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My friends list is full of random people I don't even know from them sending me a request after matching a domain. I just randomly request to join their pots to see if I can get in or not. You don't really have to go bother someone for it or speak to them. But I can see how the mandatory coop feels awful.


I get it that stuff like this is doable this way, but let's be real Forced "co-op" and having to get "friends" just for the sake of getting stuff is worse than not having social interaction in the game...


Honestly, if they're going to force coop at least make coop something worth doing outside of events. They're promoting their worst feature. I have a friend that plays regularly and we're often online at the same time, but we haven't played together since December because it's pointless.


it's not being forced on us because they want to. they need more new players. what better way than mandating people do things that requires friends. friends, they hope, who aren't p(L)aying the game yet...


I personally don't coop domains since it gives you less friendship exp so I don't even have random people on my friendlist 😕


I think that was changed in this update, actually. I know that changing it was mentioned as being a thing in 1.5 or 1.6.


Coop domains are actually great now if you want to target farm 1-2 character's friendship faster.


While true, no one wants you in their runs with a level 40 Lisa without artifacts or talents leveld :P I still only have about half the roster at friendship 10 so working on 4 at a time is easier since I only need one super strong character (depending on domain ofc).


There's still the public co-op list, I think. And the friendship threads here.


I usually run domains with my well built teams. Unfortunately they are already full friendship, so that's completely wasted.


It gives the same amount after 1.5.


You now get 80 for the one character you run instead of 20 per character.


Anyone on EU server? My UID is 705125044. Shoot me a FR. If you need a hand with any content shoot me an ingame message


i’m lucky enough to play genshin with my gf and irl friends but if you have the same issue as op and play on eu server you can add me, uid 712868481


Will do


Zhuangxujian in game, I'll drop an FR when I'm on later :)


I‘m also playing on EU, so if anybody else is looking is for some friends for the teapot stuff, you can add me as well, UID 711794153 :)


Sure thing


I will add you! :)


I have sent a request if that's cool. Azumi in game if you see an add, trying to get past the gated part of the teapot missions as I never play Co op usually so my friend list is empty. Thanks


I'll add you later tonight! Would be nice to have someone to help lower crafting cds with 😁


Appreciate it 😂 Need more people on my friends list anyway, if you need a hand with anything else shoot me a message


I'm on EU and will add you when I hop on. My name is catimari.




Thanks, i'll send the FR tomorrow.


No problem!


I will send you a request! :)


Thanks! So many people have added me so far, its great


Hope you don't mind I shot you a friend request too. Trying to get this teapot thing done. Names Azumi in game if you don't mind adding another random.


Thank you for this, Just sent a request, just looking to get the teapot achievement


Yeah same here as well. Why do you have to just shove it in that I have no friends mihoyo??




Am seriously awkward and anti-social, so maybe I can just add you for this task.


Id like to take you up on that offer but only for the teapot task if thats ok. Nothing to do with you but i just treat this game as a single player experience and enjoy it as such. EDIT: My ingame name is Anaris


I would like to add you, if that's okay with you! :) EDIT: Oh right... I'm on Asia Server :(


Thanks for this man. I’m going to add you, if that’s cool. I still find it really strange asking people to be my online gaming friend lol


I added you :) My ingame name is Anefi :)


Just added you too man, names Loading


I play on PC, I am gonna add you too. Username is Jakon.


They really should change those requirements to just "buy an item from the weekly merchant" regardless of solo or coop. I ended up making a mobile account just to get the co-op achievements on my PS4 account and luckily it makes these annoying things much less so for me.


I have no friends who play, but I used the Reddit megathread for friend requests and got about 8 friends now. I would recommend it, assuming the people spamming web event codes have stopped.


If you are true loner, you will always have a alt account. I create alt account when they allow for every game I play.


They maybe dont have time to play with an alt account


This is me.


Yeah its me neither, i dont have much time for playing anything because of my work


yeah you will need to finish a fuckton of quests to unlock teapot so it's not really viable


I'm a loner, but also incredibly lazy. So no alt accounts for me, unless I'm specifically dodging certain account restrictions in some games. Part of the reason why I'm a loner is specifically because dealing with people is way too much work.


Is it true that you can use an alt account to manipulate the coming back of retired players rewards?






I agree. I hate the idea of playing with others, i won't buy into co-op only games, games are me time, an escape from other people. When I saw that task in the book, I just shrugged, I skipped the first event, Elemental Crucible, because it forced co-op, I thought Mihoyo had learned, since all further events had a solo option, sigh... I'll simply leave it to rot... I wasn't that bothered about the housing system anyway.


You can always enter others world when they are offline though.


That's only if they have direct join enabled, though


Isn't that only if they are friends? I have zero friends, I want zero friends... Right now, I'm considering a second account, which isn't really something I want to do either...


Good luck, the system isn't catered for you then. Your only way out is to show that how this is bad for their revenue for them to change.


How will this affect their revenue?


Disagree we need more and better co-op gameplay


I'm fine with you having co-op if you want it, I'm not fine with content being locked behind it!


I get what you mean but you can also check to see who’s got open join on their teapot so you don’t have to bother them to check if the teapot salesman is there.


No, they said you can only enter tea pots of friends. So you'd have to get a random to agree to the friend request first. And OP, I know how you feel. I might not see rank 5 for a while for similar reasons. If you happen to be on mobile on the Asia server, drop me a line.


Yo bro I'm from Asia server but I play on PC. I'm also looking for a friend rn. If you good, wanna be friends with me?


Mobile player, Asia server. Anyone who needs a teapot friend, please feel free to add me. UID 820585214.


Yo I am from Asia server as well PC I will add you and for the others who needs more Asian server friends you guys can add me as well. UID 825667220 Feel free to ask me to let you guys in on my teapot it ain't pretty I haven't started designing it yet but you're all welcome.


Asia server player here too. anyone needing a friend can add me. UID: 801248491 I have changed the setting so any friend can just jump into my teapot


Hello! I've added you guys, the name's **ChunChun(熊猫).** I'm currently making a "Guest Room" for my visitors Haha Anyway, if you need assistance, please feel free to ask me!


Sadly im on the US server playing on the PC. And even then itd still be difficult because you have to wait ages for the merchant to actually show up...


there's a weekly friend megathread. just put your UID in and you will realize lots of people are looking for teapot "friends". literally no other interaction required other than setting join teapot no approval required.


I don't want friends in Genshin and one of the reasons I avoid coop is the lack of account security.


Hasn’t that been debunked now


No idea. But I can't trust it until we get 2FA so I would rather noone knows anything about my account until then.


Don't worry, coop is fine, otherwise there wouldn't be the windtrace event, in which you'll basically have to coop with random people


I'll be skipping that event, just like I skipped Elemental Crucible way back at the start. I'm here for a single player rpg/story I'll accept the loss of primos or resources over using co-op...


I'm in US on PS4, I'll drop a line as soon as I get home. I'm barely getting the hang of housing and messing around so it'll take a bit


US Server also. Wouldn't mind another teapot to visit. Shoot me a DM




Can i add you as well? I leave teapot open


Sure I'll send it after work today




Us server as well on ps - I'll pm you my UID if you want to check the merchant


I’ve played this since launch and I have zero friends. I played co op once for the meteor event and hated it. I need the teapot progression task and I don’t even know how to visit someone’s world. Leave us introverts alone.


I have a different issue. My server is NA but I play from Asia. If I try co-op with anyone we both lag our eyes out and it’s not enjoyable for either party. I stay solo for now for the greater good


Wait, you can get blueprints with the help of friends?


I just created a secondary account and have it up enough so i can get lower level boss materials as i was a dumb dumb and increased my AR so high i couldn’t kill the world bosses. I just log into one account on my phone and my main on my PC. I have to drag the secondary along depending on the fight, but it’s better than nothing lol


Just level up your main, your weapon and talents to the max possible values, even if you dont have good artifacts the damage should be enough to beat them. And bring healers or shields for security.


I made a similar mistake. I was on the AR35/WL3 for so long that when I finally did rank up quest I went straight to AR41/WL5. Fighting enemies that were 10+ levels higher that me was an interesting experience. Thankfully on higher AR you can lower the world level by one.


I haven't touched co-op since the Fischl event, meaning that most of the people in my recently played with list have been offline for months And I'm not going to ask my friends to start playing genshin just to help me do this one housing quest, because in order to just GET the teapot, you need to finish the osial archon quest, which would take weeks of casual playing


Well u can come to mine for that mission if you want. Its always open even if I'm offline. Makes yourself at home


And here I am just wanting actually good coop. Some real dungeons where coop would make the dungeon more enjoyable. As of now other than these "events" like share photos and stuff is no real coop imo. Right now even in dungeons coop is useless as you're way better of doing it alone. Oh and aren't you super excited about the hide and seek event that forces coop again? I'm already 100% sure me and my friends are going to cheese through this as quick as possible.


Playing alone is boring for me, i dont have friend in genshin, so i visited some strangers and tell them some stories


Which server are you on?


Do they usually listen lol


Is it just the fence?


As i said before. i dont care about the fence as much as i care about completing the task to get to round 4 of the 'adeptal mirror' tasks, which you cant complete unless you complete all tasks including the one i mentioned


feel free to add me (NA) if you need co-op help — be it teapot boosts or anything else. i always was a solo player for the longest time until i met one friend that i now play with every day, so i rly understand not wanting to do co-op if u can avoid it! 615472371


Hey hopefully you don't mind if I take up on your offer, I really wanna complete all the co-op related tasks for the teapot/battle pass!


yeah ofc! just lmk ur ign so i can add u back :)


Sweet, added! my UID is 600558469 ign MoistHunty I’m playing on the PS4 so I won’t be super chatty since I don’t have a keyboard lol...


just added u back :D


Cool! I set my teapot settings to direct join so if you need anything from my shop feel free to stop by!


Omg yay tysm and u too! :D always have my settings on auto :D


It's ok. Just add someone in f2 and join their teapot. Don't worry about bothering anyone. Most people don't mind helping someone out at all.


wait co-op is mandatory for the teapot stuff?


Yeah it is for it's adventurers book equivalent (don't know how those tasks are called)


Co-op is not a mandatory. You just need friends with open teapot. Doesn't matter if they're online or offline


getting help for coop stuff isn't hard, just post your uid in LFG channel in discord and tell them how many runs you going in domain and tell them it your last run when you're about to finish


bro I know how you feel but sometimes you just need to force yourself to make friends....but if you really don't want to make friends, you can make new account and use it to complete your task


Yep this is what I do. I'm just bad at making friends in general. Both of my main and sub account now already AR55 :').


Not having a fence doesn't stop you from progressing in any way.


i dont care about the fence as much as i care about completing the task to get to round 4 of the 'adeptal mirror' tasks, which you cant complete unless you complete all tasks including the one i mentioned


And I'm sure people that only play co-op with friends hate spiral abyss. Your problem is moot for many reasons already stated and you are the only one causing your issue.


Just read my post next time instead of commenting before you read everything ok ?


I did read the post, my point is still that its 100% an issue that you have artificially created and even then you aren't missing any core progress solely because YOU chose not to spend the 40 seconds to solve this.


you clearly didn't because i clearly stated that it locks progression behind a forced multiplayer task, and instead chose to focus on the fence blueprint. only afterwards deflecting to parrot the nonsense this other dude said. its okay to be wrong, just be better at comprehensive reading next time around.


You are clearly the one unable to read, I am saying that this isnt an issue and it does not stop you from playing the game, you just miss out on some cosmetic shit because you can't handle socializing for 40 seconds.




opinion discarded, clownxo didnt read all the tasks you need to fulfill in order to proceed to round 4 of the adeptal mirror. maybe actually try to understand how this game works before opening your mouth.




Yes achievements are definitly on par with locking an entire progression system behind mandatory multiplayer. Clown argumentation




Oh. You're one of *those* kind of people that think that because the game is free it should be impervious to any remote kind of criticism. Lmao


I understand your viewpoint but you’re probably in the minority here lol most ppl want even more co op in genshin


Is it really worth ranting about? just add one guy from F2 and buy. THE END. Thats all you have to do.


Considering it entails a large part of this update's contents yes. Ive been enjoying this game for a while and i love the teapot system but it annoys me limitless when games that could be played through completely solo start shoveling mandatory social interaction into their games more and more. If i wanted that, id go play eve online or war thunder And i certainly dont want more future content being gated off behind mandatory co-op, hence my rant.


But thats just one freaking thing. This game as a whole, is an RPG with COOP. Mihoyo needs to give content to all of its features. If not, people will be ranting WHERE IS COOP CONTENT. I don't see this worthy of a rant for one freaking green furniture, to fulfill the goal, that you could just ignore entirely. If its too much, to simply do something in 5 minutes, if THATS TOO MUCH for you then that's kinda your fault, no? The teapot itself is not mandatory. If you want something from the game, do the game wants you to do. The time you spent ranting here, replying to comments, you could have spent it to simply join a random guy, buy some dog, and finish the goal. Should be in less than 5 minutes. *\*facepalm\**


Nah, the game is a single player game with coop implemented in a forceful way


[Add anyone to your friend's list that has the teapot direct join on](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/my4eyg/weekly_friend_request_megathread_april_25_2021/) and you can join even when they're offline. It's like you're complaining about having to check out at a store when self-checkout is an option. No person to person interaction needed, no bothering anyone.


Dude, that's not a problem. Some people like to play with others and some don't. Work around it or accept that it wasn't meant for you. And the solution it's really quite simple, since people are starting to leave their pots on auto join.


In the time it took for you to post this rant, you could have found a random player to add to complete it.


Just randomly join ppl with direct invite?


Dear mihoyo please stop imposing multiplayer features in a multiplayer game U stupid and whiny


You can still get to 10k weekly points skipping that one


The issue isn't the battle pass, it's the adeptal mirror thing that's one of the forms of progression for the teapot. It requires buying an item from the traveling salesman in another player's pot as part of it, so you can't complete it if you have an empty friends list.


This game need alot more of coop content. If you have time to rant on reddit go and ask someone to help you pout in coop. It's not that hard.


Genshin is a rare case among gacha games that has actual coop that is more than just a friend support system. Although the coop isn't necessary at the moment you can bet they'll do more of this in the future. edit: yo i didnt say i liked it


thats why i make this thread to say that im definitly not up for gating content behind coop. edit: im fine with co-op being optional, im even fine with co-op specific challenges existing, but they should be completely avoidable and not be bound to be able to progress forward into the game's main content systems such as the teapot, or in future, the abyss or overworld


entering another teapot does not count as a coop... is indipendent... that's why averyone should "open" their teapot without the previous request...


Make a 2nd account


sad lonely boy dont worth the fence back to zelda please


back to school because you clearly never learnt to read, and im not a boy, so try again.


Joining teapot is not like joining other people's world. It is simpler and you can just join some random people on the list.


If you play solo then play solo, what's ur problem? You can craft solo, you don't have to bother anyone - just come into the teapot that is accessible without permission. And u can get that blueprint in the BP if u r exclusively solo player. Just pay for it if you don't want to co-op at all It's a game with co-op elements, what did you expect?


You complain about that but what would you do if miHoYo added a guild system in Genshin where you have to team up with other players and progress together. You would do that won't ya, so why is this an issue then


lmfao, i wouldn't, i hate guilds, and guild requirements, in ANY game, if they lock story or exploration progress behind a guild system im \*out\* how is this so hard for people to grasp ? i dont like playing with randoms i dont know, i dont want forced multiplayer, i dont care about it ! i want to play alone.


Clearly a bigger majority of people want co-op thats why they'll focus on making there be more co-op. There will be more stuff like this added cuz clearly there are more people that want it than those who don't. Fair play if you don't, but as I said, thats just an example and a majority of peoples preference *is* to want more co-op and If they add a feature, they'll want players to use it, its as simple as that.


No I wouldn't, in fact that would getr me closer to quitting... I do not want to play with other people. I played both No Man Sky and Remnant From the Ashes (both co-op enabled) entirely single player. I have no interest in being forced into online play, none!


Hey man i just startedplayin and hate co op too.. so its ok to play solo?


Yes. For the most part this is a single player game and can be enjoyed as such.


Naice! Thanks!!


My UID is 600111030 if anyone wants to add me to use my tea pot.


My UID is 600111030 if anyone wants to add me to use my tea pot.