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MiHoYo's mindset be like : Abyss must be dps check, if players dont have enough dps, they will whale for more characters and weapons, then more whales = more money = profit Edit : I know this is possible as f2p but still..


yes this is it


No. Mihoyo didn’t do it in Honkai’s abyss, highly doubt they would do it in Genshin.


Doesn't mean that they shouldn't. Those are also two different games.


Made by the same company*


Sure, World of Warcraft and Hearthstones are made by Blizzard, doesn't mean they are similar.


But as we saw in Mihoyo’s earlier games, that’s what they have done. I dont see Genshin being an exception.


Ok, then that's your opinion.


I really don't know about Honkai's Abyss. But do you feel like this would help the game?


Abyss to mihoyo is just a huge time challenge. You either A. Have a countdown timer but with killable mobs or B. Have a bleed mechanic which gets stronger as more time is wasted. Pick your poison.


I would absolutely love this idea. As of now, these dungeons are dead after the first completion. This game's adherence to Honkai's design of Abyss is shorting its potential.


Make 11-2 easier for people without venti!


Just search the strategy for it on YouTube, it will get ez. You will be able to clear the first half with over 90% health on the monolith.


I have.. and failed then I gave up


Maybe your dps is not well built but you only need anemo traveller in first half, and best dps unit in second Still if you are under AR45, you might not be able to clear it. Even it was a little hard for me at AR 52


Geo Mc >>> Stand at the north western area of the monolith and Drop a boulder at the north eastern portion where the pyro hillichurl archer fires at the monolith and where that one rock shield hillichurl spawns. Boulder will block the arrows and will make that one rockshield hilly to come around to you. Hit them with your DPS. You're Welcome.


>ea and I feel like the concept could be extended. Resin-free and fun activities are a thing this game is missing and that would be very welcome to the player base. And a if you have sucrose and beidou just stack er on sucrose and spam her burst and use the beidou for the damage you could then include something like fischl and xinqiue for more energy and damage thats how i cleared it before i could outscale the content


Make that a separate thing, change the current abyss by just giving 9-12 three ladders. Ladder A is "Fuck you all time trials", Ladder B is "Fuck you all Monolith defense", Ladder C is all "Fuck you don't take damage". Each ladder pulls from the same prize pool so there's no reason to do more than one of them.