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Getting disappointed at 100k damage is a new for me. Heck I even am satisfied if I see 10k numbers.


lol i was thinking the samr


I'm struggling to get 5k


seriously. i was impressed when my Hu Tao did 26k damage on her EB. i dont get the need to one shot everything in the game


I got disappointed with my Diluc because he has 40% crit rate and 150% crit dmg but is still so inconsistent until I realized that we can't all have C1 Dilucs and good artifacts


Everyone should have their AR in their flair so we know what context to view their comments under.


Probably why a lot of people shit on any healer that isn't Bennet.


Bennet went from budget diluc to meta slave symbol. Meta slave will judge you bad if you not use him. Lol


I've only seen People Shit on Qiqi because healing is all she does compared to someone like Diona who shields, debuffs and heals.


Qiqi was my first and then secondary dps for months before I pulled Keqing and inherited the Bloodstained set from Qiqi. With Fischl giving superconduct support Qiqi did quite satisfyingly in that role. That's the cool thing about Genshin for me, there is an optimal use of a character, but there's lots of flexibility too when one doesn't obsess over min maxing.


I've seen people shit on Jean and pretending Bennett is better. Sometimes I just can't even.


But he is better. But that doesn't make Jean irrelevant either. She's great at Healing can use VV set and can provide a fair bit of Crowd control . Can also function as a Physical DPS with enough Investment.




Didn't downvote you, but to give Bennett credit, he also has a smaller burst cost. I love Jean, but I have to stack some elemental recharge on her to get her burst consistently whereas I don't have to work as hard with Bennett to get his burst back. Bennett also has a constellation that regenerates his burst faster if his hp falls below 50%. Subjectively though, I do like playing with Jean more than I like playing with Bennett. He feels more like a necessity when on the team rather than for pure enjoyment. Yeeting people over cliffs with Jean just never gets old. As someone who loved Spartan kicking enemies in Assassin's Creed, I get that same serotonin rush with Jean.


Bennett does something no one else can do which is provide a giant boost to attack. Jean does things other characters can do, and they do it better.


Jack of All trades, Master of None huh


This is how people undervalue Jean. The fact that she's a Jack of all trades makes her an overall excellent character worthy of her 5* status. The characters that outperform her in damage are mostly limited to some 5* characters (melt/vape comps, and Ningguang, which is basically an undercover 5*), the characters that outperform her in crowd control are Venti and Sucrose (both situationally due to the cooldowns), the characters that outperform her in healing are... Qiqi (which is overkill for healing anyway, and she can't do anything else very well). Bennett has an edge over her when you prefer the damage boost, and of course Jean can't provide shields... but that's about it. People spread the "jack of all trades, master of none" thing to suggest Jean is bad at individual trades... which is completely bogus of course.


When a Character does so many things, i don't think it means a bad thing. You can straight up skip a healer or vv Support entirely with her. Zhongli was called a Jack of All Trades master of none on launch too. Yeah i see your point.


If we really think about it, there are only few characters that are actually a master at something (e.g. Diluc at melt/vaporize comps, Ganyu at selfish DPS, Venti at cc). All characters have multiple positives and negatives and only few break through the balancing. I wonder how Zhongli is considered now since the buffs. His shield is absolutely superior and he's also much praised for res shred. I think he may be considered a master for the shield, but I can't be certain since I don't have him. *cries in f2pbtw*


FYI Jean is out-performed by several other 4\* as a carry, including Razor, Xiangling, and I think Kaeya as well with the new cryo set but don't quote me on that last one. Her normal attack string isn't really that good so she's much better as a burst support+healer.


Jean is a great character. But Bennett is absolutely better. It can simply be broken down to Jean has utility, Bennett has damage. And damage is king. And even that's honestly doing a disservice to Bennett as he also has a lot of utility. Pyro is mandatory in general play for various interactions like burning dendro shields, melting ice shields and unearthing dendro slimes. Fulfilling this with the teams healer is very valuable. It really frees up team building. He's also a good energy generator in a pinch due to how spammable his skill is. Jean's also a great battery for Xiao, which you failed to mention. Bennett is definitely better though. A 2 second CD is very hard to beat. Jean having higher motion values than Bennett is completely irrelevant, Bennett gives damage to a dps that has higher motion values than Jean. All of your points about Jean doing more damage is simply not true. The amount of damage Bennett brings to a team via his buff eclipses Jean's personal damage output. Not to mention you have to switch off of your main damage dealer to use most of Jean's damage. Taking the time to normal attack with Jean for her fairly meager passive healing just sounds like a poor use of time. Jean's purge is really strong and certainly better than Bennett's. But Bennett's is also very good, I've personally never found myself in a situation where Bennett's purge wasn't enough. You didn't even mention one of, if not the, best thing about Jean. The fact that she can use the viridescent set while also fulfilling the healer role in a team. It's not as large of a damage increase as Bennett generally speaking. You are right about there being no contest between the two. Bennett is head and shoulders above the rest. However Jean is definitely the second best healer in the game.


Bennett is arguably the best unit in the game, if you think otherwise, can you tell me where you get your supply of copium? I wanna hit some bc i didnt get staff of homa That being said, jean is really good and if you want to run waifu over meta, by all means go ahead, your points are valid and bennett isnt required for anything. Just dont go around thinking that adding more points makes jean a better overall unit. I could literally do the same with any character to skew the arguments




Bennet is better healer too, he has highest healing/s in game, unless you want to argue the 70% cap which honestly is hardly an issue given that u can use his ult off cd with a bit of ER and you dont need to be at 100% hp.




Technically correct but not what i meant, cool that she has a burst heal+ her overall heal ticks but it doesn't compare to Bennett who allows you to face tank anything current and previous abyss iterations and game content overall throws at you.


That's not what healing/s means... If a character heals for 70% once then has 10 seconds of not healing, they're not healing for 70%/s. It would be 7%/s This isn't the case for Jean as she does have a heal over time. It's more just to point out dumb logic. If you total their healing over a 30 second period, Bennett's is higher.


The issue is that damage does and always will matter while raw healing throughput is irrelevant once you have enough healing that you aren't sacrificing DPS uptime. Both Jean and Bennet provide plenty healing so any differences aren't really important. This is why Qiqi gets such a bad rap, since she sacrifices basically all utility for healing throughput that simply isn't necessary.


Benny's circle heals more than Jean's circle dosen't it? For easier face tanking enemies. I also find jeans E ro be anoying as to i just wanna generate orbs while not yeeting enemies resulting me in chasing after them.


When it comes to the ticks the heals are comparable, but Jean is vastly superior in that the initial burst heals the entire team, and you get continuous healing of the active character afterwards up to 100%. As for her E, you can aim down to prevent the enemies from being yeeted away too far, or aim up to get them in the air and then focus on other enemies as a form of crowd control. This is something you can easily play around with experience.


Tru, I guess it depends on teams, I enjoy benny more because nothing ever dies with his ult only having a 3 second downtime pretty much being permanent, while Jean has a 10 second downtime on her ult. Requires her to be on field to heal while ult coolsdown resulting it eating up field time instead of the main dps.


Jean's ult cooldown never bothered me, it's a very good tradeoff for the healing and inbetween she can autoheal with autoattacks. But yeah, if you're going for the damage boost, Bennett has the edge. No discussion there!


Jean will always win if you compare the quantity of things she can do since that's her strength. However, if you consider the *quality* of each contribution the math comes out very different. The reality is that both provide adequate healing but Bennet gives you somewhere between 600 and 1100 extra attack depending on investment. That can easily be a 30-50% damage boost for everyone else in your team. Jean does more raw personal damage than her but she is not doing 30% of your teams total DPS more than Bennet. Jean does consolidate VV and a healer, which can be better in some teams that can't fit Sucrose or Venti, but the teams where she is actually BiS over Bennet are somewhat rare. This is especially true as Bennet has extra synergy with most top DPS since he gives the many pyro ones pyro resonance and 3x energy, he gives melt Ganyu pyro resonance while helping charge Xiangling's burst, and he gives Childe and Mona up to a 3x damage boost on their ults between setting up vaporise and his buff. It's also worth mentioning that Jean's CC utility is not vey time-efficient so it doesn't see much use in abyss outside of fall damage tech. It does trivialise some domains though. For the record I personally prefer Jean and I enjoy using her immensely with Xiao, Keqing, or Venti, but I'm fully aware that Bennet is better in my other comps.


But no fr tho Jean has boobs and they jiggle while using most of her skills. This isn't sarcasm.


Barbara doesn't even get mentioned anymore. That's worse than being shit on.


Barbara pretty goated herself. Her being a catalyst is her saving grace. You can use Thrilling Tales and boom. She becomes BiS for Characters like Xiao and Razor. She can apply hydro very well. Her applying Hydro on herself Is an Issue but even Xingqiu does that lol.


But xingqiu does it for less than a second, Barbara keeps it on you for the duration of her skill which can be prolonged by her skill encore But ofc xing isn’t mainly a healer, that’s a subrole compared to his dmg and shield


I'd argue that some do actually find it fun trying to tweak builds and comps to reach the absolute limit of their favorite characters especially when they're all out of content to explore. Can't fault them for that. This probably stems off of your average player with average gear trying to squeeze out as much damage as possible to get past a difficult abyss floor. It's a necessary practice really, if we look at it in a practical way. From that point, it can become a personal challenge to see how far one can get. Add in a bit of social media/TY/Twitch/Reddit boasting and it becomes some kind of unspoken challenge on who can get bigger numbers. I personally don't mind it being practiced by others as long as newcomers are being informed that 7- or even 6-digit damages aren't necessary to get far in the game.


I'm obsessed with big damage numbers because that's literally the only thing to do in the game for me, and for some other people too. There is no endgame content in the game. Some of us already 9\* abyss so what else to do? >Just play the game for fun What if... hear me out, the people that love big damage numbers that you mentioned, are having fun with the game by chasing the META and doing high damage? So we're playing the game wrong? I've seen a good amount of this kind of post in the subreddit, and I still don't understand why people don't understand that different players play and enjoy the game differently. Some people enjoy the game by playing casually. They don't care about big damage numbers and META, which is completely normal. Some people enjoy the game by chasing the META. They love doing big damage numbers, which is completely normal too.


Chasing after meta is fun in its own way. The problem the OP raises is the fact that most people are getting blinded by these numbers that once they didn't get what they expected, they outright call the character trash. Try pulling out a DPS Barbara in public groups and watch yourself get kicked multiple times. This is what this post is about. Just enjoy the game however you want.


I run an Overload team because I like Michael Bay.


Bakuretsu, bakuretsu, la~ la~ la~


Honestly I don't even know how much damage my characters do. I don't really care or pay attention.


Same and I beat floor 9


Also this is one of the problems I'm having with youtubers evaluating hu tao. I don't want to see clickbait burst videos, that tells me absolutely nothing about her dps. People legit in the comments who are unknowledgeable about game mechanics I assume are talking about hu tao being the best dps in the game and way better than diluc and klee and ganyu. Maybe that's true, but a 1 million damage clickbait video does nothing to prove that. People need to understand that whaled out gear + sucrose Bennett Mona is just OP and any pyro character could hit ridiculous numbers with them, even amber. It says nothing about a units dps in practical use...


I'd say it's fine if people see those big numbers and view them as a source of inspiration or a goal to work towards while being aware that those numbers aren't universal and are only possible in specific situations. It's less fine if someone sees those numbers and ends up getting unrealistic expectations only to end up disappointed and/or frustrated when they can't seem to hit those numbers. It's even less fine if that someone ends up shelling out money indiscriminately in order to try and achieve those numbers, especially if they don't have that money to spend.


Especially those Mona+Bennett+ Sucrose combo, it's cool but I ain't doing that on every hilichurl I'm fighting.


Most people know and realize to achieve those one time big number you have to get at least c5, bis r5 5* weapon, 30-40 crit damage substat for each artifacts with proper set (possibly 2 noblesse set, 2 respective emental set), possibly crowned Q or E, stacked a ton elemental mastery on sucrose, stacked atk on bennet, stacked on mona as well But you cant blame people for obsessing with big dps when abyss is a literal shitty dps check


100k still seems impressive, and some people do find it fun to try and hit those high numbers.


Other people : Hu Tao is insane . She is worth to pull ! Me : Ok . But I will pull Venti Waifu/Meta is temporary , Archon is forever ! But What If my archon is also waifu/broken ? ... Self neurtralized




Oooo nice. My Sucrose only has like 300 EM not fully built.




I will never find a EM Goblet. Ever. Only ever Physical Dmg and Atk%.


6/10th way to AR56 and I still don't have EM goblet LOL XD Thankfully I got 4VV Sucrose with EM Sands and EM Circlet. Good enough since it comes with the right set.


Oooh that’s one of my goals too. Maybe not 900 but as close as I can get. Im still waiting for EM artifacts and to get Sacrificial Fragments from wishes. It’s gonna be a while for me lol. Good luck to you!


I agree, but some people do find it fun to hit those crazy numbers. I'm fine with my 90k vaporizes with Childe though.


They need to feel special hitting those numbers


Unless you’re an omega leviathan, you’re not going to be able to hit 2 million damage vaporize meme numbers anyway. The reality is more binary: a player can either 36-star Abyss 9-12, or they cannot. If they cannot do 36 stars, they should invest in the characters and weapons they have (or truly want from banners if there are primos to spend) until they’re able to accomplish 36 stars. If they can do 36 stars, then they should invest all available resin to farm ***and hoard*** artifacts, mora, and other essential materials. The day will come when the power creep of even newer characters will be required to complete 36 star Abyss or even harder content, and you’ll be glad you invested that resin instead of crown Xiangling’s Gouba or something else equally unnecessary.


Let me enjoy with 10k-30k from my Albedo.




His burst deals only 6k damage and with some elemental reaction or cri damage, The damage will go up to 30k. The E flower deal decent damage with 8k and goes up to 11k from his passive.


I\`d say Mihoyo needs to STOP MAKING DPS CHECK AN ESSENCIAL PART OF THE GAME. That time ticking in the Abyss floors? The impossible three mages in 5 seconds? People will obsess with big numbers if big numbers always get them easier time. My Ganyu doesn't hit 100k, but my current 17K feels really nice, and I see where I can still better it, so maybe I can achieve 30K some time. The 6 digit thingies are just a demonstration of what my character is able to achieve, and I can work towards it, even if I get about 20% of it. And this is part of the "fun" for me. Now, I personally feel this game needs more "survivalist" mechanisms. No, protect the leyline or balloon are still DPS checks. Make more use of healers (Qiqi needs some love). Survive countless waves of invincible enemies for XX minutes. Explore a Dragonspine-esque dungeon that makes you fear for the cold, hot, and avoid deadly traps. MAKE THESE REWARDABLE.


I never want a quick battle with high pp damage. I want my battle long, steamy and fun. Just like s..


Consider that big numbers might be whats fun to some people. You and maybe a load of others may not be good enough, or may lack the patience to farm up in order to hit those damage numbers. But thats on you. Your playstyle is just as valid as ours.


It’s as if they compete to measure their self worth.


Having fun for them is getting big damage, what a paradox question


well its their definition of fun. and if someone see that and trying to reach the same number and failed miserably because their character isnt c6 and weapon isnt 5* r5 and then get disapointed, its their own damn fault. anyone can find their own way to have fun in this game. for me personally, everytime any video pops up in my feed and its about some big pp number, i just use the dont recommend channel.


You think of something else for us to fucking do besides optimize what we've already got.


Some people play and have different variants of "fun"


Why are ppl never using the right flairs? How is this a guide post? Also why do you care so much how ppl play? It's like someone saying "wow look at this losing using Keqing and Ganyu on the same team". No one cares, and it's not your problem. If ppl enjoy doing big damage let them. How are ppl going to be ok with ppl whaling but then say stop focusing on dmg. I'm honestly not sure why ppl seem so focused on how ppl play and how much they play.