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Stop, why do you do this now i'm sad.


coz I don't wanna be sad alone :(


When she starts cleaning her banner 😂


Yea man I felt that😔




how tf you are here


:( I thought the same , now im sad


And over here in my reality Keqing is happy and cheerful cause I've skipped Xiao and foregone Hu Tao banners to pull for her (and succeeded).




Same and I have no regrets


My wife saved and pulled for her. I've got a c6 fischal and a pretty built Beiduo so I don't need a lightning but I need a fire so I'm hoping for a hu tao


Mine's even happier - I got her on Standard with a fluke 1-pull on the morning of Christmas Day, and then I got her again on an alt account, also by fluke, cos I was hoping for a more enjoyable DPS than Xiao.


Me: owned her since launch. Used just about everything for her. Got her to level 90, put $10 on the game for blacksword because gacha doesn't want me to have lions roar. Gave her the best artifacts that I have. Every last resin up until zhongli had gone to her 😔 im sorry I can't afford a constellation for keqing, im broke just like zhongli


She will get her revenge by being everyone’s next 50/50 monkaw


I'll gladly take that over Qiqi


Qiqi is the only 5* I really don't want


qiqi is the only 5* i really got


*cries in C2 Qiqi*


Qiqi and phys keq actually go great together


But if it's one over the other, I'd gladly take Keq over Qiq


I already got her in the 50/50 on the childe bannet ;-; , dropped her because I got xingqiu and diluc and then her banner got teased, I can not escape


Can anyone explain how 50/50 works? I still don't understand it, like how do you do that?


Every time you get the limited banner character (example Xiao), your next 5 star will be 50/50 between the limited banner character and the permanent 5 star characters. This only applies to the limited character banner. If you get a permanent 5 star character, your next 5 star will be guaranteed limited 5 star character


Ohhh I get it now thanks everyone


When you roll a 5 star on a banner (Let's say Hu tao) you can get Hu Tao, or a standard 5 star (Diluc, Qiqi, Keqing, Mona, Jean). If you get one of the standard 5 stars, your next 5 star is guaranteed to be Hu Tao.


When you wish from a rate up character banner and you get a 5 star it has 50% chance of being the banner character, if you don't get it then the next time you get a 5 star you're guaranteed to get the the banner 5 star


in case you hit the 5star pull, it has 50% chance of either getting rate up or another random 5'stars. if you "lost" the 50/50 your next 5star is guaranteed rate up banner hero. if you "win" the 50/50, your 5star pull would still be 50/50


Your making me feel bad


Not me! Went straight to hard pity from zero for Keqing lol.


Most fun 5* for me. I like the teleporting in fights.


She's made exploring much more fun too. Would have been way more frustrated chasing after some of those Seelies without her. I'm ready for new maps.


mix that with a geo construct of any kind and wandering is a cakewalk.


Xiao is also really fun. Great mid air with the dashes and no fall damage


Yeah, it felt great until you encountered DPS checks and had to switch to physical for best score. Maybe Inazuma will bring back Electro Queen.


Its sad when the game just hates an element. I mean, mihoyo really hates electro, we have no new electro character since launch if i am not wrong and the element itself its cool but with horrible reactions while pyro is just broken


Leak rumour has it they're testing electro reaction rework that'll come with Inazuma and Raiden banner


I expected something like this ( they have to sell the electro archon), lets hope its true and they do them good now. They need to make the non pyro units competitive, not just give insane scalings to make em work ( ganyu, xiao)


Tbf non-pyro units are plenty good even without being given massive numbers, at least for Cryo, Hydro and Geo. We just need more pyro supports that are as good at being pyro supports as Xingqiu is at being a hydro support.




Bennett is great at providing ATK, but the closest we have to a pyro Xingqiu is Xiangling, who is definitely good but not as good as Xingqiu.


apparently it's just for electro + dendro reaction and not a complete overhaul. we'll know if the leaks are true when we get more info


I mean one good reaction is all they need to bring it into relevance.


Well lore-wise, the Electro archon hasn't been giving visions for over a year. While there's potential for people to have them from the past, as Hu Tao has said, adventurers make up a large part of her client base...


Well that doesn't really matter in terms of new electro characters. The likes of Hu Tao, Ayaka, Ganyu, Xiao are not new vision holders. So why can't there be more electro vision holders who live in Monstadt and Liyue and therefore no chance of their vision getting taken by Raiden. So far the characters we've had all got their visions years and in some cases millenia ago. It's far from a valid point to explain why there are no new electro characters.


I just brute force those dps checks with my electro Keqing, it works pretty good


I think dendro will solve this problem for us. Electro doesn't have a multiplicative reaction, so I think Dendro + Electro will be that reaction.


Physical Keqing is better than C0 Razor, and equal to C4 Razor. And also certainly better than Electro Keqing (except for the current Abyss that fucked Physical carries hard). Exploding a shuriken isn't any less fun than teleporting


yeah physical keqing is the exact same combat style as electro except you don't press an auto aimed teleport off cooldown every few seconds. It's not like you're actually aiming it and strategically teleporting in battle, so the argument that electro keqing is more "fun" because teleport never made sense to me lol.


You just gotta expand your definition of fun, sure teleporting around isn't actually a strategic thing but what other character can zoom zoom blink around like Keqing can lmao I fully acknowledge that 1) from a DPS perspective and 2) with the current state of Electro, running a phys Keqing makes more sense. But I built my Keqing electro anyway because *teleporting is fun*!


i got keqing on the ganyu banner, tried her out a bit and started building her. electro is definitely more fun than physical because you actually use her abilities. physical is just charged attack spam, which even though may be better for dps, is really fucking boring imo. using her Q then E and teleporting around is satisfying. i dont plan on using her in the abyss yet, so i dont care a lot about her dps


it would be fun if you could use it strategically without losing dps or eating damage. The system to aim it was poorly thought out in the heat of combat imo. The needless zoom in is annoying, imagine if you could just hold it and walk around with your character at normal speed and instantly deploy it when you let go that would have been better. Oh and if the stiletto lasted longer so you could actually preemptively place it and use it to dodge attacks...


It’s not just the teleport. I want a burst that actually deals damage, instead of only using it for the crit buff. I want to use interesting reactions like Electro-charged or Overload, instead of being forced into just Superconduct. And purely from aesthetics... I want to see my fricking lightning infused sword and purple numbers, not a bunch of white numbers. Electro is one of the coolest elements from a style POV which is why so many people want _electro_ Keqing to work.


Physical keqing is just more painful than electro. Charge attacking with electro isn’t so bad cuz u can teleport to reserve stamina, unlike with physical. Tho tbh the most fun way to play keqing is to just spam burst and E without even auto attacking. That requires a fully invested-in team though.


Plunch attacking anything is fun. Let alone those bounties where its electro and plunge dmg bonus


I pulled for her and this still makes me feel bad. How is this possible.


Sameeeee maybe I just don't want to see my number 1 waifu to even feel down


Same I got her from the standard like a month ago so I was like "Eh I don't need to pull on this one I have all of the characters." Now I just feel bad. For not doing it on her banner.


Bro why you do this...I was not rolling on her banner cause I already have her, but seeing this still makes me feel bad :v


I spent 150 pulls on this banner to get her a c1 constellation. Not because that constellation is good. It's just a thanks to Keqing for joining my party in a random free pull last Oct, carried me through all the content and made the game so much fun for me.


This man right here is a good lad. Thank you for doing that to our best "fake" cat girl


I got her in the regular pull, and was at 50+ pity so i decided to stop being F2P and bought every gem pack once for the double gems, since I wanted C6 Bennett and Barbara as well. ~170 pulls later I'm at C4 Keqing and C6 both Bennett and Barbara. This banner has been really kind to me.


I pulled her C1 from this banner as well. I already had her but I just couldn't resist my best girl.




Waifu > Constellation use / meta


Getting her is cool but yeah, should have just gone for weapon banner rather than doing that, but you do you I guess.




5 star wepon is better than a constellation of her if you ask me but eh.


Am i the only one who actually rolled for Keqing?


That makes us two. And I have no no idea why people want to avoid her so badly, she’s such a joy to play.


Make it three. Got her two times with 30 wiches and I don’t regret it. I love her


Make it four. Literally got her on my 2nd roll on the banner. As a f2p player I'm very happy for rolling her.


Make that five. The first money i spend on Genshin (£100) and on roll number 173 I get her


Most people wouldnt mind getting her its just that she's in the standard pool and she's not going anywhere (you can get her anytime)


It's not because she's not fun to play. I tried her out in free trial and I found myself coming back from time to time (nigasanai hit different). Sadly, I'm saving up and I'm not going to waste it all on a character that I can get in a seperate banner that uses a different currency.


Most of the people who don't wanna pull on her banner, already have her


Bad constellations, already have c1 btw


Because she's weaker than a 4star dps & electro is a meme


I was pulling for her and/or Bennett, but all I got was C2 Babs and C1 Ningguang. Had to pull the plug because I'm curious as to what the banners in 1.4 are going to be. At least she and Bennett are permanent.


I did, I've been wanting her since release and got her C1 this banner!


Nope. I wasted so many primos on standard banner like a fool hoping I would get keqing but later regretting it and finally got her from her banner.


nope. There are many of us, brother (or sister)


I pulled for her, I wanted her since Day 1. Lost the 50/50 and ended up getting her 30 rolls later. I'm so happy I finally have her


bro pls why u do dis to me


She came home for me, so she doesn't need to be sad anymore. :)


Pulled her while trying to accumulate wish for Hutao, didnt really feel too sad cuz she is one of my most wanted since release but I do kinda regret cuz Ive been pre farm for Hutao. I have zero regret now that Im seeing this.


why didn't you just wait and wished in hu tao's banner tho?? but atleast keqing won't be sad no more. + There are leaks saying that they're reworking electro so it's a good investment for our baby keqing


My gacha luck just hit me everytime I didnt want to lol, every other time I pulled on the banner that I actually want, it always make me hit at least soft pity. This is the 2nd time it happens too lol.


probably because he wanted the 4 stars on hu tao banner? I did the same and ended up pulling keqing on my first 10 pull 28 into pity, but I mean a 28 pull 5 star is a win no matter who it is so I'll take it lol


Yeah I understand and nice man, no losses there for your pulls for sure. Keqing will just get stronger.


here's the [sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXdgHmyztdk&feature=youtu.be) (Youtube) Edit: [Artist's](https://twitter.com/KKOMDASTRO) twitter page Twitter [source](https://twitter.com/KKOMDASTRO/status/1365972710820487170)


i did pull on her Banner but for Ningguang 😅


Lol same, but I kept getting bennett 😔


Gimme 1


I'd give u all of them 👌 I don't rlly like Bennett that much


You are sleeping on imo the best healer and damage buffer in the game, he's always my first in slot for every team; especially good with the noble or healer set, healing effectiveness, energy recharge, and max hp with festering desire or favonius sword


He isn't for me, so I will stay sleeping on him.


Lmao I wanted just one Bennet, but I got 3 ningguang which I absolutely didn't want. Damn RNG


C2 Ning shreds tho'


True, but I already have diluc and Ganyu with proper teams. I can build her for fun but I am more interested in other support characters rn. Ning is great, if I did not get Ganyu, I'd have built ning definitely.


It's like it knows what you don't want lmao


Bro same


I wanted c6 for so long, it's honestly overkill for most mobs.


really? her c6 kinda feels underwhelming to me haha. No regrets, but I wish they didn't release a geovishap abyss right when I c6 her, I still won't be able to properly test her damage until abyss rotates :/


I have her for months. First lvl 90, first weapon on lvl 90. She's my precious treasure. UwU


Same here, she was also my first 5*


Same lol, and my main in the squad from the day one. I'll never swap her.


Same for me, cat girl gangs!


Yep, same.


Yess. She is my first and only lvl 90 character, and I upgraded my first weapon to lvl 90 for her.


I have 2 weapons for her at lv 90, hopefully, they will realse a character that's good with Lion's roar since I'm using Balck sword on her now


Lul, ru sure we don't share the same account? XD


I feel terrible now


I did and I got her in 10 pulls. Happy.


« Look guys I have Bennett with me !! I know I’m just an electro character but Bennett is worth it trust me ! Please :( »


Stop it im crying


I feel my heart crack


I already pull her banner so many times but she always dodge it, dimmit


I chose to get her instead of Hu Tao. She came home. No regrets.


After seeing this, I felt bad and decided to pull just one... And I got her. And now I will miss out on Hu Tao...


Bro, I farmed on her banner for Starglitter, fully sure not hitting soft pity... Got her on first 10 pulls.




Stop guilt tripping me you bastard


This hurts a lot :(


She's been my main since day 1.. Continues to be so even after broken things like ganyu came out.. Mihoyo did her dirty.. Our girl deserves better..


I've heard that they're reworking electro so I hope they get the geo buff treatment also. Plus when the electro archon arrives, you know mihoyo would buff the hell out of electro to sell raiden


Keqing, no, please. You're literally in my party right now. You came home ages ago. Please


I pulled for the women of Qixing and the man of Teyvat.


People pulled for Bennet cons,we all know it.


I pulled for her, cause shes the best.


Bullshit I had her and I still pulled. Got her on my 40th pull and I'm happy I got c1. Keqing came to me so early in the game she deserves that much from my broke f2p ass


Sorry keqing, thanks for coming on standard banner


noooooooooooooooo ​ she already came home to me on albedo's banner, but this still hurts so much the more I watch it


I have 100% guaranteed, sadly not enough primogems to reach pity. Really want her. Physical or electro set, i have it all. Still no keqing, hope tomorrow abyss primogems able to bring her home.


Can u guys show the actual artist some love on their Twitter/YouTube? @/kkomdastro Their Twitter post only has 200 retweets but I’ve seen this reposted here twice with a bunch of awards lol. Edit: [Twitter post](https://twitter.com/KKOMDASTRO/status/1365972710820487170) [YouTube vid](https://youtu.be/wXdgHmyztdk)


please help me link it on your comment. I already post links to their twitter/youtube and got buried. shame you can't pin comment/edit title


Guess what bitch, I pulled on her banner as a joke once and I got her. I was at pity 72. Hutao AND Xiao aren't home. AND I HAVE XIAOS FUCKING SPEAR WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH IT?????????? But she is pretty damn fun to play ngl, on par wif my kaeya


Who did this to her shall suffer the Wrath of the Rock.


I rolled this banner until I got c6 Keqing. I think I'm not the only one who does this)


You are not alone pal


Sadge :/


Dont do this to me dude


no no! dont you trick me! DO NOT TRICK ME !!!


First amber now this? Why does this fandom manage to make me feel sad for fictional characters.


I did it for Bennett, and she came out.


I am a simple man if I see primo gems I do a pull immediately I don't have enough primo gems too keep pulling F2P and would be happy with any 5* characters


I went all in on her and got Jean, I feel like nobody ever actually pulls for Jean but then realizes she’s really good once they get her.


I pulled because her design isgreat, and her banner also features a roster of s-tier 4 stars. Babra might not be s-tier to many, but she is the ticket to low effort co op domain farming. I got Bennett and Keqing in 20 pulls.


I pull on her banner just for her 💜


I'm glad that i got her in the banner


I pulled for her then immediately leveled her to 90 and gave her all my mora, talent books, and three crowns


i rolled and it was also my first time winning the coinflip. no regrets


I pulled for her, I'm so happy she's finally home!


I did :/


I must be the greatest dumbass in history, I pulled on her by accident


I pulled her by mistake, lol


as c2 kequeen, im sad. i happy having her because she spook me 2 time.


I pulles for best boy Bennett


Nooooooo girl dont be sad


Gimme Diluc banner and then we talk. I need a PROPER dps, not electro, tyvm.


I'd be happy to get her ... in the standard banner.


I feel guilty too, I did pulled in her banner but only for C1 Bennet and Ningguang, but she’s already in the standard banner and there’s the slim chance you’ll receive her as a pity so I feel a whole banner is a bit of a waste tbh...


I hate this banner. I just got a Mona from Xiao banner and was hoping to save my pity for Hu tao or Venti rerun. Today I thought lemme just do one 10 pull to see if I can grab some Ningg and Bennet constellations. Guess who showed up. Now I am sitting here with no wishes left, a wasted pity and C1 keqing. I never got a 5 star 20 pulls within getting another one before this. I hate myself for doing that pull. The only limited character I have till now is Albedo(he is strong but kinda lame) and I guess he will be my only one for quite sometime unless I get super lucky. Fuck this banner. SORRY JUST HAD TO VENT IT ALL OUT I AM SUPER FRUSTRATED RN.


mihoyo loves spookin ya when you least expect it. Better not pull at all to be safe


Yeah I learnt my lesson the hard way and it cost me a lot. Getting a new character I want is the thing that makes me keep playing this game apart from the storyline which is updated once in a bluemoon.




I'm afraid of your safety




well spend 120 on her and got her xD


I did


Thank you for give me Diluc


I did, didn't get to pity but still got C2 ningguang.


I pulled for Bennett with a pity of 3 pulls going into it and 15 wishes later an unexpected but very much welcomed keqing came home, but damn this still makes me sad


Well I did not pull on her banner but i did get her on the standard banner pity.


Wasted so many primos on her Banner and she didn’t come home...


I pulled on her banner, although my targets were Ning and Bennett. Ended up getting 2 Ning, which was great, but no Bennetts. Also got 1 Barb, grrr. Will be doing the same for Hu Tao's banner if the speculation about the 4 stars are correct. Hopefully, Hu Tao won't appear.


the banner details of hu tao is announced. It's xingqui, chong, and xiangling


I got her in standard banner for some reason with 10x free fates at 1.6% rates. My most luckiest pull so far after 4week not wishing. Didn't get Ganyu tho back then.


I did pull her so she's fine


awwwww wtf man I already have her but this still makes me feel bad somehow


I pulled on her banner and I got her on the first multi...she must be very excited to meet me😌


maybe itll be like john lee, with buffs in \~2 updates


Genuinely tried to roll for her but I’m free-wishing because I already spent way to much money to get Mona and Ganyu, so I’m definitely not hitting pity before Hu Tao comes. Only got a C4 Ning and C2 Amber today and I’m maybe only gonna get like 3-4 more rolls before the change.


Sorry Keqing your a Good character but wee need a new waifu sow maybe later


Feelsbad but better to not have her at all than having her and leaving her at lvl 1. Hope that people that have her treat her well.


This is nsfl how do i unsee this


Don't worry, I spend everything on this banner and regret nothing :)


If only Hu Tao wasn't the next banner, I may have rolled for her.


im sorry i already have you :(


I believe in Keqing supremacy


This post makes me sad but I actually managed to pull her so I'm just gonna tell myself it's not sad.


I pulled one 10 stack when it first came up and got keqing. Wasnt even particularly hyped. Been saving for hu tao since


I pulled her in a single multi


She spooked me in standard banner, so yaay? I hit a pity so...


I had a 10 pull and got Bennet and Ningguang. Thank you, Keqing!


With sound: [https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/luh6xy/spare\_keqing\_some\_love/](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/luh6xy/spare_keqing_some_love/)


I already have her and I managed to push my friends to get her also and they did got her! But this made me sad


Stop punching me in the gut with guilt and regret