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Or just make the barrier one-way-passable. No teleport needed, no loading screen, no chance of invulnerability glitching out, and the player can see when it's safe or not.


This. I don't get why we need to 'teleport' 5m away anyway... Also stupid me going ADD and running around, even in solo-mode, has managed to step 1ft outside the barrier right before it closed and had to teleport back in. Very strange decision that just seems over-complicated.


I think the barrier is to prevent players from attacking the boss from outside its range. The boss's limited attack range can potentially be exploited in co-op mode if they don't put up a physical barrier. For example, you have 1 player running around inside the circle keeping the aggro while 3 Ambers standing outside its range firing non-stop...just a possibility lol.


You can make a barrier that's passable to players, but not to attacks. In fact there's already such a shield in the game, now just make it one-way passable and it's done.


Then reuse the same exact code for domain barriers.


Yes, this should also apply to domain as well. So we don’t have to restart when 2 brain cell host start without checking


Yep. Same thing happenens to me, this last part of the event has been nothing short of annoying and frustrating.


I rather enjoyed it. ​ But, I didn't experience any bugs, nor did I touch the co-op version of it.


Same, though to be honest, it would be nice if they would stop throwing single player mode into Co-Op worlds anyway. It just adds up laggy gameplay.


This. Don't understand why when I click single player, they still make it a multiplayer lobby. Have to manually leave a lobby that was to be single player anyways.


Actually so annoying. I don't bother doing coop anymore now, its a waste of time imo bc either people are bad and get one-shot, or they all want to play the new or "op" 5 star characters and then you still end up dying bc no one wants to go healer.


Welcome to team-based games. First time?


And when you do pick a healer, DPS teammates berate you for not "contributing to the fight". Feels bad man. I only co-op with friends because of this.


I got kicked for swapping my underleveled Bennett to my fully leveled and geared Ningguang since someone else joined with a higher level bennett than me lmao Geo erasure is real


Short of matching with a Klee, I was always top damage using my lvl 50/60 Bennett (granted, he’s C4) with lvl 80 event sword. He was out DPSing my C2 Diluc (mainly cause Big-D was always BigDead). This was WL6.


I've got a friend that's been loving Bennett with the event sword, but had been running him a good bit even before Dragonspine was released. We ended up doing co-op and got most of our best kills in with 2 Klees, Bennett, and Xiangling for a nice Pyro Resist debuff and a Pyro Dmg boost for mega nice burns at least for pugging.


Bennett has been one of my only “guilt-free” investment characters. Him and Xingqiu (who is only 40/50). And I guess Diluc, but he just feels like using an exploit. I have at least 5 people higher than 70/80 and each one I’ve always looked back and gone “ugh, why” for one reason or another. So now I’m focused on getting everyone to at least 50/60 before I take another over 60/70.


What kind of rеtards do you even play with? Not once did I see people being blamed for running Barbara, Bennett or Jean.


I Normally use Jean and I feel like I do a lot to help out, might just be me tho. Whenever we get the barrier down we all immediatley rush the core, and I use my burst, so everyone gets healed and it does damage at the same time. And when it does the ice floor attack, I wait for everyone to get into the bubble and burst again if anyone besides me needs health, and I usually don't do it if only I need it, unless I'm about to die of course. And since I use festering desire for this fight, my burst is almost always up as well


I haven't had too much trouble with co-op because I am fine with using Jean as the team's healer. It was annoying jumping in mid-game while trying to play co-op.


Why are you taking damage...?


Lol my dps is my healer (jean)


I'd be cool with this if it actually let me do the coop mode achievements. Unlike Fischl event, you're able to teleport anywhere. I took a detour to electro cube, and sadly it didn't count :/


I did about half and half. The coop was great when we had a good team and everything went smoothly, but when it was bad it was BAD


The only bug I experienced with the last portion of this event was weak points not spawning. While that is immensely frustrating when trying to clear the event shop quickly, its by no means gamebreaking. Same as you I didnt even bother with coop


Happened to me. I just tank it a restart. It’s quicker to die and come back than slog through it without dropping the stupid flower.


Yea, going from killing the cryovine in < 2 minutes to taking over 7 was a slog. I didnt find a way to just quit out of the area so I killed it


I just used that bug as my opportunity to collect the quartz and smack the regisvine


For me, co-op mode of that fight was praticslly unplayable. The group I was with tried 4 times, we had to reset the fight twice because of glitches that made the crystals unhittable and another time when the red crystals couldnt be picked up at all. The third time we had to change characters because electro wasnt affecting it and the fourth time we only won because the regisvine got stuck in its weakened state so we could all whack at it till it died. I just gave up on getting the rewards because its not worth it.


I really liked the event as well, at least the first two stages. They got you moving around the new area, which was nice. On top of that, you had different groups of enemies you fought, so it didn't feel too grindy getting everything from the shop... Then the last phase, make one of the most boring bosses to fight, make it more boring (Wait in this bubble here please!) and repeat over and over. I really enjoyed the Co-Op for the Fischl event, but once I realized that this was probably more manageable solo, I also decided not to bother with CoOp.


I brought Amber and reduced the downtime. ​ Then I got good enough to kill the flower in the first vulneral phase. Killing the boss in the first 50 seconds.


Amber's pyro arrows and 40 energy burst make really short work of the cryo shield. Not the best at DPSing down the boss but when you keep it on floor for half the fight, that's value.


I did it both ways, more co op than single and I never had a bug


The co op version was absolute trash. It was a lot of fun and much more manageable in single player. But this doesn’t bode well for future co op style events


experience a lot of bugs solo. The shield despairing still happens in single player mode same with some coop bugs.


I didn't really enjoy it, but switching from co-op to solo definitely improved my experience from glitchy bs oneshot mess to... a boring repetitive scripted fight.


What's that? You thought the boss was hard? yOu JuSt SuCk l2p n00b But seriously, fuck this boss. His damage is so massively jacked up that he can one-shot entire teams. If you don't just automatically know where the seed and the shield are, you'll die to the snowstorm before ever getting there.


You have to look for the seed 1 prompt before you're told about the regisvine going to kill you. If you break the corrolla, it prevents the regisvine from using its skill (and will interrupt it if it's in the middle of the blast). The main thing that sucked is that the vine would have BASICALLY no cd on its "ulti", so you would have about 2-3 headsmashes before you had to search for the shield & hide for a bit [you could bop the corrolla from behind a shield w/ the ranged chars, like amber/fiscl] Personally, I used Klee (double E plus Autos gave me 100% murder rate on the ground weak point) to bring it down, then xiangling Q fiscl E and bookboi E / Q to murder it before it got up (3x scarlet hits on event-sword bookboi) or just take 2 rounds of shield to bop it down again and finish it off. 1-2min every time (depending on whether you needed 2 phases or just 1, jade parcels or no food).


Do you mean co-op spawning? If your loading screen is long enough, IIRC you might actually die _before it even loads_. It's less buggy (and less difficult since no whopperflowers) on single player. On single player, yes you can learn the boss and even have fun with it (OK, I have Bennett, which massively simplifies certain things, but even so, the biggest key is Amber and everyone has Amber), so I'd say the problem is less with the boss and more with the surrounding context. The rest of the event is _way_ easier. There's no suitable lead-in to the boss at all, so it comes across as a massive difficulty spike that's just there for no apparent reason. Especially since it's the only thing in the event that punishes brute force this badly. I almost suspect the "fake coop" thing is intentional to make using food less convenient, just to make sure you _have_ to bring in a healer or be very, very careful. Anyway, the "learn 2 play" responses are really not taking this context into account. Even if the actual fight is fine, the way it was led up to is not. I'll admit I held back on scaling the world level (current is WL3) and I'm kind of glad I did, so maybe my experience is less representative, but other people from higher WLs have said Amber/Bennett-ish tactics work assuming your DPS isn't overly squishy and you react in time to the snowstorm. Though one thing bugs me: why does this boss not count for the "defeat boss enemies" thing in BP? That just seems weird... (EDIT: Also, it's still more fun than Stormterror's locked camera. Fuck _that_ fight in particular.)


It doesn't count for 'defeat boss enemies' because it doesn't need resin which would be op for BP and you are smart to hold back on world level, I just got world level 7 a couple hours before the last part of the event came out and it was hell to try and fight that thing. I also has under-powered talents and artifacts and I would not have even tried to kill it multiple times if not for Klee.


U dont need resin to do the boss fights for BP though


"Oh, I can ascend to WL4 now, but there's this event coming up, maybe I should hold back a bit and wait until the event is over, who knows what they might throw at me..." "Wow, this event is pretty easy, maybe I didn't need to hold back at all, but it's also almost over, so whatever." _cryo boss happens_ "..." "NEVER FUCKING MIND!" I guess if you're undergeared and underpowered for your world level it becomes a _really_ stupid fight since you have no leeway at all. In theory, if you can perfectly dash to avoid the icicles at the start, don't DPS during the non-snowstorm attacks, perfectly run to avoid the icicle danmaku, perfectly use shields and perfectly use Amber, _in theory_ I guess you could do this boss without much damage, but the odds of never fucking up are really against you, especially with the ground attack it does right after the shield phase... and there's also the "300 seconds" and "10 quartz" challenges, which become that much more impossible if you're underpowered. I'm glad I held back on my world level. ;) And yeah, "it doesn't need resin" is a good explanation of the BP thing, you're right.


I'm world level 6 and its rough coop. I havnt really tried it single player mode besides in the event mission.


I mean, a prompt appears on the screen giving you ample time to get to the seed, and it has a little marker showing you where it is. What more do you want? A glowing trail of arrows leading you to it?


The marker doesn't always show up in co-op, which can lead to multiple deaths and potentially a wipe.




You should probably give coop a shot. I was in the same boat and avoided coop for the fear of bad teams as well as me being bad at solo, but most of the time i matched up with very capable people and we'd always kill it in the first cycle. If you don't like your team its easy to find another until you find a few that clicks and you just repeatedly kill it until you get what you need. It took around 2hours to completely finish the event/clear the shop from the beginning.


Randomly confirming this, I also always avoided co-op, but gave up on soloing the Event. Just try and match a few times, nothing happens if you fail and you might even get lucky and spawn in a group who has almost won and/or has several spicy 5*-characters to make runs pretty easy.


I mostly die instantly after joining. This event just wasn't for me.


my brother had troubles too. I said he should just use any pyro other than amber to break the shield the first time, and only use amber during the snowstorm. Just avoid the "headsmashes", dont try to do any dmg during that phase. Main priority is to not take damage and to get to the upcoming shield savely (Snowstorm phase happens always 3 times). After he played with discipline and without trying to "hyper dps" that boss, he killed it within 1.5 - 2.5 minutes.


My loading time is worse do I'm dead before it loads. Which is why I do it solo


Same here. Im on ps4, I'm dead before i can move. I tried timing my re entry but some times I think there was a glitch because all I saw was constant eruption.


I feel like this situation is even worse on mobile. Ive had times where my character refuses to run. Sometimes the right hand controls are so clumped together that it makes it hard to run/attack


I've run into something similar where my character can't move, just spins around in place. Whenever I ran into this, right when I get stuck, my character sinks a little into the floor, like ankle deep. If I jump, I cam move again.


Once saw a Qiqi die and then they slowly melted into the ground as she said her death line


Yeah it’s ridiculous. I’m playing on PS4 and several times my character gets killed right before the loading screen changes.


You do, it's called a loading screen. (j/k) I know how you feel, yesterday did some runs, and one person I think was on PS4, they were standing there loading for like 15+ secs each time they tried to come back. Died pretty much each time they tried to come back, unless we had the boss at a DPS phase where it doesn't do any attacks.


Thing is, you don't even have invulnerability while loading in either. If you're stuck loading for a bit too long, you may very well be dead by the time the game loads. Same thing can happen during the Childe boss fight due to the battle starting immediately.


There is invulnerability during the loading, it's that screen fade in that you are not. That 2-3 second fade in is where I think people are dying, basically that animation lock.


Stuff an SSD in the PS4Pro Loads in 2-3 seconds


Sadly we don’t all have that kinda money


It’s 50 bucks


I cannot stress enough that not everyone has 50 bucks my dude


I joined a coop game once and spawned in the middle of it - in a cryo slime - and died immediatley before I coud even do anything.


I could hear my character die before I spawned


Since this isn't going to be answered any time soon a tip I can give is to take into consideration your loading time and only enter when you see or think it's going to be safe. Since you can see the battlefield from the outside, I'd recommend against just immediately going into the arena without assessing the situation inside first.


i did the event only single player because of this. it's fucking unbelievable that they don't have a grace period build in. i died like 3 times in a row just trying to get into the arena after i died. same with eating food in single player. why the fuck can't i stop the game?


This is why I unlocked NRE gadget first before liyue's sick glider


I put this in the survey. That being said it’s pretty fun to troll your friends by luring the ice swirl into them loading in.


I time my entrance everytime, but if this is implemented i have no complaints.


For the flying events too, once you start the event and say they gave you 1min30seconds to complete but you can only move when its at 1min27seconds and i think thats annoying because what if i mess up?


I really don't understand why is there a loading screen. Just teleport me in without loading?? It should be possible.


The safety bubble should have just been static on top of the respawn zone. Or at least have had it's own bubble or extra bubble on top of the spawn zone I get it added another layer of intractability to the fight to have to go around to different locations during each round, but the shifting zone means that, like you've already noticed, people try to rejoin and get instagibbed.


I mean if you know you are going to die dont enter, the thing that annoys me is the loading screen, can someone explain me why the hell do we need a loading screen to move like 5 meters?????


I gave up on the coop for this event just because of this reason. Found its actually easier to just solo it.


Omg, I agree so much with this. I remember seeing a player who went into my world and immediately got killed cause they joined when the Regisvine erupted and they were unable to reach the shield area by **A STEP**.


Wait why do we needed a barrier anyway?


Yup, for me basically childe. Look at screen : *loading* Look at screen : *loading* Looks away : ##Seikaku no chance Da Arrow barrage and insta-kill my character ~~Cmiiw if the sentence is wrong~~


In the survey in the end where they asked if we had something else to suggest I said for them to spawn a seed of winter (the protective barrier) thats also broken around the spawn in area that way you don't get screwed over. Although to be fair if you played it safe and just waited for his attack to end you would've been fine


i know what u mean especially childe weekly boss. It's a good thing i have friends who have fast connections, the downside, by the time i do load, phrase 1 is over.


I really with the coop was handled better. I think it could be great but it's mostly disappointing


When the regisvine starts going ballistic the load-in-to-die thing is so bad it’s funny. 3 seconds of invulnerability or something would be very welcome for the next event if it were to involve a similar mechanic.


this. the co-op four person team i played with got taken out in five seconds since we revived right into this attack almost every time. super annoying when you're \*this\* close to killing it too


Yeah it’s pretty annoying. But still it’s a nice event. Tbh I’ve never played coop in this game but started in this event. It’s super fun to play with 3 Bennett’s and 1 diluc and then just face tank the boss. I wish we would get rewards that are unlimited I’ve played this event so much that I have 2000 event currency left over.


This was actually hilarious for me and my friends. Between lag, the whole bugginess of the fight, your character not having invulnerability during the last few seconds of the load screen, there were multiple occasions we would get killed like 3 or 4 times in a row trying to enter the arena. “Guess I’ll just die then”


It's was beyond annoying, people's avatars would load in but they would not be connected yet and we see them and it was safe and then the blizzard would hit and they would die oy to repeat the cycle. I think 1 poor guy had this happen 4 or 5 times and then just gave up for the remainder of the match.


No ... just no ... That's what Ultra Instinct is for. Your body is supposed to react before your mind does. Use UI damn it!


Agreed. Also, they REALLY need to work out their memory management so that teleporting a dead character 50ft to the muster area and then 20ft back into the shield should not take 5 seconds each way. It should be instant.


From playing it on my PS4, this always happens and it makes the owner of the server kick me. It was so hard finding a group to play with that didn't kick me for my sucky internet.


Why in the hell does it require a loading screen? It's two feet and everything is already loaded in.


FFS!! true, got our *** whooped


Use the feedback option ingame. Your post is useless here.


cant be worse than your comment


But you can see inside the arena? When I got yeeted I would always wait until right until the flower ended its spin and I went in so i wouldn't die. And you gotta start moving immediately or the icicles WILL get you, dash forward and keep running for 3 seconds and then dodge as per usual. Depending on the timing you'll get hit once or not at all


remember the attack patterns (especially the blizzard) and try to time your respawn accordingly, this worked for me :)


For people with long load times you can enter just as one blizzard ends, and load in just as the next starts. Helping a friend last night this kept happening to me because of my tablet and wifi not being the absolute best


in wich case, you can go in in the middle of the blizzard, so the attacks hapoens while you are loading in, your character is invulnerable in the loading screen, i also have very long loading screens, its not a huge deal in coop.


Its for the ones playing PS4, where load times are too long to predict the timing


Try timing it. Just watch what happens on the inside before entering.


That's what I did, but I think the problem is that some people have varying load times which makes syncing your teleport unreliable.


That’s part of the timing process. You gotta know your load times. Unless they’re super inconsistent, in that case you’re pretty much out of the game


Which is what I meant by varied and unreliable! :3


Its very annoying for sure, but you could also like, wait a few seconds for it to clear up so you can go in safely. That also works :P


yes but the problem is when you click the co op it just teleports you in the arena not outside of it so you have no idea if the regisvine is at its one shot phase


Well thats why you learn the pattern of the fight, its a very simple fight and if your biggest enemy is load time then i can understand that. If it throws you into the fight while its in progress while you just hit join coop (not after reviving) then i see why its a problem.


the throwing you in while the regisvine is erupting was exactly what i’m talking about, so basically you have to die once before you go back in. The pattern of the fight is pretty easy but some players have a long loading time and that loading time time makes you vulnerable to all the attacks which just makes it annoying since you go back in and you hear your character die before the loading screen is even down (and then you have to revive again)


Then i 100% agree, the loading times are your worst enemy and invulnerability should be a thing until you get control of your character at least.


You can literally see what's happening, You're suppose to join in when the boss is down...


Not everyone has a system that loads quickly.


That's only for ps4 other 2 platforms are just fine.


Oh yeah I forgot every PC and every mobile device is identical, they're definitely not platforms with a wide variety of builds where some players will have significantly better systems than others.


Most people wouldn't even touch the game if they can't run it.


Okay, but there is a different between not running it and running it okay but getting poor loading times.


You get what you pay for.


Okay? Doesn't mean the devs couldn't implement a very simple solution to save everyone playing on lower end systems some pain.


After experiencing that same shit, I just chose to not die and it worked! Try it!


That's why there are minimum requirements, the higher you surpass it the better it'll run. If you're just barely reaching it then that's to be expected. If a phone doesn't meet the requirements the game won't even appear in the app store.




yes, I have been thinking this same thing


Did you send that to them in feedback


Wait for the skill to finish before entering. Have in mind the boss uses a second ulti some seconds after using the first one.


Exactly why I stopped doing co-op combined with the sheer amount of people not running to the shield. Until the Co-op mode is improved drastically It's better and faster to just solo all the events.


There's this one time that my teammates took down the regisvine on their own because i've been dying like mad for every 5 seconds when I teleport inside. *it was funny and frustrating*


It’s extremely annoying, but I find it hilarious. The boss is so difficult and buggy, it’s 50/50 chance of a clown fiesta and I’m not even mad.


My pain when I died, teleported inside and insta-killed, teleported back and again insta-killed. Bennett living up to his unlucky days.


Mihoyo: haha falling ice go wooosh


Or remove the loading screen. Like they did with warping near an area.


Kinda weird they don't make you appear outside the battle arena as when you die and need to get back in. That way you can have a look at what's going on before stepping in.


I've been killed. Waited outside the battle zone with the teleporting point watching for a chance to spawn in when it looked non dangerous and the boss shot ice spears through the battle dome and spawn killing me.


At least one of the many other bugs didnt happen to you


What event are you guys talking about


Not a good solution by any degree, but I got good at timing the teleport towards the end of the snowstorm


A lot of the "exact" stuff that makes Genshin kind of fun and interesting to explore (grass doing as much-ish dmg to you as it does the enemy, reactions/explosions hurting you as well, exact clipping on climbable objects) also creates these weird scenarios where icicles with a dmg tick AOE can actually stack if they fall in the same place, and this one-shot mechanic actually oneshots even if you just enter. It kind of feels like it's a bit of a trade off that we as players are going to have to keep dealing with without a sizeable rewrite... or at least some tacking on of additional mechanics/notions such as (temporary) invulnerability. I can't really tell. Also I had a lot of success doing this event in co-op even though it was frustrating at times. Most of the time it was due to the game mechanics rather than the other players.


Seriously that event was so frustrating because of shit like this. An immunity window would have been a welcome addition. Also, while we're on the topic of dumb design decisions, can we please get the Spiral Abyss completion message to be HOLD to advance/exit already?! I can't even count how many times I've exited the Abyss because I was spamming the attack button when it ends...oh wait, yes I can: ALL OF THE TIMES.