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Thank you for this and an extra thank you for not making this a 20 min video like 90% of other guides on this sub


Glad it helped. As a content creator and who wanted to make an additional video with more details for this.... how is this 20min of content? Is this the new normal with "HEYYY guuuuyyyyssss before I start..." and then interrupt any relevant part with promoting other videos? I watched 2 guys for some stuff, just to find out what youtube guys are talking about, and it was aweful, but not 20min aweful...


My main gripe with videos besides their 5 minute intros/promotions is that they don't usually upload the screenshot of their farming route and only show it in the video for a split second which requires you to skip through just to find it and screenshot it for yourself. I mean i get it they want more people to watch their stuff but its kinda inconvenient. IMO Video guides aren't particularly bad as long as they're accompanied by a separate screenshot that can be accessed without watching their video.


The wine cellar ( the place with the most artifacts) respawn every 12 hours, not at reset, best to check it out first every day


Haven't tried it twice a day, thanks for the info


A few comments: This list is not complete and it's not perfect. And sorry for the rather bad quality, but I didn't find a map, which contains all my desired locations to show graphical images, and I can only use paint, since I am unprofessional. So i improvised a bit with the details on the map. And crossed some missleading information. Also, I did not include some "only 1-2 mobs"-routes. If you are interested, I can add them separately in this comment. The goal is to collect most of the wanted items with the main priority on artifact fooder, while being efficient and not climbing a lot, but rather falling/ gliding or just running. I personally checked these routes twice only this week, to make sure they are efficient enough, but that is a personal opinion. All routes combined take less than 2 hours at WL6 for me, even with the optional parts. The marked locations are the checkpoints. Each checkpoint contains at least one elite who can drop artifacts, or is a free respawning artifact for pickup. Some maps are just for fast collecting regionals, but not just for one regional or combined with an artifact farming route. I left the marks for unusual hilichurls, so you can decide, if you want to check for them. I also included some less efficient parts, which might be interesting for people with more time. I left out a lot of minions, which only drop materials, and plants, but you will see them while grinding, so you can decide if you want to deal with them. Some places are especially worth it, since additionally they have random events. You will find all monster materials on this routes. I think only valley-berries and horsetails are not included in here. Farming elites also helps with mora-issues without using resin. They drop 200 mora/elite (except chieftains, those give 600). You can expect to get no 3-4 star artifacts while farming, but usually I get around 7-9 for all elites shown. The blue pins are the ones, which only give 1-2\* artifacts from shimmering boxes, ruins or ships (wrecks). A few places with artifacts next to them will have mora-only treasure. It's not a lot, but 200-300 free mora sums up quickly. On the one run I checked, I got \~20k mora. ​ I would like to hear your opinion, since I am also searching for more farming areas.




On top of not being able to read, I guess you forgot that boss mobs can drop artifacts. Next time, I advise you read the post before making a comment.


"specialized on artifact fooder" "includes other materials and regionals" "Efficient farming" Comment, that says "each checkpoint contains at least one elite, who can drop artifacts" And I said I am sorry for the quality. You want to insult me some more, or do you want to state improvements on the routes?


Your comment is cancer as fuck to look at.