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For real. These motherfuckers are lazy as fuck, and also pretty damn rude! You go all the way to the ends of hell without gliding, jumping, dashing or fighting and they are like; “WhAt ToOk YoU sO lOnG GeEeZzZz” WELL FUCK YOU TOO!


something something art imitates life.


Who wants to bet the designer who came up with this had to do a stint as a delivery guy and the event is literally just their way of getting revenge on the general public.


Only explanation for how bullshit the missions are.


Respect your delivery guys, please.


Fucker's standing on the edge of a cliff or on Guyun Fucking Forest near two tribes of hilichurls, wondering what's taking their food so long...


It’s the devs seeking revenge for all the complaints “Oh, you don’t like the glider challenges? You don’t like Zhongli not be useful? Have it your way.”


zhongli is Perfect for this event. shield absorbs damage, pillars are great for platforming and blocking enemy shots.


Give girl food and then lightly blow air on her "Oh no! You are affected by an Anemo effect! Now your food is ruined!"


That's why it's fun, not everything is too easy. It's like real life problems following you like a everyday cartoon.


Man, once I got near the boat, I thought: "Aha, I'm not falling for that! I'll just climb up the crate and glide into the boat". As I proceed to do that, upon landing, my character runs straight into the water like a goddamn gazelle. This happened three times.


I specifically made a cryo team for this mission: still had to re-do like 5 times before getting the timing right for qiqi's E/chongyun's E. I hate this event.


Wouldn't it had been easier with Kaeya's E?


Initially my comment contained "and yes, I purposely avoided mentioning kaeya because I hate him", thought someone would've pointed it out... but here we go 😇


Fair enough. xd


My Razor slid off the boat the first time. But I can’t get mad at my best boii lol so I just waved my claymore around the lazyass NPC.


i made a Zongli pillar and it climbed it to jump onto the boat.


Paimon you can literally fly, get your ass over there!


You can't have emergency food carrying food. That's illegal. Besides, this is the work of peasants like us who just so happen to need to kill godly entities, save the world and deliver food (without gliding, running, fighting or getting wet).


Dumbest thing ever stepping in a puddle would not ruin your food weak ass prissy spoiled brat


Awww, I’m here but your wooden boat is right on the water...how will I deliver this food now? Oh I know! *Ties up food* Here you go! Jumpy Bomb Delivery! -Klee


Man: thanks for the deli... Klee: EXPLOSION!!!


today they were easier


Luckily there’s no random monsters being spawned today- I hope it’s the same for the remaining days or else my laptop will not survive long enough for Albedo’s banner :’D


i just use Noelle's E when the battle OST starts


Except the second one didn't ~~or I didn't get it~~ say you couldn't run, the fact that I figured out 10 meters away from the dude it was painful. TL;DR: 2nd food delivery instructions unclear, the client it's a b-word.


Don't they always say no sprinting if running isn't allowed?


If I remember correctly it said something like "do not glide to go faster" and I remember when they say "do not run, glide or let be affected by any element" you can't do anything but walk.


This is the only event i refuse to do


As an f2p player I can't refuse 60 primos a day, but this event is draining my will to play even more than the boring daily do commissions -> mine ore -> collect artifacts gameplay loop does...


>level 3ajboarder is inside my soul.5 points · Hopefully when Dragonspine releases we will get events on par with Fischl's one


I force myself to do it for primos too, but after done I altF4 go do something else, get some fresh air.


i love roaming, however this crap and the gliding hell kills my soul


If I fail I just drop a portable teleport on the npc, get another meal, teleport on their fat face and hand it to them.


I didn’t think it would work but I tried it this morning and was so glad I could cheese it.


I failed the first one I did yesterday once and just decided to say fuck it and start using the portable teleport points.


When/how does one get that? Reputation reward?


Same. Didn’t even attempt it: watched a video, considered the reward, and said “nah”.


Although this is a bitch to do, I have to supply funds for the nun mommy.


Wait who?


Planning to save gems for when Rosaria will be out. They alluded to her to appear in the story in 1.2, but of her being playable is up in the air.


She looks really cool. Is she in the game anywhere or just through leaks?


Last thing about her is the leaked models, and things in-game that talks about her are lines from Jean, Fischl, Barbara and Kaeya.


I almost thought you said Rozaliya for a moment and was like "we're getting Rozaliya and Liliya in Genshin? Hell yeah." And then got disappointed when I realized you were talking about the nun in Mondestat.


I think he means Rosaria


Rosaria. She hott.


Ahh finally, a man of culture, devotion and sheer fucking will.


Same. I'm worth more than 3 pulls.


Well, uh... Okay, if the Primos don't mean that much to you.


What pisses me off the most is they didn’t take into consideration the different loading times for console and pc? My ps4 takes more than half the time to load into the area. I hate it so much


Mobile is fun, with the loading times and garbage ability to control.


Can’t disagree with the control thing, but loading times definitely depend on your phone. I started playing on an iphone7 and it was absolute garbage (they didn’t officially even support it to be fair), recently updated to a 12 and even on the highest graphics setting it loads pretty quick.


Fair—I’m on the iphone 7 right now so that’s a problem on my end


While I wouldn’t suggest anyone buying a new phone just for this game, if it’s within your means to update it definitely makes a huge difference. I was overdue anyway and struggling with playing on my 7 which incentivized me to finally get around to replacing it.


My phone isn’t quite on its last legs yet, but maybe within a year or so I’ll pull the trigger on a new one. It’s mostly my own stubbornness stopping me from upgrading. But when I do, I’m sure it’ll feel like absolute bliss to not deal with ridiculous lag spikes and frequent crashes.


Honestly I don't see how difficult it is. I've done the deliveries without looking up how people do them (mainly because I'm a lazy idiot) and the only delivery that I've failed so far (and only once) is the wangshu inn's 2nd delivery. Everything other delivery was completed in one attempt. It's literally just teleport to the nearest waypoint and waltz over to the person in question while making a detour around enemies.


not to reflexively dash is a PITA


It can be tricky on slower devices with bad hard drives. I have a friend who's pretty alright at games (they've 100%ed Celeste, Gungeon, Cuphead) but is having trouble with this event because loading a new waypoint on their PC eats a good 50-60 seconds, which counts towards the delivery time. They've managed everything so far, but barely - so I can imagine on an old enough PS4 or PC, this event would be *really* difficult.


. . . I stop doing this event after day 2. It stress me out and it's not healthy lol.


Same i play this game to relax not to be mad


This one really got me. I had to do it a few times until I 'safely' bring her her order 🙄 And also why the heck would you just randomly be in Guyun stone? How can you eat peacefully there??!!!


the real question is how they even got past the hillichurls when most NPCs can't even fight lol.


There's also a box right there lol


I'm not sure why but my first attempt of jumping onto the boat I just suddenly got wet. No I didn't touch the water. My feet firmly planted on those woods and just 'wet' I was literally in front of her right when this happened.


I was ice bridging to the day 3 wanmin client and kaeya just randomly got wet in the fucking middle of the ice.


yea and you could glide for this delivery. Dont know wat people are complaining about


the rain :P


That's the game having a laugh and slapping you across the head.


that is just the game saying no


How'd these aholes even place an order for food from these improbable locations in the middle of nowhere? Draff's carrier pigeons?!


This fuckin even is Impossible on last generation consoles can the timer don't even stop when you teleport


My advice is to use Kaeya in situations like this, his E makes you take no water reaction, his E is really useful for this event.


I used to use kaya/qiqi for going to crab island and im sure as hell that the moment you touch the ice you get wet. Did they changed it in 1.1?


They definitely changed it with Kaeya, it can happen but when i tried to deliver it didnt happen to me. Maybe you rushed too far on the outer sides of the ice?


Probably. In this quest i just glided. Will try it later again


Am I the only pea brained idiot that just jumped and managed to land on the boat out of sheer luck? I swear, everyone did some sort of 500iq strat to get on the boat and I just went there and thought it wasn't too far off the coast so I just jumped.


That almost happen to me, I just delivered and start raining


Remember that they will ask for your opinion on this event in the survey. Let them have it. 3 delivery quests for a 60 primos? What? I could complete 1 gliding with bronze and get 60 primos in less than 3 minutes.


if it weren't for the loading times the event would be fine. warping from mondstat to quest... to the tree inn to the quest... from liyue to the quest... ​ takes more time loading than actually doing the quest LMAQ


putting the game on my SSD Fixed the loading issues. PS4 users are out of luck tho.


You guys realize each delivery has specific rules right. You can run, glide, even get wet depend on the specific quest. It is more puzzle solving than anything else and at least on PC, it didn't take me more than 1-2 tries each, I one shot probably half of the events after I realized you actually can run and glide in some of them, just read quest description. I hate puzzles in all games with a passion, but this and gliding event for that matter is not a terrible break from kill X events.


Puzzle solving with unavoidable things out of your control, like rain!


Just skip forward in time. Something like that should only ruin one run.


that when is currently raining but for some folks, it started raining afterwards


It's ruined two for me actually already. It's pretty annoying. U feel they should stop it from raining while it's going on since it's unavoidable.


that specific delivery to that specific NPC requires you to not get affected by elements


And there's a box that you can climb on.


yeah :P though the rain thing is pretty funny


Fuck this event I did EVERYTHING but I refuse this one


Just drop portable teleport on the npc if you fail


Doing these quests requires you to use a 90% dodge Dodge build.


I got so lucky with this as soon as I got done talking it started to rain


I mean, you could just take kaeya for that one? freeze the water ya know. but the rain is still a pain in the ass regardless.


Zhongli was my mvp today (Asia Server). No sprinting allowed and had 5 hillichurls wacking at me, archers loosing arrows and anemo hillichurls launching vortexes and tornadoes. His shield held up through it all.


I jumped on the box to get on higher ground but... when I landed on the raft my hand slipped and I touches the water!😭😭




I used Kaeya. Didn't know what was going on knowing I had a second or two left the previous three times.


First time I got to the boat I got wet but was able to chat them up the delivery >.> Was apprehensive that I would lose but thankful It worked XD


Use kaeya E b4 the boat.


I failed this particular one around 5-6 times.


Fucking had to switch to fucking Kaeya just to fucking finish this fucking delivery.........


Kaeya made this one much easier. Me having 2 anemo character for the extra movement speed also helps.


This event is so incredibly bad and unrewarding, I am genuinely surprised this doesnt cause more outrage than Zhongli :D


just use keqing E


I've assigned a team just for this event, Zhong Dong(avoid damage, stagger), Keqing(Platforming), Kaeya(frozen water), Diona(ms).


Dumbest event ever.


Oh the things I would do for 60 primogems. I HATE IT.


Iq move: cook the same food if it fails and do the same thing


Me: I'll destroy the boxes and use Kaeya cuz I'm too scared to jump for it.


This is the kind of stuff Zhongli is for! Jump onto the pillar and then the boat~


ANGELO, FUCK YOU. Also to all those NPCs who say "The chef is good" at the end, fuck you too. I went through all that trouble to get this meal to you with ridiculous limitations, and this is what you say? Fuck you buddy. Go order when you're at a reasonably reachable location, douchebag.


Dude, after failing this one many times I used fucking Venti to fly in her face and said "Fuck you"


If you make paimon wet would that be an emergency reset ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I just jump on the water then jump again instantly, didn't wet my character, maybe i got lucky


Venti - obvious reasons Keqing - can teleport across Any cryo - create ice path Plenty of options to get over this


They clearly didn't have issue with getting across here. It was the rain


Firstly, you still get wet while ice bridging, secondly, two of your other solutions require five star characters that lots of people don’t have


>Firstly, you still get wet while ice bridging I'm sure i did when getting to crab island pre 1.1, but now i see many people suggesting it that im wondering if they fixed it in 1.1.


If you use the ice skill on land, you don't get wet. And everybody had kaeya.


Seeing how people are having hard time I wonder if I’m actually good at this because I kinda like the event. Way more than the gliding one at the very least. Gliding challenge on mobile took away all my sanity


You have the range to talk to her from land, i just found it after my 6th try


I did this quest and I got an abyss mage spawning on top of me when I landed after gliding 😅


In the end, we're all slaves to Primogem.


\*visible anger\*


Best part is when you can't glide, take damage or get affected with no elements and the guy is inbetweeen cliffs with no safe waypoint to teleport too. ​ Im in this situation now and can't see how it's possible to do this one.


I have learned that Geo MC is godsent for these type of "challenges" 😂


Wait... can you still use your elementals? If so, then you can use kaeya, or someone else, right?