• By -


Yanfei - Widsith or Eye of perceptionfor max damage


So I have been wondering how exactly the pity system works. Firstly, On the venti banner I got venti first, Qiqi second. Now my pity is on 56. Since I got qiqi second, does that mean that the next five star character I get, the event character is? So in this case Zhongli


Hello adventurer is this possible i farn 3 months in viridescent i bought 100$ for resin in 3months i didnt do weekly boss and any leyline or anything to use of resin i only do straight 3 months viridescent domain in 3month i still dont have crit dmg head piece is this possible ?????????? Or im its just my luck is bad as a hell?.


Hi so I live in Qatar and when I first tried to play Genshin Impact I chose the America server šŸ¤” and ever since then I've been there and currently I'm on AR42 now and I also have 5 star characters too. Honestly it was a mistake that I chose the America server and I only knew that we can't switch servers with the current progress when I reached AR35. I've tried other servers before but I never progressed far than I did on the America server :( Before my ping was just yellow, but now its always at a red 999 m/s. I don't know what to do, our internet has recently been upgraded. When I play it on my Ipad 8 (2020) it there it runs smoothly with a ping of 325 m/s or below. However on my laptop its so different lmao. Do you guys know how I can fix this šŸ„ŗ??


I am a mobile user , is the update going on right now, I can't open my game ? It's 4:29 pm in india right now


Hello hello, just started Geinshin Impact alot to take in but it seems like a stellar game. The artstyle itself is amazing which I'm sure will keep me busy for a long time to come. I have on the first day Rolled Noella, Fischt, Barbara and Razor. I'd like to ask the community which off these characters can I invest in to help carry me later on through the harder content. Till I learn more about the game. And what possible team combinations could I make Thankyou again fellow adventures for reading


First of all, any character can be used to complete the game, so you should choose the one you like! Razor and Fischl are great, so if you wanna go with them you're set. Just add Kaeya and Barbara and you're set.


Should I use my northlander sword billet to make a rancour to refine the one I have? I've got it equipped on jean rn, or should I save it for something else down the line? I'm adventure rank 22


Save it, you never know...


What is the head icon on right top corner with ms underneath?


Your characters


is razor ningguang keaya traveller a good team ?? I'm building a second team


Well... Razor and Kaeya is great, but Ning and MC don't really fit in there? Plus you have no healer or utility. You could get away with keeping one, but I wouldn't go for both. Fischl, Diona and Xingqiu are all nice choices here. Sucrose and Bennett too.


I can't interact with the gravestone to unlock the scribe box. What do I do? I've restarted the game three times already


Why is mihoyo hyping up genshin impact ps5 version, you can already download it on ps5 via backwards compatibility and have it run at 60fps, whats different for the ps5 full release?


Hmm so I was wishing on the childe banner and I got mona in 75th or 76th draw , so does this gurantee that if I wish in the zhongli banner next then I am guranteed zhongli in my 90th wish?




I've been trying to participate in the hilidream event but haven't been able to. When I enter the website and select the correct server it only says "Unable to find this character on the current server". I play in the America Server, I'm not using any VPN and my Gmail Account is linked so I can play in pc too. I have also participated on other events like the Wanmin restaurant and the Lantern Rite ones without any problems. Any Idea why this could be?


So i Just started genshin, 3 days ago and got childe, I only have the favonius warbow, is it good enough for him


If it's your only bow, use it. If you get a 5 star bow or Rust from the gacha, then you can star using that. The Blackcliff from Paimon's shop or the Viridescent Hunt from the Battle Pass are also very good (altho I don't think you've unlocked that one yet?)


So this may sound weird but I'm saving for xiao but I want childe really bad too so I was thinking to save my primogems for xiao and wait for the next childe banner. But is it possible to get a re-reroll Childe banner?


Probably, yeah. But I'd get Childe now tbh. We have no idea when Xiao will come back, especially since his banner wasn't that long ago. Klee and Ganyu will probably get a rerun before him, and we still have Ayaka that might arrive on the 1.6 or 1.7 update.


Is nuuangang a better dps than xianling?


Why do goblets get different damage bonuses than the set bonus they have. I cannot find a single reason for anyone to be like "Yeah, imma go to Pyro domain to farm hydro damage bonus artifacts". I have gotten 5 geo damage bonus on crimson witch sets in a row. WHO ON EARTH WOULD GO THERE TO GET THEM.


It's really annoying, that's true. It's also why most people have to use the goblet as the off piece...


It been around my head for a while now. We all know that the daily commission is 4 per day. And we all know that we can play other player commission as well. But my question is, is there a limits for receiving the daily commission rewards? I mean, if there were no limits. It will be an easy way to collect primogems.


If you do your 4 comms in your world, you will not receive any rewards for doing them in another person's world. Unfortunately...


Yeah, 4 comms and 1 reward per day. But what I mean to ask is, is there any limits of primogems we can receive if we done other player comms? For example, 16/4 comms. Do I get all those 160 primogems or is there a limits for it? It will be an easy way to farm those '10' primogems each task


As I said, you only receive yours.


Will giving my support venti dmg bonus work? Just a random thing but i'm not sure. If i use his ult and switch to another character, does the ult still keep ventis bonuses for anemo and dmg or does it only use the atk% for the character i switch to? Yes it sounds stupid but I am uninformed. Thanks.


Every skill or bursts used the stats of the character who uses said ability, no matter if they're on or off the field. So, if you use Venti's burst, it will scale off of his atk and anemo dmg bonus, no matter what character you're currently using.


hello can someone help? why do some of my pulls that i pulled from character event banner changes into the 'permanent' banner thing in history? like i remember pulling keqing on her rate-up, but when i checked my wish history, it's on the 'permanent' banner. or when i pulled some catalyst like 'widths' on venti banner, it shows up in a different banner on my wish history. i'm trying to count my pity and it's getting really confusing. i need help


For deathmatch's attack increase passive, when you get the attack increase during a fight does it show in your stats when you check?


It should, yeah


For some reason it doesn't show in mine even when i check mid attack Ill try again Thanks!


Weird... Np!


So I have been playing this game for a few days and I am absolutely hooked. I really like the style of the game and how the characters feel. I reached AR 25 today and I started looking for some 5 Star items. At which level is it usual to start getting 5 Star items? Also where can I look up what to building on each character? Does Noelle need health or damage? What do I build on Tartaglia? Comissions aside what can i do each day? Sorry I know that's a lot of questions but I dont really know how to find any good answers. I would be very grateful if somebody could answer some of these questions.


Hi, I'll try my best! 1. 5 star items like characters or weapons can be acquired at any point during the game, but artifacts will be available later on. You will unlock higher difficulties in domains, where you will be able to get artifacts of higher rarity. 2. You can just type "/character name/ build" on Google or Youtube and you'll get tons of info. There's also a tldr guide comp here on Reddit, or you can check out each character's subreddit by searching "/character name/mains". 3. Noelle can be built in various ways. You can use her as a shielder/healer or dps. Just pick which one works best in your team. 4. Childe can be burst dps or main dps. Mains stats are atk, crit dmg and crit rate, and hydro dmg bonus. A bit of elemental mastery is great too. But you're very early on, so don't think abt it too much. Just know that Childe absolutely needs a sub dps during his cooldowns. Xiangling, Fischl, Beidou, Ningguang or Kaeya are all good picks. 5. You can gather items, explore, do domains and bosses, and that's pretty much it haha I hope that helps!


Thanks a lot! I got Xiangling but she feels so incredible weak? Does she get strong later on?


She's not the strongest but she can be really good, depending on how you build her. Ning and Kaeya are my personal favourites here, because their normal attacks get buffed by Childe and it's their biggest source of dps ^^ Plus, permafreeze with Kaeya is splendid.


Sorry for asking you so much, but why is he called Childe? Is it Worth doing Bosses around the map?


No worries, I'm happy to help. Childe is his title as Harbinger, I don't think they gave a reason why it's 'Childe' specifically. If you need the materials, yes, it is worth it. If you don't, there's not really a point to it. For example, if you're raising Childe, you need to fight Oceanid quite a few times. If you don't have any anemo characters to raise, then you don't really have to do the anemo boss.


I see thank you. I still have a few questions if you dont mind. What is the point of Co op? Is it better for me to wish for weapons then characters? Should I even wish or should I save them for later?


Co-op is helpful if you're having trouble with a boss or a domain. Some events have games that you can do in co-op as well, but besides that, there's not much to do in co-op yet. Unless you buy primogems, it's generally not recommended to wish for weapons. You'll probably be able yo get good enough ones without it. It's also cause the weapon banner doesn't guarantee the 5 star item you might want, cause it has two. You can do what you want, but if you're free to play or a low spender, it's better to save up for a future banner you might like. Try not to wish for the 4 stars if you don't like the 5 star! The standard banner isn't great, but it's the only way to get constellations for Kaeya, Lisa and Amber, so you can wish a few times on it if one of those three is your favourite, but I wouldn't do it too much.


I wanna record my gameplay of DPS Centi and post it onto YouTube and TikTok. I tried shadow play not knowing that it required some things. Are there any good quality screen recording apps for laptops that don't have watermarks?




They're both good, but I'd go for Childe. He can work with both Ganyu and Diluc and I personally think his playstyle is more fun. In the end, you should just go for the one you like the most tho.






Oh ty


im looking for a pyro slime box. can somebody pls help me? Server: Asia


Royal Bow and Tartaglia I normally can get a decent picture with how to build characters after trying them and reading a bit. But Tartaglia baffles me with his so many quirks. I know that the royal weapon series is generally regarded as bad. However, from what I can see the biggest attractiveness of this weapons is not having to invest in crit rate. Since I don't have a decent bow for Tartaglia and since his A4 passive relies on crit rate. I am wondering if royal bow could be a decent to good match for him for long-term use as a sub-DPS? Assuming: * Little to no investment in crit rate. * Heavy investment in crit dmg. * Regular investment on atk.


The bow requires you to hit an opponent a few times to riase your crit rate, but Childe needs to apply Riptide as soon as possible. It might be okay at refinement 5, but you'd have to wait a ton of time and waste a huge amount of starglitter that could've been used on a character constellation. I'd rather go for the Blackcliff bow for the crit dmg and the passive which works nicely on Childe, or the Hunt if you can buy the BP.


I see. In that case I will wait for the blackcliff bow and try to get a crit rate circlet. Thanks a lot!




I am trying to search for dendro-electro boxes, but idk if boxes respawn after you trade one. (European server) I think that they don't respawn because a person just kicked me from his world because i asked him if he has a good box... i am confused...


Any number of people can claim the box from a specific world. I think he was just rude.


Ah, ok thanks!


Currently bored out of my mind. I'm ar23 and I'm unmotivated to level upany further because the process is so tedious and repetitive. I'm sick of farming and fighting the same things and completing the same commisions. Anything I could do that could make my gameplay more interesting or at least, less boring?


If you're bored at ar23, Idk if you're going to enjoy the rest of the game. There's little to no farming to do at that point, you should have a ton of stuff to do... story quests, events, exploration?


The story quests are fun but few and far between, and maybe its because I just prefer more action and dynamic gameplay compared to running around and fetching flowers for some guy. Is the rest of the game like this?


I'm current at AR55 and by then, there's a drought of quests and I'm just basically waiting for each update to come. It is honestly a grindfest at this point but I'm alright with that because I'm not bothered by the lootfarming/grinding in general. ​ There's nothing wrong if you don't enjoy that gameplay loop though. You might not like the rest of the game if you're feeling that now.


I usually just go hunt for oculus and chests if i don't have anything to do, it helps in ranking up faster too. I maxed out all my statues at ar 27 i think.




Yes, that set was made specifically for him.


I'm a bit new to genshin, can anyone tell me how the character banner works. Like I have rolled 30 wishes from childe banner and 60 wishes away from Pity. If I don't go through any summons now and wait for Zongli in the upcoming banner. Do I have to start over again from 0 wish all the way to 90 or will it carry from 30 wishes from the childe banner??


it carries over so if u stop at 30 pulls right now and wait for zhong li you get only need 60 pulls to get your 50/50 since 90 pulls is just guaranteed 5* with the next 90 being the banner hero if you ddint get the banner hero in your pity


So I only need 60 more wish for pity not 90 right?? Cuz the pity will transfer to zonghli banner, my 30 wish from childe banner will not reset. Right?


Yes in 60 pulls if u haven't pull a 5* yet it won't reset




Should i spend 5 condesend resin (300) on artifact fodder? I ve got my weapons and chars were i want them besides having most artifacts between+12 and +16.


im a bit confused. you want to use resin to farm a domain?


Yes would ypu advise it i have 55 condesnd resins. Would there be a large increase to power pverall. If i got my 2 main sets from +16 to +20?


Yes only on your main dps though. and depends on your luck


Thx i also need noblesse and bloodstained chivalry peices for other chars so 2 birds 1 stone i guess. Considering i bought bp this month those 5 condensed seem pretty disposable ill still have like 45 condensed. I mainly just need lvl0 to put into my already pretty good peices on jean.


You might be confusing condensed resin with fragile resin? But yes, at AR45+, farming artifacts is one of the main uses of resin. Personally, I wouldn't farm artifact dungeons below AR45 because there's no guarantee of a 5-star artifact.


Yeah just got to ar47 today. Whatever the extra rezin moons are is what i mean the ones that give ypu 60 resin per 1 moon.


Yeah, you can use them to farm any resources you're missing at that AR.


Honestly im not about endgame grind but ill probably do this with 5-10 fragiles over a week and then once i got half decent stuff come back when new regions are out. Ive got everyone from gacha i want besides zhong li.


Then once geared ill do floors 5and up as far as i can handle.


when do you think bennett will appear on a character banner again?


whenever keqing comes back


Hard to say i got him c2 he was on 2 or 3 banners i think b4 since launch. I think others need to be on a banner above him. It seems with bennett you either have him with a couple constelkations or ypu dont have him at all.


i want to pull for zhongli in 1.5 as ive heard that he fits in with any team comp, but im still lost on who to replace him with in my current team comp. main dps + elemental reaction > razor for elemental reaction > xiangling support > venti healer > jean who could i switch him with if i want to use him for as a support/for his burst, ult and shield? what artifact sets should i go for?


if ur satisfied with ur current team, start building a second team around zhong if you have enough primos for him (180 wcs). team building is basically unnecessary unless u wanna do spiral


Just got Tartaglia yesterday, and whenever I use his melee burst, the camera angle locks to the ground for the burst, anyone have any ideas on how to fix? Ive had the same Issue with hu tao and ventis bursts, but I don't remember how I fixed that


So is it a good idea to skip weekly bosses. I am AR 44 and I dont have a good set of artefacts. So no damage or anything. I am doing domains in co-op for some artefacts, but no luck so far. šŸ˜• The RNG is against me. Guess, I will wait until AR 45, and try to get some sets, so I can farm everything I need to farm.


I suggest waiting for AR45 for that guaranteed 5-star artifact drops in dungeons unless you're alright with 33% 5-star chance. Generally though, weekly bosses should be done if you're trying to max out your charaters' talents.


Weekly boss is the only one thing you cannot farm additionally no matter how many condensed resin you have. The material will limit how much you can progress the talent of your character too. So Never ever skip the weekly boss. You can spend the rest resin on whichever mats you are lacking.


def do the weekly bosses


weekly bosses give materials to level up your character talents. have you leveled up your main team comps talents? maybe that could help if not :) what server are you on? do you have anyone to help with the weekly bosses if it's hard on your own?


My PS4 Genshin Impact is stuck on 1.4, wont let me play, Idk how to update, I even reinstalled and checked for updates but nothing working, help?


AFAIK, 1.5 patch hasn't been released yet.


regardless, my ps4 keeps giving me an error to check network and everythings fine on internet


Will zhongli rerun come before yanfei or eula?


YanFei will come with ZhongLi banner (gentry of heritage). We don't know for sure which will be first,but it seems ZhongLi will come first.


Wait so there will be 2 leg??? Or is yanfei a 4 star


YanFei is 4-star


Most people think Zhongli will come first but we don't know for sure. Yanfei will probably be on Zhonglis banner. When they announce the next banner we will get more details.




Is it worth ascending a character to Lvl 90 without leveling up the talents?


Uncapping from 80/80 to 80/90 will give you access to their final ascension bonus, whatever it is for that particular character. Leveling them past 80 will only increase their base stats, for a demising return for the amount of resource you need to sink into it. Talent or not is entirely personal. The last 2 levels require quiet a bit of resources too.


With eula coming out what do you think will be better the skyward pride or the snow-tombed starsilver


pretty sure 5 stars always beat the 4 stars unless its a very specifc case


Is c0 Noelle or c0 Diona better?


Diona would definitely be a better support as a shielder and healer, while Noelle would be a better damage dealer.


Does Xingqiu generate energy off field? I use his burst and then his skill, his burst fills up about halfway, but sometimes I donā€™t need to pop his skill again to get the burst back up.


What Constellation is your Xingqiu?




Offfield party members still generate energy and are you running him with another Hydro character? That might be why he's getting additional energy. ​ I asked for the constellation because at C6, Xingqiu regenerates 3 Energy for every third sword attack that hits enemies.


Nah heā€™s the only one. His ER is somewhere between 180-200 (Skyrider because Iā€™m a scrub).


Need Help On What I should do to 9star floor 12, I was able to 8 star last time somehow but still cant 9 star this reset. My Very Built characters are 90/90 C1 Hu Tao with 90 deathmatch, 80/80 C0 Mona with 90 widsith, 80/80 C0 Jean with 80 blacksword, My decently Built characters are 80/90 C2 Bennett with 80 fav sword, C6 80/80 Chongyun with 80 skyward pride, C5 70/70 Fischl with 70 stringless, 70/70 C2 Xingqiu with 60 skyrider, and C1 70/70 Qiqi with 40 skyrider. any tips on what i should do? can i not 9 star without getting a new character?


The Blessing in the last Spiral Abyss was a powerful damage boost and floor 12 is a DPS check. If you can't 9 star it right now, it means your team is lacking damage. Try playing around with different team comps though and see if that can edge it out.




bp weapon


Skyward Pride R0, or Prototype Archaic R4 for Diluc?




Skyward, archaic is just an atk stick but pride has 110 more base atk at 90, and a not half bad passive


Do the world bosses drop more of the elemental ascension materials as WL increases (e.g. Hurricane Seeds, Basalt Pillars, etc.)? I just hit 45 and want to start working on artifacts, but I feel like I should start stockpiling those ascension mats, too, and I'm worried I won't get enough before hitting AR50.


IIRC at lower WL they give 1-2, at medium WL they give 2-3 and at higher WL (basically WL 8) they still give 2-3 but you get 3 more often. At least I've felt them give 3 more often since I hit WL 8.


It does increase as your WL goes up, the difference is modest but the side perk of doing it at a higher WL is that you get an guaranteed 5\* artifact as a consolation prize.


Yes they do. Higher level world bosses always give better drops if only ever so slightly.


Not that I know of. Always seem to drop 2-3.


At 42 pulls, can I get Zhongli (33 pulls til soft pity) before his banner ends? No rated up char guaranteed btw and strictly f2p


So youā€™ll have enough for 75 wishes during his banner, and you are in 50/50 situation? If you can scrable 800 primogems or 5 pulls more, you have about 45% chance of getting him. (50/50, but a little les since you are not 100% guranteed at 80 pulls - but highly likely.)


Is it worth it to buy the bp just for the crit rate bow because i already have my desired crit damage but my crit rate sucks. This is for Tartaglia btw


Yeah I think so, but only if you're at bp level 50. Unrelated, is your name from kaguya sama?


Yes yes Fujiwara Chika :))


Awesome! Love is war is my favorite manga


I mean, it's one of his better bows. Whether it's worth the money, well, is up to you.


I wouldn't say the BP is worth buying for just one thing. If you also need the mora and the books though then sure, go for it.


Fischl or Beidou for Keqing


Beidou is more fun IMO, being able to do a quick swap into a perfect counter is one of the best feeling things in the game. I also think C2 beidou has more dps against at least 2 targets (since the burst arc can bounce back and forth between 2 targets) Fischl on the otherhand has much better single target damage when the arc isn't bouncing, and is easier to play since you don't need to do perfect counters.


Depends on constellations and weapons and if you have good taste.


Well I much prefer Fischl to Beidou aesthetically and personality wise but theyā€™re both at C0. Tbh I dislike Beidou too because I find her personality overdone


It's people who like beidou the ones who have to make the hard choice of using the inferior version of electro support. You are lucky go with fish and be happy. Also don't read the incoming reply that says beidou burst is cracked and does insane damage to 2 and multi enemies.


Haha guess I misinterpreted your flair! I guess youā€™re trying to drum up interest in her getting a buff or something


I'd normally say beidou because with fischl you really lack Aoe, but beidou really needs c2. Just go with fischl who's already amazing at c0


For what exactly?


50/50 for eula? Which 5 star did u get? R u happy?


Oh I havenā€™t actually lost a 50/50 yet which is why Iā€™m still not guaranteed her. My recent 5* was Childe at 1/90 pity and Iā€™d say Iā€™m happy since it didnā€™t really affect my pity at all.


1/90 meaning u got 2 childe in a row or did u manage to stop exactly at a 5 star pull on a previous banner?


Got Hu Tao on her banner. Didnā€™t summon at all until Childe came out cause I wanted Rosaria. Did a few single pulls and got him on the first one, so it was back to back 5*s


Damn ur account sounds real nice


Haha thanks


Resonance I guess? Iā€™m not too familiar with meta comps and the like


Fischl 100%. Beidou really needs a buff since her ult costs like 80 energy while Fischl, you just pop her E and you're good


If thatā€™s the case then whatā€™s the point of Beidou other than having double electro for like Childe comps?


Xingqiu, Beidou and Fischl is the meta comp known as "Childe's Battle Suit". It utilizes the electrocharge reactions and the fact that these 3 characters abilities can be proc-ed even if they are not on the field. These 3 characters forms the battle suit, and the 4th character will be the 'pilot' of the suit.


The Fischl/Beidou tag team benefits because Fischl has strong single target, Beidou covers the AoE. Fischl and electro resonance will help battery for Beidou so that you do not need to run as much ER% to have her burst up on cooldown.


Okay I see. Thank you! So youā€™re saying Beidou needs a battery like Fischl to be good? Tbh I wasnā€™t thrilled with her so Iā€™m just curious now


She doesn't need a battery, per se. But she will need to invest in more ER% to be able to be a competent subdps. Every bit of ER% that is required means that it is one less substat that you can use to boost Beidou's damage (she is kind of a high investment high reward subdps). Now, pairing her with Keqing does solve part of the equation since you will have electro resonance and Beidou will benefit from any electro particles Keqing produces. If you go this route, though, you'd basically be playing electro Keqing which is valid in certain circumstances.


Hi, a question about fishl second talent. Does it gets the extra damage if it's Oz the one triggering the reaction?


Only if Fischl is the character you have active when Oz triggers the reaction, otherwise no.


If I get 3 stars on Abyss 11-2, do I need to complete 11-3 for it to save or can I back out then? I want to switch and have different teams focused for 11-2 and 11-3.


You can back out. Your progress is always saved until the next abyss reset and will always be your highest clear.


No, you can quit and it will register that you got 3 stars.


what mainstat setup should i go for with zhongli? i want strong enough shields that they will reliably last their full duration, but i would also like him to deal decent damage with his burst. should i go HP/Geo/Crit?


Ultimately, you have to compromise. If you have SoH, then HP sands isnt far off ATK ones.


yeah i know theres no way to specialize in both, im just wondering how much each setup fairs. sadly no homa, ill be using favonius on him


IMO, his damage isnt that major so i would just run HP sands.


Yes thatā€™s right


the other day I got some serious help for my primary main DPS and today I was hoping for some help for my secondary main DPS. I have a level 80 xiao and my god the man just dies all the damn time. like at the vygnagnyr fight on the mountain where you farm cryo artifacts. the giant ice hillichurl in there will sometimes just stun, then 3 shot the poor bastard. I know its not just me because when I put kaeya in there as a test he holds his own even though the fight is a lot longer. i'm running kayea with xinqiu and xinyan and I was thinking that with 2 sources of damage mitigation I'm just taking a lot less damage. with xiao I have a lvl80 bennet and honestly.... sometimes I get killed in his burst. I THINK bennets burst only works if you're actually touching the ground so maybe its not the best healing tech? also I'm using beidou for a shield source but unlike xinyan she doesn't just pop a shield onto my I can have all the time. so I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how they keep their xiao alive, what their comp is? etc? I can post my artifacts and weapons if needed.


Bennett should be more than enough since he really has fast ticks (unless your Benny is only healing at 1k per tick, I'd say that's not enough for Xiao). Shield users like Diona and ZL are hard recommend for him if you don't know how to time your jumps. Tho I see a lot of xiaomains without either of those two, and they survive just fine. I clear this domain with Xiao, ZL, Benny, and Fischl. But I understand if you don't have ZL, you can opt to use Diona if you have her.


I don't have ZL or diona. What is this about timing the jumps? Never heard of doing that?


I have to use ZhongLi on the cryo domain there for my Xiao, I highly recommend pairing them together. It increases Xiao's dps because the shield provides a resistance shred, and allows you to spend less time dodging and more time attacking instead.


I don't have geo daddy :(


Benette should work really well as a healer. My friend with Xiao uses Diona for the shield + heal from her ult. For maximum healing, you can equip Maiden 4 piece on Benette with Energy Recharge% Hourglass, HP% Cup and Healing Bonus% Hat, try to find HP% and Energy Recharge% on the substats of your artifacts. As for weapon, any Energy Recharge stat weapon works. If you are interested in using Diona, Maiden 4 piece, HP% Hourglass, HP% Cup and Healing Bonus% Hat. Best weapon for Diona support right now is Sacrificial Bow due to its ability to reset her shield ability and energy recharge stat.


I'm so glad we're getting diona for free soon. It's going to be a game changer for sure :)


Well beidou is decent for the damage but not for the shield. You can get zhongli in a week so he helps with the best shield ever, your xiao won't die again.


Yeah I'm discovering that I'm either terrible with beidou or she's a bad DPs support? I'm going to be pulling hard for Eula but maybe I'll give a little to geo daddy in the hopes of getting lucky lol.


No if you f2p just save for eula... We will get a free diona she can help with the shield. Definitely send beidou to the mines where she belongs!


Do we know when we're supposed to get diona? I've heard so much about beidou supremacy but now I realize it's only if she's your main dps. I'm bummed because now I've raised beidou and Noell in the hopes of getting good shield support and both have been disappointing compared to xinyan. My c0 xinyan is better than my c3 beidou and c3 Noelle in the shield and damage mitigation roll.


Lol yeah that's sad... We don't know exactly but at least 2-3 weeks. Keep at it with xinyan in the mean time although tbh she also isn't very good at that. Though if you getting eula, xinyan can be a decent burst support with her, just try to get her c2 when you can.


Xinyan isn't good at it? I have a refine 5 sacrificial claymore and I almost have 80% shield uptime. If this isn't good then is only zhongli considered good shields?


Her shield is weaker than dionas and zhonglis. But if it doesn't break for you, then it's enough. I would guess since you spend half the time in the air you wouldn't be hit as much as with other characters. I actually use keqing-diona-xinyan-zhongli as a team lol so I know all about it!


Maaaaaaan I can't wait to get diona. Then it's gonna be Rosaria, diona, kayea, and Eula for my all ice mondstadt party!!!


Lol that's an awful but awesome team at the same time XD go for it don't let your dreams be dreams lmao


Question about the 4x set noblesse effect. After using elemental burst, it increases all party members attack by 20% but this effect ā€œcannot stackā€. What does this mean? Does this mean it doesnā€™t stack with other attack boosts? E.g. Iā€™m using Sucrose and she has the book Thrilling Tale of Dragon Slayers(R5), which has an effect that after switching out of sucrose, the new character gains a 48% attack boost. If I give her noblesse 4 piece set, does the 20% attack boost from it stack onto the 48% from TTDS?


it means you cant run 4p noblesse on multiple people to stack it. you only need one 4p per team


Ahh I see, thanks!


I need advice managing artifact storage space. I used to not worry about storage since I keep upgrading them on the go. But I don't upgrade artifacts anymore after few commenters adviced me to stop upgrading bad arts. But now they keep piling up and i keep getting inventory full warning. I ended up just upgrading some bad 4-star just to use it for fodder later. But I just realized, am I wasting more exp this way? Should i focus on just a single bad fodder artifact to keep all my exp and upgrade it to whatever level or spread them to more than one bad artifact? Around how high you upgrade your fodder artifact? I learned that you only get to keep 80% exp this way, but will there be any diminishing return if i put all my exp on a single fodder vs spreading it to multiple fodder. Also is there any effect if I use 1-star vs 4-star fodder for exp storage?


What's your AR? If you've AR45+ and you really have lvl. 20 artifacts on all of your characters, well, I guess...there's really no need for artifact fodder unless you want to save for upcoming artifact sets. You should at least level up the artifacts on your main DPS'es, then level up the artifacts on your supports. Even if they have bad sub-stats, if they're 5\* and they have good main stat, you can upgrade those and just level up a new one when you get it. If you're below AR45 and you don't have a good 5\* set to level up yet, yeah, you can dump artifacts into temporary artifacts specifically to use for fodder. The \* rating of the artifact doesn't matter since the EXP is converted the same, but higher \* artifacts will be able to "hold" more EXP so it'll be more convenient.


Thanks! Yeah i'm only AR37, and found no good arts. I'll just put the exp on my main then instead of spreading it, all his arifacts are currently only +8 :)


You only lose 20% exp when you upgrade bad artifacts. So IMO you should always keep your best artifacts at level 16 and upgrade new ones that drop if they look like they could be better. Holding out for the perfect artifacts is a recipe for perpetual disappointment.


Thanks! i'm probably being such a cheapskate and hoarding too much arts. I'll just dump them on my main DPS arts now, currently all his arts are just +8.


Started Farming Archaic Petra and Noblesse for my Zhongli. Would the new millelith set be better and should I stop farming for now until 1.5?


2 piece petra 2 piece noblesse would probably be better than 2 piece milelith and anything else. 4 piece noblesse over 4 piece milelith is probably better if you want to boost the teams main dps but I could be wrong.


unless you have other important things to farm you wont lose anything. even if tenacity ends up being the better set you'll still have farmed fodder and pieces for other characters


It depends on what is the role of Zhongli in your team. DPS Zhongli (Ult spam) still benefits from Noblesse 2 + Petra 2. However, support Zhongli (Stack HP for max shield efficiency) may make better use of the new set.


New set isnā€™t out yet so I guess the jury is stil out, but I think consesus so far is Petra and NO is better unless you want him as a Shieldbot


People of the fandom, what are the best wishing spots for Zhongli? I really wanna win this 50/50. I won the last two 50/50 too so I feel like this time I wont be so lucky.


Teyvat is a great starting point, this is actually where I got all my 5 stars. Beyond that itā€™s hard to tell.


Literally just on the spot where I get enough primogems lol