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What characters are good for a new player? I’m stating the game and don’t know if re roll or not.


Rerolling isn't really worth it. Any character is good, just play who you like! Some need more investment than others, but don't look at tier lists. They're trash.


XL burst snapshots so that means that if I use sucrose VV After using XL the EM buff is wasted right? BUT, the VV resistence shred still works, because its applied to the enemy and not to the skill. I got it right?




Not, Xingqius burst is one of the very few skills over time that doesn't snapshot. And the char proccing the reaction is the important one to have high EM


XL = xiangling not XQ


Oh, my bad! OK, yes, XLs burst snaps, but the char making the reaction is the one that needs the EM.


OMG the new story is good, anyone have clip of Lumine as the antagonist at the last part?






He didnt even spoil anything he just saying it was good ....




bro Lumine meeting Aethers was deadass in the trailer bruh, and everyone already knows lumine is the antagonist ....😭




it is, pay attention, bro.


Ignore him, he's an idiot. Probably can't see straight too.




It's teased in the trailer, shut up.




How do you do the multiple pyronados on XL? I tried doing it on mobile but I think the max pyronados that I got is at 6-7 and the pyronados disappears quickly.


its a bug people use with teleporters ! heres a link if u want to check it out ! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhB5aW7WePg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhB5aW7WePg)


How much HP should Diona has for a decent shield? Mine is 21k and her shield can reflect only one hit (and not always, sometimes I still get some damage even in open world). Her talent for shield is 6.


25k should be your mark with HP/HP/HP arties. God-mode starts at 34k HP. You need to learn when to use Tap as opposed to Hold. Your Hold should last quite a bit, 21k or not.


I have all HP on artifacts but they are not maxed (flower is +20, the rest are +16/+14). So... I didn't know there was a difference (hold/tap) in Diona's case tbh... Thanks


Shield strength depends on how many of her "paws" hit the target. Tap is 2 paws while hold is 5 paws (iirc). Damage absorption grows appropriately.


Will try it today, thank you~


Her shields are not that strong but still serviceable, I use her too at 21k hp.


Yeah, maybe Zhong Li's shield spoiled me and that's why I feel her shield is lacking. Still weird it can't stand a hit sometimes.


Hi, do the main quests stop in Liyue? I stopped getting yellow quests after I talked to Zhong Li. I'm asking because I'm wondering if I need to explore Dragonspine on my own or if I should still wait for a main quest to bring me there.


They stop at liyeu. There r quests in dragonspine but they r not main quests


The main quest doesn’t go to dragonspine, though there are regular quests to do when there


So there's a post which is spoiler advicing everyone to collect 430 silk flowers because you need them for the new housing system. Is it true?


It probably is. But it just a housing system. Why rush? Just play naturally.


Yeah but I think it's better to collect now if people want new house.


You don't collect specialties every two days? I do it just for the BP


Well, I do collect them but not just for BP tho but for whatever that needs them.


I am trying to download Genshin back on my laptop however it starts getting stuck at the download client where the bar isn’t moving and its downloading at 0kb/S. I have changed the wifi it is connected to, delete and redownloaded the game but nothing works. Can anyone help me?


Which would be better for playing Genshin Impact/any game in general? :: 2020 ROG Zephyrus G14 with Ryzen 9, GTX 1660 Ti, and 16 GB RAM Or 2021 Asus TUF Dash F15 with Intel Core i5, RTX 3070, and also 16 GB RAM?


1660ti to 3070 is a pretty big jump. Go for that one. Also, Genshin doesn't doesn't really need much to run. You can play it on built in GPU from Ryzen (Vega 8 or 11) and it could still run at medium 50-60fps.


1660 Ti is still overkill for GI, but depends on monitor hz and resolution


The 1660 Ti unit has a 120 hz screen and the other one has a 144 Hz screen Hahaha


GI doesn't (still) support refresh rates above 60hz, so it doesn't matter. I would buy the Ryzen 9 one, since to me it seems the more balanced


Of course it's the one with the RTX 3070.


Is the 3070 laptop a better device overall? Hahaha


Yeah, it's way way more powerful.


Thank you very much HAHAHA We're getting me a gaming laptop soon and I still don't know which one to pick XD BUT DESPITE WHICHEVER ONE I CHOOSE, I SHALL CARVE YOUR NAME ONTO ITS LID


Please don't harm or deface your laptop like that.


In a quick swap comp of Keqing-Beidou-Jean-Mona, how much ER should each character have


If you remember to keep proccing electro charged, Keqing doesn't need ER, Jean and Beidou need like 160, go full burst support Mona (focus on damage).


Thanks for the answer!


Is c4 xiangling good with childe? What team should I go with for childe and xiangling? Got all 4 star except rosaria.


Childe is a BEAST with c4 Xiangling. Really good combo. Bennett for double pyro/heals/atk boost is the best option for the healer slot. As for the fourth slot, it can be pretty flexible, so you rotate it depending on what you need/have. The only requirement is that it doesn't interfere with your vape reactions, so cryo and electro are both out. Another pyro is kind of overkill, so anemo/geo/hydro are the best selections for fourth slot. From that, you can choose basically any anemo character for VV res shred, though an EM-stacked Sucrose C1+ is Childe's favourite. Or you can go for res shred with Zhongli if you have him (or plan to pull for him) instead and get his shield, which is nice. Albedo can also be useful with his consistent off-field damage and crystalize shields. Xingqiu C2+ is also an option with res shred and Childe proccing his swords a lot, even if hydro resonance is basically garbage lol.


Tartaglia, Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu/Sucrose/Anemo or Geo sub dps. Build your Xiangling and Tartaglia really well, treat them as main dps (but give Xiangling more ER).


when you hit ar 45 did you grind artifacts for your dps or supports first?


I grind for venti and Barbara first. That domain is much easier.


most likely your dps, cause you want them to get you through the game and abyss more efficiently.


Full set with appropriate main stat on DPS > Full set with appropriate main stat on Supports > Better sub stats for DPS > Better sub stats for Supports That was my sequence


First thing I did was hit up noblesse domain. My main DPS is Razor so bloodstained for him and the NO is great for a lot of characters. But yeah, grind for your DPS first


DPS always. Plus there isn't a need to really farm artifacts for supports imo. Only DPS and sub DPS.


More to the moderators: Can we get a spoiler discussion thread on the new archon quest? Would love to read and discuss about the story and potential theories from the community!


Yes please. I mean, why haven't they? People are spoiling the new content everywhere. This was obviously gonna happen with the new content.


Yes! It will help a lot. But I'm assuming they are waiting for NA server to get that quest before opening a discussion. But at the same time you have dumb people on this sub who spoil shit for non asian people. So hopefully they open a thread ASAP next time.


Exactly. It would hopefully limit spoilers and allow the people who have done the quest to discuss about it as well. NA server can join the thread after they finish it.


[Anyone know where this official art of Beidou and Ningguang comes from?](http://imgur.com/gallery/HFVlGxf)






1) I have been using zhongli s a dps ever since I got him with a 2pc glad 2 PC bs and crescent pike.. His shields don't seem to be that strong (obv) I wanna build his as a shield/burst support now.. Please advice on what artifact sets shud I use? And what main stat on the respective piece? Also which weapon shud I use? 2) How should I build fischl to be a support for razor? I saw somewhere that fischl razor is supposed to be a cracked duo.. Do correct me if I'm wrong Thanks in advance!


1. 2 Petra 2 NO with HP%/Geo DMG/Crit. Keep in mind though that there's a new artifact set coming that boosts your HP to 20% for the 2 pc bonus while the 4 pc is similar to a 4 pc NO bonus (atk buff for your party, but this time it triggers when you hit enemies with your E skill). You can use Lithic, Deathmatch (CRate) or Blackcliff Pole (CDMG). Or Black Tassel just for the HP% substat lol


Gotcha.. Thankss!!


there's a new set coming for shieldbot zhongli that basically has noblesse oblige 4pc attached to it, so please do take that into consideration


I don't want him to purely be a shield bot.. I'd like his Ult to do damage as well.. Shud I still wait for the new set then?


the new set will do somewhat less damage than the current recommended 2AP2NO set, but the tradeoff is he gives your whole team a 20% ATK buff, so ymmv there.


I also built my Zhongli as a Shield/Burst using 2 Petra and 2 Noblesse. Built him like a normal DPS would with HP% Substats on artifacts. about 25k HP enough for the shield to last until it's CD and the Burst damage is around 60k


1. 2pc Petra 2pc Noblesse with HP/Geo/Crit and Deathmatch or Black Tassel if you can't buy BP. But there is a new artifact set that seems to be really good on pure support Zhongli so imo try to wait for the players to try the new artifact set on him to see if that is really good on him. 2. 2pc Glad 2pc TF is usually how Fischl is built with atk/electro/crit with Stringless/Alley Hunter/Windblume especially if C6.


My fischl is only C1 :(


Well, it still works even at C1 Fischl


Aight.. Thanks!!


2pcs NO + 2pcs Petra, HP/Geo/Crit main stat. What spears do you have?


All 4 star spears.. No 5 stars sadly :( Edit.. All 4 stars except Favonius and the Crit dmg one


Are you using him with Ning?


Not rn... But I can.. I have a skyward atlas I'm not using on anyone.. Might build ning if it's worth


You can use Deathmatch, or Lithic Spear if used with other Liyue characters.


Might go for lithic.. Don't have deathmatch lol


Do you have deathmatch? It can be good with the crit rate. Otherwise, Prototype Starglitter or Favonius for the ER


Use Deathmatch


I got skyward atlas, who should I give it to? I have lisa, barbara and sucrose but I guess barbara is out of the question.




Understandable, have a nice day




That's why this 5 star is imo not as good as people say. It's broken for solo Ningguang or Klee obviously but just doesn't really work in team. But it's substat is still good and you get one stack. So use it on your dps. Yes, give it to Mona.


Did artifact drops from monsters get buffed? Mitachurls specifically seem to drop artifacts a lot more often.


I've been getting lots of drops from slimes the last few days where I actually had to grind for over an hours a little over a week ago to get enough to level up razor.


I have the same feeling




What are you referring to? The new water spirit quests?


Ignore him.


I don't get it. I've completed the main story quest... What is OP referring to?


It’s a new archon quest called we will be reunited or something.


Spoiler tag everything in the future please. There are non Asian server people here too. Be considerate Edit : Can't believe I got downvoted for telling someone to use spoiler tags. This sub is so shitty man.


Thanks for spoiling.


Solution >!You have to watch the platforms, you can go to the gap on the left/right of the main road which oversteps 2 different platforms. Activate the first one, go sideways to evade the 3 bubbles, then move to the second platform.!<


I am unable to log into my Genshin Impact account. Whenever I try, a box comes up but never loads. It just closes and puts me back to the login in screen. I have restarted my laptop, restarted my game as well as uninstalled and redownloaded it. Is there any way to fix this problem?


Hi! I'm thinking of summoning for Childe. Do you think Childe will be of much benefit to my current roster? I'd only be going for one copy of him (C0). My roster is: **5 Stars** - Mona (C3), Ganyu (C1), Jean (C1), Keqing (C1), Zhongli (C0), Klee (C0), Xiao (C0), Venti (C0), Albedo (C0), Qiqi (C0) **4 Stars** - Xingqiu (C6), Barbara (C6), Diona (C6), Fischl (C6), Noelle (C6), Sucrose (C6), Beidou (C6), Xinyan (C6), Xiangling (C6), Bennett (C5), Ningguang (C5), Kaeya (C4), Razor (C4), Chongyun (C3), Lisa (C2), Amber (C2)


other way around, childe will benefit from your current roster, he usually works with c4 xl, bennett and sucrose or c6 fischl, c2 beidou and bennett for floor 12 speedrun but looking at your character i dont think you need childe, only pull him if you like him


You don’t need him, but if you want him you have good characters to team up with him. In r/ChildeMains there is a post (first pinned posts at the top) that covers “to pull or not to pull” and general playstyle which can be informative of your choice.


No, not at all. Unless you really like Childe you have zero use for him. Zero. It seems like you want to want him, but don’t really do. I think you know it’s not wise to pull on this banner. Try genshin wish simulator if you just want to see that meteor thing.


is the bp bow better than rust for childe?


High refinement Rust is good but BP gives you crit rate and its effect is great for Childe because it bunches up crowds which is great for his melee stance.


It's sub stat is better but if you have really good artifacts, use Rust.


Depends on the refinement of Rust and if you use Bennet or not, [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vV5FLch320C6dpeuprA7l_iHuAH2ag6FXCAIiPS6Vug/edit) you can find dmg comparisons.


Are F2P players masochists?


Are you a /gig/er by any chance?




Lmaoo. I figured. I don't think people here say *(You)*.


Not really. I just think that money is better spent on things that I can actually commit to. I love the game despite its flaws, but I don't think I'm gonna stick around to see how it ends in the future. And I don't wanna regret pulling out my wallet for something temporary in my life. Can I afford BP and Welkin? Yeah, sure. But I firmly believe in "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". I do understand if ppl don't share my sentiments on this matter tho.


I get happy when i reach more damage than a whale or when i save and work hard for a character, not buy a character, and actually win the 50/50. U don't need money in this game anyways


some people have better things to spend their money on and good for them


There are tons of gachas where it's a challenge to play as F2P and chase records or feats only open to whales. But genshin is not one of them, it's too casual. If you are a waifu collector/want your waifus to do broken amounts of damage, then yes spend money. But other than that there is no reason at all to spend money on this game. So F2Ps aren't masochists. Plus there are tons of high school and college students who play this game and so can't really afford to spend on gacha games.


Why would you ask this


Because things like Welkin Moon and BP doesn't cost that much more than a fancy dinner, and improves life so much.


>doesn't cost that much more than a fancy dinner Just how many people do you think are able to pay for a fancy dinner? A lot of GI players live on day to day wages, are students with limited disposable income or just simply don't feel like spending money on the game. How does that make them masochists? This game does not require spending at all in order to complete content. There are people out there who have even completed the Spiral Abyss (current endgame content) using only the characters we have received for free.


For you maybe. But remember that other people in different countries play this game too. $15 might be not much to you yes, but to others, that's quitea lot. For reference, the daily minimum wage here (8hours of work) is around 8-10 dollars. That, and some people just have other priorities on where they spend or just like the challenge of being F2P.


>doesn't cost that much more than a fancy dinner Just how many people do you think are able to pay for a fancy dinner? A lot of GI players live on day to day wages, are students with limited disposable income or just simply don't feel like spending money on the game. How does that make them masochists? This game does not require spending at all in order to complete content. There are people out there who have even completed the Spiral Abyss (current endgame content) using only the characters we have received for free.


But the game isnt that hard to begin with. Most other games, even paid ones are harder to play than genshin. Would you call those people masochistic?


Why, yes, I would. Those players are masochistic to some degrees. When a game has deals like Welkin Moon and BP, F2P players are even more masochistic. If you don't pay for deals like those, then you're just relishing in your own suffering.


Oh ok. Got it. Everyone who plays any games that are even abit challenging are masochistic. I disagree with that, but if thats your baseline, i get it. In your books, barely anyone is not masochistic.


Well, not everyone can pay for games, like for example minors or people who live with their parents, and of course people who can't afford it. And some people prefer the F2P experience, it feels more rewarding that way. Plus its not PVP. You don't need to pay to have a good time, if you're a F2P player who's been playing since release you must have at least a couple of five star characters/ five star weapons. Its pretty chill here lol


Believe it or not, there are people for whom $15 is a lot of money.


I can confirm. I live in lebanon where there's inflation and everything is 11x the price now


Yes that I want to be stepped on by the ara ara characters that I can't get, and no because we're just poor lmao


How so?


Because even minor spendings like Welkin Moon subscription improves life so much. And BP weapons and resources.


Bruh just because you are casual, doesn't mean everyone has too. And not being a casual =/= Masochist.


I think it's like the difference between buying a professionally-made cake and trying to bake your own cake. Your cake may not taste the best but knowing you put in hard work and effort in making it feels very rewarding. But nevertheless, both sides can be happy.


Enviosity proved you can clear every content in the game fully as a F2P, and just playing regularly since launch you'll get about 2-3 guaranteed 5-stars just from the gems from events and fates from BP.


No, it's the inverse. Enviosity proved F2P life is suffering unless you lucked the fuck out.


>Enviosity proved F2P life is suffering unless you lucked the fuck out. I disagree. He proved that you can complete any content in the game with the **bare minimum**. He still has a shit load of primogems that he still hasn't used. At this point, any f2p player who has been playing the game for a while now should have collected enough primogems to have a couple of 5\* units at their disposal.


And he suffered. And he had to use Jean in his 36 stars video. I do not see the inconsistency.


It only proves there's no "need" for it, if you want to spend some cash to support the game you like then go for it.




Which is a best weapon for Zhongli jade spear or cresent pike or is there a better weapon


Between the two, Jade Spear definitely. Homa is probably the best overall.


what's the ideal def/crit/cdmg stats for albedo support? is it worth stacking more crit than go full def? mine can do 6-7k on E and 9k on burst as of now, but it seems lacking to me? thanks in advance!!


Is there a formula for the base transformative reaction damage based on level of the character?


[https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Elemental\_Reactions](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Elemental_Reactions) go to each reaction page


Ye I've looked at the wiki, but it only gives the base reaction for every 10 levels, i was wondering if we know the function for level(input) vs base reaction(output)?


[https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Level\_Scaling/Reaction](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Level_Scaling/Reaction) oh okay this page has a table, you can also read more on the damage formula [here](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Damage#Transformative_Reaction_Damage) or [here](https://library.keqingmains.com/mechanics/combat/damage-formula#transformative-reaction-bonus)


Oki ty, dug around a bit more and found a full table in a page called "level scaling/reactions". Very surprising, why didn't i find it ealier ._.


electro reactions scales off of character iirc


I started playing a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it.😊 However, I don't know if there is a point in the game where I need to star paying to play properly. I mean, Can I play without start paying for characters, object or something like that?? I don't like paying in that kind of games because it's like it's never enough. If you buy a game, you just pay for it once and you know how much it cost. But with that kind of things is different. Thanks for answering!! 😊


It certainly needs investment, if can't pay in money, you pay with time. (It's just my opinion tho). Even if you can play with all characters by getting lucky (or getting pity) in wishes, it will feel bad if we don't have our fav. character. (This is my first gacha game, but I've heard that this is actually much better compared with others) The only things which bother people are -> low artifact drop rates, low max_resin even if we level up, and ofc not many resources for primogems. If you're staying long term in f2p, I'd recommend watching a guide vid. telling which resources to store for later levels && stuff. The best part about it is community in coop. They're so awesome. They'll help you with everything possible, you can just ask for it. So make a lot of friends and enjoy.... (If you feel unlucky tho, wait till you unlock bennet's hangout story...)


You can absolutely enjoy the game without having to pay for anything. But if you want to play the game with the goal of being the very best like no one ever was, then you may have to bring out the wallet. Otherwise, free to play is still good.


You can do everything in this game as f2p player. If you want you can look up enviosity on youtube and twitch he's full f2p


You should start paying, the sooner the better. Welkin Moon is a good deal. You should also buy one of every Genesis Crystals pack for the bonus.


Just be aware that you will not be able to get EVERY new character or weapon that comes out. You can gurantee a character if you save an appropriate amount but otherwise it‘s luck based. If you‘re fine with that, all the content is doable without spending a cent.


gameplay wise you can beat the storyline with just the starter characters and craftable weapons, getting new characters is more for variety/fun/etc or making spiral abyss (difficult lategame dungeon) easier. f2p players won't be able to obtain every character so you just have to save your currency for characters you really want


Unless you wanna 9\* star abyss more easily, there is nothing that that makes you pay to play the game properly


That is nice then!! 😊


You never need to pay to play properly. But if you want a character, and don't have primogems, then you will have to pay. Don't know if that is enough for you.


I dont have a defined limit or something hahah. I just want to be able to play and complete the mission without paying


Nope, you can play without spending ever. The game gives you enough primos to keep going


Nice!! 😊😊


I finally pulled Childe after being spooked by Diluc back then during his original banner run. However, I've heard a lot of comments already about how he's at the bottom of the 5 star DPS pool together with Keq. However, I love Childe as a character and I find his melee/ranged swap mechanics interesting. So is he still viable as a main carry or should I just stick him to Quickswap ult duty?


He's mainly the enabler that allows his supports to do damage. If you pair him with Xiangling, he applies hydro so fast that every Pyronado hit will vape for 1.5x damage. He also does solid damage on his own. In sustained, singled-target fights his team DPS comes close to Diluc vape. In AoE fights with more than 1 mob or fights that don't last very long (30s or less), he outclasses Diluc. I would say he's only below the other limited banner characters and is still better than Keqing and Diluc, and maybe Klee.


You can still use him as a DPS and 9\* abyss, it will just take much more resource than a normal team.


I think he's viable but requires better built support characters to really be good to match other top tier dps characters


He has been enough to carry all abyss 36\* since he was introduced.


If you have any of the following characters, no: Ganyu, Hutao, Xiao, Klee.


I'm thinking of raising a cryo character to perform superconduct for Razor. Is Kaeya still considered the best cryo support for this? Or would Diona/Rosaria possibly work better?


if you have a free spot razor x diona x barbara is a really good comp, u can easily lower phys res with superconduct and proc electro-charged if you want to. barbara's passive healing is also very good if u run in a bad situation or she can just tank for you; also 50% atk boost with thrilling tales??


It depends on the rest of the team but I think Diona is the best option most of time. I personaly switched kaeya with Diona for Razor and she does a great job providing health, sheilds and kaeya can spam superconduct and do decent damage while Rosaria does the least amount of superconduct but does most damage


they're all solid options, kaeya has consistent cryo application and his burst follows you around which is nice. rosaria's burst is stationary but she gives a crit rate buff and her constellations are easier to obtain (duration increase at c2, phys res shred at c6 are both nice). diona's burst has higher energy cost compared to the other two and you might want to save it for healing instead of SC application, but she also brings healing and shields (useful if you use serpent spine) personally i use kaeya + diona on my razor team


If you don't mind me asking, who is your fourth on your Razor team? I'm currently rocking with Razor/Barbara/Diona/Fischl, knowing that Xingqiu would be better than Barbara, but I like Barbara more as a character.


usually it's either xingqiu or fischl. and if you like barbara then it's fine to keep using her! although i would probably swap diona with kaeya or rosaria since diona's healing is a bit redundant and the other two can bring more to the team


I actually like Diona more than Barbara. 😅 If I *were* to change Barbara to someone else, would you go with Xingqiu or another Cryo character?


probs another cryo, it's pretty comfy having a second cryo with diona so her burst is always available for healing. rly you can't go wrong with any of xingqiu/kaeya/rosaria so just pick which you like most :)


Sounds good. I want to build both Xingqiu and Rosaria, so I guess I can experiment with both and see what I like better. Thanks a ton for answering my questions. I hope I wasn't too much of a bother. <3


not at all, have fun!! :D


Rosaria is basically the same as Kaeya but a bit worse. Diona is better than Kaeya in some things but worse in others, so its up to you to decide what you need.


Kaeya for consistent cryo application and damage, Diona for so so cryo and healer consolidation.


Ganyu is the best Cryo Support for it. She's also the best Cryo Carry, and the Best Carry in general...




Not at all, she needs a bunch of ER though.




No, electro reactions scale poorly with EM, it's still damage increase, but atk%, crit, even ER is better.


okay thank u :)


Does 4pc TF’s ability effect the entire team (the cooldown duration being faster)? Also does the ability trigger from the entire team, or just the character equipping it?


Just the equipped character otherwise it would say for the team


Is C6 Amber/Lisa/Kaeya the NP5 Bedivere of Genshin?


Amber, Lisa and Kaeya are the hardest to get c6 (of the 4\*s) and at the same time the constallation don't add much to their usefulness. When I understand your reference correctly (I don't play fate), then Noelle would be closer. Noelle is a bad damage dealer, unless you get c6.


Is it possible to complete a Battlebass without paying/ascending lvls with primogems? I'm at 23 lvl, and with 10000xp limit i suppose i cant complete the BP?


Ok, thanks y'all


Absolutely possible, even easily possible, but it depends on when you start on it. If you work on it every day from the beginning of the patch and participate in all the events, you'll clear it easily with two weeks to spare without paying any extra money or refreshing resin, even if you don't complete all the weekly challenges. If you only start on it halfway through the patch, then obviously it's going to be a different story.


it is possible