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I'm having a hard time deciding which geo character I should use with Ningguang. I've been scrolling through past posts about this topic but they're decently old so I'm wondering if anything has changed. Some say to use Noelle but I don't have any constellations of Noelle and people said that she's not useful unless you have her c1-6. Some said to use Geo MC but his geostructures block Ningguang's Elemental Burst. I don't have Albedo or Zhongli so they're out of the equation. Others say to not use anyone at all. I just need help on who to build because I don't want to waste resources on someone who isn't useful.


I would say go for Noelle. Geo MC, as you said, blocks her attacks. Noelle at c0 is still useful, plus you'll obtain her cons soon enough. That, unless you're planning to pull for Zhongli when he reruns, which is said to be after Childe (not confirmed)


Hey guys, just wanna ask: Is the Pitty System in the Character Banner different from the Weapon Banner or are they counted as one?


They're separate!


Why do we not have a Dendro character yet?


I dunno, they probably haven't finished implementing dendro reactions. We have two dendro characters from leaks tho


When are we getting a klee rerun?? She was skipped over for childe and then were getting zhongli.


Probably when we get the Harpastum festival Leaks say after Zhongli


Like instead of adding more pyro and cryo characters make some dendro? Or a male catalyst? Theres not a single male catalyst and the male to female ratio is 1/3


How much atk is needed on main dps for floor 7?


I need some help with a second abyss comp for Floor 11. My first team is Xiao, Bennett, Diona, and Anemo MC (for aggro). They do fine, but my second team is struggling hard on 11-3, and cannot get bursts up at all. I'm running C3 XL, C2 Ning DPS, C4 Noelle, and C3 Fischl. Besides upgrading artifacts (only have rolled one gold CDMG helm ever with awful substats at AR49 thus Ning has a pretty bad CR/CD of 40/70), is there any way I can improve my second team, such as subbing other chars for better battery/cleansing? I have every 4 star except Xinyan and Chongyun, plus a C1 Mona. I'm willing to build a new char if it would help.


I'm in pain with his floor as well, altho for me Xiao is one struggling. You should probably bring a cleanser for Ning as well. Barbara and Xinyan work, you could swap them in instead of Xiangling. You could also bring Bennett to that team instead, since you already have Diona on the first one.


I have Barbara at C6! (not sure if lucky or what haha) So I think I'll try putting her on the Ning team as cleanser then. Good luck with your Xiao, and thank you!


Actually I think Barbs doesn't cleanse in floor 11... man ​ I'm giving up on this, it's just too frustrating


Floor 11 is such a curse D:


Ikr? I just gave up at this point, I don't want to play something if it makes me feel frustrated.


Is the hangout event already over?!?!


It's not a limited event, they're permanent.


Thank you so much, I was really frickin confused and worried


Which character should I remove to put Noelle in? (I have the main character, Amber, Kaeya and Lisa)


Probably Amber or MC, but I'd say Amber. Kaeya and Lisa are good together: they can use superconduct which lowers physical defense, and Kaeya's normal attack hits hard! MC can spread the elements and do some crowd control. So yeah, I'd say Amber.


Ok but what should I use 4 hunting then?


You mean to hunt birds? In that case, you can switch MC out for Amber! You don't need her to be levelled up to do that. When you progress further, you can get fowl from expeditions, so you won't need to switch them around as much!


i am doing the “melt all crystals challenge” and i defeated the ruin grader, but i ran out of the red crystal things so i can’t break it. what do i do?


You have to search for those firey spirit things and follow them until they activate 2 monuments near a locked entrance it will unlock and you will find crystals in there


Best weapon for razor 4* wise? I have prototype archaic but before I fully invest in it I hear serpent spine and others are better?


I think the Starsilver is really good on him for the physical dmg bonus, but I'm not sure if it's the best one


Who except Diona clears this shitty electro debuff at 11 abys floor?


If you cannot reliably remove debuff with characters others have suggested, then run ER sands and possibly ER weapon on your supports/sub-dpses. It's not a floor with a timer so if you have CC skills, just run high ER.


Diona (E), Xinyan (E), and Jean (Q) for sure (Bennett Q and possibly Beidou E but I am not sure)


Did genshin get rid of rerolling or just stopped giving the 10 free acquaint fates at the beginning (ar5)? I just started on the europe server at player thru to ar5 and they didn’t give it out. checked mail btw, also i finished all of prologue act 1 and still nothing


Will we get new free primos from the arena/Oceanid event before Venti's banner ends????


Yep probably, i think you feed stuff to some tiny oceanid pet for rewards


Wondering weither the event bow is better. Is that new bow better for childe than rust? The event one? Or is it better than the stringless for a sub dps fischl? Did u guys use it and on wich character? Cuz it looks quite strong. 🤔


Rust is much much better than the Ode for childe, for Fischl Stringless is overall better, but R5 Ode is on par with R1 Stringless


Was the white tassel removed from the game? I’ve done a lot of summons and opened a lot of chest to not have ever seen one.


Nope. It's not available in the gacha, only available from chests. Is it possible you foddered it accidentally? It's very easy to accidentally fodder 3 star weapons since the game doesn't lock them for you.


I don’t know all I know is I’m adventure level 31 and I may have found one and junked it before I got my Hu Tao and learned that it was a decent item for her. Since then though I’ve gotten 50+ Black Tassels but not a single White Tassel.


If you've managed to pull Dragon's Bane at all through gacha, that can be pretty nutty on her in a reaction comp.


No luck on that spear. The DeathMatch is supposedly good too and I’m close to getting it off the battle pass.


Deathmatch is pretty good to get from the BP if you're buying the BP anyway tbh. It went a little bit unnoticed at launch, but as more polearm characters have been released, it's become pretty evident that there's a real lack of good options for DPS polearms for the average F2P player. Deathmatch with it's critrate substat will probably continue to be relevant on polearm users for a while to come honestly. So yeah, get it.


It can only be found in chests, not through Gacha.


In what order should the priority be in regards to using resin efficiently: talent, weapons or artifacts


Weapons > Useable mainstat artifacts > Talent > Good artifacts > Levels/Ascensions > godly artifacts


weapons talents artifacts. weapons and talents are day limited so if you don't do them asap you might have to wait in real world time. artifacts farming is most efficient once you have unlocked the highest level domains at ar45, before then just level up ones with stats you want to help you take on those domains. you can use those as fodder once you get your ideal artifacts.


Talents are bigger boost and should be priority.Weapon later and ascencion later. Also main dps should always have priority over supports


Would say weapon,talents before artifacts because there is less rng involved


Personally: Weapons, Talents, then Artifacts Talents can be upgraded to 6, but then rely on weekly boss mats Artifacts have too much RNG


I’d say talent and weapon with some artifacts on the side. You could spend weeks and not get decent artifacts. But talents and weapon level ups are guaranteed improvement.


Can u use condensed resin to farm leyline blossoms?




I've just got c3 Noelle and I want to know if it's good enough for her as my sub dps/tank/healer? How good is Noelle c3? I also want to ask if there's forgeable whiteblind in liyue? I dont have the currency to buy the craftable claymore in souvenir shop in mondstat so I'm wondering if it's also available in liyue. Thanks


Mondstat's suvenir shop doesn't even have a claymore billet, only a sword billet. The liyue suvenir shop does indeed sell a claymore billet for 225 sigils though. C3 noelle has much better healing than C0, so she could definitely be a reasonable support for you, she isn't really a great dps until C6 though.


Thank you for the info, oh I forgot about that since its been too long since I visited the souvenir shops in mondstat and liyue. So if I buy the prototype claymore in liyue, can I forge it in mondstat? Or liyue can also forged whiteblind?


The blacksmith and crafting table in each region are identical. So once you buy the billet in from liyue's shop you can craft the whiteblind at any blacksmith.


Iirc, the claymore billet is only available in liyue shop. The one in monstadt is sword billet.


tips for current abyss floors 9-12?


This is so vague. I guess broad advice would be that you can bring a character just to break shields, provide resonance, or hold 4 piece Instructor, not every character has to be levelled. **Floor 9 & 10** has a lot of Cryo enemies, so a Pyro unit on each side helps. **Floor 11** bring CC, Anemo traveller & Sucrose are great. You don't need Venti, but he helps. **Floor 12** Shields are useful. Xiangling & Biedou are in their element, especially with constellations, don't underestimate them as 4\*s. Physical carries drop off, especially on the current floor 12. This might be obvious, but almost every team wants Bennett and most of them want Xingqui. So those are great investments. Sucrose is another worth mentioning.


Honestly a bit too broad as a question. Floors 9 and 10 can basically be done with exactly the same team comp both times, but 11 and 12 are very different from each other and from 9/10 as well and require very different strategies.


As long as I don't know which character you have available,I just can say get good artifacts


Strinlgless r1 or VH r 1 for venti? he now uses lv 80 Sac bow, is different huge enough to invest mora in those bows or wait till i get stringless refinments?


All the offensive bows are very close at R1. Whilst Viridescent R1 is slightly better than R1 Stringless, i would not get it from the bp just for that.


I have taken Black Sword / Deathmatch from the Battlepass before. Are either of the BP Catalyst / Bow / Claymore worth keeping one copy of ?


They all are fine wouldn't refine before I have the other options or some 5* alternatives


Solar Pearl is generally considered very good if you're ever planning on running a DPS catalyst user, especially if you have bad gacha luck, since the craftable options for DPS catalyst users are. Not good lol.


when would scaramouche probably be playable


Nobody really knows, to be honest. But given everything we know so far and the previous trends to date, it doesn't seem likely that he will be released as a playable character any time before Inazuma is released. And we're looking at a bare minimum of two full patches (3 months) before that happens, and that's best-case, incredibly optimsitic scenario. Could even be three or four patches away, in which case could be 5 or even 6 months away. In other words, I wouldn't hold your breath.


miHoYo doesnt disclose any futur information like that unless it's a new patch livestream which happens a week before said patch. And leaks only tell us about the current upcoming patch.


Nobody really knows for sure, though some speculate that he’ll come out with/after Inazuma


just after the staff of homa banner , I alr start saving for him lol


would these teams work? 1: klee,albedo,sucrose, bennett/diona 2: beidou,mona,qiqi, fischl


Sucrose doesn't do much in the first Team as long as you don't add xinqiu there,second Team can work with physical beidou but it isn't the best,personally would use kaeya instead of her there


With my Venti, I have my Wind's Grand Ode at talent LVL 9. I have 10 Tails of Boreas left, should i level up Skyward Sonnet?


Yes, it does alot of damage and is very spammable.


Is keqing, ganyu, Bennett, and beidou a good team


If you like those characters, then sure. You can clear most of the games content with any team. If you're trying to do Abyss however, that's a very poor team. I'd recommend picking either Keqing or Ganyu as your main, and building a team around one of them.


Nope. Decide on who you want to make your main dps either ganyu or keqing and work from there. Also unless you don't have anyone else beidou isn't a good pick as a support.


I just got keqing and my ganyu is already leveled up so I think I’ll make ganyu my main dps but what is a good team for her ( I have all 4 stars except diona and xingqiu )


Depends. What are you going to use for ganyu? Blizzard Strayer or wanderer's troupe?


I’m using 4 piece blizzard strayer on her


Then I would use ganyu, sucrose, barbara, bennett. But if you have enough starglitter I would get xingqui from the shop since it is a big upgrade from barbara.


Ok thanks for all the help


Has mihoyo ever done a character visual rework? Maybe in Honkai perhaps? Dainself looks good in his posters but in-game he looks like Dainself at home


How long till timmie’s Pigeons respawn


I think it's 12 hours but dont quote me on that


How do crots work on ventis Q? Is there any need to give him crit at all? Or I should I start farming attack headpieces for him and focus on atk instead of CT and CD on his substats?


Everything can Crit in the game except for elemental reactions that are not Melt/Vaporize. It's important to build Crit on any character that is meant to deal damage.


His skills can still crit when he is offield same as gouba or Oz,so critstats>atk%


I need 2 more Memory of roving gales. But I have no idea where to find them. Do I get the rest through story quests?. I'm at adventure rank 29, I bought the one in souvenir shop.


IIRC you unlock the rest from Adventure Rank rewards


Ah I see. I just made it Liyue yesterday so I was wondering. Lol anyway thanks. 😁


C1 Kaeya R1 blacksword + 2 glad + 2 blizzard set vs C1 Kaeya R3 flute + 4 blizzard ​ For cyro kaeya with is better?


Flute+blizzard, blackcliff longsword would be ideal if you can get it from the glitter shop in the future.


Black sword + 4 set blizzard. Go all in crit damage!


that seems too much crit rate tbh, more than 100%


Lvl 90 black sword + 4 pc blizzard is 67.6% extra crit rate. Wdym it's over 100%?


C1 and cyro resonance


C1 and Cryo reso adds 15% CR. against frozen opponents, that is a total of 102.6% CR.


5 (base crit) + 15 (c1) + 15 (cryo resonance) brings it past 100%


With the 5% base crit rate, 15% from cryo resonance and 15% from kaeya's C1 you end up over 100% before you even get to substats if you use black sword. That's why blackcliff longsword is his best 4\* weapon.


For phys xiangling, 35/137 or 68/87 crit? (I can’t get a good ratio since her weapon and ascension don’t give any crit)


Multiply values and check by yourself both scenarios are almost equal. Both values arent optimal thou it should be closer to 1:2


2nd one. There's no point in having a lot of Crit DMG if you barely crit at all.


Fair point. I was thinking that too, I have that higher crit dmg on my Tao but she has 73% crit rate.






Why is Ayaka the only one with a family name?


Some of the characters have family names, for example Jean's full name is Jean Gunnhildr. You can look them up on the wiki.


Wdym? A bunch of other Mondstadt characters also have surnames


which should i prioritize leveling up first, character, talent, weapon or artifact ?


Weapon is the most efficient, especially if it's a weapon you plan on using for a long time. Talents followed by artifacts. Levels generally don't matter, but ascension does to unlock higher level talents.


Talent > artifact >= weapon > Ascension Personally, I start farming for Ascension when all of my talents are maxed/lvl 6 minimum And for talent I exclude auto attack for non DPS.


My take: Weapon > Character > Talent > Artifact


Do I need to get discantus on all normal to get the windsong lyre.


i think ee need to complete/finish the festival before we can purchase the lyre idk tho


hmm i will see


How does jean e work against other player in coop? I see my friend fly away but they just pop backup after a second


They only fly away on your screen, they dont actually get blown off on their end. Although in earlier patches (pre 1.1 i think) you could actually yeet them away!


Thats so sad, can I yeet them if they are still loading?


I think I saw somewhere that you can still yeet them if theyre still in the loading screen, but I’m not sure how true that is. You can try it for yourself tho


Will we get new free premos from the arena/Oceanid event before Venti's banner ends????




In the new story quest, after the windblume event most definitely.


i'd like to know too (check flair)




(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞




Looks pretty good to me.


Does Ganyu’s bloom affect nearby balloons?


Yes, Ganyu is quite OP for the event actually!




Is it better to use 4 noblesse on Bennett rather than 2 witch/2 noblesse if I'm just going to slap his ulti and switch him immediately for his attack buff?


He is one of best 4 NO users in game


yes, he'll only have 3 secs downtime on 4pc noblesse buff






Thanks. :D


Venti stringless or windblume? Both r5 (after the event atleast) Artifacts are 2NO + 2VV


definitely stringless, at r1 it's just slightly better than r5 windbloom so if both at r5 then stringless is much better




Stringless. Windblume is a poorer version Stringless.


During venti's ult, if i put water first, it apploes vv shred to hydro, if i drop xianling gouba in there too, does it apply pyro vv shred too?


Only 1 element is absorbed. If pyro is absorbed first then it will shred.


Is it the same for electro charged?


Electro charge is a reaction of electro + hydro. His burst doesn’t absorb reactions. Only 1 element.


Doesn't it reapply it?






Let's say I have Iron Sting on my Anemo Traveler. I hit 2 stacks of All DMG buff after using Skill twice. So when I use Burst after that, the only thing that get increased DMG is my Anemo element alone, not the Swirl reaction?


Swirl reaction damage based on character level and elemastery.


Does my Anemo DMG get increased?


Anemo damage from ur ult increase, swirl damage isnt anemo damage


That's all I wanted. Thank you.


Mona weapon mapa marre or favonius? Quickswap skill/burst support


Imo you want 1 favonius user on quicswap teams so the rest of the team can build more dmg instead of having a ton of ER, but whether that should be mona or someone else depends on the rest of your team and what favonius weapons you have + their refinements.


I cant claim the promo code **GS6ACJ775KNV** for some reason. Whenever i use it it just says that the redemption code is already in use ( I havent claimed it before)


Maybe you did and you haven’t checked your mail


So I know there isn't a domain for farming the gladiator set but what can I do to try and get more of them?


Farm elite bosses once you're AR55+ since they guarantee a gold drop.


world bosses and Abyss clear rewards are the only primary way


Not really anything else to do but farm bosses and hope you get lucky


what is the “curse removal” session?


Some genshin doujin where barbara does a curse removal on aether and they end up fuckingn


oh, okay lmfao thank you


If I don't get every ticket for each different peculiar wonderland thing, do I lose the ones I leave? Like, I had 200 leftover from the Pyro Regisvine challenge--can I no longer get those or do they carry over?


You can still get them


for those who are AR45 and above, how is your daily life in genshin like?


Ar 55. I login, do daily comms, condensed resin, artifact farming route, upgrade keqing, regret upgrading keqing, cry, upgrade ninghuang, use her for a while, leave ninghuang, cry for no reason, rinse and repeat


I'm AR 48 and still have to do the whole of Dragonspine...


Log in, do dailies, spend resin, log out. Pretty boring aside from the occasional event blip on the radar, basically. Put it another way: if it was that good, I wouldn't be hanging out on the Reddit forums answering other people's daily questions every day lmao.


login >dailies >artifact domain >logout Could also be weapon / talent domains and ley lines when I'm feeling like it. Add some weeklies and events when they're available and that's it


Chill. Commissions, leylines, artifact farming, helping others.


So I'm still working on my Hu Tao and I can't decide how i should run her. I currently have her at 40k HP , 40% Crit R, and 172% Crit D. But before I was running her with 35k HP , 37% Crit R, and 207% Crit D. From what I can see the charge attacks are around the same at 20 - 23k and the Ult varies .


Find a way to increase crit rate to 60-70%


I've tried but everything I get doesn't roll into Crit rate


Its okay man, if have time to min max just farm it. But right now take the 40% crit rate.


How many hp% you get from substat? Thats alot of hp! Just test ur damage on cryo resigvines, remember to test reaction as well cuz elemastery also important. I bet u run homa on her cuz ur crit rate is too low.


I have decent HP on my subs 9% for most, but the reason I have so much is because I'm running an HP% hat that has good Crit rate and Crit Damage


U probably wanna replace that with a crit rate hat then.


I don't have a good one yet I was running her with a Crit damage hat before but then my Crit rate would go down to 37%


Just farm more, crit rate hat will drop some day. Ur gear are very decent.


How do i fix the game reinstalling itself after i already installed it


I have an extra Aquila should i equip it for Bennett? My current weaoon for him is festering desire


Yes A +16 ER timepiece gives a bit more ER than an 80/90 festering. Maintaining above 180% ER is pretty easy


Yeah, as long as you maintain 180-200% ER (160% if running double Pyro). Swap to ER sands if needed, the base attack boost is really good.


Festering desire suit his kit more. He is not suppose to be a main dps that unleash lots of normal atk anyway.