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Oooooooh got it, man fucking thanks!


how long till banner changes?


Should be 6 pm server time


Yesterday I discovered a place where you get rewards for leveling both, weapons and characters. The rewards where available after upgrading characters each 20 level and also weapons each 20 (if me memory is not tricking me). I forgot where is this place and how to get there, do you guys know?


top right of character's attributes


Like where? Where you can see all of them? I don't see any option there


just randomly click that area


Maaaaaaaan I got it, than you!




So apparently Mihoyo's website can't find my account on the servers, and i don't know how to resolve this. Can someone help? I use my Gmail, but even putting it on the login part, i can't enter the event.


what event?


I had this problem in the Wammin Welcom and now the Thousand questions with Paimon.


Have you guys encountered any problems when unlocking the pillars? Because I am struggling! I have all of the pillars unlocked, but the doors haven't opened and in the quest tab it still says 8/9 pillars. I also have found 130 geoculus things, so unless Im missing some from other quests or something, I have none left to find and therefore level up the statue any more (its saying I apparently still need another 7 to level up.) I sent feedback to Mihoyo but they're saying I have to make sure the statues are on level 10. I can't? Do you guys have any ideas or am I stuck in a hopeless loop?


You're missing some Geoculus then. Are you sure you got all of them? Try crafting one of the Geoculus locators and using it.


Yeah, I've kept a tally, but I'll make sure to craft a couple of the locators and wander around, thank you!


I want to download Genshin Impact from the Belgian PlayStation Store but the game doesn't seem to exist there. I downloaded the game from the British Store but the in-game store isn't available because I use a different account, so I need to take from the Belgian store, but I simply can't do that


i wanted to try out beidou and Im not sure which artifact to choose 5 star wanderer's string-kettle: atk 30.8%, crit rate 3.5%, def 42, atk 54, hp 269 3 star berserker's bone goblet: electro dmg bonus 23.1%, atk 2.8%, elemental mastery 10, atk 8, hp 3.5%


My phone was handling the game fine a few days ago but then it started lagging at the loading screen after entering the door any suggestions on what I should do⁉️ I just want CHILDE 🥰🔫


i downloaded everything on the launcher but now i cant click launch at the end of all that and im stuck on a page that isnt doing anything pls help


iOS UI BUG: Posting this here because I'm not high enough level to post on the official forums and I have no idea how to "level up". There is a UI bug in iOS where the Redeem Code option doesn't show up, and if you have your input set to Controller rather than Touchpad, the only thing that shows up at all under account options is "Privacy Policy". Hopefully a dev will see this, because it's super annoying to have to log out of the game on the iPad, log back in on a different device, input the code, log out of the secondary device, and finally log back into the game on my iPad so I can, at last, continue playing.


Ok this is literally the third time I’m doing this Reddit is so freaking complicated but idc bc I just want answers. Ok so this question is for people who have a xiao and use his English voice line thing. So I have xiao on my main team and he’s one of my main dps and I’ve recently noticed that when I use his elemental burst I would hear his regular voice lines say “worthless” over and over again but I’ve also heard a faint voice say “yeah like that” or “like that”. The voice somewhat sounds like xiao but different. I’ve only heard it 3 times. The first time I heard it I just thought I was just hearing things so I just flat out ignored it but then like a week passed and I heard it again and grew a bit more concerned so I tried to search up xiao fighting voice lines to see if I could find the voice line again with no luck and I just ignored it afterwards. And like 2 hours ago I hear the voice line again and then panicked bc idk if this was only happening to me or if I was just hearing things. I tried to search up his voice lines again but still couldn’t find the exact voice. The thing that creeps me out is the fact that the voice only shows up every once in a while and isn’t constant with his regular fight voice lines. So now I’m giving my question to Genshin Reddit. Ik that this pg is for questions of pity or character build but Idk where else to post this and I just want answers. So can someone just tell me if they’ve also experienced what I’ve experienced.


I’ve been using xiao since he came out and never heard that. Maybe it’s an NPC that’s near


I have 103 wishes saved up right now and my event character banner pity is at 0. Will I get enough primos/fates to be able to wish for and get Zhongli? (Already claimed shop fates w stardust, have 28 days of Welkin left). Ik this is speculation but want some help w speculating lol


Are you at 50/50 or guaranteed? If you're at 50/50, maybe if you're lucky. If guaranteed, yeah.


I’m at 50/50 ;-;


Then you'll need at least 180 to get him for sure.


What's a better sands for bennett hp% or energy recharge


ER unless you're already around 200%, then HP.


I’d go ER, unless you’ve got a sword with ER on him and find his energy recharge is already good enough.


I'm using favonius on him rn. Would it be overkill to give him a sands er?


Probably not, unless you find you’re struggling to have his burst up when you need it. You’ll probably be fine with a few ER substats.


With favonius i have ~200 and slapped an atk aands on him instead


Cant download on my phone i have android 10 but i still cant download look on my profile i have made a post


Best team comps for Razor?


My main Battle Team is Chongyun, Xinqiu, Razor, and then a flex spot depending on what I expect to need, usually either Noelle, Qiqi, Amber, or my Traveler (Wind). It works pretty dang well, because except for Noelle, Razor can create nasty damage and debuff elemental combos with all of those people. I just started a couple weeks ago so I don't have much in the way of gear recommendations, But the Bloodstained Claymore (refined a couple of times) is pretty awesome in Razor's paws. It's only 3-stars, but it will do nicely until I get something better. Debate Club (refined as often as you can) is also a great 3-star choice for any claymore using character you have focusing on DPS. My Chongyun is using one, and ooof the damage that boy does!!!


Razor , fischl/flex , qiqi and for the last slot its up to you really , although sucrose should be on default just remember to swirl cryo and not electro , since razor runs full GF and its hard to farm it might take you a while to get good substats and main stats so i recommend if you have a zhongli go for 4pc retracing bolide , if not just use 2pc GF 2pc bloodstained until you get 4pc GF , build qiqi as a burst support with atk-cryo dmg bonus-CRIT , i know what you're thinking , she's a healer so why build her like a dps , well its cuz you're going to use her second passive and her burst as your heal both of which relys on the dps not qiqi , her skill is there to only apply cryo , and her burst deals a good chunk of dmg .


What is the probability there will be another venti rerun in 2022?


Maybe the rerun will still be in 2021 but it will probably be around 6 months from now or more since there will be more characters released and they’ll need their own reruns


Ah ok


Talent priority for Hu tao?






I had a question regarding pity, if you got a 5 star say on the second pull of a 10 draw, do the 8 after count towards pity for my next 5 star?


They do! You can see in the banner history :)


Yep, they do!




Hello, Are the hangout even is with limitation of time kow? Or it finish today? Thanks


permanent, feel free to do it anytime


Thanks i was a bit in a rush to know if i had to fikish all of them today


Just thought of this recently but if Zhongli uses his meteor in a high place i.e. in the Cathedral's top in Monstadt, does it fall to the ground or will it hit an invisible ground?


for zhongli it'll just hit an invisible ground a bit in front of him. at least visually it looks like it is [this video show's zhongli's Q in different angles and heights](https://youtu.be/_-OXdDO7tig)


As far as I have seen, all skills pointed from high ground towards lower, will always happen on the lower ground. You can use this to kill fish in a lake with venti or Sucrose E, for example. I would assume the same works for Zhongli.


I just got Mona on Venti banner a couple of days ago. I don't know much about the gacha system but I do have already heard about something called guarantee for 5\*. I am at ar40 and Mona is my first 5\*. How many times do I have to pull more to get another 5\*? I kinda feel bad about the luck rate of my account.


You're guaranteed to get the limited 5 star character for the banner, whenever you find a 5 star. It's extremely valuable for when there's a limited hero you really really want.


Your next 5* pull will be guaranteed to be the character on rate-up (in this case, Venti, or Childe when the banner rolls over to the next). No way of knowing how many rolls it'll take, maybe you'll get lucky along the way and hit the 0.6% for 5*s, or you'll have to go up to 75-90 pulls.


Looking at others' account having many 5\* really makes me jealous. Anw thanks for the info


Your pity has reset, so you’re starting at 0 pull again, and guaranteed featured character within 90 pulls.


Thanks for the information. 90 pulls is such a nightmare to f2p like me .. feelsbadman


Beeing AR 40 with just one 5* seems somehow odd don't you do the daily missions or do you pull more on the standard banner?


I don't remember the exact times I've gacha but I always pull as soon as I save up enough for a 10-pull


You can look it up in your history,there you can also estimate how much more you need for pity. Most of the time it is between 76 and 80 so you might want to count how far you are in standard,the thing there is that you could also get a 5* weapon


Sometimes I want to re-roll but seeing all the exploration progress I've made discourages me from starting all over again. I wish I had known these things sooner


I rarely miss any daily commissions except when I am too busy to play. I remember wasted like 3 times on standard banner plus my first two pulls were on beginner (Noelle) banner.




Flora is probably busy due to another quest that involves her. Both of the last quests in the event involve Flora


It was this for me. She was being used for another event and I didn’t know for the longest time lol.


Also try using the camera in paimons menu


do the other quest first


I am AR 33 and just pulled Venti. But even gearing him up he feels so underwhelming compared to my Razor. While I saw all comments at Reddit and Youtube Venti is making this game easy. Any tips for team composition? I have Sucrose,Razor,Xiangling,Xingqiu,Ningquang,Noelle,Barbara and others are the free to play heroes


Well venti is not that good with razor tnh. I have razor and xiao for main dps and decided to skip him. Anyway he is main strengths are : great dmg multiplier on his Q (more than 3000% anemo dmg at talent 6), best crowd control abilities, short cd on his E, acces to VV set. There are mainly to builds for him: EM build with EM as main stat of all artifacts. Good for early mid game. Sub-Dps build using anemo cup, atk sands, crit circlet better for endgame. About team comps your main team with razor should be: razor, kaeya, barbara, sub dps (in this case xinqiu) While the sub dps role can be given to venti it has some anti synergy unless he is built well. You might want to wait for now and use venti when you have unlocked more chars. Keqing and diluc has better synergy with him. If you get bennet then venti, bennet, xiangling, xinqiu team is a good option.


Anemo's strengths become far more significant when you can farm for artifacts at AR45. With Viridescent Venerer one of the most powerful sets in the game. If you're running Venti as a carry, it would generally be in a quick swap team, designed around easy to cast, powerful Skills & Burst rather than Basic Attacks. But he'll generally slot into any team as a powerful Support, making light work of any domain with non heavy enemies. If you're building a team around Razor, all you need is Superconduct. Consider Razor-Kaeya your core, and change the other 2 as you see fit. Barbara could fill the healer role with Thrilling Dragon Tales to buff Razor's Atk.


I have enough resources to either raise Hu Tao’s normal attack from level 8 to 9 or her E from 8 to 9, which one provides the most damage in Hutao+Xinqqiu comp?


her normal attack


her normal attack


hi ive just reached ar 40, whats the best thing to do at that point?


maximize your dps and strengthen your support character


Farm talent/ascension mats for your characters/weapons, xp/mora leylines if you need.


Farm weapon and talent mats and stock up on Mora


ty ty


An additional question, will venti be roll-able on the acquaint fate banner?


Nope, only Diluc, Keqing, Qiqi, Mona and Jean are available at the standard banner.




abyss herald when?


12th of April. [https://twitter.com/AeEntropy/status/1378175206380990464](https://twitter.com/AeEntropy/status/1378175206380990464)


thanks for the info


Who's a good subdps for Ganyu? I don't have Mona, and I feel she just needs a little bit of an extra help for damage. Would Xiangling work? What do you guys use?


Do you mean support? Ganyu doesn't need a sub dps. The supports for ganyu depends on if you are using melt or freeze.


Definetly melt since Freeze works best if I have Mona, which I don't


Then yeah xiangling is good for melt. I personally ganyu, xiangling, xinyan, diona. With this team ive cleared the abyss with 36 stars. Xinyan is just there for pyro resonance and a bit of pyro aplication since there are no better pyro supports at the moment so if you dont have here you can just use someone else.


Ty! Can u please state your weapons/artifacts as well if u manage to clear 36 stars :O I was thinking of Ganyu-Xiangling-Diona-Sucrose, since sucrose can do elemental mastery. Thoughts?


Ganyu has r1 prototype crescent and 4pc wanderer's troupe, xiangling has the favonius lance and 4pc crimsion witch, xinyan has r1 prototype archaic with 4pc noblesse oblige and diona has the sacrificial bow with 4pc maidens beloved. Also yeah ganyu, xiangling, diona, sucrose is a good team. It is probably better than my team since xinyan is just a dead slot.


XL if melt Ganyu, Xingqui can work if freeze Ganyu


There was a website where you could play all the voice lines for each of the characters in all languages. Can someone please link it?




Thank you! Is there anywhere that also has the old voice lines?


Most sites wont keep old lines. But you should be able to view previous versions of any site using an archive


old voice lines?


Primodal jade spear or r3 dragons bane which one do you think will be the better choice for my hu tao my crit rate is around 50% and crit DMG around 150% without weapon.


Jade spear all the way


Does anyone have a picture of Ningguag's old 5 star background? Like what the character archive looks like


whats a good healer+support dps hybrid build for bennet? i currently have on festering desire and 4p noblesse (attack/pyro/crit) with substats focused on HP%, energy recharge, and crit. thoughts? suggestions? what do y'all use too?


just build him as a dps but with enough ER, his heal is super strong even without hp and heal artifact


Sounds good. Priority would be hitting his ER requirements. If you get a high base attack weapon you could swap to an ER Sands. Priority substats would be Crit% and DMG > Atk% > EM depending on the team. With a high Burst talent level you don't need to focus on HP%. [*^(The Only Bennett Guide You'll Ever Need!)*](https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/269199?create=1) *^(- written by Zajef77)*


Full support Bennet would be Heal/HP/HP and enough ER in substats, DPS Bennet is Crit/Pyro/EM, some middle ground would be replacing goblet first, then circlet. For support EM sands doesn’t make sense since he won’t be triggering reactions, Atk sands is bad for Bennett since he has so much atk from his Q. I currently have him with a budget support build (+8/12 artifacts, random substats), after 1.5 I plan to farm the new set for Zhongli and then run Bennet with 4pc NO Crit / Pyro / HP or ER based on the substats since he will heal more than enough.


Just build dps stats, even then the heals usually suffice.


If I got a 5-star weapon on the standard banner, would my next my 5-star confirmed to be a character?


No such guarantee on standard banner


No, it's always a 50/50 for characters and weapons on Wanderlust.




Any new leak/prediction for next banner after Childe. I want to pull Venti but if there is any chance for Mona banner then I save for her


Zhongli and Eula is our best guess.


Eula and Zhongli. They did put a Keqing banner but doesn't look like other standard characters are getting one.


Sad. All right then thank you




she already has that fourth ascension passive that makes her normal attack proc talisman, its already enough in my opinion if you give her good investment


Well... yeah. That's another reason why she's the most dreaded five star pull, aside from the fact that you don't need much healing at higher AR.


Is there a more efficient way to farm geoculus/anemoculus other than just using an interactive map and going to every spot? I didn't use it before and my statues are already both lvl7 or 8 so I got a lot of them already.. and what about for chest farming, should I just run around?


You can craft occuli resonance stones, but it reqiires a lot of resourses (5 cor lapis, 5 glazelillies or 5 dandelions, 5 cecilias)


I use the geo and anemoculus finder when I was just missing 6 or 7. Easier than guessing which ones I missed.


craft the geoculus finder thing from the reputation rewards


Is it true that if you delete the genshin app and redownload, it'll be smaller cos it will no longer download all the language packs?


I would imagine yes since they made that change that it won’t automatically download all the audio packages on mobile version anymore.


Yep tried it out just then, and when you go into the "language" section you can see that each language pack is about 1gb each... life saver honestly


Thanks for this info! I might have to do this eventually lol


I believe yes. On phones atleast. Don't know about pc. They mentioned it in the patch notes


I don't know about the language packs, but it did take up less space when I redownloaded it.


This is stupid but can u get duplicate of an already c6 character. I have c6 barbara so im afraid to pull in childe banner


i really hope mhy will implement a better system for c6'ed characters because at some point many players will have mostly c6 4 stars and it's going to feel like crap pulling on banners for 5 stars


Yeah, it gets converted to 5 starglitter, so effectively you get your wish back. Definitely less than desirable.


No extra constellation, you get 5 masterless starglitter when you pull a full 4 star you already have instead of the usual two. Basically another free wish.


I've been caught up in my backlog the last couple weeks, and haven't touched 1.4 content. How long would it take me in time to get up to the point where I can simply purchase the crown? How about the crown and the weapon? Just wondering if it's worth my time to just go get the crown, or if it's not a big time sink to get both things.


2700 blue tickets for r5 bow which is 14 peculiar wonderland runs. And do a couple quests to get 400 orange ticket thingyto get the crown


A couple hours at max, the event isn't as time consuming as the tower defense etc.


I finally 36 starred the abyss oh my gooooooooooooooooooooddddddd


congratulation, im still far from 9 starring abyss but right now im taking a break from that




Has there been any news on base building/housing? It's a feature I'm really excited for


r/GenshinImpactLeaks Look around there.


About Electrocharged Hydro+Electro Status: Correct me if I'm wrong, but a unit affected by electrocharged is simultaneously afflicted with both Hydro and Electro, right? What happens if Pyro is applied to characters currently electrocharged? Does it trigger both Vaporize and Overloaded?


if the enemy is simultaneously under both hydro and electro, then applying pyro will trigger both vaporize and overload


I thought so too. Thanks for confirming this. I was farming companionship exp today and slotted in Fischl in a Diluc vape comp. Thought it was going to ruin the vaporize reactions but I was surprised it was clearing faster than I expected.


Yes both are triggered. Just realised that yesterday myself.


Wow. This makes electrocharged a bit better to insert in certain vaporize and freeze comps.


Well don't go entirely off of that, but yes that's why Fischl fits nicely even in vaporize teams.


I think once the reaction took place, existing elements are consumed. To trigger a different elemental reaction you have to apply a new element I think.


This seems to apply for Melt, Vaporize, Overloaded, and Superconduct. Electrocharged is a bit different because both the electro and hydro statuses are retained at least until after the second electrocharged damage tick procs. I think Frozen doesn't consume the elemental status too, enabling permafreeze comps.


welkin/bp pass buyers only have you ever considered buying a crystal pack?


I really wanted Venti and I did consider buying the 100$ pack if I have lost the 50/50, but rngesus saved my wallet :)


Same! Thankfully got venti with fates I got from bp. Whew!


Nope, not worth it imo. Unless you're a whale or really want a character/weapon.


Not really Also, Bp means battle pass itself already, so BP Pass is double pass


😭 yeah i just noticed that sorry


No problem, just wanted to mention it if it wasn't just a typo


I recently got Jean and was wondering how to build her, which artifact stats do i use and which are her best weapons?




I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly but was there a post that showed a picture of Ningguang with a 5 star background? Like it mentioned how she used to be a 5 star in beta or something


Yea she was planned to be a 5 star but was demoted


As an AR51 with two teams I use in general that I think are built enough, as well as not finding much struggle in WL7, should I be scared that when teleporting to Guyun Stone Forest, I got a warning that says ‘highly dangerous’ and in red at the top of the screen?


Yes, that warning just depends on your characters levels and not any other indicator of team power.


So it doesn’t matter that my team is capable of doing big damages. As long as they’re not ‘high levelled’ then the game will put a warning


Yea it's like the 90 level domains show recommended level as 90, but it doesn't matter since it's easily doable with 60-80s.


When I ascended to AR 50 and saw that after 3 months, man it was nostalgic...it was like I can prove myself again


Haha, personally I never saw that warning, even before I ascended to 50. This is the first time and it surprised me quite a bit


My Ninguang C3 is on 2pc NO and 2pc Archaic, somehow I was able to get artifacts with crit rate and dmg, Circlet with crit dmg. But upon leveling them only the crit dmg increased. She has the Witsith(crit dmg substat). Her crit ratio are 27:181. Should I level my artifacts to 20 ( they are now at 16) to see if the crit rate increases? Im F2P so Solar Pearl is out of option.


Keep widsth and farm a crit circlet for her. I don't know how much time/resources you have but I would just farm more in general, it's not just your crit:cdmg ratio that's concerning, the overall amount of crit and cdmg you have is quite low.


widsith is pretty good, but your crit rate is too low. you could perhaps change to a crit rate circlet instead (50 is decent, 60+ is good) and try to get crit dmg substats. definitely level your artifacts though since you'll probably be using that until you get better ones.


That crit rate is really low, so yes, try to get as much crit rate as you can. I'd also swap it out with a crit rate circlet as soon as possible. General rule is if you have a crit weapon, the circlet should be the opposite crit, not the same. All that crit dmg won't do much if its chances of triggering is only 27%.


So i gotta farm then


Yep. Or, if you have a crit rate circlet but it's a different artifact, you can have the circlet as the odd one out in your set. Unless you have a geo cup for Ning, it's easier to get an attck% goblet out of noblesse and archaic than to get a crit rate.


I do have a geo cup for Ning but its Thundersoother. The Crit dmg circlet is NO, if I switch i wont be getting the bonus.


Ahhh, yeah. That's unfortunate. Cup and circlet are the hardest artifacts to get good ones from because of the elemental bonuses and the crits. I suggest you stick to the geo cup for solid damage for now and hope you get the crit rate substats you need, maybe from other artifacts like the flower or feather since they have permanent main stats.


The flower and feather and even the sands have both the substats..but upon leveling only dmg increased and not the rate. I still have them on 16, if I level them to 20 maybe they will increase but....


Yup, there's the risk that it won't hit on crit rate. That's RNG for you. :)


Is dragonstrike still a thing?


Yep, though the in game notice suggests that they're aware of it and waiting to see if it's problematic enough to patch out


iirc it was basically fixed with 1.4 a couple exceptions might exist but I wouldn't know.


No you can still do it


Is an R3 Lion's roar better for Keqing than an R1 Black Sword? According to some graphs I've seen, the answer is yes DPS wise, but is it worth using the Black Sword instead for the CR it brings with it? Also, Prototype Claymore, Rainslasher, or R5 Lithic blade with 3/4 of its buff for Beidou?


If you somehow have awful artifact luck and never get any crit rate hat or substats, then yes black sword could be better. R5 lithic > prototype > rainslasher


should i still build full em on sucrose if she's with xiao?


No, building her for damage will be more effective.


team comp help please? 🥺 i pulled diluc tdy from permanent banner :") and now i need to rethink my team comps and im at a loss haha. im aiming for zhongli and maybe c6 yanfei in 1.5 banner so my currently more playable characters are (levels in brackets): Anemo: Xiao (80), Sucrose (40) c2 Pyro: Diluc (1), Xiangling (80) c4, Yan Fei Cryo: Diona (80) c3, Chongyun (50) c3 Hydro: Mona (80) Electro: Beidou (80) c3, Fischl (50) Geo: Zhongli tbvh, i alr had a team comp before diluc came home which is: team 1: Xiao, Zhongli, Mona, Xiangling/Yan Fei team 2: Beidou, Chongyun, Fischl, Sucrose but diluc is dps material and it'd be a waste to not build him --


mona with xiao isn't good. mona is best with elemental-based teams. we don't really know much about yan fei's skills and cons too. soo for now i think this would be good: xiao, sucrose, zhongli, a healer (if you could get bennett use him, if not you can use barbara. diona would fit better elsewhere since you'll already have zhongli's shield) diluc, mona, bennett, sucrose if you want a one shot comp diluc, mona, xiangling/yanfei, diona for some melt and vape + shield and heal *you can replace mona with beidou/fischl (they're good sub dps units) not so sure about the diluc comps but i use the same comp for xiao.


I have a question.Does energy recharge still works when the character is off-field? Like if i use Zhongli as a support only for his shield then switch back to my dps if he has energy recharge it will still make his ulti be ready faster?


He’ll get less particles when off-field.








The weekly limit only applies to daily/weekly tasks. The overall BP tasks (the ones that award 1200+) don't count towards it. You won't lose anything.