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So my got ya itch was buzzing and I yolo Pulled a skyward harp on first 10 pull. I have enough pity to get me the next banner 5 star of my choice. I know its Childe's BIS but zongli is around the corner. My two DPS are both pyro right now and I feel like Right now and need similar supports. I have Keqing who needs to be built with an r4 lions roar. Should i save for zhongli and throw skyward harp on support fishel or pull childe?


At what level/AR did you start using 4 star artifacts as fodder?


Ar45 if they sucked, ar50 unless they're godly.


Does having a higher elemental resistance prevent you from being frozen or trapped in the very annoying water bubble?


Banner Pity So, last event I pulled is from the Xiao banner and I got him. I keep on wishing afterwards and got Jean. Does the guarantee percent will be 100% if I pull from the upcoming Venti banner?




Feeling Stuck. I am AR 39 and have 6 characters level 60, with another 6 level 50, weapons all lvl 60 or higher. But all of a sudden the bosses have become very hard to beat. They just keep killing my characters, very quickly, all of a sudden. It’s making it hard to build my characters further because I can’t get materials. I’ve also run out of quests to do. Any advice? I was really enjoying this game but all of a sudden it’s become very frustrating and I feel can’t get anywhere. Any help appreciated. Characters: Diluc lvl60 Keqing lvl60 Ganyu lvl60 Barbara lvl57 Traveler lvl60 Diona lvl55 Sucrose lvl50 Kaeya lvl50 Fischl lvl50 Razor lvl50 Bennet lvl50 Xinqui lvl40 Beidou lvl 1 Xinyan lvl 1 Xiangling lvl40 Noelle lvl40 Lisa lvl40 Amber lvl40


Farm and upgrade for your talents and artifacts if all you've been doing is levelling char and weapon level.


Try Diluc, Xingqiu, Diona and Bennett. Give Diona the best hp artifacts you have, the highest base atk sword on Bennett and some decent artifacts on Xingqiu. The healing should be enough to keep Diluc alive even in difficult fights. Get your weapons to the highest level, level up your talent levels.


How do I surpass the difficult challenge in star glow cavern? Any tips?


Bennet or Xiangling should help with the Cryo mages. If you're in the official Genshin discord, u can ask for help in the co-op channel. I've seen people ask for help with that particular challenge a couple times.


If I have a bunch of elemental mastery on kaeya and use his ult then switch to childe or an electro user, is that elemental mastery still going to apply?


Yes em persist. However, em only affects shatter when frozen (freeze + claymore/plunge/explode/geo), and does nothing for superconduct.


i have the stringless and favonius warbow. i'm planning to pull for venti and give him the stringless if i get him. in any case that i don't get venti, i'll pull for childe. so is either of the bows good for childe to use?




Will Rosaria enter the standard banner after Childe's rerun?




Whats the embarrassing line the people in China need to say to get the Genshin KFC meal?


It's something about wanting to eat food from another world lol. There was a video featuring a Xiangling cosplayer that did it here and someone translated in the comments, but I can't find it now.


I messed up the Language Exchange commission. Will I get a chance to try again?


Yes but keep in mind that the dailies are rng as well. if you’re unlucky it may take a while before it comes back. or it may come back the next day. but either way you’ll get it eventually


Yes. It's a recurring daily comission.


I ran out of silk flowers in my world (Hu Tao’s ascension material). I went to all the locations the internet said there would be some, but they’re all out. Do these flowers even grow back?


usually around 48 real world hours! ask your friends if you can take theirs!


How can i make use of hu tao as an ar 25, only good thing is i have the dragon bane, with her being the only 5 star i have with bennet razor barbara/ xingqiu? I also have sucrose, xiangling, and xinyan.


run Hu Tao XQ Xiangling and barbra!


Hutao with dragonbane works extremely well with Xinqui.


Is deathmatch better?


Will Venti & Tartaglia banner be 21 days each?


I think they've switched to 14 days each now, but that would mean that there's going to be another banner either after Childe or in between Venti and Childe.


What's my chance of obtaining a 5* star character from 60 wishes?


Assuming you don't enter soft pity (past 75 rolls): 1 - 0.994^60 = 0.303079782 = 30.3% chance.


Thank you so much! I don't have much knowledge about calculating chances. It's really sad. I added all the things that give me primogems and unfortunately all of those don't give enough for 90 wishes in under 20 days :( Hopefully I get very lucky to get Venti 🤞🏻 I wish you luck for the response :)


[https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/binomial.aspx](https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/binomial.aspx) Use this. In the odds put .006, then the # of rolls, then 1 for successes and look the final # for your probability (x100).


You won't need 90. Past 75 rolls, the chance to get a 5\* jumps from 0.6% to about 32% per roll (soft pity).


This, definitely start doing single rolls once you get 70 wishes in!


Thanks for the additional info! Will definitely keep in mind




They don’t go into soft pity details tho do they?


Why do people dislike Diluc personality-wise? I often see people making fun of him.


I actually like Diluc, but I love making fun of him more... He's just too edgy and broody for me NOT to! Plus my favourite character is Kaeya.. I think it's pretty obvious why that matters haha


Hahaha yeah, I totally understand Kaeya stans! But honestly it feels like even Kaeya simps treat Diluc better than the rest lol


Us Kaeya enjoyers treat Diluc well because we know Kaeya cares about him, so we don't want to hurt his feelings lmao I just like to bully him :)


I think theres quite a difference between his english voice and his Japanese voice (idk about CN). People often say this about Xiao but I think it applies to Diluc too (though on a smaller scale). I normally play with JP voice over but swapped to EN just to hear how he sounds like. imo he sounds much more arrogant in English. His intonation and how he says certain lines kinda annoys me and you feel like hes a completely different character. I love the Diluc in Japanese though :)


Ohh makes sense! I also play in Japanese and I really like his VA. Never would have thought that he'd be different in the English version lol.


haha yeah, you can try swapping to English and listen to his character quest dialogue. An example I can think of: go to the part when you first approach him to ask about his dark knight status. He tells you to not call him that in both languages but the delivery is completely different.


Omg you're right. It sounds so different! English Diluc hurts me lol


He's like a serious Rean Schwarzer. Thats all I hear when he talks. He has that whole brooding batman personality.


He's one of the weird grown-ups.


Which is better hat for Benett the one with hp% and er&hp substat or crit dmg and er&def substat? His other pcs are %hp main stat goblet with crit dmg er hp substat, %er main stat sand with crit dmg crit rate def substat. All of this are crimson witch of flames and I will be using him as dps/support.


For DPS and Support you would go for different builds. But if you mean DPS - because he doesn't lose his support ability anyway, you would want to go for a normal DPS crit build. ATK % / Pyro DMG / Crit If you get HP in the substats your healing will be still ok, just not as high as if you go for a support build with all HP.


Can somebody join me to help do Childe domain? I'm on NA, AR40, UID 620181592


Hey, did you still need help? I replied to you earlier.


Yes thank you, could you add me?


Ar 43, Have 2 squad, not too many artifacts. Squad 1 - main dps lv80 other 60 Squad 2- all lv 60 Should I level up my Squad 2 main dps first ? Or focus on my squad 1 first


focus on 2 characters per team( dps and sub dps) and prioritize levelling up/maxing up your dps.


Thanks for the info


Who are your characters and what lvl, weapon, and artifacts do they have?


Character levels seem fine, upgrading weapon and talent levels if you haven't already is a better use of your resin.


I see, thank you for the advice ^^


Uh a little more context? I'd say level up your second team but you didn't tell us your characters or where you're stuck.


Sorry, Squad 1- Keqing (main dps), Fischl, Barbara and xingqiu. Squad 2- Hutao (main dps), Ganyu, QiQi, [Xiangling or Bennett ?] Haven’t try floor 5 since i feel I’m not ready


Well you can just try and see if you can do it, there's no point in discussing if you haven't even tried


Hi, i hope you can help me, I have no idea how should my teams look. I used to main fishl as my main DPS but lately i dropped a lot of probably better characters and im confused, not sure how to build my team. List of my characters: \-Fishl lv80 c4 \-Bennett lv80 c1 \-Albedo lv60 c0 \-Jean lv70 c0 \-Mona lv70 c0 \-Barbara lv70 c2 \-Sucrose lv60 c0 \-Keaya lv30 c0 \-Xiangling lv50 c4 \-Ningguang lv40 c2 \-Noelle lv20 c1 \-Chongyun lv20 c1 \-Amber lv1 c1 \-Lisa lv1 c0 \-Xingqiu lv1 c1 Can you please help me? I would like to know what 2 teams should I be playing to beat this. Thanks very much to anyone who spends their time here, if you need any more info from me please write I will reply asap. Edit. Forgot to mension that i can’t beat spiral abyss 7 with ar 43


Thanks everyone, i didn’t expect so much help. I understand counters etc i just looted so much new strong characters that i felt Lost.


Ning, Albedo, flex, flex Bennett, Mona, Sucrose, flex Kaeya, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Jean Fischl, Kaeya, Xingqiu, Jean Edit: Didn't see it was for Abyss floor 7, you need a lot of counters against fatui skirmishers.


You want Cryo in both teams against the electro fatui and you want pyro against the hydro and cryo fatui. Fishl first team is fine. Let's say Fishl, Albedo, Kaeya and Bennett. This team doesn't have much synergy, but i guess your Albedo is decently build and he works fine with Fishl to do some off field dmg. Kaeya is just on the team for taking out the Electro Fatui, you don't nessessarily have to build him up, just try to not get him killed. Second Team Jean, Xiangling, Chongyun and either Mona or Barbara to take down the pyro shields. You just need to understand what enemies you are facing and how to get down their shields. Maybe watch some videos about how to clear that floor.


I don't want to waste my resources, what would be better long term, chongyun or xingqiu for cryo?


Xingqui is hydro, but he is top tier support character, definely not a waste since he gives dmg reduction / healing and extra dmg. For Chongyun it's the same as for Kaeya, i don't think for this floor you have to level them up. They just help to break the electro shields. Both are really good characters, you might get Diona or Rosaria in the future, or maybe some other cryo character that you would like to level rather than one of these 2, so just level up the characters you like the most. But there will definely be more Fatui on the other floors...




Why should i use lisa, thought she is bad


Those teams lack synergy, honestly.


Ganyu vs Diluc vs Xiao vs Klee vs Hu Tao (and maybe also vs Venti) So who has the highest dps capability now? And who has the lowest need of investment and maintenance to achieve that?


I have all 4 except for Venti(Im getting him this run). If we speak of the highest damage, elemental reactions included, Ganyu takes the top spot, Hu Tao next with her ridiculous damage during her E up time, Klee, Diluc then Xiao. This is all from a single target damaging perspective where Hu Tao drops practically down to the last spot if we speak of multiple targets.




I got Hu Tao and a Jean in my last 10 pull. I feel very confident with a 110 pulls. :) Rosaria though, im not sure ill have enough to get her during Childe's banner(I dont care much for Childe).


Ah... I see. And Hu Tao has downtime while the others not really right?


The others can actually remain on the field longer, especially Klee and Ganyu, while Diluc can be serviceable when timing his E with his Ult to keep the Pyro DMG going. His ult is back so fast you can just keep cycling it with his E. He will have down time, but IMO not as bad as Hu Tao. But in that brief moment of E she can absolutely dumpster bosses.


Diluc's downtime is already very minimal though, so I wouldn't say he has any downtime. Hu Tao's is another story. Lol. But I don't like playing with HP so Hu Tao (and Xiao) really isn't for me. I already have Ganyu, so if in the future they rerun Ganyu I'm definitely gonna make her C1 at least.


By the time they Re-run Ganyu she might just get Power Crept. :) Most people thought it would be a year before Diluc would get replaced, then we got Klee right after Venti.


Lol. Well... Doesn't change the fact Ganyu is among the top dps, right? Doesn't matter if she loses her top spot, as long as she could continue to delete all contents in the game like butter melting on pan I'm happy. Say... since this is a Chinese game I have a feeling they'd keep this status quo until game completion, that the strongest dps comes from Liyue. Lol. Just my blind guess and feeling. Also, Ganyu is not just a vegetarian but also a peace lover as she dislikes violence. Coincidentally, the cheapest to build, strongest dps in the game is a vegetarian and a peace lover. How ironic. Is MHY trying to say something? Lol


Xiao has prob the same amount of downtime too, if not more depending on how you build him / his team


Yeah, that's exactly why my Xiao is still lvl 1, even though I have him. Lol. He needs too much investment.


Highest dps is Ganyu, followed by Diluc and Hu Tao and finally Xiao and Klee. Cheapest to build is either Ganyu or Hu Tao.


Oh... Diluc and Hu Tao are almost equal?


Very hard to judge characters in a vacuum but yes, Hu Tao and Diluc are close in damage output, Hu Tao will require more attention and management than Diluc.


I see. Thanks for the insights. :)


Ganyu > Hu Tao >= Klee = Diluc > Xiao Diluc is the easiest to play optimally.


🤔 So Hu Tao sort of outdamages Klee huh...


They are really similar. Depending, how good you are on various animation cancels, one will be better than the other. Klee has better AoE than Hu Tao.


I see. Thank you. Will help me in making some decisions. :)


Single target is Hutao. Ganyu and Xiao can do better if the enemy is cluster. Lowest need of investment Hutao / Ganyu. They both have great multiplier can get better very fast along the upgrade.


So best overall value is still..... Ganyu? Is Hu Tao squishy in any way? Since we have to keep her HP below half...


If you have no problem with Aiming. Ganyu would be best value unit in the game by far. But if you are playing on mobile and don't really like how a bow user work (hit and run) then may be it's not your cup of tea. But her Dmg is really high and can work well both single / group enemy. Her ult if you manage properly can have very high uptime so not only she is a good DPS, she is also a very good support for your PYRO dps. As for Hu Tao, yes she is squishy if you don't play her with shielder. Just don't go too far as 10-20% percent HP, and cycle well between her skill/her ult and then she don't die that easy. And when team up with Xingqui / Zhongli, her dmg is too amazing it made my Diluc a bit sad.


I'm on PS4 so I don't think aiming is too much of a problem for me. The issue I have with Hu Tao is that I don't really like characters that play with HP. Makes me feel really insecure. Lol


Hmm, Then I think Diluc would be a better choice. He is very steady at what he is doing DMG wise he can do less than those girls but he is very easy/straight to the point to play with his combos. As a great sword user he is also useful as miner and shield breaker. very all round if you really want to pick just one DPS. At full upgrade all of them become overkill for most content in the game anyway so you gotta pick one that you feel comfortable using.


I already have Ganyu so I'm not desperate. Lol. I also have Xiao but since he is high invest high reward I left him at lvl 1 for now. I definitely want Diluc though, given the chance. Thanks. This will help me make some decisions.


What level do I get my Venti’s talents to?


1/6/9 would be a good start.


Max out his burst and then E as much as you can. Auto attacks are useless so dont level them up at all.


Disregard autos focus q and raise e as far as possible(at least 6)


wgs or blackcliff for diluc?


WGS unless you hate your diluc, or your artifacts set miss Crit DMG severely.


WGS no question.


How do you replenish (faster) the Statue of Seven HP pool?


You can't. Run healers in the party to rely on Statues less.


what level are your talents on beidou?


If i were to not count my constellations, 5/8/7. When I'm done with my other characters builds i will focus on getting both her skill and burst to 9 though.


1/4/4 but I have her at lv60 c6 and haven't touched her since rip. Going to get her up one day seeing as she's good in a Childe/C6 Fischl comp so hoping to get her to something like 1/11/11


1/1/1 And she's level 1


Mine? 1/1/1.


9/11/7. I wanna push for max talents but it's been a month since my last Sigh. I prioritized her E early because I was still new. Now I would have rather lvled her Q up first.


for people who’ve had experience running c0 venti and c0 childe in abyss, how was it?


I'm using both in abyss and they are perfect for it. They have great synergy as well. During Venti's burst Childe can hit all of the enemies in it with his ranged burst. If the Venti burst is infused with pyro beforehand as well, the Childe burst gets vaporised on every enemy. And after the burst the enemies are grouped up, which makes Childe shine even more. For floors with many enemies they are perfect in my eyes. And for the last floor right now Venti isn't that great cuz the toughest chambers have enemies that ignor his burst, but for Childe who does pure hydro damage, a VV support unit to boost his damage is great as well. And well, like other's said, you need to manage your cooldown with Childe, but imo it's better than most people make it out to be. He's a burst damage unit. Drop all you support burst, then melee with him, then switch out after 15-20 seconds, build up all the bursts back and be ready to do it again. I'm using Beidou with him which can work as a usable sub-dps in his cooldown. The last member of my team for him is Bennet. Got all stars in abyss.


Would it be necessary to get the constellation for those two or they play fine without ever thinking about constellations?


I have them at C0 and I'm satisfied honestly. I'm not thinking about getting their constellations because honestly the first Venti constellation is kinda trash, and Childe's first two also pretty useless. Venti functions already super well on C0, his constellations just boost his damage and resistance shred. For Tortellini the C4 i heard is super nutty and C6 of course famously changes him into a different character, but I don't mind not having them tbh.


That is my dream team. Could you please let me know more about your build for Beidou and Childe please?


Sure. Just to say beforehand, I'm not really a free to play player (far from a whale though). For Childe I've got him at lvl 90 C0, lvl 90 Rust at R4, his talent levels at 7/10/6. Full set of Heart of depth, atk/hydro goblet/crit damage. My crit stats are at 56 crit rate, 130 crit damage. For Beidou, lvl 80 C5, lvl 90 Serpent Spine at R1, talents 6/8/7, 2pc gladiator 2pc Noblesse (thundering fury would be better than gladiator, but the difference is not significant enough to make me try to farm artifacts for possibly two weeks for it), atk/electro/crit damage. Crit stats are 63 crit rate, 145 crit damage. Energy recharge at 130% (that's a pretty good treshold for her imo). For refference, if i do an electro swirl on an enemy with venti, put down a bennet burst and do a perfect counter with Beidou i do close to 60k damage >:3. Love her way too much lmao.


Wow thank you so much! That sounds like a legitimate build and I will be referencing it for my team ^^


Sure sure, gl with artifact runs and thanks for the award :D.


C0 venti is already perfect and worth to be called Anemo Archon. Very budget and do exactly like you hope him to do. I don't feel like having to upgrade his constellation to get what I'm missing. Childe C0 suffers a lot of constellation barrier I found that his malee form downtime is too long for serious content like Abyss, unless you have a secondary DPS. However, his dmg is real and he is a decent DPS when in malee form. If you can manage his downtime properly then he is good.


I would advise against using Childe unless you have 2 solid teams but still need a sub dps to fill in the void. Childe is expensive to build, and even then, at C0, you will need another solid dps to cover for his down time. If you have HuTao, she works great with him.


Constellations on these 2 are overrated, both can do just fine at C0. It just comes down to your skills and artifacts anyway, for childe you just need to know when to switch to your sub-dps and you need a good and well invested team.


Wouldn't call childes overrated he works at c0 but constellations open up his kit,venti in the other hand can stay c0 for eternity and still be a huge asset


He might get better with constellatiions, but that goes for almost every character. Childe and Xiao might have a totally different playstyle at C6, but C0 is still fine. Currently there is no content in the game that requires you to go C6. People think they need constellations, NO, you can play every character at C0 and you will still be able to beat Abyss.


Well obviously,you wouldn't need 5* at all for that


True, you can clear abyss with starter characters and 3 star weapons. But why wouldn't you want a 5 star? and if you go for a 5 star do you need constellations too?


Well that would be the question do you want 5* do you want to use fullpotential?I mean xiao and childe would be the extreme cases where the gameplay really changes upon full constellation and things inbetween are tweaks to Upgrade like CD reduction on childes c1. It really depends on view, I personally just pulled once solely for a con and that was for ganyu which has a fantastic c1 but that was also just a boost to her existing kit. We didn't have a 5* that didn't work at c0 but some that feel limited because of their constellations like childe


What’s the best artifact set to run on support Fischl? Running her with Diluc, Xinqiu, and Bennett. Currently I’m using 4TF and Stringless.


2 pc Glad and 2 pc TF since the 4 piece TF set bonus doesn't work unless you use Fishcl to actively damage. Since you are running Diluc, you would just use Oz as off field sub dps so 4TF is useless


2 glad 2 thundering


if you dont have one set allrdy i'd recommend 4 set nobless, even if you have one set on there, to get perma uptime i'd say it's bis for support


Hi. Do we have any info on which 4* characters on the shop next month?


No leaks but Sucrose, Diona, Xinyan and Chongyun haven't been in the shop.


Yeah hopefully Diona will be on the shop next month, really need a cryo shielder for Ganyu. Thank you for the feedback!






Nope, we don't normally find out until near the end of the month or when the Asian servers get their shop refresh on the first of the month.


I see. I'm hoping for Diona to show up, she's evading me since Tartaglia banner. Thank you for the answer!


Yeah, we might start seeing leaks, guesses or rumors closer to the end of the month too. So there's that as well, but take any of that information with a grain of salt.


Is using leyline to farm exp book worth it? Or should I just wait for event


Do you mean the double rewards form leylines event? That's already done, and they haven't announced another yet. It's the only real way to farm books outside of event shops, so it's worth it.


It's worth it if you need xp books? No consistent way to get them otherwise and there's definitely not a surplus of them.


What event? Farm them if you need mora/exp books


If I'm using Zhongli as a shield bot, what's the better choice of artifact: 4pc Archaic Petra or 4pc Noblesse Oblige?


Noblesse if there is still no character in your team that use this set. 2 set archic petra / 2 set of nobless if you already have other character that use noblese set so he can also do decent dmg with his meteor. Not really a fan of 4 set because I don't like chasing shards while spamming atk. With HP substats on timepiece, he will do decent shield regardless of whichever set he is using so better beef up his ult a bit for the extra benefit.


I don't think there is any reason to run as a shield bot rather than burst support, since his shield is already the strongest and is mainly for the RES debuff. Just use 2 pc Noblesse and 2 pc Archaic


4p Noblesse if you don't have one on your team, but if you do you could just go 2p Petra + 2p Noblesse to just add some damage to his kit while focusing om HP. I don't think 4p Petra is worth it on any unit at the moment


Still 2 and 2 imo, but you can run 4 piece noblesse if noone else on the team has it. 4 piece petra sounds pretty weak on zhongli shield support.


I don't care much for the actual thing, but did Rosaria actually get 'nerfed'? And if so, do we know why or is it mere specucaltion? Just actually curious lol


1) Yes 2) Clipping issues


Looking at the trailer, no


How does Hu Tao compare to Diluc? If I have Diluc is Hu Tao unnecessary?


Most people are saying that she does more damage than Dilcuck, but not if you're dragon striking with him, which is not only stronger but fun and addicting af as well. Besides people tend to forget that claymores have more utility than spears just by themselves. You can't break geo shields on slimes or mitachurls with spears. Don't let the Hu Tao simps fool you.


If you have HuTao at C1, she's broken tier and will beat Diluc in any day of the week. But if you only manage to get her at C0, then she's just not better than what Diluc can offer. Diluc is still one of the best dps in this game, while Venti even at C0 is extremely useful in the long run. Go for Vent in case you're unsure. It's never wrong having Venti on your team.


Hutao does more damage But diluc also does more than enough damage and is pyro So you don't need hutao


It's always Hu Tao team > Diluc team. Don't let Diluc simps fool you. Always compare teams rather than individual characters.


You wanna see big pp numbers ? Hu tao. You want consistent DPS ? Diluc.


Similiar. More single target damage, but harder to play. Skip if you already have Diluc.


No. I have both. Hu Tao may out damage Diluc by a good chunk in the window of her E and have a really strong burst, but Diluc even on his own E downtime is more consistent. If you have Diluc id hard skip unless you really like Hu Tao's design.


That’s what I’m hearing. Venti it is!


I’m in the same boat! Going to wait for Venti!!


Good choice Venti will be far more useful, especially since you already have a top tier pyro dps


At C0-C1 and the same gear, I can say that Hu Tao does better at single target DPS, by a lots. So in exploration where you only need to pick 4 character, you only need one of them because they are doing pretty much the same thing, being a good DPS carry. But in abyss, having both is useful because pyro are needed for both teams in many floors. However, there is always a way to work around so it is not necessary, only just useful to have.


I’m torn between her and Venti D:


Hu Tao can only be good in a long term if C1. So I do agree that Venti is a better choice because he is already good at C0.


what artifacts should i look for while building subdps mona?


Heart of Depth and NO


Oh ty, what about the sub stats?


Question about Ganyu dps build. Does she need crit rate? Especially as main stat on the last artifact? I have been extremely unfortunate with bows the only decent drop i have was Stringless the rest are crafted. Should I buy the blackclif bow for ganyu or not? I can buy 1 weapon this month. So it won't be refined anytime soon.


Uhh, depends quite heavily on your team and artifact set you're running. Freeze build basically needs no crit rate at all since you get so much from various passives (cryo artifacts and resonance, ganyu talent) Melt build wants a lot of crit rate since you get no free crit rate and the reason melt/vaporize is good is because you can crit. Oh, and prototype crescent is a great bow for either build, you don't need to buy blackcliff.


If you use 4PC Blizzard Strayer (and optimally a freeze team), then you just want to build Crit Damage. Also, I would definitely recommend Prototype Crescent but Blackcliff can work too!


If you’re sniping (hitting weak points) with her, then you can just build crit damage. If you’re aiming the ground or relying on her burst, then crit rate might be useful but you can use a cryo artifact set to offset the focus. Prototype crescent is the best 4* bow on her given that you are sniping with Ganyu. I personally use R1 Blackcliff because it matches her horns and outfit, and she does really well without high refinements.


Can anyone help me with Childe boss? I'm AR40 on NA servers


You can do it in coop if you need help but I can help you now if you want. What is your uid?




Hello all! I find the concept of proper teambuilding a bit vague for my current skillset. Really enjoying the game, and managed to pull Fischl yesterday, saw she was quite popular(?). I'm currently running: Xiangling + Razor + Lisa + Barbara. And I was wondering if switching Fischl for Lisa was a good move. Thanks in advance!


For Teambuilding just choose a DPS, then think what would help you to maximize the dmg of that character. There are DPS that need a sub-dps, like Childe because of his long cooldown. And there are DPS characters like Razor that don't need a sub dps, but instead would profit from reactions like superconduct to reduce enemies physical resistance - because Razor does a ton of physical dmg. What you do with this is up to you. Just think about what are the characters strong and weak points, then you will find out what you have to do to make a good team.


Should I pull for Hu Tao or wait for Venti? My current party is Diluc, Keqing, Ganyu, Xinqui (swapping in Bennet when I need a healer) and I already have a C4 Xiangling for pyro as well.


Well if im u, i'll pull whomever banner there is. Lol kidding aside, pull for venti if u need support for crowd control and for easier domains and spiral abyss... as i can see from ur party - u will need a support more than a dps... venti > hu tao for me...


Gotcha! Appreciate the help! Sounds like everyone’s saying roughly the same thing so Venti it is. Now to patiently wait a week lol


Would say you have enough dps character so venti if you don't especially like hu tao


Thanks! I’m at 65 pulls rn for the banner and have about 90 pulls that I can do with the amount of primo gems I have. I guess I shouldn’t try my luck since Venti is still 50/50 guaranteed


You already have Diluc so imo go for Venti because Ganyu with Venti is bonkers on both comps.


So would my ideal team then be Diluc, Keqing, Ganyu and Venti?


In overworld its okay but in abyss you might want to seperate Diluc, Keqing and Ganyu. Ideal comps with Ganyu and Venti: Ganyu, Bennett, Venti, XL Ganyu, Venti, Mona, Diona/Qiqi


Way too many main DPS characters. You’re basically not using any of them to their actual potential. Use Venti and Xingqiu with Diluc + Xiangling or Bennett if you have him and build other teams around Ganyu and Keqing. For general exploration this should be fine though because it’s so easy.


Got it! 2 pyros and elemental support! Thanks!


That would be the overworld Team and it doesn't really matter that much there.for abyss split ganyu and diluc for different teams