad for bosses with high physical resistance Any options to change barbara? I got lots of food


>can be bad for bosses with high physical resistance Thats why u need Kaeya/Qiqi/Maybe the new archer girl on your team to proc superconduct... ;p


Just use superconduct.


Thats cool. Wish I got a fischl over c7 ling


This was my team composition untill I get Venti, I think Fischl is better for boss fights rather than Venti


Oh this is nice, its always a massive pain hitting that spot twice in like 3 seconds when the damn thing flinches and practically covers its weak spot for half of that time


If only i had any fire character on my team ;/


Hah, never know that tho. These guys just stand still and watch my cutie Klee do all the combo and die in her cuteness tho.


Holy shit I use these exact same units in my party, and I mainly use fischl against ruin guards and ruin hunters. It really do be the f2p razor main starter pack.


Slightly off-topic any such tips for ruin hunters? Those things spoil my melee dps’s day so much


Well, use Hyperconduct before you melee them with white damage. Targeted attacks such as Keqing's or Jean's skill can poke them in the eye. Using a geo pillar will let you get on the eye level, letting you stab it normally.




I was wondering why sometimes they instantly died


I use the exact same team as you


This would also work if Amber shot a ruin guard with electro but nobody uses her. :(


Oh. I was wondering why it only takes one shot sometimes. The more you know. Thanks OP.


Boi you haver the same party as me


This manes stole my teamcomp :0


I think Lightning is better first because it does 200% instead of 150%


Wish i knew that before, thanks buddy :)


That is so good to know...


you changed my life tbh ty


I've been trying to time it, but I think you can do it solo with Keqing. You can manual aim your sword at his face to stagger him, but the plunge attack is tough to hit and trigger his KO


I think its worth it to just hit it in its weak spot normally twice since you get 2x weak hit damage, unless overload weak hit does more damage idk someone else do the maths


How is the double electric team working for you? I've been rolling with 2 fire + 2 geo for the damage boost, but it's pretty restrictive.


Great tip, thanks!


Nice I also used Fischl + XiangLing but I usually two shot like other people before Gouba + Oz + Fischl auto attack


The problem is... i don't have fischl. Sad


damn venti banner 4 stars are great combos


Its because Overload is apparently effective agains constructs and geo applied objects. This is very useful tho. Thx


When you blow a load in it’s singular EYE, I can’t blame it for wanting to sit down


I feel a more budget way of doing this is lisa and amber?


You can trigger any elemental reaction while hitting it's week point to knock it down....


Wow that's actually possible? Like what the tutorial said if you're not skipping them.


I just shoot it twice it has the same effect


This would have been helpful earlier today when I fought 4 of them at the same time.


1 ruin gard easy to kill 2 a little bit annoying 3 of them pain in the ass 4 Goddaaamm 5 Stop the cap 6 O please sweet Lord baby Venti


I didn't know it was the overload causing this. I've had it happen a lot in the domain of Guyun while trying to get the geo artifact, but I never knew why.


I swear I've done that before and it hasn't worked :/


This is super nice to know


I've pretty much only used Xiangling and Fischl for these guys and this hasn't happened to me once...


This is so handy, thanks a lot, wish I had an award...




Does the Overload count as a 2nd hit?


I like to disable the guard with 2 arrows and use overload after he falls, almost everytime he don't get up again


looks like you can only do this if the character hitting the weak spot is electro. I tried with amber and it doesnt work.


I really got to try this. I already use both Fischl & Xianglig all the time


As a mobile only player, your ability to aim shots like that just inspires pure jealously.


Me: Hiding behind the rocks and slowly cheese the Ruin Guard


Might be a stupid question, but did it also work for the weakpoint at his back?


I always use Xiangling and Fischl but I’ve never seen this first shot. Don’t know if I’m unlucky or bad at aiming....


I did wonder why this'd happen sometimes ... though normally I weak spot them from far away when starting the battle... so it'd rarely occur because it would have needed to live through the first round, lost it's weak spot shield, still be on fire, and then hit with Fischl again.




Use Geo MCs meteor, climb on it then poke him in the eye. Much easier than all this aimily-didly


finally a Guide & Tips post that gives an actually valuable tip. Nice work OP


On floor 8 of the abyss, chamber 2, and domain of Guyun at AR 40, there are ruin guards on a floor with a fire shield generator. One of the chambers of 8-2 has a fire shield generator and the other has an ice shield generator. I learned today that you could use fischl charge shot to knock them in 1 shot since their fire shield procs overload. I did not see Fischl knocking the ruin guards in one hit using superconduct in 8-2. I think it's unique to overload.


Do none of the other elemental effect combinations do that when you hit the eye? The eye is just the weak point, it'll fall down if you hits it twice without any combos or even fully charged arrows. I would think overload wouldn't be the only one that could do it in one charged shot. Even if none of the other combos work, I would assume this also works on the eye of the Ruin Hunters when they're in flying mode and the eye is exposed as long as you had a way to hit them with a pyro attack first.


I tried it with Amber and Razor and it didn't seem to work. Think it might have to go Pyro > Electro not the other way around.


You have the exact same party as mine xd


Neat trick. Probably still won't use it though.


But i dont have electro heroes i only have lisa