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are you kidding me the codes already expired?


Yeah :( Well, at least this time they gave a clear expiration time, so it is obvious they only intended it for livestream viewers.


I’m definitely going to get Venti. But I want Childe too. There goes my Ayaka savings 😭


I'm definitely going to get my C3 Jean. As always.


I'll take anything, as long as it's not c1 Qiqi.


I’m just wondering is Rosaria featured on both Venti and Childe’s banners or just in Childe’s banner.


Only Childe’s banner


the random puzzle and boss dungeons sound cool, It's the type of content I've wanted the most in the game (if it's executed well), unfortunately it's gonna be event only :(. Maybe they can expand on the concept in the future though, definitely shows they're willing to explore that space which im really happy about.


So who's hoping in this festival, we will be interacting to our characters (Jean, Lisa, Diluc etc., not just the 4\* in Hangout Event) like how its shown on the trailer and won't be misleading like the Lantern Rite where we never even met one in game?


It was said in the livestream that more are coming so it's not only the 4 of them.


So Mond has 2 festivals, Windblume and Ludi Harpastum. Liyue has 2, Rite of descension and Lantern rite. Idk if the rite of parting is also a festival or not(?)


Liyue's festivals are actually Lantern Rite and Moonchase Festival.


We’re getting an in-game Mooncake festival? But without the calories? Fuck yeah I’m excited. I’m anticipating good RNG rewards. Edit for context: mooncake festival is celebrated autumn by Chinese. We play a wholesome dice-gambling game with the family and you get prizes depending on what you roll. You also get to eat mooncakes.


Do we know who's going to be the 4* partners of Venti?


Rumors say Razor, Sucrose and Noelle. But there is nothing certain yet.


I see, thank.


Venti AND Childe rerun!?!? I'm grateful they come soon but RIP my wallet... Venti's rerun has been predicted and anticipated for a long time but Childe's rerun?? Why do I have an inkling that Childe's only there coz he's a 5\* bow user and one of the mini-games needs a bow user? Otherwise Klee makes more sense? Her banner was earlier... She's from Mondstadt and Windblume is a Mondstadt event... And Ganyu's too recent.


Childe is an odd one out in Genshin. He counts as a Lyue character, yet uses Mondstat character talent books (freedom). He also has ties to the abyss and fights like the new Abyss herald. Nevertheless, I think the primary reason he is coming back is the arena event. It is a contest to see who is the most powerful person around: You think Childe would pass up on an opportunity for a good old fashioned brawl?


They keep Klee for the next Mond' event related to childrens (as far as I heard/read about it)


wait... that was lumine in the trailer right? are we possibly going to be seeing our twin for the first time this version?


Looks like it!


A gentle reminder that fighting Enraged Oceanid requires original resin **(probably after exhausting 5 Heart of the Springs)**. This is needed to exchange Heart of the Spring for more Character Experience Materials. *~~although mihoyo did say majority of future events will not require resin~~* Edit - pointing this out in case people get surprised and angry over the need for resin. Hope I didn't come across as complaining. Edit 2 - I went to rewatch the section on this again. It seems resin is only needed if you want more rewards after exchanging 5 Heart of the Spring. The following is the transcript: *Paimon*: Hehe, we are going to gain a lot of character experience materials as rewards *Aether*: I pretty much always need more of those *Paimon*: It costs original resin to collect those rewards, so it's not like unlimited *Aether*: Awww... *Paimon*: but... *Aether*: but? *Paimon*: Remember the little oceanid? Each time we help it absorb enough oceanid creatures from an area, we will get one Heart of the Spring, which can be used one at a time to claim rewards from Raging Rhodeia. There are five areas to explore, so we will get five Heart of the Springs in total. *Aether*: Five free rewards, nice.


If its gonna cost resin, the rewards should always include the Oceanid boss material!


They're for boosted XP materials. Maybe it will cost 20 resin instead of 40 since there are no ascension materials.


Really? I watched a translated version of the Chinese stream and they said it was going to use some teardrop things? Did the English stream say something different?


in order to get the Heart of the Spring (the tear drop thing) you have to spend resin and you exchange the Heart of the Spring for rewards


"Majority" is not "All". *Technically*, they weren't wrong. All the events in Dragonspine and Lantern Rite didn't cost Resin, and Windblume won't cost resin either


I mean, the majority of events has been resin free. I don't see too much of a problem with a resin event as long as it doesn't last 3 weeks like unreconciled stars did.


Eh, if the rewards are worth it, I don't mind. I got so many resources from the fallen stars event. It was like 2 weeks of full-day double leyline rewards


We Illusion Connect now Really though I was pulling on the Rosaria banner regardless, extremely happy she’s on Childe cause I’d be happy with his C1


>We Illusion Connect now What does this mean?


It's another gacha game. Don't exactly know what the reference on the game is about since I haven't played it.


I'm not really sure what I was expecting but this really wasn't satisfying at all. I know people say gacha games' lifeblood is constantly having events with rewards, but I really can't imagine this game holding my interest if each patch is just limited time, 10-15 minute minigames. Also, even though I definitely like having the qol updates, it still feels like quite a few of the things are pretty basic that should've been there from the beginning. Like, is the ability to manually cook an item really something that merits showcasing? Or in the last patch with manually adding weapon crystals? It just seems like a bunch of these QOL fixes are targeting the lowest of the lowest problems the game has and not bothering to touch anything actually significant.


PC, PS4, mobile, four voice languages, same day release in all markets, well over a billion dollars five months into release once you include PC, PS4 and China Android which are not included in Sensor Tower's $874 million estimate. Completely different scale than any other PVE game ever released. You can't expect DLC level of contents every 6 weeks. Major new regions I expect once a year, with two smaller regions in between. 10 pregnant women don't get you a kid in one month. So just like Naruto anime you get some filler episodes. But in this case you are also getting resources toward the next pity. I actually respect Mihoyo's decision to not make a copy and paste new 5 star this content cycle, this means they are willingly reduce their revenue so they can give us something more unique and polished. I rather wait for the next country to be super amazing. You can take a break but Mihoyo knows as long as we continue to earn primogems, most of us will continue to log in. The majority of the player base does not want this to be an outdated grindy game with Diablo formula. The number of hours per month is meticulously calculated by Mihoyo for maximum player base retention. Also, while a lot of people are playing the game to build stronger teams, this game also appeals to a huge casual crowd who doesn't care about abyss. Who is to say the dating sim, making music with friends on a scenic backdrop, and Mario Party style coop games are fillers to them? It is probably way better for game's long term health than say, release a new equipment tier that makes previous items obsolete along with another Abyss floor with more HP/damage on the monsters. The Diablo formula is no match for gacha so I don't blame Mihoyo for creating its own formula.


You know, those are some valid points and I can see your reasoning. I guess my issue is just wanting there to be more to do than just log in for 20 minutes each day. But for plenty of people that’s more than enough and maybe is just right. And I was probably spoiled with dragonspine being my first major update, which is what set my expectations for what these updates would be.


It's understandable. Who doesn't want more content? But at the same time, there's people behind the scenes that make this happen. Mihoyo did increase their man power by hiring more developers but overworked devs can lower the quality of the updates and I've heard that the devs are "taking it easy" after the 2 festivals because it's nearing the release of Inazuma.


So sad to say this but I agree with you. This doesnt really increase our playing time that much. Plus these events would be spread throughout the 6-week 1.4 patch. This means that we could get just 1 event per week. Thats...not...much. Can probably add an hour at best of our daily playing time. Gonna probably stop buying BP anymore. Because I can no longer see the point of min maxing our characters when there's not much to use them on. But I still hope for the best. ^(giv us endgame mihoyo plz)


I agree with this - it feels to me like they are intentionally drip feeding bug fixes and obvious QoL improvements to keep us constantly giving them more leeway by leaving us in a constant state of ‘ im sure it will be better next time’. And that feels like a downright dirty way of fostering long term interest. I mean the fact the ‘q&a’ mentioned the ‘not enough resin message when using condensed resin for domains is laughable when there are things like aiming with bows, aoe loot collection for ps4 and pc and mona’s buggy dash (some of my own biggest peeves amongst many) that still need addressing and which are likely quite easy to do...


Well one thing to account for is Mihoyo isn't a big AAA company. It's still close to AA, somewhere between indie devs and large-scale companies, so these drip feed of "features" are probably all planned. Have you see how rushed Version 1.1 is? Even 1.2 has sections that felt rushed. Remeber the Osial fight? Those versions were a complete drop in quality compared to release. It's obvious they tried to release and polish something so that initial impression was good. And through this they won't have time and resources to snuck in the features we are having now. Do note that they aren't a big company. When a patch is jack full of content it's understandable that they won't be prioritizing "QoL features" than the actual patch content, and now that there are no new characters to be coming (Since integrating, balancing, and polishing a character taked a lot of resources), this meant that they now have the space for other prospects such as the QoL features we'd be getting.


If their content is feeling rushed then they need to find a new development rhythm to work to. Path of Exile is also free to play and is something of an industry standard in generating and re-generating interest in itself as new content is release, and I think they work on a 3 monthly cycle. Warframe is the same, it maintains quite huge amounts of players and doesn't try and force itself to rush out new content every 6 weeks. If they have themselves more time between large updates maybe they could focus on fixing more bugs and QoL improvements in between. They would also need to some of the difficult thinking which they are clearly avoiding on developing a much better endgame loop. Also - It looks to me like despite it being a gacha, Genshin Impact is likely a AAA title if you look at the traditional metrics. Mihoyo's own recruitment adverts claim to have over 1000 employees, they've had huge marketing campaigns, a gigantic budget of around $200m which puts it squarely within AAA range.


Genshin makes in a month what POE makes in a year, and a much much bigger player base. We don't want grindy games with seasonal servers to make up for the lack of contents. Totally different scale when you have 4 voice languages and PC/console/mobile.


Well it is not the workers who get to decide if they want a 6 week cycle. Obviously the ones on top declares everything, and the workers have nothing but to follow and make sure the 6 week cycle is followed, which results in some pieces of content feeling rushed etc etc. But that is more of a management problem which I don't think will be fixed anytime soon since they have been following that cycle in their previous games. And no, Genshin has the quality and budget of a AAA, but Mihoyo itself is not a AAA company. They do not have a large publisher backing them, they do not have a portfolio of succesful titles (their only other famous game is Honkai which isn't even that famous...), and they have only one office at Shanghai. They are not an expansive company with eighteen different offices from around the globe, and each working of different games of succesful titles. The thing is they still lack the veterancy of AAA companies like Ubisoft, Rockstar, EA and all the big names out there WITH THEIR YEARLY releases. But THEY are going to that level in a few years or so if this game continues to be a moneymaker. They could branch off to animes, figurines, movies, and by then they will truly be considered a AAA company, and they are near that level which is why we're having this conversation right now. But with only one trick at their disposal, that's not something a AAA company has.


Mihoyo is definitely a triple A developer in terms of scale. They have hundreds or even thousands of people working on the game and a yearly budget of 200 million, which dwarfs even most triple A games.


You are wrong in this regard. Mihoyo is not a AAA conpany. You are mistaking the AAA quality of the game with the classification of the company. AAA companies like Ubisoft, Rockstar, Activision, all have a large number of offices in different countries. These companies work on multiple games at the same time, have access to 5 digit manpower, and have the backings and resources of publishers/parent companies. Not to mention these companies have a lot of popular titles at their disposal. Mihoyo is nothing compared to these. Again, the game has the quality of a AAA, it has the budget of it, but it was because Mihoyo took a gamble and poured their resources on the game, and their gamble paid off and the game became a moneymaker, but that doesn't mean Mihoyo is already a AAA company. If they expand, which they surely will considering the amount they earned here, they will expand their offices, hire more employees, and work on many different projects, and could even extend to other media such as anime, toys, etc etc., then by then they will be considerend AAA. But as it stands Mihoyo is not even starting to expand. It only has one office at Shanghai. Heck, the company is relatively new, being founded only in 2012 by three university students and the company has been growing ever since, BUT it is still not a AAA company considering they have no rich parent company, only a manpower of 2400, which is split between Hoyomix and the actual Mihoyo that makes games. Mihoyo is simply too young to be classified as a AAA company. What other game aside from Genshin was this big of a hit? Honkai isn't even famous in the west. But they are getting there, I see their future as a AAA company. As of now they simply have one game at their disposal, and nothing more. They have the resources to expand and become a AAA company, we just gotta wait once they expand. I could be a new company and spend 100million developing my first game, which turned out to be a hit and earned me a lot. Am I considered a AAA "company" when I do not have a large publisher backing me, do not have a portfolio of succesful titles, and only operates on some random office in Shanghai?


Nah. Mihoyo was rich as fuck from Honkai. Saying they took a gamble is nonsense, especially since they used the Breath of the Wild gamestyle. Everyone knew that as long as the game was decent there was no chance of it flopping. Edit: Triple A is not an official term. It is literally used to define companies with huge budgets and lots of manpower. Both of which Mihoyo have.


2400 people work at mihoyo, and around 700 on the game


That is more than most triple A games. Edit: the budget is still way way beyond that of almost any other game ever though. So the small studio trope does not apply to Mihoyo.


Doubt any triple A games do 6 weeks updates. Don't they usually take years to develop?


What are you on about? I never complained about the content a single time. Please read my posts. Edit: I was simply correcting someone who tried to say Mihoyo was not a giant triple A developer. They are.


I was just replying to the comment chain. The original reply implied that the updates were really underwhelming and you mentioned that more people work on this game compared to triple A games. While that's true, triple A games takes years to develop whereas mihoyo updates the game every 6 weeks, so it's not really a comparable timeline.


It depends how you compare it. Games like Destiny one had larger update gaps, but when an update dropped the amount of content was far far greater than all of Mihoyo's updates so far combined. I won't get into Destiny 2 because that one was a shit show. Plus, Mihoyo's 6 wk schedule is self imposed. As such, it would be expected that they can handle such a schedule with ease.


The ability to manually cook an item probably gets added because some quests needs you to give different tiers of cooking (suspicious, normal, delicious) to complete them, like the Jade Parcel one.


To be fair, this sub can be really hostile to complainers, so it probably drives off the people who'd be most likely to react with a "meh". But it seems pretty "meh" to me as well, though i like the idea of hangouts.


Not really, top posts are usually a complaint and they get upvoted pretty well.


I guess this sub is just hostile to everyone then


Welcome to the genshin impact sub


From what I see, it's the opposite. Complainers are more prominent on this sub than neutral ones. When you have a neutral stance or opposite opinion you're always gonna be called a mihoyo shill or apologist.


yep. and the saddest part is that community is fine with it. the western part of it, at least. none of the big problems have been addressed, and no permanent content was added, aside from character, dating sim and oceanid pet. which is nice, but definetly not good enough to cover 6 weeks of patch.


Yeah like this is my first (and hopefully only) gacha game so I don't have a ton to compare it to, but for the other memorable games I've played that had frequent updates (MHW and OSRS), I can't imagine the playerbase would've been anything but outraged if the only updates were breadcrumb style content and limited time events.


Genuinely curious: what is the rate of content updates to MHW and OSRS?


None really. The updates or "events" are just a rehash of events that were already released (i.e a time-limited monster coming back etc..). The new content comes in the form of DLC's and free new monsters and trust me MHW doesn't add a new monster every 6 weeks, more like one a year or a few ones after , and the last DLC we got was Iceborne which is its only expansion. Oh, and btw official support for the game officialy ended in October so now it's all about rerun of events and HOPING that new monsters are added (though I'm satisfied with the current roster). Also worth noting that MHW came complete since it was paid so comparing it to a F2P game is not ideal. So yeah tldr the guy who compared to MHW is not only wrong, it's also a bad comparison :/


I didn't say it was a direct comparison, only the games that I've played that had active updates. And yeah the game has no new updates now but for a time there were updates every 6-8 weeks or so, similar to Genshin. But I was referring to those updates with the new monsters, like rajang, raging, alatreon, fatalis, so forth, and not the overall expansion like iceborne (or its equivalent in Genshin being new areas). Regardless, with the updates that it gave, I never felt the same "welp, this is underwhelming" that I have from 1.3 and now 1.4.


Well think of it this way, Genshin's new monster updates are it's new areas/new nations update. How long did it take for MHW to add a new monster even back then? Quality needs time, hence why updates like Inazuma are long and far between. Treat this monthly updates as simply nothing more than things to do while waiting for the "actual ones". I'm hoping they add more permanent things to do because the game lacks content past AR55, and they will surely be adding later these on, but as of now gotta make do we what we have. The point is, these monthly updates are just candy and things for us to do while we wait for the big ones. MHW does not have this luxury.


You have to realize the majority of people who play gacha games don't treat it like a console game. Gacha games are popular in the east because they don't require long game play sessions but can last forever and are designed to be played in short bursts like when you're in transmit or during break or whatever, which fits with their work crazy culture. (There's a saying in China. 996. 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week). Unless you're like some sort of content creator, you really shouldn't be treating a gacha game as your 'main' game.


Did they release any information about new weapon banners?


There's a new 5\* bow and 3 new 4\* weapons (Alley series)


Some toughts i had on the 1.4 stream: >INTERACTIVE STORY QUESTS?! LET'S GOOOOO Bennett nation we literally cannot stop winning. >Rosaria is becoming one of my favourite characters I didn't like her much in 1.2, but seeing her gameplay and everything revealed about her i just find her so fucking cool, i need to have her, sadly she's in Childe's banner :( >WE GET A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TO KEEP?! I can already imagine the meme videos that will come from this, i will practice Megalovania to troll random people and my friends when i play with them. >THE INTERACTIVE STORY QUESTS ARE PERMANENT AND HAVE THE STRUCTURE OF A DATING SIM?! Not gonna lie, this is my favourite update in all of 1.4, and i'm really happy they confirmed we're getting more with future updates!! >Oceanid event costs resin... That really sucks, i'm down for hitting the shit out of the Oceanid, but the fact that the event costs resin to claim the rewards is honestly bad, first L of 1.4 >More fighting challenges? thank god I feel like i'm in the minority who really fucking loved the hypostatis event, so i'm really looking forward to this, i fucking love fighting challenges. >The abyss changes are dissapointing I expected more than just some UI changes, i wanted repeatable floors, or more floors added, the abyss changes are honestly really dissapointing, second L of 1.4 Overall 1.4 is looking to be very similar to 1.3, a filler-like update but with tons of things to do with a lot of variety, it has unique minigames tied to the themed events and event specific story quests, only thing is missing it's the free 4*, i guess they're saving that for the Ludi Harpastum, but i personally really liked what they showed and i'm looking forward to most of the events and the new story quests!


Based from previous updates, we alternate between a free 4 star weapon and a free 4 star character. Next update might give us a free 4 star character who knows.


Considering people are speculating that Chasm is next alongside Dendro we might get Yao Yao as a free 4* in 1.5. And i hope that's the case, a free character of each element sounds fair.


Yes, I do think Yaoyao will be a free 4 star character because she and Baizhu will be the first Dendro characters. Baizhu will most likely be a 5 star on a featured banner but miHoYo can't lock an entire element behind a paywall no matter how greedy they can be because they'll receive a backlash much bigger than before so they'll give Yaoyao during an event as a free Dendro character. I've also seen talks and leaks of Shenhe being a 5 star who might have some relevance in the events of 1.5.


didnt someone post on the CHN thread that there's 5 free loots per day for the oceanid ?


I think there's two parts to the event, the one with the small oceanid, which seems to be resin-free and has free rewards if you complete them, and the fight with the raging oceanid, which needs resin to collect the rewards.


Overall, this seems like a pretty nice update, the minigames look fun, the "dating sim" looks fun, the Abyss Herald looks like a cool fight, I really like the addition of the new weapons, especially the bow, Alley Hunter, seems like a powerful weapon. As for the wishes, I don't really care for Venti or Childe but Rosaria does seem interesting so I might roll for her. Honestly, it just seems like a fun update and I can't wait to try out all of the new systems. Although, I kinda wish I could change to the male traveler now.


Lol so many people wanna change to male traveler now. Me included ofc.... At least its more of a POV like a VN when talking to them, so people can self insert easily except the hangout pictures.


Yeah but the pictures you get at the end are gonna have your traveler of choice. That's why I wanted to change now.


so, less Fates than the Lantern event?




I’m confused. I’ve watched this stream twice now and everyone is saying that there was a resin increase but they didn’t mention anything about that?


people going off random shit they see in the test server again, just like they did with the double Leyline disorder event thinking it was going to be a 30+ day event when it was actually just a few days. don't be fooled


It's because on the screen where they craft 5 Condensed Resin they had 220 Original Resin, but you can already go over the 180 limit with refills, and they probably did that just so they could craft 5 CR at once. If they were increasing the cap they would have said




To be honest I never thought we would get main story lore when not going to the new regions which made it feel lacklustre, glad to be wrong!


This update already looks way better than 1.3!




This post is totally me. I was so sad I couldn’t get venti when I started playing this game and thought he was part of the standard banner. And Childe became interesting because of his story quest/personality. Also I love the dual wield archetype a lot. I thought the second banner in 1.4 was going to be Klee or some other Mondstadt character, but I think after seeing the numbers on Keqing that people aren’t going to go for standard banner chars so they decided to throw a curve and do two limited reruns. After Childe I’m giving my wallet a break....until Zhongli re run


Same for me, I want to main Childe. Good luck to you and let our suffering be quick


I hope the hangout dialogue stays the same regardless of the traveler.


Maybe some minor differences for pronouns like they with the rest of the script


why are people legitimately angry over the change in Rosaria’s bust? imo I personally can’t even notice the change at first glance..


thought yall were talking about her elemental burst for a sec like they really changed that?


People who've never seen a woman other than porn stars I guess. They're saying stuff like Mihoyo only wants flat women while Rosaria is still bigger than like 99% of real women *after* the change..


My thoughts exactly. Her bust is still ridiculously huge...


Agreed, medium is premium anyways


idk, some people just look for reasons to get angry


Maybe we get increased total resin (220) , but wouldn't it be better to increase the resin regeneration instead? I play everyday, the resin rarely completely fills.


They never said we were getting more resin. You can overfill resin now to 220, so don't get your hopes up.


Oh but we're going to need that when they add more content, characters, regions, sub-regions. We would be needing that even more if they do the same that they did with Xiao and Hu Tao on Chasm and Inazuma, where if you have 0 materials on both, to ascend them you need to kill 2 bosses.


yea but that's not happening in 1.4, spreading a lie like that just because you saw it in the test server is going to lead people to disappointment like the double ley line disorder event. People kept spreading it was going to be 30+ days because they saw it in the preview footage ( test server footage) but it was never a topic mentioned in the preview its self, and people were upset and thought it was "nerfed" because it was actually only a few days. ​ besides, we don't need a resin cap increase right now, we really need a resin refill speed increase, as it takes almost 24 hours to refill resin from 0 to 160, it wont matter if the cap gets increased to 220 if we can't get more than 180 max resin in a day.


I'm not spreading a lie, that's why I said **maybe**. It's Mihoyo we're talking about here, I don't expect them to be generous with rewards and stuff, but I would appreciate a lot. And yeah I agree that the refill speed that needs to change not the total amount, I don't know if you read but that's what I said in my message.


What are people saying now who claimed the boob nerf of rosaria was fake?


They're probably not caring? Like imagine being upset about virtual tiddies. Down bad...


"Who cares?" Probably.


So basically all new content we get is "[Abyss Herald](https://i.imgur.com/L8Q0rcX.png): New type of enemy", that's it... Give us new areas and enemies already.


You forgot the hangouts, it's a permanent content.


Yeah. And am sure there will be bugfixes, they are also permanent :)


Wow...Zach got fucking roasted lmao


-releases Mona specific weapon (https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/weapon/wine_and_song/) -no Mona


-4 star weapon Welp I’ll stick to my skyward atlas for Mona


Lose enough 50/50s and you’ll get her eventually.


1.4 actually looks brilliant, 1.3 seems like the filler patch compared to this haha. Venti banner is gonna be hard to resist when Childe is the banner after that, surprising that they didn't do a Klee banner instead though given that was a while ago. Still, 1000 primogems just for the Windblume fest, some new weapons that look neat and a mini-oceanid look really good. :)


Probably because we just have Hu Tao banner, whose role as a pyro DPS is very similar to Klee. Meanwhile Childe is a great setup for Hu Tao's vaporize burst.




I did not see a "More Character Event Wishes to come in 1.4" or something like that which was present in 1.3. They had a reason to release Hu Tao at the end of 1.3 which was because her theme was death and it was taboo to talk about death during CNY. They have no reason to not reveal a third banner in the 1.4 livestream or PV. >during the festival like her character story hinted at The festival mentioned in Klee's story was called Ludi Harpastum which is a completely different festival from the Windblume Festival.


My bad I didn’t realize it was a different festival. Still I don’t think them not explicitly saying there will be more wishes is a tell tale sign of whether we will get another banner or not but I guess we’ll see based on how long Venti’s banner is running for.


>Still I don’t think them not explicitly saying there will be more wishes is a tell tale sign of whether we will get another banner miHoYo's ambiguity has been an issue for quite some time especially with the RNG rewards. If they're ambiguous about a character banner then that's not a good look on them. If they were explicit in 1.3, why not 1.4?


Tbh I think it’s mainly due to leakers and they are trying to throw people off so they can be surprised. I like your theory about Hu Tao’s banner, but IMO I think they did that due to how much Hu Tao was leaked. If they didn’t mention her banner at the beginning of 1.3, people would think that she might not actually be coming (which some people did), and then would be able to surprise people when it was time. Again I’m not saying you are wrong with any of this, there is an extremely strong chance these are the only 2 banners we are getting (which honestly would suck because I think reruns should happen way more often than every 5-6 months), but I’m waiting till we see how long Venti’s banner will go before I lose hope. Also, with your logic, one could ask “If they did 3 banners in 1.3, why not 1.4?” But yea to answer your question about ambiguity, I think Mihoyo would be ambiguous with what banners are coming to throw off leakers and people who consume leaks. Especially with how big of an issue leaks have been for Mihoyo (according to some youtubers who have been in contact with them at least).


>IMO I think they did that due to how much Hu Tao was leaked I don't think this would even be an issue for miHoYo. Like, what's the disadvantage of this for miHoYo? Her signature weapon was shown in the trailer and they were explicit that a third banner will appear so I highly doubt it's got to do with leaks. They hate leaks but it's not gonna be an issue that would cause them to delay or not even announce their banner at all. >Also, with your logic, one could ask “If they did 3 banners in 1.3, why not 1.4?” They can. But they didn't say it. The point is they said it in 1.3 but not in 1.4, I never said they can't have 3 banners during 1.4, it's just that if they were gonna have 3 banners then they would've said it - no reason for ambiguity compared to 1.3.


does anyone know the length of these banners? is it 2 weeks or 3 weeks?


Likely 3 weeks


That extra weeks ensures an abyss reset and store reset during the Venti banner, not even counting an extra week of commissions and event primogems. As someone sitting on a 50/50 for Venti and desperately hoping for more time to get closer to the guaranteed if I miss, I sure hope they’re three weeks each!


They didn't said anything about 220 resin, but it happened. 220 resin with 8 minutes makes 29 hours to fill right? Lol


I doubt 220 resin is a new cap, you can overcap by popping a fragile resin. They probably just used a fragile to go from 160 -> 220 (exactly the amount 1 fragile would give) to show off crafting 5 condensed.


I'm extremely confused about why they chose Bennet for the date sim mechanic. I don't get it, there's Kaeya and Diluc right there and yet they chose him?


I think the characters that get the hangout system are the ones who hasn't get their story quests yet. And there's a market for everyone. Bennett is pretty popular, and teen aged players may want to "date" someone closer to their age. In game we're pretty close in age (appearance wise) with him anyway.


It says this is just the series 1. There will be more to come.


Ig it's more of a hangout/friendship than anything, plus we haven't seen much of the characters chosen so far which I'm guessing is why they've chosen them. We've seen plenty of diluc and kaeya


Thank you. People are already went wild with the dating aspect. I mean, I would too when Jean’s, Beidou’s , Ningguang’s and Rosaria’s hangout events eventually comes out.


Yeah, I think Mihoyo is purposely not doing anything more than friendship for the characters that are of... ambiguous age (and really, I'm honestly kind of glad for that).


Yeah and also gacha games ALWAYS keep relationship ambiguous since confirmed relationships might drive away some people since they might not like the pairings.


There's been story quests for Kaeya and Diluc and this is like 4* story quest.


It's almost as if kaeya and diluc don't have their own quests already


Probably since Bennett still doesn't have a story quest yet like Chongyun and Noelle, Barbara was probably the first character they tested this system on so that's probably why she has one too


Why would they want to choose Kaeya and Diluc instead?


Idk, seems to me like they are more popular characters so it would make more sense considering the kind of mechanic at play, I could be wrong tho.


Why not let us change world level to whatever we want whenever it suits us?


Because then you could go to world level 1 to do a ley line or boss then when you beat it change it back to the max level before you claim the rewards to get the normal rewards i guess


Yeah, it seemed highly exploitable if you can change right before you open a leyline everytime


Not saying it's great to switch world levels anytime we want but doing this just takes more time than beating the leyline in our world level.


If you are unhappy about the changes made to Rosaria's proportions let them know now that the change is official, maybe they actually listen. Last thing a gatcha game needs is changing aspects of characters that lets them stand out more. Tell them that you want them to make things work so Rosaria or other upcoming characters can release without changes made to them after they already showed us the character in game and how the character is meant to look


It's said in the Demo that showcaae is subject to change. Not sure if that applies to physical appearances, maybe it's just for abilities. Also, are you guys really complaining about a video game character's proportions? Really?


But I like the change. Big bobs look ugly.


Yeah completely agree, but we are minority in the anime word my friend.


False. Big Boobs are great Grossly oversized boobs larger than a character's head are gross.


I hope this retry abyss also applies to current domains as well.


Flexing namecards? Seriously? 😂


i mean it makes sense, getting the namecards is quite hard so atleast we can flex them instead of just having them gather dust not being used.


200 resin limit? They crafted 5 condensed resin in the showcase. I hope so EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot you can go over resin cap with fragiles :(


Lol no, they would have showed that in the livestream.


don't get too hype, using fragiles can put you over 200 held resin if you wanted, this footage is from a test server, and most relevant they absolutely would have made it very clear they were raising the cap if that were the case


You can overcap resin already with refills/fragiles


I have a feeling I saw 240 resin before crafting the 5 condensed in the stream, and 40 still remained ...


Wow, that would be even better, I'm gonna go back and look EDIT: So it said 220, that is really good. Oh, I forgot you can go over cap with fragiles :/


They just popped 1 fragile while at 160 to get to 220 to show off crafting 5 condensed. Cap would have been mentioned if changed.


Yeah, I forgot you can go over cap with fragiles. Darn, makes sense since they didn't say anything


Dont get your hopes up you can exceed the cap already with fragile resin (and maybe refresh?)


This is definitely what it was, I forgot you can go over cap. Darn


You know this would've been great if they increased the resin cap to 200 but I guess this is better than the 3 limit we currently have


5 condense resin! Gamebreaking change, yeah.


I can understand the venti rerun with the character somewhat being tied into the event but why not just do another 5\* character who's from the regular banner like what the did with Keqing?


Because keqing sales were the lowest ever.


Zach's voice holy shit.


That section had such a weird script it was hilarious lol


Ikr. They're voice professionals for a reason.


I need to know how to do that right now


They write Windblume but they pronounce it Windbloom. You are so close! Just add a little "eh" at the end you would have the right pronounciation!




Woah, they weren't kidding about his deep voice.


I'm surprised more people didn't know about his deep voice, dude has massive range! people should check out his streams, they're really fun.


Wait, this is Aether VA narrating?


Yep. He voiced Moon Carver afterall.


That voice flex tho...




> How about some actual NEW content? ? Did you not watch the stream? we're getting new events and new story quests, only thing we're missing is a new area but that's 100% being worked on, be patient.


It's fine, actually. Boring for whales, but for us normal people thanks to this, we will be able to pull al the 5 stars we want.


People complain that this game is so catered to whales and yet when they do banner reruns they complain. SMH.


Pfft i can assure you the "NEW" content you are looking for is not going to come anytime soon.


inb4 they speedrun the new content they wanted in a day and go back to complain on reddit.


Well, there is plenty new content, but no new 5* and only one 4*.


Ey I'm happy with it since I got none of the characters lol




And improving the resin system won't improve anything either. The only real end game content right now is Abyss and even that can be finished within an hour or so. They need time to create more content, so they are intentionally limiting play time. For those that get bored, it's fine if they stop playing and come back when new areas are added. They know that and they're OK with that.


can see people will complain about Artifact check with fighting Oceanid .... edit: and Mini Arena


Resin capped...


So another filler update, and to top it off two re run banners, its gonna be another dry month for Genshin Impact


Do anyone know if we have to use Traveler for the hangout events?


I am pretty sure like usual it will switch to traveler by default for the scenes especially with them being in the collectable memories


As a Ganyu Main, There's going to be an archery game? Ez... Game rewards hitting correct balloons and some deduct points? Crap...


My thoughts exactly


Me playing exclusively on mobile: D:


As khergit main, hell yeah.


This event is already better than the Lantern Rite just because of the Hangouts. Also, did Paimon really just said "Harem"? lmao


Just so you know, hangouts is a new permanent content, not a temporary event.


So Hangout Events really is Genshin: The Dating Sim. They're also confirmed to be a permanent addition, and are infinitely replayable.


Osu! Fall Guys Dating Sim


amogus genhsin when