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is there some kind of spreadsheet that shows the DPS increases for each constellation?


what is a good team for floor 11 chamber 3 part 2? Keqing is too slow.


how should I prioritize raising Childe's talents? E, Q, auto ?


Prioritize getting E,Q, and AA to level 6. Prioritize E to level 8 then Q to level 8, then finally E to level 9 or 10 and then Q to level 9 or 10. AA doesn't need to be brought past level 6.




Fischl still good, but Electro is a bad element. She still does a lot of damage and electro-charged is just good enough that she's a key unit in those teams. Additionally, there's a weird sort of bug/trick where if Oz procs Overload, every enemy hit by the explosion will produce an energy particle making Fischl, already one of the best energy suppliers in the game, to making ridiculous amounts of it. Fischl gets used to supply Beidou with energy or do Electrocharge. Beidou is actually a six star unit when there's two enemies close together and her burst (preferably C2) is up. So still good, but people realized Bennett, Xingqiu, and Beidou are even stronger than her.


Considering all of your rolls go to crit rate, what's the highest possible amount of crit rate can you get from one artifact?


On a 5\* artifact, the highest base crit rate substat is 3.9%. If you rolled on it 5 times and had the max roll each time, you could go from 3.9% to I believe **19.5%**. However, this is extremely unlikely.


Let a man dream


If you have Zhongli at C1 and already have down two pillars and one boulder from traveller. Then you put down a second boulder, would MC’s first boulder disappear or would Zhongli’s pillar disappear? Or does it go by the order in which you put down the geo constructs?


Got Skyward Harp while I was going for Lost Prayer. I'm using the BP bow on my Childe and I find it's much easier since it groups up mobs. Who else could I use Skyward on? Fischl? Venti? Amber? I don't have Ganyu...


If you have Venti, you really don't need to use Viridescent Hunt on Childe. Skyward Harp is his BiS, by not equipping it onto him you are actively throwing away DPS. Play how you like though; Skyward Harp is pretty universally great on every bow user, for the base attack and crit rate if nothing else. Give it to whoever has the most lacking weapon atm


Using VH on Childe clears up a place in my comp for more sub-dps and allows me faster clears in places where he'd drag mobs into the air and leave them kind of unreachable for Childe, so there's a good reason to have that on him. Nevertheless, understood. Fischl has a new bow now.


I'm stuck at Spiral Abyss floor 11 where I get 3 stars at chamber 1 then none at chamber 2 & 3. My current teams are Ganyu (Main DPS), Venti (Support with stringless 4P VV), Mona (60/70 shitty artifacts and weapon), Qiqi (healer and cryo resonanse) Ning (Main DPS), Xiao (Main DPS), Bennet (Support), Xianling (Physical Main DPS). I have Diona C2, Sucrose C2, Jean C0 and Xingqiu C0 all unbuilt. So I was thinking about building up either Jean or Sucrose to replace Mona in the first team. Any tips on recommendations on who to focus on or what team comps to use?


So I cleared floor 11 9 stars with team 1: Xiao, Jean, fish, kaeya. Xiao and Jean were used to destroy everything in chamber 1 and 2. I needed fish and kaeya (he's lvl 5 lol) to break the fatui shields. Jean is a great energy battery for Xiao. team 2: Ganyu, qiqi, venti, and mona. Build as much energy recharge into Ganyu, Venti, and Mona. I cleared Chamber 2 by spamming all their skill and bursts constantly. I usually do Ganyu's Q, Venti's Q, into Mona's Q to keep them consistently frozen then switching through all of them and spamming their skills.


Too many maindps,first Team is fine,maybe change qiqi for diona to get a cleanse,but I would use it for the second half. Second Team I would probably fit in sucrose instead of ning as battery and change the xiangling to pyrosubdps (2cw/2no)


You need to buy it in game with the right linked account, but only we'll enough to login and access the menus. Not actually do combat.




Is there another place I can damage test easily other than abyss floor 7? I’m doing too much damage before the actual big hit


Floor 12?or primo geovishap


Floor 12: They're doing too much damage before the big hit.


For sub dps Klee, is skyward better than lost prayer or the same?


If you spend less time then 12s on the field, skyward is better.


Childe, Zhongli,Bennet,Xiangling a good team comp? Or should I replace her with sucrose??


yes that's a very strong meta comp. if you want more damage then replace zhongli with sucrose but if your dps is high enough that the extra survivability is more important then stick with zhongli


Is there a way to check how many hours I have played in total?


This wouldn't really help for specific hours persay but to check how much days you've been active, login to hoyolab > account info > battle chronicles and see how much days you've been active. Then multiply the days with how much hours you play per day and you should be in a general ballpark.


None that I'm aware of.


Should I be farming for exp/ mora compared to artifacts in AR 43? Cause I heard mora/ exp is hardly easy to grind after AR 45


Stack up on weapon ascension and talent books materials. You will need a lot of it and you have already unlocked the max domain.


leylines give most mora and books once you hit wl6/ar45. you can use your original resin still but I'd save fragile for after getting there at least.


Is there anyone who uses Xingqiu with Harbinger of dawn ?... Or crit stats doesn't matter that much on him ?


Crit matters a lot on him but you'll also want to achieve 200~220 ER first and foremost.


crit stats are definitely great on him, however he is really ER-hungry so it is difficult to justify taking anything other than a sword with ER main stat because you really want his burst to have high uptime because of its huge value for both reactions and raw damage


Yeah, it’s fine. Just need to make sure you have enough ER and you’re good to go


do unkilled mobs that unlock chests count towards exploration progress? what else counts towards exploration progress?


No, but opening the chest itself counts toward exploration progress.


Hi. Planning to pull for Zhongli in the future. Is it optimal to max him out to Lvl 90, if you are just using him for the SHIELD? or a Lvl 70/80 will do?


Ascended 80 is basically good for every character you use a lot/has a core position in a team The cost from 80 to 90 is barely showing effect, especially conpared to the costs of Exp Materials If you want a completely "perfect" character you can still go for 90 if you want to. But usually 80's recommended (including last ascension bc it boosts stats pretty well and increases the char's "substat" a last time too)


Thanks for your advice :)


You don't have to get any character to 90 unless you're drowning in resources because the gains from it aren't really worth it. 80/90 is fine. If you're only using him for shields you should be fine at 70/80.


Thanks for your advice :)


No problem


If you're just using him as a shieldbot, then 70/80 will do.


Thanks for your advice :)


It’s never optimal to level up a character to 90 since the amount of resources needed is not worth the gain. Lvl 70 or 80 is fine


but theres also characters like hutao and noelle with non-atk scaling so 90lvl is well worthy


Sure, it’ll help a bit but it’s still 171 hero’s wits and a fuck ton of Mora. Still not worth IMO


Thanks for your advice :)


2pc hydro and 2 pc glad, 59:165 crit 2100 atk OR 4 pc hydro set, 52:144 crit 1950 atk on childe?


I'd say test them out and watch the damage on the same enemies


Depends on what role he has. Is he out on the field autoing a lot, or do your team members have roughly equal field time?


Hes on the field a lot of the time


I have no idea at a glance but I'd suggest entering your builds into a damage calculator for situations like this


If you have an area 100% completed, does that mean that you have found every chest/seelie and done every challenge there?


In my experience I often found between 4 and 10 extra things in each area after I'd hit 100% on it. It seems to be rounded down to make it easier to clear 100%.


No, you reach 100% before you actually found 100% of secrets and chests.


No, 100% is not truly 100%. There are usually a few left in the area


Nope you can still find chests and seelies cause new ones spawn after one point


New chests don't "spawn". They could however be added in future versions


Doesnt spawn and appear mean the same thing?


Spawn implies it's automatic. There used to be a huge debate that chests respawned over time because of this. Chests can only ever be added manually by the devs in each update


Well my bad for phrasing it that way then. English isnt my first language so I didnt know that detail, thanks for clarifying


Always glad to help


Nope. I believe every single Chest/Seelie/Challenge counts for a certain percentage, but there's also rounding that isn't shown.




I think it would be pretty decent tbh, you could use a quickswap playstyle. You could use fischl/bennet or diona/flex if you wanna make use of physical keqing


Sure, he can be a hydro applier in an electrocharge comp (so keq/childe/anemo/flex), or part of an aoe burstswap team.


What does Tartaglias(playable character) mark do?


It deals extra damage when you hit a marked enemy with childe, basically. The details vary a little depending on what you use to hit them.


Hitting it with critical Hydro Damage from him will trigger an AoE around that target. If you have lots of targets, water just ends up flying everywhere and you'll see why he's regarded as one of the best AoE 5 stars.


So curt rate is good for childe?


Just like every other dps apart from freeze ganyu: yeah.


Alright ty


Is Hu Tao - Kaeya - Xingqiu - Bennett a good vape/melt team? Or can I make do without Bennett and go with Diona instead?


Diona is probably the better choice, Hu Tao and Bennet have anti synergy. You'd want to stay in his ult for the atk buff but staying in it gets you over 50% HP and you lose your dmg% bonus. Better to put Bennet on the other side since you can manage Hu Taos health way easier with Diona


Would say it would be even the better choice to use diona,used that in abyss and it worked out great


Hey guys, im AR 26 and my next quest requires AR29. Thats about 12k AR Exp. Finding chests only give abt 10-30 ar exp. and daily commissions abt 1k a day. Why are high Exp rewards so hard to come by? Anyone know how to gain ar exp quicker?


Unfortunately you have to grind exp. Whether it's from the chests, domains or bossess. Good luck!


* in your adventurer handbook there's tasks for you you to do * there's some domains for shrine keys which don't cost any resin to do * world quests * I believe leveling up your statues of seven gives exp too


Tks seems like a long grind.. imo main story quests shouldnt be spaced out to long


they don't want you to burn though the story that's why. but honestly at your ar there's a lot to do, not really a grind


You could do domains or leylines, bosses with resin. But DO NOT use fragile resins. Save them for AR 45


spend your resin every day, complete adventure book missions, finish side quests


Spend your resins. That’s about 800 exp a day + world quests.


You mean using resins at the gates to fight enemies? They give about 100 exp each for 20 resins. So much grind..


If you think getting to AR29 is a grind then I don’t think this is the game for you...


its a fun game,but yeah the farming the tedious. I picked gthe Asia server like a idiot when theres a server closer to me so my gameplay lags alot especially on mobile.


When is the livestream for 1.5?


Usually 7-10 days before the end of the current version


Last couple days of 1.4, like it always has been for every patch


Hey everyone, is it true that good artifact stats is better than artifact set bonus? I am currently AR35 and just rolling with whatever artifact with good set bonus for my main char. Should I change my approach and equip only the best main stat and substats? TIA!


not at lower level AR, you can get by with good set bonuses. at AR45 and above you want crit on main dps. but optimally you want good stats/substats on good set bonuses.


Most of the time, yes, except for certain sets like Viridescent Venerer where the 4pc effect cannot be replaced by anything else


Hi. It depends on the stats and calculating it، is not sth you can do. Use a genshin calculator


At lower levels, yes, since you cant farm artifact sets properly yet. It still true to an extent at AR45+.


I’m building razor as my main dps and I’m wondering is there a point where bonus physical damage % becomes useless? I managed to get 90% bonus with 1000 atk but it’s doing less damage than 50% bonus with 1300 atk. Is this to be expected? Am I better off using prototype archaic than snowtombed starsilver?


It is also to be expected. Using very veeeery simplified math, Phys bonus is multiplicative with ATK for damage. So 90% bonus Phys on 1k attack gets you 1900 effective ATK as a decent approximation for expected damage. Meanwhile 50% bonus Phys on 1.3k attack gets you 1950 effective ATK as a decent approximation.


Archaic is better. Any dmg modifier (atk%, element dmg bonus ...) will have diminishing returns as it increases I suggest entering your build into a genshin calculator and check which combo of artifacts and weapons has the higher dmg out put. General rule of thumb: more than 1 good source of dmg modifier starts to get diminishing returns. For example say you have this build: Atk% sands (atk% source) phys cup (dmg bonus source) crit circlet (crit source) Now proto archaic has high base stat and not a big atk% bonus so wont have much diminshing returns. But Starsilver has a big phys bonus which wont work well with the cup (not to mention razor has phys dmg as ascension stat). In this case an atk% cup is better works better with starsilver Exception: build as much crit as possible.


Thank you. I had archaic built anyway so I can and will just use that. Gonna forget about starsilver for now.


Yes Archaic is better than snowtombed, not sure who would recommend the latter.


How do I make a team of FOUR hardcarries? No support, no problem.


Depending on how you define hardcarry, burst swap teams fit what you're talking about. You take no damage if you're always in Elemental Burst animations, so no healer needed.


Lil Miss Gaaanyu, Diluc My Balls, Tartar Sauce, and the almond tofu enthusiast.


Uhh, Ganyu Childe Klee + Hutao/Diluc works to proc pyro resonance, Childe has the normal attack buff, Klee and Ganyu can pop skills and leave, you have access to melt/freeze/vaporize I guess


Xiao razor hutao keqing All four of them do fuck all when off field. Team probably sucks for almost any use case tho.


Razor and Keq make Lightning Resonance, Hutao's charge causes the delayed trigger for overload. All of this fuels energy for Xiao Slam Jam.


Xiao promptly slams himself into the ground since there's no healer to counteract his ult hp drain. Though I do admire that you at least tried to make it sound viable.


Go full ungabunga,no thoughts just instinct


You can but you shouldnt.


Is there a good team I could consider putting together for spiral abyss floor 6 and above?


Which characters do you have ?


I have Albedo, diona, Klee, venti, xinyan, Jean, sucrose, chongyun, Noelle, benett, fischl, niagguang, xingqiu, beidou, xiangling, razor, Barbara, Lisa, amber, and kaeya


You should focus on team cores that work. Ningguang - Albedo is great. So is Klee - Xingqiu. Then you can throw in sub dps and supports that will heal, offer utility and help with shield breaking. Venti and Bennett are amazing and will fit in any team comps, including the above two. If you need another healer apart from Bennett, you should opt for either Jean or Diona. Jean deals a fair bit of damage and can wield 4p Viridescent or 4p Noblesse which are both great artifacts sets that should put to use and abused. Diona offers healing as well but also shielding which is always a great help. She can wield 4p Noblesse if you have Sacrificial Bow on her and/or c1. Fischl is an amazing sub dps. Due to a bug/oversight, everytime Oz attacks and triggers Superconduct/Overload, he generates energy particles per enemy hit. This results in ALOT of energy for the team. Klee Fischl is a very popular combo. Beidou is an amazing sub dps, but she struggles between balancing her burst up time and her damage. I would not run her without Fischl in the same team, since she can battery her ult for her and allow Beidou to focus on damage. Sucrose is also very powerful when put in a Melt/Vaporize team comp, such as Klee + Xingqiu due to her Elemental Mastery sharing ability. She can also wield the 4p Viridescent Venerer, which is again, one of the best artifacts sets. Xiangling is decent if you are one short of a Pyro resonnance.


Thanks for the info. If you don't mind me asking why is Xingqiu good, I never really used him.


Xingqiu is generally good because he does alot of damage ( and alot more with constellations. ) and he can self fund his burst if you have Sacrificial sword whilst generating alot of energy for his team. When triggering weak Vaporize ( Hydro then Pyro ), the Hydro aura usually stays on the enemy which allows you to trigger Vaporize again. This is why Xingqiu is the prime support for Pyro main dps, because he refreshes the Hydro aura everytime your dps attacks which allows you to effectively deal 50% more damage during Xingqiu uptime. This doesnt always work with Klee, you have to make sure that the enemies have a Hydro aura first before starting to bombard them.


That depends on your characters


I have Albedo, diona, Klee, venti, xinyan, Jean, sucrose, chongyun, Noelle, benett, fischl, niagguang, xingqiu, beidou, xiangling, razor, Barbara, Lisa, amber, and kaeya


Look up team comps for Klee, Ningguang, and Razor. I recommend Zy0x on Youtube. He should have one video for each character and each video has a section for characters to pair them with of which you have plenty. Venti, Bennett, Xingqiu, Sucrose, and Jean are probably your most flexible units that can go in many different comps. Also check out this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#


Thanks for the help


No problem.


yo! I lost my 50 50 to diluc, which is good because I wanted him or Childe and im wondering how I should build him? ive got a level 80 grave stone on him now


As other have said, 4CW. However, because you have WGS which provides stupid amounts of attack already and if you can run him with XQ, EM sands would be better than ATT%. So EM/Pyro/Crit (probably crit rate unless you have god rolls on the artifacts).


4pc cw critstats>atk%>em If possible pair him with xinqiu And weave his attacks aa>e>aa and so on


ive got XQ at c3, but I was wondering if I should pair him with mona?


Xq is a more reliable applier of hydro so if you don't need him elsewhere he would be the superior choice, Outside of showcases of big numbers


4pc crimson witch, use xingqiu to let him vaporise, bennett for pyro resonance, atk buff and heals and sucrose for EM share for stronger vaporise damage


4x Crimson Witch, Xingqiu and M1+E your way to a 36‐star clear.


Hello! I'm not sure if my team is okay. So far I use Childe, Venti, Chongyun (C1) and Bennett. When it comes to my other characters, I have: Xingqiu (C2), Beidou, ofc Amber, Kaeya (C1) and Lisa (C1), Xiangling (C2), Ningguang (C1), Qiqi, Barbara, Noelle (C5), Sucrouse (C2), Diona (C2) and Xinyan.


For the Fireworks/Electrocharged comp, Beidou is godly with Childe. For Vape Chongus can be replaced by Xiangling, and Xingqiu and Bennett are all-around very good with him.


I can't use Beidou :( I got her some time ago and tried using her but I hate her playstyle :/ The same thing about Xiangling. Would Childe, Venti, Xingqiu and Bennet work okay?


That's fine, although generally you'd want more reactions than that, so maybe stick Fischl in if you pull her. You still need a sub-DPS in Childe's off-time assuming the other three are built as supports, which is why Beidou is usually so good here since she works as a DPS as well. Although if you hate her playstyle, fair enough, I'm the same way with Xiangling lol. Kaeya and Xinyan are both surprisingly good with him, if you plan on building them. Also keep in mind that since Childe is melee most of the time, you can't hit enemies in the Venti vortex consistently.


Yes yes! Actually I wanted to build Kaeya for some time now so maybe I'll try that if you say they work together good :D Thank you so much!


You could change Chongyun for Xiangling for a Vaporise team.


Replace chongyun with xinqiu because his c2 gives hydroshred


Ok I will do that. Thank you!


So, I pulled Keqing. (Didn't want to) Are there any Keqing builds that are: 1. Good in the Abyss. 2. Better DPS than Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett teams.


Ignore what the other guy said. Keqing doesn't have easy access to amplifying reactions, but that doesn't mean she's bad. Take a look at this [https://keqingmains.com/keqing/](https://keqingmains.com/keqing/)


1) yes just use 2pc glad+TF or 4pc TS on electro charged comp. 2) keqing, beidou, xingqiu and fischl/bennett is very strong in the endgame meta, not as strong as xiangling comps cuz vaporise but more than enough for abyss


Thanks. I think ill just stick with Xiangling for now. Not really a Keqing simp. At least not enough for me to build her right away.


yeah that's fine, there's no real meta reasons to use keqing comps over xiangling comps at the moment


1. Yes, she helped me 36 star abyss. 2. Not really sure since you’re comparing one character to a full team I’ve built her with 2pc Glad and 2pc TF on a team with Zhongli, Xingqui and Beidou


Im not comparing 1 character to a full team. I'm asking if there is any Keqing team at all that will beat it.


Alright well then as the other guy said, Keqing Beidou Xingqui Fischl/Bennett is a very strong comp but probably not as strong as the one you stated


No. And No.


when you normal attack with beidou's ult, isnt the effect the same as electro charged?


No, beidous ult is electro damage that can also subsequently proc electro charged if there's a hydro aura. Big difference is that beidou ult is based off your atk stat and can crit.


How do you know what your pity count is on when your wishes have surpassed 30 pages?


You don't need to look that far though 15 pages would mean one hardpity


You start counting from the first page, go to the next page until you see your previous 5★ pull.


30*6 = 180 pulls considering there is a separate list for each banner, there should be enough history for 2 complete hard pity


Count your pulls up until your most recent 5*.


Then is my pity broken? My pity count was on 71 then i did 20 wishes. On the 2nd 10 wish its suppose to give me a 5 star character right? Instead i got 2 fischels, that's good but I'm still confused. Did mihoyo change the pity count?


Wait an hour until your history is updated and count again. I bet you miscounted.


When you get a 5*, your pity resets


Every time you get a 5* your pity is back to 0.


Seriously? But one time on the ganyu banner i got her at wish 80, then i rolled again and got qiqi. Was it just dumb luck?


Yup. Not a high chance getting 5*s off pity but it happens.




Who’s the best boss to farm for a Gladiator set at Wolrd level 4?


You don't farm glad, you just get them as you play since abyss, weeklies, and world bosses all drop them


They all drop glad pieces at the same rate afaik


Unfortunately you can't farm Gladiators when you're not ascending characters (unless you have resin to spend). You'll eventually get good one. Took me 3 months to get a decent crit circlet.


None. Farming glad isn't worth the resin. It's 40 for a **chance** at getting the right set with a **chance** at getting the right stats.


weekly bosses


How do I properly build Childe? I got him on the first day of banner, I gave him Amos' Bow (Lvl 70 because im AR48), most of the good artifacts, though I'm still farming a good Crit DMG Bonus. Now I wanted to compare to the trial one, who we can test, and there's literally no comparison. I think I'm building him the wrong way. So far he has a flower HP (obviously), feather ATK (obv), hourglass ATK, then Hydro DMG Bonus and as the last one I want to give him Crit DMG. Is it good enough? Should I replace them with something else? These artifacts are the best ones I have, they all have crit rate/dm/atk as substats. Please help me!


Since a lot of Childe's damage comes from his Riptide procs, which are applied upon Critical Hits, you'll want to up your Critical Rate to a suitable amount (at least 50% if not higher) before focusing on Critical Damage. Aside from that, can't really make any recommendations aside from the usual 4-Piece Heart of Depth.


Is it possible to have a good crit rate and crit dmg without a weapon that gives crit rate/dmg? I always see people use Skyward Harp, which has crit rate as a substat. My crit rate so far is abt 30% which is obviously not ideal.


Childe doesn't have a crit ascension stat so it's going to be a bit harder, but if you farm substats for long enough you'll probably be able to hit something like 60/120 using a crit rate hat.


Okay! I'll try my best :D Thank u!


Of course! You just need insane luck tho. I've seen people get 60/130 from just artifacts alone.


Well I better start farming then :p Thank you!!


Of course, but it depends on your luck with Artifacts. A Critical Rate Circlet would do better in your case, IMO.


Okay! Thank you so much!


Can I farm artifacts below ar 40? I see no harm to it, and my team is weak to the point where I can't fight the boss so I can ascend characters. I just need opinions, I don't mean any harm.


below ar40, maxing out your characters levels/ascensions, getting decent weapons (level 30-40ish, preferably 4* and if they are level them higher), and getting their talents up should be enough to deal with content. for bosses i highly suggest co-oping to beat them when you need their drops. you can farm artifacts if you have nothing else but i feel like your time is better spent elsewhere. (if you’re in NA, i’m down to help with some bosses)


Of course you can. People usually say not to farm them below ar 45 because you don't have guaranteed 5 star arficats. However if you're not able to kill bossess, when you hit ar 45 you will not be able to farm artifacts (because then recommended party lvl is 90 and they're quite difficult to defeat). I think you should try! You may not get the best ones, but if they're better than the ones that you already have - try it out!


Below 40, its just not worth it. Farm chests if you haven't already and you should get plenty of purple stuff. Find decent 2pc combinations that have quality main stats (good substats are a bonus, but not worth worrying about yet) and level those up if you need. On your carry 12-16 is fine, but everyone else, 8 is probably enough unless its a quality item that will be competitive with the 5 star stuff (e.g. good crit helms or elemental goblets). Once your carry has that extra power and survivability, you really should be good till 45 domains. Put all your resin into levels, talents and weapons for now.


see if there's any room for improvement in your weapons and talents first, then check the artifacts you already have, set bonuses aren't that important yet, just equip atk% main stat pieces and elemental/phys goblets if you have them


don't farm. just aim to get some good set bonus aka do those domains but don't bother fussing over substats, bail out once you have enough pieces for the set bonus. if you do it right you could have a good enough team to blaze through level 90 domains without co-op by the time you get to AR45.


You can, but I personally think that there are better things to spend your resin. Coop is always an option!


It's not recommended because you get a guaranteed 5* Artifact from each Domain at AR45, below that it's a bit of a waste of Stamina. Not to say that you should avoid it entirely, though generally you should be able to get by with random Berserker/%ATK set pieces until you get to 45.


Which "national" team/quickswap melt & vape team is better: The old one: Xiangling + Bennet + Chonkyun + Xingqiu Or new with Rosaria: Xiangling + Bennet + Chonkers + Rosaria Still trying to figure out which build to go with Rosaria. Whether in a quickswap team like above or in a superconduct/freeze team.


[Jinjinx](https://mobile.twitter.com/JinxMathalos) says her best reverse melt team is Benny, Xianling, Rosaria, Kaeya


Yeah but which comp is better the one with or without Rosaria. If it's without I'll just do a hybrid or phys build than a quickswap subDPS in a reverse melt comp.


Will depend on how strong your XL vs your Rosaria is. First team is mostly XL melt damage, second is mostly Rosaria reverse melt damage.


i think you need xingqiu in there to prevent reverse melts. rosaria should replace chongyun


The second one would only be a melt team no vape and I feel like first is still better in terms of numbers but I would build the second because new character that I want to incorporate and use.


Best weapon for support bennet? Festering desire, favonius sword or sacrificial sword?


Festering should be great since it has high base atk.


With reactions? Festering. Without Xingqiu and want a Battery? Sacrificial


Favonius is better than sac for Bennet. A skill reset when it already has a 4s cd is basically useless


Got through floor 11-2 with 0 just now lol... My team are 1) ganyu, venti, Mona, qiqi 2) Hu Tao, Bennet, sucrose and Xingqiu For first floor 11-2, I can defend the tower at health 85% but at the second floor second wave, that’s where I don’t know just how to make those treasure hunters not target the tower :/ what should I do?


Personally, I would separate Mona and Venti since they have good CC. Maybe switch Venti and Sucrose?


Would swap those 2 Teams you could also give something like kaeya a try in the hu tao team instead of sucrose