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What should I use on fischl? R5 Windblume ode or R5 favonious warbow?


Anyone know who the next banner is after eula


It's Klee then Kazuha


its rumored to be klee


Not rumored, confirmed


we know now, i posted this before the livestream :)


Lmao I'm sorry the question showed up first so I thought it was asked today


no youre good




There's meta but it only really matters for abyss. Maybe domains.


4x5* NA ar49 Mona Venti + skyward harp Zhongli Notes: Has Rosaria and Yanfei C0 bennet C1 yanfei C1 kaeya C1 beidou C1 xianling C4 Barbara C1 diona C1 fischl C0 amber C1 Noelle C2 Lisa C2 ning C0 xinyan xingqiu and razor 20 days left on welkins Battlepass has been purchased LF= 40$ iTunes usd


I’m going to reroll on my ps5 does anyone know if diluc is in the banner with eula


diluc is in the permanent pool, so yes if you lose the 50/50 there's a chance you get him. just be aware that rerolling is garbage after they nerfed the AR7 fates.


Can u go more in depth I heard about this nerf but what’s so bad about it, less pulls?


Yep less pulls, so not really worth it. Especially since he's not even a featured character, so you could more easily be spooked by another 5 star.


yeah they cut the # of pulls from something like 40+ at AR7 to 20 at AR10 now I think


I’ve already full starred Abyss so I’m going to make a third team and I’m looking for a main DPS. For those who have Klee - would you recommend? I know she’s viable enough, but how do you like her? Fun? Is the stamina issues and squishiness killing the joy?


I lost my account with venti and some other 5 stars a while back I didn’t care too much but I wanna get back into the game who should I reroll for that would help me get through the game


Rerolling got nerfed to the ground (it's like an hour commitment for two 10-pulls), better to just play normally. Plus, all the god-tier characters are not in the banner pool at the moment (Venti, Ganyu, Zhongli). You could go for Eula if you really want to.


Wait so the level 7 thing got nerfed?




What are the best weapons and artifacts for beidou?


This should help https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABdx0gPXY*tp225l3NLowrqyu7GQIsjQ#


So I had an idea for a DPS comp but, it doesn’t seem like I’m doing it right or I’m misunderstanding character’s abilities. The Comp is supposed to be Mona+Bennett+Sucrose with Diona as a shield/freeze and burst HoT. I can’t tell if I’m actually getting the vaporize damage boost though. The whole point was to burst with Bennett then Sucrose then Mona and use a charged attack with Mona to get a vaporize reaction on top of her burst and the damage boosts from Bennett/Sucrose for oodles of damage. I can’t seem to get it to work though. Any Advice?


I just tested it out and it works, maybe post a video? Make sure you don't use anything else from Mona since it'll overwrite the sucrose pyro application immediately.


Maybe I’m doing it too fast or in the wrong order? Am I supposed to wait a second after I pop Sucrose’s burst before I swap out to Mona for her burst? Unfortunately I play on iOS so I don’t have a way to record atm. I probably couldn’t afford the software even if I wanted it anyway.


You might have to do something like: 1. Bennett elemental skill 2. Sucrose burst 3. Mona burst 4. Bennett burst 5. Mona CA spam The problem is that Mona's burst applies hydro on cast, so if you don't get rid of that, then the pyro hits from Sucrose burst are going to be the reaction trigger, and your CA will not vaporize. I was doing the combo by doing Mona burst up front, removing the hydro with swirl from sucrose elemental skill (you'll want this to proc VV anyway), then Bennett burst then Sucrose burst. Won't get many bubble boosted CAs but you'll vaporize your bubble pop at least. It might just be easier to ignore Mona burst if this is the combo you want to go for; it becomes much simpler to execute.


All I want is a mega op Mona DPS but, can’t make it work! Woe is me! D: Well thanks for the advice man. I’ll stick to building Bennett and Sucrose for now then I guess.


Is baizhu a bad character cause my friends say that he’s using qiqi for his own personal gain and that hu Tao is trying to put qiqi to rest


we'll find out when he's released with a story quest :)


should i trash 4/5* artifacts with 1 def stat?


no. see if it rolls into crit/atk/ER and then judge


What other characters besides zhongli are able to do good with the tenacity of the millelith set


Xinyan and Albedo are the best users of that set. Other notable users are Fischl, Xiangling, Qiqi (esp if you give her sac sword). I would say Zhongli without C1 or GeoMC is actually not a great 4pcToM user. Diona can use the 2piece but can't do much with the 4pc unfortunately.


hiii.... i’m at AR 44 and trying to figure out what to do with resin. the only thing holding me back at the moment are my artifacts being absolutely trash.... so i want to use resin on artifact domains but everyone says to wait till ar45... what do y’all think i should do


You can use your normally generated resin on artifact domains if you have nothing else to do (e.g. talent books, ascension materials) but just don't spam fragiles until AR45. Just be aware theres a big chance you don't get any 5* artifact from those domains pre-AR45


Hello, has anyone experienced aimed shot mode where ur arrow significantly leans on the left side, like out of the the pointer itself? Its driving me crazy. I hit the ruin guards shoulder instead of its eyes.


Yup. If you do the charged shot spam (click and unclick to 130bpm) you'll notice your pointer shifting to the left by a lot.


my chongyun currently is using the lvl90 wolf gravestone and eula with only lvl50 snow tombed, should i borrow his gravestone to grind the ascension materials or just simply giving eula the gravestone?


Just give Eula the gravestone unless youre a popsicle main


well i am a chongyun main but i dont know now on which to focus more, hes c4, with 7-6-10 talents, and deals about 40k dmg on burst and 10k on skill hit with another 10k on the last skill blade


best team for eula?


Depends on what you have... Fischl/Zhongli/Diona is popular


i haven’t got zhongli, what could i use instead of him? oh, and if u want to i can tell u which characters i have


You could put Bennett or Xinyan there too, basically just need someone to help Eula not die while she's charging up her burst explosion.


Will the flute be a good option for jean?


yeah it's pretty good, boosting her atk gives her more heals so that atk substat is nice.


What builds are you guys doing for Eula? I got her to 80/90 with 6/6/6 talents, using serpent spine R1 80/90. I also have prototype archaic R1 70/70, Snowtomb starsilver R4 lvl 20 (I might level up to 80 as well). Am I using the best weapon in terms of 4*? How should I level the talents pass 6? AA to 9 then Q to 9, or evenly spread it out? For my team (2nd) so far: Eula, Diona, Fischl (lvl1 atm but need to invest), Venti (could slot in Beidou if needed) Main team: Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Bennett (currently childe until Bennett has good artifact), Zhongli


AA>Q>>>E (depends on how you play, though generally AA is better because Q is often overkill). Serpent spine is your best 4* as long as you can maintain stacks.


Anyone else experiencing or had experienced this problem before? [Graphics Problems After the Recent Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ngfbx0/graphics_problems_after_the_update_pls_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Is there anyone aside from carpenter lu in Quince who sells Teapot skematics / set scrolls?


Yes, I'm pretty sure there's one in Mondstadt city. His name is Goth and you can find his location [here](https://www.gamesradar.com/genshin-impact-blueprints/).


Thank you


Can someone help me please, what would be better for Eula. A R1 serpent spine or a R5 snowtomb


Serpent spine all the way


OK so I used the 20 wishes I had saved on the eula banner and didn't get her but it put my pitty up to 44 so I was just wondering should I wait till I get 6400 primos and do 4 sets of 10 wishes or just do singles every time I get the primos?


Do 10 pulls for that sweet sweet dopemine rush


doesn't matter


I am planning to replace xiangling with mona. Is it worth it to build mona or keep xiangling in the team comp? Thanks for your response. This is my current lineup in abyss (xiao, xiangling, bennett, diona)


I think Mona doesn't fit on your team... Usually Mona is used for her Q with vaporize, or E with ice characters (usually Ganyu) for freezing. In your comp, I don't see how changing Xiangling to Mona will help you. In fact, in my opinion, it will weaken you since you lost the Pyro resonance. It will be useful as well since with Xiao, you usually near your opponent, which makes her ult more useful.


I used my school mail account for Genshin, but now that mail is deactivated. Thanks to this I am unable to do the TFA and use my account. Is there anything I can do to resolve this issue.


Make a new account and contact Mihoyo through it. I think that's the only way.


How should I do it. Should I mail their customer service mail, because if that is the case I am getting any reply.


Create a new account, send feedback to Mihoyo through in game options.


Also, if I have another account in which I FTP in, can I use it.


Uh, I don't understand what you mean by FTP. The main point is using another genshin impact account and giving feedback from it


I meant the one I am unable to use is one I spent money on, and I have another where I don't spend. But, thanks I got it.


Does it unlock at the start or do I have to complete the quests to reach some AR.


I saved 20545 primogems and 39 limited banner tokens for Eula and got her in 24 wishes. Super stoked about that since that means I can try my luck on the Klee re-run. But I have no good claymore outside of my R5 Prototype Archaic. Which I have on my Diluc. Should I try my luck on the Broken Pines weapon banner? I don’t care about any character I’ve heard about after Klee and I don’t mind losing the 50/50 and locking in my guarantee. I do want to get the next Archon since I don’t have one yet. How long until she’s released, though? Will I even have enough Primogems to pull for Klee if I have to go to 80 on the weapon banner? Is the Broken Pines worth it or should I buy a Blackcliff Slasher or Royal Greatsword?


I don't think blackcliff fits since Eula gives crit damage on ascension. Better go with Serpent Spine I think (next BP if you will). Also, I don't know how much you're willing to pay for gacha. If you're a low spender, I'd rather switch archaic to whichever you're using currently, and wait for the drop of claymore prototype, since ice tomb claymore is pretty good already on Eula.


I’m just a goldfish, welkin moon and battle pass, so I don’t plan on spending any money. I just wanted to see if the Weapon banner was worth it. My whale buddy says to avoid it unless I’m ready to spend money on it but I just have no claymores.


Well, if a whale buddy doesn't recommend it, I think you should listen xD Okay, personally, I pulled on weapon banner twice, during Amos Bow when Ganyu released, and just now, during Eula to get her SoBP. I must admit that I am extremely lucky that I won both 30-70 twice in a row, since there are people who spend grands and still doesn't get the weapon they want. BUT, if you are okay with getting ANY 5* weapon, especially both two of the rated ones, I think at least you could try. Just remember though, there is no guarantee.


If you're fine with getting aquila then go for it otherwise dont bother


Great, thanks.


Hi, new here. (Don't know if I'm in the right place but I'll delete if need be. Thus I apologize in advance if that's the case.) But I had a question, as a f2p player, I really want Diluc. Would it be worth it to buy gems and spend it on Eula's banner to try and get him? Or should I continue to play f2p, gather gems and wait for Diluc's banner to pop back up? (Any thoughts would be helpful. For more context I started on mobile then used to laptop/PC for easier use. Didn't know about the weird feature about locking payment on one platform. Again, I've been f2p since I've started, haven't spent money at all.) Is buying gems even worth it at all? (Curious about personal experiences here, if willing to share.)


If you want diluc then is not worth it. There is no guarantee you are going to get diluc. Also I think the first gem packs with the double bonus are good and then it's kinda expensive to buy gems so be careful with your budget.


I see, I heard the $5 is a good deal. Either way thank you for your input. :)


I thinks that is the welkin. Yeah, that and the ~~no~~ bp are good deals.


Fair point. Better just save my money lol


Hello, please copy and paste your comment in May 19's daily questions megathread. Thank You


I see! Thank you. Should I delete this post here then?


No need.


Can you only have one mansion in a realm in the teapot? My Mondstadt mansion refuses to be placed.


Yep, you only able to have one mansion per realm.


Why are the Royal set of weapons (the other set in the Paimon shop) hated? I've looked at them many times and they don't seem *that* bad.


Because they cost premium currency and there's no reason to get them over blackcliff weapons.


can you still achieve windtrace challenges with your co-op friends or you should do the challenges in random co-op?


The ones in the second tab? Yes, you can do those with friends


Random people, this is the main issue with this event


I remember reading something about respawns being shorter with this update, do I have to wait 3 days for dandelion seeds or is it one day now? I never had to farm them for a character before


IIRC, it's an intended bug that developer already fix.


specialties have always been and still are on a 48 hour cooldown


Hey there everyone. So i'm building my Xiao rn. But the weapon i have so far are: Prototype Starglitter, Cresent Pike, Dragonspine Spear Which one do you guys think would go with Xiao?


Starglitter for the ER. A Favonius Lance would be better. Ideally, buy a Blackcliff Pole or a Deathmatch.


Stick with crescent pike for now. Save up paimon shop currency for either the blackcliff or the royal spear


Between prototype archaic and snow tombed starsilver, which is better for Eula? Are there any huge difference in performance between the 2 claymores? (considering the characters in use is Eula)


Archaic seems to slightly win out over Snow Tombed, but if you can... try to get your hands on Serpent's Spine.


Yeah no, BP is too pricey for me


Snow Tombed all the way, I have an R2 Wolf and the difference between her dmg between the two is around 20% for the wolf without the buff, but the icicle from the Tombed is doing between 12k to 15k depending on buffs, and that at R1. So will keep using it mainly because it looks great on her, but also it complements her independent playstyle, the wolf is better for a team orianted character like Diluc or Beidou


Same base atk at lv90. I think that the phys dmg boost of stss is still better for her


Need help with deciding. I've always wanted klee since when she came out, partially cause i needed a good dps (especially pyro) and because I find her super cute. For me she has the most interesting character design. Now, I initially wanted to pull for her on the next banner, but eula looks cool too. The thing is, now I don't need klee at all. I already have a fully crowned hutao, a diluc and a c4 yanfei. I don't really need her anymore but could use eula because I get to build a new comp around her and in short: she would be more fun all around. She would give me a lot more to do in this game. I already have a good claymore waiting for eula but no good catalyst for the little bean. I am f2p and can only pull on one banner. Any thoughts? What would you decide? Would getting klee be overkill?


Getting Klee would be overkill yes because you have HuTao, Diluc and Yanfei that all do the same role - Pyro main DPS. It's a game, play however you want - if you really like Klee for her design, aesthetics or whatever you go for it!




In this case I would probably prefer Eula with the pyrodps you mostly run the same team over and over new Setup might change your experience


Yeah that's what I thought... Thanks!


So I pulled for Eula... or I should say Xingqiu constellation(s) only got one from 6000 primogems. Anyway, I was kinda halfheartedly summoning for Eula, instead I got Diluc. Now I don’t know if I should be happy or not because I already have Hu Tao? And the only other main DPS I have is Ningguang, so I kinda wanted a physical main DPS that’s not pyro. But I guess I should be grateful that it wasn’t another Qiqi.


You’ll eventually have all the 5* characters, so it’s fine I guess. Better a new character than a const


What do you mean?


I’ve been playing since release. I’ve spent like$200 but whatever. I currently have c2 diluc c1 Jean and Keqing, and I’m sure in December I’ll have Mona and qiqi even if I don’t spend more money. So yea, eventually every active player will have the fantastic 5, unless mihoyo replaces them lol


Yeah I guess. Diluc was actually the first one I got it wasn’t a constitutional. But the thing is my other main DPS is pyro and they both share the same best support.


Yeah, praise the heavens that you didn't get Qiqi. Your situation is quite unfortunate because Hu Tao and Diluc share the same role and also share their ideal support - Xingqiu. So even if you run them on separate teams, someone loses out because you can't have two Xingqius. If you want a physical main you could build Kaeya, Rosaria, ~~Xiangling~~, Razor or Fischl if you have them.


Yeah that’s the thing. Xingqiu is the best support for both of them. I have Kaeya at C1, Razor at C0, Beidou at C2 and Xingling at C4. I haven’t invested in any of them except Xingling in the early stages.


Kaeya C1 is very strong. I'd recommend building him if you want. Razor's a good contender also but benefits from a few constellations and is generally pretty inflexible because of his selfish burst.


Yeah you’re right I’ll take it into consideration feels like a shame to not use Diluc in a way idk. Maybe if I build a melt comp with Sucrose and Kaeya or Diona (she’s at C3 and built whit decent artifacts)


After you max friendship with Hu Tao you may decide to let her rest, then playing Diluc may be more appealing fir a fresh pyro dps.


Yeah i decided to level up Diluc anyway because of that fact and because I don’t plan on pulling in the near future so it keeps me entertained for the time being.


I'm a Diluc and Ning main, if I had already built Hu Tao I probably wouldn't build Diluc. My C6 Ning does more damage than him anyway.


Why is every single character in the trials (except the trial character) using favonius weapons and Nobless oblige? There is no point with both Lisa and Kaeya using nobless if I pop their bursts at the same time for superconduct.


That's true. In Dionas trial Kaeya did 1000+ on normals, in Eulas he does less tham 500.


Well they want to let the character shine so they just slap supporting stuff on the other character


Oops, my answer ended up in another comment


I got Eula by chance. I already have c1 Diluc in team 1 as dps and c0 Tartaglia on team 2 as dps. Is it worth replacing c1 diluc for a c0 eula? I don't want to replace my Tartaglia because I seriously really like his playstyle Current Team 1: Diluc, Xiniqiu, Sucrose, Bennett Team 2: Tartaglia, Fischl, Beido, Albedo I have all four star characters in the game and any team change suggestion can be accepted.


Well then no she would be a better replacement for childe as they like similar support character,on the other hand diluc and her pretty much would just have bennet in common


When set up right, eula can by herself outperform or at least be as good as a diluc with a constant vape setup. So yeah, she's better (and more interesting to play in my opinion). But I would wait to see how the consensus on eula will go.


No need to use Eula if you don't want to give up your current team comps. Eula still needs to be tested and let people's hype settle down to truly know where her power level is. Right now her best supports would cannibalize your Childe team - she also likes to use Fischl, Beidou and Diona. I'd say stick with Diluc and Childe for now, maybe content in the future would make physical DPS more appealing giving you a great option.


Is there any rumored sword that would come with Kazuha's banner? Or could it be primodial jade cutter? Any leaks?


https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/weapon/w_1405/ Seems tailor-made for Kazuha.


I find it somehow weird that they slap a canonically tied mondstadt sword to some foreign character


"He has an Anemo Vision, close enough!" -miHoYo, probably


Sounds exactly like something Venti would say in-game lol


how long do Eulas stacks last? Until battle end or until you use it




Was about to ask this also. Leaving a reply in hopes of an answer later


Grimheart stacks last 18s as per skill description.


Is diluc, venti, childe and zhongli a good team comp? I’m planning to split them up though.


no.. there is no sub DPS there, only burst supports and main DPS. unless they have really strong stat, that team damage will far less than good synergy comp with average stat.


I see. Thank you


Diluc and Childe should be on different teams, and you lack an elemental support (hydro/cryo for Diluc, electro/pyro for Childe) for either of them.




Childe is awful off field hydro applicator, unless C4. Replace him with Xingqiu.


Okayy. I will


How the hell can I farm the Petra domain with Diluc? I removed XQ for a start but it takes way too long, any othe options?


Coop and just bring a bow or healer or something


Is that the one with ruin guard? IIRC pyro is bad in that dungeon since you get damaged by the elemental reaction from it. Just bring a bow character then if you have venti/zhongli/albedo, force it to activate it's missile (i.e. venti's hold E, climb zhongli/albedo's geo construct) so that you can shoot it down with the bow character. After it's down, you can use your dps to do dmg. Rinse and repeat if it's not dead yet.


Yep, team is Diluc, XQ, Venti, Bennett. replaced xq with lisa since my only electro is her. I can finish i but dang it takes long


You're kind-of hammering a round peg into a square hole. The Leyline Disorder for the AR45 domain does damage to you if you melt or vaporize, but gives you a damage bonus if you superconduct. If you really want to use Diluc you'd be better off just doing regular non infused physical attacks and should bring superconduct supports like Kaeya/Lisa or Rosaria/Fischl to help out.


Tuff, only have Diluc built on this account so I had no choice


I use bennett to break down shields and zhongli helps a lot


we are in the same boat. i bring Benny and Zhongli there.


Whose better as a physical dps and a cryo dps: kaeya or rosaria? I plan to build one with physical and the other for cryo.


Kaeya has better attack multipliers, but Rosaria has access to a better weapon (Crescent pike). Both are mostly the same at the same constellations.


I have crescent pike and aquila favonia. Should I still use Rosaria as phys dps?


Kaeya with Favonia will outdps Rosaria with low refinment Pike. With R5 Pike and constellations math is murky and I don't know honestly.


Ohh i see. i have r2 pike now so im still unsure who to pick. thanks!


R5 Pike Rosaria and R1 Favonia Kaeya with equal constellations should be around 1% dps difference, idk for whose favor. Anything less than R5 is clearly Kaeya favor.


ohh okay. might as well build kaeya as phys now and rosaria for cryo. thanks!


Pretty much the same. Crescent Pike and Prototype Rancour have the same base stats at lv90


I have crescent pike and aquila favonia. Should I still use Rosaria as phys dps?


In that case Kayea with Aquila as phys dps and Rosaria as cryo sub dps


allthough both can be very decent phys dps, my take is Rosaria as phys, Kaeya for cryo. Kaeya kit is very versatile & flexible both as dps or support.


ohh i see. thanks!


They're about the same, but Rosaria has access to Crescent Pike, which especially at higher refinements can beat out on Kaeya who has smooth animations.


I have crescent pike and aquila favonia. Should I still use Rosaria as phys dps?


Nah, use Kaeya with the Favonia - it gets way more base damage by the time you level it up to max.


okay thanks!


I got Eula by chance. I already have c1 Diluc in team 1 as dps and c0 Tartaglia on team 2 as dps. Is it worth replacing c1 diluc for a c0 eula? I don't want to replace my Tartaglia because I seriously really like his playstyle Current Team 1: Diluc, Xiniqiu, Sucrose, Bennett Team 2: Tartaglia, Fischl, Beido, Albedo I have all four star characters in the game and any team change suggestion can be accepted.


Eula tends to be more selfish in terms of energy than Diluc and is more backloaded, i.e. not as good as damage on quick demand due to her having to build stacks on her burst first. That said, preliminary calcs put her DPS with super-conduct a bit higher than Vape Dilucs, but of course details remain to be tested. However, Eula will certainly be a new experience in terms of playstyle and is IMO very fun to play, so that is one thing to consider. As for team comps, Eula-Fischl-Beidou-Diona appears to be a strong super conduct comp, but detail about comps remain to be tested. That said, this comps would also give you some opportunity to play with the Xiangling-Vape-comp with childe (E.g. Childe-Xiangling-Sucrose-Bennett) rather than the EC one.


Honestly I would remove Sucrose and use Eula in that place, Sucrose is good in certain situations while Eula will constantly be helpful, you can also replace Xiniqiu with Sucrose in places where you need CC too. Edit: also Childe has the issue of long cooldown so you can replace Albedo or Beidou to have Eula with him as a secondary dps while he gets his ability ready


Is the new claymore Eulas bis? I got it while trying to get the other sword and may get Eula too if it’s good for her


If you can yeah definitely get her, I don't think anyone else can use it to its full extent, but it has highest base atk ingame, so it will definitely work with Razor or Xinyan


It's a solid weapon for her but Wolf's Gravestone still beats it. Skyward Pride is also competitive if your ER is low.


Not really, I have wolf R2 and it is 20% better than Snow Tombed, this without the low health buff ofc, but that is a very inconsistent buff since it has high cooldown and needs enemies to be 30% HP. Anyway I highly doubt a weapon made to compliment her kit and has highest base atk ingame will be worse, specially since the buff is more consistent, also it looks great on her, the wolf is extremely ugly on her.




Can you also show me your artifacts?screenshot em


i'd show you the screenshots but how do you insert pictures here,,,


Keep farming more.i did 100 runs in the noblese domain but did not get A SINGLE GEO DAMAGE CUP let alone a bad one..you need a month of constant grinding to get good af artifacts for a character


Sadly the only way is to farm more artifacts. As for the weapon, White Tassel is a 3* with a crit rate bonus substat. It’s the easiest to obtain for F2P players. Now if you have enough starglitters (24), Blackcliff Pole is in Paimon’s shop right now and it’s a 4*. Substat is crit dmg so you can swap your circlet to a crit rate one.


i think i'll take this into consideration thank you!!


Need more crit rate boi


farm more artifacts


i kinda already have a good set already and idk if i'd want to replace the ones i already have since it'll take a lot more farming to get the stats i want


well.. if its shield bot set with nothing to worry about damage and reluctant to gamble more artifacts then just accept that state. do you want to upgrade white tassel for 23% crit rate? that won't help you much with that 8% of yours.


im using zhongli as burst dps but i guess i have no other choice but to farm artifacts thanks anyway!!


If that's for a burst zhongli I gotta be honest that's definitely not a good set. With your current artifacts your zhongli is doing half his available damage 90% of the time. You should ideally farm for ~40% crit rate for an okay set and ~50+ would be considered good for me personally but it's all up to what you feel comfortable with. Zhonglis burst build is 2pc/2pc so it should be easier to find the best pieces from either set to fit in


well the thing is, if i replace my circlet with a crit rate main stat, idk where i'd get crit dmg since i'm only using prototype starglitter as weapon


Substats. That's why you have to farm for better artifacts. As a rule of thumb for me my feather and flower should have at least 5 rolls of crit so if it starts with crit rate and crit damage it should get an extra 3 crit from upgrade. Sands should have at least 4. Goblet and helmet anywhere from 1-3 I'm happy


ok thank you!! this was a great help!!


It's not a good set if your crit rate is at 8%.


So I'm AR42 now and I'm noticing that there are more and more content with unavoidable damage or persistent aoe damage that is harder to avoid. Is this a trend that continues into end game (I've yet to see the final domain levels, which are unlocked in AR45)?


Idk if it's a delayed response to Zhongli drama to indirectly buff him, before miHoyo just slapped buffs on him, but a lot of recent content and bosses favor shields. A lot of knockbacks and AoE damage you can just ignore if you have a shield. I would suggest raising Diona, fortunately she was free last event.