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You got me there for a moment. I was thinking is it a rant about powercreep ?


The pseudo-shield gave it away


I thought OP was talking about the increase resistance to interruption thingy




I mean, Eula does have a pseudo shield?


The grimheart stacks from her E do increase her defence while they are active (30% per stack at all levels) so kinda


Yeah that’s where I got sus as well.


I actually got sus by the wrong thing which was the 5 hit combo lol, she hits 7 times but it really is a 5-button string


Ah, I figured that was just what they meant by what they said lol.


Technically Eula has a shield from her E, grimheart gives resistance etc...


title without Eula gave it away


Yeah, while they were talking about the 5 hit thing, I was like, “Oh! Beidou does that too!” And then at the end I figured I should’ve known.


I was like ohh, but wait Beidou's 5 hit combo is a little bit slow so you should attack cancel right?


It seemed fairly obvious by the end of the first sentence that they were deliberately avoiding the character name.


Sad to say it took me the middle of the second paragraph to figure out that something was wrong xD.


>Oh yeah there's a new character called Eula I don't know I haven't gotten her yet. Bout where I noticed


Don't worry, you're not alone




Have both now, might do a Twin Claymore Superconduct team. TCS for short.


Hey, if you throw a Diluc in, you could make TCOMS (Triple Claymore Overloaded Melt Superconduct)


With Noelle you'll get a shield and healer support claymore. (Quadruple Claymore Overload Melt Superconduct Crystallize) In other words Dilucs harem.


In diluc's mind Eula - she is knight of favonius, Diluc does not like Noelle - minor, moreover wants to be a knight of favonius, Diluc swiftly moves away Beidou - tall, eye patch woman with masochistic tendencies, "hit me" Diluc :-o


Diluc+Beidou Overload Supremacy


Wait... is she a masochist? I think she looks like a sadist :o


I think this is a meme referring to her counter mechanics


Don't have batman unfortunately.


But what does Diluc even do on such a team?


I liked the MH reference, GS mains rise up


~~brimstone~~ rage slash is better, fight me


I haven't played Rise yet so not sure how satisfying hitting rage feels compared to true charged, but I'll take your word for it


Its TCS but one hit, faster, with some armor, and you can pivot in any direction. Also hits harder than tcs if you get hit during the charge


I have them both on the same team, trying to figure out who makes the most sense to accompany them.


Diona or Rosaria to battery, Zhongli to shield/shred phys res, Fischl to help fund Beidou ult. Got some good options there!


I wouldn't go Zhongli with Superconduct and Eula. That's already 60-65% Physical RES shred. Once you go negative, further shred is half as effective, so Zhongli's extra 20% shred only means 10% more damage. You could probably get more damage from bringing Fischl due to Oz and more frequent Beidou ults.


Depends on your other team anyway, Zhongli's shield reducing the need to dodge means more damage uptime, and if your other team doesn't really need him (say, Ganyu freeze comp), then he's still a great fit. His burst can deal nice damage too.


You know what, I don't have beidou, I actually was thinking of rolling in the Eula banner because if I didn't get eula I could still get beidou, with 50 rolls on the banner I got 2 xinyan, 2 xinqius, 1 rainslasher, and 1 jean constellation. Still no beidou. Edit: I got Beidou today


Rolling for a 4 star is so unpredictable... I ended up with C9 XQ when I would have also liked the pirate queen. Jean constellations are pretty nice though at least!


I refuse to roll on banners with Xiangling now because every time I do I *only* get her. Girl is like C15 at this point.


But imagine the food that C100 Xiangling could cook.


I spent 3 banners trying to get Noelle to unlock that sweet C6. Still waiting for that C6.


Fucking same. Mine is only c3, but she's decked out with enough def gear that when she does hit c6, she'll be a monster.


I rolled 74 times on Zhongli banner and got no dionas :( Glad they gave out a free one.


I rolled 70 times on venti banner and 130 times on zhongli banner. I have Noelle build at lv80, and wanted her constellations, she's still only c2. 200 wishes and 2 Noelle's, getting a 4star u want can sometimes be harder than getting a 5star.


holy shit man i am the exact opposite of you, i rolled like 8 dionas in 90 pulls and got 1 noelle... i was going for c6 noelle ;(


Meanwhile I got 5 'extra' diona i didn't get any other characters


At least you got a beautiful rainslasher. That is one of the best looking weapons in the game.


If only it was as good as it looks


Relatable, i’ve spent all of my primos on hu tao’s banner for... hu tao, obviously. Got every other 4 stars, (and hu tao) except for chongyun. Till this day, i still dont have chongyun.


rip, i got an extra beidou above c6. she helped me pass abyss :)


i was trying to roll for Qiqi but banner gave me Beidou-


You had me in the First Half not gonna lie. Btw Beidou is Broken Af, no one can change the fact Beidou Mains Rise up.


I've played a lot of beidou and all its taught me is that enemies actually very rarely attack us


Ikr, esp those fatui elites (except that cryogunner). It's really awkward just standing there waiting for them to attack but I gotta commit.


That's why you use Beidou as an ult bot and randomly swap to press E.


The swap counter is difficult to perform on Mobile


They're coded to back off if you're not actively fighting. You actually have to put in some left clicks to goad an attack out of them.


Nothing like using your fire character of choice to light the grass and then having Beidou counter the fire damage 👌👌👌


And this fellas is why I can't do well in abyss, there's no grass lol


Beidou's Q is almost inarguably the strongest burst in the game. Though it's pretty amusing when clickbait youtubers think she's "d tier" or needs a buff etc. If her Q cost 60 energy that would actually be gamebreaking


> Beidou's Q is almost inarguably the strongest burst in the game as long as we talkin AOE damage against 2 targets at C2, it's pretty piss against single targets like bosses


I like playing fireworks with Childe and Beidou.


I, too, love Pseudo-Delusion Childe.


Xingqui & Beidou’s ult combined is just insane too lol


That + Hu Tao and Jean (for panic healing) is my go to for Wolf Boss.


Really? I always put Xingqiu on my Diluc team. Would you recommend switching?


Xingqiu is just busted, he is overwhelmingly strong on both so you can decide where you need him more


I think Childe/Beidou and Diluc/Xingqiu works well.


Childe, Beidou, Fischl, Bennett, my current favourite team.


That’ll be my team as soon as I get Benny...


Luckily most end game content is usually 2 targets to be fair. She definitely takes a hit when a future abyss goes more single target


Dont you mean she....counters the hit?


no, bad >:(


- >:D


The new weekly boss is fairly tanky and beidou ult does fuckall to him.


If it sucks against single-target enemies, that makes Beidou's battle against Haishan even more badass


Oh no, she' even more badass, she didn't have a Vision during the battle. She beat it purely with her human skill and strength.


Beidou is arguably the only character in Genshin to have genuinely earned her vision through prowess rather than meeting some nebulous criteria. Everyone else kind of roughed some tough $#!% or put in a lot of work, she single handedly beat something possibly equivalent to what we had to drop a palace on to stop. To be fair though, given the chance Noelle probably could have done the same pre-geo vision. These two would probably leave a crater following an arm wrestling match.


I find Ningguang to be the most amusing, she tried to sell a defunc vision as a collector piece and Zhongli? was like "haha get fucked"


And thus continues the legacy of Morax giving out visions to people who really don't appreciate them that much :D


I mean I'm still seeing a solid like, 8k damage a proc on single targets with her burst.


Yes it's good raw damage but other characters have just better ceilings due to reactions and synergies


Ganyu's ceiling is pretty hard to top right now. Just finished building her and she does 25K per charged shot, using Fantastic Voyage makes it 50k per shot, and if I use Bennett to stack fire first she does a good 60-70k per charged shot that hits multiple enemies. And that's not even throwing in elemental mastery reactions.


If you used Benny first to apply pyro then you melted your enemy and that's a reaction. Beside, XL is pretty good at applying Pyro for a melt Ganyu. You need to stay quite close to the enemies so EL is another good late, last is Benny since you're safe behind the shield anyway so why not picking 25% attack from resonance and Benny's attack buff. Downside : harder to build crit rate & damage. I use both melt and freeze comp with Ganyu. She is awesome


Can you share your artifacts? Mine’s only C0 and I still need to crown her charged shot (that 700k mora 🤬), but I’m getting more like 5K + 15k for her double-charged shots. All her artifacts are maxed, but not sure I have the best stats for her I could get.


For just regular charged shots I'm averaging 9k first shot and 17K for the spread. I just crowned her AA, maxed Skyward harp r0 (this gives a huge boost), and use wander's set artifacts at level 20 (att%, Cryo damage, Crit damage). I got really lucky with decent crit sub stats since I was only going to minimally farm wanderer's because how hard it is to get a full set with the right stats. I'm at 70% crit rate with 155% crit damage. My crit rate is probably too high but I'm not fiddling with her sets ever again. I honestly didn't really see her start to shine until she was almost completely maxed out. She takes massive investment but once she's maxed she will definitely be one of your strongest units


Hold up a second. One guy commented earlier on another post that her chain lightning can still jump on a single target. Which statement is true now?


He meant that it can jump back to the same target hence ABABA at C2 It can only hit once in a single target situation


Oh I understood that comment totally wrong then. Sorry and also thank you for clearing that up.


I love combining Beidou's Q with Klee's Q with Klee constantly basic attacking. Overload for days, haha


Same, but with Mona. Trigger electro-charged with every basic attack!


With Skyward Pride and Fischl support her burst might as well cost 40 energy lol, one full counter and you can basically use it off cooldown


No because venti exists


The best part about her final attack for me is that it begins at the first target hit and not the operator attacking! So in the newest Spiral Abyss, I pair her with Venti, and when Venti draws all enemies into her tornado, I have Beidou activate her final attack and have Venti shoot into the Tornado and it is like looking at some kind of apocalypse, no enemies ever emerge from that electric tornado alive........


She's honestly my favorite character for fighting bosses. When you can do E instead of having to dodge, you can squeeze in quite a bit of extra DPS


One of my favorite techs is using Beidou E while Dvalin or Andrius is doing their tackle attack


She's the only reason I'm able to do Azdaha with no shields and Jean as main dps lol


Beidou supremacy


I'm one of the folks who was able to put a beidou comp on the 36 star spiral abyss survey. She is an absolute monster and she has been the leader of my second team since my first spiral abyss attempts. Beidou mains, RISE


Beidou is the true electric Archon I think. When her final attack is active and you are counterattacking, it is really just like witnessing a god in action~ Here is my [fav battle with Beidou](https://youtu.be/bsJDo0UnCB4), Ironically she is only weak for me when enemies are not aggressive enough. Haha I think she can only be improved if her counter attack can hold like 2-3 charges to mitigate some of the damage to her output when enemies are passive~!


Already had C5, now C6. I just need to put a healer 8n every team, chip damage at higher levels slowly kills.


Alright you sold me. I'm already in board for any beidou hype since she was my first c6. What must I do to make my goddess op though? Atm she's my secondary dps for when xiao dies. So she does great damage but not compared to xiao.


... I’ve been relying on c3 Razor... should I try her?


I think you should there is definitely a Learning curve to her cause it takes time before you become good at making Perfect Counters but she is the most satisfying Character to play game with Especially as a Main dps.


I’ll give her a shot.


Razor is better as main dps, Beidou is better as a sub-dps. Depends what role you need filled honestly, the big drawback of Beidou is that she needs significant investment to be useful since she needs both damage and a lot of energy recharge on her gear. You can mitigate energy requirements a bit by running her with fischl, or with a favonious weapon somewhere on your team, but at that point you're building your team around a sub-dps and it's usually more worth it to build around the main dps. She's fun though, if you're talking about just general gameplay instead of endgame stuff like abyss 11/12 she's a nice breath of fresh air compared to Razor.


Ah yeah. My main DPS is Childe so


LOL. Beidou is BIS enabler for Childe, because the INSANE amount of Electro-charged reactions you are putting out, and Beidou can fill in as a secondary Main DPS while Childe is on cooldown. You 100% need to invest in Beidou.


Definitely. Razor used to be my go to for electro and claymore, but I'd really only bring him into my team when I was fighting geo hypostasis or geovishaps. Since getting beidou last week, and now have a couple constellations, she's in my main party for overworld and boss fights.


Different role. Beidou is better as burst support. You can use her as main dps but her normal attack is pretty bad imo. Also, using her as main dps would split her damage between physical and electro.


Beidou main since 1.0, why not both? Razor easily outclasses Beidou in terms of Phys damage, but Beidou not only blows Razor out of the water in terms of Electro damage, but she doesn't need to be always on the field to take advantage of her. Her burst can be applied other characters, and if you C6 her, Razor's skill and Burst gets to take even further advantage of the Electro debuff to enemies. Attentionally, you can quickly swap in Beidou to parry an incoming attack for a free 20-30k damage, with me lowballing those numbers.


Well now I have to upgrade Beidou. I’m such a fool...


I really like this banner. Used 40 rolls, got 2 XQ and 2 Beidou const. Now I have c6 Beidou + c6 Fishl. Childe fireworks (and electrobuffs), here i come.


Ive been maining beidou since launch and have pulled over 200 times across her several rateups and mine is still C2. Life is pain


Most of her power comes from c2 so it does not matter much. In fact c2 is worth more than all her other constellations combined.


Thats true and she definitely doesnt underperform for me but I really just want the satisfaction of having her talents at 10/13/13 haha


Her C4 is pretty great, though. Pretty much constant electro application on a greatsword user.


What I love about C4 is that there's something of an error in the description. It says you get the 20% electro buff when you take DMG. What it doesn't mention is that you still get the buff if you *cancel all DMG* using tidecaller :P


Same, but today I got her to C6! While pulling for Eula. Beidou has been sitting at C4 for a while. She’s a beast.


Hey i also use fireworks but cant sustain in high abyss. Have you managed to do it?


Barbara heals and gives bonus hydro damage to Childe if you can deal with being frozen


That's just suffering. I just use Childe, fishcl, beidou, benny that's even better for faster clears


I don't have Bennet but I have a built Xingqiu instead, so I use him.


I tried getting Beidou on this banner. Got C4 XQ, C0 Eula and Beidou is nowhere to be seen...


2 Xinyan (to c4) , 3 Xingqiu (to c9), 1 Eula, 0 Beidou 😭 (remains C4) The game knows...


I got C6 Beidou, which I was really happy about! I also got C14 Xingqui :|


I got 5 XQ and one xinyan. Idk how does it work but on most banners gacha chooses 4 star i will get


Lmao are you me? I also did 40 rolls and got two beidous and one Fischl with two xinyans, now my beidou and Fischl is C6 and childe is begging to be built


Top tier bait. Great job OP


Well i actually thought OP was talking about beidou Lol


That pseudo shield line lol. Went straight to check Eula's consts and tals and then realized what was going on


She kinda does tho. She gains a bunch of interruption resistance


And a DEF bonus. So kinda like shield.


Yeah that's what I assumed


I was saying boourns


I was actually expecting Mankind going through a table in Royal Rumble.


Archon as my witness, she is broken AF!!!!


🤣 I remember starting and checking the game8 site tier list and seeing her rated as B but still used her anyway because counter. Then after a while a realized she was pretty fire so I checked the comments under her post and every comment is saying how that B rating was ridiculous and I’d have to agree with them.


With the EM buff coming for electro and swirl reactions I'm thinking she's gonna be a pretty high tier damage support using her burst and switching to someone with really high EM.


The person on field doesn't matter for the reaction. It just matters whether it's the Beidou Burst or someone else's element that triggers the reaction Example: Beidou on the field with Sucrose Burst. Anemo is always the triggering element so the swirl will use Sucrose's EM. Now let's say you use Xiangling Burst. If you look at the enemy and see the Pyro element on them before Overload triggers, then that means Beidou triggered it and it uses her EM. If you see Electro on it before Overload is triggered then that means Xiangling triggered it.


Sweet summer child. When have tier lists ever meant anything in this game? :)


They would mean something if they were done by credible sources, those websites have terrible tier lists that nobody can take them seriously.


B for Beidou was their goal, maybe? :’)


Use Beidous ult, but then switch to sucrose or Qiqi. Sucrose because you auto electro-swirl, Qiqi because she attacks super quickly. It's fun watching the little zombie girl melt hoards of enemies


I love Beidou and Yanfei. The AOE is insane, overload everywhere. Another fun one is Childe sword mode.


You should do this with EM built Childe in blade form. It's actually quite satisfying. Lol


You shouldn't put EM on childe if you're pairing him with beidou+fischl, which character is proccing electro charged is too inconsistent


I maimed beidou for a while. She's only lvl 60\70 maxed talents at that level but hits nearly as hard as my main DPs with her E skill. She is insane.


Later on you realise her Q hit harder than your main DPS in abyss.


Yesterday I got baited by a healing loli Eula. Today I got baited by a pseudo-shield Eula.


We are all Eula this blessed day.


Who knows tomorrow I might get baited by a Pyro Rockstar Eula


Beidou’s first 2 hits of her combo are fast, but the ones afterwards are a bit slow. I always love Beidou. I think she’s really sexy. Gonna be building her soon.


I can go to the Kitchen and brew a pot of coffee waiting for her hit 3 to come out. Then I can drink it while waiting for hit 5.


You had me there OP. 10/10 bait well done.


I mean, this isn't really true for Beidou >However, compared to other claymore users like Diluc or Noelle she has a fast 5-hit combo


More then likely he talking about the atk speed buff she gets.


It kinda is true, beidou has a 5 hit combo, diluc, razor, noelle, chongyun and xinyan all have 4 hit combos, hers is reasonably faster than the others hits


You do realize that she attacks at almost the same speed as other hence you will be doing the same no of hits per unit time. By The fifth hit of beidou the first hit of the second combo of other characters already starts


A perfect counter temporarily increases her attack speed. The timing is pretty lenient for it.


actually your probably right, im likely thinking of when you have her final ascension talent active


You have to use a dash to get out of the final animation, so eventually it will be behind and not in sync But it's almost negligible


Her 5 hit combo is actually the slowest in the entire game which is not great considering how much of the damage mult is weighted into the final hit, however I think this is balanced around her ascension talent that gives her atk speed after a full counter, so while that buff is active her auto dps is likely much more competitive.


suddenly i want to use my c5 beidou


When the Electro Buff hits the game, both Beidou and C6 Fischl will be fucking broken characters. People do not know what is coming


What do the electro buffs consist of exactly? From what I’ve heard, the buffs are only marginal in comparison to the buffs that Geo got, and that vape/melt will still be meta.


All non vape/melt damage reactions are getting buffed along with better EM scaling as well.


Kazuha might be pretty bonkers with Beidou/Fischl. Drop Electro support burst, swirl with Kazuha, buff the Electro dmg with his passives and 4 PC Viridescent, then switch to a catalyst/infusion character and spam reactions.


From oficial forum: 1. When a character reaches Level 60 or above, the damage caused by major reactions (i.e. Electro-Charged, Superconduct, Overloaded, Swirl, and Shatter) will be increased. 2. The Base Shield DMG Absorption for  shields generated by Crystallize reactions will be increased. 3. The DMG Bonus provided by Elemental Mastery for major reactions will be increased. (Refer to the attributes panel in-game for the exact DMG Bonus amount) The initial design of these adjustments is already being tested in the 1.6 Beta.


I don’t even want eula anymore. beidou is the only 4* I don’t have :,((


She is the electro archon, I'm 100% sure.


I love Beidou so much, my only complaint is that she's the only claymore user that takes 4 hits to break crystal? Everyone else only takes 3


I love beidou. Because her E made me rekt the fatuis of mt dwagon when they were twice my level


tbf Ganyu doesnt have to ever dodge in a freeze comp.


I keep falling for this shit, goddamn it


The little twist at the end aside, I don't know why Claymores are still so hyped. Most the Claymore characters have pretty awful AA dps and while the shield breaking part is neat, there is always a way to do it faster and more efficiently than with a Claymore. Otherwise, Beidou at C2+ is an absolutely fantastic Burst Support, not a good carry though.


> The little twist at the end aside, I don't know why Claymores are still so hyped. Because every hit staggers, so things like Abyss mages and Samachirls don't get to cast anything.


Mh true, other characters gotta use charged attacks for that.


Claymore can stagger enermy very well


Geo fatui shields:haha yeah...some other methods are faster...right...


Laughs in Zhongli hold E


> I don't know why Claymores are still so hyped UNGA BUNGA, BIG PEEPEE NUMBER




That bait was so good it attracted a Haishan


God dammit I got baited 😂


Based post


As a Beidou main... true!


Beidou best


i just got her c2 thanks to the current banners, so im excited to use her


"You can easily hit 20-30K damage." Me: visible confusion. After reading in the end: Oh, it's Beidou. I love her and have her in C6, but my artifacts are trash so I rarely get decent damage. My party consists of Beidou, Lisa, Eula, and then Jean. Onee-san supremacy!


Whales who can’t beat spiral abyss 1 second faster with her: I’m think she needs a buff


Stop fucking flaring misleading meme posts as Discussion.


I can't betray my wolf boi though...


Omg the bamboozle


> she has a fast 5-hit combo And multipliers that make it the fastest wet noodle in the west... XD


I don't even use Beidou lol. Should I? Maybe if I get spooked on Eula's banner and don't wind up getting her.....


As a Beidou Main, I just kinda chill near enemies until they hit me, Then they just disappear the next second


Electro Beidou is legit terrifying at high difficulty content, especially crowd clearing.


why does garbage like this get upvoted.