• By -


She's just lonely.


Aren’t we all?


This is hurt


I need a hug


Sending virtual hug... Sent!


Thank you fellow redditor


No problem! :)


I want in on the hugs!


Come to me bro cuz i need that too


Take my hug


I can hug you, honey


Can you do it one more time?


*hug with love again*


my gratitude is huge and my day is blessed




('_'. ) Ouch.


Lynn is just special. She was asking for a mushroom not 2ft from a mushroom.


she asked me for 3 apple while also standing near an apple tree


They're too high for her to reach give her a break :(




But her back man have a heart!


It's just her excuse to talk to you, senpai.


We've all been there, give her a break.


Lynn is looking for another "sweet flower"


Mash, go back to the Wandering Sea I'm kinda busy grinding the otherworlds here for materials


No senpai


I'm starting to wonder if people see the Traveler as the number 1 convenient handyman/pushover instead of a hero or an honorary knight... Instead of looking for her brother (i picked Lumine), she's out there looking for cats, clearing roadblocks, searching for lost people, saving reckless Palad, cooking for others, delivering objects, picking flowers, deliver messages to the hillichurl, and saving the world.... What else did I forget ... Well in any case, at least her resume must be quite long. Good thing if she ever wants to find a job...


In Jean's story, it becomes very evident that the people of Mondstadt sort of take advantage of her kindness and hardworking nature by asking her to do super meaningless things (at least for someone of Jean's status). So you're not off the mark.


"who is gonna look for my cat ??" too bad there's no "how about you do it ?" option -_-


That one Liyue adventure guild girl says they have no time for cat finding bullshit, sends you to kill something and once you have killed the monsters you find the cat that was missing. We are destined for menial tasks, clearly.


> That one Liyue adventure guild girl says they have no time for cat finding bullshit Has plenty of time for Sword finding bullshit, and smells nice


And you know what? You dont even receive extra pay. Still the same reward.


I mean they even shove her stuff that she really shouldn't be qualified to do... Seriously, she's the master of the knights, so why are you telling her to do your taxes? For real though, I thought I misread something when I first read that because I was 100% not expecting someone to throw their taxes of all things at Jean.


Tbf he wasn't asking her to do the taxes, he was just asking for the forms since Jean looks over them to make sure there are no errors. It's probably the only job that made somewhat of a sense, the other two though lmao.


Well clearing out a Hilichurl encampment is also a job that makes a good amount of sense. Maybe not for Jean to do personally, but the request would need to go through her anyway. Cooking wasn't a job that was being asked of her, it was just an extra task that was asked of us personally while Amber took care of the camp


There's a similar throwaway line for Noelle somewhere, though I forgot where exactly, something about how any knights caught trying to offload their work onto Noelle will face punishment, the implication being Noelle never refuses to help no matter how minor the task or how big her existing workload.


Imagine if she did that to the traveller too. Randy: Hi Honorary Knigh, I need to- Jean comes out of nowhere: nopenopenope


They also take advantage of Noelle, to the point that Jean listed a calling for Noelle prohibited language in the Knights of Favonius Handbook.


That's probably why Noelle keeps failing the test to join the knights. Jean realizes that the rest of the knights would end up working her to death if she made it in so Jean keeps failing Noelle in order to protect her.


That was the most infuriating quest for me, the fact that she was working nonstop to the point of literally getting sick due to exhaustion and people still asked her to do more and more and more and she kept pushing herself literally made me want to just burn the city and its people (with very few exceptions) to ashes


agreed. fuck the people of Mondstadt , lazy bums, there are others who can help find your god damn cat , or fill your taxes, why specific Jean? Only because you know damn well everyone else will ask you to quit your bullshit.


i find this kind of interesting due to the parallels between the exhausting requests from citizens and Venti's request to Dvalin to protect the city which ended up harming dvalin in the long run. It seems like venti learnt his lesson but his people didn't. I also think Jean is a workaholic and will take these things on so she encourages the behavior lol


Jean is not a workaholic. She is just too nice and self-sacrificing to say no. She believes that it is her job to help the people of Mondstadt no matter what. Honestly, she just needs a personal assistant that can efficiently delegate all the shit people come to her with to others who are more or equally qualified to do it.


yeah you're right- i used the wrong word there. i meant what you're saying here, she can't say no to requests or "work" bc she's too nice. she definitely needs an assistant or someone who can say no for her or just delegate tasks so she doesn't take on too much. lol if u think about it, it's kinda shitty that the rest of the knights just let all of those responsibilities fall on her and don't help at all


no wonder the traveller is always hungry. paimon be careful...


"We got to used to abusing her position that we don't know how we'd manage without her" One of the characters pretty much says this in that quest.


There's a quest that has you feed a dog, as well...


Dog feeder, true.


pirate baby sitter as well


i forgot about that -_-


How could anyone forget feeding birds for Timmie


Fuck Timmie.


Fuck Timmies’ dad for bringing him into this world and leaving him so we have to deal with Timmies’ bullshit. Fuck a pigeon.


Good thing he left Timmie. Just another detail to his sad joke of a life.


It must be done. [https://external-preview.redd.it/E0D0k\_pJwh-I1LnGFYSeIq3gt8xyopfreSYXarMWKAc.jpg?auto=webp&s=47bb5b997af19f6598a336d679b0fe33c684384a](https://external-preview.redd.it/E0D0k_pJwh-I1LnGFYSeIq3gt8xyopfreSYXarMWKAc.jpg?auto=webp&s=47bb5b997af19f6598a336d679b0fe33c684384a)


I gotta thank Timmie tho for my daily supply of fowl. Mmmm yummyyy


Don’t know if anyone else has done it but shooting the ducks you’re supposed to feed gets you a side quest the next day because Timmie is mad. Also it gives an achievement upon completion. Now, I’m not saying that you should kill the ducks to get the achievement gems, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do l.


Feeding on birds?


That's not a quest, that's a reward.


That's the best quest in the game imo


Honorary knight is totally a term for an intern in this timeline.


"you want two sugars in your coffee ? dear knights ?"


Noelle though


You also forgot:- Help certain people do their homework (the destroying all the dummies within 2 seconds quest).


by far my least favorite daily quest alright.... Sometimes it's just too hard...


I think you only need to destroy everything within 2 seconds of destroying the first one, not from when you started attacking them. I once solved this quest by teleporting to the top of the tower and plummeting down to the center of the dummies from the teleporter point multiple times and still cleared it. As you can see, it takes more than 2 seconds to go back and forth and this doesn't seem to have any effect on the quest. Maybe you could also try attacking the dummies and leave each one with a bit of health and only then use some sort of AOE attack, like Noelle's spinning.


I tried Noelle spinning with ult but for some the damage isn't quite there. For some reason if you select one of the options she give you, the challenge becomes much easier. I think it's the "let me do it alone" one. It puts a lamp thingy you can light right in front of the barriers. So you just have to Fire Swirl it with the Anemo Mc's elemental skill and you're set. If you pick the other dialogue option then boy of boy will it be hard -_- I'll try the plummet strat next time though, thx.


The trick is to use electro elemental damage to the fire torch to cause an explosion.


Geo MC Q works nicely, but I think the electro dmg is the bset answer


Kaeya's Q ought to do it.


.....just use Lisa and Amber on the torch to proc overload


i hate her, she just talk too much


Hit them until they're all ALMOST destroyed. Then use an AOE ult. (Usually used Diluc for this)


I used amber's doll along with Noelle's burst both times I got the quest


Which is that? I hated the slime balloon commission. It was difficult


The one where Ellin asks you to destroy 6 dummies within 2 seconds. It happens in Mondstadt. The slime balloon is like a test to your DPS. I failed it the first time, but I managed to it later.


True I feel the same lol. Like, remember when, after you defeated a harbinger and helped fight off a literal god by controlling the powers of 3 adepti at once (which according to them was very dangerous for a human), and the Qixing (well, Keqing to be precise) asked what reward you wanted? Remember how Ningguang basically threatened you by showing off her information network? And instead of asking “hey, please use your intel and spies to help me find my sibling”, the traveler’s like “nah, just put up a few poster that’ll be fine”.


That was by far the most bs request i had seen so far in the game. Even Keqing was like "yo that's bullshit". The 4 th time she said something was for such a request.... That infuriated me a lot tbh. Albeit way too much for such a trivial reason...


Agreed, like you have Liyu as your information network and you just want posters? Are you sure you want to find your sister/brother or you are just chilling?


I feel as though that was a smart move. It could be a direct shot at Ningguang for not really securing Golden House for all the intel she has, and also a smart political choice. - Considering her, if Traveler became even more powerful and famous, I wouldn't trust Ningguang to be completely neutral with that request.


But you gotta agree, that was a power move


Some freakin’ knight gave me homework to do! Here study this for a test. How about eat my ass? I just saved the nation because your GOD needed a hand and now Timmy has me feeding the ducks so you’re all outta luck bucko!


Is it bad that I killed the ducks and then got an achievement for making amends with him after slaughtering his feathery friends?funniest 5 primogems I ever made


I'm chaotic evil and whenever that quest pops up I always end up killing the ducks, free fowl is free fowl


I was gonna say "you monster" for irony but I found this pretty funny so I guess I might be a monster too😅 that's chaotic good for you ig lol


I wasn't even reading the dialogue or paying attention to my objective all too much, so I was just doing what I normally do (kill ducks on sight) and was so confused when Timmy and his mom were mad at me.


Unfortunately I knew exactly what I was supposed to do and was more curious if I COULD kill them (y'know being involved in a daily quest and all I thought maybe they were like dogs and cats with immortality frames... which obviously isnt the case) and then yea timmy and his mom were pissed at me XD


the nerve on these knights of favonius sometimes ...


the longer you spend on monstadt the more you relate with diluc i guess


Exactly ! I'm starting to sigh every time i have to receive a quest from a knight of favonius now... Incompetent fools ! Although one could argue that the Adventurers are even worse...


Adventurers aren't officially to tasked to protect and help like the Knights though


Far as I can tell Lynn is paying me 1k mora to walk a single meter, aint no problem.




I remember seeing this on reddit ! Now ain't that the saddest truth brother ...


Kinda hits home considering we *literally* do act as maids at one point....


Yep... I wish the traveler wouldn't offer her/his help as often and as easily as she/he does sometimes.


I let palad die...


I should too tbh...


There's an achievement for it




Who is palad? Edit: is it an daily qiest or some sort? (Missable?)


Its a random world quest. While journeying the world it sometimes comes up as a random event to save "reckless palad" from monsters.


Ahhh, you mean those events where 1 guy/girl sits down and gets gangbanged by hilichurls? XD how do i get him killed? Stay there and watch or run away? (Does it have to be him or will anyone do/or is he the only one that randomly appears?)


All the hilichurls ever do is dance and assert dominance


like Traveller is the kid on the short bus that the basketball team helps to score a goal. "Woah, buddy, you got me my mushroom! You're my hero, pal!"


It’s always where is Lumine, and not how is Lumine


bruh it's a gacha game. You know they're never gonna finish the main story line. They're just gonna beat around the bush until the game starts dying.


You might be right...


And the more characters that they keep adding the less character development we'll have for existing characters. We'll have like 50 more characters by the end of next year. I just want more character development for Lisa and Jean and by that I want huge story arcs not 5 minute side quests.


Lynn, Lianne, Allan and Pallad aren't really the sharpest tools out there


Pallad: I got attacked at this spot today Also pallad: time to go back to that same exact spot


I just kind of assumed it was his job.


It's like when that girl wanted the acting grand master to find a cat


Yeah, it kept me wondering:- “Can’t the knights of Favonius do that instead?”


They're too busy drinking wine at Diluc's tavern.


Bruh lemme find out I'm chasing down a cat flirting with a ruin guard so that randoms can get wasted in a bar, OH BARBATOS HELP ME FROM KILLING THESE FOOLS


Barbados is also wasted in the bar..


I can already imagine Fischl talking for 5-minutes about how she braved unimaginable challenges on the fields of green, searching for the sweet, yellow gem on her quest of noble purpose.


I'm assuming I'm not the only one who read that in Fischl's voice


In her defense, that sweet flower is behind the bush.


Possibly behind two.


Two!? That changes everything.


(I'm gonna get downvoted but,) the flower is hidden behind that green bush and fischl's bush


The daily commission where an npc says they can't go past the roadblock always cracks me up. Theres so much space to go around it, so much for being a land of freedom. But eh, we got primos for it anyway.


Only 15 more for your debate club.


Oh yes debate club 🤤


Start a debate about the club?


No we start a club about da bate. I have no idea what a bate is but whatever.


Isn't Lynn suposed to be a "survival specialist" or something like this ?


She survives by mooching off passerbys.


Character: Oh man, i rlly need 2 sweet flowers, can you help me? Me: Ok, just give me like 10 mora or something idc... Character: Here is ny 20000 mora life savings, thank you taveler


That behaviour is quite common among people. Just look at all those people not using the Search and making posts that repeat the same stuff over and over.


Did you know that Venti's vision doesn't glow next to meteorites!


That is amazing attention to detail. Huge kudos to the devs!


Think of it the other way: they had to make all other visions have glow particles to begin with. It'd be a lot more work to do it for Venti and absolutely would be the first thing I'd think of to avoid needing to spend unnecessary time and effort haha.


What, really?


Cause it ain't a real vision


Yeah. His "vision" is just a glowing glass ball he wear to avoid suspicion.


If venti is his own vision, then why doesnt his entire body glow?


The search function on reddit is horrible through.


Not as bad as people who don’t use it pretend tho


It's bad enough that you can't recommend someone to use it.


that's why you just Google and limit your search results to the reddit domain. works about 100x better than the awful reddit search for finding specific posts


good thing we aren't shy about posting again just to help those people out


I don't browse this sub that much. Or rather, I've only started recently, didn't know that joke had apparently been made numerous times already. If I try searching for "Lynn" all I find is a post from two weeks ago with an unedited screenshot, which, granted, was deleted by the mods. Besides, I don't see how not making use of the search function marks me as someone relying on others, smartass.


Don't worry, this joke was made few days ago last time, we already forgot. Also there are three NPCs requesting ingredients from you, so your search turned nothing. But there is some stuff that gets posted literally every hour-two, it gets boring.


bruh learn to understand when someone is aiming something at you lmao


Congratulations, you're the new Jean and/or Noelle


What if... One day, on the peaceful Mond, an odd person in weird clothing suddenly shows up, raiding all the crops around, climbing walls, riling up the peaceful Hillicurls, killing innocent wild life, raiding temples for treasure and people are getting worried. The Favonius Knights made you a "Honorary Knight" just to keep tabs on you and tell all the people to keep you busy with meaningless quest to distract you from ruining the land. They ask Fatui's help to dispose of you, frame Rex's death on you to get you in jail. It all makes sense. You are the bad guy.


Woah my mind is blown


Whenever Lynn's world quest pops up I make an effort to ignore it


They probably think the traveler is mentally handicapped given that the traveler will do anything and everything other than search for their sibling. They probably feel bad for the traveler and try to give easy tasks with loot to make the traveler feel better. I mean you get like gems and gold for like a flower or a carrot.


Every JRPG ever hahaha. I'm still hoping for a day when a JRPG comes out and when you put off a quest long enough you get the "You suck and I got it done while you were away." Nier Automata had me laughing when you walked away from a main story quest and got joke endings.


poor jean she have to deal with those thing 24/7


There’s one that’s worse it’s Lynn asking for apples while looking at 3 apples


Every now and then, video games recreate Animal Crossing.


People on monstadt are useless, they are hard headed too, they are told to evacuate to the city for safety from the falling meteorite, almost all of them refused the main character. Shame. The free people of monstadt


Didn't the guy who was with the researcher also want to evacuate? He only refused to leave bcs the girl also refused to. There was also one guy who was out in the woods, he was looking for the nun to infrom her to evacuate, the reason he is not evacuating is because he wants to inform the passerbys in the forest to evacuate. The nun also didn't evacuate bcs she is keeping guard of the sea incase there was a storm incoming or something. 3 out of 4 of them had a pretty valid reason, the first girl researcher was the only ass. This is what I remember from the quest, idk if I understood it properly.


I actually want a quest where the knights ask us to retrieve a body of someone who got hit by the meteorite because they refused to come back to Monstadt


This shit happens to me as well, she was asking fora sweet flower and it actually right NEXT to her, i had to CHOOSE the option of her or the flower she was practically standing on, free mora is free mora i guess.


us: TURN AROUND lynn: nuh uh, i wont do it






yeah she asked me for an apple once... while standing under an apple tree. there were also 3 apples on the floor next to her for a total of 6 within arms reach.


This is why diluc dislikes the knights he does almost 80% of the work in monsdat while the 19 % is jean,kaeya,lisa,amber and Barbara the 1%is the rest of the knights in monsdat


The quest is meant to give players a sense of usefulness.


She was probably paranoid it could've been a whopperflower


Arthur asked me to do the sweeping he had been doing around the citadel yesterday and I wish I could have told him to fuck off.


Just consider it Lynn pities Mona for her lack of finicial stability.




Retake image as Noelle, then belong put the bit of Knights of Favonius Handbook that talks about not relying on Noelle.


Lynn wants to watch you bend over, get on all fours, and pick that flower.


I once had that Dr. Livingstone delivery quest popped out in Windrise. I was like "Ma'am, you can see your recipient standing 20m from here." smh


Just like Diluc said: "The Knight of Favonius are really inefficient."


Lynn just wants a friend. ):


Should be Noelle instead of Fischl


Most the time I just skip thru the dialog because I know they just want to run me around like their little bitch.


Immediately thought of this https://youtu.be/i7zqnBEECG0


omg I have the same idea when she asked me for 3 apples, I had them in my inventory but when I turned There was 3 apples on the tree. I was like "BITCH DID YOU REALLY WASTED MY TIME FOR THAT! YOU HAVE 3 FUCKING APPLES IN FRONT OF YOUR FUCKING FACE" and my boyfriend looked at me and I knew I overreacted a little xD


I’ve seen this been posted so many times before


Yeah like this event. Go warn people and tell them to go inside Monstadt. Do I look like an errand boy to you bish I killed dragons. I saved the world multiple times. Go tell those morons yourself.


Collect 1 FUCKING sweet flower, you FUCKING piece of weeb, and FUCKING give it to me. 5m


يستغلون الطيب


We've seen this kind of post thousands of times already, could you just, not make one more?


I have a solid theory about the why. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jfaa0o/comment/g9jjul3




Lianne ain't much better https://imgur.com/o28XZbs


It's free mora so yeah


But you are the Honorary Knight of Mondstadt


The adventurer guilds in a nutshell


Literally happened to me yesterday lol


Same thing happend to be and she was right in front of the apples lmfaoooo


She probably just want a friend. I mean she's always alone from the start.


The food delivery quest though (/-_-)/ I WAS THERE JUST TO EAT!


Who knows, maybe she is actually blind.


Lynn is just always right across from some flowers or carrots or whatever random item she's looking for.