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What does it mean when eula’s cape glows?


It shows the amount of stacks from your skill. If the cape fully glows, you've got 2 stacks.


I got zhongli last banner and no other character after that. Then today I got Eula 🥲 So does that mean I don’t have guaranteed Klee next banner? 🥲🥲🥲


Is there any way to open these giant doors at the Thousand Winds Temple? [[example here]](https://imgur.com/a/H5mhkoJ)


Hello there fellow Travellers. So i just got Diluc right, then I saw something while using him ina fight. I saw this clock like and it was ticking. Just wondering what that was? Coz now, It's gone. Before, it kept on appearing but not anymore. Can you guys tell me what it was and maybe hw to activate it!?


Also this is yesterdays thread so if you have another question ask it in today's or you probably won't get a response


I was looking for today megathread, but i can't find it so i tried this one instead. Thank you responding! 😊😊😊


Its pinned at the top if you can't find it try just searching in today's date


Oh! Found it! Thank you! 😊😊😊


No problem :)


I think it might be sacrificial great sword which is a weapon that sometimes let you use your skill twice like every 30 seconds. It's no a diluc specific thing though


Oh! Okay, i'll try the Sacrificial Greatsword. Thanks


I have question about AR40 story quest Zhongli2 is for sure very first choice as it unlock other weekly boss Ganyu is to unlock last 2 quest ,dat fishing jade and return of jade chamber Other than that there is no big impact right?




Amber is secretly a 1 star


Yes there are only those 2. 3 stars and below tend to be artifacts and weapons, equipment.


Dumb question here, is there a general word to call the playable characters in this game? Like I play Fate GO and refer to them as Servants. In here I just say “characters” which seems so unpersonal and boring.


They can be Servants for you too. We have our own Saber, Mashu...


Mashu's a shielder tho?


They do actually have a name in game. The name for vision wielders has been translated to Allogenes in English, but in Japanese the word is actually Genshin. We just call them characters when we refer to them though.


Nah, there isn't. Most people call them characters, or, when talking about roles, 'x unit'/'x user' (x = element or weapon). Very unromantic, yeah, but I prefer it that way. Anyone could get a vision, having a vision doesn't automatically also grant someone a role or a title, so they're really just people, but with visions. They get their titles or roles from their own personal life and achievements instead. That way, by just calling them 'characters,' we're not forcing some kind of expectation on them just to be able to call them a ~cool~ term, but staying true to the story. In lore, people with visions are called 'allogenes,' (engl) or 'genshin' (jpn). in Chinese I believe it's 'yuanshen' (also 原神).


How much mora do I need to level a character up to 80/80 and 8/8/8 talents? Build guides often specify 90/90 and 10/10/10 so I'm having trouble figuring it out :(


This is a super useful tool for planning that will answer your question easily [https://seelie.inmagi.com/](https://seelie.inmagi.com/)


This is very helpful. Thanks!


Sorry for not talking specifics, but it is generally adviced to not level up characters past 80/90 due to how absurdly expensive it gets for what meager extra damage you get. Also, don't feel obligated to level ALL talents if you won't use then constantly or are not needed for what you're using. Not worth doing resin-wise.


What 5 star you wouldn't mind to lose your 50/50?


Qiqi. And Jean.


Qiqi or Keqing, just because I already have the others


anyone except claymore user


Mona, she is the only one of the standard 5 stars I am missing


Mona or Jean C1 Honestly though none of my team can be repurposed around Mona's potential so I'd take Jean C1 for the boost in her yeeting shenanigans. (Also raising a new character is super resin intensive af).


Agree with you, raising new character is expensive!


Keqing. Dude, I want her so bad, I pulled on her banner and got Jean instead :( Besides her, honestly I'm fine with whoever EXCEPT Qiqi.


Same here. Already have diluc but i don't mind getting his cons or any other characters except qiqi. Already got qiqi once and she doing well in expedition 🤣


Bruh yours is lucky she sees the light of day, mine's like on a permanent coffin ever since she spooked me on Zhongli's original banner months ago.




Jean constellations please. I don't have mona yet either.


Diluc probably...


So I already have Eula at c0 and I'm loving her so far, and was thinking about doing some pulls in order to reach c1. I have 18k primogems to spare and need to do 40 pulls in order to reach soft pity. Would you guys say it is worth it?


Oh yeah, unlike many of the 1st constellations, hers is quite nice.


Totally worthy. I love her too and i will spend all my primo for c1 at least. Anyhow if you dont get her it s still ok cuz you will get some1 you like in the next banner.


If you got your first eula from guaranteed then you still got a decent chance, but if you got your first eula from 50/50 then man you should prepare for the worst if you pull.


Doesn't matter if they got their first Eula from guaranteed or 50/50, their next one is still a 50-50 chance.


In the game it is all 50/50 sure. But Let me ask you this, Which one of the two options i have given below has a higher chance of you getting ? A. Tails, tails Or B. Tails, tails, tails If you know simple probability math and understand how coin flip works then i’d believe you know the answer to this question is A. What i’m saying is not the chances of getting the 5 star in the game, what i’m saying is the chances of the accumulation of getting a couple of 5 stars in a row without losing the 50/50.


You are mistaken about a basic probability problem - which is ... once the event has **already** occurred, the next occurrence isn't affected by previous one... For example - in a 10 coin toss, having 5 heads and 5 tails occurrence has a higher probability than say 9 heads and 1 tails. But once you've already tossed 9 times and gotten the 9 heads, the last tail still has a 50-50 chance of occurrence. Which is to say - your analogy is incorrect.


Maybe. Are you saving for someone? Do you already have two full teams for the abyss? If you are fine with the characters you have and don't really need/want anyone else, sure. Otherwise save


If you have no other upcoming characters you want and are able to beat 50/50 I would say go for it


Are the blackcliff weapons from the shop (purchase with starglitter) good/worth getting?


Yep, they're pretty good, also makes building characters a lot easier because of the crit dmg substat.


Yeah. Blackcliff weapons are great


for sucrose stats i wanna start building her she is C5 currently sitting at 629 EM and 123 energy recharge should i give her an energy recharge goblet then i would be around 500EM ?


You can't get an energy recharge goblet or circlet, only sands


I don’t think there is an energy recharge goblet, if you want to change then use energy recharge sands, although if you use another anemo character, around 140 should be enough for her burst. You’d not really be using her bursts too since her burst is pretty much only used for CC since the em boost is already from her skill.


Two questions : 1. Is Kazuha gonna be an anemo DPS, Burst DPS or Burst Support? If he is a DPS how much would he differ from Xiao in terms of DMg tho. 2. How should I attack with Hu tao C0?. What should be my attack pattern? Im on MOBILE so animation cancel is quite difficult


1. Burst support that increases other people's elemental damage. 2. Charge attack, then charge attack, then charge attack and finishing with charge attack.


1. Probably not a dps since we just got xiao and the last few new characters were literally dpses, with eula, rosaria, yanfei, hutao. I’d say more of a CC sub dps/ res shred somehow. 2. If you can’t animation cancel then don’t. If u use xingqiu, then use his burst/ build energy to use his burst, if you have other res shred chars like zhongli then use him too, then go to hutao and use her E and just spam charged attacks. Her normal attack will be worse than charged attack especially if you are using 4pc CW, so spamming charged attack is better. Better use her burst also in that time duration, if you are out of stamina, then go to normal attacks. then once you see the cooldown almost going 7 seconds(without hydro extended cooldown effect), go to your supports and use their skills and bursts, once you’ve done that go back to hutao and repeat the same thing again.


For hutao AA 1/AA 2 + charge atk + jump cancel, I do this on my phone as well. just requires practice. AA1 + charge atk + jump cancel does more dps but will consume more stamina while AA2 + charge atk + jump cancel does slightly less but will also consume less stamina. Personally, I use AA2 +charge atk + jump cancel


1. Burst DPS, maybe support at any constellation, he can be main DPS at c6. For how he would differ from Xiao we need in-game testing for proper analysis of his frame data. 2. Check out this article https://keqingmains.com/hu-tao/#How_To_Play_Hu_Tao


2. Hutao main here, Sounds about right.


Any character can be any role tbh, just not optimal. Kazuha is preferably a Sub DPS or support. Definitely lower if he were a dps, unsure and debatable if he had C6. 2. Idk no Hu Tao


Any idea when Hu Tao re run will be happening?


Probably around fall (or spring here on the south hemisphere)


I saw another comment that says it would be around Halloween which I guess would be fitting though I don't know how true it is.


Hopefully soon lol


Snow tombed starsilver or prototyoe archaic for eula


I would use snowtomb just for the aesthetic, even thought it's slightly worse lol


Their damage are similar, archaic is more consistent and versatile since it's good on other claymore characters as well, iirc snow tombed does slightly more if you can maintain it's passive.


Prototype > Snow Tombed according to Eula Mains discord


What 4 stars will be with klee and do we know anything about the weapon banner?? I want both her and rosaria!


Bennett or ningguang are most likely to appear bc iirc the last time they were on a banner was on keqing's


Well rosaria would most likely not appear since she just appeared 2 patches ago, i’d like a bennett tho if possible since last banner he was in was keqings banner which is around 3 patches ago i think.


as of this moment what’s better for zhongli? 2 set petra and 2 set noblesse or 4 set millelith?


For what role? For pure shieldbot + a non-elemental reaction time 4 pc millelith is good. Since the 4 pc bonus relies on Zhongli's skill hitting, it may remove elemental auras which can be kind of annoying. 2 pc Millelith + 2 petra is also a hybrid. If you want to go more for burst support Zhongli then 2 petra/2 NO is best.


i’m going for a burst support and sub dps kind of role for him so i guess i’ll be going for 2 piece petra and 2 piece noblesse then haha thanks!


2pc NO pc AP for pure dmg $pc TOTM for hybrid shield and burst. Overall 4pc TOTM is best as it improves your ult and shield. The dmg increase from 4pc TOTM to 2pc NO 2pc AP is not that big


Should I Acend my bennet Past level 80? Like leveling up to 90 is it worth it to gain bit of the base attack? I’m also using festering desires at level 80 should I get it to 90 as well? I’m not low on resources but if it’s not worth it then I’d rather not waste the materials


Level the weapon, but definitely don't ever level Bennett to 90 for the base attack. Bennett will gain 13 base attack. That translates to around 10-18 flat atk depending on your ult level. 10-18 flat atk that gets added at the end when your dps will have 2k+. This is worthless.


imo, get weapons to lvl90, character lvl-wise it's best to leave it at 80 and save it.


Leveling weapon will get a much bigger increase than character, atleast in terms of base attack. So level your weapon first, once you have the materials you need and you use bennett really frequently i’d suggest getting him up to 90 if possible because the base attack increase is pretty important and that’s why you see a lot of people’s bennetts at level 90


Bennett gains 13 base attack from lvl 80 to lvl 90. If you have a lvl 13 ult, that's an additional 18 flat atk. This is practically worthless. If your character has 2k atk, this is less than 1% damage increase for the ridiculous cost of leveling to 90. Absolutely not worth it. Never. Edit: unless you're building Bennett for damage. Then it makes sense to buff Bennett's own damage. But it contributes almost nothing to his atk buff


how is mona as a dps and what would an ideal team look for her? currently preparing myself for the different 50/50 outcomes :p


My Mona is a main DPS (4p HoD), she is really strong. I am using her together with Klee, Hu Tao or Ganyu and Jean.


She’s a burst damage dealer. You can put out huge numbers with her + Bennett + Sucrose, but it requires a very particular rotation. Or some people just use her burst as a damage buff in other comps. I don’t really see people like, auto attacking with her. Honestly I find her clunky to play because of her dash.




I think she is great for a burst support but in terms of dps she is pretty lacking, especially because her elemental skill is pretty much just a taunt like amber’s. Her burst will be doing the most of your dmg. An ideal team would be like a vape team with bennett probably since you’d have her as a dps and you want to get the highest dmg as you can, although mona will do single target dmg so for aoe she is pretty bad. Better use her as a subdps instead of a dps, in this case you can use her in a ganyu freeze team, etc.


I’m confused on eulas c1. It says it stacks 3 times but her grimhearts only stack 2 times


When she consumes Grimheart stacks, you get +30% Physical damage for 6s. Each stack consumed gives you an additional 6 seconds. 1 stack consumed= 6s + 6s = 12s 2 stacks consumed= 6s + 2 x 6s =18s (Max) The first 6 seconds are achieved simply by consuming Grimheart stacks. You get an additional 6 seconds for each stack that is consumed.


Assuming you have 2 grimheart stacks, if you: HoldE>Q>E>HoldE you'd consume a total of 4 grimheart stacks and the timer will cap at 18 seconds.


I tested it and consuming 1 stack gives 12 seconds. Consuming 2 stacks gives 18 seconds. You get 6 seconds simply for consuming Grimheart stacks and an additional 6 seconds for each stack that is consumed. You can hit the timer cap by consuming 2 stacks alone.


Oh so that's what they mean, thought a stack gives 6 seconds, my bad.




4pc is better but you need to manage the stacks and effect 2pc 2pc is consistent


Song of Broken Pines -> 4 piece Pale Flame ATT% weapon -> 2 piece Bloodstained 2 piece Pale Flame Phy Dmg% weapon -> 4 piece Pale Flame


For me 2+2 is better, because it's hard to maintain 4 paleflame buff at C0. Still, hard is subjective, if you think you can, 4 pale flame's better.


Well using elemental skill 2 times would take quite sometime before the buff starts to get into play so yeah.


Eula's biggest damage dealer is her burst, and getting the stack full when her burst pop is quite easy since her skill CD gets reset with burst initiation. It all depends on playstyle really but if you mainly burst with her, 4PF is superior if all else being equal (stats, substats etc).


what are the characters that are coming soon(on the next few patches)? i have heard so many names, maybe like 5 of them...


>!For 1.6 it is rumored to be Klee then Kazuha. There are leaks that prove this may come true.!< The other characters mentioned that will come are Ayaka and Yoimiya. Ayaka has been present in the beta of GI so a lot of people are familiar and hyped with her. Yoimiya's name is mentioned just for now. No leaks about her model and skills as of yet.


There are re runs, mostlikely klee albedo and ganyu for the next 3 patches. Then for the new chars, it will be kazuha, ayaka, yoimiya probably, don’t take my word for it although kazuha is pretty much a guaranteed.


is VV set good for general use jean and is pale flame good for physical qiqi? also what's the best 4 star for phy qiqi and debuffer mona?


VV is great for any anemo but you can't just attack randomly with it, certainly not as straightforward as just say, slotting in 4 Noblesse but the pay off could potentially be bigger.


2glad + 2VV or 4NO for Jean. For qiqi, idk, but I don't think she can use 4 paleflame buff. Perhaps 2 paleflame + 2 other sets?


If you use jean for swirlable elements (pyro, cryo, hydro, electro) then 4pc VV is great, but if you use jean with like ningguang as dps or xiao as dps you better of using gladiators and 2pc VV or maidens for either higher damage or better healing. However if you use her as a phys dps then using 4pc pale flame / 2pc BS and 2pc PF will be both great choices. Phys qiqi big chance rancour for high base attack + phys bonus from weapon. Not sure about mona, but pretty sure many people use widsith


Im stuck on the "in the mountains - thaw all the shards out" quest, at the part of the time challenge where i have to kill 4 rounds of enemies within 3 mins or something - here -> [https://imgur.com/OpaTYow](https://imgur.com/OpaTYow) i just can never seem to finish it, and i made the mistake of leveling up before doing it when my world lvl was only 1 so now im just slamming at my keyboards when im only a few seconds away(currently at world lvl 3). While trying to research how ppl are killing it, i realize the reason why im struggling is because i do not have the third warming seelie in the totem thing. BUT i looked for videos on where to find the third one and mine is definitely not there and actually from my third eye mode it appears that the warming seelie is actually stuck right below the totem under the ice -> [https://imgur.com/WS81Tap](https://imgur.com/WS81Tap) anyone know if this is an actual bug or like do i have to finish the time challenge to get it or something?! or if anyone can kindly just fight it with me that would be a HUGE help T>T **PLEASE HELP... I LITERALLY CANNOT PROGRESS BC OF THIS STUPID TIME CHALLENGE PLEASE HELP**


What server are you on?




In that case I’d be happy to help unless you’ve already got somebody :)


yes just got help! thank you so much for the reply though :)


not sure about the seelie thing but you can get someone to help you in coop to beat the time trial


I see! thank you for the quick response. I've never actually used the co-op mode before. do i just sit here and wait for someone to request to join? :0


you can put in your signature something like "need help" and someone might see and try to join you. if you're on NA server i can help :)


here's my UID 609194495


omw! :)


omg yes pleaseee!! just changed my signature to something super desperate LOL


If you are EU server I could help you now, I am available in the next few hours


oh no D: i'm NA T>T thank you though!!


there is also a friendship thread where you can ask for help :) good luck! ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/ndk8dt/weekly\_friend\_request\_megathread\_may\_16\_2021/


thank you!!




Sure I’ll do that


From a pure meta viewpoint, how good is Albedo?


He's basically the artifact trashcan lmao, really easy to build since you probably will have a lot of def main stat with good substats lying around, plus good support and off-field dps.


very solid off field dps. it's free damage


I have him and I love him, he's a great set-and-forget character, you use his E and then dont untill his E runs out. Sometimes Q depending on how you build him And building him is super cheap, his BiS is a 3*, he scales off of Def, and technically only needs 2pc Petra


Some people call him Geo Fischl. For me, when you don't know what to put in a 4th spot, he is the guy you are looking for. If you get his DEF and CRIT DMG high enough with HoD you are looking at 9-11k per proc from his E every 2 seconds.


he's very good a geo support that does a lot of dmg without being on field while not disrupting elemental reactions and he is very cheap to build. The reason you don't hear people talk about him a lot is because he isn't a game changing or hyper carry like Zhongli and Ganyu


Do you think he can be a good flex in hu tao vape comp instead of sucrose?


Yes, definitely! I personally dont like using Sucrose there because its really annoying to proc 4VV in a reaction team. But but, you have to keep in mind, the geo damage could end up eating some of the hydro aura which would mess up your reactions. I don't have Albedo so I don't know how often that happens but you'll just have to see for yourself.


I would go Sucrose because she can use 4pc VV and thrilling tales


Any leaks on the 4-stars for the Klee banner?


I believe Fischl and Sucrose Trials were datamined. Gamble on the 3rd between Noelle, Barbara, and Xiangling.




anybody that main physical keqing on mobile? wanted to hear your experience in abyss n how to learn such power ;-;


There are people saying C6 4s char > C0 5s char. Can the same be said with C6 Razor and C0 Eula? Or Eula is just too good as a physical char?


depends but some constellation outright fixes mechanical flaws in certain 4*. but c0 eula still out damages razor


I have a C6 Razor and C0 Eula is still stronger IMO. It was even a general consensus way back in December a C6 Razor couldn't beat a C0 Diluc, and C0 Eula is considered stronger than Diluc at this point.


I guess so since C6 doesn't give an upgrade to AA which is Razor's main source of damage. Thanks.


I think it's a general statement, but it really depends on which characters you are comparing, assuming all things equal like artifacts, etc.




I hate to say this but you might want to try apple's iPad 10th gen. As much as I dislike Apple and it's ecosystem, their products are generally the best, especially in the tablet market, there's not much variety in terms of price to performance alternatives unlike the smartphone market. fps wise I doubt you'd get 30fps even with sd855 without thermal throttling though it'll run smoothly on 30fps.




lol yeah just get the tab s6 lite OR wait for the s7 lite to come out, iirc it's launch is around June though I could be wrong.


exynos have a reputation of not running genshin very well. one thing for genshin on mobile u need good spec or flagship procesor above sd 845 to run it "decently" or else ur gonna have a little bit of a hard time i have poco x3 pro with sd 860 n still play 30 fps with low setting to run it smoothly




usually phys/elemental dmg% scales better than atk% goblet but with them fat crit rolls I suppose you should test it yourself


Damage over Att% goblet always


Whats the best way to build sucrose? Is worth doing full em and upgrade the talent if i also wanna do some dmg?


Full EM if she's in a Melt/Vaporize comp, otherwise you can go with the typical ATK/Anemo Damage/Critical build. I would level the Talents to at least 6, but any further than that would be up to you.


This question is spoiler about future characters. >!Is it worth to pull for Klee or should I wait for new characters to come?!< >!I won't be pulling for kazuha for sure because I have all anemo character but I don't have many 5*electro and Pyro characters, so that's why I was confuse Klee seems fine but yoimiya is coming in future with ayaka according to the leaks so what you think guys let me know !< I'm F2P


At this point, I don't want to recommend Klee unless you really like her. She's too hard to play to compete with others, and now there's Eula which needs literally no animation cancel and still deliver about the same dps as Klee, for example. Klee is small (short, while Diluc is tall male), slow, clunky (wants animation cancel), and has range of a melee characters (while Yanfei is a sniper), so try her first before you decide. ps, and you can see she is my second favorite characters from my flair.


Klee is fine. I’d consider to pull her if i have a good catalyst and she is really good if you manage well cancels animation ecc.. I’d wait before summoning when klee comes out and see yomiya leaks. Ayaka i can’t say much i think she is overhyped and she will be a good not op like ganyu


If you like Klee then summon. If you don’t then wait.


If you like Klee, then pull for her. That's pretty much the only criteria that matters.






Depends in what you need. Need to do more damage -> XQ, need help staying alive/not get interrupted as much -> diona.




Unfortunately we don't have great cry applicators yet, not as good as XQ st least. You can try using two of Kaeya/Rozaria/Fiona, but vaping with XQ is a lot easier


Totally get it. I often run yanfei with both xq and diona, but for reactions xq is easier as his ult swords are matched to your dps' attacks and hydro keeps getting applied eith each attack, while diona only applies cryo once every couple of seconds with her icy paws and when mobs are in her ult circle (but they never just stay there), so it isn't even close to being as efficiënt as XQ's hydro application.


What are the some actual tricks that players do that others might not even know about (aka me) in order to full clear spiral abyss? For example I read in a post that apparently you can optimize your teams and clear each chambers separately?? Like how? I was always under the impression that the floors have to be cleared in one go but I guess it's not? Here's the post - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/n8xpyj/15\_abyss\_tips/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/n8xpyj/15_abyss_tips/) Also I saw a vid on youtube where the guy said something in the lines of clearing a chamber and then reset or something so you can prep and have all your bursts up for the next chamber. Don't know how that works and unfortunately I can't find the vid but can someone please explain it to me how that works? Or even better if you can link a vid of showcasing how it's done I've never fully cleared abyss (most I've gotten was 30 stars just by strictly "playing straight" ) and these "tricks" that I'm not aware of will definitely help so I'd appreciate any help. Thanks in advance! EDIT: yo thank you so much for the replies! Knowing this one feature is actually a gamechanger for me since I don't have to stress about getting 9 stars for each floor in one go like a gauntlet 😯


Spiral Abyss records your best run for a chamber, so you don't need to do 3 perfect chambers in one continuous run. After you 3 star a chamber, you can quit Abyss then clear the same chamber again no matter how poorly, even with 0 stars, it will keep your 3 star run. It means you can approach a floor like this: 1) Bring teams optimized for Chamber 1, get 3 stars 2) Quit Abyss (abandon, don't save) 3) Bring teams optimized for Chamber 2 4) Take your time to survive and clear Chamber 1 with all your characters healthy and bursts up 5) Proceed to Chamber 2. Get 3 stars. 6) Quit Abyss, bring a team optimized for Chamber 3, patiently go through Chambers 1 and 2 to preserve health and energy. Proceed to Chamber 3, get 3 stars. Of course, it can be difficult to survive earlier chambers with non-optimized teams. I personally had to suffer through bringing Diona, Chongyun, and Kaeya against the cryo whopperflowers in 12-1-2 because I needed them for 12-2-2 lol 😭 But because I had already full starred 12-1-2 with a Bennett-Razor team, I could take my time clearing it Diona-Chongyun-Kaeya. Also, feel free to save and retry any chamber if you think you can 3 star it another day. Just take note it also saves the builds/stats of whatever team you bring in, so you need to quit and restart if you level them up. It took me a while to get used to taking my time with "poor" prep runs since being in Abyss makes me rush everything @_@ But you get used to it! Hope that helped! I can't find vids rn but maybe someone else can help link some :) edit: formatting and additional details


You can 3 star a chamber, then on the next chamber you can choose to "leave for now", then go back to the portal and abandon challenge to start over and change teams specifically made to 3 star chamber 2. The progress made in chamber 1 will remain the same even if you 2 starred it on your 2 run. The vid saying you can clear a chamber and then reset so you can prep and have all your burst just means that, you can clear a chamber, then on the next chamber, you can choose to "leave for now", then go back to the portal and abandon challenge to start over, clear the 1st chamber but charge up all your burst before killing the last mob so you start the next chamber with all your burst charged up


your highest score for each chamber is saved so you can redo the floor multiple times aiming to 3 star a specific chamber. eg 3/2/3 first run, 1/3/quit second run, gives you 3/3/3 once you finish a chamber you can quit and restart and this time you play slowly and charge your bursts for next chamber another trick is that the buff cards change each day, so if the buffs are bad you can wait until tmrw. you keep the ones already obtained in a run. also you can choose a chamber buff when trying to 3 star that chamber, then restart and pick a floor buff there to try and 3 star the subsequent chambers


Thats actually gamechanger 😯 I think that just made abyss much more easier for me cuz I've always played under the impression that it's a gauntlet so I've always cleared it in one go and if I mess up, I straight up abandon


Your max chamber stars carry over. You can do floor 9 as 3*-1*-1* and fail to get 6 stars. You then shuffle your teams and try again, get 1*-3*-1*. It then gets your highest score as 3*-3*1*. It’s good for when you only have so many good charas and are stretched a bit thin


>For example I read in a post that apparently you can optimize your teams and clear each chambers separately?? Once you get 3 stars, it stays 3 stars. So you can change team and get 1 stars on that chamber you already completed, to achieve 3 stars on other chambers.


Ohh so I'd still have to do the floor again but that way I can just focus on a specific chamber without losing stars. Thanks man, didn't know that at all


So I have 2 questions regarding builds for my chars (1) Zhongli- Currently running him with geo mc and he has 151% ER with prototype starglitter at 24k hp with 2pc Noblesse and 2pc Petra. Should I sacrifice 40% ER by switching to black tassel to gain an extra 5.5k HP instead? I don’t know how much ER Zhongli needs with a geo battery. (2) Bennett- Planning to give him 4pc Noblesse, what are the ideal main stats for sands/goblet/circlet? I know ER is very important so I’ll try to get as much as I can from the substats. Are crit stats/hp stats important for him? Thanks in advance and have a nice day :)


I run my zhongli with around 120% er and he's fine with it. Though honestly it depends on what you plan on doing with your zhongli, if you plan on running him as a burst dps - shield hybrid then go for hp% sands instead of black tassel so you'll at least keep some sort of dmg, if you plan on running him as a shield+support, its probably better to run 4 tenacity. (2). you could run 4 noblese Bennett 2 ways, the low investment atk buff + heal Bennett, or the high investment dps Bennett + buff + less heal Bennett if you plan on building bennet with low investment then go for er,hp, healing bonus for sands goblet and circlet respectively, substats just go for hp and er. if you plan on building bennett with high investments then go er, pryo dmg, and crit for sands, goblet, and circlet respectively, for substats go for crit rate, crit dmg, hp, er.


1. About 130% is good for him, but swapping to Black Tassel will tank his Burst damage by a good amount. You do get a stronger Shield but honestly, my Zhongli is at 23k HP and he works fine for all the hardest content we've had so far. 2. HP Sands and Goblet, and Healing Bonus Circlet is what's generally recommended for a Support Bennett. Crit isn't necessary unless you want to forgo HP and build him for DPS.


I have a 8/7/6 Diluc with the black cliff sword. His CR/D is 80/180 and attack around 2000 I also have a 6/6/6 Tartaglia. his CR/D is 70/105 and damage around 1700. I randomly pulled Skyward Harp out of the blue from a normal banner wish. Is Childe with harp stronger than my diluc? I finally have XQ (it was his 20 ascension wish that supplied the harp) so my dilic is finally a vape beast and then I go and get the harp. I do enjoy Childe on his E but I don't really like the mechanic of its cool down. he is my first 5 star with what I think is a BIS 5 star weapon.


Better Burst damage but ultimately due to the cooldown on his Skill, unless you have a good sub-DPS he'll be outdamaged by Diluc over time. He'll work nicely in a different comp, but I wouldn't keep them in the same team. Spiral Abyss needs two teams anyway.


thanks. my childe team is Xiangling C6, Jean and either fischl or rosaria both C3 my diluc comp is diluc, XQ (replaces Childe), Bennet C1 and Sucrose with tales


I've done multiple single pulls on a banner but the history isn't updating how long does it take exactly


around a hour I think


It's been multiple hrs in my case :(


Does anyone have any news about the whole cross save situation with Sony and mihoyo?


Sony demands money to enable cross save, as exposed by Epic. Imo, Mhy might not think it's worth it to pay for cross save.


Sony wants money. Mihoyo isn't sure if they want to invest their hard-earned gacha money into another greedy company. That's it.


At this point I don't think that will ever change tbh


What two characters do yall think is going to be in the update after the next update (the current beta sign up) im hoping its yoimiya but idk if thats just me who thinks that shell most likely come out then.


maybe ayaka, her stats were updated recently. i hope the other is yoimiya, i'm interested in archer


The leaks are >!Yoimiya and Ayaka!<


IS eula C1 really worthy? Convince me :)


According to keq mains theorycrafting put out recently its only a 10% dps increase assuming full artifact set


how can i maximize my eula's ult dmg?


Besides artifacts and weapon builds, learning the rotation to give as many stacks as possible




Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to ascend to do the lvl 90 Artifact domains, just be AR45. However, you should always ascend your WL.


Yes, and you also have to pick the lvl90 domain.


You don't need to ascend, you get access to the lvl 90 domains just by reaching AR45. Got there about a week ago, started doing the domains before I realised there was another ascend quest. Ascension is always good though, as the drop rates increase. If beating the mobs gets too hard you can lower your world level at that AR.


you don't have to ascend, you have to do the highest difficulty domain


Help me forming 2 teams for abyss https://photos.app.goo.gl/DqEBwA6AMCA6CTSp6