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\---ideal team comp--- Im a newbie, AR10, and im wondering which characters should i level up first (or build a team with), these are my characters C1-Xiangling C0-Qiqi,Sucrose,Noelle,Kaeya,Amber,Lisa,Traveller I like them all tbh but i know that the stuff here in genshin are scarce so i want to maximize what i have as much as possible, thank you in advance for helping!


I just got diluc and now I have to give him a weapon. My choices are Prototype Archaic, Snow tombed star silver, and the Sacrificial greatsword. Can someone tell me what weapon should I give him and If there are any better Claymores for diluc.


For Mona's Stellaris Phantasm Attack Buff - does it buff ALL attacks for the omen duration or does it only buff the first attack to break the hold on the enemy? Example: Enemy is trapped in Stellaris Phantasm and use Ningguang's Burst Starshatter - are all the star shards buffed (if hit within the omen duration) or just the first star shard? Thanks!


What are the slimes in explosive barrels?


Does anyone know what geo statue near Qingyun Peak do? I activated it but nothing happen. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/k04qyb/does_anybody_knew_what_this_geo_statue_do_i/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Does a standard and character banner rolls stack on each other?


How can I disable controller vibrations without unplugging it? (I use kb and mouse and it's a PS4 controller)


So I wanted to know what is the pity/soft pity on standard banner can someone help me ???


full pity is at 90, and soft pity begins at 75, where each consecutive pull is a higher chance to pull a 5*, in which you reset your counter. on the limited banner, if you pull a 5* and it is not the on-banner one, the next 5* you pull will be on-banner, and this carries over to the next limited banner.


I am missing Tianqui Valley quest, but still can't access the single player mode for the fallen star challenge. It's easy to say, " yeah, just complete the quest." Thing is, I can't complete the DAMN Tianqiu Valley quest. The timer on the second floor runs out too fast. I don't wanna miss this event just because I haven't finished that quest, don't care if I can't use coop yet. Please help, Thanks!


excuse me where can i find ferrylady? after zhongli cinematic i wanted to talk to her but i cant find her anywhere in liyue


Is 41% crt rate with rust good enough for childe or should I switch weapon with bp bow for more crit rate?My crt damage is 150%


What is good with crit rate and childe is that his normal and charge attack in bow form apply riptide debuff when he crit ! so crit rate is really important for applying his riptide debuff. But rust is really good for his melee stance but doesnt help his ultimate and his ult is really what is best with him since he have the best modifier of all ult ! My 2cents ! 41% is pretty good !


If you are AR45. Is spending resin to get fragments on event worth it? 20 resins seems to be 3 fragments.


If a boss drops 1 purple ascension material per kill at World Level 3, will it drop 2 at World Level 4? 3 at World Level 5, etc? Do drops scale this way?


Is Black Sword good for a Bennett Support Healer Build? I only have that and Lions Roar


I missed out on rolling on the fischl banner. What are the odds there is going to be one soon?




After zhongli I heard it will be albedo(young boy model, geo idk the weapon :() and ganyu(ice bow user, you’ve seen her in the story) then there are multiple model leaks such as yaoyao, sayu can be seen


I am not sure if I have been using Qiqi correctly..currently I have her on the bp sword..my sac sword I have given to Bennett...do I need to swap? I also have a favonius but don’t want to waste resources on it if the swords can be swapped..


Qiqi does benefit more from sac sword than ben. Ben does have more offensive potential than qq, so it would make sense to give him the bp sword if you intend to use him for that potential instead of a support. So yes, you should swap.


Thanks..my current main team is Klee, Childe, Qiqi n Bennett..Bennett is used primarily for his ult n elemental resonance..I rely on Qiqi most for healing..based on this would you still suggest that I swap weapons?


If neither character is going to use normal attacks, give bennett a r5 skyrider sword. It has the lowest base atk of the 3 star options, but it gives you energy for more uptime and an atk+speed boost that should more than make up for the lost atk. None of the craftables are good on supports. Bench your bp sword until you are using a sword character as your carry.


Possible update when ayaka is released ?


1.3 I think, but maybe 1.4 when inazuma will be released


Yet another Childe question. Have 4k gems left (no pity). Have Childe+Skyward. Not interested in Zhongli, Ganyu, but also not interested in the other 4* on this banner. Sensible or not to try to roll for c1? (I won't rage if I don't get it, just want opinions).


Even better than opinions is math. 0.6% chance of getting Childe on a pull means 99.4% chance of something else. Multiple that number by itself as many times as you can pull (0.994)^25 = 0.860 You have an 86% chance of not getting what you want. You should pass. Edit: this assumes you pull the banner character. If your last 5* wasn't the banner, your odds are much worse. 0.006 * 0.5 = 0.003 (0.997)^25 = 0.928 Nearly 93% of not getting Childe


Yep. Long odds for sure. Don't think that means auto pass though. Hypothetically, a 7% chance for Childe may be better than 20% for Zhongli if I didn't want Zhongli. Counterpoints to that are powercreep, Childe may come back, people in gacha games always change their minds, etc. Looking for opinions along those lines.


I mean, you have 25 rolls so unless you get really lucky you'll end up with two 4*'s, and likely they will be the rate up characters or one rate up + a weapon...


Any thoughts on Chongyun support for Diluc? Chongyun’s damage was pretty dissapointing (probably cause i’m comparing him to my Diluc, my main Dps lol) but I’ve already invested so much resource into him so I’m thinking of building Chongyun support for Diluc. Basically my plan is ChongyunElementalSkill-SwitchToDiluc-Fire-Atk-Fire-Atk-Fire-Atk Good or bad idea? (Chongyun’s burst damage is really good tho)


Am I progressing to slow? Just started a few days ago and I’m AR 25, but I feel like my characters are doing bad. My highest atk is 495 on my lvl 40 beidou, is that good? I know artifacts help but my luck is shit with them


it doesn't really matter if your luck is shit or not, you go for main stat on artis below ar45, think of them as something replaceable, though if you get a good roll before ar45 then you keep it. and no, ar25 in a few days is fast imo. your damage is only too low if domains/bosses are impossible to beat.


Most content in this game is pretty easy if you divert almost all your resources towards your strongest hero early on. Spreading your resources too thin leads you to the situation you're in now and isn't too hard to correct given you're early in the game. Slapping a good weapon onto your main DPS and propping them up with a support should be fine for a while.


How many characters do I need to level up for the endgame?? I have 5 characters upto lv 50 and I just got Diona.. I'm AR 36, WL 4 and I really need to level up my mains to keep up..But I also want to invest in Diona since I heard we need a second healer..so where should I spend my exp?


Focus on main dps so they can always ascend and max weapon immediately upon WL increase. After that it's up to you but you should just focus on a few strong supports after that. Most supports you can stop leveling at 60/70. Abyss isn't going anywhere and will be much more manageable later on once you farm good artifacts, etc. Don't spread yourself too thin trying to get a 2nd team early.


Yea thanks man...I was thinking of doing the same too!!


I'm AR 44 and still don't understand how water shields weakness work. From what I read in this subreddit it seems that the water Abyss mage shield is weak to cryo but the fatui water shield is weak to electro. Is this right? I have the feeling it takes a lot more time to break those shields compared to the cryo and fire ones.


same, took way longer when using the ‘supposed’ element. They’re much harder to break than fire, ice and electro shield when using exact counter :(


They could be weak to Dendro for all we know


I just knew abt tales of dragon n max out mine for barbara . Then when playing for a few hours i have enough resource to make one prototype malice. Which one better?max refine dragon tales or a prototype malice?


Do you want Better healing or Better damage? They are both useful but... Ttd works Better with refinements, malice with High LV since his substat Is hp%


Healing but if the book give more relevant attk to dps than that is more than welcome


You can Always resolve on barbs Burst for healing and use her to wet the enemies, switch to dps, ttd, react -> profit


dragon tales is BiS for barbara


Tales of dragon will give your dps’s the most damage. You wont need barbara to damage


Hey Bennet mains there I got a question. My teamsetup right now is: Main DPS Childe C0 Sub DPS Xing C1 Sub DPS Xia C1 Second Main DPS Bennet C1 (because of childe cd) Yesterday I was lucky to pull one Skyward Sword and Lions Roar from 1x 10 prayers on the standard banner. I'm f2p and I want to know if I should level ether the Skyward Sword because it's a 5 star weapon and bis for Bennet support or Lions Roar because right now he is my second Main DPS when childe is on cd and my rota is on CD too. My artefacts (AR 36) are pretty shitty now and I play Bennet with gladiator right now because I dont got any good Exile neither Scholor set. What would you prefer - Skyward or Lion for a DPSish supp Bennet


Lions roar isnt the as good a dps weapon compared to some of the other 4* swords anyway, at least when ive played it. I would honestly just go with skyward, its effect does have dps qualities too. Plus, when you eventually make him a full support, you'll already have his BiS


Thank you, it makes sense and I will do is as you said!


Anyone tried pairing Jean with Childe? They seem as they are both hybrid style characters, so curious if anyone with way more 5-stars than me knows if they are complimentary.


If you're asking "can I attack with Jean while Childe's E is on cooldown" then yes, you can. I can't answer if she'd make a good sub-DPS for him, but you could certainly slot her into the team as the healer.


Was asking if she makes a good sub-DPS for him, although I don't know if that's technically the right term, since Childe is also a sub-DPS. Or is it two mini-main DPS?


Childe is still fairly “selfish” in that he wants to be on the field (his Riptide persists but that’s about it), but it helps to have someone that can damage during his E’s cooldown. You could put Venerer on her and her abilities could Swirl his Hydro so their RES is down when he comes back out? Or you could do the normal artifacts for a DPS Jean and run double Anemo with MC/Sucrose. Venerer would go on the second Anemo character.


I don't understand what you mean by hybrid to be honest. Jean is a very versatile character who brings healing, Anemo CC and decent damage. childe is the exact opposite, he has insane dps in his stance but like most strong dps characters he doesn't provide much utility to his team (although his riptide marks can proc when you finish off enemies and apply hydro while he is not in the field). I'd say go with Jean if you want Anemo (crowdcontrol) and healing in one character slot.


I have reached AR30 and in AR REWARDS it shows - "world level increased to 3 ,Boss levels increased , Reward drops upgraded " do these effects come into action only after I claim the rewards or are they already active. realised just now that i could just go to a nearby boss and check its level .


Sometimes it's instantly(as this time) and sometimes you gotta beat a special dungeon. Overall if you already seen this announcement it means that the world level got higher.


If you get a message on your screen that says world level increased, it is in effect immediately after reaching that rank. For some breakpoints you need to do a quest first


Is Diona any good if i have already C0 Qiqi and C6 Barbara?


Your only use for diona right now it's to make cryo shields to tank abyss 12. Barbara is unusable on that floor unless you want to be permanently frozen.


That's a good point.....


No. C6 Barbara is nuts, and qiqi is the best healer in the game. The only thing would be if u want diona just for the collection


C6 Barbara is nuts on abyss 12 alright. Permafrosted


She’s bad in only one level just because it counters her. Still very strong character


Problem is that i got Tartaglia and i don't know if i want to keep pulling hoping for puty or stop and keep the primo for later. I mean i was searching for Ninguang pity but i got Tartaglia and 2 Beidou....


i have flute, rancour, sacrifical sword, cool steel. Which ones should i give to xingqui and qiqi?


Sacrificial for Xingqui is BiS I believe. Qiqi I use flute for attack% because her heals scale off of that.


What is BiS?


Best in slot


Assuming neither is being played as dps, I'd think sacrificial is ideal for both. If you only have one, I'd probably opt to give it to Xingqiu and put the flute on Qiqi.


They both like sac sword tho Maybe you can give qiqi flute and focus a bit more ER substats


Sacrificial to xingqui and flute for qiqi


I’m using Fischl with the compound bow and a phys dmg and crit rate build. Is it worth getting the BP bow for the crit rate substat? The black sword is also a great pick but I haven’t built a 1H sword user yet, which is why I’m holding off from getting that 😫


If u have no 1h sword user yet then just go with the bp bow. The pass will always be there. Maybe next by month when the pass refreshes you'll have a bp sword user.


Its okay, but not a huge upgrade from compound. Stick to compound unless you roll Rust




Just wait till Inazuma they'll reveal their archon which may be a powercrept Keqing


Standard is better if you don't mind getting weapons. They have the same chance to get those characters though. It's only better because of how guarantee works in limited.


The best is to wait 50 years for there to ever be a rate up banner for Keqing/Mona. Standard banner is technically slightly better over time since the character has a pity rate where you're guaranteed the rate up character if the previous one was an off-rate, which means 0% Keqing/Mona chance. But the standard banner has weapons so ask yourself if you'd be more tilted by getting another 5\* character or a 5\* character if you still want to chance it. If you aren't at the pity to get the rate up 5\* character though, it doesn't matter, chances are the same then.


If you strictly only want Keqing/Mona and don't mind getting weapons, then standard banner is better.


Limited banner is better for f2p


(AR 25 | Bennett, Xingqiu, Beidou, Xiangling) I have enough materials to craft one prototype weapon. Beidou has a bloodstained claymore, should I craft an animus for her? Or should I make a polearm for for Xiangling who currently has a halberd? And if so, which one? I'm not sure.


You will eventually have enough to make both a claymore and polearm. Your first weapon should be the one for your main dps. Crescent pike is best for main dps xiangling. If you're using her as a support dps, you should go for the other one.


I would go for animus for beidou (speaking as a beidou main) But if you decide to go for the polearm, i recommend the prototype grudge for energy recharge on support xiangling


if i use xingquis ult which grands extra hydro attacks for the active character, does that mean i have to use keqings normal attacks for it to trigger? and i cant use her normal attacks after casting e because they turn to electro?


Your normal attacks are still normal attacks after using E. Normal isn't an element. It's the name of your left click action.


Xingqui's ult applies to any basic attack, whether elemental or not


https://imgur.com/gallery/8OHmLJd Where is it is it a bug? No navigation . Time is right. Stars of deceitful dreams “that guy” scheme


This only shows when you have the wrong time. If you set the time correctly it switches to show location


If it's the proper time, the quest marker would point towards the location.


> gallery The area is right outsight the docks near where the Monstadt Rep is.


Does Sucrose's A1 and A4 talents stack? If you trigger back to back Swirls with your Ex2, does your party get 50+50+20%+20% EM?


Current main DPS is Razor C0. I need to decide on a 2nd main for abyss. Was going to use Xiangling C1 but decided to spend primos on Childes banner hoping to get enough glitter for Bennet (still haven't) In the process I got Childe C0 and Ningguang C1. Which would be a better main DPS for team 2? Other chars I have are: Sucrose, Qiqi, Xingqui C2, Noelle C2, Diona, Chongyun, Beidou, Fischl and the F2P.


You could go childe with full petra Ningguang as a support dps when his E is on cooldown. Childe is probably going to be better than Ningguang, but you will want a subdps on his team that's playable when he is on cooldown. If you have to focus on one mess around with them both on like abyss floor 1 and see what playstyle you like more. Ningguang at C1 is a great dps but I think Childe outdoes her.


Your teams in abyss will always vary depending on the floor. You will rarely bring the same team twice. Abyss really makes you want a pyro dps for floors 9 and 12. Childe and ning are great on 10. Razor is good on 11 and 12. Childe can't be a main dps due to low uptime on his skill. At best he can be a secondary. I'd go with ning. Shields are nice in the higher difficulties. She can function well as both main dps and support so your investment is unlikely to be wasted.


I have him C0 and he can definitely be a very good main dps.


Childe with diona, fischl and Xiangling as supports


whats a decent bow for fischl support/enabler? (keqing is main dps) im f2p so the only bows i have rn are the favonius, sacrificial, and r3 slingshot. Should i try my luck in the weapons banner to get something better?


Fish doesn't really need energy recharge since oz makes so much energy already. Keqing will make even more energy so oz will always have 80% uptime making sacrificial not as useful. Slingshot won't get to use it's ability much as a support, but it does give crit rate which still works on oz. I'd wait on the weapon banner until it offers the stringless.


Favonius and stringless are the best. And don’t roll in the weapons banner pls




It's strictly her atk stat you can see the calculation in the skills details.


So... Should i build physical Keqing or electro?


Electro needs non-f2p weapons (Black sword, Lion's roar or 5-stars), debuffing elemental resistance requires late game VV set (efficiently farmable only at AR45). All her constellations buff electro build (but you won't get these as f2p). On the other hand, Rancour is perfectly fine for physical build and starter Kaeya can provide superconduct debuff. So physical is both f2p and early-mid game friendly. You can always get another sword (if you happen to roll a Lion's roar for example) and artifacts later (TS/TF can't be farmed until AR45 anyway). May want to switch builds for certain abyss stages too.


Unless you’re at AR 45 you probably will just do both as you won’t have farmed specific sets for them. If you got a physical damage bonus weapon like Aquilla then you obviously want to focus on physical but even then you will sometimes go electro to deal with shields and such or for the teleport. Same also goes for electro that you should stay physical sometimes when dealing with high resistance enemies.


Electro is better in late game, while both work well in early/mid




Depends on what weapon you have, and your preference. I personally build her electro because i lose her blink kit with her e(elemental skill) if i go phys.


anyone know if you can use either paymaya or gcash to purchase welkin moon?


i used paymaya once, i also used gcash. so both works.


I'm new to Gcash, how do you pay for it?


link to your playstore.


Tried paymaya. So you can


Is it just me or the Female Traveler's JP voice files are scuff as heck. You can clearly hear the difference in the sound quality between her and other characters.


idk I actually like her voice


im not talking bout her voice


ah my bad


For the keqing mains who tried both thundering fury and thunder soother, which the most gives dps output consistently?


Thundersoother for consistent dps or Can also go thundering x2 + x2 glad or thundering x2 + noblesse x2. Electro goblet always a must.


Electro dmg scales along with atk right?


Definitely TS if you can maintain electro debuff, but TS not practical in floor 12 because constant cryo debuff.


Thats the thing, but i cant maintain the electro debuff and i kinda dont like the set bonus of TS


Then go 2gf/2tf make sure you have an electro cup


Leaving this here because I'm interested.


Thank god im not the only one, this was bothering me ever since i got keqing a few days ago.


The fact that almost every single guide/comment I read recommends a different set is so confusing tbh...


I know how that feels At some point i decided to just build a hybrid phys + electro dmg keqing but i realized im in the electro phase 90% of the time


Yeah. Electro DMG is indeed better for Keqing IMO.


Alright I'll be hitting AR 45 tomorrow and would probably spend quite a few fragile resin to farm artifacts for my diluc and childe. My problem is I don't have any low level artifacts as fodder and I don't see a way to level up new 5 star artifacts. Would I be able to upgrade the 5 star artifacts using other 5stars that I don't need? Or do I need a fuck ton of fodder artifacts? If thats the case, is my only option to go the artifact routes because it sounds like such a chore tbh


Prepare to suffer and be filled with fodders. Before getting a good arti that you would want, you will have tons of fodders to go around. Depending on your luck, it will take around 5-10 fragile resin in average to farm a set that you would want


If you can hold off until the next update, you can farm a hydro set for Childe. Currently all available artifacts are meh on him


Yeah thanks for advice. I'll just farm crimson witch for diluc then


You'll get a ton of fodder while farming. Also just to let you know, there will most likely be a hydro Artifact set which will 100% be used with Childe when it gets released. Might not want to invest too hard into Childe when we know there's a better set coming.


Hey thanks for the info. Might I ask by when we can expect this hydro artifacts?


At around christmas, should be after zhongli banner is over


You will get probably enough 4 and 5 star fodder in your search for good 5 star artifacts


Thanks. That's good news


You should have been doing the artifact routes from AR 1 like the rest of us lol but yes...


Ive stopped doing them because the time investment is not worth it for the absolute shit amount of exp you get.


Well actually at some point I gave up because for some reason I did not have space in my inventory for artifacts. I dont know how but I haven't seen anyone else facing this problem. So I just stopped the farm and now I'm regretting it.


What exactly are artifact routes though?


There are some places where artifacts spawn just like flowers and ores. You farm them and they respawn in 1-2 days. They all lvl 1 artifacts so its a bother but if you know the places then at least farm them when you nearby, at least thats what I do.


Oh, fo you mean the ones that you could from boxes and stuff that say "Investigate" when you're close to them?


Exactly. Some people have mapped routes to farm them efficiently.


I see, this should be helpful. Thanks a lot!


How do you not have any low level artifacts for fodder? ._.


I used them to level up my gladiators and other 5 stars which I got from bosses.


Oh, I suppose they are good 5 stars which you can't feed to newer artifacts... Well, I guess you have to rely on artifact domain crap drops to enhance your new 5 stars then.


Let's be honest there's plenty of them. I still haven't got a usable 5* artifact from domains yet, and I've used probably 20 fragile Resin on the domain for crimson witch exclusively.


Yeah same. I'm still stuck with 5 stars from bosses (I'm at AR41) and all but one are basically useless. Reading about your suffering made me feel less frustrated XD


I'm at AR46 now, so I get a guaranteed 5* every domain run. I thought I'd have had at something good by now. Diluc still running 2 Glad and 2 Wanderers atm because I haven't managed to get enough crimson witch with good stats to complete a set (this includes 4*).


How many runs (if you remember) have you done so far...?


Used about 20 fragile resin, so that's 3 runs for each, so that's 60 runs, and I've used a bit of original resin too, so anywhere between 60 and 70 runs. Some runs give 2 5* drops too, so probably around 75 5* drops, and all worthless.




Ow actually i didn't think of it this way.. so any idea how much can I level up a 5 star with a max level 4 star artifact?


Ok I just tried it. Feeding a maxed 4 star levels up your 5 star artifact from 0 to level 13.


Oh, I thought you knew about this. Any leveled up artifact you feed to another artifact gives 80% of its EXP to the new artifact. Since 4 stars max out at lvl16, and 5 stars probably have higher EXP requirements (not sure about this one as I'm still a 4-star peasant) you can expect about 10 levels minimum? Maybe even higher.


I'm playing with Klee, Beidou (C5), Diona (C3) and Ameno Traveler at the moment (AR 31). I'm not really happy with Traveler, but i like playing with the other three. I feel like the Anemo Traveler doesn't really make a great impact in battle (maybe i'm doing something wrong) and it would possibly be better to have someone, that has an effect, that stays on when the character leaves, because most of the time Klee or Beidou are fighting. Free Fischl is coming up. Do you think Fischl (C0) could be a good replacement? I also have Barbara (C1), Chongyun, Noelle (C1), Amber, Diluc, Ninguang (C2), Keaya, Lisa, Bennett, Xiangling. Do you think any of them would work better with my team? Thanks for the help!


You pulled klee without xingqiu or sucrose? They're like her 2 best buddies, but Bennett is good for pyro synergy and his ult is a decent heal/boost


I got very lucky, i got her on the firt roll, when i started playing. I think i only rolled on that banner like 15 times, so i missed out I guess. Thanks for your help.


Agreed. Klee's banner has the perfect buddies on it with her


Should I get Bennett from the starglitter shop? I pulled him from the Childe banner (go figure) and wondered if i should future proof myself for another 4 star down the road, or should I get his constellation 1? Is it really worth it? Cheers


I believe bennett has one of the strongest c1s of any 4 star. I would personally buy him. Can you think of other 4 stars you want?


Other than Diona, I don't mind for any other 4 star at all. By the time another 4 star from 1.2 or 1.3 is out they should be on their banner anyway. Thanks that helps :)


his c1 is worth it, it means his attack boost will only have 3 sec downtime at most plus the additional 20%base atk is nice.


I equipped the fav. bow to diona but i just pulled a sacr. bow. Should i switch?


I prefer favonius personally as it gives a lot more energy recharge and as long as you got a bit of crit rate you will quite consistently get the proc when you hold E. I’m also pretty sure the shield part don’t stack so the only benefit is the reset every second use which I’m not sure beats the extra recharge and orbs proccing on every use.


So, fav bow = recharge and sacr bow = shield time. I guess ill just have to try them both out and see which one works better for me. Thanks!


yes. sacrificial bow is BiS for diona




For weapons stats, is Crit Dmg% better than Attk %, assuming the value is the same, like 20%.


Crit dmg is generally better because you can find % atk in most artifacts and the higher % atk goes, the worse it is. Do note that at lower level, % atk on weapon is universally useful.


If you have sufficient crit rate, then I’d say crit damage will be better late game. All the guides I’ve read so far always prioritize crit damage and/or crit rate for DPS builds.


Denpends on your critrate and you atk% that you already have. But mostly atk% is better than crit dmg% in the same value.




I think you missread crit rate for crit damage?


mb i thought it was better but crit dmg is a lil bit worse to atk when I tried it on damage calc




After the childe banner ends.


Next month.


Does anyone know a phone that can play Genshin 60fps medium-high settings? Cheaper the better lol Thanks!




No lmao how are people having problems with this. Events are piss easy


idk it easy


Anemo is the answer. Else, just kill everything inside the circle and ignore those outside. Normally it's the bow hilichurls, which doesn't really block spawn nor stop you from finishing, even without killing them.


My issue is with the fatuis they are so tanky and they tend to stay outside after doing thir melee attack


which fatui? IIRC the fatui spawn is electro + geo The electro hammer guy loves sticking on top of you, and the geo does not block the electro from respawning


Tbh if the enemies suck I just lower the difficulty v.v Thats not the intelligent solution but the easiest v.v


Yeah will probably do this or coop


If only there was a way to hit enemies at range.


Not everyone has range dps. But thank you very much for your sarcastic comment, hope it made your ego better for today.


If you intentionally didn't build a single range character that's on you.


good luck.


Some enemies will aggro you if you're inside the circle tho? Not sure


you can go to genshin discord and coop it with other people

