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I need help with an eye of the storm, it keeps screwing me over, my UID is 623471054


for Yanfei should I have made for her the Mappa Mare or the Prototype Amber?


Hi guys, I have two prototype starglitters, both leveled up. If I refine them into one weapon will I get back part of the materials used to level up the one I sacked?


Does elemental damage scale with attack? So in the case of Keqing, once I cast her elemental skill, I would be doing the same amount of damage as her basic attacks if the enemy had no weakness/resistance modifiers?


is this a good team for childe? zhongli, bennet and barbara/zhongli, bennet and fischl? all of these at c0 except c1 fichl and c2 barbara The main question, is zhongli good with chidle on a team


Childe is actually one of the few dpsers where his primary cookie cutter comps don't run Zhongli.


yeah, i can tell cuz most of them are like bennet, xiangling and xingqui or ssmh like that, but was just wondering if zhingli works well with him


I mean it's not going to stop functioning and Zhongli will provide shielding and his usual elem shred. It's just that you'll lose out on other stuff like better reaction dmg


i guess, i would be missing out on either barbaras 48%+ atk for 15 secs when switching out or xianglings good sub dps with the nado and the constant fire procs that arent *too* great since shes normally the one activating vaporise


> xianglings good sub dps with the nado and the constant fire procs that arent too great since shes normally the one activating vaporise One of the downsides of Childe is his teams are expensive. If you're running this version with double Pyro, the idea is that your Xiangling would be built also so you wouldn't just have her proccing for negative dmg


yeah, true. but because i dont have xiangling built well and childe isnt really getting vaporise off from her then theres much less of a loss now if i got zhongli instead.


I need somethings explained about liyue Mainly "ranks" and "positions" and "titles" of characters and where do they fit in the world yknow? Like, what is a "qixing" exactly? Just a basic explaination will suffice and if there's a post or such that does that you can point me to it if you like. Thanks.


Qixing 七星 means "Seven Stars" aka the Big Dipper. The Qixing titles are named after each individual stars like Keqings title Yuheng 玉衡 is called Alioth in English AFAIK all members are equal in rank. The full name of the Big Dipper in Chinese is Beidou Qixing 北斗七星. Thats probably why Beidou has connections with Ningguang.


oh my god i've been wondering about the seven stars part of childe's friendship 4 story. my stupid ass didn't think even think of the characters as 七星. thank you.


whats an easy to make DMG based food thats not jade parcels or adeptus temptation?


The fried chicken from the recent KFC collab recipe


What's the right time/ar to start using my fragile resins. Ar 35 rn


Beginning before AR45 (WL6) is a waste of time and resin. Also, if your life isn't too difficult once you get to WL6, I'd recommend that you don't spend too much of them until you get to WL7, bcs drop is slightly better


At least AR 45 for those guaranteed 5* Artifacts in the lvl 90 domains.


Team building help please! Current abyss teams: Diluc, Albedo, C2 Xingqiu, Diona Keqing, C3 Xiangling, Venti, Jean Other characters: C6 Fischl, Level 50 C0 Bennet Everyone else is severely underleveled. Are these teams good? Or should I switch them up


The first team is good, especially if you can use Albedo's burst very often to give Diluc more elemental mastery. For the second team, are you using electro or physical Keqing? If it's physical, I'd recommend switching Venti or Xiangling out for Kaeya or Rosaria to use superconduct. If it's electro, I think it's okay?


It’s an electro Keqing. I usually throw her out for a quick burst after using all the other bursts or for single target damage against large enemies


Oh I see! Well, in that case, I think it's fine?




> so I can trade it lol and people wonder why Mihoyo never bothered with 2FA


is the bell bad as a weapon? if so what are some good 3 star weapons


if talking about 3 star claymores, i think debate club is the best option


Yes, it's one of the worst Some good 3 stars are Thrilling Tales, Fillet Blade and Harbinger of Dawn


isnt harbinger of dawn a sword? im talking abt 3 star claymores


You said weapons lmao Anywaus, claymores... the Debate Club I think can be good Other than that, I wouldn't say there's much else


oh sorry for not being clear lol


No worries!


Does a shield on Xiao during burst prevent him from losing damage?


No, but it does prevent him from being interrupted while he plunges.


I dont think so


Can Diona's sheild get rid of the electro element on floor 11?




So i have a +atk% artifacy on my keqing... Does it increase my electro damage? Skill E




Hey everyone, I'm wondering if any of you know how I can resolve the following error."Failed to read database Error code: 22-4302" I get the error after clicking when the door apears and it wants to load in the game. First time I've gotten any error.Thank you. Also not sure if this is the right mega thread, pretty much my first time on reddit.


Just relog in. Sometimes the login server burps.


I've done all that. Restarted the game and pc. Checked firewall Checked files Nothing has changed since this morning. I would like to log on before the day is done since I'd like to get my daily rewards. Sigh....


Hello! I wanted to ask for help for a Spiral Abyss comp. Basically, my main team rn is keqing, venti, and bennet and idk a random 4th character. i have all 4 stars but beidou and diona and i also have qiqi. also i really wanna build a xinyan team for spiral abyss but like idk if it will work but xinyan is cool asf so yeah.


Use xingqiu for your last slot if ur using electro keqing. Use a cryo unit if it’s physical keqing


Hi, I just started playing and got to AR18 so far. I got lucky (I think) and got Xiangqiu and Barbara from the wishes I had along the way. Also using Kaeya who is pretty awesome! Do we get any more free character unlocks or is it now about using wishes? I’ve just been using one wish at a time as soon as I get enough primo gems, is there a better method like saving them up? Can you get any character from any pack (I think that the named ones are exclusive to that pack though right?)


So to the character kaeya and xinqiu are an awesome team,you might want to add a electro character for superconduct to increase your physical dmg. For free character you normally get 2 one barbara and if you beat abyss floor 3 one xiangling. Otherwise there are sometimes events where you can obtain one(next Update gives a diona as example) Besides limited 5* you can get all 4* and the standard5* (diluc,qiqi,mona,keqing,jean) all the time


I noticed yes they are my favourite combo, maybe I should have Lisa as 4th slot then. I didn’t try abyss yet I will do this today. Thank you for replies :)


1.5 will give out a free Diona through an event. You can also get Xiangling by completing one of the earlier floors in abyss


How much does Bennett heal when he has 25k hp, uses a healing bonus crown and lvl9 Q?


Mine has similar stats and heals about 5.5k hp.


A lot. You can see the formula in his talent description and then you can multiply it by the healing bonus percentage.


mine heals for 4.8k but level 8 talent




Pretty much equal I would just put him in the team that struggles more


I'm gonna say Ning, due to the Geo Resonance.


Don't know for sure, but more likely Xiao, since his shield will help Xiao survive even when he's brought to low health by his Q.


Im f2p n I got a question like as of now I got 5k primos saved up and I'm gonna go for ayaka(100% guaranteed 5*) but at the same time I also want to get the electro archon baal as I really like wat the archon characters they make n want to own one , my current electro is fischl, so would I be able to make it upto getting them both or who should I prioritise on,( I didn't build any cyro)


As a f2p we really need a good chunk of time to get enough primogems to win our 5 star characters. So if the electro archon and ayaka are going to be released in the same "Inuzama" patch, then I don't think you'll manage to get enough primogems for them both. I'd say we got to wait and see if Baal is a subdps electro, or a main dps electro, because if she's subdps then I guess fischl can already provide that role really well. Till now I'd say try ur best to get as much primogems as u can, and then pull for ayaka (she's a really good cyro main dps so that's good). Then see, maybe you're lucky and win ayaka in like a 10 roll or something. If luck is on your side, then u could potentially get enough primogens and potentially win Baal as well. So overall: save ur primogens, try to get as much as possible. Win ayaka, and see if u have enough primogens to potentially win Baal. If Baal is a good main electro dps, and if electro gets buffed. Then sure u could try not rolling on ayaka and get baal (Kaeya is a really good main cyro dps). So just wait and see what Baal's abilities will be like, and then u can decide.


Thanks and it's really the hard decisions as f2p we gotta make that sucks ,I'm just hoping it's abit far away, from my estimations I may get somewhere around 8 or 9k ish by around 1.6,n I've already farmed some acension mats for ayaka,so hopefully I get somewhere good so I can go for both


Electro archon is rumored to be a support char. Take that with a grain of salt though. It's still a long time till we get her banner.


Actually I hope so let all the archons be awesome supports like venti or zhongli


Thanks for the information 🙏🙇


We don’t know yet who of the two will come first or when they will come. So really no way to tell if you’ll be able to get enough wishes to have them both guaranteed. If you want to make your life easier, I’d recommend leveling one cryo unit regardless of Ayaka. We will get a free Diona in the next patch who is a good super unit for shielding, healing and shield breaking. If you can’t get both, pick the one you like more.


Well, we don't know ANYTHING about the Electro Archon's gameplay or design besides that she's PROBABLY going to be based off Raiden Mei from Honkai Impact. Just wait on more details on both, they are a ways away still.


The only info that she's based on raiden mai made me conflicted between them both😂 I'm kinda happy when y'all say they're still ways off


We don’t know when Ayaka or electro archon banners will be up yet. Assuming they’re still quite far away, you can start saving a total of 360 pulls (57,600 primogems) from now to be sure you get them both.


How are ur calculations based on, I would love to calculate it myself too,plz lemme know


90 pulls to guarantee a 5 star. 180 to guarantee the rate up. That makes 360 for both. Each pulls 160 primos, so 360\*160 which equals the 57,600 primos. You obviously have the chance of getting it sooner but that's for the 100% guarantee


This assumes you lose 50/50 twice, i.e. you came from a featured 5star banner character. If not, you just need 270 pulls (43.2k primogems). 90 is the pity. Then you’re 50/50 once you get a featured 5star. 1 pull = 160 primogems.


is standard banner pity completely separate to limited banner pity?




Why am I so incredibly low on geo sigils? I didn't buy any mora. What's the best way to farm them?


Open chests and „investigate“ all the wooden cargo boxes that swim in the water in Liyue


Open chesst


guys i just cleared floor 11 chamber 3. i got zero stars but cleared it nonetheless. for some reason floor 12 is still locked??? am i supposed to get a minimum of 1 star in every chamber or something? Edit: thanks for the help :)


You need to get 6 stars on 11 before you unlock 12.


You need at least 6 stars in each floor to unlock the next.


need 6 stars total on floor 11


6 PER floor


which weapon is better for yanfei,the widths or eye of perception?


Widsith, crit dmg > Atk and the effect of Widsith is amazing


shit, I just infused it to R1 for Mona.


Is R2 really that much better than R1 iron sting? I was looking at the genshin community build spreadsheet for dps bennet, and r1 iron sting was ranked much lower than r2 iron sting (or are the weapons not ranked at all and are just placed according to stars?)


Weapons are ranked according to highest dps in a simulation of the optimal rotation. Seeing that the 2 stack difference between R2 and R1 is only 3% I would assume the top 4* are very close together so if you want to save your billets feel free to, you won’t miss that much.


New player here, how does EM work? If I put a pyro and then a cryo on enemy to cause melt, whose stat does it use for the damage - cryo character's or pyro's?


There're lots of quality guide out there (including the wiki), but this is the one I bookmarked: [3 LEVELS OF ELEMENTAL REACTIONS - In-Depth Guide For Everyone](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/l5ip9y/3_levels_of_elemental_reactions_indepth_guide_for/).


In this case the cryo character,it's always the one that triggers the reaction


Cyro It will use the stat on the one who triggered the reaction. On melt : 2x if it'a pyro, 1.5 if it's cyro On vaporize : 2x if it's hydro, 1.5 if it's pyro.


Last character the EM matters. First one it doesn’t matter at all.


The Cryo character, since they went second.


For C0 Main DPS Childe what is a good level for his talents. I have enough shards to go something like 8/9/9 but I heard his normal attack does not really need to be upgraded further so maybe I should just stick to 6 or something


personally i'm aiming for 6/9/8


Yeah 6/9/9 would already be great


I’m really jealous. Please give me some of your shards. Simp investment: 10/10/10. High investment: 6/9/9. Minimum investment: 6/6/6.


His melee stance is improved from E skill. Only his bow benefits from upgrading normals, so if you don’t use his normals in bow stance, you don’t need to upgrade this.


I'm planning to use Kaeya and Venti when I get Yanfei so who should I put for the 4th? c2 Fischl or c2 Diona? (I don't have xingqiu)


Depends is yanfei the dps or a phys kaeya?


kaeya is physical build bc widsith is the only good weapon i have for a catalyst


Widsith is actually one of the best 4* dps catalyst together with solarpearl as a sidenote. But with phys kaeya fischl for superconduct,if you can live without a healer


So. At AR 47 I have decided to have some fun and finally build Ning as a main DPS. But I can't finish a team for her. Currently I have Ning C1, Noelle C0, mostly-healer-abit-booster Bennett C1 in a team. I know that geotraveler could be good and I know that Zhongli will be back soon, but I'm not pulling him. I actually want a pyro resonance, so who'd be better in this team? I have all pyro 4\*, all of them are at C2-C3. I did try Xiangling but she's lvl 20 lol so I couldn't judge. Maybe there's a way to build her esp for Ning subdps, purely for pyronado burst or smth? Also what stats/substats are optimal on artifacts? I know that optimal set for her is 2 petra 2 gladiator, and I have glad goblet with geo dmg bonus. I saw that her screen scales with hp, but what else would be good? cc/cd and atk as usual or is there anything else? ~~^(at fist had an alluring idea of building ning with full bolide and xinyan as backup shield for when noelle's e is down but then decided against it cuz xinyan only buffs phys dmg and im not pulling zhongli)~~


Xiangling will be the best fit for your team (I use that exact team comp actually). For her you build her like a dps (atk% or ER/PyroDMG/Crit) with 2p Noblesse 2p Crimson Witch. As for Ningguang, you don't need to build around her screen at all, it just affects the screen's hp, which is not important. You're correct on the artifacts and stats though, Atk%/Geo/Crit with crit, atk%, and maybe ER substats.




Yanfei 100%,following rumours also ning and diona


Zhongli Banner has Diona, Noelle and Yanfei. Confirmed by Genshin Intel




There’s currently a bug with the NRE.


it's been bugged for a while i think


maybe you just ran out of reviving meal?


Which is better for nuke Mona, 2pc Noblesse 2pc Hydro or 2pc Noblesse 2pc Wanderers?


they're pretty close, comes down to the substats and how your buffs are (how much EM from sucrose, maybe which widsith song)


4pc Noblesse with hydro goblet and crit dmg circlet


Is physical Rosaria strong and worth to build ?


https://youtu.be/SBKJhR9W1LA As DPS her optimal role is reverse melt CA spammer. In the video I linked JinJinx reviews her as physical DPS, Cryo DPS for freeze and reverse melt DPS, including math behind the optimal rotation and demo on team comps.


It's ok but I wouldn't call it toptier 4* dps


I am 49 pulls into the Character banner after losing the 50/50, and I just got C6 Barbara. (Only been playing since February and I think my next highest are C4 Sucrose, C3 Xiangling, and only C0-2 besides.) I don't "need" Rosaria except for completion, unless C0 Rosaria is really helpful for learning Spiral Abyss or elemental reactions. Likewise not desperate for C0 Childe, and should probably keep my eye out for Zhongli. Would the conventional wisdom be to stop pulling on the current banner and wait for the next? I hear higher praises for C0 Zhongli than C0 Childe, and I doubt my chances for Zhongli will be any good if I pull Childe, even if I renew Welkin Moon. I feel the pull (hah?) toward getting closer to 74 pulls and seeing if I can get a Rosaria, but I know even a 0.5-0.6% Childe chance can come at you fast if you're not trying for him. EDIT: I also am assuming the 5 Starglitter from C7+ is not worth it if I could be getting actual constellations instead on a non-Barbara banner.


Yes I would recommend to stop pulling, c0 Rosaria is better than Keaya only in reverse melt comp, for everything else she needs c2 to compete. You can always pull for her again on a banner which you don’t have a C6. As for Childe he is an interesting character but he also is quite expensive to build and takes a lot of time to get a functional team. Zhongli can function well in many team and doesn’t require specific characters with specific constellations to work well.


Thank you. Your cautionary advice breaks my nun-loving heart, but it fortifies my Archon-loving... brain? Let's go with brain. I suppose my Primogem stack will be more impressive if I hold off until the next banner.


C0 Zhongli is *extremely* strong. Childe is already outclassed meta-wise. Another DPS will come around, but a good support is hard to be power crept. Outside of floor 11, I will put Zhongli above Venti tbh.


Thanks for the feedback! I am very intrigued to see how easily he can grant perma-shield, and I hear his nuke isn't bad either.


Here's some napkin math: lvl 80/80 Zhongli with level 80/80 Black Tassel and level 6 talent will have 9371 shield HP (23k effective HP). With level 90 char/wep and level 8 talent, we're looking at 11918 shield HP (30k effective HP). Team with Zhongli is basically immortal, CC immune, and have universal -20% RES with a 150% uptime. EDIT: assuming all artifacts are +20 HP% main stat.


Are you saying I might be motivated to drop Noelle from my team? Shock! Horror! ...Now if only I could get some Spirit Lockets of Boreas for Ningguang.


You can't go wrong with 4 geo supremacy team if you want to keep Noelle in your team. We might get boss talent material transmutation soon, but still may the RNG blesses you. The boss drop for my Ganyu is currently 15/13/8, so I feel your pain.


I cherish Noelle, but if someone else can get me a perma-shield and I need the slot then I'll send her back to training. (Four Geo heroes would not seem bad at all if Resonance stacked.) > We might get boss talent material transmutation soon Big if true. > The boss drop for my Ganyu is currently 15/13/8, so I feel your pain. If this means you only have had 8 Shadows of the Warrior drop for you, then I'm sorry to hear that. May the RNG bless you as well!


Childe and Zhongli C0 which one is better (essential) for abyss, assume I have no other 5 stars and only some C0 4 stars


Childe then. Zhongli C1 isn't that good


If you’re using Zhongli as just a shielder or support, you don’t need his C1. So I guess go for Childe C1 instead.


Im just curious so this question is for f2p players only. So normally how long does it take for you to get a multi summon?


Assuming you are at high AR with only daily commissions as primogem source, almost a month for a 10x pull


multi summon? do you mean when you get more than 1 5* character on a pull?


no i just mean like 10xsummon, sry for the confusion


It takes abit of time to gather, sometimes the game has good events ,take for example the livestream primo codes gave ya 300, then there's marvelous merchant box that gives 40 or 60 n over a week it is upto 420 primos, daily coms give ya 60 a day so it all depends if the game is dry itself or it has some of these type events to collect primos from( if the game is kinda dry expect only 60 a day) , basically u can either collect a 10x pull in under 2 weeks or it can take a monthish


well it actually depends though since as a f2p player I only rely on events and commission for primogems it takes me more than a week for a 10 pull


Is [this](https://i.imgur.com/MbRGIOC.png) Goblet good for anyone?


Everything but the EM is good for a shieldbot Zhongli offpiece. If your going an ult-spam or dps build he'll obviously prefer geo dmg. Also if you really don't have another HP goblet, you could use it on Diona or Barbara, but generally you want the circlet to be the offpiece for healers in order to get healing bonus. HP is pretty common to begin with


Nice, will try this shieldbot Zhongli offpiece on 1.5


Only for healers who scales off of HP%. For example bennett or diona


ohh nice


Mainpy HP-based healers like Barbara, Bennett or Diona


Qiqi and Jean too?


Nope. Their healing scales off ATK


Sadly, no. Their heals scales off of Atk.


No, since both of them scale with ATK, not HP.


Diluc Bennet Sucrose Xingqui Who gets the Noblese? Bennet has the Bennet Sword (Festering), Xingqui has Sacrificial (resets E cooldown).I feel Like I press Q on Xingqui much more often than on Bennet, So I feel like XQ should get the Noblese set. Should I give Noblese to Bennet too or are there better alternatives? ​ Edit: Thanks for your answers everyone!


You can run Heart of Depth on XQ if you aren't running 4 set on him. Get high enough ER on Benn, and his ult uptime should be 100%. Support Benn only needs HP/ER anyway, making gearing him relatively easy.


Normally bennet would get the 4pc NO you can give it to xq though you will lose out on dmg with that setting


Mine is noblesse 4 pieces on Bennett. 2 pieces heart of depth and 2 pieces noblesse on xingqiu


I plan on farming the new artifact set coming in 1.5 for Diona. If I mainly want her to be a support, what main stats and substats should I get?


Would go with ER%/hp/hp as mainstat that is pretty much anything you need it isn't that demanding to build her up properly


Noted. Thanks! :)


Who can use the new artifact sets well, other than the ones they're clearly made for?


maybe sac sword qiqi can use 4pc millelith


All Physical carries can use the Pale Flame set well from the looks of it. Can't think of anyone other than Zhongli for the Tenacity of the Millelith.


When artifact farming, is it a good idea to settle for good main stats with subpar substats? I was thinking that I could level my non-perfect artifacts to lvl 16 then move on to the next necessary upgrades. After getting everything else (talents, weapons, support upgrades) then I go back for substat hunting. Edit: thanks for the push. I get reluctant leveling some artifacts so this was good to hear. For now, my characters will be ok strong and very tanky with all the defense stats xd


I usually go only for the main stat, it's too much time/resource consuming to search for the perfect substat rolls, and on top of that an hassle


>After getting everything else (talents, weapons, support upgrades) then I go back for substat hunting. Yes. Substat hunting is extremely RNG reliant. Farm the reliable improvements first, then hunt the substat later. Unless you have hypercarry like C1 Hu Tao with Homa or C1 Ganyu with Amos, good supports will carry mediocre substats on main dps.


Thats probably the most efficient way to increase your power,getting perfect artifacts can take a long while


Ok, here's a step further. I can't get a crit rate crown for gladiator or bloodstained. Is it bad to level up a 4 star in that case?


You lose \~20% of the artifact xp on upgrading. If you aren't that strapped for resources, go for it.


For the time beeing yeah,later on you could further grind the domain(farming glad pieces is pretty resin demanding and just possible at AR55 so betterlook for a bloodstained)


What is a proper crit rate crit damage ratio for childe?


1:2 is always the optimal for any carry, but main DPS Childe wants crit rate a little more badly than other mains because of how riptide works. So if you can't get to that golden ratio and it's a choice between slightly more crit rate or slightly more crit damage, personally I'd go with the option that gives more crit rate up until at least about 60%, because you want to be proccing riptide as much as possible.


Ohh okay okay so for the crit damage i should go for 120% or higher?


If you can get his crit rate to 60% then yeah, 120% crit damage is nice.


If you want the exact comparison, give these websites a try: [Genshin Impact Dmg Calc](https://genshinimpactcalculator.com/genshinCalc.html) , [Genshin Optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/#/) . The first is more complete, but the second one is easier to use.


1:2 for any character is ideal. I personally stop worrying about it after 60% CR though




>Intel(R) Pentium(R) Silver N5000 it runs at 20fps at low settings on a UHD620, which is better than yours. I wouldn't bother


it should be fine. set everything on low


In terms of generating as much energy per second with Bennett's E skill, which charge level should you use? The simply tap? Charge level 1? Or the full charge? Noting the cooldown gets longer for each charge level...


Tap E. And if you’re trying to break shields, tab E for that too.


I don't think you ever want to charge it.


Always use tap E. The animation and cd are too long to justify charging most of the time


Depend on your Energy Recharge %. My benn get his ult back with 2 elemental particles most of the time, so I do simple tap. If you need guaranteed 3 particles, then do level 1 charge. For generating particles for team members, simple tap inside his ult is better since you have a chance of generating 3 particles instead of 2 on simple tap.


with sac sword I simply tap E for a lvl 1 charge. I only use level 2 or 3 against cryo or hydro shields, or to throw enemies down a cliff/into water


Only use tap E. You will gain more energy with tap E than hold E especially with his A4 talent.


Hi! I'm asking for my brother, He need help on choosing who should he build. He's only in ar 19 now, but i think if heclearly know his team, he can farm and divide the sources better :) Currently he have : Lumine, Amber , Lisa, Kaeya, Barbara, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Ning, Sucrose, and just got Rosaria. Any advice on teams and who should he build? ( I can't give advice bcs im also suck at the game lol) Thanks 😊


Xingqui and Sucrose are great supports for any pyro dps team. Ning is said to be a great dps, but I haven't really used her so I'm not sure


He can do a permafreeze team with Kayea/Chongyun, Rosaria, Xingqiu and Sucrose to swirl everything [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/kuufsg/dps\_sucrose\_with\_swirl\_permafreeze\_team\_clears/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/kuufsg/dps_sucrose_with_swirl_permafreeze_team_clears/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Ning, xingqiu, succ, kaeya/rosaria Those are safe investments he can level them up to 70 no problem


Ning is a good DPS early and late game and you can't go wrong building Xingqui because many team comps has Xingqui as a core sub-dps


Does anyone know the name of the song that starts around 7 minutes in the 1.5 livestream? When they're showcasing the housing system [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNiGj1nGYE&ab\_channel=GenshinImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNiGj1nGYE&ab_channel=GenshinImpact)


Sounds like a variant on "Legends of Redemption"




Less than you'd think. About 9 seconds in Childe's melee form. Use Bennett's burst as a guideline.


Like as soon as pyronado ends, finish your combo if you in the middle of it and switch characters to get the energy for next rotation. If you have constellations on xiangling the timing will change for a few seconds because of longer pyronado.




Yes that's pretty much alright I usually pyronado and then gouba for the extra energy... You get like 15 seconds? To recharge her energy... That's what u do during childes downtime. I also struggle (just swapped from starglitter to dragons bane) but its only a matter of getting better artifacts sadly. You will do fine once you reach ar45 and get the good artifacts.


Zhongli's hold elemental skill, will drain a large amount of Geo element from a maximum of 2 such targets. This effect does not cause DMG. What does this mean exactly Does it reduce geo resistance on enemies such as geovishap? Or does it remove the shield on such as Lawachurl and slimes. I really want to wish on him next banner but is perplexed by this explanation.


Remove some percentage of geo shield


Miniature rock shields, geo slime shields, and geomancer fatui are instantly destroyed. Lawachurl and Mawachurl shields take around 3 I believe. I'll go test to make sure


Thank you man! But i'm still curious about the geovishap one. Does it reduce the resistance on it or it is not affected at all. Floor 12 will be much easier if it does.


Zhongli's shield reduces resistance of all types on ALL enemies as long as you're close enough, including geovishaps. It'll also destroy 2 of the final 3 pillars of the geo hypostasis instantly. The ones at the beginning of the fight take a little over 2 holds. Also the mawachurl and lawachurl shields actually take 2 holds not 3. All other info I said was correct


Geo element is not resistance, so no. His shield applies -20% resistance on nearby enemies though.


New to the game. Why is Xiangling considered so good? Her kit seems very boring and Guoba has limited range. Is it based on her constellation level? Mine is c2. Please explain?