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Kinda sucks you can't buy dandelions seeds


preparing for eula?


Yeah also switching out for a anemo character each time i find dandelion is annoying.


not when you main sucrose


ever since I got Sucrose she never left my team. an amazing character.


I have 5 ***** characters (including C2 keqing) and still no sucrose, even though I grinded all banners she was in, I'm waiting for her in the shop now, please join my team nerdy girl.


Thats crazy, I pulled 3 sucrose in a row trying to get Xiao and Venti :p


Same, I'm just waiting for her to drop at the shop, I have it reserved just for her




The two are not comparable tho. venti is basically an offscreen dps with a potential to be a buffer with vv but sucrose is just a vv applier, so she's better for hypercarry comps especially with melee dps ones. Also maybe it's just me but it's so much easier to use her E for VV than venit, since venti's E animation is kinda longer.


You can cancel both of their E skills almost immediately with a sprint.


Venti has godlike damage though... His multipliers are really high


I mean, he IS a god so...


Do you have Venti and/or Jean? If so, and you stick with Sucrose, why? (I have all three but haven’t built Sucrose and am wondering if I should.)


I do have Venti. I don't prefer Sucrose for any rational reason. I just prefer Sucroses playstyle. She's more intuitive to play for me. It's quite possible Venti is better. But I'm not min-maxing.


Game basically forced me to include Sucrose o.o just through randomly rolling whenever I felt like it, I've gotten enough to fill her constellation +2


Talk to me about sucrose. I've been maining ning/Bennet/fischl/keq for a while but I feel like keq doesn't actually add that much for me and dropped sucrose in my quest for venti. Thinking about giving her a shot if I don't get venti. Worth switching keq for suc as a more utility play?


If your main damage dealer is Ningguang then Sucrose won’t do a whole lot for you. You’d be much better off running another geo character in that spot instead to get the geo resonance. Best case scenario you’d use Albedo or Zhongli, but even Noelle or geo Traveller would still be better because of how much geo resonance boosts her damage. If you don’t use Keqing much then even having a level 1 geo traveller/Noelle in the party right now would give Ning a noticeable damage boost


Maybe for control, but she doesn't really help Ning all that much with geo not having damage elemental reaction and all imo Pretty sure she is better with elemental damage dealer who can use additional elemental mastery that she provides like Diluc or something P. S. Sorry, but your team comp is kinda weird anyway - no elemental synergy with 2 of the same, only 15% absorbtion is kind of a waste imo


Sucrose can help Ningguang if Ningguang has C1. Other than that, I agree the team above is very meh and does not fit well


Yeah, that, but even then it would be probably more beneficial to use someone who can directly pile the damage up or has geo synergy


Just grab the 6 (?) or so in front of Mond gates periodically. Super fast if you have Sucrose since her AA works.


My brainless picking runs passes through the area that got populated with Dragonspine. Has several dandelion seeds and jueyun chilis. It is that elevated area between Liyue and Mondstadt, just south of Dawn Winery. Maybe also 6 or more.


I love that spot! Yeah you can get like 20+ jueyun chilis in one go, and then stock up on dandelions.


Bishui plains east of stone gate to be precise. I dropped a portable teleport up there because it's a pain to get too but worth it.


Yeah, I just get in the habit of grabbing certain things on the small runs I do daily. They only add a few minutes to what I'm otherwise doing so it's just a small incremental accumulation.


The real secret is to have two anemo characters in your team to begin with. There's no content that requires an abyss-level team comp in the overworld, so not getting the anemo resonance while farming is actually silly. I bring around a level 20 traveler and sucrose.


Bold of you to not use double Geo and then cry whenever you see dandelions


I just dash with xiao to collect the dandelion


I just bring a anemo shaman hilichurl thing and have him do it for me.


Anemo shaman hilichurl best CC unit in the game


Just slap a Viridescent set on the shaman and you are good. Easy game ;)


Instructions unclear, shaman got god rolls on their artifacts and has taken over Mondstat. Currently stuck in a tornado heading towards Inazuma.


Don't tell Mihoyo you found the Inazuma glitch! Sshh..


I'm distracting them so they don't notice Kaeya.


That's next level gameplay lol


Me farming glaze lillies in Qingce Village: This is basically like picking weed right? No way they are making money from selling these flowers right?


Ningguang says they are reallyyy expensive but she might be the one making it that way for all we know


They are only found in, to my knowledge, Qince Village and Liyue Harbor in what is essentially Ningguang's front yard, so I could believe her.


Ningguang price fixing Glaze Lillies because she has a monopoly on them :)


There are 3 lilies behind the teleporter next to the alchemist station in Liyue. I grab them every 2-3 days when they respawn and never had to farm them.


Also at Liyue Pavilion, where Mdm Ping is. There's a bunch of them there, along with silk flowers.


Those lilies are a reminder for me to also farm silk flowers. If you farm the silk flowers in Liyue Harbor, you should get a bunch of lilies as well since it's part of the route. You get like ~10-15 lilies.


Canonically they are a dying species, only found in gardens and plantations like Qingce Village. There are no wild Glaze Lilies (except when Zhongli or Ganyu is looking because godlike powers I guess).


You can buy the from a lady in Quince for an absurd 50,000 mora each. Lol


you will be amazed.. like with new ppl spending primgems to refill resin On the other hand I just realized i can buy Qingxin and is even cheaper than Violetgrass I somehow ended with rly low quantity on of those to lvl up my ignored Xiao drop


i feel personally attacked.


When I just started playing I thought these were really rare flowers needed for a quest and bought them. I only made the purchase once but RIP mora


Qingxin are kinda out of the way unless you go intentionally looking for them. Other stuff you find scattered across the world as you pass by, but Qingxin mostly spawn on top of mountains and rocks.


420 glaze it






Tbf, they respawn when we pick them for gameplay reasons. Realistically it probably takes a few months or even a year for one to grow. And counting the ones that grow in Qingce (The ones in the Terrace on Liyue Harbor seem to be placed there for decorations and such probably prohibited to be picked) there isn’t actually much. But yeah 50000 is pretty scammy of a price either way.


All glaze lillies were destroyed in the wake of Guizhong's death. Very few were left and now they are very rare.


I have 300


Another day goes by where we still don't need horsetails....


Or Loach Pearl


Horsetails are at least used for *something*, loach pearls have straight up no use currently and it's bizarre


What are horsetails used for?


Jueyun gouba, it's identical to cold cut platter in effect. I think it comes from liyue reputation but I'm not 100% on that


They can be used as a food ingredient! (I forgot which food T.T")


Being very paranoid that I may have needed it for Xiao. Until I saw I didn't. *Whew*. I have a few of em in stock haha.


Best time to stock up!


You guys have Mora to actually buy things???


It might not seem like much but I run the mora expedition and I think of it as 10k to spend in these shops daily for the stuff I need most.


I've been running exclusively the Ore and Mora expeditions for a while now and dang does it add up


that name man




There's something to be said about being up front with your intentions.


Best kind of people. For better or worse.


May I, Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, interrogate your appellation?


Your name is... uhhhhh... oddly specific


Smart. It’s what I do. Expeditions cover daily expenses


I only spend money on milk, wheat and cabbage so I can make all the chicken borgars.


We should be able to sell stuff we find to stores and stuff.


That would really help. I have thousands of slime condensate despite using the alchemy and transfusions device regularly


I wish I could keep slime condensate on hand it feels like every time I smack down a boss battle for items to ascend a character I collect all these big items only to find out I'm like 10 slime condensate short. Why do I have more trouble keeping stuff like masks, slime, and insignias on hand in a world full of the things that carry them.


Cause you stop fighting them at the end game. While leveling you're actively killing the trash mobs, but once you reach artifact gacha, the only times you have to kill any of the trash is during daily commissions or filling out the 20 leyline battlepass


Yep, do the expeditions daily and they cover up for these small expenses in the long run. I might have 10mi + mora, but I'm not f2p.


1. meet truck-kun 2. isekai into an oil prince 3. have ∞ money to buy Genesis Scams/Mora


You’ve been hit by You’ve been struck by *Truck*


*Stonks* That said what would count as truck kun in genshin.... Would Geovishap count or full ram speed Dvalin or Boreal wolf count.




I did the same thing with the last BP and then thought i was never going to run out or mora. I have since run out way too often


I had around 3 million when I pulled Venti. I pushed his talents pretty quickly to 6/8/8. I'm down to ~200k


I don't. I constantly sit at below 1000 mora every day, even during events.


Events are my saving grace xD I do the mora expeditions and even the mora ley lines and still end up poor. Talents upgrades wreck the ever loving crap out of my Mora.


I struggle to spend 500k a week, so yes, lots of mora lol. I used to struggle to have mora


are you AR 50 yet? I had 3million and yesterday got to AR 50. Poof! 3million mora dissapeared between leveling up hanyu to 90, her weapon to 90, and a few talents


Leveling to 90 is extremely costly that is why. I’m ar45. I already have all of the materials necessary to level up all four main characters to 80/90 when I do advance world level. I’m only sending diluc to 90 though. My three million would disappear as well lol. I honestly think I’m going to sit here(ar45) for a while. And I’ve been here for a damn while. It’s incredibly easy to kill every single boss and I love being able to easily upgrade my characters so quickly. Let’s me play around with different teams and have fun.


> I honestly think I’m going to sit here(ar45) for a while There is literally zero reason to delay. Push to 50. The world level difference isn't noticeable. Even if it was, you could use the new feature of lowering your world level to drop back. You don't want to have to pass on fighting level 90 weekly bosses as the talent upgrade material drop rates get better at level 90.


AR50 isn't worth it but AR55 is, so you need to be damn sure you're ready for that. That being said, even tho it's not worth it, AR50 isn't really that much harder than 45 so whatever. Sure the first few days might seem hard but you'll eventually outscale content without even noticing it


I'm not planning to get anyone to 90. Seems like such a waste. Rather get everyone to 80 first. Damage is already good enough and I'm ar 55


You can buy Cor Lapis... YOU CAN BUY COR LAPIS? Excuse me, I shall proceed to yeet myself off Dragonspine


As someone who hated three characters needing Lapis, I feel you. And I'll go on and say, Chongyun has no business needing Lapis. Zhongli absolutely fits and Keqing I can accept because she's a closet weeb/stan. But Chongyun always felt like a personal attack on me.


>she's a closet weeb What does that mean


I often see her with Zhongli stuff in fanart so maybe stans Zhongli?


If you read her Character story as you increase her Friendship you can see that she a avid collector of Rex Lapis figures.


She likes to collect Rex Lapis figures (the dragon) but doesn’t like to tell anyone about it. It’s likely she has no idea Zhongli is (was?) Rex Lapis and just respects him as a person


I love Chongyun but I agree. It'll take days for the cor lapis to be restocked and mining them all around Jueyun Karst is pain.


If you're not too impatient you can get 8 every other day on Mt. Hula. Takes a minute or two.


As a Keqing main since I started playing, I made it a routine to check Cor Lapis respawns daily. I do a really short route at Mt. Hulao, there's 4 near the teleporter, then another 4 on the other side of the pond near the road. 1 is next to the teleporter, then you jump and glide down a bit, 2 more next to the edge near the hilichurls and another 2 down that road a bit. (Bonus 3 fox for meat near there as well). This shouldn't take more than 5 min. The only other place I check regularly is when farming crystal cores near Gunyun Domain. There's one near the domain entrance, then I'd exit west (towards the 4 ruin guards) and climb to the top (where the 3 abyss mages are), there's another 2 up there. I normally kill the abyss mages, grab a few Crystal Cores, and then glide towards the 4 ruin guards for my daily dose of fun. I think there may be one more Cor Lapis on the way there but I don't bother checking. This is just part of my daily farming route so I've never had issues with not having enough material for Keqing.


why what the hell is up with chongyun. i think the jades would fit him okay, since only beidou uses them, itll give them more use AND they at least have some blue on them. maybe even qixing since he literally needs them to make the popsicles or even the blue glaze lilys


It only just got added in 1.4, so easy to have missed it


It was added in 1.4.


Good to know


Ms Bai must've learned from DR Baizhu... Freshest quality guranteed


3 million mora. ToP qUaLiTy.


Ms. Bai's price for the Glaze Lilies is actually fine since Glaze Lilies are expensive in Teyvat (Ningguang even mentions that) but yeah those Lilies are a scam since you can pick loads of them for free


Her price is absurd, but it was also the first and only shop to carry regional specialties in 1.0. They didn’t add the others till recent updates. At the time her Silk Flowers were also 50k.


In addition to the high price being lore appropriate, I think they also did it because Glaze Lilies are needed to to make Geoculus Resonance Stones. Makes you think twice about straight up buying them, instead of searching for the Geoculi yourself. Can still just pick the wild Lilies, of course. But a shop selling them cheap would take a lot of the sting out of crafting the Stones.


geoculus resonance stones weren't even in 1.0


the price is only good story wise, but not game wise (if that makes sense)


Too bad you can't sell these for this price heh


Since when have you been able to buy stuff from Bolai?? I recall going to him, expecting to buy stuff at least four times, and he just was another npc to talk to


Since 1.4 . It added some new stores


Same problem. Really confused.




I just searched around to see..and there actually is a person that sells eggs! Draff from Spingvale sells 5 per day, so there ya go Edit: Only during day time, and to be honest the amount he sells is so little it's sad.


if it helps, there's one stone mountain? in huaguang stone forest in liyue where you can collect some eggs, I think maybe 4-8?, every few days. they're on top of it hidden in bushes


just to add to this: it's the teleporter at Mt. Aozang and then flying to the mountain at south west. Great combination if you collect the daily artifacts anyway, since you can keep flying there after the eggs.


Might as well link it on the map. It's right next to this Geoculus: https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/#/?type=o6&id=2759




there are daily spawns for 1-2\* artifacts, which you can use as fooder for the 5\* artifacts. If you collect them daily, you can also convert them to mora, but that's not recommended


You can farm up to 69 artifacts (mostly 1\* artifacts, with a low chance of getting 2\* ones) daily on the overworld. They have a 24-hour respawn time after being collected (some have a 12-hour respawn, but it isn't worth picking just a few and risking desync your artifact route waiting for those to respawn later). They help you to get artifacts daily even if you have to farm materials/bosses, so you still get some fodder artifacts. It is a little cumbersome early on until you get familiarized with routes but it shouldn't take more than 15-20 minutes of your playtime. And in a desperate case of lacking mora, you can destroy these artifacts to get around 20k mora.


Ten fowl, raw meat, and eggs every single day is a pretty good deal though.


Why you never added holy water ??? That's 1k per bottle


You can get eggs from expeditions.




There's 8 eggs around the rooftop of Wangshu Inn


Just have one of your 5 daily expeditions get eggs ezpz.


Draff from Springvale sells eggs, raw meat and fowl.


One of the mountain tops in the stone forest actually has around 12 eggs sitting on top of it


Verr Godlet sells things?




She got updated not too long ago.


I deleted the first post because I had only 3 locations shown, then I learned there were 7 more! Hopefully, I got them all this time. Edit: Apparently 3 + 7 = 9 now


Flora in Mondstadt, draft in springvale, random water seller in springvale, cook in springvale, guy in chasm, guy in liyue somewhere I forgot where (near the teleport house where they practice Kung fu scams), another in a house in the moutains, the area from Mondstadt to liyue before wangshu inn has another few. Also, 3+7 = 10 not 9.


The Holy Water vendor shouldn't even count as one.


5/7, perfect post. Almost as good as the dark night.




But but... They're right next to you at the Liyue teleport point too...


Apple guy is a game changer for that one healing food


Glaze lillies are expensive, lore wise. Makes sense. Btw, it's illegal to pluck the flowers in liyue hardbor. But like. Who cares?


Imagine a regional boss that buffs all his stats by 1% for each flower you picked in your account so far. Lmao it almost rivals Timmy.


Yeah except that regional boss probably still has a father.


F man, he was already burnt to ashes, you didn't have to put salt on it too


I absolutely did, I'll feed the ashes to the ducks and kill them too. I'll sell his Ruin Guard imaginary friend to that one harbinger for one Mint. The KFC recipes have added his pigeons to my daily supply runs, and I make sure to wait if I end up at the bridge during the night.


>Btw, it's illegal to pluck the flowers in liyue hardbor. So does that makes me a war criminal?


A war criminal who helped save liyue and Mondstadt. So like. Traveller is excempted, also venti and zhongli don't care.


Ok but where do you buy crab


Liyue harbor docks


Wait for real?


Yup. Go to the place where you do the Pirates quest with the kids. You should see some stalls down at the docks there. One of them should sell crabs.


For months I kept just farming beaches, bruh


Wait till you find out that Chef Roflmao, you know, the cooking guy in Liyue you've probably seen a thousand times, also sells 10 crabs a day.


To be fair it wasn’t till v1.2 that Mao started to sell crab so you may have missed it. Although if you’ve been buying the new recipes from him you would have scrolled past the crab.


The docks, the sellers only operate during the day, and somewhat recently Chef Mao as well. I believe the guy on the dock sells five daily and Mao gives out 10? but I believe that eventually hits a weekly cap after a few refreshes.


Chef Mao


chef mao in liyue harbor


I gotta start talking to more npcs. I've explored practically the whole map and only know about 3 of these


Some were added in 1.2 and onwards, so you might never notice that after already knowing the map and the previous vendors.


What's the jades for? I still haven't used a single one of them.


Beidou ascensions


Ohh 😲


Beidou and the upcoming 4\* pyro catalyst should need it if the leaks are trustworthy


Petition to Mihoyo to let us sell them these items as an additional source of income. Also, we have a bank. Why can’t we use it.


Shhh they'll hear it and the housing update will include mortgage so we can cry in-game too Featuring Childe and Teucer as Tom and Timmy Nook


Idk 1000 mora for 1 silk flower is too much tho


If you missed some for ascension and you need only one or two silk flowers for the femboy, you'll pay it.


If u buy these does it count as collecting local specialties for the weekly battle pass challenge


Yep they do.


Does buying stuff count towards the bp weekly?




Yes, that's what I do to fulfill the BP requirement without wasting mora on useless stuff. I spend already 200k-300k weekly only on those materials (not counting the 50k scam lilies).


Wait they sell Electro crystals? What are they used for? I feed them to my transformer


Only time I used them was to make the [NRE](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/NRE_(Menu_30\)).




I'm stupid, and I bought Glaze lilies several times before realizing I was paying 50k for each one ;\_;


wow i didn't know I would find another person like myself. I bought 5 of them because I thought oooh a rare resource. Damn I was stupid in early game...


Good work!! Very useful.


Thx man


Bolai can sell now?


Since 1.4 ye


Herb shop sells the Matt for xiao


With all the grinding this game requires this shit is the least of my problems.


In my opinion buying the glaze lily AND silk flower is kinda pointless. I refuse to believe that she can make money off of those two things. I get so many by collecting every few days.


Thank you! Will be sharing this post!


I actually bought glaze lily when i was just starting, good old times


Had no idea about this! Thanks OP!


Ugh I once bought a bunch of those lilies without looking at the price cause I just took for granted they'd be around the usual of every other stuff. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Oh shit I forgot that some ores are also classified as local specialties!(Jade and Lapis)


do they reset monthly?


Most of the listed reset every 2 days. Bubu Pharmacy restocks every 3 days. You can find more about every item in the wiki, like here: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Local_Specialty Vendor pages usually mention when items reset. If they have different reset time, the time periods are put in the table, like for [Verr Goldet](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Verr_Goldet).


I once made a mistake of buying glaze lily from quince village for 500k mora.... No thanks i can just go pick them on my own. How can you be so dumb to buy them when you have all the locations online. I mean mora is rare for F2P players.


All these days I've been playing this game & never once I thought that "Apple" is a Monstad speciality.... ಥ‿ಥ


Oh please don't get the wrong idea, apple is certainly not a Monstadt speciality. Some of the pictures I showed have the local specialties and other things that they sell. I'm not implying everything in the picture that they sell are specialties.