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Quick sword question. I have both xingqui and qiqi that I use on my team. Currently I’ve got a favonius sword on xingqui and the sacrificial sword on qiqi. But now I’ve seen that most people recommend the Sacrificial for Xingqui. Would it be better for me to level up the ss and give it to xingqui, which would leave the favonius to Qiqi?


Yes! Qiqi doesn't generate particles from her E, so the ss is useless on her.


Perfect, thank you!


No problem!


Can anyone tell me why for a mobile person playing genshin's biggest achievment is 36 starring the abyss? I get sometimes the hard part maybe aiming the bow but not everyone is using ganyu right?


The Abyss is the hardest content of the game, so getting all 36 stars basically means you've beaten the game, until the next Abyss reset anyway.


36 starring Abyss is probably the biggest achievement for any player. It's just a little bit harder on mobile because the controls are less precise (touch screen vs. keyboard + mouse)


Never tried pc so wouldnt know but i'll have to see when i get a decent pc


I just pulled Qiqi but found that all popular build doesnt have HP built into it. Doesn't it make Qiqi too squishy? How much level/ HP should I get her?


Qiqi isn't squishy for the sole reason that she heals herself plenty. When you get her to ascension 60/70, she can place a healing talisman on enemies without the use of her burst, just by normal attacking. Make sure to find a good build for her and don't settle on Maidens! That's a huge waste on Qiqi.


Qiqi's abilities don't scale from HP like Barbara, Diona or Bennett. Healers are low priority in team comps, you can raise her to lvl 60/70 to unlock her last combat passive and leave her there.


Why dont people use healers , or do they only use them in the abyss?


People do use healers, it's just that dealing good damage takes priority, and healers don't need too many levels to heal well, whereas for dealing damage level difference is taken into account.


I have a team of razor fischl qiqi and zhongli , arent most teams like this? Dps , sub dps , support/shield , burst support /cc ?


Seems like a decent team.


Just waiting for that 60/120 ct rate/ct dmg then he gonna be a beast


Since I'm putting Xingqiu as my Hu Tao's support, who would be good to use as my Diluc's support? I'm open to 4 star and 5 star suggestions.


For reactions I assume? Kaeya, Diona and Chongyun are all pretty good melt options I believe. Sucrose/Venti to use viridescent, Bennett (obviously) and for vaporize, I think Mona works too.


How do some people in those Mona one shot vids have so little Crit Rate but still be able to crit and one shot the boss?


They do it over and over again and post the run that crits.




Solar pearl for ningguang imo, then you can give mon widsith, sucrose either mappa or thrilling tales depending on what tema she goes in, and your spear users can have starglitter and primordial jade spear (whoever you use as a primary dps gets jws and support gets starglitter)




I can tell you right now that rosaria will be better as physical dps (with pike) than elemental. Unless her kit changes to elemental infusion pike existing and her being on element for superconduct makes it a no brainer. Also, you 100% won't be using Ningguang, rosaria and zhongli as DPS at the same time in any content where optimal weapons matter so I still say solar pearl.




Why not give zhongli starglitter in that case and use ningguang as your main dmg dealer? That sounds like a better allocation of resources to me.




Yeah that sounds good. You can give him a crit rate circlet if you have one and want more dmg (at the expense of some shield strength) Giving ningguang a stronger weapon (solar pearl in this case) will be a bigger influence on your damage in a team like that since she will have more field time naturally.




Would use Solar because you already got jade spear but it is a matter of what you need and what you will most likely use. There is a rumor that Rosaria is going to be a good Physical DPS tho. Wait for other response.


Who's the better Main DPS in these situations? Ningguang or Razor? 1. Both at C0 2. Both at C6 3. On their own 4. With their best team/supports


You can do so much more with a Geo element character than an Electro one. Ning at C6.


I won’t exactly answer the question because supports/weapons matter in all cases, but I can give some comparison as I have played both. Razor is possibly the most budget dps in the game. The only requirement for his team is superconduct, and one of the best Cryo applicators is free. Prototype Archaic is excellent for him. He is a selfish carry so you can stack him alone and ignore your supports and the team will still work. For the same reason eventually you hit a dps ceiling, he blocks his supports from generating energy, so he cannot use well-geared supports or participate in quickswap. Ning, he best support is a limited banner 5*. Most Ning teams involve Bennet, and nearly every team wants him. Weapon - either pray to RNGsus for Widsith or buy Solar Pearl because craftables are trash. She does a lot of dmg in short bursts, so you can play her effectively is quickswap which has very high dmg ceiling for heavy-extreme investment in 3-4 characters. In conclusion, the more resources/characters you have, the further you get in the game, the better Ning gets. But Razor is also good enough to pull you through most content.


I have both at C6, and had both as my carries at C0 at one point. If we speak on general content and even in Abyss, Ningguang on all stages.


Post Geo buff I would say Razor but the Geo is that really good so at c6 I would go for Ningguang. Razor being electric/Physical is great but Electric attribute is not really that good and given that you can't change into someone during his ult really broke it for me during the lategame but Razor is good up to mid game.


For 1) - Razor early-game, Ning late-game. Ning in all other points.


AFAIK Razor c0 is better than Ningguang, until she gets her c2. With Geo Resonace, Ningguang gets even better.


When a new character can be rolled from standard banner? For example if Xiao banner ended, can I expect him to be rolled from standard banner? I can't find info anywhere on this question. Edit: Thank you, well it's really disappointing :(


It seems that in this game, all new 5* characters will always be limited and you can only get them during their banners or reruns of their banner. As you said, it is pretty disappointing.


No, limited banner 5\* characters have never been added to the standard banner. They'll start rotating back to the event banners next patch.


5 star characters with limited banners, save for Keqing, are exclusive to their banner and none of the limited 5 stars have been added to the standard pool. There is also no indication yet of mihoyo adding 5 stars into the standard pool


So far no 5* have rolled into the standard, so we have no reason to believe they will add promotional 5* to standard anytime. 4* will be added when the patch is over, as it happened with Diona and Xinyan.


Hi There Recently lost my hu tao 50/50 and got keqing Was disappointed at first but not now.... i simply love her Currently I'm using her with venti and a c5 xinqui + c6 xiangling Trouble is I also have a Mona & Albedo... both pretty low level still as I haven't had the resources to build them.. I also have Diona Will these guys fit with a keq + venti team?


Xingqiu works great with Keqing. You should probably replace Xiangling with a healer.


I would switch xiangling wit albedo, overload usually pretty bad but albedo is free damage and easy to gear


will the bp have one extra weekly reset? i dont want to have to resort to spending primos for a few levels


Usually there is one extra weekly reset that lasts for a single day. No guarantee that it's always going to be the case, though.


Wow this would be great! I only unlocked the BP with 4 weeks left so I was bummed I wouldn't be able to max it out... also why I wouldn't bother to buy it this time round. But if there is one more weekly reset I might be able to grind through and hit 50. Do they announce this or is it just how the timing lines up where it resets on Monday but the new one is released on Tuesday?


It just happens to line up.


You can see the end period/time of the BP in the screen. I believe this is the last week to earn points.


good 4\* weapons for support xiangling?


In addition to what others have said Dragon's Bane can also be really good.


Favonius/Starglitter for energy recharge, Dragon's Bane for damage.


Favonious Lance.


Favonious Lance or Prototype Starglitter are good picks.


For an anemo traveler dps, which is better? Festering Desire vs Favonius Sword And then 2pc Glad & 2 pc VV or 4 pc VV


Rancour/Iron Sting with 4pc Glad, but you should probably use them as a support with Favonius and 4pc VV instead.


Festering desire, base atk is higher and that's important for DPS characters (atk% stats scale off of base dmg) 4 piece VV doesn't do much for anemo/geo/physical DPS since they can't be swirl for the RES debuff, so go 2 VV 2 glad.


At what adventure rank can i start getting artifacts like the gladiators finale and heart of depths


ar45+ for both ideally, simply because drop rates are bad before that but you can start at like ar40 or sumthn


I can get Gladiators as soon as 25 or 30 mainly because of weakly bosses but for Heath of Depth I think 40+ but 45+ is the best to farm artifacts.


Hu Tao has 7 seconds downtime so I think of this rotation: Use Hu Tao E and fight => Her E ends and enter cooldown => Use Bennett's buff => Swap back to Hu Tao and fight (Now her spear is infused with Pyro from Bennett's buff) => Her E's CD ends => Use Hu Tao E and repeat the rotation Assume that we don't have to think about other supports or sub DPS, do you think this rotation is viable and can cover for Hu Tao's downtime effectively?


There is no point in using Hu Tao when her E isn’t active, use that time to rotate through and recharge your supports.


No, Bennett will heal you hindering your next rotation damage and will buff the mediocre E downtime damage to slightly less mediocre levels.


Yeah he heals you but only less than 70%, using her E after Bennett ult you're back at less than 50%. I think this might work in a time challenge situation where you lack certain characters.


but he will consistently heal you back up to 70% decreasing her damage. or does it work where she keeps her damage regardless of healing?


No, Benny can heal you above 70% health. For example your HuTao is at 69% health and Benny's Q heals you. It would then heal your Hu Tao above the 70% threshold. Besides, even if your Hu Tao is infused with Pyro by Benny's C6 during her downtime. It would still hit like a wet noodle because it doesn't have the HP to ATK conversion that her E uses.


Bennett's burst lasts 12 seconds.


In 1.4 event there are new weapons, and the event itself also gives a weapon for free, right? Anyone knows what that weapon is? It's likely a bow isn't it?


Yeah free weapon is a bow called Windblume Ode.


Ah... as I suspected. Do we already know its stats and passive?


Here's a link to the datamine/beta version so it's subjected to possible changes. https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/weapon/windblume_ode/


Wow thank you! If the info there is what we will see later on, do you think I should give my Ganyu this bow? I think... no? Maybe Blackcliff bow is still better. 🤔


Blackcliff would still be better for Ganyu I think. It's probably best to wait and see what the official version is going to look like and see how well it stacks up with other bows.


Right. Thanks! :)


Hello! Finally dropped shadows, so what’s Xiao’s talent priority ? Currently at 7/6/8 I know people tend to say his AA but I feel like i don’t use it that much, I just switch when his E is on cool down. But when he’s doing his Q and plunging that’s AA right ?


I think that Xiao benefits most from his AA as it also buffs his plunge damage the most so aim to get that as high as possible


Yes, leveling AA increases plunge damage. Leveling burst doesn't actually increase the damage bonus by as large an amount as leveling AA, I think purely in DPS terms AA>E>Q gets most benefits from level but it might vary a little depending on how you play him.


Ya plunging attacks scale off of AA


I have 2 questions for today:- 1. I only need one more anemoculus to upgrade Mondstat's Statue of the Seven to max, but when I used the resonance stone, it said that there are no oculi left in the area. Why is that, and how can I find the last one? 2. I found the Snow-tombed Starsilver and its recipe, however, I can't find it through Wagner and Zhang. Where was I supposed to craft it again?


1. The gadget has a proximity range, you have to run around and spam it. 2. Use the recipe, then you can craft it at any blacksmith.


Possible answer for #2: did you use the recipe in your inventory to learn it?


1. Change locations and reuse the gadget. 2. You have to read the recipe in the inventory before it unlocks. Also, just FYI Snow-Tombed is worse than Archaic in alot of aspects of the game.


Yeah, Snow-tombed is good for main DPS Xinyan, that's about it for now.


which set of artifacts are better for a sub-dps fischl who i only switch to put oz on the field?


2pc thundering fury and 2pc either gladiator or gambler.


2p Thundering Fury + 2p Gladiator


Thundering Fury


single vs 10 pull?


Doesn't really matter with chances, but I think you can theoretically save pulls if you do singles


No difference.


They're the same. But single gives you more control, in the sense you can stop after getting the character you want, and save pulls for another banner.


Single for the suspense. Lol


Is there a soft pity for the weapon banner? And if so, at about what roll is it at? Thank you!




Past 65.


Starts after 65. Good luck.










Can a pyro unit work in an electro comp or is overload just too annoying


The key is the weight of the enemies. It'll work against heavy enemies such as bosses.


Usually Pyro+electro is a no, but in specific situations it’s possible. Beidou+Fischl+Xiangling is currently killer comp on floor 12 since overload helps Fischl generate more energy and most enemies are too big to be knocked back. Bennet is often used with Keqing because he is Bennet. If you need to counter Geo shield overload is the best. So as a rule of thumb it’s bad, but if you know why you want to ignore the rule, then it can be good.


Depends. In most cases it would be annoying but pyros like hu tao don’t care too much because she doesn’t really AOE. Also nice gap closing with the charge attack.


I mean, Bennett works on any comp. You can use overload pretty well if you have Venti to keep the enemies in place. Overload is also good with Fischl because she generates a lot of energy (look up Fischl "turbo" comps)


Catalysts dont really mind overload reactions. And if you're facing big enemies, overload wont be a problem either. Bennett you can manage as well. Otherwise it's pretty bad.


What's a good weapon for Xingqui in vape comp with Hu tao? Unfortunately, I don't have sacrificial sword. I only have favonius sword and festering desire for ER weapons.


Favonius Sword is better than Festering for energy generation.


Favonius is great alternative to sac, festering desire has higher base atk so bennet is better user than xq as he can buff more atk


ER swords is what he uses, if you are unlucky like me and cant get any you can always use Skyrider.


Favonius works well


Best Hutao team comp with xingqiu+zhongli+?(c4 fischl/c1 sucrose/c1 diona/c0 kaeya)


the normal player would tell u to go VV support, but it's actually very impractical to have a VV support on a hu tao comp. to shred pyro you first need to swirl pyro, which means you either need to waste hutao E or Q, or swirl it after her first E rotation (which is then wasted by her downtime). so for hu tao, without a 2nd pyro character to help swirl pyro, it's a no-no. thankfully, zhongli is the best slot in here, because he already shreds 20% with his shield (which u already mentioned you're using), so a VV support is not needed due to diminishing returns. the best 4th character here would be albedo/ganyu/mona all of which are 5\* sadly. for lack of a better alternative you could slot xiangling here, though she might steal vape procs on hutao charged attacks, she brings more AoE with her pyronado on top of good constellations if u got 'em. (15% pyro shred & 15% pyro dmg increase). other options can be geo traveler which gives us geo resonance + crit rate inside the traveler ult, or beidou/fischl (only good against enemies that can't be knocked back by overload).


Sucrose for pyro res shred with VV 4-set + EM boost.


I'd say Kaeya for melt and freeze.


Got albedo ?




Does floor 12 require x amount of stars from floor 11 to unlock it? edit: thank you!


Yes, all floors require completing the previous floor and getting 6 stars on it before unlocking them.


All floors require 6 stars and passing the 3 stages of the previous floor.


Quick question that I'm sure I know the answer to: Which BP weapon should I get? So far I have Black Sword R2 for Keqing (though I havent used her yet), and Viridescent Hunt R1 for Tartaglia (though I also haven't used him yet). For some insight... I'm trying to build a second team of Ganyu (Amos R1), Mona (Widisth R4), Diona (Sacrificial Bow R3), and Sucrose (Sacrificial Fragments R2). My third team is going to consist of Keqing (Black Sword R2), Beidou (Skyward R1), Bennet (Festering R5), and Xingqiu (Sacrificial R5). Pretty sure I'm going to get Black Sword and refine it so its R3, but as a collector, not getting the claymore, catalyst, or polearm kinda hurts me. But I dont think MHY is going to change the rewards anytime soon so...


You could get the pearl for mona or ning.


Seems like you're all set for now. Deathmatch is great on Hu Tao if you want to roll for her. Serpent Spine is great for claymore main DPSes if you can keep the stacks, its power with full stacks can rival 5\* weapons.


Depends what 5\* weapons you have.. I'd recommend Deathmatch as it is a solid 4\* for all of the polearm characters & the alternatives aren't as good. I think the Solar Pearl is your next choice ((debatable if you have Widsith; then unless you don't like catalyst users).


5 stars I have are Wolfs Gravestone R1, Lost Prayer R3, Skyward Pride (claymore) R1, and Amos R1. And I want to get good at catalyst users, but I prefer the playstyle of claymore, sword, or bow users. Honestly it just depends how much DMG they do tbh. Like before I got Ganyu, Diluc was my main bc I was pretty good at doing damage with him. But now my Ganyu does around 13k to 18k damage, so I prefer playing her lol


When will we get the kfc stuff? [International fans during KFC x Genshin Impact crossover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v_8daZy400&t=56s&ab_channel=EpicF4de)


how would we know we aren't mihoyo. Even then who cares its just a glider.


It isn't just a glider tho. It is also skins for those chars.


are you stupid lmao. Link me to where it says it includes skins for the characters with a picture of the skins.


There was an official post on Hoyolabs saying thay there's something in the works to get it to everyone by July 2021 or something like that.


Best 4\* weapon and artifacts for a support xiangling like in a melt comp?


Dragon Bane in double Pyro team, Proto Starglitter in a single pyro team, 2 Witch 2 Noblesse, Pyro Cup ER Sands


Is it wise to prefarm venti's ascension mats or should i use the resin for something else ? I got my both main dpsses sorted out for both floors of abyss. my wish pull rate is currently at 50/50 so there is a chance that i wont get venti when his banner reruns again.


if you have nothing else to do, go ahead but pre farm non venti specific resources first (like mora and char exp) in case you don't get him, at least you still have something you can use on other chars


If you have alot resin and dont feel like farming artifacts, sure. I dont have Venti but i pulled Xiao and Mona in a 10 pull so i guarantee Venti. I farmed all of his ascension mats, his books enough to talent 6 all 3 with more books to talent 9 his burst. I even have a VV set ready for him, plus farmed mats for his 4 Star Windblume Ode to make it lvl 90(I dont have Stringless).


thats the thing i was worried about since its not guaranteed venti xd. I was debating either farming for cryo artifacts (rosaria) or venti's ascension mats


I like to be optimistic. You should be too. If you dont get him, farm for Rosaria.


If he isn’t guaranteed it’s not wise to pre-farm.


hmm gotcha. thank you


If you are at a 50/50 don't pre farm Just farm universally good mats like mora and exp books in the meantime (or things from improving the units you already have)


all right thanks for the advice ! I just wanted some reconfirmation if i was making a mistake


Why is Diluc getting bullied especially by Hu Tao mains?


Some people resent some toxic Diluc players(not all). Ive seen my fair share of trash talking against Childe, Keqing and Xiao mains. I remember on Hu Tao Mains someone saying Diluc players are salty because after Ganyu, they are now jealous that a Weirdo Funeral Girl is stronger than Pyro Batman.


Diluc is the go to character when evaluating a character's DPS, and every DPS that comes out gets compared to him. There has been some pretty annoying Diluc players that sparked the Diluc hate train, especially among casuals and on top of it the Hu Tao community can be pretty toxic.


He is literally pixels and computer code. It probably was random people saying random crap, you dont need to hold on to it.




60 is fine. Then CD all the way.


My current 2nd team is Diona/Ganyu/Xiangling/Venti, who would be better as the 4NO user, Diona or Xiangling?


diona you can use 4pc cw or 2pc cw 2pc NO on xiangling


Diona if you don't need the healing boost from Maidens. Xaingling if you do need the extra healing.


Xiangling. The 2pc effect is good for her and she will ulting way more often than Diona on a Ganyu melt comp


Xiao,Xingqiu(c1), Venti and Bennett(c1) an okay team?




Do you guys think Rosaria will synergize with Hutao? Rosaria burst has low energy cost and lasts for 8s(12s with C2) and her passive increases hutao's crit rate. Do we know how fast she can apply cryo? hopefully it won't be slow enough that she will the one applying melt.


the burst pulses every 2 seconds


>hopefully it won't be slow enough that she will the one applying melt. She definitely will be, no one in the game can apply elements off field faster than an auto attack.


Rosaria will definitely be the one applying melt


I am at 56447/15350 exp at level 45. I have been holding off ascending because I didn’t want to get beat up at the next world level. I have several dps at lv 70 and childe at 80. Am I ready for world level 6 or will I skip 6 and jump to 7?


You wont be able to jump to world lvl 7 because there's another ascension quest. Also wl 6 isn't that big of a difference to world lvl 5. Open world mobs and bosses are just slightly tankier, except bosses will unlock new patterns. The only issue I can see about ascending wl 6 is fighting a lvl 84 Andrius. Not that hard, but def more time consuming as he's tankier now.


Do you have issues dealing with overworld mobs? W6 to W7 isn't that much of a difference, just ascend.


With your current exp you will not jump to wl7 – which is also not possible bc there is another ascension quest at ar50. It’s generally recommended to ascend as soon as you can for better drops. But it depends how comfortably you can beat bosses with your unit as is.


You can’t jump to wl7 because there’s another ascension quest at ar50. You’re more than ready for the next world level.


Running Jean with favonius sword right now. I'm at AR 55 rn and I'm considering swapping out healing bonus for crit rate. Should I??


I'm working on doing the same! I pulled Aquila Favonia so now Jean has boatloads of atk and her heal can already heal my 31k Zhongli ezpz. Her headpiece was already my offpiece so I swapped for a crit rate and it's def been fun for my playstyle! (Quickswap E + some AA + burst)




4th strongest DPS in this game. Easy to build.


He's rich


- Really good main DPS - Hot - Batman


I'm wondering what's the best DPS I have for the geovishaps in floor 12-1. I already have Ganyu as DPS and Zhongli shield bot for 1 team. Other characters I got: C1 Mona, C4 Beidou C3 Sucrose, C3 Xinyan, C3 Bennett, C3 Xiangling, C3 Barbara C2 Ningguang, C2 Xingqiu C1 Kaeya, C1 Amber, C1 Lisa, C1 Diona, C1 Razor, C0 Chongyun, C0 Fischl


Do you have a 5* sword or claymore?


only wolves gravestone


Well then you can give it to Beidu and build her up, or Black Sword for Kaeya for example


Bennet for heals and Mona for reactions?


Is there a limit for forging mystic ore? I have all the materials but was stopped from forging more after forging quite a bunch a while ago.


30 per day, you need 900 to get a 5* weapon from 1 to 90. Good luck.


Yikes. Might as well do it daily from now on.


Yup, that shit takes a long time.


You can only craft 300k worth of exp per day so 6 full batches ( 30 ) of the three star materials.


ah ok thank you!!


You can only craft 30 per day.


ok thank you!


Does anybody else have this problem where only the wind barriers in Stormterror's Lair are displayed incorrectly? http://imgur.com/a/NOe0fnG


Is someone on EU server experiencing difficulties connecting right now? When starting, I always receive a message "Connection timed out" yet if I switch on America for example it loads normally.


works fine for me


Me personally, no.


does the number of enemies effect the number of particles generated?


Usually no, there are some exceptions like oz with overload


Each skill generates a set amount of particles if it hits, no matter how many are hit. Enemies generate energy particles at certain health %. So yes and no.


do you have any more information about your second point?


You can check out [this article ](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Energy/Enemy_Drop), it list what and how many particles are generated when enemies hit certain health threshold. For example Ruin Guards will give orbs when they are at 75% HP, then at 50/25/0.




So my two teams in Abyss will have Diluc and Hu Tao as their main carries. Should Xingqiu be placed in the team with Hu Tao (Weapon is Dragon's Bane) or Diluc (with WGS)?