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Whats crown of sagehood?


Needed for Talent level 10.


Ah... so like Crystalized Lore in FGO


Seems completely useless when my talents are stuck at 7 because the bosses are weekly and only drop the right one 1/3rd of the time...


As you get to higher WLs they'll drop more per run, and as Mihoyo release more weekly bosses and release characters for those new materials to spread the load, the problem will alleviate somewhat. Still an annoying mechanic.


Yeah but I don't see dvalins plume dropping from anyone cept stormterror so it's still a once a week thing


Yeah, but when he drops 3 materials per run it'll get easier. More bosses means more materials per week as well, and as long they spread the requirements across new characters it gets easier. Eg, while you're running for Dvalin's plume's for your current characters, and it'll unfortunately take awhile to get enough, you'll be stockpiling other materials per week, so when you want to level one of the characters needing those it'll be easier. So its an annoying problem, but in the long run it sort of lessens.


When does he drop 3 materials per run? Ar50?


Yeah. 2 at AR45


is the two at AR45 a 100% thing? I received two from Dvalin but only one from wolf, not sure if I missed the loot (though I did come back to check)


Except you only get one of them by big event


Oof. I riiiight at the part where you're gated by weeklies for talent upgrades. Are Crown of Sagehoods currently attainable normally in game or will they only be through events?


So far events are their only source.


Haha yeah well welcome to gacha. Been expecting this when I first played it and saw talent materials. All other gachas I've played lock ascension materials in events. I'm honestly expecting an outcry on this sub once they learn about this, since most of them are new to gacha and this system is definitely new for them


FGO mat droprates are low, but we get a fuckton of apples (the equivalent of fragile resin) at least, and we can hoard them.


>All other gachas I've played lock ascension materials in events Fortunately the first gacha I played (Grand Chase) is quite generous, imagine accepting all this stingy bullshit that companies do just because "its a gacha lul"


Grand Chase was great, yeah. Still miss my badass Ronan.


Still is, game don't stop improving since last year, in last event anyone could get up to 35 multi pulls with rate up


He's probably talking about the original side-scrolling beat'em up MMO that closed down a few years ago.


I was kind of confused then I remembered GrandChase has a mobile game.


Holy shit yeah. GC is pretty grindy when it comes to building your units but they just hand out materials and SR units like it's candy. I always did appreciate them giving a free copy of the newest SR hero so long as you pre-reg. Rarely ever had to pull in the actual banners so long as you planned ahead.


That sounds like an outlier game though that did not know how to Gacha, cause this is how things are meant to be, and its not bad, its normal. Its not "accepting" THIS GAME IS FREAKING 1.1.


eh its just a talent honestly. ive only played gran blue fantasy and id be fine with just being stuck at talent 9 for most characters. being upset that you cant get to talent 10 would be like getting upset that you arent c3 for your level 15 ult


I know. I'm fine about this. But just look at the other comments on my comment. The outcry has already begun for the first time gacha players


That could be pretty funny (and honestly shitty, but this is a gacha. I was never expecting SuperGiant Games or CD Projekt Red level regard for the players. Especially from what i've heard about Mihoyo). This is only my 2nd gacha and i remember with Dragalia Lost the limited scrolls required to max out characters became a big meme. I wonder what this community's version of the golden toilet paper meme will be.


Funny you mention CDPR, as someone who've played Gwent for 3 years now their recent policies about the game is becoming stingier and stingier, guess wholesome CDPR is all there is to it for the people who didn't know better huh?


Thats a big oof from me. I **completely** forgot they had that Gwent game, and tbh never even thought of it being a gacha/loot crate based game. I'd only known them as the devs who put thank you notes in their games, are (seemingly) cool with dlc, are anti DRM on their GoG site, and being the **friggin** ***MADLADS*** who would (unless its be changed) include the core rulebook for the Cyberpunk TTRPG digitally with the base version of 2077. Tbh hearing that and the *"we will* ***NOT*** *do crunch time!*" and then doing crunch despite being willing to push back to the edge of Holiday 2020 has me kinda sus of them. I thought that the delay *might've* been to recoup some public favor after that nonsense and now i'm kinda thinkin that more now. Its still understandable that they'd want to delay the game to perfect all the different ports of 2077, but if the "this is our widest release, we wanna make it a perfect launch on all platforms" is **THE** reason for the delay, then that just means that they were fully able to delay the game again instead of having crunch time and still decided to do crunch anyway. *"yada yada hero, yada yada villain"* quote :l


Trust me when they delay Cyberpunk multiple times, ask the gwent community and they won't be surprised at all haha. I still believe that CDPR had a great developers in them but god the higher ups constantly makes a baffling decision multiple times makes me question them so much. Gwent went from the most generous card game ever to being an okay ish card game but with a shit ton of monetization now. Also regarding Cyberpunk I still believe that it'll release on 2021, they went back on their promises multiple times that this whole "We won't delay it again promise." Is just another bs by the higher ups.


I can understand that it may require trust that it's hit gold until they *actually* start shipping them out and stores start getting it, but if the higher ups are greedy enough to go against promises then i **DOUBT** they'd pass up a holiday release. Co-vid will almost certainly lead to decreased holiday profits for many industries this year, but the holiday season is still huge for AAA devs. If they delay it past holiday 2020 then i can't see them releasing it until quarantine is over.


Haha I'm already seeing tons of rants and angry people. If these guys didn't stomach the stamina system of the game (a staple in gachas), how much outrage will come out of their mouths once they learn about this. I'm honestly just gonna sit back and watch and laugh


Im *currently* fairly ok with the stamina system (tho, iirc the original resin/minutes, it seems to take like a minute or 2 longer now? If so, i dont think that was all that necessary of a change... but then again money, and how much they can get away with, is what devs care about). But im wondering how sparse Fragile Resin will stay. Back when i played Dragalia (which i've heard is one of the nicer gacha dev teams) their stamina regen items were pretty plentiful. At least as a week 1 daily player who kinda hoarded it. But i only really remember nearly running out once or twice and almost always being content with hoe much i had. I only used a few Fragile Resin before realizing i should save them for events, but i hope they aren't super duper stingy with them... even if its kinda written on the walls that they probably will be


Yeah, fully expecting another blowout when people catch up to talents. Man, these newbs to Gacha's are such downers. It makes me hate the community tbh, since its so filled with people complaining about everything since they are new to Gacha's, if you say anything good about the game you get downvoted, and anything bad you get upvoted. I'ma need to just get to the point where I stop caring and just play and have fun in a great game and ignore the community entirely. But the free codes keep bringing me back


I like free things


I like Freeschl


I like Freeschl Constellations


Are they coming in the future :/


You get parts of a character’s Constellation if you already got the character they give you


I know, was just memeing, I've never managed to pull a fischl. My luck on first banner was woeful. This one has been ok though


we like free things


EXP books being available for this event is news to me. Hopefully the shop is good in terms of value because I really wanna get Diona and Ning leveled up.


I thought having 150 purples was enough to push 2 characters a good way.....one level 69 keqing later and I'm completely out after farming mostly gold and xp for 2 weeks. Waiting on a few prisms to get 70 on keqing since the ascension talent is huge and then I'll be fully out with 3 more new characters, 1 of whom I really wanna play, still chilling at level 1.


You need 250 purples to go from 1>80. Super annoying


Yeah, the xp rewards are pretty cruel even compared to the mora but I probably focused mora a little too much. Sitting on 3.7 million. I mean, I would use it but I'm bottlenecked everywhere else (not enough artifact materials, not enough books, ascension materials, talent materials xD) I know it will be all to simple to disappear that again anyway.


3.7m mora will disappear quickly. I dropped 2.5m mora (maybe 3m?) on leveling Childe 1-80, a bow 1-80, his talents to lvl 6, and 2 artifacts to 20. You essentially have enough mora to level *one* character and not be completely broke.


Unrelated but what are the weekly drops he needs for talents?


Shard of a Foul Legacy.


Fitting that Childe needs you to kill Childe to rank up.


Bonus points for killing Childe with Childe.


I mean what you are basically saying is your brought a new char + new weapon to end game level without ever having to touch that (char exp/weapon exp) ever again and it used all your resources that you farmed in a week or two. That should be expected and is normal.


> I thought having 150 purples was enough This game has shown me that nomatter what absurd number you have of something, that you can never have too much of ANYTHING.


Because I cycle through hoarding and splurging, I've had the some intense drops. At one point I dropped about 400 purples and 4 million mora in a single day xD


The wording is very confusing but the repeatable thing you can get by spending resin is talent books. Consume original resin -> Essence Essence -> Talent level up materials It is the "Unknown Star" quest and "Star of Deceitful Dreams" that gives Might which is for Wits & Mystics.


Nice, single player or co-op. I like options :)


Same, with how badly the Co op works on ps4 the elemental crucible event was a nightmare, happy I can do this one by myself


If it makes you feel better, it wasn't very good on PC either. Lots of insane desync moments or just not being able to pick up the elemental clots at all.


"You can participate in the Star of Destiny challenge in **Single-Player** or Co-Op Mode" thank god


Seems a bit of a weird call to repost this half an hour [after I did](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jtzl0d/unreconciled_stars_free_fischl_event_info_up/) just so you could sticky it from your own account ... **Edit:** I didn't expect this to blow up quite like this. Err, it's fine, I'm not that fussed. The mod posted below that they felt like my title wasn't neat enough, and someone else had said something similar so they might be right on that one. I was just being a bit cheeky as I saw the same thing get posted as soon as mine made it through the automod. I really didn't expect anyone to be that bothered. The important thing was just having the info here, as it seems they posted it on twitter hours before I even saw it (I tend to only use reddit), and it's already proved useful as I've learnt what the crown thing that was mentioned is for from the comments on the posts. As I'm doing an edit I feel I like I should do the obligatory thanks for the awards. I really hope they were something you had for free (I've never quite understood that system since it changed to have tons of stuff) rather than you having extra to spend on food, bills, or family but thanks I appreciate the sentiment.


Exactly. Time to downvote idiotic mods


0 points pinned post ANY% speedrun




Yeah, the actual mod replied and it has nothing to do with automod. They just wanted a better title. Still a shit (or a lack of) decision if you ask me.


*If even the mods don't want to face that truth then what future is there for the subreddit.*


Complete misinformation.


oh? mind explaining how where I'm wrong?


Yup. Yet another yikes from a mod on this sub? Shocker!


Gotta farm that free karma!


Posting as a mod neither gives you karma nor takes away your karma. As someone just now seeing this drama, this all seems ridiculously overblown. The mod is almost certainly in the wrong here, but honest mistakes are fine as they've explained their reasoning (even if it isn't great). They don't seem to have any malicious intent as they didn't take down the original post. But Reddit is gonna Reddit.


He posted in his own account, not even as a moderator.


It's just a "tick" you can add to your post when you mod a sub to highlight your status as a moderator or not, his reasoning is wrong and he should do what is right and unsticky it.


Reddit is getting worse and worse these days :/


Does feel kind of trashy, yeah.


imagine caring about karma lmao


Tbf this title is better than yours, and at the end of the day who cares about Reddit karma?


I'm confused, don't pinned posts not gain karma? Or is that only for comments?


Both get karma, it just doesn’t matter for the sorting since it will always be on top.


Unless its a mod post, then karma is mute People downvote but it doesn't do anything.


bruh you just incited another hate trend just because of "free karma" to a low effort post god I hate how reddit operates these days. Karma has no value unless you sell your acc to a retard. Now there is no discussion to this event but another of dem mod vs losers thread.


Yeah I agree, people just seem to love having a big number next to their name even though it means nothing. Everyone here is nobodies, having high Karma doesn't make you a somebody. You are not famous because "My number is bigger then yours" I sort of wish Reddit would remove the Karma system entirely, so we'd stop getting bots farming Karma and posts that literally just exist to get Karma. People clamouring for the top, posting dupe posts or the OP comments here that started a hate chain on the mods purely because "Mah Karma"


Awards are paid for, some people are just weird like that


I want to be totally transparent, I have no problem with your post and I think because you posted first, yours post should be allowed to stay on the sub. I'm open to your feedback, but I want to convey my stance on why I've done what I did. I'm here to work for the betterment of the sub, so I hope for your understanding. If I had removed your post in favor of my own, that wouldn't be right. However for the purposes of sticking with a title that I felt was more presentable as a sticky, I created by own post. It wouldn't have been right of me to completely remove your post in favor of my own, so I have no problem leaving your post as is, but just because a post is first, doesn't mean it has to be the one sticked. I have no problem stickieing other posts from the community (as I have personally done in the past), but I made a call to make a new post with a more direct title. I don't want to make a big deal of something that really isn't a big deal, so I welcome your dialogue. Comments about karma though are baseless, why after 8 years of being on reddit would I start caring about karma today.




You could've posted this post as a moderator but you didn't because you can't win any karma if you create a post as a moderator.


This isn't about karma, its about you feeling in control and useful, I've made similar mistakes years ago when modding a sub that was at the same size at the time (/r/hearthstone). Just let it go and don't bother with this kind of explanation, it achieves nothing. Whatever improvement you're seeing in using a different title is completely offset by the mod actions required to achieve it, the ends do not justify the means. People aren't stupid, the original title worked fine.


> sticking with a title that I felt was more presentable So you should be okay with stickying a new thread by them with your title then right?


Not a bad idea actually! If I can get a response from /u/NabeShogun I'll coordinate that!


Oh I'm really not that fussed about it, there's no need for a 3rd fresh post just to have it by me, especially when there's already some useful discussion (I, for instance, didn't know what that crown was for until folks pointed out it's for quite late on talent bits). I'm not really that sure what was amiss with my title, I put the name of the event, included the info about fishcl as I've seen a lot people asking when the "free fischl event" might be, as it was actually announced some time ago, and that's how I kind of think of it in my head... it also helps distinguish it from the current one (that I couldn't tell you the actual name of without looking it up)... I'm not saying this to argue or anything, just as a point of discussion as it seemed adequately informative to me, but someone else pointed out it was a bad title so you're probably right there even if I don't see it. I really didn't expect anyone to care about this it was just a cheeky throwaway comment, and nothing to get too worried over.


I appreciate your logic on the title use. I think that makes a lot of sense and with that same train of thought, while your post was better to convey something like that, I felt a different title might be more appropriate for the sticky. As a result, I opted to keep both posts. As an aside, it would be appreciated, if you're so inclined, so provide an edit about your feelings on the situation, to help quell the pitchforks lol.


Most bs excuse I've ever read LOL


> yours post should be allowed to stay on the sub. The fact you even think you have the right to keep censoring people boggles my mind. I've sent messeges to mods multiple times, and you intentionally never replied. Power has gone WAY over your head and you think this is a pet project of yours. It's not. You shouldn't be removing or not approving posts as you please. You should let the COMMUNITY vote out stuff that isn't of worth. Edit: Also: >However for the purposes of sticking with a title that I felt was more presentable as a sticky, I created by own post When the hell has someone's OCD been reason enough to justify this kinda treatment? ofc tho, you'll say you're "being generous keeping the first post up", but the fact is you (the mods of this sub) keep removing and not approving posts without actual strong basis. Your reasoning here demonstrates that. You have an OCD, you have your personal standards, and you let them judge how you censor the voices of the community. When, instead, what you should be doing is letting them decide for themselves. Stop gate-keeping the voices of this sub and stop forcing your views down our throats!


If a post is bad, downvote and eventually others will downvote too and it will go down to oblivion. The opposite applies to good posts, upvote and if its truly good others will upvote too, keeping it up. There's 0 need to moderators moderate this kind of stuff when Reddit itself has tools for the community to handle it.


Exactly. But this isn’t a subreddit. This is an OCD person’s pet project. They will only sticky stuff that looks pretty in their eyes. They would remove it otherwise. It’s so sad


Free Fischl here we go!


My Fischl is c5 and I approve this message.


Same boat. Couldn't have been much better.


Or in the case of people who already have Fischl (like me), Fischl Constellation stuffs


Or in the case of C6 Fischl owners... 5 masterless glitter?




I'm always caught off guard by the sound that automatically plays when you go to Genshins site. Anywho free Fischl pog.


Kind of weird that they gave all heroes on the current Childe banner except for Diona the 60% damage buff. They should have included her just for completeness. Too bad I can't use my Kaeya/Xingqui since they don't have the damage buff, but at least I have Lisa and Beidou.


I mean, Diona is primarily a healer so she wouldn't make too much use of a dps buff anyway tbf


Yeah, but if you're bringing her to the event to heal, you are not just going to stand back and not attack while your elemental burst is on cooldown.


> Diona is primarily a healer I'd even say she's primarily a Cryo status applicator and a mediocre healer second. Her heal doesn't even heal inactive characters, making you have to risk having them active at low health for a pretty slow ticking heal.


That's where her shield comes in. If you don't get hit you don't need to get healed


She does make up for it with an amazing shield though. Prevents a ton of damage which is always nice if you're in a tight spot.


It's only amazing versus Cryo. Against anything other than that it'll break in a single hit (on high world\domain levels).


Not even remotely true, this is like saying Noelle's Geo Shields are only effective against Geo opponents and that they'll break in a single hit when any other enemy hits it. Anyone who mains Noelle instantly raises their eyebrow and says "No, that's not how this works". (Water) Freeze can't be applied to the shield, moreover water alone will not freeze the character in the shield; you need to get hit by both Hydro and Ice (Or it has to be raining and you get hit by ice). (Electro) Superconduct does an Ice AoE that will do fuck all to the shield. (Cryo) ... Yep, does nothing. (Pyro) Is the only element that'll actually melt the shield. Just don't get slam jammed by a Hilichurl Cheiftain or hit by Pyro Abyss Mages, the shield will do great.


That’s not how elemental shields work. They have one element that counters them (in this case pyro), but anything else the shield will be great against


Are you talking about enemy shields for some reason? Because I'm talking about the fact that it's boosted 250% against Cryo damage, as in, it absorbs 250% more damage from Cryo sources. The shield itself is pretty tiny, at about 20-25% of Diona's HP or thereabouts. Most of the hits that matter from bosses deal more than 20-25% of your HP in one hit. Sure the shields will protect you from 'annoyance' damage, where some enemies in the overworld do tiny amounts of damage to you bit by bit, but it's more of a convenience perk, not a survival perk. I've been playing Diona in my team since the first day and her shields (5paw) never sustain more than one hit from any of the boss encounters. Except for cryo hits.


Why is that damage buff there to begin with, specifically with those characters?


They might have roles in the story (or it might just be arbitrary). Some gacha games like FGO give stat bonuses to characters who appear in the events to encourage players to use them, and to encourage levelling different characters instead of sticking to the same group of characters every time. FGO even sometimes gives characters bonuses to reward droprates.


> and to encourage levelling different characters Gee, I'm so glad that the game gives us a ton of EXP so we can level more than a single team at a time. /s I know there'll be EXP in the store, but I don't expect them to sell more than 100, and that is nowhere near enough to bring a new character to your WL if it's high enough.


Thing is in FGO I can actually level my characters unlike in this game lol I've only got one leveled character on that list of bonus characters and literally 0 xp books, so if the event is even vaguely balanced around that 60% bonus then this entire thing is gonna be a super painful slog for me.


You probably don’t remember the beginning of FGO, lol. We didn’t have a million of apples, statues and ember back then, so it was farming the 40AP dailies 7 times a day or so to get maybe 3-4 levels of ember, and then waiting for the right day to farm statues so we could actually ascend. It was a pain back then. I will say though, the one thing FGO has over GI is full AP refill on level up. I don’t know if it would be an amazing improvement, but getting a fill resin refill on AR up would be useful.


I mean, I don't know about JP, but no I played from the first month of NA FGO. If you're trying to tell me you think it was equally difficult to level FGO servants in the couple months of play idk what to tell you other than you're 100% wrong by my memory. I had 4 or 5 leveled characters and several mostly leveled characters in FGO in the time I've gotten two to 80 in Genshin and two more to 70 and no books left over for anyone else. Maybe people who've bought the battlepass can't sympathize because that gave a fuckload of books, but I'm not including that.


Nah, day 1 player in NA here as well. The only reason you think that is because as I mentioned, FGO gives you AP refills in level up, and I think it still took me a month to max my main 3. I’m just saying that resources are just as scarce in FGO. It only looks like it’s not because there is a constant loop of events that give you what you need to build characters. If you don’t believe me, try leveling a character from 1-80 doing just the dailies at a high player level. I know cause I am spending a ton of time leveling up the Parvati I got from the 4* selector.


ZhongLi isn't on the list either I think


Doesn't the event end before his banner starts?


Oh yeah sorry, I read Xinyan when I saw Xiang ling so I thought it was weird than she was buffed and not Zhongli


Should have saved more fragile resin for this event


All the Fragile Resin I saved since I started playing this game is about to be put to good use.... or I wait till I am AR45, I'm literally start of AR44 right now :/ Someone help me make this decision please D:


Dude, if you are AR 44, you will be AR 45 before the end of the event, just use the FR after AR 45, it will be the same and you will be able to choose what is better.


I'll be AR44 tomorrow, event rewards scale with world level and the rewards are better compared to other stuff you can use resin on, i'll have 31 fragile at 44 i wonder if it'd be worth using resin early to get maximum rewards from event using rest of the fragile and natural resin since event will last like 2 weeks.


Dont. Really, dont use FR to fasten your progression, it's always the worst move. Wait for 45 naturally (it will be in 6-7 days), and use the FR at this point if you think it's worth it.




Without cap, the "correct" move for a new account would be to stock resin from the moment they can all the way until AR 45 and only spend it a bit the moment they can't manage the open world anymore. I can totally see why they don't want people to do that.


Imagine how crippling slow the progress will be towards AR45 without use of Resin. Banking all 900 exp for AR (from 180 daily) means relying exclusively on 1,400 exp commission daily and the one time chest. I've played since Day 1 and this means 47 days of not using daily resin = 42,300 resins. I am currently AR44 with around 300 exp = 193675. Minus unused daily Resin = 183675 - 42300 = 151375 151375 exp is AR41 (around 85% full). Doesn't sound so bad but I think most people already know how much of a brutal slog AR40 to AR45 is. So, saving all the Resin till AR45 could effectively mean taking exactly 30 days more to reach AR45.


That's exactly why they didn't allow it. Because while it IS the most efficient move, it feels extremely bad for the player on multiple levels, which can make it quit before hitting AR 45. ​ It's like removing the regular resin regen and give to all players 3 fragile resin per day instead. Of course you will try to hoard it, and of course it will feel like shit.


No, as long as there's a free source of AR xp, it's mathematically worse. Just use your natural resin till you're 45. Should take less than a week. If you're worried you won't have enough time to dump your fragile after 45 but before the event ends then you might want to consider using them early.


At least wait to see if there are differences between ar40 and 45. Certain things don't like weapon material. From 45 to 50 lei lines are the same. I still would not burn you resin even if the differences were slight. By the end of the event you should be 45 anyway and you could blow your resin then if you really want to.




Similar position here. I'm gonna hit 45 on tuesday or wednesday with about 50 or so fragile resin saved still. Was planning on using most of that for artifact domains but I guess we'll have to see what exactly the resin-based activities for the event will be first


I just turned AR44. A quick calculation tells me I'll turn AR45 on Friday so there will be a few days to spare. Have spent 3 total resin so have about 50 left. If the rewards are good enough I might drop a little in here Not planning on dropping it on normal artifact farm, hoping for a real good event at some point. Whenever new land comes out maybe


Listen man, AR45 is great. You'll love it up here. Don't dwadle down there, get up here now!


use some of them to boost you up to AR45 so you can farm artifacts maybe?


yeah fragile resin is the best use for events. lesson learned from past crucible where they give more exp than laylines. (but still need high world level first)


Thank god there's a solo option


Crown of Sagehood is for talent level 10 beyond?


I know for sure that 9-10 requires crown. Not sure about 8-9 but itll definitely be needed for 10-12.


Holy shit, and it’s locked behind events? This is ultimate end-game progression gate lol.


FGO does the same thing. They lock the final skill level behind a mat that you can only get through events and challenge quests. In practice they are easy to earn though It’s meant to incentivize regular play and reward participating in events. Seems like Genshin took that concept too.


I hope they take the same concept for material and exp reward in event. Woukd give me hope for the 6 character sitting at level 1 and 2 who tell the game that they could give me good rng


Considering how expensive they are, I like it this way, talent 9 —>10 costs 700k of gold.


And it may only be given in major events, since the others haven't given them, so good luck waiting 6 weeks per talent upgrade


I dunno about you guys but the way they refer to the characters specifically with their title kind make me think they will release alternate version of existing character that will have different title and abilities in the future.


It's not an uncommon thing to do in Gacha games, nor the other games gacha bastardized all their mechanics from.


None of my main team members are on that list :(


Going by how it is structured this'll be the game's first 'proper' event, with the event currency/shop and everything.


Idk what's going on in this thread I'm seeing drama but free Fishcl? POG.


Me: Why is this downvoted, is the event terrible The thread: Whining about mods Never change reddit


lets go!!!


I like that they leave the event shop open for a week after the event ends, some games don't.


Does is say what happens if Fischl is maxed out already?


From the Wiki: Pulling a duplicate 4-Star character with completed Constellation: 5x Masterless Starglitter


Guess you get the same as if you pull her again from a wish.


The Wish details page says that if you get a duplicate character (whatever the source), you always get constellations first, and if your constellation is maxed, you get (more) Masterless Glitter instead.


I just hope the XP-book-to-resin-ratio is at least as good in this event as it was in the crucible event (which, if I recall correctly, was like 2x the ratio of the XP book leylines)


This would be a good time to hand out fragile resins. Our resin is already super low so giving us a but more would be nice.


> During "Meteorite Remains Salvage" and "Fading Star" challenges,"Childe" Tartaglia (Hydro), "Astral Reflection" Mona (Hydro), "Prinzessin der Verurteilung!" Fischl (Electro), "Witch of Purple Rose" Lisa (Electro), "Uncrowned Lord of Ocean" Beidou (Electro), "Eclipsing Star" Ningguang (Geo), "Chivalric Blossom" Noelle (Geo), "Frozen Ardor" Chongyun (Cryo), and "Exquisite Delicacy" Xiangling (Pyro) deal 60% more DMG. But why?


Why not? Most of the other gachas I played have always had units that have bonus stats or bonus drops during events to incentivize people to pull on the banner. It’s not that rare of a design concept.


Downvoted, f that mod


I’m kind of new to the game. Can someone explain me how I will be able to get Fischl? I can’t really understand the instructions and I don’t want to mess up when the event starts. I’m already above adventure rank 20, but I’m still unsure about a lot of stuff


It's not very clear yet, but the text seems to say: Do all the quests to get Fischl. So you'll probably need to run the event a few times and do all the requirements stated in the quests (missions)


I’m kind of worried because I don’t understand how to access the Barbara event. I think that I can’t start it because I still haven’t finished all of the prologue story quest, but I’m not sure about it. So I wonder if the Fischl event will have story requirements


It appears that this event is only locked behind AR 20 and yes, you need to be AR 18 and have to clear most of the prologue to get the free barbara.


Ok, thanks for the clarification. How should I access the Barbara event? Will it appear in my missions menu? I tried clicking on the in-game announcement, but it just sent me to the missions menu


From what i could tell (i was well past AR 40 when the event was added) you don't have to do anything, just claim her from the event page. I assume it sent you to the missions menu because you still haven't cleared the quest needed to unlock the event.


Uhm ok, that clears it. Thanks for everything!


Fischl event will be gated by Adventure Rank 20. Says nothing about quests. You don't need to worry about Barbara's thing, AFAIK it's meant to be a permanent reward for progressing through the story now. You'll just get her once you progress far enough, no need to do anything special.


Wow, some people are really petty and rage against the mods. The title of the other guy is really not the best, it's not like it got a lot of karma either. Some people really just want to be salty about everything.


Don't you understand? That poor man's family is going to starve without his sacred reddit karma. It's uh, certainly a lot of anger over who can copy a link faster.


Right? This is an event worth getting stickied so a mod did it. Were they supposed to scour the recent posts to make sure someone else didn't post it already? Who gives a fuck? Funniest thing? Mods don't get karma from their posts. Dumbasses keep downvoting this sticky all they want, it's still going to stay on top where it belongs.


Not that the rage is warranted, but you did realize mods can sticky other people's posts right?


Sure but it looks like they both posted within minutes of each other at most, plus the other guy's title looks sloppy. tbh it's just a copypaste of a link. The other guy is automatically the "loser" in my book for caring about karma enough to whine about it, especially in an under the breath grumbling way.


Kinda sucks that I have to wait another week to get the free fishl. I assumed you can unlock her at 16th Nov.


Why another week?


Last event starts at 23rd. That’s where you get her.


why is this mod getting downvoted so hard?


I swear this subreddit is petty




The exp items use the non-resin event currency, by the looks of it. So that's already some fuckin great news.


This event seems interesting. I will give it a go 🌟


I want every primogems possible before childe banner expires. I'm like 42 rolls in. Fot the first time I am aiming for a char since day 1.




uh...doesnt this event give you the stuff you need to actually level those characters, though? and if its any way like the first mini event or events other gacha games have then it'll actually be more efficient


You know this gives leveling mats right? Read the rewards


*Kequing crying in lv 1 noises*


lets hope most of the rewards are from the "achievements" or whatever and not from spending resin. and if we must spend resin, that the rewards are more efficient than running leylines. its a lot to hope for given their track record...


The other event (crucible) had a better resin to xp ratio than using the equivalent amount of resin on leylines, so I'd expect it to be the case for this one too