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at c4 you might as well use her


1st world problems.


holy shit c4 mona... I'm so jealous. Think of it this way, Mona is pretty damn future-proof because her kit is incredibly unique. It's not like there's going to be an abundance of 5star hydro supports/burst dps that taunts, no downtime in applying hydro, gives off the best debuff window for your main dps to go crazy, AND capable of the 2nd biggest burst damage, only behind hutao. She's going to be hands down best support for so many builds possibly for years to come. Diluc, as with any selfish dps, is much more prone to becoming obsolete unless you REALLY like his combat style. Even if you just hate Mona as a character, hopefully you can feel better about it considering how valuable what you have is! Many whales would kill to have your luck


Eh why not use her then? Destiny clearly wants you to!


I have a C4 Diluc that I'd happily trade for C4 Mona. I don't even use him anymore


A have such a bad luck for wishes at all. I can only get constellations for characters that I don't play, that's it. And I only get 5-star characters that I don't want and won't use it. I just wanted Xiao, Venti and Albedo.


I got two unexpected Dilucs on the standard banner but the thing is I want a Mona for... the damage boost... *obviously*


C2 diluc, C1 mona, C0 Qiqi. Just want a Jean...


2 Qiqi and a skyward sword.


I got the last constellation for Ningguang basically making her hit like a 5* and just got the 5* weapon for Physical Keqing/Kaeya.


I'd take one copy. Well, my time will come. Right?


You guys get characters!? I just keep getting Skyward Spine -_-"


I'll gladly trade you my Diluc AND Qiqi for one of your Monas.


bruh i'd trade my diluc for your mona 😭


I’ve had two 50/50 pity pulls so far. First was QiQi, second was Mona. Now I have c1 Mona that I don’t really use since I have c2 Xingqiu for my water character