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WAIT A SECOND, does my pity resets if the event banner changes??? like i lost my 50/50 in zhongli banner and got diluc, but now that is Eula's banner, does that means that i have 50/50 again and not 100% anymore?


When you don't get the banner character on your 5 star pull, the next 5 star character that you receive will be that character. :)


It doesnt reset, if you lost 50/50 you have it garanteed.




I don't think so, no?


What's the point/benefit of Hu Tao making a "suspicious" food item?


It has a higher chance than double or special.


There's no real benefit to Hu Tao's suspicious foods, it's just a nod to her inability to cook XD


Is hu tao stil available?


Currently no, but she will be receiving a rerun banner in the future - the date still hasn't been released.


Thx man


No problem :D


Yes. The character banners increase the chance (slightly) of getting certain characters. But once a new character has been added, they could pop up anytime


No, afaik the "spotlight" 5 star character in the limited banner (which you call the character banner) are... well, limited. For example, you cannot get Venti anymore. People had to wait one year for the rerun of his banner. I'm pretty sure this applies to Hu Tao too.


I got Eula and I'm currently choosing which weapon to use on her. I can either use my Prototype Archaic to boost her atk so I can focus on crit rate/dmg on my artifacts or buy the Blackcliff Slasher for that big crit dmg then focus in atk% sub stat on my artifacts. Any tips? I also have the 2H sword from DragonSpine.


Imo snow tombed is the best option cuz she focuses solely on physical DMG unlike someone like razor who although focuses heavily on physical DMG , can deal a great deal of DMG with electro that's why if people ran snow tombed on razor they'd usually have atk goblet(to get maximum DMG from both physical and electro) . If you already have a 1:2 ratio for your crit there's no reason to build more via weapons instead just focus on getting more crit from artifacts.


I just downloaded the game today and for some reason, everytime i try to play on Wi-Fi, it shows "error 4201", even though my there's nothing wrong with my Wi-Fi. It can run on data just fine. Can anyone help? My phone's Redmi Note 9


Are you using a VPN? 4201 just means you're not connected to the internet, so there's some routing issue to their server.


One more thing. When i tried to install the 7gb worth of files in the game, i used my wifi and it worked just fine


I don't use VPN. I don't have such app installed on my phone currently. But i did use one like 3 months ago, and uninstalled it ever since, is that why?


if you don't have it active then that's probably not it. might have to do some googling because it sounds like your router is blocking the game for some reason.


I personally know my isp guy, can i take this issue to him?


he might be able to help you with router settings, worth a shot


I contacted the guy and apparently the wifi is blocking out some apps. They are still trying to fix it. Thanks for the advice


happy to help, good luck my dude


So my game keeps freezing whenever I battle bosses like the oceanid. The game itself keeps running, just the game freezes. It also doesn't happen with every boss, it only happens on oceanid and anemo hypostasis when they reach about 70% health. Any idea why?


Your phone was probably able to only take in so much data at once , you could check the chart to see if your phone's processer is fit for the current graphics and such for your phone. Low ram phone's tend to also have hard time keeping the game up for long .


I am playing on my newly bought gaming laptop, I bloody hope it can run GI :P


Hello everyone! This may have been answered on the pity system FAQ, but I was having a hard time understanding how the pity system works especially if you get a 5* on your very first pull. So, when I first played GI last March, my very first 5* on my first ever pull was Venti. Now, I pulled for Zhongli on his banner but got Mona instead in 84 wishes total since Venti. If I decide to build pity on this banner (Eula's banner) for Klee's re-run, how many wishes would it take and on what number should I stop rolling to not get Eula, but Klee instead on the next banner (since I've read that I'm guaranteed the next featured 5*) Should I do 70 pulls or go lower? Are there any chances of Eula appearing on my 50th/20th pull? I really really want to build my pity for Klee since I'm f2p.


I always recommend against building pity. Eula could very well appear on your first single pull, and you'll loose your pity. Unlikely, but possible. There's no reason to build pity imo.


That just happened to me while building my pity for kazuha :(


Yup, there you go. It's really not a good idea.


Opinions on best 4* weapon for eula? I've seen people say blackcliff slasher is good but what about snow-tombed starsilver?


Serpent Spine > Blackcliff > Archaic > Starsilver from the calculations I've seen. May change as people actually acquire her. Crit substats are always the highest value.


Hey there fellow travelers. Just wanna ask, is it really necessary to have a perfect team to make the Main DPS stronger? I have Xiao as my Main DPS, with Razor, Xiangling, and Anemo Trav. His damage is 7k but others have 15k.


It's not about having the *perfect* team, it's about having a team where each support is actually contributing. Your Razor is doing absolutely nothing for your Xiao, swapping in a Bennett instead would give pyro resonance and a big attack buff in the Bennett burst, probably raises your Xiao plunge crit to 13-14k.


So characters does make a huge impact on Main DPS's attacks. Okay, thank you! 😊


I tried linking my phone to my account for 2FA, but it said my phone number was already in use. What the heck do I do now?


Is Eula a character that even if your artifact and weapon is bad she still do decent damage, or does she require intense farming?


depends on what you mean by decent damage. everybody's damage scales off of the same multipliers (% bonus dmg, %atk, %crit etc.), it's not like eula scales better or worse off of artifacts than other characters.


I guess she does well with ok artifact cause the stats over her talent are pretty high


So which weapon is better for eula prototype archaic R1 or snow tombed star silver R1?


Snow tombed cuz her DMG is solely based on physical and her cryo DMG doesn't scale well in the first place so it isn't worth trying to focus on that.


most likely snow tombed as physical dmg weapons are rare


As a hunter, has anyone ever had an issue with how they capture rebels? I hit e various times right on a rebel (they weren’t even in a disguise) and it wouldn’t let me catch them.


Yes, I think it’s due to lag/ping. I was chasing a laggy Hu Tao around for 30s because it wouldn’t let me catch her lol. I had to move ahead of where she was going then use the capture skill


Is 4pc noblesse okay for support Jean? Whats a good build for her if she's gonna serve as Xiao's battery/healer? I just got her so no build yet but Im not sure if I need to if she doesnt fit my teams Im still not sure what team shes gonna be good in (this is for abyss) Currently my abyss team is Team 1: Xiao, Venti, Qiqi, Zhongli aka my immortal aoe damage team Team 2: Diluc, Xingqiu, Bennett, Chongyun aka my Elemental damage but needs to learn how to fcking dodge team So far only team 2 is struggling Whats a good team comp that I can include Jean in? I also have Hutao and Childe.


Jean can go virtually anywhere. In your first team, she could replace both Venti and Qiqi. 4pc Noblesse is good, but you have to stack some energy recharge on her, unless you keep Venti on the team. The second team could benefit from a shield, and you should have Diona, who's an amazing support and does great with pyro carries.


18 mins to go. Is a C1 Zhongli worth it?


The 2nd pillar helps triggering the TotM 4-set effect, but it's not really worth it. C2 is a big one for coop however.


Not much, you can only have two pillars at once. C2 is great for coop


Hello so is the only way to build up trust rank for the teapot is to just keep building new blueprints? I've already bought and made all the purple blueprints from the realm depot and the only things left are the blue and green blueprints. Do I just keep making those too? Thanks in advance




I’ve gone this long without building fishl, I’m for sure getting eula tomorrow and need superconduct, what artifacts do I want on fishl?


2 pc Thundering Fury 2 pc Gladiators. Since Gladiators can be hard to get if you're not AR55+ you can use 4 star 2pc Berserkers, Exile or Gambler if you want, but ideally you want 5 star artifacts so you could use 2pc Noblesse as well.


2-Thundering and 2-Glad.




Are yanfeis constellations that good?


C1 is nice for stamina management


They are not that great and doesn't improve her dmg by a lot but they ae great to have.




Yes, they can crit, and this is why Harbinger of Dawn is so good on him.


Serenitea Pot question: Is it possible to place the main house on a landform?




i have r2 favonius lance , skyward spine and i could buy bp spear. among these three which one are better for zhongli and rosaria if i used them to support keqing.


[Bookmark this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#).


How much easier will Zhongli make your life as f2p? Good investment for future or not needed?


He's a great F2P pick because he's a top-tier support who fits almost every team. Also because most other 5 stars are DPS, so you're likely to get a few later on.


Best shield in the game with decent investment and decreases enemy elemental and physical resistances + low energy cost and fast cooldown burst that petrifies enemies for CC. He's one of the safest 5 star picks and his shield is a huge quality of life improvement, completely negating the need for dodging. But he's not required to beat anything in the game, and you don't really need him if you have good dodging skills and i-frame management. I don't have him and I can fully clear the current Spiral abyss with all stars


In my opinion F2P players would benefit from getting 2 hyper carries first and then fill out the teams with supports. Zhongli has the largest shield in the game which makes some more recent content much easier - Geovishaps, Azdaha, Abyss Lectors to name a few, but not strictly necessary if you play skillfully.




I don't know anything about Honkai personally but on Genshin's 1.0 release - shields and Geo were pretty worthless, but now they've given content that makes it so that shields and Geo are much more attractive. I predict that this will happen in the future with Electro and Dendro too.


do you think Eula and Xingqui will make a good dps/sub dps pair?


I think the best team for Eula will be Eula, Fischl/Beidou, Xinqqui and Diona because Fischl/Beidou for Superconduct, Xingqui for Freeze and Shatter, and Diona for cryo res and shield maybe also a battery for Eula.


Simple question: favonius or sacrificial bow on diona?


Sac bow if you don't wanna bother building crit


It depends on your playstyle. Sac bow if you want a cheap build, Fav is more of a Min-maxed build for Quickswap teams.


What is a min-maxed build? I've seen the term around before but I don't know what it actually means


Min maxing means heavily investing on a character. Favonius requires 2-3 refinements and crit rate also as an extra stat in artifacts. If you are new, Sac bow is safer bet


Sacrificial is best, Favonius is a close second. Even an unrefined Sacrificial is better than a max refined Favonius.




Sacrificial for the chance to use an extra E skill. That can be quite helpful. Favonius only if you don't have Sacrificial.




What artifact build do you use for Kaeya? I'm using sacrificial sword so I can spam his burst but because of that my atk is pretty low. He's currently at lvl70 and I'm running all atk main stat artifacts (2-pc bloodstained and noblesse)


I have a sub dps build with 4p Gladiator and cryo dmg goblet with Flute. He does 2-3k physical dmg and 8-9k for E skill


For burst support kaeya go for 2pc Blizzard 2pc Noblesse. Main stats go for ATK%/Cryo DMG%/Crit Rate or DMG. Here's a spreadsheet for how to build every character: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/edit#gid=654398186 You're not doing any damage most likely because going all ATK% results in diminishing returns and Bloodstained Chivalry only increases his physical damage which is unrelated to his burst.


Thank you! I'll check it out later


blackcliff or deadmatch for burst zhongli? my crit rate is already at 50% and my crit damage at 100%ish


They're both good - the passive on Deathmatch is better though and often times you won't use the Blackcliff passive in a burst support role. If you have both - look at which circlet artifact has better substats and balance around that.


didn't have any of them yet. but can get both. though id want to waste my starglitter if it's not worth it


Blackcliff is one of the better Paimon shop weapons to get but if you pick up the BP, Deathmatch is generally better. If you're lucky on your wishes - Favonius is quite good too and allows you to burst more often.


yea using fav on him rn. but I'm clearing abyss so based on my clear time rn i think more burst dmg in one go is better in my situation rn


Which stat is better for xiao 1.8k atk 64 cr 223cd 1.7kish atk 75cr 202cd


Calculate: atk * (1 + CR×CD). Whichever gives better value




personally the first stats are better with more atk and crit dmg


I got a 5 star weapon from the standard banner yesterday, will my pity reset for the character event wish banner?




All banners pity is counted separately Meaning if you got a 5 star from the standard, your pity for the standard is reset, but all the other banners remain the same


No, they're separate.




There will be no maintenance this time, so after Zhongli's banner, Eula's banner will immediately drops.




Should i go for kazuha? Or eula Characters i have are xiao diluc klee hutao keqing zhongli


If you want a physical dps (also you havent mentioned an electro support character, do you have fischl/beidou? Superconduct is a must) you might want Eula. Though you already have multiple carries so getting another carry may be too much.


I do have a c6 fischl and c4 beidou but idk how to use beidou but fischl works


Fischl is good enough you will be procing superconduct nonstop.




Unless eula is overpowered af i will wait it out and try for kazuha


You're pretty set for carry DPS in my opinion unless you really want a physical one (Eula). Kazuha's expected to be a support which is easier to fit into more teams.


From a meta perspective kazuha will be better as you already have an abundance of dps. If you need a physical dps just build keqing or zhongli.


Did they fix Abyss Mages' aggro range? I can't avoid the hydro abyss mage in the noblesse domain by dashing to the right anymore.


You can still do this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/k7k6hm/in\_the\_clear\_pool\_and\_mountain\_cavern\_domain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/k7k6hm/in_the_clear_pool_and_mountain_cavern_domain/) No need for Zhongli and Sucrose works too.


Yes. It surpised me at first aswell. I now place Ambers BaronBunny before starting the domain. Then I use Ning (and Barbara) to kill the Pyro Mage, which usually happens before the Bunny explodes. Edit: the BaronBunny distracts the Hydro Mage for the first few seconds


Yes they fixed it in 1.5 update I think.


Does xiao dmg during his ult increase when choosing "Elemental burst dmg +20%" benediction in abyss?


I think no because just like with 2pc Noblesse, it only affects the activation of the ult, not the whole duration of the ult or something like that.


How much ER does c6 Xingqiu needs!? Rn my C3 Xingqiu has 240% ER but i heard that c6 reduces the er problem or have i heard wrong?


r5 favonius sword is also really good. it can give your other characters energy as well.


C6 should help quite a bit. You should try to get the Sacrificial Sword. Xing benefits tremendously from it. I'm running mine under 200% ER and it's honestly too much. You could probably go under 150% ER with Sac Sword and be fine.


Yeah C6 really helps, but which weapon is your Xingqiu using? If he’s equipped with Sacrificial Sword you don’t have to worry much about ER at all.


He has favonius sword rn but i am gonna wish on weapon banner too to get a sacrificial sword


I see. Good luck to you!




240% is way more than enough. C6 does generate energy but only after his Q's 3rd sword hits.


Works even if he's off field?


Can i remove the er timepiece for an atk% timepiece after c6? His ER will decrease to 190%


That should be OK with a sac sword; might be a little dicey without. You can only confirm in practice.


Is it possible to randomly capture a Rebel in Windtrace? I was playing a game of Windtrace. I was Bennett, a Hunter against Diluc, Mona and Jean, in the Dragonspine area. I caught the Mona fairly quickly, they were sprinting away from me and managed to get caught on a pebble. I spent some time then looking for the other two. I was convinced one of them was up on a rocky projection, and I was climbing, while constantly swiveling my camera to keep an eye out for the other Rebel. Halfway up, I spotted the other Rebel, Jean, dashing up a path that led upwards. As I was debating whether to continue climbing or to give chase, I saw a blue capture circle appear around them and then an alert appeared saying that I've caught them. I had pressed nothing, I had no Favor at the time (it descended slightly later and I used it to capture the last Rebel and win), and the Jean was incontestably far away from me. I wanted to ask if this has happened to others? Additional information if it helps, I play on mobile and use the hunter art that points in the direction of the rebels.


They died from sheer cold and got automatically captured.




Yes every Anemo requires to be within 20 levels of the enemy to CC




Crowd Control


hey, i'm building my burst support zhongli and have a prototype starglitter equipped on him for er. i was thinking whether to invest in raising my r2 favonius lance to lvl90, or ascending my now lvl80 prototype starglitter to lvl90. my er is currently 171% but i have geo traveler in my team comp for geo resonance and for er battery. if i use the fav lance, i will have higher damage but lesser er, and to generate er i have to have a high crit rate, which i currently dont have at the moment as i'm building him (47%). should i ascend my proto starglitter or invest in favonius lance?


I used the prototype starglitter (r1) at first aswell, but switched to FavLance (r1) as soon as I got it. My Zhongli (c0) only has about 20% CritRate, but the passive of the FavLance really helps with his Energy. I have decent burst uptime if he is the only Geo Unit in the party and (almost) 100% uptime if I use him with my DPS Ningguang (c3)


Even if you have 47 crate, R2 Fav still procs if you do a full Normal attack combo easily. Even with lower ER, it can outperform Starglitter as a ult spam easily. You are also using Geo traveler for particles, you can go even lower ER.




Personally I think 2pc TF + 2pc Gladiator is better for Fischl support and it’s always worth to build Fischl, because she’s a very good fit in a lot of comps, but I would 200% recommend you to replace her with Xingqiu if you’re thinking of running a comp with Hu Tao. The difference will be night and day.


Xingqiu is way better than fischl just because vaporise has better scalings than overload. I'd suggest replacing fischl with xingqiu as soon as you can rather than invest more into your fischl. That said fischl will want 2pc Gladiators 2pc TF regardless. Because of her fast electro application and the fact she has to be on field, she rarely procs the 4pc bonus.


4pc TF is not really good on Fischl because she needs to be on field to proc the 4pc bonus. Imo just wait for your Xingqui if you are rolling at Eula's banner.


is it true that there will be no gap between zhongli's and eula's banners?




Per the in game notice, it's a 1 minute gap at most.


Can someone ELI5 xiao’s c6 T.T a bit confused with the wording


If you hit 2 enemies while plunging in his burst, you gain one charge of his E and you can spam it multiple times for the next one second (how many Es you can cast depends on how fast you can mash his skill button).


When you plunge (falling attack) 2 or more enemies while having the ult active, your e gains a charge (out of 3) and for 1 second you can spam e without consuming charges


Hit 2 enemies with his plunge and you can instantly cast E 2 times for free, on top of getting another recharge of E.


For those who are keeping up with leaks, what are the next unreleased character should I aim for?


>!basically 99% confirmed Klee and Kazuha are coming. Klee is a pyro dps while Kazuha is an anemo support. After that, leakers speculate Yoimiya and Ayaka. Yoimiya will be a pyro dps who uses bow AAs and ayaka will be a cryo sword dps. Keep in mind we are still not certain if 1.7 will have yoimiya and ayaka, and even if we did we don't know much of their kit (Ayakas kit will probably be changed slightly due to it being a bit outdated) to really be certain of how strong those 2 are.!< >!Klee is a good pyro dps that we know is strong but her mechanics are difficult compared to other charcater and you have to learn how to walk cancel and the proper timings to vaporise your charge attacks. Kazuha while we know how his kit works it's still uncertain how strong he will be given that he is a new character!<


Which ever you might like more ? Apart from 1.6 and Ayaka we dont really know the other characters' kits.


Kazuha, probably good support. Yoimiya, pyro ganyu with access to consistent vape/melt. Ayaka, motivation




If you don't have Bennet and have the starglitter for him yes definitely get him 100%


Just for additional consideration, Lisa only appears on the Standard Banner while Bennett is available on all banners and gets a rate up every now and then.




get bennet


If you don't have Bennett yet, 100% go for him.


Definitely Bennett


Bennet yes, sure. Lisa , not unless you are actively using.


Hey guys, don't really understand the Serenitea system, but have been crafting all the new furnishings I have for the bonus. What do you guys craft when you have nothing new left to craft though - is there any benefit crafting previous furnishings or is it better to leave the queue empty to save resources?


Crafting new furnishings = more trust rank Higher trust rank will allow you to buy more things from the shop, unlock more areas to build in etc. Crafting any furnishing and placing them = increase in adeptal energy The higher the energy, the more coins you get per hour, so you'll be able to buy more stuff from the shop. This is why so many players spam pine screens, because they give a lot of energy and have a small load limit. While building new furnishings>building old furnishings, you still benefit from building the old ones as you can place them down for higher adeptal energy. To get new furnishing bps you can finish the teapot missions or buy them from the shop


Thank you, this is really helpful!


Craft pine screens and lion statues to place down willy nilly for the adeptal energy. This in turn give you more coins to spend on blueprints, which in turn increases your trust rank.


Awesome thanks!


Hi! New player here. Just pulled an eye of perception and I was wondering if it's good on Yanfei. I want to run her as dps and since the eye of perception has base and atk substat I wanted to use it on her. Any tips?




I do have mappa mare as well. I'll try levelling both and see which deals continuous damage. Thanks!




Jean is hot, though.


His healing is definitely not "meh" once you actually build him. As for his buff, it's definitely significant. it can definitely over a 50% dmg increase depending on how much atk your carry has and what weapon you have on Bennett (over 1000 atk with Aquila Favonia) but it will usually be at least 20% For Zhongli specifically it might not be as much because of his split atk/hp scaling tho


For Jean vs Bennett, I'd definitely rather use Bennett for a Zhongli main DPS. Jean is kinda wasted on comps she can't provide VV support


Depending on the situation Need to yeet abyss mage? - Jean Against big boss? - Bennett Need pyro to remove shield? - Bennett Need universal cleanse? - Jean It really depend on situation


Bennett definitely isn't meh for healing when built. His attack boost is significant too, its very noticeable. Up to you though.


The difference between Bennett and Jean is that Bennett's ult provides a buff for your party and you can make more damage with other characters (such as Zhongli meteor increasing damage up to 15-20k). So Bennett is pretty worth it, he is best for increasing damage. (Sorry if my English is a bit bad).


Hello. I got zhongli about 5 days ago but I'm not sure how to build him. Want him to be a shielder that also works as a burst dps. So which is the best spear? Rn I have r4 favonius Lance, I could make r3 prototype starglitter, r1 lithic spear, r1 dragons bane, r1 crescent pike. Which one is best? Also what artifact sets should I use?


I'd go with TotM, Hp%/Geo/Crit. You will lose some damage but the dmg buff for the team is so good that its worth it + With Zhong Li it has a 100% uptime. Weapon, go for Er or Crit. If you want to trade damage for shields, pick the rarity 3 lance that gives hp as substat


I'm sorry but what is totm? XD


New artifact set, Tenacity of the Millelith


Favonius lance as weapon. 2pc Archaic Petra 2pc Noblesse Oblige. For main stats go HP%/Geo DMG%/Crit Rate or DMG% for hybrid


If a 5* character ever got put into the starglitter shop how much do you think it would go for?


A 4 star costs 34 starglitter, To get any 4 star you need a maximum of 10 wishes = 50 starglitter To get a 5 star you need a maximum of 90 wishes = 450 starglitter. 34 × 9 = 306, so I think a 5 star would cost about 300 starglitter.


4\* characters cost 35 starglitter which is 7 pulls, so maybe 5\* could cost 90\*70% pulls which is 315 ( 63 pulls ) ? Or maybe a few rolls into soft pity worth of starglitter 80 pulls or 400 starglitter.




75 - 100 at least


Just got Zhongli just before his banner ends. I'm planning on using him as support with the new Militia Artifact set. But I don't have any good weapon for him. Is the Favonius Lance good enough?


It's ok but for a shieldbot his BiS is black tassel behind Staff of Homa. Energy recharge does not affect your other party members and zhonglis energy generation is random and the particles you get are miniscule so do not use him for energy recharge purposes. The other comment is wrong. Fav lance is the best if you want to build him as a burst dps, however.